예제 #1
string NefDecoder::getMode() {
  ostringstream mode;
  vector<TiffIFD*>  data = mRootIFD->getIFDsWithTag(CFAPATTERN);
  TiffIFD* raw = FindBestImage(&data);
  int compression = raw->getEntry(COMPRESSION)->getInt();
  uint32 bitPerPixel = raw->getEntry(BITSPERSAMPLE)->getInt();
  if (1 == compression)
    mode << bitPerPixel << "bit-uncompressed";
    mode << bitPerPixel << "bit-uncompressed";
  return mode.str();
예제 #2
RawImage PefDecoder::decodeRawInternal() {
  vector<TiffIFD*> data = mRootIFD->getIFDsWithTag(STRIPOFFSETS);

  if (data.empty())
    ThrowRDE("PEF Decoder: No image data found");

  TiffIFD* raw = data[0];

  int compression = raw->getEntry(COMPRESSION)->getInt();

  if (1 == compression) {
    decodeUncompressed(raw, true);
    return mRaw;

  if (65535 != compression)
    ThrowRDE("PEF Decoder: Unsupported compression");

  TiffEntry *offsets = raw->getEntry(STRIPOFFSETS);
  TiffEntry *counts = raw->getEntry(STRIPBYTECOUNTS);

  if (offsets->count != 1) {
    ThrowRDE("PEF Decoder: Multiple Strips found: %u", offsets->count);
  if (counts->count != offsets->count) {
    ThrowRDE("PEF Decoder: Byte count number does not match strip size: count:%u, strips:%u ", counts->count, offsets->count);
  if (!mFile->isValid(offsets->getInt() + counts->getInt()))
    ThrowRDE("PEF Decoder: Truncated file.");

  uint32 width = raw->getEntry(IMAGEWIDTH)->getInt();
  uint32 height = raw->getEntry(IMAGELENGTH)->getInt();

  mRaw->dim = iPoint2D(width, height);
  try {
    PentaxDecompressor l(mFile, mRaw);
    l.decodePentax(mRootIFD, offsets->getInt(), counts->getInt());
  } catch (IOException &e) {
    // Let's ignore it, it may have delivered somewhat useful data.

  return mRaw;
예제 #3
void PefDecoder::decodeMetaData(CameraMetaData *meta) {
  int iso = 0;
  vector<TiffIFD*> data = mRootIFD->getIFDsWithTag(MODEL);

  if (data.empty())
    ThrowRDE("PEF Meta Decoder: Model name found");

  TiffIFD* raw = data[0];

  string make = raw->getEntry(MAKE)->getString();
  string model = raw->getEntry(MODEL)->getString();

  if (mRootIFD->hasEntryRecursive(ISOSPEEDRATINGS))
    iso = mRootIFD->getEntryRecursive(ISOSPEEDRATINGS)->getInt();

  setMetaData(meta, make, model, "", iso);
예제 #4
RawImage ThreefrDecoder::decodeRawInternal() {
  vector<TiffIFD*> data = mRootIFD->getIFDsWithTag(STRIPOFFSETS);

  if (data.size() < 2)
    ThrowRDE("3FR Decoder: No image data found");

  TiffIFD* raw = data[1];
  uint32 width = raw->getEntry(IMAGEWIDTH)->getInt();
  uint32 height = raw->getEntry(IMAGELENGTH)->getInt();
  uint32 off = raw->getEntry(STRIPOFFSETS)->getInt();

  mRaw->dim = iPoint2D(width, height);
  ByteStream input(mFile->getData(off), mFile->getSize() - off);

