void RenderSystem::draw(GameObject* gameObject) { RenderComponent* render = gameObject->getComponent<RenderComponent>(); if (render != nullptr) { RectangleShape shape = *render->getDrawable(); TransformComponent* transform = gameObject->getComponent<TransformComponent>(); if (transform != nullptr) { shape.setPosition(transform->getPosition()); } else { BoardComponent* boardComp = gameObject->getComponent<BoardComponent>(); if (boardComp != nullptr && mBoard != nullptr) { Vector2i boardPos = boardComp->getPosition(); shape.setPosition(mBoard->getTilePosition(boardPos.x, boardPos.y)); } } mWindow->draw(shape); } }
void GameArea::render() { const int colWidth = zone.width / 3, rowHeight = zone.height / 3; RectangleShape nextNestedRect; if(gameStatus.nextNested == 9) // whole board { nextNestedRect.setSize(Vector2f(zone.width, zone.height)); nextNestedRect.setPosition(zone.left, zone.top); } else // nested ttt { nextNestedRect.setSize(Vector2f(colWidth, rowHeight)); nextNestedRect.setPosition((gameStatus.nextNested % 3) * colWidth + zone.left, (gameStatus.nextNested/3) * rowHeight + zone.top); } nextNestedRect.setFillColor(Color(0xBA, 0xAC, 0x44)); // Yellow win->draw(nextNestedRect); for(int row=0; row < 3; row++) { for(int col=0; col < 3; col++) { Rect<int> subZone(col * colWidth + zone.left, row * rowHeight + zone.top, colWidth, rowHeight); drawTTT(subZone, Color(0x25, 0x4e, 0xc4), 4, 0); } } drawTTT(zone, Color::Black, 8, 0); for(int over=0; over < 10; over++) { for(int nested=0; nested < 9; nested++) { switch(gameStatus.board[over][nested]) { case CIRCLE: drawCircle(Cell(over, nested)); break; case CROSS: drawCross(Cell(over, nested)); break; default: break; } } } switch(gameStatus.winner) { case CIRCLE: drawCircle(zone, 0xff/2); break; case CROSS: drawCross(zone, 0xff/2); break; default: break; } }
/* Construit une boite de dialogue pour la sauvegarde. */ void MainTool::buildTheWindow(sf::RenderWindow & window) { Text title; title.setFont(font); title.setString("Entre le nom de la Map que vous voulez sauvegarder :"); title.setCharacterSize(12); title.setColor(sf::Color::Black); title.setPosition(10, 10); window.draw(title); RectangleShape inputTextZone; inputTextZone.setFillColor(Color::White); inputTextZone.setOutlineThickness(1); inputTextZone.setOutlineColor(Color::Black); inputTextZone.setSize(Vector2f(380, 22)); inputTextZone.setPosition(10, 32); window.draw(inputTextZone); Text ok; ok.setFont(font); ok.setString("Sauver"); ok.setCharacterSize(12); ok.setColor(sf::Color::Black); FloatRect fro = ok.getLocalBounds(); Text cancel; cancel.setFont(font); cancel.setString("Annuler"); cancel.setCharacterSize(12); cancel.setColor(sf::Color::Black); FloatRect frc = cancel.getLocalBounds(); ok.setPosition((400 - 50 - fro.width - frc.width) / 2, 70); cancel.setPosition((400 - 40 - fro.width - frc.width) / 2 + 30 + fro.width, 70); RectangleShape buttonOk; buttonOk.setFillColor(Color(200, 200, 200, 255)); buttonOk.setOutlineThickness(1); buttonOk.setOutlineColor(Color::Black); buttonOk.setSize(Vector2f(fro.width + 10, fro.height + 10)); buttonOk.setPosition(ok.getPosition().x - 5, ok.getPosition().y); window.draw(buttonOk); RectangleShape buttonCancel; buttonCancel.setFillColor(Color(200, 200, 200, 255)); buttonCancel.setOutlineThickness(1); buttonCancel.setOutlineColor(Color::Black); buttonCancel.setSize(Vector2f(frc.width + 10, frc.height + 10)); buttonCancel.setPosition(cancel.getPosition().x - 5, cancel.getPosition().y); window.draw(buttonCancel); window.draw(ok); window.draw(cancel); }
/* Determine si le bouton de la boite de dialogue selectionné par le clic de la souris est celui d'annulation. */ bool MainTool::isCancelClicked(int x, int y) { Text ok; ok.setFont(font); ok.setString("Sauver"); ok.setCharacterSize(12); FloatRect fro = ok.getLocalBounds(); Text cancel; cancel.setFont(font); cancel.setString("Annuler"); cancel.setCharacterSize(12); FloatRect frc = cancel.getLocalBounds(); cancel.setPosition((400 - 40 - fro.width - frc.width) / 2 + 30 + fro.width, 70); RectangleShape buttonCancel; buttonCancel.setSize(Vector2f(frc.width + 10, frc.height + 10)); buttonCancel.setPosition(cancel.getPosition().x - 5, cancel.getPosition().y); if (buttonCancel.getGlobalBounds().contains(x, y)) return true; else return false; }
Paddle(float mX, float mY) { shape.setPosition(mX, mY); shape.setSize({paddleWidth, paddleHeight}); shape.setFillColor(Color::Red); shape.setOrigin(paddleWidth / 2.f, paddleHeight / 2.f); }
Wire(float mX, float mY) { line.setSize(Vector2f(5, 5)); line.setPosition(mX, mY); line.setFillColor(Color::Red); }
// The constructor is almost identical to the `Paddle` one. Brick(float mX, float mY) { shape.setPosition(mX, mY); shape.setSize({blockWidth, blockHeight}); shape.setFillColor(Color::Yellow); shape.setOrigin(blockWidth / 2.f, blockHeight / 2.f); }
void Toolbar::drawBar(RenderWindow & window) { int width = TILE_SIZE*(drawTools.size()+ mainTools.size()) + 40 + 5 * (drawTools.size() - 1); //build framework RectangleShape framework; framework.setPosition((window.getSize().x - width) / 2, 0); framework.setSize(Vector2f(width, TILE_SIZE+10)); framework.setFillColor(Color(140,140,140,255)); window.draw(framework); //Add tools for (int i = 0; i < drawTools.size()+mainTools.size(); i++) { if (i < drawTools.size()) { drawTools[i]->setPosition(framework.getPosition().x + 10 + (TILE_SIZE + 5)*i, 5); window.draw(*drawTools[i]); } else { mainTools[i- drawTools.size()]->setPosition(framework.getPosition().x + 30 + (TILE_SIZE + 5)*i, 5); window.draw(*mainTools[i - drawTools.size()]); } } }
void resetBall() { FloatRect p = player.getGlobalBounds(); FloatRect b = ball.getGlobalBounds(); ball.setPosition(p.left + p.width/2 + 5, p.top); ballSpeed.x = 0.1f; ballSpeed.y = -0.3f; }
