예제 #1
파일: Hooks.cpp 프로젝트: SEJeff/task
// Enumerate all hooks, and tell API about the script files it must load in
// order to call them.  Note that API will perform a deferred read, which means
// that if it isn't called, a script will not be loaded.
void Hooks::initialize ()
  _api.initialize ();

  // Allow a master switch to turn the whole thing off.
  bool big_red_switch = context.config.getBoolean ("extensions");
  if (big_red_switch)
    std::vector <std::string> vars;
    context.config.all (vars);

    std::vector <std::string>::iterator it;
    for (it = vars.begin (); it != vars.end (); ++it)
      std::string type;
      std::string name;
      std::string value;

      // "<type>.<name>"
      Nibbler n (*it);
      if (n.getUntil ('.', type) &&
          type == "hook"         &&
          n.skip ('.')           &&
          n.getUntilEOS (name))
        std::string value = context.config.get (*it);
        Nibbler n (value);

        // <path>:<function> [, ...]
        while (!n.depleted ())
          std::string file;
          std::string function;
          if (n.getUntil (':', file) &&
              n.skip (':')           &&
              n.getUntil (',', function))
            context.debug (std::string ("Event '") + name + "' hooked by " + file + ", function " + function);
            Hook h (name, Path::expand (file), function);
            _all.push_back (h);

            (void) n.skip (',');
            throw std::string (format (STRING_LUA_BAD_HOOK_DEF, *it));
    context.debug ("Hooks::initialize --> off");
예제 #2
파일: Subst.cpp 프로젝트: lmacken/task
// A Path and a Subst may look similar, and so the rule is that if a Subst looks
// like a path, it must also not exist in the file system in order to actually
// be a Subst.
bool Subst::valid (const std::string& input) const
  std::string ignored;
  Nibbler n (input);
  if (n.skip     ('/')            &&
      n.getUntil ('/', ignored)   &&
      n.skip     ('/')            &&
      n.getUntil ('/', ignored)   &&
      n.skip     ('/'))
    n.skip ('g');
    if (n.depleted ())
      return ! Directory (input).exists ();

  return false;
예제 #3
파일: Hooks.cpp 프로젝트: georgebrock/task
// Enumerate all hooks, and tell API about the script files it must load in
// order to call them.  Note that API will perform a deferred read, which means
// that if it isn't called, a script will not be loaded.
void Hooks::initialize ()
  // Allow a master switch to turn the whole thing off.
  bool big_red_switch = context.config.getBoolean ("extensions");
  if (big_red_switch)
    Config::const_iterator it;
    for (it = context.config.begin (); it != context.config.end (); ++it)
      std::string type;
      std::string name;
      std::string value;

      // "<type>.<name>"
      Nibbler n (it->first);
      if (n.getUntil ('.', type) &&
          type == "hook"         &&
          n.skip ('.')           &&
          n.getUntilEOS (name))
        Nibbler n (it->second);

        // <path>:<function> [, ...]
        while (!n.depleted ())
          std::string file;
          std::string function;
          if (n.getUntil (':', file) &&
              n.skip (':')           &&
              n.getUntil (',', function))
            context.debug (std::string ("Event '") + name + "' hooked by " + file + ", function " + function);
            Hook h (name, Path::expand (file), function);
            _all.push_back (h);

            (void) n.skip (',');
            ; // Was: throw std::string (format ("Malformed hook definition '{1}'.", it->first));
    context.debug ("Hooks::initialize --> off");
예제 #4
파일: Subst.cpp 프로젝트: lmacken/task
void Subst::parse (const std::string& input)
  Nibbler n (input);
  if (n.skip     ('/')        &&
      n.getUntil ('/', mFrom) &&
      n.skip     ('/')        &&
      n.getUntil ('/', mTo)   &&
      n.skip     ('/'))
      mGlobal = n.skip ('g');

    if (mFrom == "")
      throw context.stringtable.get (SUBST_EMPTY,
                                     "Cannot substitute an empty string.");

    if (!n.depleted ())
      throw context.stringtable.get (SUBST_BAD_CHARS,
                                     "Unrecognized character(s) at end of substitution.");
    throw context.stringtable.get (SUBST_MALFORMED,
                                   "Malformed substitution.");
예제 #5
파일: nibbler.t.cpp 프로젝트: JensErat/task
int main (int argc, char** argv)
  UnitTest t (410);
  UnitTest t (380);
  UnitTest t (346);
  UnitTest t (322);

  // Ensure environment has no influence.
  unsetenv ("TASKDATA");
  unsetenv ("TASKRC");

    Nibbler n;
    std::string s;
    int i;
    double d;
    time_t ti;

    Date dt;
    std::vector <std::string> options;

    // Make sure the nibbler behaves itself with trivial input.
    t.diag ("Test all nibbler calls given empty input");
    n = Nibbler ("");
    t.notok (n.getUntil (' ', s),        "trivial: getUntil");
    t.notok (n.getUntil ("hi", s),       "trivial: getUntil");
    t.notok (n.getUntilOneOf ("ab", s),  "trivial: getUntilOneOf");
    t.notok (n.skipN (123),              "trivial: skipN");
    t.notok (n.skip ('x'),               "trivial: skip");
    t.notok (n.skipAll ('x'),            "trivial: skipAll");
    t.notok (n.skipAllOneOf ("abc"),     "trivial: skipAllOneOf");
    t.notok (n.backN (1),                "trivial: backN");
    t.notok (n.getQuoted ('"', s),       "trivial: getQuoted");
    t.notok (n.getDigit (i),             "trivial: getDigit");
    t.notok (n.getInt (i),               "trivial: getInt"); // 10
    t.notok (n.getUnsignedInt (i),       "trivial: getUnsignedInt");
    t.notok (n.getUntilEOL (s),          "trivial: getUntilEOL");
    t.notok (n.getUntilEOS (s),          "trivial: getUntilEOS");
    t.notok (n.getDateISO (ti),          "trivial: getDateISO");
    t.notok (n.getDate ("YYYYMMDD", ti), "trivial: getDate");
    t.notok (n.getOneOf (options, s),    "trivial: getOneOf");
    t.ok    (n.depleted (),              "trivial: depleted");

    // bool getUntil (char, std::string&);
    t.diag ("Nibbler::getUntil");
    n = Nibbler ("one two");
    t.ok    (n.getUntil (' ', s),        " 'one two' :       getUntil (' ')    -> true");
    t.is    (s, "one",                   " 'one two' :       getUntil (' ')    -> 'one'"); // 20
    t.ok    (n.getUntil (' ', s),        "    ' two' :       getUntil (' ')    -> true");
    t.is    (s, "",                      "    ' two' :       getUntil (' ')    -> ''");
    t.ok    (n.skip (' '),               "    ' two' :           skip (' ')    -> true");
    t.ok    (n.getUntil (' ', s),        "     'two' :       getUntil (' ')    -> 'two'");
    t.notok (n.getUntil (' ', s),        "        '' :       getUntil (' ')    -> false");
    t.ok    (n.depleted (),              "        '' :       depleted ()       -> true");

    // bool getUntilRx (const std::string&, std::string&);
    t.diag ("Nibbler::getUntilRx");
    n = Nibbler ("one two");
    t.ok    (n.getUntilRx ("th", s),     " 'one two' :     getUntilRx ('th')   -> true");
    t.is    (s, "one two",               " 'one two' :     getUntilRx ('th')   -> 'one two'");

    n = Nibbler ("one two");
    t.ok    (n.getUntilRx ("e", s),      " 'one two' :     getUntilRx ('e')    -> true");
    t.is    (s, "on",                    " 'one two' :     getUntilRx ('e')    -> 'on'"); // 30
    t.ok    (n.getUntilRx ("tw", s),     "   'e two' :     getUntilRx ('tw')   -> true");
    t.is    (s, "e ",                    "   'e two' :     getUntilRx ('tw')   -> 'e '");
    t.ok    (n.getUntilRx ("$", s),      "     'two' :     getUntilRx ('$')    -> true");
    t.is    (s, "two",                   "     'two' :     getUntilRx ('$')    -> 'two'");
    t.ok    (n.depleted (),              "        '' :       depleted ()       -> true");

