예제 #1
/// DeclaratorChunk::getFunction - Return a DeclaratorChunk for a function.
/// "TheDeclarator" is the declarator that this will be added to.
DeclaratorChunk DeclaratorChunk::getFunction(bool hasProto, bool isVariadic,
                                             SourceLocation EllipsisLoc,
                                             ParamInfo *ArgInfo,
                                             unsigned NumArgs,
                                             unsigned TypeQuals,
                                             bool hasExceptionSpec,
                                             SourceLocation ThrowLoc,
                                             bool hasAnyExceptionSpec,
                                             ActionBase::TypeTy **Exceptions,
                                             SourceRange *ExceptionRanges,
                                             unsigned NumExceptions,
                                             SourceLocation LPLoc,
                                             SourceLocation RPLoc,
                                             Declarator &TheDeclarator) {
  DeclaratorChunk I;
  I.Kind                 = Function;
  I.Loc                  = LPLoc;
  I.EndLoc               = RPLoc;
  I.Fun.hasPrototype     = hasProto;
  I.Fun.isVariadic       = isVariadic;
  I.Fun.EllipsisLoc      = EllipsisLoc.getRawEncoding();
  I.Fun.DeleteArgInfo    = false;
  I.Fun.TypeQuals        = TypeQuals;
  I.Fun.NumArgs          = NumArgs;
  I.Fun.ArgInfo          = 0;
  I.Fun.hasExceptionSpec = hasExceptionSpec;
  I.Fun.ThrowLoc         = ThrowLoc.getRawEncoding();
  I.Fun.hasAnyExceptionSpec = hasAnyExceptionSpec;
  I.Fun.NumExceptions    = NumExceptions;
  I.Fun.Exceptions       = 0;

  // new[] an argument array if needed.
  if (NumArgs) {
    // If the 'InlineParams' in Declarator is unused and big enough, put our
    // parameter list there (in an effort to avoid new/delete traffic).  If it
    // is already used (consider a function returning a function pointer) or too
    // small (function taking too many arguments), go to the heap.
    if (!TheDeclarator.InlineParamsUsed &&
        NumArgs <= llvm::array_lengthof(TheDeclarator.InlineParams)) {
      I.Fun.ArgInfo = TheDeclarator.InlineParams;
      I.Fun.DeleteArgInfo = false;
      TheDeclarator.InlineParamsUsed = true;
    } else {
      I.Fun.ArgInfo = new DeclaratorChunk::ParamInfo[NumArgs];
      I.Fun.DeleteArgInfo = true;
    memcpy(I.Fun.ArgInfo, ArgInfo, sizeof(ArgInfo[0])*NumArgs);
  // new[] an exception array if needed
  if (NumExceptions) {
    I.Fun.Exceptions = new DeclaratorChunk::TypeAndRange[NumExceptions];
    for (unsigned i = 0; i != NumExceptions; ++i) {
      I.Fun.Exceptions[i].Ty = Exceptions[i];
      I.Fun.Exceptions[i].Range = ExceptionRanges[i];
  return I;
예제 #2
static void checkAllProps(MigrationContext &MigrateCtx,
                          std::vector<ObjCPropertyDecl *> &AllProps) {
  typedef llvm::TinyPtrVector<ObjCPropertyDecl *> IndivPropsTy;
  llvm::DenseMap<unsigned, IndivPropsTy> AtProps;

  for (unsigned i = 0, e = AllProps.size(); i != e; ++i) {
    ObjCPropertyDecl *PD = AllProps[i];
    if (PD->getPropertyAttributesAsWritten() &
          (ObjCPropertyDecl::OBJC_PR_assign |
           ObjCPropertyDecl::OBJC_PR_readonly)) {
      SourceLocation AtLoc = PD->getAtLoc();
      if (AtLoc.isInvalid())
      unsigned RawAt = AtLoc.getRawEncoding();

