void BaseFileFind::runNewSearch(const QString &txt, Find::FindFlags findFlags, SearchResultWindow::SearchMode searchMode) { m_currentFindSupport = 0; if (m_filterCombo) updateComboEntries(m_filterCombo, true); SearchResult *search = Find::SearchResultWindow::instance()->startNewSearch(label(), toolTip().arg(Find::IFindFilter::descriptionForFindFlags(findFlags)), txt, searchMode, QString::fromLatin1("TextEditor")); search->setTextToReplace(txt); search->setSearchAgainSupported(true); FileFindParameters parameters; parameters.text = txt; parameters.flags = findFlags; parameters.nameFilters = fileNameFilters(); parameters.additionalParameters = additionalParameters(); search->setUserData(qVariantFromValue(parameters)); connect(search, SIGNAL(activated(Find::SearchResultItem)), this, SLOT(openEditor(Find::SearchResultItem))); if (searchMode == SearchResultWindow::SearchAndReplace) { connect(search, SIGNAL(replaceButtonClicked(QString,QList<Find::SearchResultItem>)), this, SLOT(doReplace(QString,QList<Find::SearchResultItem>))); } connect(search, SIGNAL(visibilityChanged(bool)), this, SLOT(hideHighlightAll(bool))); connect(search, SIGNAL(cancelled()), this, SLOT(cancel())); connect(search, SIGNAL(paused(bool)), this, SLOT(setPaused(bool))); connect(search, SIGNAL(searchAgainRequested()), this, SLOT(searchAgain())); connect(this, SIGNAL(enabledChanged(bool)), search, SLOT(setSearchAgainEnabled(bool))); runSearch(search); }
void BaseFileFind::runNewSearch(const QString &txt, FindFlags findFlags, SearchResultWindow::SearchMode searchMode) { d->m_currentFindSupport = 0; if (d->m_filterCombo) updateComboEntries(d->m_filterCombo, true); SearchResult *search = SearchResultWindow::instance()->startNewSearch(label(), toolTip().arg(IFindFilter::descriptionForFindFlags(findFlags)), txt, searchMode, SearchResultWindow::PreserveCaseEnabled, QString::fromLatin1("TextEditor")); search->setTextToReplace(txt); search->setSearchAgainSupported(true); FileFindParameters parameters; parameters.text = txt; parameters.flags = findFlags; parameters.nameFilters = fileNameFilters(); parameters.additionalParameters = additionalParameters(); search->setUserData(qVariantFromValue(parameters)); connect(search, &SearchResult::activated, this, &BaseFileFind::openEditor); if (searchMode == SearchResultWindow::SearchAndReplace) connect(search, &SearchResult::replaceButtonClicked, this, &BaseFileFind::doReplace); connect(search, &SearchResult::visibilityChanged, this, &BaseFileFind::hideHighlightAll); connect(search, &SearchResult::cancelled, this, &BaseFileFind::cancel); connect(search, &SearchResult::paused, this, &BaseFileFind::setPaused); connect(search, &SearchResult::searchAgainRequested, this, &BaseFileFind::searchAgain); connect(this, &BaseFileFind::enabledChanged, search, &SearchResult::requestEnabledCheck); connect(search, &SearchResult::requestEnabledCheck, this, &BaseFileFind::recheckEnabled); runSearch(search); }
//Processing the results of search done by each thread and constructing a response void StringProcessor::processMessages(){ sout << "\nIn string processor for string : " << srchString; try{ int j = 0; Timer timer; timer.start(); while (true){ SearchResult sr = bqOut.deQ(); if (sr.isFound()){ filesFoundIn.push_back(sr.getFile()); } //construct response j++; if (j == numFiles){ //sout << "\nexiting from string processor"; break; } /*for (std::thread* thrd : threads){ thrd->join(); }*/ /*if (bqOut.isEmpty()){ sout << "\nExiting from string processor\n"; break; }*/ } timer.stop(); elapsedTime = timer.elapsedTime<std::chrono::milliseconds>(); constructResponse(); }catch (exception e){ sout << e.what(); } }
void SymbolsFindFilter::searchAgain() { SearchResult *search = qobject_cast<SearchResult *>(sender()); QTC_ASSERT(search, return); search->restart(); startSearch(search); }
QVariantList SearchApi::search(const int moduleID, const QString &queryString) { DEBUG_FUNC_NAME SearchQuery query; query.searchText = queryString; query.queryType = SearchQuery::Simple; query.range = SearchQuery::Whole; SearchResult *result = new SearchResult(); result->searchQuery = query; QVariantList res; Bible *module = (Bible*) m_moduleManager->newTextRangesVerseModule(moduleID); if(module != nullptr) { module->search(query, result); result->sort(); foreach(const SearchHit &h, result->hits()) { QVariantMap m; QMapIterator<int, QVariant> i(h.m_map); while (i.hasNext()) { i.next(); m[QString::number(i.key())] = i.value(); } res << QVariant(m); } delete result; delete module; }
