void final_fit() { TGraph *g1 = new TGraph("2013-02-01-beam-off-clean.dat","%lg %*lg %*lg %*lg %lg"," "); TGraph *g2 = new TGraph("2013-02-15-beam-off-clean.dat","%lg %*lg %*lg %*lg %lg"," "); TGraph *g3 = new TGraph("2013-02-28-beam-off_clean.dat","%lg %*lg %*lg %*lg %lg"," "); TMultiGraph *mg = new TMultiGraph(); mg->Add(g1,"g1"); mg->Add(g2,"g2"); mg->Add(g3,"g3"); TGraph *cernGraph = new TGraph("CERN_guessed_data.dat"); TMultiGraph *mgaxes = new TMultiGraph(); mgaxes->Add(g1,"g12"); mgaxes->Add(g2,"g22"); mgaxes->Add(g3,"g32"); mgaxes->Add(cernGraph,"cernGraph"); // Creates a Root function based on function fitf above // TF1 *func = new TF1("fitf",fitf,1E9,1E12,2); // TF1 *func2 = new TF1("fitf",fitf,4E12,5E14,2); TF1 *lambertfunc = new TF1("fitLambertW",fitLambertW,2e13,5E15,3); TF1 *lambertCERNfunc = new TF1("fitLambertW",fitLambertW,5e12,1E16,3); // TF1 *func2 = new TF1("fitLambertW",fitf,1E13,1.1E16,3); // Sets initial values (guesses) // func->SetParameters(0.5,0); // func2->SetParameters(0.5,0); // lambertfunc->SetParameters(4.27e-11,0.83,4.9e-6); // Based on the other straight line // lambertfunc->SetParameters(1.9e-17,1.279,1.1e-5); lambertCERNfunc->SetParameters(4.27e-18,1.289,4.9e-6); // Based on initial fits lambertfunc->SetParameters(4.27e-18,1.289,4.9e-6); // Based on CERN paper // Fit histogram in range defined by function // h2->Fit(func2,"r+"); // lambertCERNfunc->SetLineColor(4); // lambertCERNfunc->SetLineWidth(2); // lambertCERNfunc->SetLineStyle(2); mg->Fit(lambertfunc,"m+"); TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","c1",800,800); mgaxes->SetTitle("Final Fit (with CERN data in black)"); mgaxes->Draw("a"); // mgaxes->SetTicks(2,2); g1->Draw("*"); g1->SetMarkerStyle(3); g1->SetMarkerColor(kRed); g2->Draw("*"); g2->SetMarkerStyle(25); g2->SetMarkerColor(kBlue); g3->Draw("*"); g3->SetMarkerStyle(27); g3->SetMarkerColor(kGreen+3); lambertfunc->Draw("same"); cernGraph->Draw("*"); lambertCERNfunc->Draw("same"); lambertCERNfunc->SetLineColor(kBlack); // TH2F *hpx = new TH2F("hpx"," Forward Voltage V_{F} vs. Fluence n_{eq} (with CERN data)",10,1E10,6.4E16,100,0.2,210.0); // // axis range // hpx->SetStats(kFALSE);// no statistics // hpx->Draw(); // g1->SetTitle("Fluence vs. Forward Voltage"); // g1->SetFillColor(1); // g1->SetMarkerStyle(3); // g1->Fit(func,"r"); // g1->Fit(lambertfunc,"r+"); // c1->Divide(1,2); // c1->cd(1); // h2->SetMarkerStyle(2); // h2->SetMarkerSize(0.6); // h2->Draw(); // minor change // c1->cd(2); // cernGraph->Draw("*"); // cernGraph->SetMarkerStyle(4); // cernGraph->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(5E10,6.4E20);// axis1->Draw("same"); // g1->Draw("*"); // g1->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(5E10,6.4E20);// axis1->Draw("same"); // lambertCERNfunc->Draw("same"); // g1->Draw(); // c1->cd(2); // lambertfunc->Draw(); c1->SetLogx(1); // Set Log scale in x c1->SetLogy(1); // Set Log scale in y c1->SetTicks(2,2); // This is for the ticks on both sides c1->SetGrid(1); }
