예제 #1
파일: MintCudaMidend.C 프로젝트: 8l/rose
//note that we keep mint for pragma as well 
//#pragma mint for
//#pragma omp for
void MintCudaMidend::replaceMintForWithOmpFor(SgSourceFile* file)
  Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*> nodeList = NodeQuery::querySubTree(file, V_SgPragmaDeclaration);
  Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*>::reverse_iterator nodeListIterator = nodeList.rbegin();

  for ( ;nodeListIterator !=nodeList.rend();  ++nodeListIterator)
      SgPragmaDeclaration* node = isSgPragmaDeclaration(*nodeListIterator);
      ROSE_ASSERT(node != NULL);

      //checks if the syntax is correct and the parallel region is followed by 
      //a basic block
	  SgStatement* loop = getNextStatement(node);

	      SgOmpForStatement* omp_stmt = new SgOmpForStatement(NULL, loop);

	      insertStatementAfter(node, omp_stmt);

예제 #2
파일: CudaOptimizer.C 프로젝트: 8l/rose
void CudaOptimizer::swapLoopAndIf(SgFunctionDeclaration* kernel, 
				  MintForClauses_t clauseList)
  //step 1: only if nesting level > 0 then consider swapping 
  //we only handle two cases

  //case 1: 
  // for ()            --- > if ()    
  //   for ()          --- >   for ()
  //     if ()         --- >     for ()
  //      {  }         --- >        { } 

  //case 2:
  // for ()            --- > if ()
  //   if ()           --- >   for () 
  //     if ()         --- >      for () 
  //      {  }         --- >        { }
  SgBasicBlock* kernel_body = kernel->get_definition()->get_body();

  if(clauseList.nested > 1 )
    //case 1: two loops, 1 if 
    if(clauseList.chunksize.z != 1 && clauseList.chunksize.y != 1 )
      //int swappable =  2 ; 
      //there has to be a for loop with gidz iterator
      Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*> forloops = NodeQuery::querySubTree(kernel_body, V_SgForStatement);      
      Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*>::reverse_iterator loopIt;

      for(loopIt = forloops.rbegin() ; loopIt != forloops.rend() ; loopIt++ )
	SgForStatement* cur_loop = isSgForStatement(*loopIt); 
	SgInitializedName* index_var = getLoopIndexVariable(cur_loop);
	string index_var_str = index_var->get_name().str();
	if(index_var_str == GIDZ && index_var_str == GIDY ) 

	  SgBasicBlock* loop_body = isSgBasicBlock(cur_loop->get_loop_body());

	  Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*> ifs = NodeQuery::querySubTree(loop_body, V_SgIfStmt);

	  SgIfStmt* cur_if = isSgIfStmt(*(ifs.begin()));

	  SgBasicBlock* bb = buildBasicBlock();

	  insertStatementBefore(cur_loop, bb);

	  SgForStatement* for_stmt = deepCopy(cur_loop);

	  //add the loop into the new basic block                                                                                           
	  appendStatement(for_stmt, bb);

	  //if(true && swappable-- != 0 )
	  if(isSwappable(cur_loop, cur_if))
	    swapForWithIf(cur_loop, cur_if, bb); 
	  else {
      } //end of for loopIt
    }  //end of case 1

    //only one for loop but there may be 1 or 2 ifs 
    if ( (clauseList.chunksize.z != 1 && clauseList.chunksize.y == 1) 
       || (clauseList.chunksize.z == 1 && clauseList.chunksize.y != 1 ))

      int swappable = clauseList.nested - 1 ; 

      while(swappable-- > 0 )
	//there has to be a for loop with gidz iterator
	Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*> forloops = NodeQuery::querySubTree(kernel_body, V_SgForStatement);      
	SgForStatement* cur_loop = isSgForStatement(*(forloops.begin())); 
	SgInitializedName* index_var = getLoopIndexVariable(cur_loop);
	string index_var_str = index_var->get_name().str();
	if((index_var_str == GIDZ && clauseList.chunksize.z != 1) || 
	   (index_var_str == GIDY && clauseList.chunksize.y != 1) )