//void ArestShopPlugin::SinglePageFound() //{ //#ifdef USE_WEBKIT // QWebFrame * ptrFrame = getWebPage()->mainFrame(); // parseProductPage(m_stCompData); // m_stCompData.strCompURL = ptrFrame->url().toString(); // emit priceSearchedFinished(m_stCompData); // productFoundFinish(); //#endif //}; void ArestShopPlugin::parseSearchProductPage(SearchResult & stResult,bool & bNextPage) { //run XML search page parse bNextPage=false; #ifdef USE_WEBKIT QWebFrame * ptrFrame = getWebPage()->mainFrame(); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// QWebElementCollection tableProdRows = ptrFrame->findAllElements("table[class=pricelist]"); for(int iIndex=0;iIndex<tableProdRows.count();++iIndex) { QWebElement prodNameHeader = tableProdRows.at(iIndex).findFirst("td[class=nazwa]"); if (prodNameHeader.isNull()) continue; QWebElement productLink = prodNameHeader.findFirst("a"); QUrl stProductURL = productLink.attribute("href"); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// QString strName = productLink.toPlainText(); stResult.insert(std::make_pair(strName,stProductURL)); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// QWebElement tablePageNavi = ptrFrame->findFirstElement("li[class=next]"); if (tablePageNavi.isNull()) { bNextPage=false; return; } bNextPage=true; #endif stResult.insert(Arest::mSearchResult.begin(),Arest::mSearchResult.end()); bNextPage=m_bLoadNextPage; }
/** * @brief TestAlgorithm::run start the search * @return a list of data packets containing results */ QList<DataPacket*> TestAlgorithm::run() { QList<DataPacket*> list; SearchResult* result = new SearchResult(); list.append(dynamic_cast<DataPacket*>(result)); for (QString& datasetPath : mQuery->getDatasets()) { Dataset dataset(datasetPath); for (Medium* medium : dataset.getMediaList()) { if (mCancel == true) { return list; } SearchObject* object = new SearchObject(); object->setMedium(medium->getPath()); object->setSourceDataset(dataset.getPath()); //new result element SearchResultElement* resultElement = new SearchResultElement(); resultElement->setSearchObject(*object); resultElement->setScore(std::rand() % 20); //add to result list result->addResultElement(*resultElement); } } QThread::msleep(1500); return list; }
void WindowWithSearchResults::setResults(QList<Movie> movies) { this->results = movies; foreach (Movie movie, movies) { SearchResult *searchResult = new SearchResult(&movie, ui->listWidget, this); ui->listWidget->addItem(searchResult->getListItem()); searchResult->fetchIcon(); }
void FindResultsTab::DoOpenSearchResult(const SearchResult& result, wxStyledTextCtrl* sci, int markerLine) { if(!result.GetFileName().IsEmpty()) { LEditor* editor = clMainFrame::Get()->GetMainBook()->OpenFile(result.GetFileName()); if(editor && result.GetLen() >= 0) { // Update the destination position if there have been subsequent changes in the editor int position = result.GetPosition(); std::vector<int> changes; editor->GetChanges(changes); unsigned int changesTotal = changes.size(); int changePosition = 0; int changeLength = 0; int resultLength = result.GetLen(); bool removed = false; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < changesTotal; i += 2) { changePosition = changes.at(i); changeLength = changes.at(i + 1); if((changeLength < 0) && (changePosition - changeLength > position) && (changePosition < position + resultLength)) { // It looks like the data corresponding to this search result has been deleted // While it's possible that it's been cut, then (later in the changes) re-pasted // so that the result still matches, it's more likely to have been replaced by different text // We can't easily tell, so assume the worst and label the result invalid removed = true; // Explain the failure clMainFrame::Get()->GetStatusBar()->SetMessage(_("Search result is no longer valid")); break; } else if(changePosition <= position) { position += changeLength; } } if(!removed) { editor->SetEnsureCaretIsVisible( position, true, true); // The 3rd parameter sets a small delay, otherwise it fails for long folded files int lineNumber = editor->LineFromPos(position); if(lineNumber) { lineNumber--; } editor->SetLineVisible(lineNumber); editor->SetSelection(position, position + resultLength); #ifdef __WXGTK__ editor->ScrollToColumn(0); #endif if(sci) { // remove the previous marker and add the new one sci->MarkerDeleteAll(7); sci->MarkerAdd(markerLine, 7); sci->EnsureVisible(markerLine); sci->GotoLine(markerLine); } } } } }