    // bool getUntilOneOf (const std::string&, std::string&);
    t.diag ("Nibbler::getUntilOneOf");
    n = Nibbler ("ab.cd");
    t.ok    (n.getUntilOneOf (".:", s),  "   'ab.cd' :  getUntilOneOf ('.:')   -> true");
    t.is    (s, "ab",                    "   'ab.cd' :  getUntilOneOf ('.:')   -> 'ab'");
    t.ok    (n.skipN (),                 "     '.cd' :          skipN ()       -> true");
    t.ok    (n.getUntilOneOf (".:", s),  "      'cd' :  getUntilOneOf ('.:')   -> true");
    t.notok (n.getUntilOneOf (".:", s),  "        '' :  getUntilOneOf ('.:')   -> false");
    t.ok    (n.depleted (),              "        '' :       depleted ()       -> true");

    // bool getUntil (const std::string&, std::string&);
    t.diag ("Nibbler::getUntil");
    n = Nibbler ("ab\r\ncd");
    t.ok (n.getUntil ("\r\n", s),     "'ab\\r\\ncd' :       getUntil ('\\r\\n') -> true");
    t.ok (n.skipN (2),                "  '\\r\\ncd' :          skipN (2)      -> true");
    t.ok (n.getUntil ("\r\n", s),     "      'cd' :       getUntil ('\\r\\n') -> true");
    t.ok (n.depleted (),              "        '' :       depleted ()       -> true");

    // bool getUntilWS (std::string&);
    t.diag ("Nibbler::getUntilWS");
    n = Nibbler ("ab \t\ncd");
    t.ok    (n.getUntilWS (s),        " 'ab \\t\\ncd' :     getUntilWS ()     -> true");
    t.is    (s, "ab",                 " 'ab \\t\\ncd' :     getUntilWS ()     -> 'ab'");
    t.ok    (n.getUntilWS (s),        "   ' \\t\\ncd' :     getUntilWS ()     -> true");
    t.is    (s, "",                   "   ' \\t\\ncd' :     getUntilWS ()     -> ''");
    t.ok    (n.skipWS (),             "        'cd' :         skipWS ()     -> true");
    t.ok    (n.getUntilWS (s),        "          '' :     getUntilWS ()     -> true");
    t.is    (s, "cd",                 "        'cd' :     getUntilWS ()     -> 'cd'");
    t.ok    (n.depleted (),           "          '' :       depleted ()     -> true");

    // bool skipN (const int quantity = 1);
    t.diag ("Nibbler::skipN");
    n = Nibbler ("abcde");
    t.ok    (n.skipN (),              "   'abcde' :          skipN ()       -> true");
    t.ok    (n.skipN (2),             "    'bcde' :          skipN (2       -> true");
    t.notok (n.skipN (3),             "      'de' :          skipN (3       -> false");
    t.notok (n.depleted (),           "      'de' :       depleted ()       -> true");

    // bool skip (char);
    t.diag ("Nibbler::skip");
    n = Nibbler ("  a");
    t.ok    (n.skip (' '),            "     '  a' :           skip (' ')    -> true");
    t.ok    (n.skip (' '),            "      ' a' :           skip (' ')    -> true");
    t.notok (n.skip (' '),            "       'a' :           skip (' ')    -> false");
    t.notok (n.depleted (),           "       'a' :       depleted ()       -> false");
    t.ok    (n.skip ('a'),            "       'a' :           skip ('a')    -> true");
    t.ok    (n.depleted (),           "        '' :       depleted ()       -> true");

    // bool skipAll (char);
    t.diag ("Nibbler::skipAll");
    n = Nibbler ("aaaabb");
    t.ok    (n.skipAll ('a'),         "  'aaaabb' :        skipAll ('a')    -> true");
    t.notok (n.skipAll ('a'),         "      'bb' :        skipAll ('a')    -> false");
    t.ok    (n.skipAll ('b'),         "      'bb' :        skipAll ('b')    -> true");
    t.notok (n.skipAll ('b'),         "        '' :        skipAll ('b')    -> false");
    t.ok    (n.depleted (),           "        '' :       depleted ()       -> true");

    // bool skipAllOneOf (const std::string&);
    t.diag ("Nibbler::skipAllOneOf");
    n = Nibbler ("abababcc");
    t.ok    (n.skipAllOneOf ("ab"),   "'abababcc' :   skipAllOneOf ('ab')   -> true");
    t.notok (n.skipAllOneOf ("ab"),   "      'cc' :   skipAllOneOf ('ab')   -> false");
    t.ok    (n.skipAllOneOf ("c"),    "      'cc' :   skipAllOneOf ('ab')   -> false");
    t.ok    (n.depleted (),           "        '' :       depleted ()       -> true");

    // bool skipWS ();
    t.diag ("Nibbler::skipWS");
    n = Nibbler (" \tfoo");
    t.ok    (n.skipWS (),             "  ' \\tfoo' :         skipWS ()       -> true");
    t.notok (n.skipWS (),             "     'foo' :         skipWS ()       -> false");
    t.ok    (n.getUntilEOS (s),       "     'foo' :    getUntilEOS ()       -> true");
    t.is    (s, "foo",                "     'foo' :    getUntilEOS ()       -> 'foo'");
    t.ok    (n.depleted (),           "        '' :       depleted ()       -> true");

    // bool skipRx (const std::string&);
    t.diag ("Nibbler::skipRx");
    n = Nibbler ("one two");
    t.ok    (n.skipRx ("o."),         " 'one two' :         skipRx ('o.')   -> true");
    t.notok (n.skipRx ("A+"),         "   'e two' :         skipRx ('A+')   -> false");
    t.ok    (n.skipRx ("e+"),         "   'e two' :         skipRx ('e+')   -> true");
    t.ok    (n.skipRx ("...."),       "    ' two' :         skipRx ('....') -> true");
    t.ok    (n.depleted (),           "        '' :       depleted ()       -> true");

    // bool backN (const int quantity = 1);
    t.diag ("Nibbler::backN");
    n = Nibbler ("/a/b/");
    t.ok (n.getQuoted ('/', s),       "   '/a/b/' :         getQuoted ('/') -> true");
    t.is (s, "a",                     "      'b/' :         getQuoted ('/') -> 'a'");
    t.ok (n.backN (),                 "      'b/' :         backN ()        -> true");
    t.ok (n.getQuoted ('/', s),       "     '/b/' :         getQuoted ('/') -> true");
    t.is (s, "b",                     "     '/b/' :         getQuoted ('/') -> 'b'");