// Determine sensitivity to tracker dynamic inefficiency // by studying ratio of jet responses in Runs G and F (and BCD / F, E / F) void drawAvsB() { setTDRStyle(); string epocha = "BCD";//"BCD";//"H";//"F";//"BCD";//"F";//"E";//"BCD";//"F"; string epochb = "GH";//"G";//"BCD";//"G";//"E";//"E";//"F";//"G"; // Add the rest as well string epocha2 = "";//"EF"; string epochb2 = "";//"G"; string type = "data"; vector<string> methods; methods.push_back("mpfchs1"); methods.push_back("ptchs"); bool nozjptb = false; bool nogjmpf = false; bool nogjptb = true; bool mjvsjes = false; vector<string> samples; samples.push_back("zeejet"); samples.push_back("zmmjet"); samples.push_back("gamjet"); //samples.push_back("multijet"); cout << "draw"<<epocha<<"vs"<<epochb<<endl; const char *ct = type.c_str(); const char *pa = epocha.c_str(); const char *pb = epochb.c_str(); const char *pa2 = epocha2.c_str(); const char *pb2 = epochb2.c_str(); TFile *fg = new TFile(Form("rootfiles/jecdata%s.root",pb),"READ"); assert(fg && !fg->IsZombie()); TFile *ff = new TFile(Form("rootfiles/jecdata%s.root",pa),"READ"); assert(ff && !ff->IsZombie()); TFile *fg2(0), *ff2(0); if (epochb2!="") fg2 = new TFile(Form("rootfiles/jecdata%s.root",pb2),"READ"); if (epocha2!="") ff2 = new TFile(Form("rootfiles/jecdata%s.root",pa2),"READ"); TH1D *h = new TH1D("h", Form(";p_{T,ref} (GeV);%s ratio (%s / %s)", (type=="ratio" ? "Data/MC" : type=="data" ? "Data/data" : "MC/MC"), (epocha + (epocha2!="" ? "+"+epocha2 : "")).c_str(), (epochb + (epochb2!="" ? "+"+epochb2 : "")).c_str()), 3470,30,3500); h->SetMinimum(0.90); h->SetMaximum(1.15); h->GetXaxis()->SetMoreLogLabels(); h->GetXaxis()->SetNoExponent(); if (epocha=="F" && epochb=="G") lumi_13TeV = "Run2016F+G, 3.1+7.1 fb^{-1}"; if (epocha=="BCD" && epochb=="G") lumi_13TeV = "Run2016BCD+H, 12.9+8.8 fb^{-1}"; if (epocha=="BCD" && epochb=="G") lumi_13TeV = "Run2016BCD+FearlyGH, 12.9+16.8 fb^{-1}"; if (epocha=="BCD" && epochb=="F") lumi_13TeV = "Run2016BCD+F, 13+3.1 fb^{-1}"; if (epocha=="BCD" && epochb=="E") lumi_13TeV = "Run2016BCD+E, 13+4.0 fb^{-1}"; if (epocha=="E" && epochb=="F") lumi_13TeV = "Run2016E+F, 4.0+3.1 fb^{-1}"; if (epocha=="F" && epochb=="E") lumi_13TeV = "Run2016E+F, 4.0+3.1 fb^{-1}"; if ((epocha=="BCDEF" && epochb=="GH") || (epocha=="BCD" && epocha2=="EF" && epochb=="H" && epochb2=="G")) lumi_13TeV = "Run2016BCDEF+GH, 19.7+16.8 fb^{-1}"; if (epocha=="EF" && epochb=="BCD") lumi_13TeV = "Run2016BCD+EF, 12.9+6.8 fb^{-1}"; if (epocha=="H" && epochb=="G") lumi_13TeV = "Run2016G+H, 8.0+8.8 fb^{-1}"; if ((epocha=="BCD" && epocha2=="EF" && epochb=="G" && epochb2=="H")) lumi_13TeV = "Run2016BCDFearly+FlateGH, 19.7+16.8 fb^{-1}"; if ((epocha=="BCD" && epocha2=="" && ((epochb=="GH" && epochb2=="") || (epochb=="G" && epochb2=="H")))) lumi_13TeV = "Run2016BCD+FlateGH, 12.9+16.8 fb^{-1}"; if ((epocha=="EF" && epocha2=="" && ((epochb=="GH" && epochb2=="") || (epochb=="G" && epochb2=="H")))) lumi_13TeV = "Run2016EF+FlateGH, 6.8+16.8 fb^{-1}"; if ((epocha=="EF" && epocha2=="" && epochb=="G" && epochb2=="H")) lumi_13TeV = "Run2016EFearly+FlateGH, 6.8+16.8 fb^{-1}"; TCanvas *c1 = tdrCanvas("c1",h,4,11,true); c1->SetLogx(); TLatex *tex = new TLatex(); tex->SetNDC(); tex->SetTextSize(0.045); TMultiGraph *mg = new TMultiGraph(); string s = "draw"+epocha+(epocha2!