void SymbolsFindFilter::finish() { auto watcher = static_cast<QFutureWatcher<SearchResultItem> *>(sender()); SearchResult *search = m_watchers.value(watcher); if (search) search->finishSearch(watcher->isCanceled()); m_watchers.remove(watcher); watcher->deleteLater(); }
void QSearchDisplayModel::downloadTorrent() { if (m_pTorrentListView->model() != this) { return; } QModelIndex index = m_pTorrentListView->currentIndex(); SearchResult* searchResult = index.data(SearchItemRole).value<SearchResult*>(); m_pTorrentDownloader->download(searchResult->TorrentFileUrl()); }
void SymbolsFindFilter::addResults(int begin, int end) { auto watcher = static_cast<QFutureWatcher<SearchResultItem> *>(sender()); SearchResult *search = m_watchers.value(watcher); if (!search) { // search was removed from search history while the search is running watcher->cancel(); return; } QList<SearchResultItem> items; for (int i = begin; i < end; ++i) items << watcher->resultAt(i); search->addResults(items, SearchResult::AddSorted); }
void GaduEditAccount::slotSearchResult( const SearchResult& result, unsigned int seq ) { if ( !( seq != 0 && seqNr != 0 && seq == seqNr ) || result.isEmpty() ) { return; } connectLabel->setText( " " ); uiName->setText( result[0].firstname ); uiSurname->setText( result[0].surname ); nickName->setText( result[0].nickname ); uiYOB->setText( result[0].age ); uiCity->setText( result[0].city ); kDebug( 14100 ) << "gender found: " << result[0].gender; if ( result[0].gender == QString( GG_PUBDIR50_GENDER_SET_FEMALE ) ) { uiGender->setCurrentIndex( 1 ); kDebug(14100) << "looks like female"; } else { if ( result[0].gender == QString( GG_PUBDIR50_GENDER_SET_MALE ) ) { uiGender->setCurrentIndex( 2 ); kDebug( 14100 ) <<" looks like male"; } } uiMeiden->setText( result[0].meiden ); uiOrgin->setText( result[0].orgin ); enableUserInfo( true ); disconnect( SLOT(slotSearchResult(SearchResult,uint)) ); }
QVariant QSearchDisplayModel::data(const QModelIndex& index, int role /*= Qt::DisplayRole*/) const { if(index.isValid()) { int row = index.row(); int col = index.column(); SearchItemsStorragePtr results = m_pSearchEngine->GetResults(); if(row > results->length()) { return QVariant(); } SearchResult* res = (*results) [row]; switch(role) { case SearchItemRole: { return qVariantFromValue(res); } case SearchItemName: { return res->Name(); } case SearchItemSize: { return res->Size(); } case SearchItemSeeders: { return res->Seeders(); } case SearchItemPeers: { return res->Leechers(); } } } return QVariant(); }
void SymbolsFindFilter::findAll(const QString &txt, FindFlags findFlags) { SearchResultWindow *window = SearchResultWindow::instance(); SearchResult *search = window->startNewSearch(label(), toolTip(findFlags), txt); search->setSearchAgainSupported(true); connect(search, SIGNAL(activated(Core::SearchResultItem)), this, SLOT(openEditor(Core::SearchResultItem))); connect(search, SIGNAL(cancelled()), this, SLOT(cancel())); connect(search, SIGNAL(paused(bool)), this, SLOT(setPaused(bool))); connect(search, SIGNAL(searchAgainRequested()), this, SLOT(searchAgain())); connect(this, SIGNAL(enabledChanged(bool)), search, SLOT(setSearchAgainEnabled(bool))); window->popup(IOutputPane::ModeSwitch | IOutputPane::WithFocus); SymbolSearcher::Parameters parameters; parameters.text = txt; parameters.flags = findFlags; parameters.types = m_symbolsToSearch; parameters.scope = m_scope; search->setUserData(qVariantFromValue(parameters)); startSearch(search); }
void GaduSession::sendResult( gg_pubdir50_t result ) { int i, count, age; ResLine resultLine; SearchResult sres; count = gg_pubdir50_count( result ); if ( !count ) { kdDebug(14100) << "there was nothing found in public directory for requested details" << endl; } for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { resultLine.uin = QString( gg_pubdir50_get( result, i, GG_PUBDIR50_UIN ) ).toInt(); resultLine.firstname = textcodec->toUnicode( gg_pubdir50_get( result, i, GG_PUBDIR50_FIRSTNAME ) ); resultLine.surname = textcodec->toUnicode( gg_pubdir50_get( result, i, GG_PUBDIR50_LASTNAME ) ); resultLine.nickname = textcodec->toUnicode( gg_pubdir50_get( result, i, GG_PUBDIR50_NICKNAME ) ); resultLine.age = textcodec->toUnicode( gg_pubdir50_get( result, i, GG_PUBDIR50_BIRTHYEAR ) ); resultLine.city = textcodec->toUnicode( gg_pubdir50_get( result, i, GG_PUBDIR50_CITY ) ); QString stat = textcodec->toUnicode( gg_pubdir50_get( result, i, GG_PUBDIR50_STATUS ) ); resultLine.orgin = textcodec->toUnicode( gg_pubdir50_get( result, i, GG_PUBDIR50_FAMILYCITY ) ); resultLine.meiden = textcodec->toUnicode( gg_pubdir50_get( result, i, GG_PUBDIR50_FAMILYNAME ) ); resultLine.gender = textcodec->toUnicode( gg_pubdir50_get( result, i, GG_PUBDIR50_GENDER ) ); resultLine.status = stat.toInt(); age = resultLine.age.toInt(); if ( age ) { resultLine.age = QString::number( QDate::currentDate().year() - age ); } else { resultLine.age.truncate( 0 ); } sres.append( resultLine ); kdDebug(14100) << "found line "<< resultLine.uin << " " << resultLine.firstname << endl; } searchSeqNr_ = gg_pubdir50_next( result ); emit pubDirSearchResult( sres, gg_pubdir50_seq( result ) ); }
