예제 #1
파일: ClassGraph.cpp 프로젝트: 8l/oovcde
void ClassGraph::getRelatedNodesRecurse(const ModelData &model, const ModelType *type,
        eAddNodeTypes addType, int maxDepth, std::vector<ClassNode> &nodes)
    -- maxDepth;
    if(maxDepth >= 0 && type /* && type->getObjectType() == otClass*/)
        const ModelClassifier *classifier = type->getClass();
                    getComponentOptions(*type, mGraphOptions)), nodes);
            if((addType & AN_MemberChildren) > 0)
                for(const auto &attr : classifier->getAttributes())
                    DebugAdd("Member", attr->getDeclType());
                    getRelatedNodesRecurse(model, attr->getDeclType(), addType,
                            maxDepth, nodes);
            if((addType & AN_Superclass) > 0)
                for(const auto &assoc : model.mAssociations)
                    if(assoc->getChild() != nullptr && assoc->getParent() != nullptr)
                        if(assoc->getChild() == classifier)
                            DebugAdd("Super", assoc->getParent());
                            getRelatedNodesRecurse(model, assoc->getParent(),
                                    addType, maxDepth, nodes);
            if((addType & AN_Subclass) > 0)
                for(const auto &assoc  : model.mAssociations)
                    // Normally the child and parent should not be nullptr.
                    if(assoc->getChild() != nullptr && assoc->getParent() != nullptr)
                        if(assoc->getParent() == classifier)
                            DebugAdd("Subclass", assoc->getChild());
                            getRelatedNodesRecurse(model, assoc->getChild(),
                                    addType, maxDepth, nodes);
            if((addType & AN_FuncParamsUsing) > 0)
                ConstModelClassifierVector relatedClasses;
                model.getRelatedFuncInterfaceClasses(*classifier, relatedClasses);
                for(const auto &cls : relatedClasses)
                    DebugAdd("Param Using", cls);
                    getRelatedNodesRecurse(model, cls, addType, maxDepth, nodes);
            if((addType & AN_FuncBodyUsing) > 0)
                ConstModelDeclClasses relatedDeclClasses;
                model.getRelatedBodyVarClasses(*classifier, relatedDeclClasses);
                for(const auto &rdc : relatedDeclClasses)
                    DebugAdd("Body Using", rdc.cl);
                    getRelatedNodesRecurse(model, rdc.getClass(), addType,
                            maxDepth, nodes);
        if((addType & AN_Templates) > 0)
                // Add types pointed to by templates.
                ConstModelClassifierVector relatedClassifiers;
                model.getRelatedTypeArgClasses(*type, relatedClassifiers);
                for(const auto &rc : relatedClassifiers)
                DebugAdd("Templ User", rc);
                    getRelatedNodesRecurse(model, rc, addType, maxDepth, nodes);
                        getComponentOptions(*type, mGraphOptions)), nodes);
        int taskId = 0;
        if(mBackgroundTaskLevel == 1)
            taskId = mForegroundTaskStatusListener->startTask("Adding relations.",
        for(size_t i=0; i<model.mTypes.size(); i++)
            addRelatedNodesRecurseUserToVector(model, type, model.mTypes[i].get(),
                    addType, maxDepth, nodes);
            if(mBackgroundTaskLevel == 1)
                        taskId, i, nullptr))
        if(mBackgroundTaskLevel == 1)
예제 #2
파일: ClassGraph.cpp 프로젝트: 8l/oovcde
void ClassGraph::addRelatedNodesRecurseUserToVector(const ModelData &model,
        const ModelType *type, const ModelType *modelType, eAddNodeTypes addType,
        int maxDepth, std::vector<ClassNode> &nodes)
    // Add nodes for template types if they refer to the passed in type.
    if((addType & AN_Templates) > 0)
            ConstModelClassifierVector relatedClassifiers;
            model.getRelatedTypeArgClasses(*modelType, relatedClassifiers);
            for(const auto &rc : relatedClassifiers)
                if(rc == type)
                DebugAdd("Typedef Rel", modelType);
                    getRelatedNodesRecurse(model, modelType, addType, maxDepth,
    // Add nodes if members refer to the passed in type.
    if((addType & AN_MemberUsers) > 0)
        const ModelClassifier*cl = modelType->getClass();
            for(const auto &attr : cl->getAttributes())
                const ModelType *attrType = attr->getDeclType();
                if(attrType == type)
                    DebugAdd("Memb User", cl);
                    getRelatedNodesRecurse(model, cl, addType, maxDepth, nodes);
    // Add nodes if func params refer to the passed in type.
    if((addType & AN_FuncParamsUsers) > 0)
        const ModelClassifier*cl = modelType->getClass();
            ConstModelClassifierVector relatedClasses;
            model.getRelatedFuncInterfaceClasses(*cl, relatedClasses);
            for(auto &cls : relatedClasses)
                if(cls == type)
                    DebugAdd("Param User", cl);
                    getRelatedNodesRecurse(model, cl, addType, maxDepth, nodes);
    // Add nodes if func body variables refer to the passed in type.
    if((addType & AN_FuncBodyUsers) > 0)
        const ModelClassifier*cl = modelType->getClass();
            ConstModelDeclClasses relatedDeclClasses;
            model.getRelatedBodyVarClasses(*cl, relatedDeclClasses);
            for(auto &rdc : relatedDeclClasses)
                if(rdc.getClass() == type)
                    DebugAdd("Var User", cl);
                    getRelatedNodesRecurse(model, cl, addType, maxDepth, nodes);