void TInputLine::draw()
    int l, r;
    TDrawBuffer b;

    uchar color = (state & sfFocused) ? getColor( 2 ) : getColor( 1 );

    b.moveChar( 0, ' ', color, size.x );
    char buf[256];
    strncpy( buf, data+firstPos, size.x - 2 );
    buf[size.x - 2 ] = EOS;
    b.moveStr( 1, buf, color );

    if( canScroll(1) )
        b.moveChar( size.x-1, rightArrow, getColor(4), 1 );
    if( (state & sfSelected) != 0 )
        if( canScroll(-1) )
            b.moveChar( 0, leftArrow, getColor(4), 1 );
        l = selStart - firstPos;
        r = selEnd - firstPos;
        l = max( 0, l );
        r = min( size.x - 2, r );
        if (l <  r)
            b.moveChar( l+1, 0, getColor(3), r - l );
    writeLine( 0, 0, size.x, size.y, b );
    setCursor( curPos-firstPos+1, 0);
예제 #2
void TStatusLine::drawSelect( TStatusItem *selected )
    TDrawBuffer b;
    ushort color;
    char hintBuf[256];

    ushort cNormal = getColor(0x0301);
    ushort cSelect = getColor(0x0604);
    ushort cNormDisabled = getColor(0x0202);
    ushort cSelDisabled = getColor(0x0505);
    b.moveChar( 0, ' ', cNormal, size.x );
    TStatusItem *T =  items;
    ushort i = 0;

    while( T != 0 )
        if( T->text != 0 )
            ushort l = cstrlen( T->text );
            if( i + l < size.x )
                if( commandEnabled( T->command) )
                    if( T == selected )
                        color = cSelect;
                        color = cNormal;
                    if( T == selected )
                        color = cSelDisabled;
                        color = cNormDisabled;

                b.moveChar( i, ' ', color, 1 );
                b.moveCStr( i+1, T->text, color );
                b.moveChar( i+l+1, ' ', color, 1 );
            i += l+2;
        T = T->next;
    if( i < size.x - 2 )
        strcpy( hintBuf, hint( helpCtx ) );
        if( *hintBuf != EOS )
            b.moveStr( i, hintSeparator, cNormal );
            i += 2;
            if( strlen(hintBuf) + i > size.x )
                hintBuf[size.x-i] = EOS;
            b.moveStr( i, hintBuf, cNormal );
            i += strlen(hintBuf);
    writeLine( 0, 0, size.x, 1, b );
void TCalcDisplay::draw()
    char color = getColor(1);
    short i;
    TDrawBuffer buf;

    i = (short)(size.x - strlen(number) - 2);
    buf.moveChar(0, ' ', color, (short)size.x);
    buf.moveChar(i, sign, color, (short)1 );
    buf.moveStr((short)(i+1), number, color);
    writeLine(0, 0, (short)size.x, 1, buf);
void TCalcDisplay::draw()
    char color = getColor(1);
    int i;
    TDrawBuffer buf;

    i = size.x - strlen(number) - 2;
    buf.moveChar(0, ' ', color, size.x);
    buf.moveChar(i, sign, color, 1);
    buf.moveStr(i+1, number, color);
    writeLine(0, 0, size.x, 1, buf);
예제 #5
파일: main.cpp 프로젝트: idispatch/tvtest
void TTable::draw() {
    TDrawBuffer buf;
    char color = getColor(6);

    for (ushort y = 0; y <= size.y - 1; y++) {
        buf.moveChar(0, ' ', color, (short) size.x);
        for (ushort x = 0; x <= size.x - 1; x++)
            buf.moveChar(x, (ushort)(32 * y + x), color, (ushort) 1);
        writeLine(0, y, (short) size.x, (ushort) 1, buf);
예제 #6
void TCalcDisplay::draw() {
   char color = getColor(1);
   int i;
   TDrawBuffer buf;