void GameEngine::_initWall(RectangleShape &wall, const unsigned int size, Color const &color, const Vector2f &pos) { wall.setSize(Vector2f(25, size)); wall.setOrigin(0, size); wall.setFillColor(color); wall.setPosition(pos); }
void UIComponentScrollBar::onRender(Renderer* renderer, UIView* view) { RectangleShape scrollBarBackground; scrollBarBackground.setSize(17.f, view->getSize().y); scrollBarBackground.setPosition(view->getPosition().x + view->getSize().y - 17.f, view->getPosition().y); scrollBarBackground.setColor(Color::Blue); renderer->draw(scrollBarBackground); renderer->draw(scrollBarPaddle); }
void GameArea::drawTTT(Rect<int> area, Color color, const int thickness, const int margin) { const int colWidth = area.width / 3, rowHeight = area.height / 3; RectangleShape rect; rect.setFillColor(color); for(int line=1; line < 3; line++) { rect.setSize(Vector2f(thickness, area.height - 2*margin)); rect.setPosition(area.left + line * colWidth - thickness/2, area.top + margin); win->draw(rect); rect.setSize(Vector2f(area.width - 2*margin, thickness)); rect.setPosition(area.left + margin, area.top + line * rowHeight - thickness/2); win->draw(rect); } }
void Renderer::drawFilledRectangle(const Rectangle& t, Color color, optional<Color> outline) { addRenderElem([this, t, color, outline] { static RectangleShape r; r.setSize(Vector2f(t.getW(), t.getH())); r.setPosition(t.getPX(), t.getPY()); r.setFillColor(color); if (outline) { r.setOutlineThickness(-2); r.setOutlineColor(*outline); } else r.setOutlineThickness(0); display.draw(r); }); }
void drawSprite(Sprite &spr, RenderTarget &target) { RectangleShape shape; Texture &sftexture = const_cast<Texture&>(*spr.getTexture()); FloatRect r = spr.getLocalBounds(); shape.setSize(Vector2f(r.width, r.height)); shape.setOrigin(spr.getOrigin()); shape.setRotation(spr.getRotation()); shape.setPosition(spr.getPosition()); shape.setScale(spr.getScale()); shape.setTexture(spr.getTexture()); shape.setFillColor(spr.getColor()); sftexture.setRepeated(false); target.draw(shape); sftexture.setRepeated(true); }
void update(float time, int number_block) { if (step == MOVE_DOWN) step_one(rectangle, time, pos.y, step); else if (step == MOVE_RIGHT_AND_UP) step_two(rectangle, time, pos.x, pos.y, step, number_block, rotation); else if (step == MOVE_RIGHT_AND_TURN) step_three(rectangle, time, number_block, pos.x, pos.y, step); else if (step == MOVE_DOWN_AND_CHANGE_SCALE) step_four(rectangle, time, number_block, pos.x, pos.y, step, size_y); else if (step == MOVE_LEFT) step_five(rectangle, time, number_block, pos.x, pos.y, step, size_y); rectangle.setScale(size_x, size_y); rectangle.setRotation(rotation); rectangle.setPosition(pos.x, pos.y); };
void PlayState::setBackground() { for (int j = 0; j < Game::SCRN_WIDTH / Game::APPLE_SIZE; j++) for (int i = 0; i < Game::SCRN_HEIGHT / Game::APPLE_SIZE; i++) { RectangleShape square; square.setSize(Vector2f((float)Game::APPLE_SIZE, (float)Game::APPLE_SIZE)); square.setFillColor(Color::Black); square.setOutlineThickness(-1.f); square.setOutlineColor(Color(55, 55, 55)); square.setPosition(Vector2f(j*(float)Game::APPLE_SIZE, i*(float)Game::APPLE_SIZE)); mapTiles.push_back(square); } }
void drawShipInfo(RenderWindow& window, int shipIndex, string shipInfo) { Text name; Text info; name.setString(SHIPS[shipIndex]); info.setString(shipInfo); name.setFont(titleFont); info.setFont(infoFont); name.setCharacterSize(25); info.setCharacterSize(17); name.setColor(Color(255, 157, 61)); info.setColor(Color(255, 199, 125)); RectangleShape textBG; textBG.setFillColor(Color(22, 24, 37, 200)); textBG.setOutlineColor(Color(76, 87, 128, 255)); textBG.setOutlineThickness(1); // set up bounds for text box int titleTop; int infoTop; int infoBottom; int left; int right; titleTop = 419 - (name.getLocalBounds().height + info.getLocalBounds().height + 15) / 2; left = (name.getLocalBounds().width > info.getLocalBounds().width) ? 511 - name.getLocalBounds().width / 2 : 511 - info.getLocalBounds().width / 2; infoTop = 419 + name.getLocalBounds().height + 15 - (name.getLocalBounds().height + info.getLocalBounds().height + 15) / 2; infoBottom = info.getLocalBounds().height + infoTop; right = (name.getLocalBounds().width > info.getLocalBounds().width) ? left + name.getLocalBounds().width : left + info.getLocalBounds().width; // position and draw text box name.setPosition(Vector2f(left, titleTop)); info.setPosition(Vector2f(left, infoTop)); textBG.setSize(Vector2f(right - left + 20, infoBottom - titleTop + 20)); textBG.setPosition(Vector2f(left - 10, titleTop - 3)); window.draw(textBG); window.draw(name); window.draw(info); }
void Snake::afficher(sf::RenderWindow * _window){ int colorByQuad = 200/corps.size(); for(int i=0;i<corps.size();i++){ partCorps.setFillColor(Color(10,255-(i*colorByQuad),10)); partCorps.setPosition(Vector2f(corps[i].x*partSize,corps[i].y*partSize)); _window->draw(partCorps); } _window->draw(partFood); if(loose){ RectangleShape tmp; tmp.setFillColor(Color(50,0,0,127)); tmp.setPosition(0,0); tmp.setSize(Vector2f(largeur,hauteur)); _window->draw(tmp); _window->draw(text); _window->draw(text2); } }
Player(int player, float x, float y){ // == Создание игрока == rectangle.setPosition(Vector2f(x, y)); //Позиция игрока this->player = player; //ID игрока rectangle.setSize(Vector2f(20, 20)); //Размер rectangle.setFillColor(Color::Green); //Цвет // == Создание пушки == Vector2f centerTank = { 0, 0 }; centerTank.x = rectangle.getPosition().x + (rectangle.getSize().x / 2); //Центр танка по x centerTank.y = rectangle.getPosition().y + (rectangle.getSize().y / 2); //Центр танка по y turret.setPrimitiveType(LinesStrip); turret.append(centerTank); //Начало пушки из танка centerTank.y -= 25; turret.append(centerTank); //Смещение по y на 10 };