    // bool getQuoted (char, std::string&);
    t.diag ("Nibbler::getQuoted");
    n = Nibbler ("''");
    t.ok    (n.getQuoted ('\'', s),   "      '''' :      getQuoted (''')    -> true");
    t.is    (s, "",                   "      '''' :      getQuoted (''')    -> ''");

    n = Nibbler ("'\"'");
    t.ok    (n.getQuoted ('\'', s),   "      ''\"'' :     getQuoted (''')    -> true");
    t.is    (s, "\"",                  "     ''\"'' :      getQuoted (''')    -> '\"'");

    n = Nibbler ("'x'");
    t.ok    (n.getQuoted ('\'', s),   "      ''x'' :     getQuoted (''')    -> true");
    t.is    (s, "x",                  "      ''x'' :     getQuoted (''')    -> ''");

    n = Nibbler ("'x");
    t.notok (n.getQuoted ('\'', s),   "      ''x' :      getQuoted (''')    -> false");

    n = Nibbler ("x");
    t.notok (n.getQuoted ('\'', s),   "       'x' :      getQuoted (''')    -> false"); // 90

    n = Nibbler ("\"one\\\"two\"");
    t.notok (n.getQuoted ('\'', s),   "\"one\\\"two\" :      getQuoted (''')    -> false");

    n = Nibbler ("\"one\\\"two\"");
    t.ok (n.getQuoted ('"', s, false), "\"one\\\"two\" :      getQuoted ('\"', false, false) -> true");
    t.is (s, "one\\\"two", "getQuoted ('\"', false) -> one\\\"two");

    n = Nibbler ("\"one\\\"two\"");
    t.ok (n.getQuoted ('"', s, true),  "\"one\\\"two\" :      getQuoted ('\"', false, true)  -> true");
    t.is (s, "\"one\\\"two\"", "getQuoted ('\"', true) -> \"one\\\"two\"");

    n = Nibbler ("\"one\\\"two\"");
    t.ok (n.getQuoted ('"', s, false), "\"one\\\"two\" :      getQuoted ('\"', true,  false) -> true");
    t.is (s, "one\\\"two", "getQuoted ('\"', false) -> one\\\"two");

    n = Nibbler ("\"one\\\"two\"");
    t.ok (n.getQuoted ('"', s, true),  "\"one\\\"two\" :      getQuoted ('\"', s,  true)  -> true");
    t.is (s, "\"one\\\"two\"", "getQuoted ('\"', s, true) -> \"one\\\"two\"");

    n = Nibbler ("\"one\\\\\"");
    t.ok (n.getQuoted ('\"', s, true), "\"one\\\" :           getQuoted ('\"', s, true)      -> true");
    t.is (s, "\"one\\\\\"",                                   "getQuoted ('\"', s, true)      -> \"one\\\\\"");

    n = Nibbler ("\"one\\\\\"");
    t.ok (n.getQuoted ('\"', s, false), "one\\ :              getQuoted ('\"', s, false)      -> true");
    t.is (s, "one\\\\",                                       "getQuoted ('\"', s, false)      -> \"one\\\\\"");

    // bool getDigit (int&);
    t.diag ("Nibbler::getDigit");
    n = Nibbler ("12x");
    t.ok    (n.getDigit (i),          "     '12x' :         getDigit ()     -> true");
    t.is    (i, 1,                    "     '12x' :         getDigit ()     -> 1");
    t.ok    (n.getDigit (i),          "      '2x' :         getDigit ()     -> true");
    t.is    (i, 2,                    "      '2x' :         getDigit ()     -> 2");
    t.notok (n.getDigit (i),          "       'x' :         getDigit ()     -> false");

    // bool getDigit6 (int&);
    t.diag ("Nibbler::getDigit6");
    n = Nibbler ("654321");
    t.ok    (n.getDigit6 (i),         "    654321 :         getDigit6 ()    -> true");
    t.is    (i, 654321,               "    654321 :         getDigit6 ()    -> 654321");

    // bool getDigit4 (int&);
    t.diag ("Nibbler::getDigit4");
    n = Nibbler ("4321");
    t.ok    (n.getDigit4 (i),         "      4321 :         getDigit4 ()    -> true");
    t.is    (i, 4321,                 "      4321 :         getDigit4 ()    -> 4321");

    // bool getDigit2 (int&);
    t.diag ("Nibbler::getDigit2");
    n = Nibbler ("21");
    t.ok    (n.getDigit2 (i),         "        21 :         getDigit2 ()    -> true");
    t.is    (i, 21,                   "        21 :         getDigit2 ()    -> 21");

    // bool getInt (int&);
    t.diag ("Nibbler::getInt");
    n = Nibbler ("123 -4");
    t.ok    (n.getInt (i),            "  '123 -4' :         getInt ()       -> true");
    t.is    (i, 123,                  "  '123 -4' :         getInt ()       -> '123'");
    t.ok    (n.skip (' '),            "     ' -4' :           skip (' ')    -> true");
    t.ok    (n.getInt (i),            "      '-4' :         getInt ()       -> true");
    t.is    (i, -4,                   "      '-4' :         getInt ()       -> '-4'");
    t.ok    (n.depleted (),           "        '' :       depleted ()       -> true");

    // bool getUnsignedInt (int&i);
    t.diag ("Nibbler::getUnsignedInt");
    n = Nibbler ("123 4");
    t.ok    (n.getUnsignedInt (i),    "   '123 4' : getUnsignedInt ()       -> true");
    t.is    (i, 123,                  "   '123 4' : getUnsignedInt ()       -> '123'");
    t.ok    (n.skip (' '),            "      ' 4' :           skip (' ')    -> true");
    t.ok    (n.getUnsignedInt (i),    "       '4' : getUnsignedInt ()       -> true");
    t.is    (i, 4,                    "       '4' : getUnsignedInt ()       -> '4'");
    t.ok    (n.depleted (),           "        '' :       depleted ()       -> true");

    // bool getNumber (double&);
    t.diag ("Nibbler::getNumber");
    n = Nibbler ("-1.234 2.3e4");
    t.ok    (n.getNumber (d),         "'-1.234 2.3e4' : getNumber ()       -> true");
    t.is    (d, -1.234, 0.000001,     "'-1.234 2.3e4' : getNumber ()       -> '-1.234'");
    t.ok    (n.skip (' '),            "      ' 2.3e4' : skip (' ')         -> true");
    t.ok    (n.getNumber (d),         "       '2.3e4' : getNumber ()       -> true");
    t.is    (d, 2.3e4,                "       '2.3e4' : getNumber ()       -> '2.3e4'");
    t.ok    (n.depleted (),           "            '' : depleted ()        -> true");

    n = Nibbler ("2.0");
    t.ok    (n.getNumber (d),         "'2.0' : getNumber ()                -> true");
    t.is    (d, 2.0, 0.000001,        "'2.0' : getNumber ()                -> '2.0'");
    t.ok    (n.depleted (),           "            '' : depleted ()        -> true");

    n = Nibbler ("-864000.00000");
    t.ok    (n.getNumber (d),         "'-864000.00000' : getNumber ()      -> true");
    t.is    (d, -864000.0,            "'-864000.00000' : getNumber ()      -> -864000.0");
    t.ok    (n.depleted (),           "             '' : depleted ()       -> true");

    // bool getLiteral (const std::string&);
    t.diag ("Nibbler::getLiteral");
    n = Nibbler ("foobar");
    t.ok    (n.getLiteral ("foo"),    "  'foobar' :     getLiteral ('foo')  -> true");
    t.notok (n.getLiteral ("foo"),    "     'bar' :     getLiteral ('foo')  -> false");
    t.ok    (n.getLiteral ("bar"),    "     'bar' :     getLiteral ('bar')  -> true");
    t.ok    (n.depleted (),           "        '' :       depleted ()       -> true");

    // bool getRx (const std::string&, std::string&);
    t.diag ("Nibbler::getRx");
    n = Nibbler ("one two three");
    t.ok    (n.getRx ("^(o..)", s),   "'one two three' :   getRx ('^(o..)')  -> true");
    t.is    (s, "one",                "'one two three' :   getRx ('^(o..)')  -> 'one'");
    t.ok    (n.skip (' '),            "   ' two three' :         skip (' ')  -> true");
    t.ok    (n.getRx ("t..", s),      "    'two three' :   getRx ('t..')     -> true");
    t.is    (s, "two",                "    'two three' :   getRx ('t..')     -> 'two'");
    t.notok (n.getRx ("th...", s),    "       ' three' :   getRx ('th...')   -> false");
    t.ok    (n.skip (' '),            "       ' three' :         skip (' ')  -> true");
    t.ok    (n.getRx ("th...", s),    "        'three' :   getRx ('th...')   -> true");
    t.is    (s, "three",              "        'three' :   getRx ('th...')   -> 'three'");
    t.ok    (n.depleted (),           "             '' :       depleted ()   -> true");