   i = size.x - strlen(number) - 2;
   buf.moveChar(0, ' ', color, size.x);
   if (hexmode)
      buf.moveChar(1, 'x', color&0xF0|0xC , 1);
   if (memory)
      buf.moveChar(2, 'm', color&0xF0|0xD , 1);
   buf.moveChar(i, sign, color, 1);
   buf.moveStr(i + 1, number, color);
   writeLine(0, 0, size.x, 1, buf);
예제 #7
 * Deseneaza textul pe ecran.
void TInterior::draw()
	setLimit(maxLineLength, lineCount);
	ushort color = getColor(0x0301);
	for (int i = 0; i < size.y; i++)
		TDrawBuffer b;
		b.moveChar(0, ' ', color, size.x);	// umplu cu spatii

		int j = delta.y + i;

		if (j < lineCount && lines[j] != 0)
			char s[maxLineLength];
			if (delta.x > strlen(lines[j]))
				s[0] = EOS;
				strncpy(s, lines[j] + delta.x, size.x);
				s[size.x] = EOS;

			b.moveCStr(0, s, color);

		writeLine(0, i, size.x, 1, b);
예제 #8
파일: SYSERR.cpp 프로젝트: gdobra/tvision
short TSystemError::sysErr( short errorCode, uchar drive )
    ushort c = ( (TScreen::screenMode & 0x00FF) != TDisplay::smMono  ) ?
                                        sysColorAttr : sysMonoAttr;
    char s[ 63 ];
    TDrawBuffer b;

//  bug-fix TV2B-31 ---------------------------------------
    /* There are 22 documented device errors, all of which have their
     * own strings in errorString[].  However, just in case we run into
     * something weird this will prevent a crash.
//  end of bug-fix. ---------------------------------------
    if( errorCode < (sizeof(errorString) / sizeof(errorString[0])) )
        sprintf( s, errorString[ errorCode ], drive + 'A' );
        sprintf( s, "Unknown critical error %d on drive %c", errorCode, drive + 'A' );

// modification #TV2N-04 ----------------------------------
    // EFW - Modified to be screen size aware.
    b.moveChar( 0, ' ', c, TScreen::screenWidth);
    b.moveCStr( 1, s, c);
    b.moveCStr( TScreen::screenWidth - cstrlen(sRetryOrCancel) - 1,
        sRetryOrCancel, c);
// end of modification ------------------------------------
    int res = selectKey();
    return res;
예제 #9
파일: TBKGRND.cpp 프로젝트: gdobra/tvision
void TBackground::draw()
    TDrawBuffer b;

    b.moveChar( 0, pattern, getColor(0x01), size.x );
    writeLine( 0, 0, size.x, size.y, b );
void TCluster::drawBox( const char *icon, char marker)
    TDrawBuffer b;
    ushort color;

    ushort cNorm = getColor( 0x0301 );
    ushort cSel = getColor( 0x0402 );
    for( int i = 0; i <= size.y; i++ )
        for( int j = 0; j <= (strings->getCount()-1)/size.y + 1; j++ )
            int cur = j * size.y + i;
            if( cur < strings->getCount() )
                int col = column( cur );
                if( (cur == sel) && (state & sfSelected) != 0 )
                    color = cSel;
                    color = cNorm;
                b.moveChar( col, ' ', color, size.x - col );
                b.moveCStr( col, icon, color );
                if( mark(cur) )
                    b.putChar( col+2, marker );
                b.moveCStr( col+5, (char *)(strings->at(cur)), color );
                if( showMarkers && (state & sfSelected) != 0 && cur == sel )
                    b.putChar( col, specialChars[0] );
                    b.putChar( column(cur+size.y)-1, specialChars[1] );
        writeBuf( 0, i, size.x, 1, b );
    setCursor( column(sel)+2, row(sel) );
예제 #11
void TPercentageText::draw()
	ushort color = getColor(1);

	char *string = new char[size.x + 1];
	itoa( Round( percentage * pow10( precisionDigits ) ), string, 10 );

	if( precisionDigits > 0 )
		memmove( &string[strlen( string ) - precisionDigits + 1],
			    &string[strlen( string ) - precisionDigits],
			    precisionDigits + 1 );
		string[strlen( string ) - 1 - precisionDigits] = point;
	strcat( string, percentageString );
	if( string[0] == point )
		memmove( &string[1], string, strlen( string ) + 1 );
		string[0] = '0';

