/** * @brief KernelModel::getRunningKernel get running kernel in the system * @return string with the version of running kernel */ QString KernelModel::getRunningKernel() const { QProcessEnvironment env = QProcessEnvironment::systemEnvironment(); env.insert( "LANG", "C" ); env.insert( "LC_MESSAGES", "C" ); env.insert( "LC_ALL", "C" ); QProcess uname; uname.setProcessEnvironment( env ); uname.start( "uname", QStringList() << "-r" ); uname.waitForFinished(); QString result = uname.readAllStandardOutput(); uname.close(); QStringList aux = result.split( ".", QString::SkipEmptyParts ); return QString( "linux%1%2" ).arg( aux.at( 0 ) ).arg( aux.at( 1 ) ); }
/* * Performs a pacman query */ QByteArray UnixCommand::performQuery(const QStringList args) { QByteArray result(""); QProcess pacman; QProcessEnvironment env = QProcessEnvironment::systemEnvironment(); env.insert("LANG", "C"); env.insert("LC_MESSAGES", "C"); env.insert("LC_ALL", "C"); pacman.setProcessEnvironment(env); pacman.start("pacman", args); pacman.waitForFinished(); result = pacman.readAllStandardOutput(); pacman.close(); return result; }
/* * Executes given command and returns the StandardError Output. */ QString UnixCommand::runCommand(const QString& commandToRun) { QProcess proc; QProcessEnvironment env = QProcessEnvironment::systemEnvironment(); env.remove("LANG"); env.remove("LC_MESSAGES"); env.insert("LANG", "C"); env.insert("LC_MESSAGES", "C"); proc.setProcessEnvironment(env); proc.start(commandToRun); proc.waitForStarted(); proc.waitForFinished(-1); QString res = proc.readAllStandardError(); proc.close(); return res; }
App::App(QCoreApplication *application, const QString &sessionName) : m_app(application) , m_exitCode(0) , m_closed(false) { QString session("copyq"); if ( !sessionName.isEmpty() ) { session += "-" + sessionName; m_app->setProperty( "CopyQ_session_name", QVariant(sessionName) ); } #ifdef HAS_TESTS QProcessEnvironment env = QProcessEnvironment::systemEnvironment(); if ( env.value("COPYQ_TESTING") == "1" ) session += ".test"; #endif QCoreApplication::setOrganizationName(session); QCoreApplication::setApplicationName(session); const QString locale = QLocale::system().name(); QTranslator *translator = new QTranslator(m_app.data()); translator->load("qt_" + locale, QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::TranslationsPath)); QCoreApplication::installTranslator(translator); translator = new QTranslator(m_app.data()); translator->load("copyq_" + locale, ":/translations"); QCoreApplication::installTranslator(translator); #ifdef Q_OS_UNIX // Safely quit application on TERM and HUP signals. struct sigaction sigact; sigact.sa_handler = ::exitSignalHandler; sigemptyset(&sigact.sa_mask); sigact.sa_flags = 0; sigact.sa_flags |= SA_RESTART; if ( sigaction(SIGHUP, &sigact, 0) > 0 || sigaction(SIGINT, &sigact, 0) > 0 || sigaction(SIGTERM, &sigact, 0) > 0 ) log( QString("sigaction() failed!"), LogError ); #endif }
void MainWindow::on_buttonBox_accepted() { writeSettings(); QSettings settings(QSettings::IniFormat, QSettings::UserScope, Organization, ProjectName); QString ocrCmd; if (settings.contains("OCR/program")) ocrCmd = settings.value("OCR/program").toString(); // TODO(zdenop): check for missing setting or empty string QStringList args; QString in = ui->lineEditIn->text(); args << in; QString out = ui->lineEditOut->text(); out = out.replace(".txt", "").replace(".html", ""); args << out; QString lang = ui->comboBoxLang->itemData( ui->comboBoxLang->currentIndex()).toString(); args << "-l" << lang; if (ui->comboBoxPSM->isEnabled()) { int PSM = ui->comboBoxPSM->currentIndex(); args << "-psm" << QString::number(PSM); } if (ui->comboBoxForm->currentIndex() == 1) { args << "hocr"; } if (!settings.value("OCR/sys_prefix").toBool()) { QProcessEnvironment env = QProcessEnvironment::systemEnvironment(); env.insert("TESSDATA_PREFIX", settings.value("OCR/prefix").toString()); process.setProcessEnvironment(env); } ui->tb_Log->appendHtml(tr("OCR program started...")); ui->buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Ok)->setEnabled(false); process.start(ocrCmd, args); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QGuiApplication app(argc, argv); // Try to get all of the env variables here QProcessEnvironment environment = QProcessEnvironment::systemEnvironment(); QStringList keys = environment.keys(); QList<QObject*> dataList; foreach (QString key, keys) { qDebug() << "key: " << key; QString value = environment.value(key); qDebug() << "value: " << value; dataList.append(new DataObject(key, value)); }
void QvkPulse::pulseUnloadModule() { //qDebug( " " ); qDebug() << "[vokoscreen] ---Begin Pulse unload Module---"; QProcess Process; QProcessEnvironment env = QProcessEnvironment::systemEnvironment(); env.insert("LANG", "c"); Process.setProcessEnvironment(env); Process.start( "pactl list" ); Process.waitForFinished(); QString output = Process.readAllStandardOutput(); Process.close(); QStringList list = output.split( "\n" ); QStringList modulNumberList; QString str; QString strLog; for ( int i = 0; i < list.count(); i++ ) { str = list[ i ]; if ( str.contains("vokoscreenMix", Qt::CaseInsensitive) ) { str = list[ i - 2 ]; if ( str.contains("Module", Qt::CaseInsensitive) ) { str.replace("Module #", ""); str.replace("\n", ""); modulNumberList.insert ( 0, str ); } } } for ( int i = 0; i < modulNumberList.count(); i++ ) { Process.start("pactl unload-module " + modulNumberList[ i ] ); Process.waitForFinished(); Process.close(); qDebug() << "[vokoscreen] pactl unload-module number" << modulNumberList[ i ] ; } qDebug() << "[vokoscreen] ---End Pulse unload Module---"; qDebug( " " ); }
bool ProcessInjector::launchProcess(const QStringList& programAndArgs, const QProcessEnvironment& env) { InteractiveProcess proc; proc.setProcessEnvironment(env); proc.setProcessChannelMode(QProcess::ForwardedChannels); QStringList args = programAndArgs; if (!env.value("GAMMARAY_TARGET_WRAPPER").isEmpty()) { const QString fullWrapperCmd = env.value("GAMMARAY_TARGET_WRAPPER"); // ### TODO properly handle quoted arguments! QStringList newArgs = fullWrapperCmd.split(' '); newArgs += args; args = newArgs; qDebug() << "Launching with target wrapper:" << args; } else if (env.value("GAMMARAY_GDB").toInt()) { QStringList newArgs; newArgs << "gdb"; #ifndef Q_OS_MAC newArgs << "--eval-command" << "run"; #endif newArgs << "--args"; newArgs += args; args = newArgs; } const QString program = args.takeFirst(); proc.start(program, args); proc.waitForFinished(-1); mExitCode = proc.exitCode(); mProcessError = proc.error(); mExitStatus = proc.exitStatus(); mErrorString = proc.errorString(); if (mProcessError == QProcess::FailedToStart) { mErrorString.prepend(QString("Could not start '%1': ").arg(program)); } return mExitCode == EXIT_SUCCESS && mExitStatus == QProcess::NormalExit && mProcessError == QProcess::UnknownError; }