	    SgBasicBlock* loop_body = isSgBasicBlock(cur_loop->get_loop_body());
	    Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*> ifs = NodeQuery::querySubTree(loop_body, V_SgIfStmt);
	    SgIfStmt* cur_if = isSgIfStmt(*(ifs.begin()));
	    //add the loop into the new basic block                                                                                   
	    if(isSwappable(cur_loop, cur_if))
	      SgBasicBlock* bb = buildBasicBlock();
	      insertStatementBefore(cur_loop, bb);
	      swapForWithIf( cur_loop, cur_if , bb);
	      swappable = 0 ;
      }//end of while
    } //end of case 2 
  }//end of if 
예제 #3
파일: mpiCodeGenerator.C 프로젝트: 8l/rose
void MPI_Code_Generator::lower_xomp (SgSourceFile* file)
  ROSE_ASSERT(file != NULL);

  Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*> nodeList = NodeQuery::querySubTree(file, V_SgStatement);
  Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*>::reverse_iterator nodeListIterator = nodeList.rbegin();
  for ( ;nodeListIterator !=nodeList.rend();  ++nodeListIterator)
    SgStatement* node = isSgStatement(*nodeListIterator);
    ROSE_ASSERT(node != NULL);
    //debug the order of the statements
    //    cout<<"Debug lower_omp(). stmt:"<<node<<" "<<node->class_name() <<" "<< node->get_file_info()->get_line()<<endl;

    switch (node->variantT())
#if 0
      case V_SgOmpParallelStatement:
          // check if this parallel region is under "omp target"
          SgNode* parent = node->get_parent();
          ROSE_ASSERT (parent != NULL);
          if (isSgBasicBlock(parent)) // skip the padding block in between.
            parent= parent->get_parent();
          if (isSgOmpTargetStatement(parent))
      case V_SgOmpForStatement:
      case V_SgOmpDoStatement:
          // check if the loop is part of the combined "omp parallel for" under the "omp target" directive
          // TODO: more robust handling of this logic, not just fixed AST form
          bool is_target_loop = false;
          SgNode* parent = node->get_parent();
          ROSE_ASSERT (parent != NULL);
          // skip a possible BB between omp parallel and omp for, especially when the omp parallel has multiple omp for loops 
          if (isSgBasicBlock(parent))
            parent = parent->get_parent();
          SgNode* grand_parent = parent->get_parent();
          ROSE_ASSERT (grand_parent != NULL);

          if (isSgOmpParallelStatement (parent) && isSgOmpTargetStatement(grand_parent) ) 
            is_target_loop = true;

          if (is_target_loop)
            //            transOmpTargetLoop (node);
            // use round-robin scheduler for larger iteration space and better performance
    // transform combined "omp target parallel for", represented as separated three directives: omp target, omp parallel, and omp for     
    case V_SgOmpForStatement:
      SgOmpTargetStatement * omp_target; 
      SgOmpParallelStatement*  omp_parallel;
      if (isCombinedTargetParallelFor (isSgOmpForStatement(node),&omp_target, &omp_parallel )) 
        transOmpTargetParallelLoop (isSgOmpForStatement(node));
    case V_SgOmpTargetStatement:
          SgOmpTargetStatement* t_stmt = isSgOmpTargetStatement(node);
          ROSE_ASSERT (t_stmt != NULL);
          SgStatement* body_stmt = t_stmt->get_body();
          SgBasicBlock * body_block = isSgBasicBlock (body_stmt);
//          transOmpTarget(node);
          if (isMPIAllBegin (t_stmt))
            // move all body statements to be after omp target
            if (body_block != NULL)
              stripOffBasicBlock (body_block, t_stmt);
              //TODO: ideally, the body_stmt should be normalized to be a BB even it is only a single statement
              removeStatement (body_stmt);
              insertStatementAfter (t_stmt, body_stmt, false);
            // remove the pragma stmt after the translation
            removeStatement (t_stmt);
          else if (isMPIMasterBegin (t_stmt))
            transMPIDeviceMaster (t_stmt);
            // other target directive with followed omp parallel for will be handled when parallel for is translated
            // cerr<<"Error. Unhandled target directive:" <<t_stmt->unparseToString()<<endl;
            //ROSE_ASSERT (false);
          // do nothing here    
    }// switch