="" ? "p" + epocha2 : "") +"vs"+epochb+(epochb2!="" ? "p" + epochb2 : ""); TGraphErrors *gmjb(0), *gmpf(0); for (unsigned int im = 0; im != methods.size(); ++im) { const char *cm = methods[im].c_str(); tex->DrawLatex(0.20,0.75-0.06*im,cm); s += "_" + methods[im]; for (unsigned int is = 0; is != samples.size(); ++is) { const char *cs = samples[is].c_str(); TGraphErrors *gg = (TGraphErrors*)fg->Get(Form("%s/eta00-13/%s_%s_a30",ct,cm,cs)); cout << cm << " " << cs << endl << flush; assert(gg); if (fg2) { TGraphErrors *gg2 = (TGraphErrors*)fg2->Get(Form("%s/eta00-13/%s_%s_a30",ct,cm,cs)); assert(gg2); gg = addGraph(gg,gg2); } TGraphErrors *gf = (TGraphErrors*)ff->Get(Form("%s/eta00-13/%s_%s_a30",ct,cm,cs)); assert(gf); if (ff2) { TGraphErrors *gf2 = (TGraphErrors*)ff2->Get(Form("%s/eta00-13/%s_%s_a30",ct,cm,cs)); assert(gf2); gf = addGraph(gf,gf2); } if (!(gf->GetN()==gg->GetN())) { // Remove highest pT point is that is the offender (BCD vs GH) if (gg->GetN()>gf->GetN() && fabs(gg->GetX()[gg->GetN()-1]/gf->GetX()[gf->GetN()-1]-1)>0.1 && fabs(gg->GetX()[gg->GetN()-2]/gf->GetX()[gf->GetN()-1]-1)<0.1) { cout << "Remove point B(N-1)" << endl; gg->RemovePoint(gg->GetN()-1); } else { cout << "sample " << samples[is] << " method " << methods[im] << " gf->N: " << gf->GetN() << " gg->N: " << gg->GetN() << endl; cout << " x_gf(N-1)=" << gf->GetX()[gf->GetN()-1] << " x_gg(N-1)=" << gg->GetX()[gg->GetN()-1] << " x_gg(N-2)=" << gg->GetX()[gg->GetN()-2] << endl; } assert(gf->GetN()==gg->GetN()); } TGraphErrors *g = (TGraphErrors*)gg->Clone(Form("ge_%s_%s",cm,cs)); for (int i = 0; i != g->GetN(); ++i) { double yg = gg->GetY()[i]; double yf = gf->GetY()[i]; g->SetPoint(i, gg->GetX()[i], yf / yg); double ex = gg->GetEX()[i]; double eg = gg->GetEY()[i]; double ef = gf->GetEY()[i]; g->SetPointError(i, ex, yf/yg*sqrt(pow(eg/yg,2)+pow(ef/yf,2))); } //g->Draw(is==0 ? "AP" : "SAMEP"); g->SetLineWidth(1+is); g->Draw("SAMEPZ"); if (samples[is]=="gamjet" && methods[im]=="mpfchs1" && nogjmpf) { tex->SetTextColor(kBlue); tex->DrawLatex(0.20,0.63,"#gamma+jet MPF excl. from fit"); tex->SetTextColor(kBlack); } else if (samples[is]=="gamjet" && methods[im]=="ptchs" && nogjptb) { tex->SetTextColor(kBlue); tex->DrawLatex(0.20,0.63,"#gamma+jet p_{T}^{bal} excl. from fit"); tex->SetTextColor(kBlack); } else if ((samples[is]=="zmmjet" || samples[is]=="zeejet") && methods[im]=="ptchs" && nozjptb) { tex->SetTextColor(kRed); tex->DrawLatex(0.20,0.63,"Z+jet p_{T}^{bal} excl. from fit"); tex->SetTextColor(kBlack); } else if (samples[is]=="multijet") { g->SetMarkerColor(kGray+1); g->SetLineColor(kGray+1); if (methods[im]=="ptchs") gmjb = g; if (methods[im]=="mpfchs1") gmpf = g; } else mg->Add(g); } // for is } // for im if (nogjmpf) s += "_nogjmpf"; if (nogjptb) s += "_nogptb"; if (nozjptb) s += "_nozptb"; if (mjvsjes) { s += "_mjvsjes"; tex->SetTextColor(kBlack); tex->DrawLatex(0.20,0.58,"Multijet vs JES fit"); } TF1 *fjes = new