    // bool getUUID (std::string&);
    t.diag ("Nibbler::getUUID");
    n = Nibbler ("a0b1c2d3-e4f5-A6B7-C8D9-E0F1a2b3c4d5");
    t.ok (n.getUUID (s),                             "uuid 1 found");
    t.is (s, "a0b1c2d3-e4f5-A6B7-C8D9-E0F1a2b3c4d5", "uuid 1 -> correct");
    t.ok (n.depleted (),                             "depleted");

    n = Nibbler ("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000,a0b1c2d3-e4f5-A6B7-C8D9-E0F1a2b3c4d5");
    t.ok (n.getUUID (s),                             "uuid 1 found");
    t.is (s, "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "uuid 1 -> correct");
    t.ok (n.skip (','),                              "comma -> skipped");
    t.ok (n.getUUID (s),                             "uuid 2 -> found");
    t.is (s, "a0b1c2d3-e4f5-A6B7-C8D9-E0F1a2b3c4d5", "uuid 2 -> correct");
    t.ok (n.depleted (),                             "depleted");

    // bool getPartialUUID (std::string&);
    t.diag ("Nibbler::getPartialUUID");
    n = Nibbler ("a0b1c2d3-e4f5-A6B7-C8D9-E0F1a2b3c4d5");
    t.ok (n.getPartialUUID (s),                      "partial uuid [36] found");
    t.is (s, "a0b1c2d3-e4f5-A6B7-C8D9-E0F1a2b3c4d5", "partial uuid [36] -> correct");
    t.ok (n.depleted (),                             "depleted");

    n = Nibbler ("a0b1c2d3-e4f5-A6B7-C8D9-E0F1a2b3c4d");
    t.ok (n.getPartialUUID (s),                      "partial uuid [35] found");
    t.is (s, "a0b1c2d3-e4f5-A6B7-C8D9-E0F1a2b3c4d",  "partial uuid [35] -> correct");
    t.ok (n.depleted (),                             "depleted");

    n = Nibbler ("a0b1c2d3-e4f5-A6B7-C8D9-E0F1a2b3c4");
    t.ok (n.getPartialUUID (s),                      "partial uuid [34] found");
    t.is (s, "a0b1c2d3-e4f5-A6B7-C8D9-E0F1a2b3c4",   "partial uuid [34] -> correct");
    t.ok (n.depleted (),                             "depleted");

    n = Nibbler ("a0b1c2d3-e4f5-A6B7-C8D9-E0F1a2b3c");
    t.ok (n.getPartialUUID (s),                      "partial uuid [33] found");
    t.is (s, "a0b1c2d3-e4f5-A6B7-C8D9-E0F1a2b3c",    "partial uuid [33] -> correct");
    t.ok (n.depleted (),                             "depleted");

    n = Nibbler ("a0b1c2d3-e4f5-A6B7-C8D9-E0F1a2b3");
    t.ok (n.getPartialUUID (s),                      "partial uuid [32] found");
    t.is (s, "a0b1c2d3-e4f5-A6B7-C8D9-E0F1a2b3",     "partial uuid [32] -> correct");
    t.ok (n.depleted (),                             "depleted");

    n = Nibbler ("a0b1c2d3-e4f5-A6B7-C8D9-E0F1a2b");
    t.ok (n.getPartialUUID (s),                      "partial uuid [31] found");
    t.is (s, "a0b1c2d3-e4f5-A6B7-C8D9-E0F1a2b",      "partial uuid [31] -> correct");
    t.ok (n.depleted (),                             "depleted");

    n = Nibbler ("a0b1c2d3-e4f5-A6B7-C8D9-E0F1a2");
    t.ok (n.getPartialUUID (s),                      "partial uuid [30] found");
    t.is (s, "a0b1c2d3-e4f5-A6B7-C8D9-E0F1a2",       "partial uuid [30] -> correct");
    t.ok (n.depleted (),                             "depleted");

    n = Nibbler ("a0b1c2d3-e4f5-A6B7-C8D9-E0F1a");
    t.ok (n.getPartialUUID (s),                      "partial uuid [29] found");
    t.is (s, "a0b1c2d3-e4f5-A6B7-C8D9-E0F1a",        "partial uuid [29] -> correct");
    t.ok (n.depleted (),                             "depleted");

    n = Nibbler ("a0b1c2d3-e4f5-A6B7-C8D9-E0F1");
    t.ok (n.getPartialUUID (s),                      "partial uuid [28] found");
    t.is (s, "a0b1c2d3-e4f5-A6B7-C8D9-E0F1",         "partial uuid [28] -> correct");
    t.ok (n.depleted (),                             "depleted");

    n = Nibbler ("a0b1c2d3-e4f5-A6B7-C8D9-E0F");
    t.ok (n.getPartialUUID (s),                      "partial uuid [27] found");
    t.is (s, "a0b1c2d3-e4f5-A6B7-C8D9-E0F",          "partial uuid [27] -> correct");
    t.ok (n.depleted (),                             "depleted");

    n = Nibbler ("a0b1c2d3-e4f5-A6B7-C8D9-E0");
    t.ok (n.getPartialUUID (s),                      "partial uuid [26] found");
    t.is (s, "a0b1c2d3-e4f5-A6B7-C8D9-E0",           "partial uuid [26] -> correct");
    t.ok (n.depleted (),                             "depleted");

    n = Nibbler ("a0b1c2d3-e4f5-A6B7-C8D9-E");
    t.ok (n.getPartialUUID (s),                      "partial uuid [25] found");
    t.is (s, "a0b1c2d3-e4f5-A6B7-C8D9-E",            "partial uuid [25] -> correct");
    t.ok (n.depleted (),                             "depleted");

    n = Nibbler ("a0b1c2d3-e4f5-A6B7-C8D9-");
    t.ok (n.getPartialUUID (s),                      "partial uuid [24] found");
    t.is (s, "a0b1c2d3-e4f5-A6B7-C8D9-",             "partial uuid [24] -> correct");
    t.ok (n.depleted (),                             "depleted");

    n = Nibbler ("a0b1c2d3-e4f5-A6B7-C8D9");
    t.ok (n.getPartialUUID (s),                      "partial uuid [23] found");
    t.is (s, "a0b1c2d3-e4f5-A6B7-C8D9",              "partial uuid [23] -> correct");
    t.ok (n.depleted (),                             "depleted");

    n = Nibbler ("a0b1c2d3-e4f5-A6B7-C8D");
    t.ok (n.getPartialUUID (s),                      "partial uuid [22] found");
    t.is (s, "a0b1c2d3-e4f5-A6B7-C8D",               "partial uuid [22] -> correct");
    t.ok (n.depleted (),                             "depleted");

    n = Nibbler ("a0b1c2d3-e4f5-A6B7-C8");
    t.ok (n.getPartialUUID (s),                      "partial uuid [21] found");
    t.is (s, "a0b1c2d3-e4f5-A6B7-C8",                "partial uuid [21] -> correct");
    t.ok (n.depleted (),                             "depleted");

    n = Nibbler ("a0b1c2d3-e4f5-A6B7-C");
    t.ok (n.getPartialUUID (s),                      "partial uuid [20] found");
    t.is (s, "a0b1c2d3-e4f5-A6B7-C",                 "partial uuid [20] -> correct");
    t.ok (n.depleted (),                             "depleted");

    n = Nibbler ("a0b1c2d3-e4f5-A6B7-");
    t.ok (n.getPartialUUID (s),                      "partial uuid [19] found");
    t.is (s, "a0b1c2d3-e4f5-A6B7-",                  "partial uuid [19] -> correct");
    t.ok (n.depleted (),                             "depleted");

