예제 #1
파일: game.cpp 프로젝트: quave/Gunner
void Game::updateBullet(double dt, vector<Node*>::iterator nodeIt) {
    Bullet* bullet = (Bullet*) (*nodeIt);
    // Move the bullet up
    bullet->translate(0.0f, dt * bullet->getSpeed());

    // Mark it for deletion if it's out
    if (bullet->isOut()) {
        deleted_.push_back(nodeIt - scene_.begin());

    // Detect if bullet hit meteor
    for (vector<Node*>::iterator node = scene_.begin(); node < scene_.end(); ++node) {
        enum NodeType type = (*node)->getType();

        // And if it hit...
        if ((type == METEOR || type == SMALL_METEOR) && bullet->isIntersect(*node)) {
            // Remove the bullet
            deleted_.push_back(nodeIt - scene_.begin());
            // Remove the meteor
            deleted_.push_back(node - scene_.begin());

            // And if it is a big one set flag to spawn small meteors
            if (type == METEOR) {
                Meteor* meteor = (Meteor*) (*node);
                smallMeteorX_ = meteor->getX();
                smallMeteorY_ = meteor->getY();

            } else {
                score_ += 2;