예제 #1
// The compute() method does the actual work of the node using the inputs
// of the node to generate its output.
// Compute takes two parameters: plug and data.
// - Plug is the the data value that needs to be recomputed
// - Data provides handles to all of the nodes attributes, only these
//   handles should be used when performing computations.
MStatus affects::compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data )
    MStatus status;
    MObject thisNode = thisMObject();
    MFnDependencyNode fnThisNode( thisNode );
    fprintf(stderr,"affects::compute(), plug being computed is \"%s\"\n",

    if ( plug.partialName() == "B" ) {
        // Plug "B" is being computed. Assign it the value on plug "A"
        // if "A" exists.
        MPlug pA = fnThisNode.findPlug( "A", &status );
        if ( MStatus::kSuccess == status ) {
            fprintf(stderr,"\t\t... found dynamic attribute \"A\", copying its value to \"B\"\n");
            MDataHandle inputData = data.inputValue( pA, &status );
            CHECK_MSTATUS( status );
            int value = inputData.asInt();

            MDataHandle outputHandle = data.outputValue( plug );
            outputHandle.set( value );
    } else {
        return MS::kUnknownParameter;
    return( MS::kSuccess );
예제 #2
MStatus vixo_visImport::setDependentsDirty( const MPlug &plugBeingDirtied,MPlugArray &affectedPlugs )
    MStatus status;
    MObject thisNode = thisMObject();

    if ( plugBeingDirtied.partialName() == "t" || plugBeingDirtied.partialName() == "f") 
		MPlug arrayVis(thisNode,this->vis);
		for(int i=0;i<arrayVis.numElements();i++)
    return( MS::kSuccess );
예제 #3
IECore::ParameterPtr ParameterisedHolder<B>::plugParameter( const MPlug &plug )
	assert( ! plug.isNull() );

	// to update the parameter->name map if necessary
	AttributeNameToParameterMap::const_iterator it = m_attributeNamesToParameters.find( plug.partialName() );
	if( it==m_attributeNamesToParameters.end() )
		return 0;
	return it->second;
void ParameterisedHolderModificationCmd::despatchClassSetCallbacks() const
	MFnDependencyNode fnNode( m_node );
	MString nodeName = fnNode.name();
	MFnDagNode fnDN( m_node );
	if( fnDN.hasObj( m_node ) )
		nodeName = fnDN.fullPathName();
	ParameterisedInterface *parameterised = m_parameterisedHolder->getParameterisedInterface();

	std::set<IECore::InternedString> names;
	for( IECore::CompoundDataMap::const_iterator it=m_originalClasses->readable().begin(); it!=m_originalClasses->readable().end(); it++ )
		names.insert( it->first );
	for( IECore::CompoundDataMap::const_iterator it=m_newClasses->readable().begin(); it!=m_newClasses->readable().end(); it++ )
		names.insert( it->first );

	for( std::set<IECore::InternedString>::const_iterator it=names.begin(); it!=names.end(); it++ )
		Parameter *parameter = parameterFromPath( parameterised, *it );
		if( parameter )
			IECore::CompoundDataMap::const_iterator it1 = m_originalClasses->readable().find( *it );
			IECore::CompoundDataMap::const_iterator it2 = m_newClasses->readable().find( *it );			