  HasselbladDecompressor l(mFile, mRaw);
  map<string,string>::iterator pixelOffset = hints.find("pixelBaseOffset");
  if (pixelOffset != hints.end()) {
    stringstream convert((*pixelOffset).second);
    convert >> l.pixelBaseOffset;
예제 #5
TiffIFD* NefDecoder::FindBestImage(vector<TiffIFD*>* data) {
  int largest_width = 0;
  TiffIFD* best_ifd = NULL;
  for (int i = 0; i < (int)data->size(); i++) {
    TiffIFD* raw = (*data)[i];
    int width = raw->getEntry(IMAGEWIDTH)->getInt();
    if (width > largest_width)
      best_ifd = raw;
  if (NULL == best_ifd)
    ThrowRDE("NEF Decoder: Unable to locate image");
  return best_ifd;
예제 #6
void PefDecoder::decodeMetaDataInternal(CameraMetaData *meta) {
  int iso = 0;
  mRaw->cfa.setCFA(iPoint2D(2,2), CFA_RED, CFA_GREEN, CFA_GREEN2, CFA_BLUE);
  vector<TiffIFD*> data = mRootIFD->getIFDsWithTag(MODEL);

  if (data.empty())
    ThrowRDE("PEF Meta Decoder: Model name found");

  TiffIFD* raw = data[0];

  string make = raw->getEntry(MAKE)->getString();
  string model = raw->getEntry(MODEL)->getString();

  if (mRootIFD->hasEntryRecursive(ISOSPEEDRATINGS))
    iso = mRootIFD->getEntryRecursive(ISOSPEEDRATINGS)->getInt();

  setMetaData(meta, make, model, "", iso);

  // Read black level
  if (mRootIFD->hasEntryRecursive((TiffTag)0x200)) {
    TiffEntry *black = mRootIFD->getEntryRecursive((TiffTag)0x200);
    const ushort16 *levels = black->getShortArray();
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
      mRaw->blackLevelSeparate[i] = levels[i];

  // Set the whitebalance
  if (mRootIFD->hasEntryRecursive((TiffTag) 0x0201)) {
    TiffEntry *wb = mRootIFD->getEntryRecursive((TiffTag) 0x0201);
    if (wb->count == 4) {
      const ushort16 *tmp = wb->getShortArray();
      mRaw->metadata.wbCoeffs[0] = tmp[0];
      mRaw->metadata.wbCoeffs[1] = tmp[1];
      mRaw->metadata.wbCoeffs[2] = tmp[3];
예제 #7
RawImage SrwDecoder::decodeRawInternal() {
  vector<TiffIFD*> data = mRootIFD->getIFDsWithTag(STRIPOFFSETS);

  if (data.empty())
    ThrowRDE("Srw Decoder: No image data found");

  TiffIFD* raw = data[0];

  int compression = raw->getEntry(COMPRESSION)->getInt();
  int bits = raw->getEntry(BITSPERSAMPLE)->getInt();

  if (32769 != compression && 32770 != compression )
    ThrowRDE("Srw Decoder: Unsupported compression");

  if (32769 == compression)
    bool bit_order = false;  // Default guess
    map<string,string>::iterator msb_hint = hints.find("msb_override");
    if (msb_hint != hints.end())
      bit_order = (0 == (msb_hint->second).compare("true"));
    this->decodeUncompressed(raw, bit_order ? BitOrder_Jpeg : BitOrder_Plain);
    return mRaw;

  if (32770 == compression)
    bool bit_order = (bits == 12);  // Default guess
    map<string,string>::iterator msb_hint = hints.find("msb_override");
    if (msb_hint != hints.end())
      bit_order = (0 == (msb_hint->second).compare("true"));
    this->decodeUncompressed(raw, bit_order ? BitOrder_Jpeg : BitOrder_Plain);
    return mRaw;
  ThrowRDE("Srw Decoder: Unsupported compression");
  return mRaw;
예제 #8
void NefDecoder::DecodeUncompressed() {
  vector<TiffIFD*> data = mRootIFD->getIFDsWithTag(CFAPATTERN);
  TiffIFD* raw = FindBestImage(&data);
  uint32 nslices = raw->getEntry(STRIPOFFSETS)->count;
  const uint32 *offsets = raw->getEntry(STRIPOFFSETS)->getIntArray();
  const uint32 *counts = raw->getEntry(STRIPBYTECOUNTS)->getIntArray();
  uint32 yPerSlice = raw->getEntry(ROWSPERSTRIP)->getInt();
  uint32 width = raw->getEntry(IMAGEWIDTH)->getInt();
  uint32 height = raw->getEntry(IMAGELENGTH)->getInt();
  uint32 bitPerPixel = raw->getEntry(BITSPERSAMPLE)->getInt();