	TDrawBuffer b;
	b.moveChar( 0, ' ', color, size.x );
	b.moveStr( size.x - 1 - strlen( string ), string, color );
	writeLine( 0, 0, size.x, 1, b );

	delete[] string;
예제 #12
파일: main.cpp 프로젝트: idispatch/tvtest
void TPuzzleView::draw() {
    char tmp[8];
    char color[2], colorBack;
    TDrawBuffer buf;

    color[0] = color[1] = colorBack = getColor(1);
    if (!solved)
        color[1] = getColor(2);

    /* SS: little change */
    short i;
    for (i = 0; i <= 3; i++)
    //for(short i = 0; i <= 3; i++)
        buf.moveChar(0, ' ', colorBack, 18);
        if (i == 1)
            buf.moveStr(13, "Move", colorBack);
        if (i == 2) {
            sprintf(tmp, "%d", moves);
            buf.moveStr(14, tmp, colorBack);
        for (short j = 0; j <= 3; j++) {
            strcpy(tmp, "   ");
            tmp[1] = board[i][j];
            if (board[i][j] == ' ')
                buf.moveStr((short) (j * 3), tmp, color[0]);
                buf.moveStr((short) (j * 3), tmp, color[(int) map[board[i][j] - 'A']]);
        writeLine(0, i, 18, 1, buf);
예제 #13
void TIndicator::draw()
    uchar color, frame;
    TDrawBuffer b;
    char s[15];

    if( (state & sfDragging) == 0 )
        color = getColor(1);
        frame = dragFrame;
        color = getColor(2);
        frame = normalFrame;

    b.moveChar( 0, frame, color, size.x );
    if( modified )
        b.putChar( 0, 15 );
    ostrstream os( s, 15 );

    os << ' ' << (location.y+1)
       << ':' << (location.x+1) << ' ' << ends;

    b.moveCStr( 8-int(strchr(s, ':')-s), s, color);
    writeBuf(0, 0, size.x, 1, b);
예제 #14
void TInterior::draw()       // modified for scroller
    ushort color = getColor(0x0301);
    for( int i = 0; i < size.y; i++ )
        // for each line:
        TDrawBuffer b;
        b.moveChar( 0, ' ', color, size.x );
        // fill line buffer with spaces
        int j = delta.y + i;       // delta is scroller offset
        if( j < lineCount && lines[j] != 0 )
            char s[maxLineLength];
            if( delta.x > strlen(lines[j] ) )
                s[0] = EOS;
                strncpy( s, lines[j]+delta.x, size.x );
                s[size.x] = EOS;
            b.moveCStr( 0, s, color );
        writeLine( 0, i, size.x, 1, b);

예제 #15
void TOutlineViewer::draw() {
   ushort nrmColor = getColor(0x0401);

   dBuf.moveChar(0, ' ', nrmColor, size.x);
   writeLine(0, auxPos + 1, size.x, size.y - (auxPos - delta.y), dBuf);
void TFileViewer::draw()
    char *p;

    ushort c =  getColor(0x0301);
    for( int i = 0; i < size.y; i++ )
        TDrawBuffer b;
	b.moveChar( 0, ' ', c, size.x );

        if( delta.y + i < fileLines->getCount() )
            char s[maxLineLength+1];
            p = (char *)( fileLines->at(delta.y+i) );
            if( p == 0 || strlen(p) < delta.x )
                s[0] = EOS;
		strncpy( s, p+delta.x, size.x );
		if( strlen( p + delta.x ) > size.x )
                    s[size.x] = EOS;
            b.moveStr( 0, s, c );
        writeBuf( 0, i, size.x, 1, b );
예제 #17
void TProgressBar::draw() {
   char string[4];
   string[3] = '\0';
   if(curPercent<10) {
      string[2] = string[0];
      string[1] = string[0] = ' ';
   else if(curPercent<100 && curPercent>9) {
      string[2] = string[1];
      string[1] = string[0];
      string[0] = ' ';
   TDrawBuffer nbuf;
   uchar colorNormal, colorHiLite;
   colorNormal = getColor(1);
   uchar fore = colorNormal >>4;                    // >>4 is same as /16
   colorHiLite = fore+((colorNormal-(fore<<4))<<4); // <<4 is same as *16
   nbuf.moveStr(numOffset+3," %",colorNormal);
   unsigned i;
   writeLine(0, 0, size.x, 1, nbuf);
void TCalendarView::draw()
    char str[23];
    char current = 1 - dayOfWeek(1, month, year);
    char days = daysInMonth[month] + ((year % 4 == 0 && month == 2) ? 1 : 0);
    char color, boldColor;
    int  i, j;
    TDrawBuffer buf;