			if( it1==m_originalClasses->readable().end() || it2==m_newClasses->readable().end() || !(it1->second->isEqualTo( it2->second.get() ) ) )
				MPlug parameterPlug = m_parameterisedHolder->parameterPlug( parameter );
				MString plugName = nodeName + "." + parameterPlug.partialName();
				if( parameter->isInstanceOf( "ClassParameter" ) )
					MGlobal::executePythonCommand( "import IECoreMaya; IECoreMaya.FnParameterisedHolder._despatchSetClassParameterClassCallbacks( \"" + plugName + "\" )" );
					MGlobal::executePythonCommand( "import IECoreMaya; IECoreMaya.FnParameterisedHolder._despatchSetClassVectorParameterClassesCallbacks( \"" + plugName + "\" )" );
예제 #5
파일: tools.cpp 프로젝트: MassW/OpenMaya
MObject getOtherSideNode(MString& plugName, MObject& thisObject, MString& otherSidePlugName)
	MStatus stat;
	MObject result = MObject::kNullObj;
	MFnDependencyNode depFn(thisObject, &stat);	if( stat != MStatus::kSuccess) return result;
	MPlug plug = depFn.findPlug(plugName, &stat);	if( stat != MStatus::kSuccess)return result;
	if( !plug.isConnected() )
		return result;
	MPlugArray plugArray;
	plug.connectedTo(plugArray, 1, 0, &stat);if( stat != MStatus::kSuccess) return result;
	if( plugArray.length() == 0)
		return result;
	MPlug otherSidePlug = plugArray[0];
	result = otherSidePlug.node();
	otherSidePlugName = otherSidePlug.name();
	otherSidePlugName = otherSidePlug.partialName(false, false, false, false, false, true);
	return result;
예제 #6
atomImport::checkPlugAgainstTemplate(const MString& nodeName,
									 const MPlug& plug,
									 atomTemplateReader* templateReader)
	// Check if the plug is filtered out
	if (NULL != templateReader) {
		// get long attribute name
		MString plugName = plug.partialName(true,false,false,false,false,true);
		MStringArray nameParts;
		plugName.split('.', nameParts);
		MString leafAttr = nameParts[nameParts.length()-1];
		return (templateReader->findNodeAndAttr(nodeName,leafAttr));
	// No template, nothing to do
	return true;
예제 #7
MStatus OpHolder<B>::setDependentsDirty( const MPlug &plug, MPlugArray &plugArray )
	/// This isn't the best way of doing it, but at this point we can't even be sure that the Op has been loaded,
	/// so calling plugParameter() may not work. We can't call getOp() or getParameterised() here, as it seems
	/// we can't do things such as adding/removing attributes within this function
	if( std::string( plug.partialName().substring( 0, 4 ).asChar() ) == ParameterisedHolder<B>::g_attributeNamePrefix || plug==aResultDependency )
		MFnDependencyNode fnDN( B::thisMObject() );
		MStatus s;
		MPlug resultPlug = fnDN.findPlug( "result" , &s);
		if ( s && !resultPlug.isNull() )
			plugArray.append( resultPlug );

	return ParameterisedHolder<B>::setDependentsDirty( plug, plugArray );
예제 #8
MObject getOtherSideNode(const MString& plugName, MObject& thisObject, MStringArray& otherSidePlugNames)
    MStatus stat;
    MObject result = MObject::kNullObj;
    MFnDependencyNode depFn(thisObject, &stat);
    if (stat != MStatus::kSuccess) return result;
    MPlug plug = depFn.findPlug(plugName, &stat);
    if (stat != MStatus::kSuccess)return result;
    if (!plug.isConnected())
        int numChildConnects = plug.numConnectedChildren();
        if (numChildConnects == 0)
            return result;
            for (int i = 0; i < numChildConnects; i++)
                MPlug child = plug.child(i);
                MString otherSidePlugName;
                MObject childObj = getOtherSideNode(child.partialName(false), thisObject, otherSidePlugName);
                if (childObj != MObject::kNullObj)
                    result = childObj;
                } else
        MPlugArray plugArray;
        plug.connectedTo(plugArray, 1, 0, &stat);
        if (stat != MStatus::kSuccess) return result;
        if (plugArray.length() == 0)
            return result;
        MPlug otherSidePlug = plugArray[0];
        result = otherSidePlug.node();
    return result;
예제 #9
MStatus Ocio_test::setDependentsDirty(const MPlug& plugBeingDirtied, MPlugArray& affectedPlugs)
	MStatus status;
	MObject node = thisMObject();
	MFnDependencyNode fn_dep_node(node);

        if(plugBeingDirtied.partialName() == "input_colorspace") 
			MPlug p_output = fn_dep_node.findPlug( "output_color", &status );
			if(MStatus::kSuccess == status) 
				MGlobal::displayInfo("Plug output appended");

	return MStatus::kSuccess;
예제 #10
// The setDependentsDirty() method allows attributeAffects relationships
// in a much more general way than via MPxNode::attributeAffects
// which is limited to static attributes only.
// The setDependentsDirty() method allows relationships to be established
// between any combination of dynamic and static attributes.
// Within a setDependentsDirty() implementation you get passed in the
// plug which is being set dirty, and then, based upon which plug it is,
// you may choose to dirty any other plugs by adding them to the
// affectedPlugs list.
// In almost all cases, the relationships you set up will be fixed for
// the duration of Maya, such as "A affects B". However, you can also
// set up relationships which depend upon some external factor, such
// as the current frame number, the time of day, if maya was invoked in
// batch mode, etc. These sorts of relationships are straightforward to
// implement in your setDependentsDirty() method.
// There may also be situations where you need to look at values in the
// dependency graph. It is VERY IMPORTANT that when accessing DG values
// you do not cause a DG evaluation. This is because your setDependentsDirty()
// method is called during dirty processing and causing an evalutaion could
// put Maya into an infinite loop. The only safe way to look at values
// on plugs is via the MDataBlock::outputValue() which does not trigger
// an evaluation. It is recommeneded that you only look at plugs whose
// values are constant or you know have already been computed.
// For this example routine, we will only implement the simplest case
// of a relationship.
MStatus affects::setDependentsDirty( const MPlug &plugBeingDirtied,
                                     MPlugArray &affectedPlugs )
    MStatus	status;
    MObject thisNode = thisMObject();
    MFnDependencyNode fnThisNode( thisNode );