  vector<NefSlice> slices;
  uint32 offY = 0;

  for (uint32 s = 0; s < nslices; s++) {
    NefSlice slice;
    slice.offset = offsets[s];
    slice.count = counts[s];
    if (offY + yPerSlice > height)
      slice.h = height - offY;
      slice.h = yPerSlice;

    offY = MIN(height, offY + yPerSlice);

    if (mFile->isValid(slice.offset, slice.count)) // Only decode if size is valid

  if (0 == slices.size())
    ThrowRDE("NEF Decoder: No valid slices found. File probably truncated.");

  mRaw->dim = iPoint2D(width, offY);

  if (bitPerPixel == 14 && width*slices[0].h*2 == slices[0].count)
    bitPerPixel = 16; // D3 & D810

  if(hints.find("real_bpp") != hints.end()) {
    stringstream convert(hints.find("real_bpp")->second);
    convert >> bitPerPixel;
예제 #9
void Cr2Decoder::checkSupportInternal(CameraMetaData *meta) {
  vector<TiffIFD*> data = mRootIFD->getIFDsWithTag(MODEL);
  if (data.empty())
    ThrowRDE("CR2 Support check: Model name not found");
  if (!data[0]->hasEntry(MAKE))
    ThrowRDE("CR2 Support: Make name not found");
  string make = data[0]->getEntry(MAKE)->getString();
  string model = data[0]->getEntry(MODEL)->getString();

  // Check for sRaw mode
  data = mRootIFD->getIFDsWithTag((TiffTag)0xc5d8);
  if (!data.empty()) {
    TiffIFD* raw = data[0];
    if (raw->hasEntry((TiffTag)0xc6c5)) {
      ushort16 ss = raw->getEntry((TiffTag)0xc6c5)->getInt();
      if (ss == 4) {
        this->checkCameraSupported(meta, make, model, "sRaw1");
  this->checkCameraSupported(meta, make, model, "");
예제 #10
RawDecoder* TiffParser::getDecoder() {
    if (!mRootIFD)

    vector<TiffIFD*> potentials;
    potentials = mRootIFD->getIFDsWithTag(DNGVERSION);

    /* Copy, so we can pass it on and not have it destroyed with ourselves */
    TiffIFD* root = mRootIFD;

    if (!potentials.empty()) {  // We have a dng image entry
        TiffIFD *t = potentials[0];
        const unsigned char* c = t->getEntry(DNGVERSION)->getData();
        if (c[0] > 1)
            throw TiffParserException("DNG version too new.");
        mRootIFD = NULL;
        return new DngDecoder(root, mInput);

    potentials = mRootIFD->getIFDsWithTag(MAKE);