  } // end for 

예제 #4
파일: measureTool.cpp 프로젝트: 8l/rose
int main (int argc, char** argv)
  // Build the AST used by ROSE
  vector <string> argvList (argv, argv + argc);

  if (CommandlineProcessing::isOption(argvList,"-help","", false))
    cout<<"---------------------Tool-Specific Help-----------------------------------"<<endl;
    cout<<"This is a source analysis to estimate FLOPS and Load/store bytes for loops in your C/C++ or Fortran code."<<endl;
    cout<<"Usage: "<<argvList[0]<<" -c ["<<report_option<<" result.txt] "<< "input.c"<<endl;
    cout<<"The optional "<<report_option<<" option is provided for users to specify where to save the results"<<endl;
    cout<<"By default, the results will be saved into a file named report.txt"<<endl;
    cout<<"----------------------Generic Help for ROSE tools--------------------------"<<endl;

  if (CommandlineProcessing::isOption(argvList,"-static-counting-only","", true))
    running_mode = e_static_counting; 

  if (CommandlineProcessing::isOption(argvList,"-debug","", true))
    debug = true; 
    debug = false;

  if (CommandlineProcessing::isOptionWithParameter (argvList, report_option,"", report_filename,true))
    if (debug)
      cout<<"Using user specified file: "<<report_filename<<" for storing results."<<endl;
    //report_filename="ai_tool_report.txt"; // this is set in src/ai_measurement.cpp already
    if (debug)
      cout<<"Using the default file:"<<report_filename<<" for storing results."<<endl;

  //Save -debugdep, -annot file .. etc, 
  // used internally in ReadAnnotation and Loop transformation
  bool dumpAnnot = CommandlineProcessing::isOption(argvList,"","-dumpannot",true);

  //Read in annotation files after -annot 
  ArrayAnnotation* annot = ArrayAnnotation::get_inst();
  if (dumpAnnot)
  //Strip off custom options and their values to enable backend compiler 

  SgProject* project = frontend(argvList);

  // Insert your own manipulations of the AST here...
  SgFilePtrList file_ptr_list = project->get_fileList();
  //visitorTraversal exampleTraversal;
  for (size_t i = 0; i<file_ptr_list.size(); i++)
    SgFile* cur_file = file_ptr_list[i];
    SgSourceFile* s_file = isSgSourceFile(cur_file);
    if (s_file != NULL)
      // Preorder is not friendly for transformation
      //exampleTraversal.traverseWithinFile(s_file, postorder);
      Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*> nodeList = NodeQuery::querySubTree(s_file,V_SgStatement);
      if (running_mode == e_analysis_and_instrument) // reverse of pre-order for transformation mode
        for (Rose_STL_Container<SgNode *>::reverse_iterator i = nodeList.rbegin(); i != nodeList.rend(); i++)
          SgStatement *stmt= isSgStatement(*i);
          processStatements (stmt);
      else if (running_mode ==  e_static_counting) // pre-order traverse for analysis only mode 
        for (Rose_STL_Container<SgNode *>::iterator i = nodeList.begin(); i != nodeList.end(); i++)
          SgStatement *stmt= isSgStatement(*i);
          processStatements (stmt);
        cerr<<"Error. unrecognized execution mode:"<< running_mode<<endl;
        ROSE_ASSERT (false);
    } // endif 
  } // end for

  // Generate source code from AST and invoke your
  // desired backend compiler
  return backend(project);
예제 #5
파일: MintCudaMidend.C 프로젝트: 8l/rose
void MintCudaMidend::lowerMinttoCuda(SgSourceFile* file)
  //Searches mint pragmas, and performs necessary transformation
  //We also check the mint pragmas syntactically 
  //At this point, we only care parallel regions and for loops
  //But do not process forloops at this point (note that this is bottom-up)
  //We process forloops when we see a parallel region pragma because they are always
  //inside of a parallel region.
  //TODO: Sometimes a forloop is merged with a parallel region. Need to handle these.