  for (llvm::DenseMap<unsigned, IndivPropsTy>::iterator
         I = AtProps.begin(), E = AtProps.end(); I != E; ++I) {
    SourceLocation AtLoc = SourceLocation::getFromRawEncoding(I->first);
    IndivPropsTy &IndProps = I->second;
    checkAllAtProps(MigrateCtx, AtLoc, IndProps);
예제 #3
CXSourceLocation lfort_getLocation(CXProgram tu,
                                   CXFile file,
                                   unsigned line,
                                   unsigned column) {
  if (!tu || !file)
    return lfort_getNullLocation();
  bool Logging = ::getenv("LIBLFORT_LOGGING");
  ASTUnit *CXXUnit = static_cast<ASTUnit *>(tu->PgmData);
  ASTUnit::ConcurrencyCheck Check(*CXXUnit);
  const FileEntry *File = static_cast<const FileEntry *>(file);
  SourceLocation SLoc = CXXUnit->getLocation(File, line, column);
  if (SLoc.isInvalid()) {
    if (Logging)
      llvm::errs() << "lfort_getLocation(\"" << File->getName() 
      << "\", " << line << ", " << column << ") = invalid\n";
    return lfort_getNullLocation();
  if (Logging)
    llvm::errs() << "lfort_getLocation(\"" << File->getName() 
    << "\", " << line << ", " << column << ") = " 
    << SLoc.getRawEncoding() << "\n";
  return cxloc::translateSourceLocation(CXXUnit->getASTContext(), SLoc);
예제 #4
bool EditedSource::commitInsert(SourceLocation OrigLoc,
                                FileOffset Offs, StringRef text,
                                bool beforePreviousInsertions) {
  if (!canInsertInOffset(OrigLoc, Offs))
    return false;
  if (text.empty())
    return true;

  if (SourceMgr.isMacroArgExpansion(OrigLoc)) {
      DefArgLoc = SourceMgr.getImmediateExpansionRange(OrigLoc).first;
      ExpLoc = SourceMgr.getImmediateExpansionRange(DefArgLoc).first;
    ExpansionToArgMap[ExpLoc.getRawEncoding()] = DefArgLoc;
  FileEdit &FA = FileEdits[Offs];
  if (FA.Text.empty()) {
    FA.Text = copyString(text);
    return true;

  if (beforePreviousInsertions)
    FA.Text = copyString(Twine(text) + FA.Text);
    FA.Text = copyString(Twine(FA.Text) + text);

  return true;
CXCursor cxcursor::MakeCursorTypeRef(TypeDecl *Type, SourceLocation Loc, 
                                     ASTUnit *TU) {
  assert(Type && TU && "Invalid arguments!");
  void *RawLoc = reinterpret_cast<void *>(Loc.getRawEncoding());
  CXCursor C = { CXCursor_TypeRef, { Type, RawLoc, TU } };
  return C;    
예제 #6
bool EditedSource::canInsertInOffset(SourceLocation OrigLoc, FileOffset Offs) {
  FileEditsTy::iterator FA = getActionForOffset(Offs);
  if (FA != FileEdits.end()) {
    if (FA->first != Offs)
      return false; // position has been removed.

  if (SourceMgr.isMacroArgExpansion(OrigLoc)) {
    IdentifierInfo *II;
    SourceLocation ExpLoc;
    deconstructMacroArgLoc(OrigLoc, ExpLoc, II);
    auto I = ExpansionToArgMap.find(ExpLoc.getRawEncoding());
    if (I != ExpansionToArgMap.end() &&
        std::find(I->second.begin(), I->second.end(), II) != I->second.end()) {
      // Trying to write in a macro argument input that has already been
      // written by a previous commit for another expansion of the same macro
      // argument name. For example:
      // \code
      //   #define MAC(x) ((x)+(x))
      //   MAC(a)
      // \endcode
      // A commit modified the macro argument 'a' due to the first '(x)'
      // expansion inside the macro definition, and a subsequent commit tried
      // to modify 'a' again for the second '(x)' expansion. The edits of the
      // second commit will be rejected.
      return false;