TF1("fjes",jesFit,30,2200,2); fjes->SetParameters(0.99,0.05); mg->Fit(fjes,"RN"); fjes->SetLineColor(kBlack); fjes->SetLineStyle(kDashed); fjes->SetLineWidth(2); fjes->SetRange(10.,3500.); fjes->Draw("SAME"); //TF1 *ft = new TF1("ft","1-[0]-[1]*pow(x,[2]) + ([3]+[4]*log(x))/x",30,2200); //ft->SetParameters(0,0.05,-0.5,1,0.1); //ft->FixParameter(3,0); // Logarithmic sigmoid //TF1 *ft = new TF1("ft","[0]+(1-[0])/(1. + exp(-(log(x)-log(abs([1])))" // "/(log(abs([2])+abs([1]))-log(abs([1])))))", 30,2200); //ft->SetParameters(0.98, 150, 50); TF1 *ft = new TF1("ft","[0]+(1-[0])/(1. + exp(-(log(x)-[1])/[2]))",30,2200); //ft->SetParameters(0.98,log(145),log(190)-log(145)); //ft->SetParameters(0.982,4.967,0.271); //ft->SetParameters(0.976,5.040,0.370); // ENDCAP //ft->SetParameters(0.985,5.0,0.3); ft->SetParameters(0.985,5.025,0.3); //ft->FixParameter(1,5.03); // semi-weighted average of BCD and EF //ft->FixParameter(2,0.395); // combined fit to BCD+EF / G+H // ( 12.9*5.055+6.8*5.000)/(12.9+6.8) ft->FixParameter(1,5.036); // semi-weighted average of BCD/GH and EF/GH // ( 12.9*0.344 + 6.8*0.455)/(12.9+6.8) ft->FixParameter(2,0.391); // combined fit to BCD+EF / GH // Log-sigmoid + powerlaw //TF1 *ft = new TF1("ft","[0]+(1-[0])/(1. + exp(-(log(x)-[1])/[2]))" // "*(1-[3]*pow(x,[4]))",30,2200); //ft->SetParameters(0.982,4.967,0.271,0.1,-0.2); // Double powerlaw //TF1 *ft = new TF1("ft","[4]-[0]*pow(x,[1])-[2]*pow(x,[3])",30,2200); //ft->SetParameters(0.05,-0.15,0.01,-0.3,1); mg->Fit(ft,"RN"); ft->SetLineColor(kBlue); ft->SetLineWidth(2); ft->SetRange(10.,3500.); ft->Draw("SAME"); // Map multijet with response ratio if (gmpf) { // we have multijet available TGraphErrors *gmpf2 = (TGraphErrors*)gmpf->Clone("gmpf2"); gmpf2->SetMarkerColor(kBlack);//kGray+1); gmpf2->SetLineColor(kBlack);//kGray+1); for (int i = 0; i != gmpf->GetN(); ++i) { if (mjvsjes) { gmpf2->SetPoint(i, 0.4*gmpf->GetX()[i], fjes->Eval(gmpf->GetX()[i])/gmpf->GetY()[i]); gmpf2->SetPointError(i, 0.4*gmpf->GetEX()[i], gmpf->GetEY()[i]); } else { gmpf2->SetPoint(i, 0.4*gmpf->GetX()[i], ft->Eval(gmpf->GetX()[i])/gmpf->GetY()[i]); gmpf2->SetPointError(i, 0.4*gmpf->GetEX()[i], gmpf->GetEY()[i]); } } gmpf2->Draw("SAMEPz"); } // multijet tex->SetTextColor(kBlue); tex->DrawLatex(0.50,0.85,Form("#chi^{2} / NDF = %1.1f / %d", ft->GetChisquare(), ft->GetNDF())); tex->SetTextColor(kBlack); tex->SetTextSize(0.040); tex->DrawLatex(0.50,0.80,Form("(#chi^{2} / NDF = %1.1f / %d)", fjes->GetChisquare(), fjes->GetNDF())); tex->SetTextColor(kBlue-9); tex->SetTextSize(0.030); tex->DrawLatex(0.20,0.25,ft->GetExpFormula()); tex->DrawLatex(0.20,0.20, Form("p_{0}=%1.3f#pm%1.3f" ", p_{1}=%1.3f#pm%1.3f" ", p_{2}=%1.3f#pm%1.3f", ft->GetParameter(0),ft->GetParError(0), ft->GetParameter(1),ft->GetParError(1), ft->GetParameter(2),ft->GetParError(2))); if (ft->GetNpar()>3) tex->DrawLatex(0.20,0.17, Form("p_{3}=%1.3f#pm%1.3f" ", p_{4}=%1.3f#pm%1.3f", ft->GetParameter(3),ft->GetParError(3), ft->GetParameter(4),ft->GetParError(4))); c1->SaveAs(Form("pdf/%s.pdf",s.c_str())); for (int i = 0; i != ft->GetNpar(); ++i) { cout << Form("%s%1.4g",i==0 ? "{" : ", ",ft->GetParameter(i)); } cout << "}" << endl; }