    color = getColor(6);
    boldColor = getColor(7);

    buf.moveChar(0, ' ', color, 22);

    ostrstream( str, sizeof str)
      << setw(9) << monthNames[month] << " " << setw(4) << year
      << " " << (char) 30 << "  " << (char) 31 << " " << ends;

    buf.moveStr(0, str, color);
    writeLine(0, 0, 22, 1, buf);

    buf.moveChar(0, ' ', color, 22);
    buf.moveStr(0, "Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa", color);
    writeLine(0, 1, 22, 1, buf);

    for(i = 1; i <= 6; i++)
        buf.moveChar(0, ' ', color, 22);
        for(j = 0; j <= 6; j++)
            if(current < 1 || current > days)
                buf.moveStr(j*3, "   ", color);
                ostrstream( str, sizeof str )
                  << setw(2) << (int) current << ends;
                if(year == curYear && month == curMonth && current == curDay)
                    buf.moveStr(j*3, str, boldColor);
                    buf.moveStr(j*3, str, color);
        writeLine(0, i+1, 22, 1, buf);
예제 #19
void TColorSelector::draw() {
   TDrawBuffer b;
   b.moveChar(0, ' ', 0x70, size.x);
   for (int i = 0; i <= size.y; i++) {
      if (i < 4) {
         for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
            int c = i * 4 + j;
            b.moveChar(j * 3, icon, c, 3);
            if (c == color) {
               b.putChar(j * 3 + 1, 8);
               if (c == 0)
                  b.putAttribute(j * 3 + 1, 0x70);
      writeLine(0, i, size.x, 1, b);
예제 #20
파일: main.cpp 프로젝트: idispatch/tvtest
void TCalendarView::draw() {
    AllocLocalStr(str, size.x + 1);

    unsigned current = 1 - dayOfWeek(1, month, year);
    unsigned days = daysInMonth[month] + ((year % 4 == 0 && month == 2) ? 1 : 0);
    char color, boldColor;
    int i, j;
    TDrawBuffer buf;

    color = getColor(6);
    boldColor = getColor(7);

    buf.moveChar(0, ' ', color, size.x);

    sprintf(str, "%c%12s %4d %c", upArrowChar, monthNames[month], year, downArrowChar); //wsz: to see full year and down arrow
    /*ostrstream( str, sizeof str)
     << setw(9) << monthNames[month] << " " << setw(4) << year
     << " " << (char) 30 << "  " << (char) 31 << " " << ends;*/

    buf.moveStr(0, str, color);
    writeLine(0, 0, size.x, 1, buf);

    buf.moveChar(0, ' ', color, size.x);
    buf.moveStr(0, "Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa", color);
    writeLine(0, 1, size.x, 1, buf);

    for (i = 1; i <= 6; i++) {
        buf.moveChar(0, ' ', color, size.x);
        for (j = 0; j <= 6; j++) {
            if (current < 1 || current > days)
                buf.moveStr(j * 3, "   ", color);
            else {
                sprintf(str, "%2d", (int) current);
                if (year == curYear && month == curMonth && current == curDay)
                    buf.moveStr(j * 3, str, boldColor);
                    buf.moveStr(j * 3, str, color);
        writeLine(0, (short) (i + 1), size.x, 1, buf);
예제 #21
void DynamicText::draw()
  TDrawBuffer b;
  uchar color = getColor(1);
  int offset = ( rightJustify ) ? size.x-strlen(text) : 0;