void ClientManager::on(NmdcSearch, Client* aClient, const string& aSeeker, int aSearchType, int64_t aSize, int aFileType, const string& aString) throw() { Speaker<ClientManagerListener>::fire(ClientManagerListener::IncomingSearch(), aString); bool isPassive = (aSeeker.compare(0, 4, "Hub:") == 0); // We don't wan't to answer passive searches if we're in passive mode... if(isPassive && !ClientManager::getInstance()->isActive()) { return; } SearchResult::List l; ShareManager::getInstance()->search(l, aString, aSearchType, aSize, aFileType, aClient, isPassive ? 5 : 10); // dcdebug("Found %d items (%s)\n", l.size(), aString.c_str()); if(l.size() > 0) { if(isPassive) { string name = aSeeker.substr(4); // Good, we have a passive seeker, those are easier... string str; for(SearchResult::Iter i = l.begin(); i != l.end(); ++i) { SearchResult* sr = *i; str += sr->toSR(*aClient); str[str.length()-1] = 5; str += name; str += '|'; sr->decRef(); } if(str.size() > 0) aClient->send(str); } else { try { string ip, file; uint16_t port = 0; Util::decodeUrl(aSeeker, ip, port, file); ip = Socket::resolve(ip); // Temporary fix to avoid spamming hublist.org and dcpp.net if(ip == "" || ip == "") { LogManager::getInstance()->message("Someone is trying to use your client to spam " + ip + ", please urge hub owner to fix this"); return; } if(port == 0) port = 412; for(SearchResult::Iter i = l.begin(); i != l.end(); ++i) { SearchResult* sr = *i; udp.writeTo(ip, port, sr->toSR(*aClient)); sr->decRef(); } } catch(const SocketException& /* e */) { dcdebug("Search caught error\n"); } } } }
void SearchManager::onRES(const AdcCommand& cmd, const User::Ptr& from, const string& remoteIp) { int freeSlots = -1; int64_t size = -1; string file; string tth; string token; for(StringIterC i = cmd.getParameters().begin(); i != cmd.getParameters().end(); ++i) { const string& str = *i; if(str.compare(0, 2, "FN") == 0) { file = Util::toNmdcFile(str.substr(2)); } else if(str.compare(0, 2, "SL") == 0) { freeSlots = Util::toInt(str.substr(2)); } else if(str.compare(0, 2, "SI") == 0) { size = Util::toInt64(str.substr(2)); } else if(str.compare(0, 2, "TR") == 0) { tth = str.substr(2); } else if(str.compare(0, 2, "TO") == 0) { token = str.substr(2); } } if(!file.empty() && freeSlots != -1 && size != -1) { StringList names = ClientManager::getInstance()->getHubNames(from->getCID()); string hubName = names.empty() ? STRING(OFFLINE) : Util::toString(names); StringList hubs = ClientManager::getInstance()->getHubs(from->getCID()); string hub = hubs.empty() ? STRING(OFFLINE) : Util::toString(hubs); SearchResult::Types type = (file[file.length() - 1] == '\\' ? SearchResult::TYPE_DIRECTORY : SearchResult::TYPE_FILE); if(type == SearchResult::TYPE_FILE && tth.empty()) return; /// @todo Something about the slots SearchResult* sr = new SearchResult(from, type, 0, freeSlots, size, file, hubName, hub, remoteIp, TTHValue(tth), token); fire(SearchManagerListener::SR(), sr); sr->decRef(); } }
void BaseFileFind::runNewSearch(const QString &txt, Core::FindFlags findFlags, SearchResultWindow::SearchMode searchMode) { d->m_currentFindSupport = 0; if (d->m_filterCombo) updateComboEntries(d->m_filterCombo, true); SearchResult *search = Core::SearchResultWindow::instance()->startNewSearch(label(), toolTip().arg(Core::IFindFilter::descriptionForFindFlags(findFlags)), txt, searchMode, QString::fromLatin1("TextEditor")); search->setTextToReplace(txt); search->setSearchAgainSupported(true); FileFindParameters parameters; parameters.text = txt; parameters.flags = findFlags; parameters.nameFilters = fileNameFilters(); parameters.additionalParameters = additionalParameters(); search->setUserData(qVariantFromValue(parameters)); connect(search, SIGNAL(activated(Core::SearchResultItem)), this, SLOT(openEditor(Core::SearchResultItem))); if (searchMode == SearchResultWindow::SearchAndReplace) { connect(search, SIGNAL(replaceButtonClicked(QString,QList<Core::SearchResultItem>,bool)), this, SLOT(doReplace(QString,QList<Core::SearchResultItem>,bool))); }
