int main(int argc, char **argv) { QueryProperties::QueryType queryType = QueryProperties::XAPIAN_QP; string engineType, option, csvExport, xmlExport, stemLanguage; unsigned int maxResultsCount = 10; int longOptionIndex = 0; bool printResults = true; bool sortByDate = false; bool locationOnly = false; bool isStoredQuery = false; // Look at the options int optionChar = getopt_long(argc, argv, "c:dhlm:rs:vx:", g_longOptions, &longOptionIndex); while (optionChar != -1) { switch (optionChar) { case 'c': if (optarg != NULL) { csvExport = optarg; printResults = false; } break; case 'd': sortByDate = true; break; case 'h': printHelp(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; case 'l': locationOnly = true; break; case 'm': if (optarg != NULL) { maxResultsCount = (unsigned int )atoi(optarg); } break; case 'r': isStoredQuery = true; break; case 's': if (optarg != NULL) { stemLanguage = optarg; } break; case 'v': clog << "pinot-search - " << PACKAGE_STRING << "\n\n" << "This is free software. You may redistribute copies of it under the terms of\n" << "the GNU General Public License <>.\n" << "There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law." << endl; return EXIT_SUCCESS; case 'x': if (optarg != NULL) { xmlExport = optarg; printResults = false; } break; default: return EXIT_FAILURE; } // Next option optionChar = getopt_long(argc, argv, "c:dhlm:rs:vx:", g_longOptions, &longOptionIndex); } #if defined(ENABLE_NLS) bindtextdomain(GETTEXT_PACKAGE, PACKAGE_LOCALE_DIR); bind_textdomain_codeset(GETTEXT_PACKAGE, "UTF-8"); textdomain(GETTEXT_PACKAGE); #endif //ENABLE_NLS if (argc == 1) { printHelp(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } if ((argc < 4) || (argc - optind != 3)) { clog << "Wrong number of parameters" << endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } // This will create the necessary directories on the first run PinotSettings &settings = PinotSettings::getInstance(); string confDirectory(PinotSettings::getConfigurationDirectory()); if (MIMEScanner::initialize(PinotSettings::getHomeDirectory() + "/.local", string(SHARED_MIME_INFO_PREFIX)) == false) { clog << "Couldn't load MIME settings" << endl; } DownloaderInterface::initialize(); ModuleFactory::loadModules(string(LIBDIR) + string("/pinot/backends")); ModuleFactory::loadModules(confDirectory + "/backends"); // Localize language names Languages::setIntlName(0, _("Unknown")); Languages::setIntlName(1, _("Danish")); Languages::setIntlName(2, _("Dutch")); Languages::setIntlName(3, _("English")); Languages::setIntlName(4, _("Finnish")); Languages::setIntlName(5, _("French")); Languages::setIntlName(6, _("German")); Languages::setIntlName(7, _("Hungarian")); Languages::setIntlName(8, _("Italian")); Languages::setIntlName(9, _("Norwegian")); Languages::setIntlName(10, _("Portuguese")); Languages::setIntlName(11, _("Romanian")); Languages::setIntlName(12, _("Russian")); Languages::setIntlName(13, _("Spanish")); Languages::setIntlName(14, _("Swedish")); Languages::setIntlName(15, _("Turkish")); // Load the settings settings.load(PinotSettings::LOAD_ALL); engineType = argv[optind]; option = argv[optind + 1]; char *pQueryInput = argv[optind + 2]; // Set the query QueryProperties queryProps("pinot-search", "", queryType); if (queryType == QueryProperties::XAPIAN_QP) { if (isStoredQuery == true) { const map<string, QueryProperties> &queries = settings.getQueries(); map<string, QueryProperties>::const_iterator queryIter = queries.find(pQueryInput); if (queryIter != queries.end()) { queryProps = queryIter->second; } else { clog << "Couldn't find stored query " << pQueryInput << endl; DownloaderInterface::shutdown(); MIMEScanner::shutdown(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } else { queryProps.setFreeQuery(pQueryInput); } } queryProps.setStemmingLanguage(stemLanguage); queryProps.setMaximumResultsCount(maxResultsCount); if (sortByDate == true) { queryProps.setSortOrder(QueryProperties::DATE); } // Which SearchEngine ? SearchEngineInterface *pEngine = ModuleFactory::getSearchEngine(engineType, option); if (pEngine == NULL) { clog << "Couldn't obtain search engine instance" << endl; DownloaderInterface::shutdown(); MIMEScanner::shutdown(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } // Set up the proxy WebEngine *pWebEngine = dynamic_cast<WebEngine *>(pEngine); if (pWebEngine != NULL) { DownloaderInterface *pDownloader = pWebEngine->getDownloader(); if ((pDownloader != NULL) && (settings.m_proxyEnabled == true) && (settings.m_proxyAddress.empty() == false)) { char portStr[64]; pDownloader->setSetting("proxyaddress", settings.m_proxyAddress); snprintf(portStr, 64, "%u", settings.m_proxyPort); pDownloader->setSetting("proxyport", portStr); pDownloader->setSetting("proxytype", settings.m_proxyType); } pWebEngine->setEditableValues(settings.m_editablePluginValues); } pEngine->setDefaultOperator(SearchEngineInterface::DEFAULT_OP_AND); if (pEngine->runQuery(queryProps) == true) { string resultsPage; unsigned int estimatedResultsCount = pEngine->getResultsCountEstimate(); const vector<DocumentInfo> &resultsList = pEngine->getResults(); if (resultsList.empty() == false) { if (printResults == true) { unsigned int count = 0; if (locationOnly == false) { clog << "Showing " << resultsList.size() << " results of about " << estimatedResultsCount << endl; } vector<DocumentInfo>::const_iterator resultIter = resultsList.begin(); while (resultIter != resultsList.end()) { string rawUrl(resultIter->getLocation(true)); if (locationOnly == false) { clog << count << " Location : '" << rawUrl << "'"<< endl; clog << count << " Title : " << resultIter->getTitle() << endl; clog << count << " Type : " << resultIter->getType() << endl; clog << count << " Language : " << resultIter->getLanguage() << endl; clog << count << " Date : " << resultIter->getTimestamp() << endl; clog << count << " Size : " << resultIter->getSize() << endl; clog << count << " Extract : " << resultIter->getExtract() << endl; clog << count << " Score : " << resultIter->getScore() << endl; } else { clog << rawUrl << endl; } ++count; // Next ++resultIter; } } else { string engineName(ModuleFactory::getSearchEngineName(engineType, option)); if (csvExport.empty() == false) { CSVExporter exporter(csvExport, queryProps); exporter.exportResults(engineName, maxResultsCount, resultsList); } if (xmlExport.empty() == false) { OpenSearchExporter exporter(xmlExport, queryProps); exporter.exportResults(engineName, maxResultsCount, resultsList); } } } else { clog << "No results" << endl; } } else { clog << "Couldn't run query on search engine " << engineType << endl; } delete pEngine; ModuleFactory::unloadModules(); DownloaderInterface::shutdown(); MIMEScanner::shutdown(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
void EngineQueryThread::doWork(void) { PinotSettings &settings = PinotSettings::getInstance(); // Get the SearchEngine SearchEngineInterface *pEngine = SearchEngineFactory::getSearchEngine(m_engineName, m_engineOption); if (pEngine == NULL) { m_errorNum = UNKNOWN_ENGINE; m_errorParam = m_engineDisplayableName; return; } // Set up the proxy DownloaderInterface *pDownloader = pEngine->getDownloader(); if ((pDownloader != NULL) && (settings.m_proxyEnabled == true) && (settings.m_proxyAddress.empty() == false)) { char portStr[64]; pDownloader->setSetting("proxyaddress", settings.m_proxyAddress); snprintf(portStr, 64, "%u", settings.m_proxyPort); pDownloader->setSetting("proxyport", portStr); pDownloader->setSetting("proxytype", settings.m_proxyType); } if (m_listingIndex == false) { pEngine->setLimitSet(m_limitToDocsSet); } // Run the query pEngine->setDefaultOperator(SearchEngineInterface::DEFAULT_OP_AND); if (pEngine->runQuery(m_queryProps, m_startDoc) == false) { m_errorNum = QUERY_FAILED; m_errorParam = m_engineDisplayableName; } else { const vector<DocumentInfo> &resultsList = pEngine->getResults(); m_documentsList.clear(); m_documentsList.reserve(resultsList.size()); m_documentsCount = pEngine->getResultsCountEstimate(); #ifdef DEBUG cout << "EngineQueryThread::doWork: " << resultsList.size() << " off " << m_documentsCount << " results to process, starting at position " << m_startDoc << endl; #endif m_resultsCharset = pEngine->getResultsCharset(); if (m_listingIndex == false) { processResults(resultsList); } else { processResults(resultsList, PinotSettings::getInstance().getIndexIdByName(m_engineDisplayableName)); } // Any spelling correction ? string correctedFreeQuery(pEngine->getSpellingCorrection()); if (correctedFreeQuery.empty() == false) { m_correctedSpelling = true; m_queryProps.setFreeQuery(correctedFreeQuery); } } delete pEngine; }
void QueryingThread::doWork(void) { PinotSettings &settings = PinotSettings::getInstance(); // Get the SearchEngine SearchEngineInterface *pEngine = SearchEngineFactory::getSearchEngine(m_engineName, m_engineOption); if (pEngine == NULL) { m_status = _("Couldn't create search engine"); m_status += " "; m_status += m_engineDisplayableName; return; } // Set up the proxy DownloaderInterface *pDownloader = pEngine->getDownloader(); if ((pDownloader != NULL) && (settings.m_proxyEnabled == true) && (settings.m_proxyAddress.empty() == false)) { char portStr[64]; pDownloader->setSetting("proxyaddress", settings.m_proxyAddress); snprintf(portStr, 64, "%u", settings.m_proxyPort); pDownloader->setSetting("proxyport", portStr); pDownloader->setSetting("proxytype", settings.m_proxyType); } // Run the query if (pEngine->runQuery(m_queryProps, m_startDoc) == false) { m_status = _("Couldn't run query on search engine"); m_status += " "; m_status += m_engineDisplayableName; } else { const vector<DocumentInfo> &resultsList = pEngine->getResults(); m_documentsList.clear(); m_documentsList.reserve(resultsList.size()); m_documentsCount = pEngine->getResultsCountEstimate(); #ifdef DEBUG cout << "QueryingThread::doWork: " << resultsList.size() << " off " << m_documentsCount << " results to process, starting at position " << m_startDoc << endl; #endif m_resultsCharset = pEngine->getResultsCharset(); if (m_listingIndex == false) { processResults(resultsList); } else { processResults(resultsList, PinotSettings::getInstance().getIndexId(m_engineDisplayableName)); } } delete pEngine; }