  b.moveChar( 0, ' ', color, size.x );
  b.moveStr( offset, text, color );
  writeBuf( 0, 0, size.x, 1, b );
예제 #22
void TStaticText::draw()
    uchar color;
    Boolean center;
    int i, j, l, p, y;
    TDrawBuffer b;
    char s[256];

    color = getColor(1);
    l = strlen(s);
    p = 0;
    y = 0;
    center = False;
    while (y < size.y)
        b.moveChar(0, ' ', color, size.x);
        if (p < l)
            if (s[p] == 3)
                center = True;
            i = p;
            do {
               j = p;
               while ((p < l) && (s[p] == ' '))
               while ((p < l) && (s[p] != ' ') && (s[p] != '\n'))
               } while ((p < l) && (p < i + size.x) && (s[p] != '\n'));
            if (p > i + size.x)
                if (j > i)
                    p = j;
                    p = i + size.x;
            if (center == True)
               j = (size.x - p + i) / 2 ;
               j = 0;
            b.moveBuf(j, &s[i], color, (p - i));
            while ((p < l) && (s[p] == ' '))
            if ((p < l) && (s[p] == '\n'))
                center = False;
                if ((p < l) && (s[p] == 10))
        writeLine(0, y++, size.x, 1, b);
예제 #23
void TProgressBar::draw()
    char color = getColor(1);
    TDrawBuffer nbuf;

	 nbuf.moveChar(0,' ',color,size.x);

	 nbuf.moveStr( 0, bar, color ) ;

    writeLine(0, 0, size.x, 1, nbuf);
예제 #24
void TBrightnessIndicator::draw()
	ushort color = getColor(1);

	TDrawBuffer b;
	b.moveChar( 0, ' ', color, size.x );
	for( int i = 0; i < numberOfShades; i++ )
		b.moveChar( size.x * i / numberOfShades,
				  fillString[i], color,
				  size.x / numberOfShades );

	writeLine( 0, 0, size.x, 1, b );

	b.moveChar( 0, ' ', color, size.x );
	b.moveChar( size.x - 1 - Round(
		((double)position / (double)range) * (double)(size.x - 1) ),
		arrowChar, color, 1 );

	writeLine( 0, 1, size.x, 1, b );
예제 #25
void TCalendarView::draw() {
   char str[28];
   char current = 1 - dayOfWeek(1, month, year);
   char    days = daysInMonth[month] + (year%4==0 && month==2?1:0);
   char   color = getColor(6),
         hcolor = (color&0xF0)+0x09,
         tcolor = 0x2F,
        ticolor = (color&0xF0)>>4|(tcolor&0xF0),
        odcolor = (color&0xF0)+0x01,
        wdcolor = (color&0xF0)+0x04;
   int  ii, jj;
   TDrawBuffer buf;

   buf.moveChar(0, ' ', color, 24);
   snprintf(str, 28,"%12s %4d \x1E \x1F", monthNames[month], year);
   buf.moveStr(0, str, hcolor);
   writeLine(0, 0, 24, 1, buf);

   buf.moveChar(0, ' ', color, 22);
   buf.moveStr(0, " Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su", hcolor);
   writeLine(0, 1, 24, 1, buf);

   for (ii=1; ii<=6; ii++) {
      buf.moveChar(0, ' ', color, 24);
      for (jj=0; jj<=6; jj++) {
         if (current<1 || current>days) buf.moveStr(1+jj*3, "   ", color);
         else {
            int today = year==curYear&&month==curMonth&&current==curDay,
              onechar = current<10?1:0;
            snprintf(str, 24, "%d", current);
            buf.moveStr(1+jj*3+onechar, str, today?tcolor:(jj<5?odcolor:wdcolor));
            if (today) {
      writeLine(0, ii+1, 24, 1, buf);
예제 #26
void TCluster::drawMultiBox(const char *icon, const char *marker) {
   TDrawBuffer b;
   ushort color;
   int i, j, cur;

