예제 #1
void draw_actor( void ) {
    GLfloat material_Ka[4] = { actor_Ka(0), actor_Ka(1), actor_Ka(2), 1.0 };
    GLfloat material_Kd[4] = { actor_Kd(0), actor_Kd(1), actor_Kd(2), 1.0 };
    GLfloat material_Ks[4] = { actor_Ks(0), actor_Ks(1), actor_Ks(2), 1.0 };
    GLfloat material_Ke[4] = { actor_Ke(0), actor_Ke(1), actor_Ke(2), 1.0 };
    GLfloat material_Se   = 10;

    glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_AMBIENT, material_Ka);
    glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_DIFFUSE, material_Kd);
    glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_SPECULAR, material_Ks);
    glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_EMISSION, material_Ke);
    glMaterialf(GL_FRONT, GL_SHININESS, material_Se);

    glLoadMatrixd( actor_transform.arrayOpenGL() );

    glVertex3d( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    glVertex3d(-1.0, 1.0, 0.0);
    glVertex3d(-1.0,-1.0, 0.0);
    glutSolidTeapot( 1.0 );


예제 #2
void draw_motivator( ) {

    Matrix4 transform = Matrix4::translationMatrix( motivator.position );
    glLoadMatrixd( transform.arrayOpenGL() );
    draw_mesh( motivator_mesh );

예제 #3
// Drawing Operations
/// Draws a mesh
void draw( Mesh* mesh, Matrix4& transform ) {
    Matrix3 R = transform.rotation();
    // backface cull
    Vector3 view = scene.camera.position -  scene.camera.viewpoint;

    for( unsigned int poly_id = 0; poly_id < mesh->polygonCount( ); poly_id++ ) {
        Polygon* poly = mesh->polygon( poly_id );
        Vector3 normal = R * poly->normal;

        if( Vector3::dot( view, normal ) >= 0.0 ) {
            Vertex* v = mesh->vertex( poly->getVertex( 0 ) );
            Vector3 pt = Vector3( v->position.x(), v->position.y(), v->position.z() );
            if( Vector3::dot( scene.camera.position - pt, normal ) >= 0.0 )
                poly->backface = true;
                poly->backface = false;
        } else {
            poly->backface = false;

    glLoadMatrixd( transform.arrayOpenGL() );

    glBegin( GL_TRIANGLES );

    for( unsigned int poly_id = 0; poly_id < mesh->polygonCount( ); poly_id++ ) {

        // Select the current polygon
        Polygon* poly = mesh->polygon( poly_id );

            if( poly->backface ) continue;

        GLfloat *material_Ka, *material_Kd, *material_Ks, *material_Ke, material_Se;

        if( poly->material != NULL ) {
            material_Ka = (GLfloat*)poly->material->ambient.arrayOpenGL();
            material_Kd = (GLfloat*)poly->material->diffuse.arrayOpenGL();
            material_Ks = (GLfloat*)poly->material->specular.arrayOpenGL();
            material_Ke = (GLfloat*)poly->material->emissive.arrayOpenGL();
            material_Se = (GLfloat)poly->material->shininess;

            glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_AMBIENT, material_Ka);
            glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_DIFFUSE, material_Kd);
            glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_SPECULAR, material_Ks);
            glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_EMISSION, material_Ke);
            glMaterialf(GL_FRONT, GL_SHININESS, material_Se);

        glColor3d( 0.6, 0.0, 0.0 );

        Vertex *v0, *v1, *v2;

        unsigned int verts = poly->numVertices( );
        if( verts < 3 ) continue;   // sanity check -> malformed poly & bad juju

        // the model is not tessellated, so have to tessellate for OpenGL
        // If poly is non-convex this won't work, but assume convex.

        // Select the first vertex as the root of all triangles in the poly
        v0 = mesh->vertex( poly->getVertex( 0 ) );

        // Iterate over the rest of the vertices in the polygon up to the n-1 vert
        for( unsigned int poly_vert = 1; poly_vert < verts - 1; poly_vert++ ) {

            // select the current vertex
            v1 = mesh->vertex( poly->getVertex( poly_vert ) );
            // and the next vertex (for n-1 case this will be n so closes the poly)
            v2 = mesh->vertex( poly->getVertex( poly_vert + 1 ) );

            glVertex3d( v0->position.x(), v0->position.y(), v0->position.z() );
            glNormal3d( v0->normal.x(), v0->normal.y(), v0->normal.z() );
            //glNormal3d( poly->normal.x(), poly->normal.y(), poly->normal.z() );

            glVertex3d( v1->position.x(), v1->position.y(), v1->position.z() );
            glNormal3d( v1->normal.x(), v1->normal.y(), v1->normal.z() );
            //glNormal3d( poly->normal.x(), poly->normal.y(), poly->normal.z() );

            glVertex3d( v2->position.x(), v2->position.y(), v2->position.z() );
            glNormal3d( v2->normal.x(), v2->normal.y(), v2->normal.z() );
            //glNormal3d( poly->normal.x(), poly->normal.y(), poly->normal.z() );