  return true;
/// Save a source location to the given buffer.
static void SaveSourceLocation(SourceLocation Loc, char *&Buffer,
                               unsigned &BufferSize, unsigned &BufferCapacity) {
  unsigned Raw = Loc.getRawEncoding();
  Append(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&Raw),
         reinterpret_cast<char *>(&Raw) + sizeof(unsigned),
         Buffer, BufferSize, BufferCapacity);
예제 #8
CXCursor cxcursor::MakeCursorObjCSuperClassRef(ObjCInterfaceDecl *Super, 
                                               SourceLocation Loc, 
                                               CXTranslationUnit TU) {
  assert(Super && TU && "Invalid arguments!");
  void *RawLoc = reinterpret_cast<void *>(Loc.getRawEncoding());
  CXCursor C = { CXCursor_ObjCSuperClassRef, { Super, RawLoc, TU } };
  return C;    
예제 #9
파일: CXCursor.cpp 프로젝트: avakar/clang
CXCursor cxcursor::MakeCursorObjCProtocolRef(const ObjCProtocolDecl *Proto, 
                                             SourceLocation Loc, 
                                             CXTranslationUnit TU) {
  assert(Proto && TU && "Invalid arguments!");
  void *RawLoc = reinterpret_cast<void *>(Loc.getRawEncoding());
  CXCursor C = { CXCursor_ObjCProtocolRef, 0, { (void*)Proto, RawLoc, TU } };
  return C;    
예제 #10
CXCursor cxcursor::MakeCursorLabelRef(LabelStmt *Label, SourceLocation Loc, 
                                      CXTranslationUnit TU) {
  assert(Label && TU && "Invalid arguments!");
  void *RawLoc = reinterpret_cast<void *>(Loc.getRawEncoding());
  CXCursor C = { CXCursor_LabelRef, { Label, RawLoc, TU } };
  return C;    
예제 #11
CXCursor cxcursor::MakeCursorTemplateRef(TemplateDecl *Template, 
                                         SourceLocation Loc,
                                         CXTranslationUnit TU) {
  assert(Template && TU && "Invalid arguments!");
  void *RawLoc = reinterpret_cast<void *>(Loc.getRawEncoding());
  CXCursor C = { CXCursor_TemplateRef, { Template, RawLoc, TU } };
  return C;    
CXCursor cxcursor::MakeCursorObjCProtocolRef(ObjCProtocolDecl *Super, 
                                             SourceLocation Loc, 
                                             ASTUnit *TU) {
  assert(Super && TU && "Invalid arguments!");
  void *RawLoc = reinterpret_cast<void *>(Loc.getRawEncoding());
  CXCursor C = { CXCursor_ObjCProtocolRef, { Super, RawLoc, TU } };
  return C;    
CXCursor cxcursor::MakeCursorObjCClassRef(ObjCInterfaceDecl *Class, 
                                          SourceLocation Loc, 
                                          ASTUnit *TU) {
  assert(Class && TU && "Invalid arguments!");
  void *RawLoc = reinterpret_cast<void *>(Loc.getRawEncoding());
  CXCursor C = { CXCursor_ObjCClassRef, { Class, RawLoc, TU } };
  return C;    
예제 #14
CXCursor cxcursor::MakeCursorMemberRef(FieldDecl *Field, SourceLocation Loc, 
                                       CXTranslationUnit TU) {
  assert(Field && TU && "Invalid arguments!");
  void *RawLoc = reinterpret_cast<void *>(Loc.getRawEncoding());
  CXCursor C = { CXCursor_MemberRef, { Field, RawLoc, TU } };
  return C;    
예제 #15
CXCursor cxcursor::MakeCursorNamespaceRef(NamedDecl *NS, SourceLocation Loc, 
                                          CXTranslationUnit TU) {
  assert(NS && (isa<NamespaceDecl>(NS) || isa<NamespaceAliasDecl>(NS)) && TU &&
         "Invalid arguments!");
  void *RawLoc = reinterpret_cast<void *>(Loc.getRawEncoding());
  CXCursor C = { CXCursor_NamespaceRef, { NS, RawLoc, TU } };
  return C;    
예제 #16
CXIdxLoc CXIndexDataConsumer::getIndexLoc(SourceLocation Loc) const {
  CXIdxLoc idxLoc =  { {nullptr, nullptr}, 0 };
  if (Loc.isInvalid())
    return idxLoc;

  idxLoc.ptr_data[0] = const_cast<CXIndexDataConsumer *>(this);
  idxLoc.int_data = Loc.getRawEncoding();
  return idxLoc;
CXIdxLoc IndexingContext::getIndexLoc(SourceLocation Loc) const {
  CXIdxLoc idxLoc =  { {0, 0}, 0 };
  if (Loc.isInvalid())
    return idxLoc;

  idxLoc.ptr_data[0] = (void*)this;
  idxLoc.int_data = Loc.getRawEncoding();
  return idxLoc;
예제 #18
파일: SemaCUDA.cpp 프로젝트: theryee/clang
bool Sema::CheckCUDACall(SourceLocation Loc, FunctionDecl *Callee) {
  assert(getLangOpts().CUDA && "Should only be called during CUDA compilation");
  assert(Callee && "Callee may not be null.");
  // FIXME: Is bailing out early correct here?  Should we instead assume that
  // the caller is a global initializer?
  FunctionDecl *Caller = dyn_cast<FunctionDecl>(CurContext);
  if (!Caller)
    return true;

  // If the caller is known-emitted, mark the callee as known-emitted.
  // Otherwise, mark the call in our call graph so we can traverse it later.
  bool CallerKnownEmitted = IsKnownEmitted(*this, Caller);
  if (CallerKnownEmitted)
    MarkKnownEmitted(*this, Callee);
  else {
    // If we have
    //   host fn calls kernel fn calls host+device,
    // the HD function does not get instantiated on the host.  We model this by
    // omitting at the call to the kernel from the callgraph.  This ensures
    // that, when compiling for host, only HD functions actually called from the
    // host get marked as known-emitted.
    if (getLangOpts().CUDAIsDevice || IdentifyCUDATarget(Callee) != CFT_Global)