   ushort cNorm = getColor(0x0301);
   ushort cSel = getColor(0x0402);
   ushort cDis = getColor(0x0505);
   for (i = 0; i <= size.y; i++) {
      b.moveChar(0, ' ', (uchar)cNorm, size.x);
      for (j = 0; j <= (strings->getCount() - 1) / size.y + 1; j++) {
         cur = j * size.y + i;
         if (cur < strings->getCount()) {
            int col = column(cur);

            if (((col + strlen((const char *)strings->at(cur)) + 5) <
                  (sizeof(b) / sizeof(ushort))) && (col < size.x)) {
               if (!buttonState(cur))
                  color = cDis;
               else if ((cur == sel) && (state & sfSelected) != 0)
                  color = cSel;
                  color = cNorm;
               b.moveChar(col, ' ', color, size.x - col);
               b.moveCStr(col, icon, color);

               b.putChar(col + 2, marker[multiMark(cur)]);
               b.moveCStr(col + 5, (char *)(strings->at(cur)), color);
               if (showMarkers && ((state & sfSelected) != 0) && cur == sel) {
                  b.putChar(col, specialChars[0]);
                  b.putChar(column(cur + size.y) - 1, specialChars[1]);

      writeBuf(0, i, size.x, 1, b);
   setCursor(column(sel) + 2, row(sel));
예제 #27
void EnhancedStatusLine::draw()
    ushort cNormal = getColor(0x0301);
    for (int i=0; i < count; i++)
        TDrawBuffer b;
        if (i != 0)
            b.moveChar(0, '\263', cNormal, 1);
        b.moveCStr(i ? 1 : 0, items[i].text, cNormal);
        writeBuf(items[i].offset - (i ? 1 : 0), 0, (i ? 1 : 0) + strlen(items[i].text), 1, b);
예제 #28
void TClickTester::draw()
    TDrawBuffer buf;
    char c;

    if (clicked)
        c = getColor(2);
        c = getColor(1);

    buf.moveChar(0, ' ', c, size.x);
    buf.moveStr(0, text, c);
    writeLine(0, 0, size.x, 1, buf);
예제 #29
short TSystemError::sysErr( short errorCode, uchar drive )
    ushort c = ( (TScreen::screenMode & 0x00fF) != TDisplay::smMono  ) ?
                                        sysColorAttr : sysMonoAttr;
    char s[ 63 ];
    TDrawBuffer b;

    sprintf( s, errorString[ errorCode ], drive + 'a' );

    b.moveChar( 0, ' ', c, 80);
    b.moveCStr( 1, s, c);
    b.moveCStr( 79-cstrlen(sRetryOrCancel), sRetryOrCancel, c);
    int res = selectKey();
    return res;
예제 #30
Boolean drawTree(TOutlineViewer *beingDrawn, TNode *cur, int level,
                 int position, long lines, ushort flags)
   ushort  color;
   char s[256];
   char *graph;

   if (position >= beingDrawn->delta.y) {
      if (position >= beingDrawn->delta.y + beingDrawn->size.y)
         return True;

      if ((position == beingDrawn->foc) && ((beingDrawn->state & sfFocused) != 0))
         color = beingDrawn->getColor(0x0202);
      else if (beingDrawn->isSelected(position))
         color = beingDrawn->getColor(0x0303);
         color = beingDrawn->getColor(0x0401);
      dBuf.moveChar(0, ' ', color, beingDrawn->size.x);

      graph = beingDrawn->getGraph(level, lines, flags);
      strcpy(s, graph);
      delete graph;

      if ((flags & ovExpanded) == 0) {
         strcat(s, "~");
         strcat(s, beingDrawn->getText(cur));
         strcat(s, "~");
      } else
         strcat(s, beingDrawn->getText(cur));
      if (beingDrawn->delta.x <= strlen(s))
         dBuf.moveCStr(0, &s[beingDrawn->delta.x], color);
         dBuf.moveCStr(0, "", color);
      beingDrawn->writeLine(0, position - beingDrawn->delta.y,
                            beingDrawn->size.x, 1, dBuf);
      auxPos = position;

   return False;