  ROSE_ASSERT(file != NULL);

  //replaces all the occurrences of mint parallel with omp parallel 

  //adds the private and first private into private clause explicitly 
  patchUpPrivateVariables(file);  //uses ROSE's
  patchUpFirstprivateVariables(file); //uses ROSE's

  //insert openmp specific headers

  //check if mint pragma declarations are correct

  //the map has the mapping from the host variables to device variables
  //where we copy the data
  Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*> nodeList = NodeQuery::querySubTree(file, V_SgStatement);
  Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*>::reverse_iterator nodeListIterator = nodeList.rbegin();

  for ( ;nodeListIterator !=nodeList.rend();  ++nodeListIterator)
      SgStatement* node = isSgStatement(*nodeListIterator);
      ROSE_ASSERT(node != NULL);
      switch (node->variantT())
        case V_SgOmpParallelStatement:
	    //first we handle data transfer pragmas
	    MintHostSymToDevInitMap_t hostToDevVars;
	    processDataTransferPragmas(node, hostToDevVars);
#ifdef VERBOSE_2
	    cout << "  INFO:Mint: @ Line " << node->get_file_info()->get_line()  << endl;
	    cout << "  Processing Mint Parallel Statement" << endl << endl;
	    MintCudaMidend::transOmpParallel(node, hostToDevVars);
        case V_SgOmpTaskStatement:
        case V_SgOmpForStatement:
	    //cout << "INFO-mint: Omp For Statement (skipped processing it)" << endl;
        case V_SgOmpBarrierStatement:
#ifdef VERBOSE_2
	    cout << "  INFO:Mint: @ Line " << node->get_file_info()->get_line()  << endl;
	    cout << "  Processing Omp Barrier Statement" << endl;
        case V_SgOmpFlushStatement:
	    cout << "  INFO:Mint: Processing Omp Flush Statement" << endl;
        case V_SgOmpThreadprivateStatement:
	case V_SgOmpTaskwaitStatement:
        case V_SgOmpSingleStatement:
	    //TODO: we need to check if the loop body becomes a cuda kernel or not. 
	case V_SgOmpMasterStatement:
	    //TODO: we need to check if the loop body becomes a cuda kernel or not. 
	case V_SgOmpAtomicStatement:
	case V_SgOmpOrderedStatement:
	case V_SgOmpCriticalStatement:
            //This is any other statement in the source code which is not omp pragma
            //cout<< node->unparseToString()<<" at line:"<< (node->get_file_info())->get_line()<<endl;
            // do nothing here    
	}// switch
#if 0
  //3. Special handling for files with main() 
  // rename main() to user_main()
  SgFunctionDeclaration * mainFunc = findMain(cur_file);
  if (mainFunc) 

예제 #6
파일: MintCudaMidend.C 프로젝트: 8l/rose
void MintCudaMidend::processLoopsInParallelRegion(SgNode* parallelRegionNode, 
						 MintHostSymToDevInitMap_t hostToDevVars,
						 ASTtools::VarSymSet_t& deviceSyms, 
						 MintSymSizesMap_t& trfSizes,
						 std::set<SgInitializedName*>& readOnlyVars,
						 const SgVariableSymbol* dev_struct)
  Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*> nodeList = NodeQuery::querySubTree(parallelRegionNode, V_SgStatement);
  Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*>::reverse_iterator nodeListIterator = nodeList.rbegin();

  for ( ;nodeListIterator !=nodeList.rend();  ++nodeListIterator)
      SgStatement* node = isSgStatement(*nodeListIterator);
      ROSE_ASSERT(node != NULL);
      switch (node->variantT())
        case V_SgOmpForStatement:
#ifdef VERBOSE_2
	    cout << "  INFO:Mint: @ Line " << node->get_file_info()->get_line()  << endl;
            cout << "  Processing Omp For Statement" << endl << endl;
	    //DataTransferSizes::findTransferSizes(node, trfSizes);
	    bool isBoundaryCond = LoweringToCuda::isBoundaryConditionLoop(node);
	    SgFunctionDeclaration* kernel;
	    MintForClauses_t clauseList; 

	    //kernel= LoweringToCuda::transOmpFor(node, hostToDevVars, deviceSyms, readOnlyVars,clauseList, dev_struct) ;  	    
	    kernel= LoweringToCuda::transOmpFor(node, hostToDevVars, deviceSyms, clauseList, dev_struct) ;  	    