  CUDADiagBuilder::Kind DiagKind = [&] {
    switch (IdentifyCUDAPreference(Caller, Callee)) {
    case CFP_Never:
      return CUDADiagBuilder::K_Immediate;
    case CFP_WrongSide:
      assert(Caller && "WrongSide calls require a non-null caller");
      // If we know the caller will be emitted, we know this wrong-side call
      // will be emitted, so it's an immediate error.  Otherwise, defer the
      // error until we know the caller is emitted.
      return CallerKnownEmitted ? CUDADiagBuilder::K_Immediate
                                : CUDADiagBuilder::K_Deferred;
      return CUDADiagBuilder::K_Nop;

  // Avoid emitting this error twice for the same location.  Using a hashtable
  // like this is unfortunate, but because we must continue parsing as normal
  // after encountering a deferred error, it's otherwise very tricky for us to
  // ensure that we only emit this deferred error once.
  if (!LocsWithCUDACallDiags.insert(Loc.getRawEncoding()).second)
    return true;

  bool IsImmediateErr =
      CUDADiagBuilder(DiagKind, Loc, diag::err_ref_bad_target, Caller, *this)
      << IdentifyCUDATarget(Callee) << Callee << IdentifyCUDATarget(Caller);
  CUDADiagBuilder(DiagKind, Callee->getLocation(), diag::note_previous_decl,
                  Caller, *this)
      << Callee;
  return !IsImmediateErr;
예제 #19
CXCursor cxcursor::MakeCursorObjCClassRef(ObjCInterfaceDecl *Class, 
                                          SourceLocation Loc, 
                                          CXTranslationUnit TU) {
  // 'Class' can be null for invalid code.
  if (!Class)
    return MakeCXCursorInvalid(CXCursor_InvalidCode);
  assert(TU && "Invalid arguments!");
  void *RawLoc = reinterpret_cast<void *>(Loc.getRawEncoding());
  CXCursor C = { CXCursor_ObjCClassRef, { Class, RawLoc, TU } };
  return C;    
void UpgradeDurationConversionsCheck::check(
    const MatchFinder::MatchResult &Result) {
  const llvm::StringRef Message =
      "implicit conversion to 'int64_t' is deprecated in this context; use an "
      "explicit cast instead";

  const auto *ArgExpr = Result.Nodes.getNodeAs<Expr>("arg");
  SourceLocation Loc = ArgExpr->getBeginLoc();

  if (!match(isInTemplateInstantiation(), *ArgExpr, *Result.Context).empty()) {
    if (MatchedTemplateLocations.count(Loc.getRawEncoding()) == 0) {
      // For each location matched in a template instantiation, we check if the
      // location can also be found in `MatchedTemplateLocations`. If it is not
      // found, that means the expression did not create a match without the
      // instantiation and depends on template parameters. A manual fix is
      // probably required so we provide only a warning.
      diag(Loc, Message);

  // We gather source locations from template matches not in template
  // instantiations for future matches.
  internal::Matcher<Stmt> IsInsideTemplate =
      hasAncestor(decl(anyOf(classTemplateDecl(), functionTemplateDecl())));
  if (!match(IsInsideTemplate, *ArgExpr, *Result.Context).empty())

  DiagnosticBuilder Diag = diag(Loc, Message);
  CharSourceRange SourceRange = Lexer::makeFileCharRange(
      *Result.SourceManager, Result.Context->getLangOpts());
  if (SourceRange.isInvalid())
    // An invalid source range likely means we are inside a macro body. A manual
    // fix is likely needed so we do not create a fix-it hint.