QProcessEnvironment CompositorLauncher::compositorEnv() const { QProcessEnvironment env = QProcessEnvironment::systemEnvironment(); // Standard environment // env.insert(QStringLiteral("QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME"), QStringLiteral("Material")); // env.insert(QStringLiteral("QT_QUICK_CONTROLS_STYLE"), QStringLiteral("Material")); // env.insert(QStringLiteral("XCURSOR_THEME"), QStringLiteral("Adwaita")); // env.insert(QStringLiteral("XCURSOR_SIZE"), QStringLiteral("16")); env.insert(QStringLiteral("QSG_RENDER_LOOP"), QStringLiteral("windows")); // Specific environment switch (m_mode) { case EglFSMode: // General purpose distributions do not have the proper eglfs // integration and may want to build it out of tree, let them // specify a QPA plugin with an environment variable if (qEnvironmentVariableIsSet("U2T_QPA_PLATFORM")) env.insert(QStringLiteral("QT_QPA_PLATFORM"), qgetenv("U2T_QPA_PLATFORM")); else // FIXME this should not be eglfs and shold be xcb unless wayland env.insert(QStringLiteral("QT_QPA_PLATFORM"), QStringLiteral("eglfs")); switch (m_hardware) { case BroadcomHardware: env.insert(QStringLiteral("QT_QPA_EGLFS_INTEGRATION"), QStringLiteral("eglfs_brcm")); break; default: env.insert(QStringLiteral("QT_QPA_EGLFS_INTEGRATION"), QStringLiteral("eglfs_kms")); env.insert(QStringLiteral("QT_QPA_EGLFS_KMS_CONFIG"), QStandardPaths::locate(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation, QStringLiteral("u2t-shell/eglfs/eglfs_kms.json"))); break; } if (m_hasLibInputPlugin) env.insert(QStringLiteral("QT_QPA_EGLFS_DISABLE_INPUT"), QStringLiteral("1")); break; case X11Mode: env.insert(QStringLiteral("QT_XCB_GL_INTEGRATION"), QStringLiteral("xcb_egl")); break; default: break; } return env; }
QString QInstaller::replaceWindowsEnvironmentVariables(const QString &str) { const QProcessEnvironment env = QProcessEnvironment::systemEnvironment(); QString res; int pos = 0; while (true) { int pos1 = str.indexOf(QLatin1Char( '%'), pos); if (pos1 == -1) break; int pos2 = str.indexOf(QLatin1Char( '%'), pos1 + 1); if (pos2 == -1) break; res += str.mid(pos, pos1 - pos); QString name = str.mid(pos1 + 1, pos2 - pos1 - 1); res += env.value(name); pos = pos2 + 1; } res += str.mid(pos); return res; }
bool MercurialClient::synchronousPull(const QString &workingDir, const QString &srcLocation, const QStringList &extraOptions) { QStringList args; args << vcsCommandString(PullCommand) << extraOptions << srcLocation; // Disable UNIX terminals to suppress SSH prompting const unsigned flags = VcsCommand::SshPasswordPrompt | VcsCommand::ShowStdOut | VcsCommand::ShowSuccessMessage; // cause mercurial doesn`t understand LANG QProcessEnvironment env = QProcessEnvironment::systemEnvironment(); env.insert(QLatin1String("LANGUAGE"), QLatin1String("C")); const SynchronousProcessResponse resp = VcsBasePlugin::runVcs( workingDir, vcsBinary(), args, vcsTimeoutS(), flags, nullptr, env); const bool ok = resp.result == SynchronousProcessResponse::Finished; parsePullOutput(resp.stdOut().trimmed()); return ok; }
/* * Pings google site, to make sure internet is OK */ bool UnixCommand::doInternetPingTest() { QProcess ping; QProcessEnvironment env = QProcessEnvironment::systemEnvironment(); env.insert("LANG", "C"); env.insert("LC_MESSAGES", "C"); ping.setProcessEnvironment(env); if (UnixCommand::getLinuxDistro() == ectn_MOOOSLINUX) ping.start("torsocks ping -c 1 -W 3 www.google.com"); else ping.start("ping -c 1 -W 3 www.google.com"); ping.waitForFinished(); int res = ping.exitCode(); ping.close(); return (res == 0); }