    n = Nibbler ("a0b1c2d3-e4f5-A6B7");
    t.ok (n.getPartialUUID (s),                      "partial uuid [18] found");
    t.is (s, "a0b1c2d3-e4f5-A6B7",                   "partial uuid [18] -> correct");
    t.ok (n.depleted (),                             "depleted");

    n = Nibbler ("a0b1c2d3-e4f5-A6B");
    t.ok (n.getPartialUUID (s),                      "partial uuid [17] found");
    t.is (s, "a0b1c2d3-e4f5-A6B",                    "partial uuid [17] -> correct");
    t.ok (n.depleted (),                             "depleted");

    n = Nibbler ("a0b1c2d3-e4f5-A6");
    t.ok (n.getPartialUUID (s),                      "partial uuid [16] found");
    t.is (s, "a0b1c2d3-e4f5-A6",                     "partial uuid [16] -> correct");
    t.ok (n.depleted (),                             "depleted");

    n = Nibbler ("a0b1c2d3-e4f5-A");
    t.ok (n.getPartialUUID (s),                      "partial uuid [15] found");
    t.is (s, "a0b1c2d3-e4f5-A",                      "partial uuid [15] -> correct");
    t.ok (n.depleted (),                             "depleted");

    n = Nibbler ("a0b1c2d3-e4f5-");
    t.ok (n.getPartialUUID (s),                      "partial uuid [14] found");
    t.is (s, "a0b1c2d3-e4f5-",                       "partial uuid [14] -> correct");
    t.ok (n.depleted (),                             "depleted");

    n = Nibbler ("a0b1c2d3-e4f5");
    t.ok (n.getPartialUUID (s),                      "partial uuid [13] found");
    t.is (s, "a0b1c2d3-e4f5",                        "partial uuid [13] -> correct");
    t.ok (n.depleted (),                             "depleted");

    n = Nibbler ("a0b1c2d3-e4f");
    t.ok (n.getPartialUUID (s),                      "partial uuid [12] found");
    t.is (s, "a0b1c2d3-e4f",                         "partial uuid [12] -> correct");
    t.ok (n.depleted (),                             "depleted");

    n = Nibbler ("a0b1c2d3-e4");
    t.ok (n.getPartialUUID (s),                      "partial uuid [11] found");
    t.is (s, "a0b1c2d3-e4",                          "partial uuid [11] -> correct");
    t.ok (n.depleted (),                             "depleted");

    n = Nibbler ("a0b1c2d3-e");
    t.ok (n.getPartialUUID (s),                      "partial uuid [10] found");
    t.is (s, "a0b1c2d3-e",                           "partial uuid [10] -> correct");
    t.ok (n.depleted (),                             "depleted");

    n = Nibbler ("a0b1c2d3-");
    t.ok (n.getPartialUUID (s),                      "partial uuid [9] found");
    t.is (s, "a0b1c2d3-",                            "partial uuid [9] -> correct");
    t.ok (n.depleted (),                             "depleted");

    n = Nibbler ("a0b1c2d3");
    t.ok (n.getPartialUUID (s),                      "partial uuid [8] found");
    t.is (s, "a0b1c2d3",                             "partial uuid [8] -> correct");
    t.ok (n.depleted (),                             "not depleted");

    // bool getDateISO (time_t&);
    t.diag ("Nibbler::getDateISO");
    n = Nibbler ("19980119T070000Z");
    t.ok    (n.getDateISO (ti),       "'19980119T070000Z': getDateISO ()  -> true");
    t.is    (ti, 885193200,           "'19980119T070000Z': getDateISO ()  -> 885193200");
    t.ok    (n.depleted (),           "depleted");

    n = Nibbler ("20090213T233130Z");
    t.ok    (n.getDateISO (ti),       "'20090213T233130Z': getDateISO ()  -> true");
    t.is    (ti, 1234567890,          "'20090213T233130Z': getDateISO ()  -> 1234567890");
    t.ok    (n.depleted (),           "depleted");

    // bool getDate (time_t&, const std::string&);
    t.diag ("Nibbler::getDate");
    n = Nibbler ("1/1/2008");
    t.ok (n.getDate ("m/d/Y", ti), "m/d/Y ok");
    dt = Date (ti);
    t.is (dt.month (),   1, "ctor (std::string) -> m");
    t.is (dt.day (),     1, "ctor (std::string) -> d");
    t.is (dt.year (), 2008, "ctor (std::string) -> y");

    n = Nibbler ("20080101");
    t.ok (n.getDate ("YMD", ti), "YMD ok");
    dt = Date (ti);
    t.is (dt.month (),   1, "ctor (std::string) -> m");
    t.is (dt.day (),     1, "ctor (std::string) -> d");
    t.is (dt.year (), 2008, "ctor (std::string) -> y");

    n = Nibbler ("12/31/2007");
    t.ok (n.getDate ("m/d/Y", ti), "m/d/Y ok");
    dt = Date (ti);
    t.is (dt.month (),  12, "ctor (std::string) -> m");
    t.is (dt.day (),    31, "ctor (std::string) -> d");
    t.is (dt.year (), 2007, "ctor (std::string) -> y");

    n = Nibbler ("20071231");
    t.ok (n.getDate ("YMD", ti), "YMD ok");
    dt = Date (ti);
    t.is (dt.month (),  12, "ctor (std::string) -> m");
    t.is (dt.day (),    31, "ctor (std::string) -> d");
    t.is (dt.year (), 2007, "ctor (std::string) -> y");

    n = Nibbler ("Tue 01 Jan 2008 (01)");
    t.ok (n.getDate ("a D b Y (V)", ti), "a D b Y (V)");
    dt = Date (ti);
    t.is (dt.month (),   1, "ctor (std::string) -> m");
    t.is (dt.day (),     1, "ctor (std::string) -> d");
    t.is (dt.year (), 2008, "ctor (std::string) -> y");

    n = Nibbler ("Tuesday, January 1, 2008");
    t.ok (n.getDate ("A, B d, Y", ti), "A, B d, Y ok");
    dt = Date (ti);
    t.is (dt.month (),   1, "ctor (std::string) -> m");
    t.is (dt.day (),     1, "ctor (std::string) -> d");
    t.is (dt.year (), 2008, "ctor (std::string) -> y");

    n = Nibbler ("w01 Tue 2008-01-01");
    t.ok (n.getDate ("wV a Y-M-D", ti), "wV a Y-M-D ok");
    dt = Date (ti);
    t.is (dt.month (),   1, "ctor (std::string) -> m");
    t.is (dt.day (),     1, "ctor (std::string) -> d");
    t.is (dt.year (), 2008, "ctor (std::string) -> y");

    n = Nibbler ("6/7/2010 1:23:45");
    t.ok (n.getDate ("m/d/Y h:N:S", ti), "m/d/Y h:N:S ok");
    dt = Date (ti);
    t.is (dt.month (),     6, "ctor (std::string) -> m");
    t.is (dt.day (),       7, "ctor (std::string) -> d");
    t.is (dt.year (),   2010, "ctor (std::string) -> Y");
    t.is (dt.hour (),      1, "ctor (std::string) -> h");
    t.is (dt.minute (),   23, "ctor (std::string) -> N");
    t.is (dt.second (),   45, "ctor (std::string) -> S");

    n = Nibbler ("6/7/2010 01:23:45");
    t.ok (n.getDate ("m/d/Y H:N:S", ti), "m/d/Y H:N:S ok");
    dt = Date (ti);
    t.is (dt.month (),     6, "ctor (std::string) -> m");
    t.is (dt.day (),       7, "ctor (std::string) -> d");
    t.is (dt.year (),   2010, "ctor (std::string) -> Y");
    t.is (dt.hour (),      1, "ctor (std::string) -> h");
    t.is (dt.minute (),   23, "ctor (std::string) -> N");
    t.is (dt.second (),   45, "ctor (std::string) -> S");