  Diag << FixItHint::CreateInsertion(SourceRange.getBegin(),
       << FixItHint::CreateInsertion(SourceRange.getEnd(), ")");
예제 #21
CXCursor cxcursor::MakeCursorOverloadedDeclRef(TemplateName Name, 
                                               SourceLocation Loc,
                                               CXTranslationUnit TU) {
  assert(Name.getAsOverloadedTemplate() && TU && "Invalid arguments!");
  void *RawLoc = reinterpret_cast<void *>(Loc.getRawEncoding());
  OverloadedDeclRefStorage Storage(Name.getAsOverloadedTemplate());
  CXCursor C = { 
    { Storage.getOpaqueValue(), RawLoc, TU } 
  return C;    
예제 #22
void EditedSource::finishedCommit() {
  for (auto &ExpArg : CurrCommitMacroArgExps) {
    SourceLocation ExpLoc;
    IdentifierInfo *II;
    std::tie(ExpLoc, II) = ExpArg;
    auto &ArgNames = ExpansionToArgMap[ExpLoc.getRawEncoding()];
    if (std::find(ArgNames.begin(), ArgNames.end(), II) == ArgNames.end()) {
예제 #23
/// This should be called whenever the preprocessor encounters include
/// directives. It does not say whether the file has been included, but it
/// provides more information about the directive (hash location instead
/// of location inside the included file). It is assumed that the matching
/// FileChanged() or FileSkipped() is called after this.
void InclusionRewriter::InclusionDirective(SourceLocation HashLoc,
                                           const Token &/*IncludeTok*/,
                                           StringRef /*FileName*/,
                                           bool /*IsAngled*/,
                                           const FileEntry * /*File*/,
                                           SourceLocation /*EndLoc*/,
                                           StringRef /*SearchPath*/,
                                           StringRef /*RelativePath*/) {
  assert(LastInsertedFileChange == FileChanges.end() && "Another inclusion "
    "directive was found before the previous one was processed");
  std::pair<FileChangeMap::iterator, bool> p = FileChanges.insert(
    std::make_pair(HashLoc.getRawEncoding(), FileChange(HashLoc)));
  assert(p.second && "Unexpected revisitation of the same include directive");
  LastInsertedFileChange = p.first;
static void addUsage(IdentifierNamingCheck::NamingCheckFailureMap &Failures,
                     const IdentifierNamingCheck::NamingCheckId &Decl,
                     SourceRange Range, SourceManager *SourceMgr = nullptr) {
  // Do nothing if the provided range is invalid.
  if (Range.getBegin().isInvalid() || Range.getEnd().isInvalid())

  // If we have a source manager, use it to convert to the spelling location for
  // performing the fix. This is necessary because macros can map the same
  // spelling location to different source locations, and we only want to fix
  // the token once, before it is expanded by the macro.
  SourceLocation FixLocation = Range.getBegin();
  if (SourceMgr)
    FixLocation = SourceMgr->getSpellingLoc(FixLocation);
  if (FixLocation.isInvalid())

  // Try to insert the identifier location in the Usages map, and bail out if it
  // is already in there
  auto &Failure = Failures[Decl];
  if (!Failure.RawUsageLocs.insert(FixLocation.getRawEncoding()).second)

  if (!Failure.ShouldFix)

  // Check if the range is entirely contained within a macro argument.
  SourceLocation MacroArgExpansionStartForRangeBegin;
  SourceLocation MacroArgExpansionStartForRangeEnd;
  bool RangeIsEntirelyWithinMacroArgument =
      SourceMgr &&
                                     &MacroArgExpansionStartForRangeBegin) &&
                                     &MacroArgExpansionStartForRangeEnd) &&
      MacroArgExpansionStartForRangeBegin == MacroArgExpansionStartForRangeEnd;

  // Check if the range contains any locations from a macro expansion.
  bool RangeContainsMacroExpansion = RangeIsEntirelyWithinMacroArgument ||
                                     Range.getBegin().isMacroID() ||

  bool RangeCanBeFixed =
      RangeIsEntirelyWithinMacroArgument || !RangeContainsMacroExpansion;
  Failure.ShouldFix = RangeCanBeFixed;
예제 #25
/// This should be called whenever the preprocessor encounters include
/// directives. It does not say whether the file has been included, but it
/// provides more information about the directive (hash location instead
/// of location inside the included file). It is assumed that the matching
/// FileChanged() or FileSkipped() is called after this.
void InclusionRewriter::InclusionDirective(SourceLocation HashLoc,
                                           const Token &/*IncludeTok*/,
                                           StringRef /*FileName*/,
                                           bool /*IsAngled*/,
                                           CharSourceRange /*FilenameRange*/,
                                           const FileEntry * /*File*/,
                                           StringRef /*SearchPath*/,
                                           StringRef /*RelativePath*/,
                                           const Module *Imported) {
  assert(LastInclusionLocation.isInvalid() &&
         "Another inclusion directive was found before the previous one "
         "was processed");
  if (Imported) {
    auto P = ModuleIncludes.insert(
        std::make_pair(HashLoc.getRawEncoding(), Imported));
    assert(P.second && "Unexpected revisitation of the same include directive");
  } else
    LastInclusionLocation = HashLoc;
예제 #26
bool EditedSource::canInsertInOffset(SourceLocation OrigLoc, FileOffset Offs) {
  FileEditsTy::iterator FA = getActionForOffset(Offs);
  if (FA != FileEdits.end()) {
    if (FA->first != Offs)
      return false; // position has been removed.

  if (SourceMgr.isMacroArgExpansion(OrigLoc)) {
      DefArgLoc = SourceMgr.getImmediateExpansionRange(OrigLoc).first;
      ExpLoc = SourceMgr.getImmediateExpansionRange(DefArgLoc).first;
    llvm::DenseMap<unsigned, SourceLocation>::iterator
      I = ExpansionToArgMap.find(ExpLoc.getRawEncoding());
    if (I != ExpansionToArgMap.end() && I->second != DefArgLoc)
      return false; // Trying to write in a macro argument input that has
                 // already been written for another argument of the same macro. 