//Processing that goes on in each thread void StringProcessor::search(){ try{ ostringstream ossStart; ossStart << "\n Started Thread ID : " << std::this_thread::get_id() << " \n"; sout << ossStart.str(); while (true){ if (bqIn.isEmpty()){ ostringstream ossEnd; ossEnd << "\n Exiting from Thread ID : " << std::this_thread::get_id() << " \n"; sout << ossEnd.str(); return; } SearchResult sr = bqIn.deQ(); ostringstream ossProcess; ossProcess << "\n Processing in Thread ID : " << std::this_thread::get_id() << " file " << sr.getFile() << " for string " << srchString << "\n"; sout << ossProcess.str(); if (searchStr(sr.getFile(), srchString)){ sr.setFound(true); } else{ sr.setFound(false); } bqOut.enQ(sr); if (sr.isFound()){ thread::id tid = (std::this_thread::get_id()); stringstream ss; ss << tid; string msg = "\nIn thread " + ss.str() + " found \"" + srchString + "\" in file " + sr.getFile() + "\n"; sout << msg; //filesFoundIn.push_back(sr.getFile()); } } }catch (exception e){ sout << e.what(); } }
SearchResult * Index::search(SearchParams ¶ms) { SearchResult * results = new SearchResult(busca_imd_core::directUltraFastHash); for (auto &&word : params.words) { FileHashMap * index; try { index = get(word); } catch (int e) { if (params.exclusive) { //exclusive behavior, ia word is out there is no results for (auto &&entry : *results) { delete entry.value; } delete results; return nullptr; } else { continue; } } for (FileHashMap::Entry entry : *index) { List<int> * list; try { list = results->get(*entry.key); } catch (int e) { results->put(*entry.key, new List<int>(*entry.value)); continue; } if (params.exclusive) { list->intersection(*entry.value, int_comparator); } else { list->join(*entry.value, int_comparator); } } } return results; }
void TrackAnnotation::runSearch (QString query, QList <SearchResult*> &results) { // qDebug() << "TrackAnnotation::runSearch"; QMap <QString,AnnotationItem*>::iterator i = data.names.find(query); QString query_l = query.toLower(); if (i == data.names.end()) { for (i = data.names.begin(); i != data.names.end(); i++) { if (i.key().toLower() == query_l) break; } } if (i == data.names.end()) { bool found = false; for (i = data.names.begin(); i != data.names.end(); i++) { if (i.key().indexOf(query,0,Qt::CaseInsensitive) != -1) { SearchResult *sr = new SearchResult; sr->fromAnnotationItem (this, i.value()); results.append(sr); found = true; } } if (found) return; } if (i != data.names.end()) { SearchResult *sr = new SearchResult; sr->fromAnnotationItem (this, i.value()); results.append(sr); return; } for (QMap <QString,QList <AnnotationItem*> >::iterator j = data.items.begin(); j != data.items.end(); j++) { for (int k = 0; k < j.value().size(); k++) { if (j.value()[k]->description.indexOf(query,0,Qt::CaseInsensitive) != -1) { SearchResult *sr = new SearchResult; sr->fromAnnotationItem (this, j.value()[k]); results.append(sr); } } } }
SearchResult InventorSearcher::search(string query) { auto g = pminer.g.get(); SearchResult result; unordered_map<int, vector<QueryItem>> inventor_pats; //searching section LOG(INFO) << "Searching for query: " << query; auto enumer = pminer.search_patents(query, pat_count); LOG(INFO) << "Generating Inventor Pats... patents: " << enumer.size(); for (auto& item : enumer) { auto vi = g->Vertices(); vi->MoveTo(item.docId); for (auto edgeIt = vi->InEdges(); edgeIt->Alive(); edgeIt->Next()) { if (edgeIt->TypeName() == "PatentInventor") { int gid = edgeIt->SourceId(); inventor_pats[gid].push_back(item); } } } LOG(INFO) << "Scoring... inventors: " << inventor_pats.size(); //start caculation score for (auto& gpats : inventor_pats) { QueryItem item{gpats.first, get_score_inventor(gpats, pminer)}; if (item.score > 20 || result.size() <= 5000) result.push_back(item); } LOG(INFO) << "Sorting..."; std::sort(result.begin(), result.end()); if (result.size() > 5000) result.resize(5000); return result; }