    n = Nibbler ("6/7/2010 12:34:56");
    t.ok (n.getDate ("m/d/Y H:N:S", ti), "m/d/Y H:N:S ok");
    dt = Date (ti);
    t.is (dt.month (),     6, "ctor (std::string) -> m");
    t.is (dt.day (),       7, "ctor (std::string) -> d");
    t.is (dt.year (),   2010, "ctor (std::string) -> Y");
    t.is (dt.hour (),     12, "ctor (std::string) -> h");
    t.is (dt.minute (),   34, "ctor (std::string) -> N");
    t.is (dt.second (),   56, "ctor (std::string) -> S");

    n = Nibbler ("2010");
    t.ok (n.getDate ("Y", ti), "Y ok");
    dt = Date (ti);
    t.is (dt.month (),     1, "ctor (std::string) -> m");
    t.is (dt.day (),       1, "ctor (std::string) -> d");
    t.is (dt.year (),   2010, "ctor (std::string) -> Y");
    t.is (dt.hour (),      0, "ctor (std::string) -> h");
    t.is (dt.minute (),    0, "ctor (std::string) -> N");
    t.is (dt.second (),    0, "ctor (std::string) -> S");

    n = Nibbler ("17:18:19");
    t.ok (n.getDate ("H:N:S", ti), "H:N:S ok");
    dt = Date (ti);
    Date now = Date ();
    t.is (dt.month (), now.month(), "ctor (std::string) -> m");
    t.is (dt.day (),     now.day(), "ctor (std::string) -> d");
    t.is (dt.year (),   now.year(), "ctor (std::string) -> Y");
    t.is (dt.hour (),           17, "ctor (std::string) -> h");
    t.is (dt.minute (),         18, "ctor (std::string) -> N");
    t.is (dt.second (),         19, "ctor (std::string) -> S");

    // bool getOneOf (const std::vector <std::string>&, std::string&);
    t.diag ("Nibbler::getOneOf");
    options.push_back ("one");
    options.push_back ("two");
    options.push_back ("three");
    n = Nibbler ("onetwothreefour");
    t.ok    (n.getOneOf (options, s),         "'onetwothreefour':   getOneOf () -> true");
    t.is    (s, "one",                        "'onetwothreefour':   getOneOf () -> one");
    t.ok    (n.getOneOf (options, s),         "   'twothreefour':   getOneOf () -> true");
    t.is    (s, "two",                        "   'twothreefour':   getOneOf () -> two");
    t.ok    (n.getOneOf (options, s),         "      'threefour':   getOneOf () -> true");
    t.is    (s, "three",                      "      'threefour':   getOneOf () -> three");
    t.notok (n.getOneOf (options, s),         "           'four':   getOneOf () -> false");

    // bool getName (std::string&);
    t.diag ("Nibbler::getName");
    n = Nibbler ("a1 one one.two 9 foo_bar");
    t.ok    (n.getName (s),       "'a1 one one.two 9 foo_bar' getName -> ok");
    t.is    (s, "a1",             "  ' one one.two 9 foo_bar' getName -> 'a1'");
    t.ok    (n.skipWS (),         "   'one one.two 9 foo_bar' skipWS  -> ok");

    t.ok    (n.getName (s),       "   'one one.two 9 foo_bar' getName -> ok");
    t.is    (s, "one",            "      ' one.two 9 foo_bar' getName -> 'one'");
    t.ok    (n.skipWS (),         "       'one.two 9 foo_bar' skipWS  -> ok");

    t.ok    (n.getName (s),       "       'one.two 9 foo_bar' getName -> ok");
    t.is    (s, "one",            "          '.two 9 foo_bar' getName -> 'one'");
    t.ok    (n.skip ('.'),        "           'two 9 foo_bar' skip .  -> ok");

    t.ok    (n.getName (s),       "           'two 9 foo_bar' getName -> ok");
    t.is    (s, "two",            "              ' 9 foo_bar' getName -> 'two'");
    t.ok    (n.skipWS (),         "               '9 foo_bar' skipWS  -> ok");

    t.notok (n.getName (s),       "               '9 foo_bar' getName -> not ok");
    t.ok    (n.skip ('9'),        "                ' foo_bar' skip 9  -> ok");
    t.ok    (n.skipWS (),         "                 'foo_bar' skipWS  -> ok");

    t.ok    (n.getName (s),       "                 'foo_bar' getName -> ok");
    t.is    (s, "foo_bar",        "                        '' getName -> 'foo_bar'");
    t.ok    (n.depleted (),       "depleted");

    n = Nibbler ("entrée");
    t.ok (n.getName (s), "'entrée' -> ok");
    t.is (s, "entrée",   "'entrée' -> 'entrée'");

    // bool getWord (std::string&);
    t.diag ("Nibbler::getWord");
    n = Nibbler ("one two th3ee");
    t.ok (n.getWord (s),       "'one'              getWord -> ok");
    t.is (s, "one",            "'one'              getWord -> 'one'");
    t.ok (n.skipWS (),         "skipWS");
    t.ok (n.getWord (s),       "'two'              getWord -> ok");
    t.is (s, "two",            "'two'              getWord -> 'two'");
    t.ok (n.skipWS (),         "skipWS");
    t.ok (n.getWord (s),       "'th'               getWord -> ok");
    t.is (s, "th",             "'th'               getWord -> 'th'");
    t.ok (n.skip ('3'),        "skip(3)");
    t.ok (n.getWord (s),       "'ee'               getWord -> ok");
    t.is (s, "ee",             "'ee'               getWord -> 'ee'");
    t.ok (n.depleted (),       "depleted");

    t.diag ("Nibbler::getWord");
    n = Nibbler ("one TWO,three,f ");
    t.ok (n.getWord (s),              "'one TWO,three,f '   getWord  -> ok");
    t.is (s, "one",                   "   ' TWO,three,f '   getWord  -> one");
    t.ok (n.skipWS (),                "    'TWO,three,f '   skipWS   -> ok");

    t.ok (n.getWord (s),              "    'TWO,three,f '   getWord  -> ok");
    t.is (s, "TWO",                   "       ',three,f '   getWord  -> TWO");
    t.ok (n.skip (','),               "        'three,f '   skip ,   -> ok");

    t.ok (n.getWord (s),              "        'three,f '   getWord  -> ok");
    t.is (s, "three",                 "             ',f '   getWord  -> three");
    t.ok (n.skip (','),               "              'f '   skip ,   -> ok");

    t.ok (n.getWord (s),              "              'f '   getWord  -> ok");
    t.is (s, "f",                     "               ' '   getWord  -> f");
    t.ok (n.skipWS (),                "                ''   skip ,   -> ok");
    t.ok (n.depleted (),              "                ''   depleted -> true");

    // bool getN (int, std::string&);
    t.diag ("Nibbler::getN");
    n = Nibbler ("111223");
    t.ok (n.getN (3, s),              "  '111223' : getN (3)         -> true");
    t.is (s, "111",                   "  '111223' : getN (3)         -> '111'");
    t.ok (n.getN (2, s),              "     '223' : getN (2)         -> true");
    t.is (s, "22",                    "     '223' : getN (2)         -> '22'");
    t.ok (n.getN (1, s),              "       '3' : getN (1)         -> true");
    t.is (s, "3",                     "       '3' : getN (1)         -> '1'");
    t.ok    (n.depleted (),           "        '' : depleted ()      -> true");