  return true;
예제 #27
/// DeclaratorChunk::getFunction - Return a DeclaratorChunk for a function.
/// "TheDeclarator" is the declarator that this will be added to.
DeclaratorChunk DeclaratorChunk::getFunction(bool hasProto,
                                             bool isAmbiguous,
                                             SourceLocation LParenLoc,
                                             ParamInfo *Params,
                                             unsigned NumParams,
                                             SourceLocation EllipsisLoc,
                                             SourceLocation RParenLoc,
                                             unsigned TypeQuals,
                                             bool RefQualifierIsLvalueRef,
                                             SourceLocation RefQualifierLoc,
                                             SourceLocation ConstQualifierLoc,
                                             SourceLocation MutableLoc,
                                             SourceLocation ESpecLoc,
                                             ParsedType *Exceptions,
                                             SourceRange *ExceptionRanges,
                                             unsigned NumExceptions,
                                             Expr *NoexceptExpr,
                                             CachedTokens *ExceptionSpecTokens,
                                             SourceLocation LocalRangeBegin,
                                             SourceLocation LocalRangeEnd,
                                             Declarator &TheDeclarator,
                                             TypeResult TrailingReturnType) {
  assert(!(TypeQuals & DeclSpec::TQ_atomic) &&
         "function cannot have _Atomic qualifier");

  DeclaratorChunk I;
  I.Kind                        = Function;
  I.Loc                         = LocalRangeBegin;
  I.EndLoc                      = LocalRangeEnd;
  I.Fun.AttrList                = nullptr;
  I.Fun.hasPrototype            = hasProto;
  I.Fun.isVariadic              = EllipsisLoc.isValid();
  I.Fun.isAmbiguous             = isAmbiguous;
  I.Fun.LParenLoc               = LParenLoc.getRawEncoding();
  I.Fun.EllipsisLoc             = EllipsisLoc.getRawEncoding();
  I.Fun.RParenLoc               = RParenLoc.getRawEncoding();
  I.Fun.DeleteParams            = false;
  I.Fun.TypeQuals               = TypeQuals;
  I.Fun.NumParams               = NumParams;
  I.Fun.Params                  = nullptr;
  I.Fun.RefQualifierIsLValueRef = RefQualifierIsLvalueRef;
  I.Fun.RefQualifierLoc         = RefQualifierLoc.getRawEncoding();
  I.Fun.ConstQualifierLoc       = ConstQualifierLoc.getRawEncoding();
  I.Fun.VolatileQualifierLoc    = VolatileQualifierLoc.getRawEncoding();
  I.Fun.RestrictQualifierLoc    = RestrictQualifierLoc.getRawEncoding();
  I.Fun.MutableLoc              = MutableLoc.getRawEncoding();
  I.Fun.ExceptionSpecType       = ESpecType;
  I.Fun.ExceptionSpecLoc        = ESpecLoc.getRawEncoding();
  I.Fun.NumExceptions           = 0;
  I.Fun.Exceptions              = nullptr;
  I.Fun.NoexceptExpr            = nullptr;
  I.Fun.HasTrailingReturnType   = TrailingReturnType.isUsable() ||
  I.Fun.TrailingReturnType      = TrailingReturnType.get();

  assert(I.Fun.TypeQuals == TypeQuals && "bitfield overflow");
  assert(I.Fun.ExceptionSpecType == ESpecType && "bitfield overflow");

  // new[] a parameter array if needed.
  if (NumParams) {
    // If the 'InlineParams' in Declarator is unused and big enough, put our
    // parameter list there (in an effort to avoid new/delete traffic).  If it
    // is already used (consider a function returning a function pointer) or too
    // small (function with too many parameters), go to the heap.
    if (!TheDeclarator.InlineParamsUsed &&
        NumParams <= llvm::array_lengthof(TheDeclarator.InlineParams)) {
      I.Fun.Params = TheDeclarator.InlineParams;
      I.Fun.DeleteParams = false;
      TheDeclarator.InlineParamsUsed = true;
    } else {
      I.Fun.Params = new DeclaratorChunk::ParamInfo[NumParams];
      I.Fun.DeleteParams = true;
    memcpy(I.Fun.Params, Params, sizeof(Params[0]) * NumParams);