// TODO: remove as much of this file as possible, as most of it isn't necessary QScriptValue QProcessEnvironmenttoScriptValue(QScriptEngine *engine, const QProcessEnvironment &item) { QScriptValue result = engine->newObject(); QStringList env = item.toStringList(); for (int i = 0; i < env.size(); i++) { QStringList line = env[i].split("="); result.setProperty(line[0], line[1]); } return result; }
void GoplayBrowser::run() { m_editor->saveAs(m_playFile); if (!m_editFile.isEmpty()) { m_editor->saveAs(m_editFile); } QProcessEnvironment env = LiteApi::getCurrentEnvironment(m_liteApp); QString go = FileUtil::lookPath("go",env,false); QStringList args; args << "run"; args << "goplay.go"; if (m_process->isRuning()) { m_process->kill(); } m_output->clear(); m_output->appendTag(QString("Run start ...\n\n")); m_process->setEnvironment(env.toStringList()); m_process->start(go,args); }
QStringList MenuItem::systemCMD(QString command){ QProcess p; QString outstr; //Make sure we use the system environment to properly read system variables, etc. QProcessEnvironment penv = QProcessEnvironment::systemEnvironment(); penv.insert("BLOCKSIZE","K"); //make sure we use a 1KB block size p.setProcessEnvironment(penv); //Merge the output channels to retrieve all output possible p.setProcessChannelMode(QProcess::MergedChannels); p.start(command); while(p.state()==QProcess::Starting || p.state() == QProcess::Running){ p.waitForFinished(200); QCoreApplication::processEvents(); } QString tmp = p.readAllStandardOutput(); outstr.append(tmp); if(outstr.endsWith("\n")){outstr.chop(1);} //remove the newline at the end QStringList out = outstr.split("\n"); return out; }
void TgtProcessIntf::tgtMakeConnection() { std::shared_ptr<const TgtConnectionConfig> connectionConfig = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<const TgtConnectionConfig>( _connectionConfig); _proc = new QProcess(this); connect(_proc, SIGNAL(readyReadStandardOutput()), this, SLOT(readFromStdout())); connect(_proc, SIGNAL(readyReadStandardError()), this, SLOT(readFromStderr())); connect(_proc, SIGNAL(error(QProcess::ProcessError)), this, SLOT(processError(QProcess::ProcessError))); connect(_proc, SIGNAL(finished(int,QProcess::ExitStatus)), this, SLOT(processDone(int,QProcess::ExitStatus))); _proc->setWorkingDirectory(connectionConfig->_workingDir.c_str()); QStringList args(connectionConfig->_args.c_str()); QProcessEnvironment env = QProcessEnvironment::systemEnvironment(); env.insert("TERM", "xterm"); env.insert("COLORTERM", "gnome-terminal"); _proc->setProcessEnvironment(env); _proc->start(connectionConfig->_program.c_str(), args); _processWriterThread = TgtThread::create(boost::protect(std::bind(&TgtProcessIntf::writerThread, this))); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { #ifdef Q_OS_WIN QProcessEnvironment env = QProcessEnvironment::systemEnvironment(); QString toolDir = QDir::current().absoluteFilePath(WINDOWS_YLE_DL_DIR).replace('/', '\\'); QString newPath = toolDir + ";" + env.value("PATH"); ::SetEnvironmentVariableA("PATH", newPath.toLocal8Bit()); #endif QApplication app(argc, argv); QApplication::setOrganizationName("nobody"); QApplication::setApplicationName("yle-downloader-gui"); QSettings settings; QVariant localeNameVar = settings.value("language", QVariant()); QLocale locale; if (!localeNameVar.isValid()) { locale = QLocale::Finnish; settings.setValue("language", locale.name()); } else { locale = QLocale(localeNameVar.toString()); } setApplicationLanguage(&app, locale); MainWindow w; w.setWindowIcon(QIcon(":/icons/icon.ico")); w.setLocale(locale); if (QApplication::arguments().size() > 0 && looksLikeUrl(QApplication::arguments().last())) { w.setExitOnSuccess(true); w.setSaveAndRestoreSession(false); w.init(); w.startDownloadFrom(QApplication::arguments().last()); } else { w.setSaveAndRestoreSession(true); w.init(); } w.show(); return app.exec(); }