void intro() { Sprite firecan; firecan.setTexture(MediaBucket.getTexture("firecan")); firecan.setOrigin(firecan.getLocalBounds().width/2, firecan.getLocalBounds().height/2); firecan.setPosition(400, 300); Time intro_time = seconds(4); Clock clock; double opacity = 255; RectangleShape filter; filter.setFillColor(Color(255,255,255,opacity)); filter.setSize(Vector2f(800,600)); filter.setOrigin(400,300); filter.setPosition(400,300); while(intro_time > seconds(0)) { while(app.pollEvent(event)) { if(event.type == Event::KeyPressed) { if(event.key.code == Keyboard::Escape) { intro_time = seconds(0); } } } elapsed_time = clock.restart(); intro_time -= elapsed_time; if(opacity >= 0) { opacity -= 255/2*elapsed_time.asSeconds(); if(opacity < 0) { opacity = 0; } } filter.setFillColor(Color(255,255,255,opacity)); app.clear(Color::White); app.draw(firecan); app.draw(filter); app.display(); } }
void StateTransitionBlocks::onUpdate(const Time& time) { if(!m_next) { remainingTime -= time.asSeconds(); if(remainingTime <= 0.f && !positions.empty()) { vec2 p = positions.back(); positions.pop_back(); RectangleShape shape; shape.setColor(Color::Black); shape.setSize(blockSize,blockSize); shape.setPosition(p.x, p.y); shapes.push_back(shape); remainingTime = 0.005f; } if(positions.empty()) m_next = true; } else { remainingTime -= time.asSeconds(); if(remainingTime <= 0.f) { if(shapes.size() > 0) shapes.pop_back(); remainingTime = 0.005f; } if(shapes.empty()) { Log("Transition ended"); finish(); } } }
void Game::interfejs(float hp, float bullets, Text &h, Text &b, Vector2f poz, float magazynek, int runda, Text &round, int ile_zombii, Text &licznik_zombie, Text &gun_name, string gun, RectangleShape &sprint, bool isSprint, Time czas) { h.setString("hp: "+to_string((int)hp)); b.setString("bullets: "+to_string((int)magazynek)+" / " +to_string((int)bullets)); h.setPosition(poz.x + 1280 / 2-80, poz.y - 360+20); b.setPosition(poz.x + 1280 / 2 - 265, poz.y + 360 - 40); gun_name.setString(gun); gun_name.setPosition(poz.x + 1280 / 2 - 265, poz.y + 360 - 80); round.setString("round: " + to_string(runda)); round.setPosition(poz.x - 1280 / 2 + 10, poz.y + 360 - 40); licznik_zombie.setString("zombies left to kill: " + to_string(ile_zombii)); licznik_zombie.setPosition(poz.x - 1280 / 2 +10 , poz.y - 360 + 20); sprint.setPosition(poz.x + 1280 / 2 - 90, poz.y - 360 + 70); if(isSprint && sprint.getSize().x >0) sprint.setSize(Vector2f(sprint.getGlobalBounds().width -(15.0f*czas.asSeconds()), sprint.getGlobalBounds().height )); else { if(sprint.getSize().x <= 15*5)sprint.setSize(Vector2f(sprint.getGlobalBounds().width + (7.5f*0.5f*czas.asSeconds()), sprint.getGlobalBounds().height)); } }
void FluidTerrain::draw(){ double tileSize = (double)width/(double)chunk.chunkSize; for (int i = 0; i < chunk.chunkSize; i++){ for (int j = 0; j < chunk.chunkSize; j++){ RectangleShape cell; cell.setPosition(i*tileSize, j*tileSize); cell.setSize(Vector2f(tileSize, tileSize)); if (chunk.terrain[i][j] == forest) cell.setFillColor(Color(255, 0, 0, 255)); else if (chunk.terrain[i][j] == desert) cell.setFillColor(Color(0, 255, 0, 255)); else if (chunk.terrain[i][j] == plain) cell.setFillColor(Color(0, 0, 255, 255)); else if (chunk.terrain[i][j] == tom) cell.setFillColor(Color(0, 0, 0, 255)); window.draw(cell); } } }
void RenderSystem::update(float dt, std::vector<GameObject*>* objects) { for (Ite i = objects->begin(); i != objects->end(); i++) { RenderComponent* render = (*i)->getComponent<RenderComponent>(); if (render != nullptr) { RectangleShape shape = *render->getDrawable(); PhysicsComponent* physics = (*i)->getComponent<PhysicsComponent>(); if (physics != nullptr) { Vector2f position = mScale * flipY(physics->getBody()->GetPosition()); shape.setPosition(position); shape.setSize(1.02f * mScale * physics->getSize()); shape.setOrigin(shape.getSize() * 0.5f); // positive direction is opposite in Box2D shape.setRotation(-1.0f * physics->getBody()->GetAngle() * 180 / b2_pi); } mWindow->draw(shape); } } }
int main() { RenderWindow window(VideoMode(1366, 768), "Justmove"); sf::Font font; font.loadFromFile("arial.ttf"); Image image; image.loadFromFile("arrow.png"); image.createMaskFromColor(Color(255, 255, 255)); Texture herotexture; herotexture.loadFromImage(image); Sprite herosprite; herosprite.setTexture(herotexture); herosprite.setTextureRect(IntRect(0, 0, 48, 33)); herosprite.setPosition(250, 250); herosprite.setOrigin(0, 17); image.create(1270, 720, Color::White); RectangleShape rect; rect.setSize(Vector2f(250, 70)); rect.setFillColor(Color::Green); rect.setPosition(1100, 50); std::string speedS; Text speedt; speedt.setFont(font); speedt.setCharacterSize(50); speedt.setColor(Color::Black); speedt.setPosition(1105, 55); Texture texture; Sprite sprite; sprite.setTexture(texture); Event event; Vector2f vect(1, 0); float speed = 0.1, ax = 0, ay = 0, angle = 0; Clock clock; while (window.isOpen()) { float time = clock.getElapsedTime().asMicroseconds(); clock.restart(); time = time / 800; while (window.pollEvent(event)) { if (event.type == Event::Closed) window.close(); } image.setPixel(herosprite.getPosition().x, herosprite.getPosition().y, Color::Black); texture.loadFromImage(image); sprite.setTexture(texture); sprite.setTextureRect(IntRect(0, 0, 1270, 720)); if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::W)) ax = 20.0f; else if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::S)) ax = -20.0f; else ax = 0.0f; if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::A)) ay = -600.0f; else if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::D)) ay = 600.0f; else ay = 0.0f; speed += ax * time / 1000000; angle += time * ay / speed / 1000000; vect.x = cos(angle); vect.y = sin(angle); herosprite.move(speed * vect.x, speed * vect.y); herosprite.setRotation(angle * 180 / PI); speedS = Convert(speed); speedt.setString(speedS); window.clear(Color::White); window.draw(sprite); window.draw(herosprite); window.draw(rect); window.draw(speedt); window.display(); } return 0; }