  // Check what exception specification information we should actually store.
  switch (ESpecType) {
  default: break; // By default, save nothing.
  case EST_Dynamic:
    // new[] an exception array if needed
    if (NumExceptions) {
      I.Fun.NumExceptions = NumExceptions;
      I.Fun.Exceptions = new DeclaratorChunk::TypeAndRange[NumExceptions];
      for (unsigned i = 0; i != NumExceptions; ++i) {
        I.Fun.Exceptions[i].Ty = Exceptions[i];
        I.Fun.Exceptions[i].Range = ExceptionRanges[i];

  case EST_ComputedNoexcept:
    I.Fun.NoexceptExpr = NoexceptExpr;

  case EST_Unparsed:
    I.Fun.ExceptionSpecTokens = ExceptionSpecTokens;
  return I;
예제 #28
static void checkAllAtProps(MigrationContext &MigrateCtx,
                            SourceLocation AtLoc,
                            IndivPropsTy &IndProps) {
  if (IndProps.empty())

  for (IndivPropsTy::iterator
         PI = IndProps.begin(), PE = IndProps.end(); PI != PE; ++PI) {
    QualType T = (*PI)->getType();
    if (T.isNull() || !T->isObjCRetainableType())

  SmallVector<std::pair<AttributedTypeLoc, ObjCPropertyDecl *>, 4> ATLs;
  bool hasWeak = false, hasStrong = false;
    Attrs = ObjCPropertyDecl::OBJC_PR_noattr;
  for (IndivPropsTy::iterator
         PI = IndProps.begin(), PE = IndProps.end(); PI != PE; ++PI) {
    ObjCPropertyDecl *PD = *PI;
    Attrs = PD->getPropertyAttributesAsWritten();
    TypeSourceInfo *TInfo = PD->getTypeSourceInfo();
    if (!TInfo)
    TypeLoc TL = TInfo->getTypeLoc();
    if (AttributedTypeLoc ATL =
            TL.getAs<AttributedTypeLoc>()) {
      ATLs.push_back(std::make_pair(ATL, PD));
      if (TInfo->getType().getObjCLifetime() == Qualifiers::OCL_Weak) {
        hasWeak = true;
      } else if (TInfo->getType().getObjCLifetime() == Qualifiers::OCL_Strong)
        hasStrong = true;
  if (ATLs.empty())
  if (hasWeak && hasStrong)

  TransformActions &TA = MigrateCtx.Pass.TA;
  Transaction Trans(TA);

  if (GCAttrsCollector::hasObjCImpl(
                              cast<Decl>(IndProps.front()->getDeclContext()))) {
    if (hasWeak)

  } else {
    StringRef toAttr = "strong";
    if (hasWeak) {
      if (canApplyWeak(MigrateCtx.Pass.Ctx, IndProps.front()->getType(),
        toAttr = "weak";
        toAttr = "unsafe_unretained";
    if (Attrs & ObjCPropertyDecl::OBJC_PR_assign)
      MigrateCtx.rewritePropertyAttribute("assign", toAttr, AtLoc);
      MigrateCtx.addPropertyAttribute(toAttr, AtLoc);

  for (unsigned i = 0, e = ATLs.size(); i != e; ++i) {
    SourceLocation Loc = ATLs[i].first.getAttrNameLoc();
    if (Loc.isMacroID())
      Loc = MigrateCtx.Pass.Ctx.getSourceManager()
    TA.clearDiagnostic(diag::err_objc_property_attr_mutually_exclusive, AtLoc);
예제 #29
void OMPPragmaHandler::HandlePragma(Preprocessor &PP,
                                    PragmaIntroducerKind Introducer,
                                    SourceRange IntroducerRange,
                                    Token &FirstTok) {

  Diags.Report(IntroducerRange.getBegin(), DiagFoundPragmaStmt);
  // TODO: Clean this up because I'm too lazy to now
  PragmaDirective * DirectivePointer = new PragmaDirective;
  PragmaDirective &Directive = *DirectivePointer;
  // First lex the pragma statement extracting the variable names

  SourceLocation Loc = IntroducerRange.getBegin();
  Token Tok = FirstTok;
  StringRef ident = getIdentifier(Tok);
  if (ident != "omp") {
    LexUntil(PP, Tok, clang::tok::eod);
  ident = getIdentifier(Tok);
  bool isParallel = false;
  bool isThreadPrivate = false;

  if (ident == "parallel") {

    PragmaConstruct C;
    C.Type = ParallelConstruct;
    C.Range = getTokenRange(Tok, PP);
    isParallel = true;

  } else if (ident == "sections"
             || ident == "section"
             || ident == "task"
             || ident == "taskyield"
             || ident == "taskwait"
             || ident == "atomic"
             || ident == "ordered") {

    Diags.Report(Tok.getLocation(), DiagUnsupportedConstruct);

    LexUntil(PP, Tok, clang::tok::eod);