void WareSrcContainer::build() { if (m_CMakeProgramPath.isEmpty()) findCMake(); mp_Stream->clear(); m_Messages.clear(); if (!QFile(m_BuildDirPath).exists()) { configure(); mp_Process->waitForFinished(-1); } QProcessEnvironment RunEnv = QProcessEnvironment::systemEnvironment(); // Set PATH env. var. if configured QString CustomPath = openfluid::base::PreferencesManager::instance()->getWaresdevBuildEnv("PATH"); if (!CustomPath.isEmpty()) { QByteArray ExistingPath = qgetenv("PATH"); if (!ExistingPath.isNull()) { CustomPath.replace("%%PATH%%", ExistingPath); RunEnv.insert("PATH", CustomPath); } } delete mp_CurrentParser; mp_CurrentParser = new openfluid::waresdev::WareSrcMsgParserGcc(); QString Command = QString("\"%1\" -E chdir \"%2\" \"%1\" --build . %3") .arg(m_CMakeProgramPath) .arg(m_BuildDirPath) .arg(m_BuildMode == BuildMode::BUILD_WITHINSTALL ? "--target install" : ""); runCommand(Command, RunEnv); }
bool versionControl::isModelUnderMercurial() { if (!this->isMercurialThere) return false; QSettings settings; // get current model path from QSettings QString path = settings.value("files/currentFileName", "No model").toString(); if (path == "No model") return false; // set up the environment for the spawned processes QProcessEnvironment env = QProcessEnvironment::systemEnvironment(); env.insert("PATH", qgetenv("PATH")); // make the QProcess QProcess * mercurial = new QProcess; mercurial->setWorkingDirectory(QDir::toNativeSeparators(path)); mercurial->setProcessEnvironment(env); connect(mercurial, SIGNAL(finished(int,QProcess::ExitStatus)), this, SLOT(finished(int, QProcess::ExitStatus))); connect(mercurial, SIGNAL(readyReadStandardOutput()), this, SLOT(standardOutput())); connect(mercurial, SIGNAL(readyReadStandardError()), this, SLOT(standardError())); mercurial->start("hg summary"); bool noerror = mercurial->waitForFinished(1000); if (noerror) { // check output if (mercurial->exitCode() == 0) return true; else return false; } return false; }
bool LldbDebugger::start(KConfigGroup& config, const QStringList& extraArguments) { // Get path to executable QUrl lldbUrl = config.readEntry(Config::LldbExecutableEntry, QUrl()); if (!lldbUrl.isValid() || !lldbUrl.isLocalFile()) { debuggerBinary_ = "lldb-mi"; } else { debuggerBinary_ = lldbUrl.toLocalFile(); } if (!checkVersion()) { return false; } // Get arguments QStringList arguments = extraArguments; //arguments << "-quiet"; arguments.append(KShell::splitArgs(config.readEntry(Config::LldbArgumentsEntry, QString()))); // Get environment const EnvironmentGroupList egl(config.config()); const auto &envs = egl.variables(config.readEntry(Config::LldbEnvironmentEntry, egl.defaultGroup())); QProcessEnvironment processEnv; if (config.readEntry(Config::LldbInheritSystemEnvEntry, true)) { processEnv = QProcessEnvironment::systemEnvironment(); } for (auto it = envs.begin(), ite = envs.end(); it != ite; ++it) { processEnv.insert(it.key(), it.value()); } // Start! process_->setProcessEnvironment(processEnv); process_->setProgram(debuggerBinary_, arguments); process_->start(); qCDebug(DEBUGGERLLDB) << "Starting LLDB with command" << debuggerBinary_ + ' ' + arguments.join(' '); qCDebug(DEBUGGERLLDB) << "LLDB process pid:" << process_->pid(); emit userCommandOutput(debuggerBinary_ + ' ' + arguments.join(' ') + '\n'); return true; }