    if ( plugBeingDirtied.partialName() == "A" ) {
        // "A" is dirty, so mark "B" dirty if "B" exists.
        // This implements the relationship "A affects B".
        fprintf(stderr,"affects::setDependentsDirty, \"A\" being dirtied\n");
        MPlug pB = fnThisNode.findPlug( "B", &status );
        if ( MStatus::kSuccess == status ) {
            fprintf(stderr,"\t\t... dirtying \"B\"\n");
            CHECK_MSTATUS( affectedPlugs.append( pB ) );
    return( MS::kSuccess );
예제 #11
파일: util.cpp 프로젝트: BigRoy/Maya-devkit
void disconnectProps(MFnDependencyNode & iNode,
    std::vector<Prop> & iSampledPropList,
    std::size_t iFirstProp)
    // get prop names and make sure they are disconnected before
    // trying to connect to them
    std::size_t numProps = iSampledPropList.size();
    for (std::size_t i = iFirstProp; i < numProps; ++i)
        std::string propName;
        if (iSampledPropList[i].mArray.valid())
            propName = iSampledPropList[i].mArray.getName();
            propName = iSampledPropList[i].mScalar.getName();

        // disconnect connections to animated props
        MPlug dstPlug;
        if (propName == Alembic::AbcGeom::kVisibilityPropertyName)
            dstPlug = iNode.findPlug("visibility");
            dstPlug = iNode.findPlug(propName.c_str());

        // make sure the long name matches
        if (propName == Alembic::AbcGeom::kVisibilityPropertyName ||
            dstPlug.partialName(false, false, false, false, false, true) == propName.c_str())
예제 #12
        const std::map<std::string, std::string>& attrPrefixes,
        const std::map<std::string, std::string>& primvarPrefixes,
        const MDagPath &dag, 
        std::vector<_AttributeEntry>* attrs)
    MStatus status;
    MFnDependencyNode depFn(dag.node());

    unsigned int numAttrs = depFn.attributeCount();
    for (unsigned int i=0; i < numAttrs; ++i) {
        MObject attrObj = depFn.attribute(i);
        MPlug plg = depFn.findPlug(attrObj, true);
        if (plg.isNull()) {

        // Skip if not dynamic attr (user attribute)
        if (!plg.isDynamic()) {

        MString mayaPlgName = plg.partialName(false, false, false, false, false, true, &status);
        std::string plgName(mayaPlgName.asChar());

        // Skip if it's an AbcExport-suffixed hint attribute.
        if (_EndsWithAbcTag(plgName)) {

        // Add entries based on attribute prefix list and primvar prefix list.
        _AddAttributeNameEntry(plgName, attrPrefixes, false, attrs);
        _AddAttributeNameEntry(plgName, primvarPrefixes, true, attrs);
예제 #13
CStringA	FxInternal::EncodePlug(const MPlug& plug)
	MString name= plug.partialName(false, true, false, false, true, true);
	return CStringA(name.asChar());
MStatus ColorSplineParameterHandler<S>::doSetValue( IECore::ConstParameterPtr parameter, MPlug &plug ) const
	assert( parameter );
	typename IECore::TypedParameter< S >::ConstPtr p = IECore::runTimeCast<const IECore::TypedParameter< S > >( parameter );
	if( !p )
		return MS::kFailure;

	MRampAttribute fnRAttr( plug );
	if ( !fnRAttr.isColorRamp() )
		return MS::kFailure;

	const S &spline = p->getTypedValue();