  } else if (ident == "for") {

    PragmaConstruct C;
    C.Type = ForConstruct;
    C.Range = getTokenRange(Tok, PP);

  } else if (ident == "threadprivate") {
    isThreadPrivate = true;

    PragmaConstruct C;
    C.Type = ThreadprivateConstruct;
    C.Range = getTokenRange(Tok, PP);
  } else if (ident == "single") {

    PragmaConstruct C;
    C.Type = SingleConstruct;
    C.Range = getTokenRange(Tok, PP);

  } else if (ident == "master") {

    PragmaConstruct C;
    C.Type = MasterConstruct;
    C.Range = getTokenRange(Tok, PP);

  } else if (ident == "critical"
             || ident == "flush") {

    // Ignored Directive
    // (Critical, Flush)
    LexUntil(PP, Tok, clang::tok::eod);
  } else if (ident == "barrier") {

    PragmaConstruct C;
    C.Type = BarrierConstruct;
    C.Range = getTokenRange(Tok, PP);

  } else {
    Diags.Report(Tok.getLocation(), DiagUnknownDirective);
  if (!isThreadPrivate) {

  if (isParallel) {

    ident = getIdentifier(Tok);
    if (ident == "sections") {

      Diags.Report(Tok.getLocation(), DiagUnsupportedConstruct);

      LexUntil(PP, Tok, clang::tok::eod);

    } else if (ident == "for") {

      PragmaConstruct C;
      C.Type = ForConstruct;
      C.Range = getTokenRange(Tok, PP);
    } else {

      // Just a standard "#pragma omp parallel" clause
      if (Tok.isNot(clang::tok::eod)
             && PragmaDirective::getClauseType(ident)
                == UnknownClause) {
        Diags.Report(Tok.getLocation(), DiagUnknownClause);

  // If we've made it this far then we either have:
  // "#pragma omp parallel",
  // "#pragma omp parallel for",
  // "#pragma omp for",
  // "#pragma omp threadprivate
  // Need to read in the options, if they exists
  // Don't really care about them unless there exists a private(...) list
  // In which case, get the variables inside that list
  // But we read them all in anyway.

  // There's also threadprivate, which won't have any clauses, but will have
  // a list of private variables just after the threadprivate directive
  // Treating threadprivate as a clause and directive at the same time.
  while(Tok.isNot(clang::tok::eod)) {
    PragmaClause C;

    ident = getIdentifier(Tok);
    C.Type = PragmaDirective::getClauseType(ident);

    if (C.Type == UnknownClause) {
      Diags.Report(Tok.getLocation(), DiagUnknownClause);

    SourceLocation clauseStart = Tok.getLocation();
    SourceLocation clauseEnd = PP.getLocForEndOfToken(clauseStart);

    if (Tok.is(clang::tok::l_paren)) {

      if (!handleList(Tok, PP, C)) {
        Diags.Report(clauseStart, DiagMalformedStatement);

        LexUntil(PP, Tok, clang::tok::eod);
      clauseEnd = PP.getLocForEndOfToken(Tok.getLocation());

      // Eat the clang::tok::r_paren

    C.Range = SourceRange(clauseStart, clauseEnd);

  SourceLocation EndLoc = PP.getLocForEndOfToken(Tok.getLocation());

  Directive.setRange(SourceRange(Loc, EndLoc));

  Directives.insert(std::make_pair(Loc.getRawEncoding(), DirectivePointer));

  // Then replace with parseable compound statement to catch in Sema, and 
  // references to private variables;
  // {
  //   i;
  //   j;
  //   k;
  // }
  // If it's a threadprivate directive, then we skip this completely
  if (isThreadPrivate) {
  set<IdentifierInfo *> PrivateVars = Directive.getPrivateIdentifiers();

  int tokenCount = 2 + 2 * PrivateVars.size();
  int currentToken = 0;    
  Token * Toks = new Token[tokenCount];

  Toks[currentToken++] = createToken(Loc, clang::tok::l_brace);

  set<IdentifierInfo *>::iterator PrivIt;
  for (PrivIt = PrivateVars.begin(); PrivIt != PrivateVars.end(); PrivIt++) {
    Toks[currentToken++] = createToken(Loc, clang::tok::identifier, *PrivIt);
    Toks[currentToken++] = createToken(Loc, clang::tok::semi);


  Toks[currentToken++] = createToken(EndLoc, clang::tok::r_brace);

  assert(currentToken == tokenCount);


  PP.EnterTokenStream(Toks, tokenCount, true, true);
예제 #30
static bool compare_vd_entries(const Decl *A, const Decl *B) {
  SourceLocation ALoc = A->getLocStart();
  SourceLocation BLoc = B->getLocStart();
  return ALoc.getRawEncoding() < BLoc.getRawEncoding();