void Game::gra() { srand(time(0)); /////////////////////////////// Texture tekstura_cel; //wczytanie tekstur i dzwiêków i tekstów tekstura_cel.loadFromFile("data/cel.png"); Texture tekstura_z; tekstura_z.loadFromFile("data/zombie_after_attack_rect.png"); Texture tekstura; tekstura.loadFromFile("data/ground.png"); Texture tekstura_bl; tekstura_bl.loadFromFile("data/blood.png"); Texture tekstura_zombie_bl; tekstura_zombie_bl.loadFromFile("data/zombie_after_attack_rect.png"); Texture tekstura_zombie_aa; tekstura_zombie_aa.loadFromFile("data/zombie_after_attack_rect.png"); Texture tekstura_zombie_full; tekstura_zombie_full.loadFromFile("data/zombie_after_attack_rect.png"); Texture tekstura_gun; tekstura_gun.loadFromFile("data/gun.png"); Texture tekstura_bullet; Texture tekstura_floor; tekstura_floor.loadFromFile("data/floor.png"); Texture tekstura_ak_47; tekstura_ak_47.loadFromFile("data/ak_47.png"); tekstura_bullet.loadFromFile("data/bullet.png"); Texture tekstura_corps; tekstura_corps.loadFromFile("data/corps.png"); Texture tekstura_ammo; tekstura_ammo.loadFromFile("data/ammo_pickup.png"); Texture tekstura_hp; tekstura_hp.loadFromFile("data/hp_pickup.png"); Texture tekstura_wall; tekstura_wall.loadFromFile("data/wall.jpg"); tekstura_wall.setRepeated(true); SoundBuffer buffer, buffer_z; buffer_z.loadFromFile("data/hit.wav"); buffer.loadFromFile("data/shot.wav"); Sound sound, sound_hit; sound.setBuffer(buffer); sound_hit.setBuffer(buffer_z); SoundBuffer zombie_bite; zombie_bite.loadFromFile("data/zombie_bite.wav"); Sound sound_bite; sound_bite.setBuffer(zombie_bite); SoundBuffer reload_wav, ammo_out; reload_wav.loadFromFile("data/long_reload.wav"); ammo_out.loadFromFile("data/out_of_ammo.wav"); SoundBuffer health_wav, ammo_wav; health_wav.loadFromFile("data/health.wav"); ammo_wav.loadFromFile("data/ammo.wav"); Sound health_collect, ammo_collect; health_collect.setBuffer(health_wav); ammo_collect.setBuffer(ammo_wav); SoundBuffer ak_shot; ak_shot.loadFromFile("data/AK_47_shot.wav"); Sound ak; ak.setBuffer(ak_shot); Sound sound_reload, sound_ammo_out; sound_reload.setBuffer(reload_wav); sound_ammo_out.setBuffer(ammo_out); Music muzyka; muzyka.openFromFile("data/COD4_theme.wav"); muzyka.setLoop(true); muzyka.play(); Font font; font.loadFromFile("data/font_UI.ttf"); Text hp; hp.setFont(font); hp.setCharacterSize(25); hp.setColor(Color(138, 7, 7)); Text round; round.setCharacterSize(25); round.setFont(font); round.setColor(Color(138, 7, 7)); Text gun_name; gun_name.setCharacterSize(25); gun_name.setFont(font); gun_name.setColor(Color(138, 7, 7)); Text bullets_Left; bullets_Left.setFont(font); bullets_Left.setCharacterSize(25); bullets_Left.setColor(Color(138, 7, 7)); Text licznik_zombie; licznik_zombie.setFont(font); licznik_zombie.setCharacterSize(25); licznik_zombie.setColor(Color(138, 7, 7)); //////////////////////////////// Sprite celownik; celownik.setScale(0.045, 0.045); celownik.setTexture(tekstura_cel); celownik.setOrigin(celownik.getLocalBounds().width/2.0f, celownik.getLocalBounds().height/ 2.0f); RectangleShape sprint_ui; sprint_ui.setSize(Vector2f(15 * 5, 15)); sprint_ui.setFillColor(Color(138, 7, 7)); /////////////////////////// tablice obiektów vector<Blood> tab_bl; vector < Bullet > tab; //tablica przechowuj¹ca pociski vector <Zombie> tab_z; //zombie deque <Vector2f> tab_p;//pozycje gracza z ostatnich 100 klatek vector <Corps> tab_corps; vector <Ammo_Pickup> tab_am; vector <Hp_Pickup> tab_hp; Sprite map(tekstura); tekstura.setRepeated(true); map.setTextureRect(IntRect(0, 0, 10000, 10000)); map.setOrigin(5000,5000); map.setPosition(0, 0); Sprite floor; floor.setPosition(-500, -480); floor.setTexture(tekstura_floor); tekstura_floor.setRepeated(true); floor.setTextureRect(IntRect(0, 0, 1000, 980)); vector<RectangleShape> tab_wall; for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { RectangleShape wall; wall.setFillColor(Color(7, 138, 7, 100)); if (i == 0) { wall.setPosition(-1000, -1000); //wall.setFillColor(Color::White); } else if (i == 1) { wall.setPosition(-1000, 1000); //wall.setFillColor(Color::Red); } else if (i == 2) { wall.setPosition(-1100, -1000); //wall.setFillColor(Color::Cyan); } else if (i == 3) { //wall.setOrigin(100, 0); wall.setPosition(1000, -1000); //wall.setFillColor(Color::Blue); } if (i == 0 || i == 1)wall.setSize(Vector2f(2000, 100)); else if (i == 2 || i == 3)wall.setSize(Vector2f(100, 2100)); if (i == 4) { wall.setPosition(-500,-500); } else if (i == 5) { wall.setPosition(-520,500); } else if (i == 6) { wall.setPosition(-520, -500); } else if (i == 7) { wall.setPosition(500, -500); } if (i == 4 || i == 5)wall.setSize(Vector2f(1020, 20)); else if (i == 6 || i == 7)wall.setSize(Vector2f(20, 1020)); if (i == 8) { wall.setPosition(-100, -489); wall.setFillColor(Color(138, 7, 7, 150)); } else if (i == 9) { wall.setPosition(-100, 510); wall.setFillColor(Color(138, 7, 7, 150)); } else if (i == 10) { wall.setPosition(-509, -100); wall.setFillColor(Color(138, 7, 7, 150)); } else if (i == 11) { wall.setPosition(510, -100); wall.setFillColor(Color(138, 7, 7,150)); } if (i == 8 || i == 9)wall.setSize(Vector2f(100, 6)); else if (i == 10 || i == 11)wall.setSize(Vector2f(6, 100)); if (i == 8 || i == 9 || i == 10 || i == 11)wall.setOrigin(wall.getLocalBounds().width / 2.0f, wall.getLocalBounds().height / 2.0f); tab_wall.push_back(wall); } Player gracz; gracz.body.setPosition(0,0); int runda = 1; float vx = 0, vy = 0; //prêdkoæ gracza float angle; float sprint = 1; Clock zombie_player_collisionTimer; Clock reload_time; Clock zombie_generator_timer; Clock zegar; Time czas; Event event; float x, y; //x,y myszy okno.setMouseCursorVisible(false); int max_zombie_per_round; int generated_zombie=0; bool generate = true; bool menu = false; bool canReload = false; bool canShoot = true; bool Rpressed = false; bool isSprint = false; bool canSprint = true; int zombies_killed_in_round = 0; zombie_generator_timer.restart(); Gun *wsk_gun; Gun pistol("colt .45", 80.0f,16.0f,2000.0f,2.0f,tekstura_bullet, tekstura_gun,Vector2f(2,2), Vector2f (1,1),gracz.body.getPosition(),0.1); Gun ak_47("ak 47", 120.0f, 30.0f, 2800.0f, 2.0f, tekstura_bullet, tekstura_ak_47, Vector2f(2, 2), Vector2f(1, 1), gracz.body.getPosition(),0.08f); //view.zoom(1.0f/1.2f); //view.zoom(1.0f / 1.2f); wsk_gun = &pistol; while (!menu) { //cout << tab_z.size() << " | "<< wsk_gun->bullets_fired.size() <<endl; gracz.canMoveDown = true; gracz.canMoveUP= true; gracz.canMoveRight = true; gracz.canMoveLeft = true; max_zombie_per_round = runda * 4 * 7 ; if (generated_zombie >= max_zombie_per_round) { generate = false; } if (!generate&&tab_z.empty()) { zombies_killed_in_round = 0; generated_zombie = 0; generate = true; runda++; } if (generate && (zombie_generator_timer.getElapsedTime().asSeconds() >= 1.0f)) { zombie_generator_timer.restart(); if (tab_z.size() <=20) { generated_zombie += 4; zombie_generator(tab_z, Vector2f((tab_wall[0].getPosition().x + rand() % ((int)tab_wall[0].getGlobalBounds().width + 1)), (tab_wall[0].getPosition().y + tab_wall[0].getGlobalBounds().height)), tekstura_z, runda, tab_wall[8].getPosition()); zombie_generator(tab_z, Vector2f((tab_wall[1].getPosition().x + rand() % ((int)tab_wall[1].getGlobalBounds().width + 1)), (tab_wall[1].getPosition().y + tab_wall[1].getGlobalBounds().height)), tekstura_z, runda, tab_wall[9].getPosition()); zombie_generator(tab_z, Vector2f((tab_wall[2].getPosition().x + tab_wall[2].getGlobalBounds().width), (tab_wall[2].getPosition().y + rand() % ((int)tab_wall[2].getGlobalBounds().height + 1))), tekstura_z, runda, tab_wall[10].getPosition()); zombie_generator(tab_z, Vector2f((tab_wall[3].getPosition().x + tab_wall[3].getGlobalBounds().width), (tab_wall[3].getPosition().y + rand() % ((int)tab_wall[3].getGlobalBounds().height + 1))), tekstura_z, runda, tab_wall[11].getPosition()); /*zombie_generator(tab_z, Vector2f((tab_wall[0].getPosition().x + rand() % ((int)tab_wall[0].getGlobalBounds().width + 1)), (tab_wall[0].getPosition().y + tab_wall[0].getGlobalBounds().height)), tekstura_z, runda, Vector2f(0,0)); zombie_generator(tab_z, Vector2f((tab_wall[1].getPosition().x + rand() % ((int)tab_wall[1].getGlobalBounds().width + 1)), (tab_wall[1].getPosition().y + tab_wall[1].getGlobalBounds().height)), tekstura_z, runda, Vector2f(0,0)); zombie_generator(tab_z, Vector2f((tab_wall[2].getPosition().x + tab_wall[2].getGlobalBounds().width), (tab_wall[2].getPosition().y + rand() % ((int)tab_wall[2].getGlobalBounds().height + 1))), tekstura_z, runda, Vector2f(0,0)); zombie_generator(tab_z, Vector2f((tab_wall[3].getPosition().x + tab_wall[3].getGlobalBounds().width), (tab_wall[3].getPosition().y + rand() % ((int)tab_wall[3].getGlobalBounds().height + 1))), tekstura_z, runda, Vector2f(0,0)); */ } /*else { generated_zombie += 4; zombie_generator(tab_z, Vector2f((tab_wall[4].getPosition().x + rand() % ((int)tab_wall[4].getGlobalBounds().width + 1)), (tab_wall[4].getPosition().y + tab_wall[4].getGlobalBounds().height)), tekstura_z, runda); zombie_generator(tab_z, Vector2f((tab_wall[5].getPosition().x + rand() % ((int)tab_wall[5].getGlobalBounds().width + 1)), (tab_wall[5].getPosition().y + tab_wall[5].getGlobalBounds().height)), tekstura_z, runda); zombie_generator(tab_z, Vector2f((tab_wall[6].getPosition().x + tab_wall[6].getGlobalBounds().width), (tab_wall[6].getPosition().y + rand() % ((int)tab_wall[6].getGlobalBounds().height + 1))), tekstura_z, runda); zombie_generator(tab_z, Vector2f((tab_wall[7].getPosition().x + tab_wall[7].getGlobalBounds().width), (tab_wall[7].getPosition().y + rand() % ((int)tab_wall[7].getGlobalBounds().height + 1))), tekstura_z, runda); }*/ } view.setCenter(gracz.body.getPosition()); //gracz ca³y czas w centrum widoku x = (float)Mouse::getPosition(okno).x+view.getCenter().x-1280/2, y = (float)Mouse::getPosition(okno).y+view.getCenter().y-720/2; //zapisanie pozycji myszy wzglêdem lewgo górnego rogu widoku celownik.setPosition(x, y); //przypisanie pozycji celownika angle = (float)atan2((float)(y - gracz.body.getPosition().y), (float)(x - gracz.body.getPosition().x)) * 180.0f / (float)M_PI - 90.0f; //zapisanie k¹t miêdzy rodkiem ekranu a pozycj¹ myszy gracz.body.setRotation(angle); //obrócenie gracza w kierunku myszy cout <<x << " | "<< y << endl; ///////////////////////////// if (tab_p.size() != 30) //wype³nienie tablicy pozycjami gracza z ostatnich stu klatek (czyli 1 sekundy) tab_p.push_back(gracz.body.getPosition()); if (tab_p.size() == 30) { tab_p.pop_front(); tab_p.push_back(gracz.body.getPosition()); } /////////////////////////////// while (okno.pollEvent(event)) { if (event.type == Event::Closed || event.type == Event::KeyPressed && event.key.code == Keyboard::Escape) menu = true; //if (event.type == Event::MouseButtonPressed && Mouse::isButtonPressed(Mouse::Right))//stworzenie zombie i dodanie go do tablicy //{ // Zombie zombie(x, y, tekstura_z,rand()%51+50, 1+runda); // tab_z.push_back(zombie); //} if (wsk_gun==&pistol) { if (event.type == Event::MouseButtonPressed && Mouse::isButtonPressed(Mouse::Left))//stworzenie pocisku i dodanie go do tablicy { if (wsk_gun->magazynek == 0) { sound_ammo_out.play(); if (wsk_gun->bulletsLeft != 0 && !wsk_gun->reload_demand&& !wsk_gun->reloading) { sound_reload.play(); wsk_gun->reload_demand = true; } } else if (!wsk_gun->reloading) { sound.play(); wsk_gun->shoot(gracz.body.getPosition()); wsk_gun->magazynek--; } else { sound_ammo_out.play(); } } } if (event.type == Event::MouseButtonPressed && Mouse::isButtonPressed(Mouse::Left) && (wsk_gun->magazynek == 0 || wsk_gun->reloading || wsk_gun->reload_demand)) sound_ammo_out.play(); if (event.type == Event::KeyPressed && event.key.code == Keyboard::R && wsk_gun->bulletsLeft != 0 && wsk_gun->magazynek != wsk_gun->magazynekSize &&!wsk_gun->reloading&& !wsk_gun->reload_demand) { wsk_gun->reload_demand = true; sound_reload.play(); } if (event.type == Event::KeyPressed && event.key.code == Keyboard::Num1) { wsk_gun = &pistol; //buffer = wsk_gun->shot; } if (event.type == Event::KeyPressed && event.key.code == Keyboard::Num2) { wsk_gun = &ak_47; //buffer = wsk_gun->shot; } if (event.type == Event::KeyPressed && event.key.code == Keyboard::Up)view.zoom(1.2f); if (event.type == Event::KeyPressed && event.key.code == Keyboard::Down)view.zoom(1.0f/1.2f); } /////// strza³ pistoletem if (wsk_gun != &pistol) { if (wsk_gun->fire_timer.getElapsedTime().asSeconds() >= wsk_gun->fireRate) { if (Mouse::isButtonPressed(Mouse::Left))//stworzenie pocisku i dodanie go do tablicy { if (wsk_gun->magazynek == 0) { if (wsk_gun->bulletsLeft != 0 && !wsk_gun->reload_demand&& !wsk_gun->reloading) { sound_reload.play(); wsk_gun->reload_demand = true; } } else if (!wsk_gun->reloading) { sound.play(); wsk_gun->shoot(gracz.body.getPosition()); wsk_gun->magazynek--; } /*else { sound_ammo_out.play(); }*/ } wsk_gun->fire_timer.restart(); } } wsk_gun->update(angle, czas, gracz.body.getPosition()); if(!tab_z.empty())//zombie update { for (int i = 0; i < tab_z.size(); i++) tab_z[i].update(gracz.body.getPosition(), czas,tab_p[0]); } //if (!tab.empty())//obrócenie zombie w kierunku pozycji gracz z przed sekundy //{ // for (int i = 0; i < tab.size(); i++) // tab[i].rotate(); //} //////////////////////////////////////kolizja // kolizja zombie-gracz for (int i = 0; i < tab_z.size(); i++) { //if(gracz.body.getGlobalBounds().intersects(tab_z[i].body.getGlobalBounds())) if (Collision::PixelPerfectTest(gracz.body, tab_z[i].body)) { tab_z[i].collidesWithPlayer = true; if ((tab_z[i].body.getPosition().y > gracz.body.getPosition().y >0) || (gracz.body.getPosition().y <tab_z[i].body.getPosition().y <0)) { gracz.canMoveDown = false; //gracz.body.move(0, -1); } if ((gracz.body.getPosition().y >tab_z[i].body.getPosition().y >0) || (tab_z[i].body.getPosition().y < gracz.body.getPosition().y <0)) { gracz.canMoveUP = false; //gracz.body.move(0, 1); } if ((tab_z[i].body.getPosition().x > gracz.body.getPosition().x >0)||(gracz.body.getPosition().x <tab_z[i].body.getPosition().x <0)) { gracz.canMoveRight = false; //gracz.body.move(-1, 0); } if ((gracz.body.getPosition().x >tab_z[i].body.getPosition().x >0)||(tab_z[i].body.getPosition().x < gracz.body.getPosition().x <0)) { gracz.canMoveLeft = false; //gracz.body.move(1, 0); } if (zombie_player_collisionTimer.getElapsedTime().asSeconds() >= 0.5) { zombie_player_collisionTimer.restart(); sound_bite.play(); //cout << gracz.healthPoints << endl; if (tab_z[i].healthPoints < 3)tab_z[i].body.setTexture(tekstura_zombie_full); else tab_z[i].body.setTexture(tekstura_zombie_aa); tab_z[i].haveAttacked = true; gracz.healthPoints--; if (gracz.healthPoints == 0) { menu = true; } break; } } else tab_z[i].collidesWithPlayer = false; } // kolizja zombie-zombie if (!tab_z.empty()) { for (int i = 0; i < tab_z.size(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < tab_z.size(); j++) { if (i != j) { //if (tab_z[j].body.getGlobalBounds().intersects( tab_z[i].body.getGlobalBounds())) if (Collision::PixelPerfectTest(tab_z[j].body, tab_z[i].body)) { if (fabs(tab_z[i].body.getPosition().x - gracz.body.getPosition().x) + fabs(tab_z[i].body.getPosition().y - gracz.body.getPosition().y) >fabs(tab_z[j].body.getPosition().x - gracz.body.getPosition().x) + fabs(tab_z[j].body.getPosition().y - gracz.body.getPosition().y)) { tab_z[i].collide_parameter = 0; tab_z[j].collide_parameter = 1.2; } else { tab_z[j].collide_parameter = 0; tab_z[i].collide_parameter = 1.2; } tab_z[i].col_in = true; tab_z[j].col_in = true; break; } } } } } // kolizja gracz-ciana if (tab_wall[4].getGlobalBounds().intersects(gracz.body.getGlobalBounds())) { gracz.canMoveUP = false; sprint = 1; //vx = 0; //gracz.body.move(0, 1); //gracz.canMoveUP = true; } if (tab_wall[5].getGlobalBounds().intersects(gracz.body.getGlobalBounds())) { sprint = 1; gracz.canMoveDown = false; //vx = 0; //gracz.body.move(0, -1); //gracz.canMoveDown = true; } if (tab_wall[6].getGlobalBounds().intersects(gracz.body.getGlobalBounds())) { sprint = 1; gracz.canMoveLeft = false; //vy = 0; //gracz.body.move(1, 0); //gracz.canMoveRight = true; } if (tab_wall[7].getGlobalBounds().intersects(gracz.body.getGlobalBounds())) { sprint = 1; gracz.canMoveRight= false; //vy = 0; //gracz.body.move(-1, 0); //gracz.canMoveLeft = true; } ///////////kolizja zombie pocisk if (!tab_z.empty() && !wsk_gun->bullets_fired.empty()) //zniszczenie pocisku i zombie w przypadku kolizji { for (int i = 0; i < wsk_gun->bullets_fired.size(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < tab_z.size(); j++) { if (wsk_gun->bullets_fired[i].body.getGlobalBounds().intersects(tab_z[j].body.getGlobalBounds())) { sound_hit.play(); bullet_destroy(wsk_gun->bullets_fired, i); Blood krew(tekstura_bl, tab_z[j].body.getPosition()); krew.body.setRotation((rand() % 360) + 1); tab_bl.push_back(krew); tab_z[j].healthPoints--; if (tab_z[j].healthPoints == 1) { tab_z[j].setSpeed(80.0f); if (tab_z[j].haveAttacked == true)tab_z[j].body.setTexture(tekstura_zombie_full); else tab_z[j].body.setTexture(tekstura_zombie_bl); } if (tab_z[j].healthPoints == 0) { //mieræ zombie Corps corpses(tekstura_corps, tab_z[j].body.getPosition(), tab_z[j].rotate_angle); tab_corps.push_back(corpses); if (tab_z[j].isInside) { Ammo_Pickup am(tekstura_ammo, tab_z[j].body.getPosition()); Hp_Pickup hp(tekstura_hp, tab_z[j].body.getPosition()); switch (rand() % 10) { case 0: tab_am.push_back(am); break; case 1: tab_am.push_back(am); break; case 5: if (gracz.healthPoints < 5)tab_hp.push_back(hp); break; } } tab_z[j] = tab_z[tab_z.size() - 1]; tab_z.pop_back(); zombies_killed_in_round++; } break; } } } } //kolizja