	MStatus s;
	MIntArray indicesToReuse;
	plug.getExistingArrayAttributeIndices( indicesToReuse, &s );
	assert( s );

	int nextNewLogicalIndex = 0;
	if( indicesToReuse.length() )
		nextNewLogicalIndex = 1 + *std::max_element( MArrayIter<MIntArray>::begin( indicesToReuse ), MArrayIter<MIntArray>::end( indicesToReuse ) );
	assert( indicesToReuse.length() == fnRAttr.getNumEntries() );

	size_t pointsSizeMinus2 = spline.points.size() - 2;
	unsigned pointIndex = 0;
	unsigned numExpectedPoints = 0;
	for ( typename S::PointContainer::const_iterator it = spline.points.begin(); it != spline.points.end(); ++it, ++pointIndex )
		// we commonly double up the endpoints on cortex splines to force interpolation to the end.
		// maya does this implicitly, so we skip duplicated endpoints when passing the splines into maya.
		// this avoids users having to be responsible for managing the duplicates, and gives them some consistency
		// with the splines they edit elsewhere in maya.
		if( ( pointIndex==1 && *it == *spline.points.begin() ) || ( pointIndex==pointsSizeMinus2 && *it == *spline.points.rbegin() ) )

		MPlug pointPlug;
		if( indicesToReuse.length() )
			pointPlug = plug.elementByLogicalIndex( indicesToReuse[0] );
			indicesToReuse.remove( 0 );
			pointPlug = plug.elementByLogicalIndex( nextNewLogicalIndex++ );		
		s = pointPlug.child( 0 ).setValue( it->first ); assert( s );
		MPlug colorPlug = pointPlug.child( 1 );
		colorPlug.child( 0 ).setValue( it->second[0] );
		colorPlug.child( 1 ).setValue( it->second[1] );
		colorPlug.child( 2 ).setValue( it->second[2] );
		// hardcoding interpolation of 3 (spline) because the MRampAttribute::MInterpolation enum values don't actually
		// correspond to the necessary plug values at all.
		s = pointPlug.child( 2 ).setValue( 3 ); assert( s );


	// delete any of the original indices which we didn't reuse. we can't use MRampAttribute::deleteEntries
	// here as it's utterly unreliable.
	if( indicesToReuse.length() )
		MString plugName = plug.name();
		MObject node = plug.node();
		MFnDagNode fnDAGN( node );
		if( fnDAGN.hasObj( node ) )
			plugName = fnDAGN.fullPathName() + "." + plug.partialName();
		for( unsigned i=0; i<indicesToReuse.length(); i++ )
			// using mel because there's no equivalant api method as far as i know.
			MString command = "removeMultiInstance -b true \"" + plugName + "[" + indicesToReuse[i] + "]\"";
			s = MGlobal::executeCommand( command );
			assert( s );
			if( !s )
				return s;

#ifndef NDEBUG
		assert( fnRAttr.getNumEntries() == numExpectedPoints );

		MIntArray indices;
		MFloatArray positions;
		MColorArray colors;
		MIntArray interps;
		fnRAttr.getEntries( indices, positions, colors, interps, &s );
		assert( s );
		assert( numExpectedPoints == positions.length() );
		assert( numExpectedPoints == colors.length() );
		assert( numExpectedPoints == interps.length() );
		assert( numExpectedPoints == indices.length() );

		for ( unsigned i = 0; i < positions.length(); i++ )
			float position = positions[ i ];
			const MVector color( colors[ i ][ 0 ], colors[ i ][ 1 ], colors[ i ][ 2 ] );

			bool found = false;

			for ( typename S::PointContainer::const_iterator it = spline.points.begin(); it != spline.points.end() && !found; ++it )
				MVector color2( it->second[0], it->second[1], it->second[2] );
				if ( fabs( it->first - position ) < 1.e-3f && ( color2 - color ).length() < 1.e-3f )
					found = true;
			assert( found );

	return MS::kSuccess;
예제 #15
// Write the 'connectAttr' commands for all of a node's incoming
// connections.
void maTranslator::writeNodeConnections(fstream& f, const MObject& node)
	MFnDependencyNode	nodeFn(node);
	MPlugArray			plugs;


	unsigned int		numBrokenConns = fBrokenConnSrcs.length();
	unsigned int		numPlugs = plugs.length();
	unsigned int		i;

	for (i = 0; i < numPlugs; i++)
		// We only care about connections where we are the destination.
		MPlug		destPlug = plugs[i];
		MPlugArray	srcPlug;

		destPlug.connectedTo(srcPlug, true, false);

		if (srcPlug.length() > 0)
			MObject				srcNode = srcPlug[0].node();
			MFnDependencyNode	srcNodeFn(srcNode);