void SearchManager::onData(const uint8_t* buf, size_t aLen, const string& remoteIp) { string x((char*)buf, aLen); if(x.compare(0, 4, "$SR ") == 0) { string::size_type i, j; // Directories: $SR <nick><0x20><directory><0x20><free slots>/<total slots><0x05><Hubname><0x20>(<Hubip:port>) // Files: $SR <nick><0x20><filename><0x05><filesize><0x20><free slots>/<total slots><0x05><Hubname><0x20>(<Hubip:port>) i = 4; if( (j = x.find(' ', i)) == string::npos) { return; } string nick = x.substr(i, j-i); i = j + 1; // A file has 2 0x05, a directory only one size_t cnt = count(x.begin() + j, x.end(), 0x05); SearchResult::Types type = SearchResult::TYPE_FILE; string file; int64_t size = 0; if(cnt == 1) { // We have a directory...find the first space beyond the first 0x05 from the back // (dirs might contain spaces as well...clever protocol, eh?) type = SearchResult::TYPE_DIRECTORY; // Get past the hubname that might contain spaces if((j = x.rfind(0x05)) == string::npos) { return; } // Find the end of the directory info if((j = x.rfind(' ', j-1)) == string::npos) { return; } if(j < i + 1) { return; } file = x.substr(i, j-i) + '\\'; } else if(cnt == 2) { if( (j = x.find((char)5, i)) == string::npos) { return; } file = x.substr(i, j-i); i = j + 1; if( (j = x.find(' ', i)) == string::npos) { return; } size = Util::toInt64(x.substr(i, j-i)); } i = j + 1; if( (j = x.find('/', i)) == string::npos) { return; } int freeSlots = Util::toInt(x.substr(i, j-i)); i = j + 1; if( (j = x.find((char)5, i)) == string::npos) { return; } int slots = Util::toInt(x.substr(i, j-i)); i = j + 1; if( (j = x.rfind(" (")) == string::npos) { return; } string hubName = x.substr(i, j-i); i = j + 2; if( (j = x.rfind(')')) == string::npos) { return; } string hubIpPort = x.substr(i, j-i); string url = ClientManager::getInstance()->findHub(hubIpPort); string encoding = ClientManager::getInstance()->findHubEncoding(url); nick = Text::toUtf8(nick, encoding); file = Text::toUtf8(file, encoding); hubName = Text::toUtf8(hubName, encoding); User::Ptr user = ClientManager::getInstance()->findUser(nick, url); if(!user) { // Could happen if hub has multiple URLs / IPs user = ClientManager::getInstance()->findLegacyUser(nick); if(!user) return; } string tth; if(hubName.compare(0, 4, "TTH:") == 0) { tth = hubName.substr(4); StringList names = ClientManager::getInstance()->getHubNames(user->getCID()); hubName = names.empty() ? STRING(OFFLINE) : Util::toString(names); } if(tth.empty() && type == SearchResult::TYPE_FILE) { return; } SearchResult* sr = new SearchResult(user, type, slots, freeSlots, size, file, hubName, url, remoteIp, TTHValue(tth), Util::emptyString); fire(SearchManagerListener::SR(), sr); sr->decRef(); } else if(x.compare(1, 4, "RES ") == 0 && x[x.length() - 1] == 0x0a) { AdcCommand c(x.substr(0, x.length()-1)); if(c.getParameters().empty()) return; string cid = c.getParam(0); if(cid.size() != 39) return; User::Ptr user = ClientManager::getInstance()->findUser(CID(cid)); if(!user) return; // This should be handled by AdcCommand really... c.getParameters().erase(c.getParameters().begin()); onRES(c, user, remoteIp); } /*else if(x.compare(1, 4, "SCH ") == 0 && x[x.length() - 1] == 0x0a) { try { respond(AdcCommand(x.substr(0, x.length()-1))); } catch(ParseException& ) { } }*/ // Needs further DoS investigation }
/* * Patch interpolation, where destination and source fields are nodal. */ void patch_serial_transfer(MEField<> &src_coord_field, UInt _nfields, MEField<>* const* _sfields, _field* const *_dfields, const std::vector<Interp::FieldPair> &fpairs, SearchResult &sres, Mesh &srcmesh) { Trace __trace("patch_serial_transfer(MEField<> &src_coord_field, UInt _nfields, MEField<>* const* _sfields, _field* const *_dfields, int *iflag, SearchResult &sres)"); std::set<int> pdeg_set; std::map<int, ElemPatch<>*> patch_map; if (_nfields == 0) return; // Get mask field pointer MEField<> *src_mask_ptr = srcmesh.GetField("mask"); std::vector<MEField<>* > fields; std::vector<_field* > dfields; std::vector<int> orders; UInt nrhs = 0; for (UInt i = 0; i < _nfields; i++) { // Only process interp_patch if (fpairs[i].idata != Interp::INTERP_PATCH) continue; pdeg_set.insert(fpairs[i].patch_order); //ThrowRequire(_sfields[i]->is_nodal()); fields.push_back(_sfields[i]); dfields.push_back(_dfields[i]); orders.push_back(fpairs[i].patch_order); nrhs += _sfields[i]->dim(); // how many rhs for recovery } // Create the recovery field SearchResult::iterator sb = sres.begin(), se = sres.end(); for (; sb != se; sb++) { Search_result &sres = **sb; // Trick: Gather the data from the source field so we may call interpolate point const MeshObj &elem = *(*sb)->elem; //std::cout << "Transfer: elem:" << elem.get_id() << std::endl; { std::set<int>::iterator pi = pdeg_set.begin(), pe = pdeg_set.end(); for (; pi != pe; ++pi) { ElemPatch<> *epatch = new ElemPatch<>(); epatch->CreateElemPatch(*pi, ElemPatch<>::GAUSS_PATCH, elem, src_coord_field, src_mask_ptr, fields.size(), &fields[0], 700000 ); patch_map[*pi] = epatch; } } // Gather