예제 #1
int main(int argc, char** argv)
   if (argc < 2) 
        cout << "Error: no input file selected" << endl;
    } else {
        MB test = MB(string(argv[1]));

    return 0;
예제 #2
Result getRes(std::vector<Point> points) {
	typedef double mytype;            // coordinate type

	int             d = 2;            // dimension
	int             n = points.size();      // number of points

	mytype** ap = new mytype*[n];
	for (int i=0; i<n; ++i) {
		mytype* p = new mytype[d];
		p[0] = points[i].x;
		p[1] = points[i].y;

	// define the types of iterators through the points and their coordinates
	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
	typedef mytype* const* PointIterator; 
	typedef const mytype* CoordIterator;

	// create an instance of Miniball
	// ------------------------------
	typedef Miniball::
	Miniball <Miniball::CoordAccessor<PointIterator, CoordIterator> > 
	MB mb (d, ap, ap+n);

	Result res;

	const mytype* center = mb.center(); 
	res.c.x = *center;
	res.c.y = *center;

	res.sr = mb.squared_radius();
	res.valid = mb.is_valid();

	for (int i=0; i<n; ++i)
		delete[] ap[i];
	delete[] ap;
	return res;
const SrSphere3D test_SmallestEnclosingSphere_Gaertner(const SrPoint3D* point, int n)
	typedef double mytype;            // coordinate type
	int             d = 3;            // dimension

	mytype** ap = new mytype*[n];
	for (int i=0; i<n; ++i) 
		mytype* p = new mytype[d];
		p[0] = point[i].x;
		p[1] = point[i].y;
		p[2] = point[i].z;

	// define the types of iterators through the points and their coordinates
	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
	typedef mytype* const* PointIterator; 
	typedef const mytype* CoordIterator;

	// create an instance of Miniball
	// ------------------------------
	typedef Miniball::Miniball <Miniball::CoordAccessor<PointIterator, CoordIterator> >		MB;
	MB mb (d, ap, ap+n);
	SrSphere3D sphere;
	const mytype* center = mb.center(); 
	sphere.mCenter.x = *center;
	sphere.mCenter.y = *(++center);
	sphere.mCenter.z = *(++center);
	sphere.mRadius = sqrt(mb.squared_radius());

	// clean up
	for (int i=0; i<n; ++i)
		delete[] ap[i];
	delete[] ap;

	return sphere;