	    //swap anyways // x swapping is buggy, need to fix that before allowing x as well
	    if(clauseList.chunksize.x == 1 && ( clauseList.chunksize.z != 1 || clauseList.chunksize.y != 1 ))
		CudaOptimizer::swapLoopAndIf(kernel, clauseList);
	    if (!isBoundaryCond && MintOptions::GetInstance()->optimize())
	      //if (MintOptions::GetInstance()->optimize())
		cout << "\n\n  INFO:Mint: Optimization is ON. Optimizing ...\n\n" ;

		CudaOptimizer::optimize(kernel, clauseList);
	    //  MintTools::printAllStatements(isSgNode(kernel));
	    //cout << "  INFO:Mint: @ Line " << node->get_file_info()->get_line()  << endl;
	    //cout << "  Currently we only handle for loops" << endl << endl;
	    //do nothing
	    //currently we only handle for loops
  for (ASTtools::VarSymSet_t::const_iterator i = deviceSyms.begin (); i!= deviceSyms.end (); ++i)
      SgVariableSymbol* sym= const_cast<SgVariableSymbol*> (*i);

      SgInitializedName* name = sym->get_declaration();
      SgType* type = name->get_type();
      if(isSgArrayType(type) || isSgPointerType(type)){
	//Check if is of the fields of the struct
	if(hostToDevVars.find(sym) == hostToDevVars.end())
	    string name_str = name->get_name().str();
	    cerr << "  ERR:Mint: Ooops! Did you forget to insert a copy pragma for the variable ("<< name_str << ") ?"<< endl;
	    cerr << "  ERR:Mint: Please insert the copy pragma and compile again "<< endl;
	    cerr << "  INFO:Mint: Note that copy pragmas should appear right before and after a parallel region" << endl;
예제 #7
파일: StencilAnalysis.C 프로젝트: 8l/rose
void StencilAnalysis::performCornerStencilsAnalysis(SgBasicBlock* basicBlock, 
						    const SgInitializedName* array,
						    bool& plane_xy /*false*/, 
						    bool& plane_xz /*false*/, 
						    bool& plane_yz /*false*/ )
  //For example 19 and 27-stencils require upper and lower planes in shared memory but 
  //7-point only needs the center plane in the shared memory. 

  bool cornerXY = false; 
  bool cornerYZ = false; 
  bool cornerXZ = false; 

  size_t dim = MintArrayInterface::getDimension(array);

  string candidateVarName = array->get_name().str();

  Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*> nodeList = NodeQuery::querySubTree(basicBlock, V_SgPntrArrRefExp);

  Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*>::reverse_iterator arrayNode = nodeList.rbegin();
  for(; arrayNode != nodeList.rend(); arrayNode++)

      SgExpression* arrayExp; 
      vector<SgExpression*>  subscripts; //first index is i if E[j][i]

      SgExpression* arrRefWithIndices = isSgExpression(*arrayNode);

      if(MintArrayInterface::isArrayReference(arrRefWithIndices, &arrayExp, &subscripts))
	  SgInitializedName *arrayName = SageInterface::convertRefToInitializedName(isSgVarRefExp (arrayExp));

	  string var_name= arrayName->get_name().str();	

	  //check if array name matches
	  if(var_name == candidateVarName && subscripts.size() == dim){
	    //check if subsrcipts are _gidx and _gidy
	    std::vector<SgExpression*>::iterator it;
	    bool cornerX = false; 
	    bool cornerY = false; 
	    bool cornerZ = false; 

	    for(it= subscripts.begin(); it != subscripts.end(); it++)

		SgExpression* index = *it;
		Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*> constList = NodeQuery::querySubTree(index, V_SgIntVal);

		Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*> indexVarExp = NodeQuery::querySubTree(index, V_SgVarRefExp);

		if(constList.size() > 0 && indexVarExp.size() == 1 )
		    string indexVarStr = isSgExpression(*(indexVarExp.begin())) -> unparseToString();
		    if(indexVarStr == GIDX )
		      cornerX = true;
		    else if (indexVarStr == GIDY)
		      cornerY = true;
		    else if (indexVarStr == GIDZ)
		      cornerZ = true;		    

	    cornerXY = (cornerX && cornerY) ? true : cornerXY;
	    cornerXZ = (cornerX && cornerZ) ? true : cornerXZ;
	    cornerYZ = (cornerZ && cornerY) ? true : cornerYZ;	      
  plane_xy = cornerXY;
  plane_xz = cornerXZ;
  plane_yz = cornerYZ;

    cout << "  INFO:Mint: Corner x y planes are shared" << endl;

    cout << "  INFO:Mint: Corner x z planes are shared" << endl;

    cout << "  INFO:Mint: Corner y z planes are shared" << endl;