    // bool getUntilEOL (std::string&);
    t.diag ("Nibbler::getUntilEOL");
    n = Nibbler ("one\ntwo");
    t.ok    (n.getUntilEOL (s),       "'one\\ntwo' :   getUntilEOL ()       -> true");
    t.is    (s, "one",                "'one\\ntwo' :   getUntilEOL ()       -> 'one'");
    t.ok    (n.skip ('\n'),           "   '\\ntwo' :          skip ('\\n')   -> true");
    t.ok    (n.getUntilEOL (s),       "     'two' :    getUntilEOL ()       -> true");
    t.is    (s, "two",                "     'two' :    getUntilEOL ()       -> 'two'");
    t.ok    (n.depleted (),           "        '' :       depleted ()       -> true");

    // bool getUntilEOS (std::string&);
    t.diag ("Nibbler::getUntilEOS");
    n = Nibbler ("one two");
    t.ok    (n.getUntilEOS (s),       " 'one two' :    getUntilEOS ()       -> 'one two'");
    t.ok    (n.depleted (),           "        '' :       depleted ()       -> true");

    // char next ();
    t.diag ("Nibbler::next");
    n = Nibbler ("hello");
    t.is    (n.next (), 'h',          "   'hello' :           next ()       -> 'h'");
    t.is    (n.next (), 'h',          "   'hello' :           next ()       -> 'h'");
    t.ok    (n.skipN (4),             "   'hello' :          skipN (4)      -> true");
    t.is    (n.next (), 'o',          "       'o' :           next ()       -> 'o'");
    t.ok    (n.skipN (1),             "       'o' :          skipN ()       -> true");
    t.ok    (n.depleted (),           "        '' :       depleted ()       -> true");

    // std::string next (const int quantity);
    t.diag ("Nibbler::next");
    n = Nibbler ("hello");
    t.is    (n.next (1), "h",         "   'hello' :          next (1)       -> 'h'");
    t.is    (n.next (1), "h",         "   'hello' :          next (1)       -> 'h'");
    t.is    (n.next (2), "he",        "   'hello' :          next (2)       -> 'he'");
    t.is    (n.next (3), "hel",       "   'hello' :          next (3)       -> 'hel'");
    t.is    (n.next (4), "hell",      "   'hello' :          next (4)       -> 'hell'");
    t.is    (n.next (5), "hello",     "   'hello' :          next (5)       -> 'hello'");
    t.is    (n.next (6), "",          "   'hello' :          next (6)       -> ''");

    // bool depleted ();
    t.diag ("Nibbler::depleted");
    n = Nibbler (" ");
    t.notok (n.depleted (),           "       ' ' :       depleted ()       -> false");
    t.ok    (n.skipN (),              "        '' :           skip ()       -> true");
    t.ok    (n.depleted (),           "        '' :       depleted ()       -> true");

    // void save ();
    // void restore ();
    n = Nibbler ("abcde");
    t.ok (n.skipN (),                 "   'abcde' :           skip ()       -> true");
    n.save ();
    t.ok (n.skipN (),                 "    'bcde' :           skip ()       -> true");
    t.ok (n.skipN (),                 "     'cde' :           skip ()       -> true");
    t.ok (n.skipN (),                 "      'de' :           skip ()       -> true");
    n.restore ();
    t.is (n.next (1), "b",            "    'bcde' :           skip ()       -> 'b'");

  catch (const std::string& e) {t.diag (e);}

  return 0;
예제 #6
파일: Task.cpp 프로젝트: nigeil/task
// Attempt an FF4 parse first, using Task::parse, and in the event of an error
// try a legacy parse (F3, FF2).  Note that FF1 is no longer supported.
// start --> [ --> Att --> ] --> end
//              ^       |
//              +-------+
void Task::parse (const std::string& input)
  std::string copy;
  if (input[input.length () - 1] == '\n')
    copy = input.substr (0, input.length () - 1);
    copy = input;

    clear ();

    Nibbler n (copy);
    std::string line;
    if (n.skip     ('[')       &&
        n.getUntil (']', line) &&
        n.skip     (']')       &&
        n.depleted ())
      if (line.length () == 0)
        throw std::string (STRING_RECORD_EMPTY);

      Nibbler nl (line);
      std::string name;
      std::string value;
      while (!nl.depleted ())
        if (nl.getUntil (':', name) &&
            nl.skip (':')           &&
            nl.getQuoted ('"', value))
          // Experimental legacy value translation of 'recur:m' --> 'recur:mo'.
          if (name == "recur" &&
              digitsOnly (value.substr (0, value.length () - 1)) &&
              value[value.length () - 1] == 'm')
            value += 'o';

          if (name.substr (0, 11) == "annotation_")

          (*this)[name] = decode (json::decode (value));

        nl.skip (' ');

      std::string remainder;
      nl.getUntilEOS (remainder);
      if (remainder.length ())
        throw std::string (STRING_RECORD_JUNK_AT_EOL);
      throw std::string (STRING_RECORD_NOT_FF4);

  catch (const std::string&)
    legacyParse (copy);

  recalc_urgency = true;
예제 #7
파일: CmdShow.cpp 프로젝트: SEJeff/task
int CmdShow::execute (std::string& output)
  int rc = 0;
  std::stringstream out;

  // Obtain the arguments from the description.  That way, things like '--'
  // have already been handled.
  std::vector <std::string> words = context.a3.extract_words ();
  if (words.size () > 2)
    throw std::string (STRING_CMD_SHOW_ARGS);

  int width = context.getWidth ();

  // Complain about configuration variables that are not recognized.
  // These are the regular configuration variables.
  // Note that there is a leading and trailing space, to make it easier to
  // search for whole words.
  std::string recognized =
    " abbreviation.minimum"
    " active.indicator"
    " avoidlastcolumn"
    " bulk"
    " burndown.bias"
    " calendar.details"
    " calendar.details.report"
    " calendar.holidays"
    " calendar.legend"
    " calendar.offset"
    " calendar.offset.value"
    " color"
    " color.active"
    " color.alternate"
    " color.blocked"
    " color.burndown.done"
    " color.burndown.pending"
    " color.burndown.started"
    " color.calendar.due"
    " color.calendar.due.today"
    " color.calendar.holiday"
    " color.calendar.overdue"
    " color.calendar.today"
    " color.calendar.weekend"
    " color.calendar.weeknumber"
    " color.completed"
    " color.debug"
    " color.deleted"
    " color.due"
    " color.due.today"
    " color.footnote"
    " color.header"
    " color.history.add"
    " color.history.delete"
    " color.history.done"
    " color.label"
    " color.overdue"
    " color.pri.H"
    " color.pri.L"
    " color.pri.M"
    " color.pri.none"
    " color.recurring"
    " color.summary.background"
    " color.summary.bar"
    " color.sync.added"
    " color.sync.changed"
    " color.sync.rejected"
    " color.tagged"
    " color.undo.after"
    " color.undo.before"
    " column.padding"
    " complete.all.projects"
    " complete.all.tags"
    " confirmation"
    " data.location"
    " dateformat"
    " dateformat.annotation"
    " dateformat.holiday"
    " dateformat.report"
    " debug"
    " default.command"
    " default.due"
    " default.priority"
    " default.project"
    " defaultheight"
    " defaultwidth"
    " dependency.confirmation"
    " dependency.indicator"
    " dependency.reminder"
    " detection"
    " displayweeknumber"
    " dom"
    " due"
    " echo.command"                      // Deprecated 2.0
    " edit.verbose"                      // Deprecated 2.0
    " editor"
    " exit.on.missing.db"
    " expressions"
    " extensions"
    " fontunderline"
    " gc"
    " hyphenate"
    " indent.annotation"
    " indent.report"
    " journal.info"
    " journal.time"
    " journal.time.start.annotation"
    " journal.time.stop.annotation"
    " json.array"
    " list.all.projects"
    " list.all.tags"
    " locale"
    " locking"
    " merge.autopush"
    " merge.default.uri"
    " monthsperline"
    " nag"
    " patterns"
    " pull.default.uri"
    " push.default.uri"
    " recurrence.indicator"
    " recurrence.limit"
    " regex"
    " row.padding"
    " rule.precedence.color"
    " search.case.sensitive"
    " shadow.command"
    " shadow.file"
    " shadow.notify"
    " shell.prompt"
    " tag.indicator"
    " taskd.server"
    " taskd.credentials"
    " undo.style"
    " urgency.active.coefficient"
    " urgency.annotations.coefficient"
    " urgency.blocked.coefficient"
    " urgency.blocking.coefficient"
    " urgency.due.coefficient"
    " urgency.next.coefficient"
    " urgency.priority.coefficient"
    " urgency.project.coefficient"
    " urgency.tags.coefficient"
    " urgency.waiting.coefficient"
    " urgency.age.coefficient"
    " urgency.age.max"
    " verbose"
    " weekstart"
    " xterm.title"
    " ";