parametric coords into an array. UInt pdim = GetMeshObjTopo(elem)->parametric_dim; UInt npts = sres.nodes.size(); // number of points to interpolate std::vector<double> pc(pdim*npts); for (UInt np = 0; np < npts; np++) { for (UInt pd = 0; pd < pdim; pd++) { pc[np*pdim+pd] = sres.nodes[np].pcoord[pd]; } } std::map<int, std::vector<double> > result; { std::set<int>::iterator pi = pdeg_set.begin(), pe = pdeg_set.end(); for (; pi != pe; ++pi) { std::pair<std::map<int, std::vector<double> >::iterator, bool> ri = result.insert(std::make_pair(*pi, std::vector<double>())); ThrowRequire(ri.second == true); ri.first->second.resize(nrhs*npts); ElemPatch<> &epatch = *patch_map[*pi]; epatch.Eval(npts, &pc[0], &(ri.first->second[0])); } } std::vector<std::vector<double>* > field_results; for (UInt i = 0; i < dfields.size(); i++) field_results.push_back(&result[orders[i]]); // Now copy data into fields for (UInt np = 0; np < npts; np++) { const MeshObj &snode = *sres.nodes[np].node; UInt cur_field = 0; for (UInt i = 0; i < dfields.size(); i++) { const _field &dfield = *dfields[i]; std::vector<double> &results = *field_results[i]; if (dfield.OnObj(snode)) { UInt fdim = dfield.dim(snode); double *data = dfield.data(snode); for (UInt f = 0; f < fdim; f++) { data[f] = results[np*nrhs+(cur_field+f)]; } } cur_field += dfield.dim(snode); } // for fi } // for np std::map<int, ElemPatch<>*>::iterator pi = patch_map.begin(), pe = patch_map.end(); for (; pi != pe; ++pi) delete pi->second; } // for searchresult }
void point_serial_transfer(Mesh &srcrend, Interp::UserFunc *ufunc, UInt num_fields, MEField<> *const *sfields, _field *const *dfields, int *iflag, SearchResult &sres) { Trace __trace("point_serial_transfer(Interp::UserFunc *ufunc, UInt num_fields, MEField<> *const *sfields, _field *const *dfields, int *iflag, SearchResult &sres)"); if (num_fields == 0) return; SearchResult::iterator sb = sres.begin(), se = sres.end(); for (; sb != se; sb++) { Search_result &sres = **sb; // Trick: Gather the data from the source field so we may call interpolate point const MeshObj &elem = *(*sb)->elem; UInt pdim = GetMeshObjTopo(elem)->parametric_dim; // Inner loop through fields for (UInt i = 0; i < num_fields; i++) { if (iflag[i] != Interp::INTERP_STD) continue; MEField<> &sfield = *sfields[i]; _field &dfield = *dfields[i]; // Load Parametric coords UInt npts = sres.nodes.size(); // number of points to interpolate std::vector<double> pcoord(pdim*npts); for (UInt np = 0; np < npts; np++) { for (UInt pd = 0; pd < pdim; pd++) pcoord[np*pdim+pd] = sres.nodes[np].pcoord[pd]; } std::vector<double> ires(npts*sfield.dim()); if (!ufunc) { MEValues<> mev(sfield.GetMEFamily()); arbq pintg(pdim, npts, &pcoord[0]); mev.Setup(elem, MEV::update_sf, &pintg); mev.ReInit(elem); mev.GetFunctionValues(sfield, &ires[0]); } else { ufunc->evaluate(srcrend, elem, sfield, npts, &pcoord[0], &ires[0]); } // Copy data to nodes for (UInt n = 0; n < npts; n++) { const MeshObj &node = *sres.nodes[n].node; for (UInt d = 0; d < dfield.dim(node); d++) ((double*)dfield.data(node))[d] = ires[n*dfield.dim(node)+d]; } } // for fields } // for searchresult }
SearchResult::SearchResult(const SearchResult &other): QObject(other.parent()), m_url(other.m_url), m_title(other.m_title), m_thumb(other.m_thumb) { }
void SearchThread::DoSearchLineRE(const wxString& line, const int lineNum, const int lineOffset, const wxString& fileName, const SearchData* data, TextStatesPtr statesPtr) { wxRegEx& re = GetRegex(data->GetFindString(), data->IsMatchCase()); size_t col = 0; int iCorrectedCol = 0; int iCorrectedLen = 0; wxString modLine = line; if(re.IsValid()) { while(re.Matches(modLine)) { size_t start, len; re.GetMatch(&start, &len); col += start; // Notify our match // correct search Pos and Length owing to non plain ASCII multibyte characters iCorrectedCol = clUTF8Length(line.c_str(), col); iCorrectedLen = clUTF8Length(line.c_str(), col + len) - iCorrectedCol; SearchResult result; result.SetPosition(lineOffset + col); result.SetColumnInChars((int)col); result.SetColumn(iCorrectedCol); result.SetLineNumber(lineNum); result.SetPattern(line); result.SetFileName(fileName); result.SetLenInChars((int)len); result.SetLen(iCorrectedLen); result.SetFlags(data->m_flags); result.SetFindWhat(data->GetFindString()); // Make sure our match is not on a comment int position(wxNOT_FOUND); bool canAdd(true); if(statesPtr) { position = statesPtr->LineToPos(lineNum - 1); position += iCorrectedCol; } if(statesPtr && position != wxNOT_FOUND && data->GetSkipComments()) { if(statesPtr->states.size() > (size_t)position) { short state = statesPtr->states.at(position).state; if(state == CppWordScanner::STATE_CPP_COMMENT || state == CppWordScanner::STATE_C_COMMENT) { canAdd = false; } } } if(statesPtr && position != wxNOT_FOUND && data->GetSkipStrings()) { if(statesPtr->states.size() > (size_t)position) { short state = statesPtr->states.at(position).state; if(state == CppWordScanner::STATE_DQ_STRING || state == CppWordScanner::STATE_SINGLE_STRING) { canAdd = false; } } } result.SetMatchState(CppWordScanner::STATE_NORMAL); if(canAdd && statesPtr && position != wxNOT_FOUND && data->GetColourComments()) { // set the match state if(statesPtr->states.size() > (size_t)position) { short state = statesPtr->states.at(position).state; if(state == CppWordScanner::STATE_C_COMMENT || state == CppWordScanner::STATE_CPP_COMMENT) { result.SetMatchState(state); } } } if(canAdd) { m_results.push_back(result); m_summary.SetNumMatchesFound(m_summary.GetNumMatchesFound() + 1); } col += len; // adjust the line if(line.Length() - col <= 0) break; modLine = modLine.Right(line.Length() - col); } } }
void SearchThread::DoSearchLine(const wxString& line, const int lineNum, const int lineOffset, const wxString& fileName, const SearchData* data, const wxString& findWhat, const wxArrayString& filters, TextStatesPtr statesPtr) { wxString modLine = line; if(!data->IsMatchCase()) { modLine.MakeLower(); } int pos = 0; int col = 0; int iCorrectedCol = 0; int iCorrectedLen = 0; while(pos != wxNOT_FOUND) { pos = modLine.Find(findWhat); if(pos != wxNOT_FOUND) { col += pos; // Pipe support bool allFiltersOK = true; if(!filters.IsEmpty()) { // Apply the filters for(size_t i = 0; i < filters.size() && allFiltersOK; ++i) { allFiltersOK = (modLine.Find(filters.Item(i)) != wxNOT_FOUND); } } // Pipe filtes OK? if(!allFiltersOK) return; // we have a match if(data->IsMatchWholeWord()) { // make sure that the word before is not in the wordChars map if((pos > 0) && (m_wordCharsMap.find(modLine.GetChar(pos - 1)) != m_wordCharsMap.end())) { if(!AdjustLine(modLine, pos, findWhat)) { break; } else { col += (int)findWhat.Length(); continue; } } // if we have more characters to the right, make sure that the first char does not match any // in the wordCharsMap if(pos + findWhat.Length() <= modLine.Length()) { wxChar nextCh = modLine.GetChar(pos + findWhat.Length()); if(m_wordCharsMap.find(nextCh) != m_wordCharsMap.end()) { if(!AdjustLine(modLine, pos, findWhat)) { break; } else { col += (int)findWhat.Length(); continue; } } } } // Notify our match // correct search Pos and Length owing to non plain ASCII multibyte characters iCorrectedCol = clUTF8Length(line.c_str(), col); iCorrectedLen = clUTF8Length(findWhat.c_str(), findWhat.Length()); SearchResult result; result.SetPosition(lineOffset + col); result.SetColumnInChars(col); result.SetColumn(iCorrectedCol); result.SetLineNumber(lineNum); result.SetPattern(line); result.SetFileName(fileName); result.SetLenInChars((int)findWhat.Length()); result.SetLen(iCorrectedLen); result.SetFindWhat(data->GetFindString()); result.SetFlags(data->m_flags); int position(wxNOT_FOUND); bool canAdd(true); if(statesPtr) { position = statesPtr->LineToPos(lineNum - 1); position += iCorrectedCol; } // Make sure our match is not on a comment if(statesPtr && position != wxNOT_FOUND && data->GetSkipComments()) { if(statesPtr->states.size() > (size_t)position) { short state = statesPtr->states.at(position).state; if(state == CppWordScanner::STATE_CPP_COMMENT || state == CppWordScanner::STATE_C_COMMENT) { canAdd = false; } } } if(statesPtr && position != wxNOT_FOUND && data->GetSkipStrings()) { if(statesPtr->states.size() > (size_t)position) { short state = statesPtr->states.at(position).state; if(state == CppWordScanner::STATE_DQ_STRING || state == CppWordScanner::STATE_SINGLE_STRING) { canAdd = false; } } } result.SetMatchState(CppWordScanner::STATE_NORMAL); if(canAdd && statesPtr && position != wxNOT_FOUND && data->GetColourComments()) { // set the match state if(statesPtr->states.size() > (size_t)position) { short state = statesPtr->states.at(position).state; if(state == CppWordScanner::STATE_C_COMMENT || state == CppWordScanner::STATE_CPP_COMMENT) { result.SetMatchState(state); } } } if(canAdd) { m_results.push_back(result); m_summary.SetNumMatchesFound(m_summary.GetNumMatchesFound() + 1); } if(!AdjustLine(modLine, pos, findWhat)) { break; } col += (int)findWhat.Length(); } } }