gracz-ammo_pickup for (int i = 0; i < tab_am.size(); i++) { if (gracz.body.getGlobalBounds().intersects(tab_am[i].body.getGlobalBounds())) { ammo_collect.play(); wsk_gun->bulletsLeft += tab_am[i].add_ammo; ammo_destroy(tab_am, i); } } //kolizja gracz-hp_pickup for (int i = 0; i < tab_hp.size(); i++) { if (gracz.body.getGlobalBounds().intersects(tab_hp[i].body.getGlobalBounds())) { if (gracz.healthPoints + tab_hp[i].add_hp <= 5) { health_collect.play(); gracz.healthPoints += tab_hp[i].add_hp; hp_destroy(tab_hp, i); } } } //////////////////////////////////////// for (int j = 4; j < tab_wall.size()-4;j++) for (int i = 0; i < wsk_gun->bullets_fired.size(); i++) { if (wsk_gun->bullets_fired[i].body.getGlobalBounds().intersects(tab_wall[j].getGlobalBounds())) bullet_destroy(wsk_gun->bullets_fired, i); } for (int j = 8; j < tab_wall.size(); j++) for (int i = 0; i < tab_z.size(); i++) if (tab_z[i].body.getGlobalBounds().intersects(tab_wall[j].getGlobalBounds()))tab_z[i].isInside = true; for (int i = 0; i < wsk_gun->bullets_fired.size(); i++) { if (wsk_gun->bullets_fired[i].onCreate_clock.getElapsedTime().asSeconds() >= wsk_gun->bullets_fired[i].lifeTime) { bullet_destroy(wsk_gun->bullets_fired, i); } } for (int i = 0; i < tab_bl.size(); i++) { if (tab_bl[i].onCreate_clock.getElapsedTime().asSeconds() >= tab_bl[i].lifeTime) { blood_destroy(tab_bl, i); } } for (int i = 0; i < tab_corps.size(); i++) { if (tab_corps[i].onCreate_clock.getElapsedTime().asSeconds() >= tab_corps[i].lifeTime) { corps_destroy(tab_corps, i); } } for(int i = 0; i < tab_am.size(); i++) { if (tab_am[i].onCreate_clock.getElapsedTime().asSeconds() >= tab_am[i].lifeTime) { ammo_destroy(tab_am, i); } } for (int i = 0; i < tab_hp.size(); i++) { if (tab_hp[i].onCreate_clock.getElapsedTime().asSeconds() >= tab_hp[i].lifeTime) { hp_destroy(tab_hp, i); } } /////////////////////////////////////////// interfejs(gracz.healthPoints, wsk_gun->bulletsLeft, hp, bullets_Left, view.getCenter(), wsk_gun->magazynek, runda, round, max_zombie_per_round - zombies_killed_in_round, licznik_zombie, gun_name, wsk_gun->name, sprint_ui, isSprint&&(tab_p[0]!=gracz.body.getPosition()), czas); okno.setView(view); okno.clear(); //cout << "Up: " << gracz.canMoveUP << " | Down: " << gracz.canMoveDown << " | Left: " << gracz.canMoveLeft << " | Right: " << gracz.canMoveRight << endl; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// gracz.input(vx, vy); if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::LShift) && canSprint) { if (sprint_ui.getSize().x < 1) { canSprint = false; } sprint = 1.5; isSprint = true; } else { if (sprint_ui.getSize().x >15) { canSprint = true; } sprint = 1; isSprint = false; } ////////////////////////////////////// // ruch // gracz.ruch(czas, vx, vy, sprint); /*if (!tab_z.empty()) { for (int i = 0; i < tab_z.size(); i++) { tab_z[i].ruch(tab_p[0], czas); } }*/ //////////////////////////////// okno.draw(map); //rysowanie okno.draw(floor); if (!wsk_gun->bullets_fired.empty()) { for (int i = 0; i <wsk_gun->bullets_fired.size(); i++) if (!gracz.body.getGlobalBounds().intersects(wsk_gun->bullets_fired[i].body.getGlobalBounds())) okno.draw(wsk_gun->bullets_fired[i].body); } if (!tab_bl.empty()) { for (int i = 0; i < tab_bl.size(); i++) { okno.draw(tab_bl[i].body); //okno.draw(tab_bl[i].rect); } } if (!tab_corps.empty()) { for (int i = 0; i < tab_corps.size(); i++) okno.draw(tab_corps[i].body); } if (!tab_am.empty()) { for (int i = 0; i < tab_am.size(); i++) { if(tab_am[i].onCreate_clock.getElapsedTime().asSeconds() < tab_am[i].lifeTime-8.0f) okno.draw(tab_am[i].body); if (tab_am[i].onCreate_clock.getElapsedTime().asSeconds() >= tab_am[i].lifeTime - 8.0f) { if (tab_am[i].onCreate_clock.getElapsedTime().asMilliseconds() % 500 >= 0 && tab_am[i].onCreate_clock.getElapsedTime().asMilliseconds() % 500 <= 125) { //nie rysij } else okno.draw(tab_am[i].body); } } } if (!tab_hp.empty()) { for (int i = 0; i < tab_hp.size(); i++) { if (tab_hp[i].onCreate_clock.getElapsedTime().asSeconds() < tab_hp[i].lifeTime - 8.0f) okno.draw(tab_hp[i].body); if (tab_hp[i].onCreate_clock.getElapsedTime().asSeconds() >= tab_hp[i].lifeTime - 8.0f) { if (tab_hp[i].onCreate_clock.getElapsedTime().asMilliseconds() % 500 >= 0 && tab_hp[i].onCreate_clock.getElapsedTime().asMilliseconds() % 500 <= 125) { //nie rysij } else okno.draw(tab_hp[i].body); } } } if (!tab_z.empty()) { for (int i = 0; i < tab_z.size(); i++) okno.draw(tab_z[i].body); } for (int i = 4; i < tab_wall.size(); i++) { okno.draw(tab_wall[i]); } okno.draw(celownik); okno.draw(gracz.body); //okno.draw(gracz.point); okno.draw(wsk_gun->body); okno.draw(hp); okno.draw(bullets_Left); okno.draw(round); okno.draw(licznik_zombie); okno.draw(gun_name); okno.draw(sprint_ui); ////////////////////////////////// View view = okno.getDefaultView(); okno.display(); czas = zegar.getElapsedTime(); zegar.restart(); } }
void drawAbilityInfo(RenderWindow& window, Player& player, int abilityIndex, bool available) { // set up text boxes Text name; Text info; Text cooldownInfo; cooldownInfo.setString( available ? "Available to use!" : "Can't use right now!" ); name.setFont(titleFont); info.setFont(infoFont); cooldownInfo.setFont(infoFont); name.setCharacterSize(25); info.setCharacterSize(17); cooldownInfo.setCharacterSize(17); name.setColor(Color(0, 255, 114)); info.setColor(Color(147, 255, 196)); cooldownInfo.setColor(available ? Color(0, 255, 114) : Color::Red); RectangleShape textBG; textBG.setFillColor(Color(22, 21, 40, 200)); textBG.setOutlineColor(Color(71, 66, 128, 255)); textBG.setOutlineThickness(1); RectangleShape cooldownBG; cooldownBG.setFillColor(Color(22, 21, 40, 200)); cooldownBG.setOutlineColor(Color(71, 66, 128, 255)); cooldownBG.setOutlineThickness(1); // set bounds for text boxes int titleTop; int infoTop; int infoBottom; int left; int right; int cooldownLeft; int cooldownRight; int cooldownTop; int cooldownBottom; name.setString(player.abilities[abilityIndex].abilityName); info.setString(player.abilities[abilityIndex].abilityDescription); titleTop = 410 - (name.getLocalBounds().height + info.getLocalBounds().height + 15) / 2; left = (name.getLocalBounds().width > info.getLocalBounds().width) ? 