			// Don't write the connection if the source is not writable...
			if (!srcNodeFn.canBeWritten()) continue;

			// or the connection was made in a referenced file...
			if (destPlug.isFromReferencedFile()) continue;

			// or the plug is procedural...
			if (destPlug.isProcedural()) continue;

			// or it is a connection between a default node and a shared
			// node (because those will get set up automatically).
			if (srcNodeFn.isDefaultNode() && nodeFn.isShared()) continue;

			f << "connectAttr \"";

			// Default nodes get a colon at the start of their names.
			if (srcNodeFn.isDefaultNode()) f << ":";

			f << srcPlug[0].partialName(true).asChar()
			  << "\" \"";

			if (nodeFn.isDefaultNode()) f << ":";

			f << destPlug.partialName(true).asChar()
			  << "\"";

			// If the src plug is also one from which a broken
			// connection originated, then add the "-rd/referenceDest" flag
			// to the command.  That will help Maya to better adjust if the
			// referenced file has changed the next time it is loaded.
			if (srcNodeFn.isFromReferencedFile())
				unsigned int j;

				for (j = 0; j < numBrokenConns; j++)
					if (fBrokenConnSrcs[j] == srcPlug[0])
						f << " -rd \""
						  << fBrokenConnDests[j].partialName(true).asChar()
						  << "\"";


			// If the plug is locked, then add a "-l/lock" flag to the
			// command.
			if (destPlug.isLocked()) f << " -l on";

			// If the destination attribute is a multi for which index
			// does not matter, then we must add the "-na/nextAvailable"
			// flag to the command.
			MObject			attr = destPlug.attribute();
			MFnAttribute	attrFn(attr);

			if (!attrFn.indexMatters()) f << " -na";

			f << ";" << endl;
MStatus TransformationMatrixParameterHandler<T>::doUpdate( IECore::ConstParameterPtr parameter, MPlug &plug ) const
	typename IECore::TypedParameter<IECore::TransformationMatrix<T> >::ConstPtr p = IECore::runTimeCast<const IECore::TypedParameter<IECore::TransformationMatrix<T> > >( parameter );
	if( !p )
		return MS::kFailure;

	MObject attribute = plug.attribute();
	MFnCompoundAttribute fnCAttr( attribute );
	if( !fnCAttr.hasObj( attribute ) )
		return MS::kFailure;

	if( plug.numChildren() != 8 )
		return MS::kFailure;

	MStatus stat;
	MPlug tmpPlug;

	for( unsigned int i=0; i<8; i++ )
		tmpPlug = plug.child( i, &stat );

		// Verify the naming of the child plugs.

		const MString name = tmpPlug.partialName();
		const unsigned int len = name.length() - 1;
		const unsigned int nlen = g_attributeNames[i].length() - 1;
		const MString nameEnd = name.substringW( len - nlen, len );

		if( !stat || nameEnd != g_attributeNames[i] )
			return MS::kFailure;

		MObject attr = tmpPlug.attribute();
		fnCAttr.setObject( attr );
		if( !fnCAttr.hasObj( attr ) )
			return MS::kFailure;

	IECore::TransformationMatrix<T> tMatrix = p->typedDefaultValue();

	if( !setUnitVecDefaultValues( plug.child( TRANSLATE_INDEX ), tMatrix.translate ) )
		return MS::kFailure;

	if( !setUnitVecDefaultValues( plug.child( ROTATE_INDEX ), tMatrix.rotate ) )
		return MS::kFailure;

	if( !setVecDefaultValues( plug.child( SCALE_INDEX ), tMatrix.scale ) )
		return MS::kFailure;

	if( !setVecDefaultValues( plug.child( SHEAR_INDEX ), tMatrix.shear ) )
		return MS::kFailure;

	if( !setVecDefaultValues( plug.child( SCALEPIVOT_INDEX ), tMatrix.scalePivot ) )
		return MS::kFailure;

	if( !setVecDefaultValues( plug.child( SCALEPIVOTTRANS_INDEX ), tMatrix.scalePivotTranslation ) )
		 return MS::kFailure;

	if( !setVecDefaultValues( plug.child( ROTATEPIVOT_INDEX ), tMatrix.rotatePivot ) )
		return MS::kFailure;

	if( !setVecDefaultValues( plug.child( ROTATEPIVOTTRANS_INDEX ), tMatrix.rotatePivotTranslation ) )
		return MS::kFailure;

	return finishUpdating( parameter, plug );