예제 #1
static inline void qwtDrawGraphicSymbols( QPainter *painter, 
    const QPointF *points, int numPoints, const QwtGraphic &graphic,
    const QwtSymbol &symbol )
    const QRectF pointRect = graphic.controlPointRect();
    if ( pointRect.isEmpty() )

    double sx = 1.0;
    double sy = 1.0;

    const QSize sz = symbol.size();
    if ( sz.isValid() )
        sx = sz.width() / pointRect.width();
        sy = sz.height() / pointRect.height();

    QPointF pinPoint = pointRect.center();
    if ( symbol.isPinPointEnabled() )
        pinPoint = symbol.pinPoint();

    const QTransform transform = painter->transform();

    for ( int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++ )
        QTransform tr = transform;
        tr.translate( points[i].x(), points[i].y() );
        tr.scale( sx, sy );
        tr.translate( -pinPoint.x(), -pinPoint.y() );

        painter->setTransform( tr );

        graphic.render( painter );

    painter->setTransform( transform );
예제 #2
  Draw an entry on the legend

  \param painter Qt Painter
  \param plotItem Plot item, represented by the entry
  \param data Attributes of the legend entry
  \param rect Bounding rectangle for the entry
void QwtPlotLegendItem::drawLegendData( QPainter *painter,
    const QwtPlotItem *plotItem, const QwtLegendData &data, 
    const QRectF &rect ) const
    Q_UNUSED( plotItem );

    const int m = d_data->itemMargin;
    const QRectF r = rect.toRect().adjusted( m, m, -m, -m );

    painter->setClipRect( r, Qt::IntersectClip );

    int titleOff = 0;

    const QwtGraphic graphic = data.icon();
    if ( !graphic.isEmpty() )
        QRectF iconRect( r.topLeft(), graphic.defaultSize() );

            QPoint( iconRect.center().x(), rect.center().y() ) );

        graphic.render( painter, iconRect, Qt::KeepAspectRatio );

        titleOff += iconRect.width() + d_data->itemSpacing;

    const QwtText text = data.title();
    if ( !text.isEmpty() )
        painter->setPen( textPen() );
        painter->setFont( font() );

        const QRectF textRect = r.adjusted( titleOff, 0, 0, 0 );
        text.draw( painter, textRect );