400 - name.getLocalBounds().width / 2 : 400 - info.getLocalBounds().width / 2; infoTop = 410 + name.getLocalBounds().height + 15 - (name.getLocalBounds().height + info.getLocalBounds().height + 15) / 2; infoBottom = info.getLocalBounds().height + infoTop; right = (name.getLocalBounds().width > info.getLocalBounds().width) ? left + name.getLocalBounds().width : left + info.getLocalBounds().width; cooldownLeft = 400 - cooldownInfo.getLocalBounds().width / 2; cooldownRight = cooldownLeft + cooldownInfo.getLocalBounds().width; cooldownTop = infoBottom + 35; cooldownBottom = cooldownTop + cooldownInfo.getLocalBounds().height; // position and draw text boxes name.setPosition(Vector2f(left, titleTop)); info.setPosition(Vector2f(left, infoTop)); cooldownInfo.setPosition(Vector2f(cooldownLeft, cooldownTop)); textBG.setSize(Vector2f(right - left + 20, infoBottom - titleTop + 20)); textBG.setPosition(Vector2f(left - 10, titleTop - 3)); cooldownBG.setPosition(Vector2f(cooldownLeft - 10, cooldownTop - 4)); cooldownBG.setSize(Vector2f(cooldownRight - cooldownLeft + 20, cooldownBottom - cooldownTop + 20)); window.draw(cooldownBG); window.draw(textBG); window.draw(name); window.draw(info); window.draw(cooldownInfo); }
// draws health bars, buff icons, main background void drawGameWindow(RenderWindow& window, Player& human, Player& computer) { Sprite background; background.setTexture(backgroundTexture); window.draw(background); RectangleShape humanHealth; // used to cover up buffs RectangleShape computerHealth; // that aren't in effect RectangleShape humanResources; RectangleShape computerResources; RectangleShape iconCovers[8]; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { iconCovers[i].setFillColor(Color(0, 0, 0, 191)); iconCovers[i].setSize(Vector2f(91, 27)); } iconCovers[0].setPosition(Vector2f(3, 328)); iconCovers[1].setPosition(Vector2f(3, 372)); iconCovers[2].setPosition(Vector2f(3, 416)); iconCovers[3].setPosition(Vector2f(3, 460)); iconCovers[4].setPosition(Vector2f(705, 328)); iconCovers[5].setPosition(Vector2f(705, 372)); iconCovers[6].setPosition(Vector2f(705, 416)); iconCovers[7].setPosition(Vector2f(705, 460)); humanHealth.setSize(Vector2f(386, 45)); humanHealth.setPosition(Vector2f(13, 13)); humanHealth.setFillColor(Color::Black); humanHealth.setScale(Vector2f(1 - float(human.currentHealth) / human.totalHealth, 1)); computerHealth.setOrigin(Vector2f(386, 0)); computerHealth.setSize(Vector2f(386, 45)); computerHealth.setPosition(Vector2f(787, 13)); computerHealth.setFillColor(Color::Black); computerHealth.setScale(Vector2f(1 - float(computer.currentHealth) / computer.totalHealth, 1)); humanResources.setSize(Vector2f(199, 32)); humanResources.setPosition(Vector2f(200, 86)); humanResources.setFillColor(Color::Black); humanResources.setScale(Vector2f(1 - float(human.currentResources) / human.totalResources, 1)); computerResources.setOrigin(Vector2f(199, 0)); computerResources.setSize(Vector2f(199, 32)); computerResources.setPosition(Vector2f(600, 86)); computerResources.setFillColor(Color::Black); computerResources.setScale(Vector2f(1 - float(computer.currentResources) / computer.totalResources, 1)); if (human.shield.empty()) window.draw(iconCovers[0]); if (human.stun.empty()) window.draw(iconCovers[1]); if (human.damageBuff.empty()) window.draw(iconCovers[2]); if (human.damageDebuff.empty()) window.draw(iconCovers[3]); if (computer.shield.empty()) window.draw(iconCovers[4]); if (computer.stun.empty()) window.draw(iconCovers[5]); if (computer.damageBuff.empty()) window.draw(iconCovers[6]); if (computer.damageDebuff.empty()) window.draw(iconCovers[7]); window.draw(humanResources); window.draw(computerResources); window.draw(humanHealth); window.draw(computerHealth); }
static inline RectangleShape getRectForCorners( Vector2<T> one, Vector2<T> two ){ RectangleShape rect; rect.setPosition( std::min( one.x, two.x), std::min( one.y, two.y ) ); rect.setSize( Vector2f( fabs( one.x - two.x ), fabs( one.y - two.y ) ) ); return rect; }
void Simulation::testons() { Event event; while(m_window.pollEvent(event)) { if(event.type == Event::Closed) m_window.close(); if(event.type == Event::MouseButtonReleased)//Si on clique, on ajoute un corps { if(event.mouseButton.button == Mouse::Left) { Vector2i mousePosition = Mouse::getPosition(m_window); m_test.setPosition(mousePosition.x, mousePosition.y); } } } //données: CircleShape cercle; CircleShape base; base.setPosition(390, 390); base.setRadius(10); base.setFillColor(Color::Red); double x(0), y(0), rayon(5); //int color[3]; m_test.getPosition(x, y); m_window.clear(Color::Black); cercle.setPosition((int)x-rayon, (int)y-rayon); cercle.setRadius(rayon); cercle.setFillColor(Color::White); double yb(400), xb(400); double coefdir = (yb - y) / (xb - x); double angle = atan(coefdir); if(x>xb) { angle = (angle+3.14); while(angle > 2*3.14) { angle -= 2*3.14; } } double angleD = angle*(360/(2*3.14)); RectangleShape vectorA; vectorA.setSize(Vector2f(50, 1)); vectorA.setPosition(x, y); vectorA.setRotation(angleD); RectangleShape vectorX; vectorX.setSize(Vector2f(50*cos(angle), 1)); vectorX.setPosition(x, y); vectorX.setFillColor(Color::Green); RectangleShape vectorY; vectorY.setSize(Vector2f(1, 50*sin(angle))); vectorY.setPosition(x, y); vectorY.setFillColor(Color::Green); m_window.draw(base); m_window.draw(cercle); m_window.draw(vectorA); m_window.draw(vectorX); m_window.draw(vectorY); m_affichageAux->setString("Angle: " + to_string(angleD)); m_window.draw(*m_affichageAux); m_window.display(); }