bool UserSession::start() { QProcessEnvironment env = qobject_cast<HelperApp*>(parent())->session()->processEnvironment(); if (env.value(QStringLiteral("XDG_SESSION_CLASS")) == QStringLiteral("greeter")) { QProcess::start(m_path); } else if (env.value(QStringLiteral("XDG_SESSION_TYPE")) == QStringLiteral("x11")) { qDebug() << "Starting:" << mainConfig.XDisplay.SessionCommand.get() << m_path; QProcess::start(mainConfig.XDisplay.SessionCommand.get(), QStringList() << m_path); } else if (env.value(QStringLiteral("XDG_SESSION_TYPE")) == QStringLiteral("wayland")) { qDebug() << "Starting:" << mainConfig.WaylandDisplay.SessionCommand.get() << m_path; QProcess::start(mainConfig.WaylandDisplay.SessionCommand.get(), QStringList() << m_path); } else { qCritical() << "Unable to run user session: unknown session type"; } return waitForStarted(); }
// // Slot to find if a specified program is available in the environment path bool Settings::isProgramAvailable(const QString& prog_name) { // get search paths QProcessEnvironment env = QProcessEnvironment::systemEnvironment(); QStringList sl_dirs = env.value("PATH").split(':'); // return false if there are no paths to search if (sl_dirs.size() < 1) return false; // iterate over the search paths for (int i = 0; i < sl_dirs.size(); ++i) { QDirIterator dit(QString(sl_dirs.at(i) ), QDirIterator::Subdirectories); while (dit.hasNext()) { QFileInfo fi(dit.next()); if (fi.completeBaseName() == prog_name) return true; } // while } // for // no found, return false return false; }
static PyObject *meth_QProcessEnvironment_clear(PyObject *sipSelf, PyObject *sipArgs) { PyObject *sipParseErr = NULL; { QProcessEnvironment *sipCpp; if (sipParseArgs(&sipParseErr, sipArgs, "B", &sipSelf, sipType_QProcessEnvironment, &sipCpp)) { sipCpp->clear(); Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None; } } /* Raise an exception if the arguments couldn't be parsed. */ sipNoMethod(sipParseErr, sipName_QProcessEnvironment, sipName_clear, doc_QProcessEnvironment_clear); return NULL; }
void EnvironmentVariablesDialog::setProcessEnvironment(const QProcessEnvironment &environment) { QStringList values = environment.toStringList(); ui->valueViewer->setRowCount(values.size()); for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); i ++) { int tmp = values[i].indexOf('='); QString variable = values[i].mid(0, tmp); QString value = values[i].mid(tmp + 1); ui->valueViewer->setItem(i, 0, new QTableWidgetItem(variable)); ui->valueViewer->setItem(i, 1, new QTableWidgetItem(value)); } }
static PyObject *meth_QProcessEnvironment_insert(PyObject *sipSelf, PyObject *sipArgs) { PyObject *sipParseErr = NULL; { const QString* a0; int a0State = 0; const QString* a1; int a1State = 0; QProcessEnvironment *sipCpp; if (sipParseArgs(&sipParseErr, sipArgs, "BJ1J1", &sipSelf, sipType_QProcessEnvironment, &sipCpp, sipType_QString,&a0, &a0State, sipType_QString,&a1, &a1State)) { sipCpp->insert(*a0,*a1); sipReleaseType(const_cast<QString *>(a0),sipType_QString,a0State); sipReleaseType(const_cast<QString *>(a1),sipType_QString,a1State); Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None; } } { const QProcessEnvironment* a0; QProcessEnvironment *sipCpp; if (sipParseArgs(&sipParseErr, sipArgs, "BJ9", &sipSelf, sipType_QProcessEnvironment, &sipCpp, sipType_QProcessEnvironment, &a0)) { sipCpp->insert(*a0); Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None; } } /* Raise an exception if the arguments couldn't be parsed. */ sipNoMethod(sipParseErr, sipName_QProcessEnvironment, sipName_insert, doc_QProcessEnvironment_insert); return NULL; }