  // This configuration variable is supported, but not documented.  It exists
  // so that unit tests can force color to be on even when the output from task
  // is redirected to a file, or stdout is not a tty.
  recognized += "_forcecolor ";

  std::vector <std::string> all;
  context.config.all (all);

  std::vector <std::string> unrecognized;
  std::vector <std::string>::iterator i;
  for (i = all.begin (); i != all.end (); ++i)
    // Disallow partial matches by tacking a leading and trailing space on each
    // variable name.
    std::string pattern = " " + *i + " ";
    if (recognized.find (pattern) == std::string::npos)
      // These are special configuration variables, because their name is
      // dynamic.
      if (i->substr (0, 14) != "color.keyword."        &&
          i->substr (0, 14) != "color.project."        &&
          i->substr (0, 10) != "color.tag."            &&
          i->substr (0,  8) != "holiday."              &&
          i->substr (0,  7) != "report."               &&
          i->substr (0,  6) != "alias."                &&
          i->substr (0,  5) != "hook."                 &&
          i->substr (0,  5) != "push."                 &&
          i->substr (0,  5) != "pull."                 &&
          i->substr (0,  6) != "merge."                &&
          i->substr (0,  4) != "uda."                  &&
          i->substr (0, 21) != "urgency.user.project." &&
          i->substr (0, 17) != "urgency.user.tag.")
        unrecognized.push_back (*i);

  // Find all the values that match the defaults, for highlighting.
  std::vector <std::string> default_values;
  Config default_config;
  default_config.setDefaults ();

  for (i = all.begin (); i != all.end (); ++i)
    if (context.config.get (*i) != default_config.get (*i))
      default_values.push_back (*i);

  // Create output view.
  ViewText view;
  view.width (width);
  view.add (Column::factory ("string", STRING_CMD_SHOW_CONF_VAR));
  view.add (Column::factory ("string", STRING_CMD_SHOW_CONF_VALUE));

  Color error ("bold white on red");
  Color warning ("black on yellow");

  std::string section;

  // Look for the first plausible argument which could be a pattern 
  if (words.size ())
    section = words[0];

  if (section == "all")
    section = "";

  for (i = all.begin (); i != all.end (); ++i)
    std::string::size_type loc = i->find (section, 0);
    if (loc != std::string::npos)
      // Look for unrecognized.
      Color color;
      if (std::find (unrecognized.begin (), unrecognized.end (), *i) != unrecognized.end ())
        color = error;
      else if (std::find (default_values.begin (), default_values.end (), *i) != default_values.end ())
        color = warning;

      std::string value = context.config.get (*i);
      // hide sensible information
      if ( (i->substr (0, 5) == "push."   ||
            i->substr (0, 5) == "pull."   ||
            i->substr (0, 6) == "merge.") && (i->find (".uri") != std::string::npos) ) {

        Uri uri (value);
        uri.parse ();
        value = uri.ToString ();

      int row = view.addRow ();
      view.set (row, 0, *i, color);
      view.set (row, 1, value, color);

  out << "\n"
      << view.render ()
      << (view.rows () == 0 ? STRING_CMD_SHOW_NONE : "")
      << (view.rows () == 0 ? "\n\n" : "\n");

  if (default_values.size ())

    if (context.color ())
      out << "  "
          << format (STRING_CMD_SHOW_DIFFER_COLOR, warning.colorize ("color"))
          << "\n\n";

  // Display the unrecognized variables.
  if (unrecognized.size ())
    out << STRING_CMD_SHOW_UNREC << "\n";

    for (i = unrecognized.begin (); i != unrecognized.end (); ++i)
      out << "  " << *i << "\n";

    if (context.color ())
      out << "\n  " << format (STRING_CMD_SHOW_DIFFER_COLOR, error.colorize ("color"));

    out << "\n\n";

  out << legacyCheckForDeprecatedVariables ();
  out << legacyCheckForDeprecatedColor ();
  out << legacyCheckForDeprecatedColumns ();

  // TODO Check for referenced but missing theme files.
  // TODO Check for referenced but missing string files.
  // TODO Check for referenced but missing tips files.

  // Check for referenced but missing hook scripts.
  std::vector <std::string> missing_scripts;
  for (i = all.begin (); i != all.end (); ++i)
    if (i->substr (0, 5) == "hook.")
      std::string value = context.config.get (*i);
      Nibbler n (value);

      // <path>:<function> [, ...]
      while (!n.depleted ())
        std::string file;
        std::string function;
        if (n.getUntil (':', file) &&
            n.skip (':')           &&
            n.getUntil (',', function))
          Path script (file);
          if (!script.exists () || !script.readable ())
            missing_scripts.push_back (file);

          (void) n.skip (',');

  if (missing_scripts.size ())
    out << STRING_CMD_SHOW_HOOKS << "\n";

    for (i = missing_scripts.begin (); i != missing_scripts.end (); ++i)
      out << "  " << *i << "\n";

    out << "\n";

  // Check for bad values in rc.annotations.
  // TODO Deprecated.
  std::string annotations = context.config.get ("annotations");
  if (annotations != "full"   &&
      annotations != "sparse" &&
      annotations != "none")
    out << format (STRING_CMD_SHOW_CONFIG_ERROR, "annotations", annotations)
        << "\n";

  // Check for bad values in rc.calendar.details.
  std::string calendardetails = context.config.get ("calendar.details");
  if (calendardetails != "full"   &&
      calendardetails != "sparse" &&
      calendardetails != "none")
    out << format (STRING_CMD_SHOW_CONFIG_ERROR, "calendar.details", calendardetails)
        << "\n";

  // Check for bad values in rc.calendar.holidays.
  std::string calendarholidays = context.config.get ("calendar.holidays");
  if (calendarholidays != "full"   &&
      calendarholidays != "sparse" &&
      calendarholidays != "none")
    out << format (STRING_CMD_SHOW_CONFIG_ERROR, "calendar.holidays", calendarholidays)
        << "\n";

  // Check for bad values in rc.default.priority.
  std::string defaultPriority = context.config.get ("default.priority");
  if (defaultPriority != "H" &&
      defaultPriority != "M" &&
      defaultPriority != "L" &&
      defaultPriority != "")
    out << format (STRING_CMD_SHOW_CONFIG_ERROR, "default.priority", defaultPriority)
        << "\n";

  // Verify installation.  This is mentioned in the documentation as the way
  // to ensure everything is properly installed.

  if (all.size () == 0)
    out << STRING_CMD_SHOW_EMPTY << "\n";
    rc = 1;
    Directory location (context.config.get ("data.location"));

    if (location._data == "")
      out << STRING_CMD_SHOW_NO_LOCATION << "\n";

    if (! location.exists ())
      out << STRING_CMD_SHOW_LOC_EXIST << "\n";

  output = out.str ();
  return rc;