예제 #8
파일: StencilAnalysis.C 프로젝트: 8l/rose
int StencilAnalysis::performHigherOrderAnalysis(SgBasicBlock* basicBlock, 
						const SgInitializedName* array, int num_planes)
  //Didem: rewrote in March 01, 2011 to make it more robust 
  //we are interested in only expressions i,j,k + c where c is a constant 
  //and consider only these kinds of expressions because others cannot 
  //benefit from the on-chip memory optimizations

  //this affects the shared memory offsets [BLOCKDIM + order]
  //assumes symmetric 
  //x dim : -/+ order 
  //y dim : -/+ order
  //z dim : -/+ order 

  int maxOrderX = 0;
  int maxOrderY = 0;
  int maxOrderZ = 0;

  size_t dim = MintArrayInterface::getDimension(array);

  string candidateVarName = array->get_name().str();

  Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*> nodeList = NodeQuery::querySubTree(basicBlock, V_SgPntrArrRefExp);

  Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*>::reverse_iterator arrayNode = nodeList.rbegin();
  for(; arrayNode != nodeList.rend(); arrayNode++)

      SgExpression* arrayExp; 
      vector<SgExpression*>  subscripts; //first index is i if E[j][i]

      SgExpression* arrRefWithIndices = isSgExpression(*arrayNode);

      if(MintArrayInterface::isArrayReference(arrRefWithIndices, &arrayExp, &subscripts))
	  SgInitializedName *arrayName = SageInterface::convertRefToInitializedName(isSgVarRefExp (arrayExp));

	  string var_name= arrayName->get_name().str();	

	  //check if array name matches
	  if(var_name == candidateVarName && subscripts.size() == dim){
	    int indexNo = 0;

	    //check if subsrcipts are _gidx and _gidy
	    std::vector<SgExpression*>::iterator it;
	    for(it= subscripts.begin(); it != subscripts.end(); it++)
		SgExpression* index = *it;

		Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*> binOpList = NodeQuery::querySubTree(index, V_SgBinaryOp);

		if(binOpList.size() == 1)
		    SgBinaryOp* binOp = isSgBinaryOp(*(binOpList.begin()));

		    if(isSgAddOp(binOp) || isSgSubtractOp(binOp))
			SgExpression* lhs = binOp->get_lhs_operand();
			SgExpression* rhs = binOp->get_rhs_operand();
			SgExpression* varExp = NULL;
			string varExp_str = "";
			int newVal =0;

			if(isSgIntVal(lhs) && isSgVarRefExp(rhs))
			    varExp = isSgVarRefExp(rhs);
			    varExp_str = varExp->unparseToString();
			    newVal = isSgIntVal(lhs)-> get_value();

			else if (isSgIntVal(rhs) && isSgVarRefExp(lhs))
			    varExp = isSgVarRefExp(lhs);
			    varExp_str = varExp->unparseToString();
			    newVal = isSgIntVal(rhs)-> get_value();
			if(indexNo == 1 && varExp_str == GIDX)
			  maxOrderX = newVal > maxOrderX ? newVal : maxOrderX;
			if(indexNo == 2 && varExp_str == GIDY)
			  maxOrderY = newVal > maxOrderY ? newVal : maxOrderY;
			if(indexNo == 3 && varExp_str == GIDZ)
			  maxOrderZ = newVal > maxOrderZ ? newVal : maxOrderZ;
		      }//end of addop subtract op

		  } // end of binary op 

	      } //end of for subscripts

	  }//if end of var_name = candidatename

	}//end of is arrayRef

    }// end of ptr arr ref loop

  if(num_planes == 1)
    return (maxOrderX > maxOrderY) ? maxOrderX : maxOrderY;

  if(maxOrderX > maxOrderY )
   return  (maxOrderX > maxOrderZ) ? maxOrderX : maxOrderZ;

  return  (maxOrderY > maxOrderZ) ? maxOrderY : maxOrderZ;

} //end of function