bool PamBackend::openSession() { if (!m_pam->setCred(PAM_ESTABLISH_CRED)) { m_app->error(m_pam->errorString(), Auth::ERROR_AUTHENTICATION); return false; } QProcessEnvironment sessionEnv = m_app->session()->processEnvironment(); if (sessionEnv.value(QStringLiteral("XDG_SESSION_TYPE")) == QStringLiteral("x11")) { QString display = sessionEnv.value(QStringLiteral("DISPLAY")); if (!display.isEmpty()) { #ifdef PAM_XDISPLAY m_pam->setItem(PAM_XDISPLAY, qPrintable(display)); #endif m_pam->setItem(PAM_TTY, qPrintable(display)); } } else if (sessionEnv.value(QStringLiteral("XDG_SESSION_TYPE")) == QStringLiteral("wayland")) { QString tty = QStringLiteral("/dev/tty%1").arg(sessionEnv.value(QStringLiteral("XDG_VTNR"))); m_pam->setItem(PAM_TTY, qPrintable(tty)); } if (!m_pam->putEnv(sessionEnv)) { m_app->error(m_pam->errorString(), Auth::ERROR_INTERNAL); return false; } if (!m_pam->openSession()) { m_app->error(m_pam->errorString(), Auth::ERROR_INTERNAL); return false; } sessionEnv.insert(m_pam->getEnv()); m_app->session()->setProcessEnvironment(sessionEnv); return Backend::openSession(); }
void OMIProxy::startInteractiveSimulation(QString file) { QStringList parameters; parameters << QString("-interactive"); // if platform is win32 add .exe to the file QString init_file(file.split("/").last()); #ifdef WIN32 file = file.append(".exe"); #endif QFileInfo fileInfo(file); // start the process mpSimulationProcess = new QProcess(); #ifdef WIN32 QProcessEnvironment environment = QProcessEnvironment::systemEnvironment(); environment.insert("PATH", environment.value("Path") + ";" + QString(Helper::OpenModelicaHome).append("MinGW\\bin")); mpSimulationProcess->setProcessEnvironment(environment); #endif mpSimulationProcess->setWorkingDirectory(fileInfo.absolutePath()); connect(mpSimulationProcess, SIGNAL(readyReadStandardOutput()), SLOT(readProcessStandardOutput())); connect(mpSimulationProcess, SIGNAL(readyReadStandardError()), SLOT(readProcessStandardError())); mpSimulationProcess->start(file, parameters); mpSimulationProcess->waitForStarted(); // start the client control server QString omiNetworkAddress = ""; mpControlServer = new OMIServer(OMIServer::CONTROLSERVER, this); mpControlServer->listen(QHostAddress(omiNetworkAddress), 10500); connect(mpControlServer, SIGNAL(recievedMessage(QString)), SLOT(readControlServerMessage(QString))); // start the transfer control server mpTransferServer = new OMIServer(OMIServer::TRANSFERSERVER, this); mpTransferServer->listen(QHostAddress(omiNetworkAddress), 10502); // create the control client socket and make signals slots connections mpControlClientSocket = new QTcpSocket(this); connect(mpControlClientSocket, SIGNAL(connected()), SLOT(controlClientConnected())); connect(mpControlClientSocket, SIGNAL(disconnected()), SLOT(controlClientDisConnected())); connect(mpControlClientSocket, SIGNAL(error(QAbstractSocket::SocketError)), SLOT(getSocketError(QAbstractSocket::SocketError))); connect(mpTransferServer, SIGNAL(recievedMessage(QString)), SLOT(readTransferServerMessage(QString))); // connect to omi control server mpControlClientSocket->connectToHost(QHostAddress(omiNetworkAddress), 10501); emit interactiveSimulationStarted(init_file.append("_init.xml")); }
void mainWin::startPkgProcess() { if ( pkgCmdList.isEmpty() ) return; if ( pkgCmdList.at(0).at(0).isEmpty() ) return; // Get the command name QString cmd; cmd = pkgCmdList.at(0).at(0); // Get any optional flags QStringList flags; for (int i = 0; i < pkgCmdList.at(0).size(); ++i) { if ( i == 0 ) continue; flags << pkgCmdList.at(0).at(i); } qDebug() << cmd + " " + flags.join(" "); // Setup the first process uProc = new QProcess(); QProcessEnvironment env = QProcessEnvironment::systemEnvironment(); env.insert("PCFETCHGUI", "YES"); uProc->setProcessEnvironment(env); uProc->setProcessChannelMode(QProcess::MergedChannels); // Connect the slots connect( uProc, SIGNAL(readyReadStandardOutput()), this, SLOT(slotReadPkgOutput()) ); connect( uProc, SIGNAL(finished(int, QProcess::ExitStatus)), this, SLOT(slotPkgDone()) ); uProc->start(cmd, flags); stackedTop->setCurrentIndex(1); progressUpdate->setRange(0, 0 ); progressUpdate->setValue(0); }
Preferences::Preferences( QObject * parent ) : QObject( parent ) , m_environmentEnabled( true ) , m_normalsLineLength( 1.f ) , m_transparencyMode( static_cast<unsigned int>(dp::sg::renderer::rix::gl::TransparencyMode::ORDER_INDEPENDENT_ALL) ) { load(); QProcessEnvironment pe = QProcessEnvironment::systemEnvironment(); QString home = pe.contains( "DPHOME" ) ? pe.value( "DPHOME" ) : QString( "." ); // Add the DPHOME media folders if m_searchPath is empty // which is the case on the very first program run. // Different paths can be added inside the Preferences Dialog. if ( !m_searchPaths.count() ) { m_searchPaths.append( home + QString( "/media/dpfx" ) ); m_searchPaths.append( home + QString("/media/effects") ); m_searchPaths.append( home + QString("/media/effects/xml") ); m_searchPaths.append( home + QString("/media/textures") ); m_searchPaths.append( home + QString("/media/textures/maxbench") ); } if ( m_environmentTextureName.isEmpty() ) { m_environmentTextureName = home + "/media/textures/spheremaps/spherical_checker.png"; } if ( m_materialCatalogPath.isEmpty() ) { m_materialCatalogPath = home + "/media/effects"; } if ( m_sceneSelectionPath.isEmpty() ) { m_sceneSelectionPath = home + QString( "/media/scenes" ); } if ( m_textureSelectionPath.isEmpty() ) { m_textureSelectionPath = home + QString( "/media/textures" ); } }
bool BlastSearch::findProgram(QString programName, QString * command) { QString findCommand = "which " + programName; #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 findCommand = "WHERE " + programName; #endif QProcess find; //On Mac, it's necessary to do some stuff with the PATH variable in order //for which to work. #ifdef Q_OS_MAC QProcessEnvironment env = QProcessEnvironment::systemEnvironment(); QStringList envlist = env.toStringList(); //Add some paths to the process environment envlist.replaceInStrings(QRegularExpression("^(?i)PATH=(.*)"), "PATH=" "/usr/bin:" "/bin:" "/usr/sbin:" "/sbin:" "/opt/local/bin:" "/usr/local/bin:" "$HOME/bin:" "/usr/local/ncbi/blast/bin:" "\\1"); find.setEnvironment(envlist); #endif find.start(findCommand); find.waitForFinished(); //On a Mac, we need to use the full path to the program. #ifdef Q_OS_MAC *command = QString(find.readAll()).simplified(); #endif return (find.exitCode() == 0); }