    if (!potentials.empty()) {  // We have make entry
        for (vector<TiffIFD*>::iterator i = potentials.begin(); i != potentials.end(); ++i) {
            string make = (*i)->getEntry(MAKE)->getString();
            string model = "";
            if ((*i)->hasEntry(MODEL)) {
                model = (*i)->getEntry(MODEL)->getString();
            if (!make.compare("Canon")) {
                mRootIFD = NULL;
                return new Cr2Decoder(root, mInput);
            if (!make.compare("FUJIFILM")) {
                mRootIFD = NULL;
                return new RafDecoder(root, mInput);
            if (!make.compare("NIKON CORPORATION")) {
                mRootIFD = NULL;
                return new NefDecoder(root, mInput);
            if (!make.compare("NIKON")) {
                mRootIFD = NULL;
                return new NefDecoder(root, mInput);
            if (!make.compare("OLYMPUS IMAGING CORP.") ||
                    !make.compare("OLYMPUS CORPORATION") ||
                    !make.compare("OLYMPUS OPTICAL CO.,LTD") ) {
                mRootIFD = NULL;
                return new OrfDecoder(root, mInput);
            if (!make.compare("SONY")) {
                mRootIFD = NULL;
                return new ArwDecoder(root, mInput);
            if (!make.compare("PENTAX Corporation") || !make.compare("RICOH IMAGING COMPANY, LTD.")) {
                mRootIFD = NULL;
                return new PefDecoder(root, mInput);
            if (!make.compare("PENTAX")) {
                mRootIFD = NULL;
                return new PefDecoder(root, mInput);
            if (!make.compare("Panasonic") || !make.compare("LEICA")) {
                mRootIFD = NULL;
                return new Rw2Decoder(root, mInput);
            if (!make.compare("SAMSUNG")) {
                mRootIFD = NULL;
                return new SrwDecoder(root, mInput);
            if (!make.compare("Mamiya-OP Co.,Ltd.")) {
                mRootIFD = NULL;
                return new MefDecoder(root, mInput);
            if (!make.compare("Kodak")) {
                mRootIFD = NULL;
                if (!model.compare("DCS560C"))
                    return new Cr2Decoder(root, mInput);
                    return new DcrDecoder(root, mInput);
            if (!make.compare("KODAK")) {
                mRootIFD = NULL;
                return new DcsDecoder(root, mInput);
            if (!make.compare("EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY")) {
                mRootIFD = NULL;
                return new KdcDecoder(root, mInput);
            if (!make.compare("SEIKO EPSON CORP.")) {
                mRootIFD = NULL;
                return new ErfDecoder(root, mInput);
            if (!make.compare("Hasselblad")) {
                mRootIFD = NULL;
                return new ThreefrDecoder(root, mInput);
            if (!make.compare("Leaf")) {
                mRootIFD = NULL;
                return new MosDecoder(root, mInput);
            if (!make.compare("Phase One A/S")) {
                mRootIFD = NULL;
                return new MosDecoder(root, mInput);


    // Last ditch effort to identify Leaf cameras that don't have a Tiff Make set
    potentials = mRootIFD->getIFDsWithTag(SOFTWARE);
    if (!potentials.empty()) {
        string software = potentials[0]->getEntry(SOFTWARE)->getString();
        if (!software.compare("Camera Library")) {
            mRootIFD = NULL;
            return new MosDecoder(root, mInput);

    throw TiffParserException("No decoder found. Sorry.");
    return NULL;
예제 #11
RawImage Cr2Decoder::decodeRawInternal() {

  vector<TiffIFD*> data = mRootIFD->getIFDsWithTag((TiffTag)0xc5d8);

  if (data.empty())
    ThrowRDE("CR2 Decoder: No image data found");

  TiffIFD* raw = data[0];
  mRaw = RawImage::create();
  mRaw->isCFA = true;
  vector<Cr2Slice> slices;
  int completeH = 0;

  try {
    TiffEntry *offsets = raw->getEntry(STRIPOFFSETS);
    TiffEntry *counts = raw->getEntry(STRIPBYTECOUNTS);
    // Iterate through all slices
    for (uint32 s = 0; s < offsets->count; s++) {
      Cr2Slice slice;
      slice.offset = offsets[0].getInt();
      slice.count = counts[0].getInt();
      SOFInfo sof;
      LJpegPlain l(mFile, mRaw);
      l.getSOF(&sof, slice.offset, slice.count);
      slice.w = sof.w * sof.cps;
      slice.h = sof.h;
      if (!slices.empty())
        if (slices[0].w != slice.w)
          ThrowRDE("CR2 Decoder: Slice width does not match.");

      if (mFile->isValid(slice.offset + slice.count)) // Only decode if size is valid
      completeH += slice.h;
  } catch (TiffParserException) {
    ThrowRDE("CR2 Decoder: Unsupported format.");

  if (slices.empty()) {
    ThrowRDE("CR2 Decoder: No Slices found.");

  mRaw->dim = iPoint2D(slices[0].w, completeH);

  if (raw->hasEntry((TiffTag)0xc6c5)) {
    ushort16 ss = raw->getEntry((TiffTag)0xc6c5)->getInt();
    // sRaw
    if (ss == 4) {
      mRaw->dim.x /= 3;
      mRaw->isCFA = false;


  vector<int> s_width;
  if (raw->hasEntry(CANONCR2SLICE)) {
    const ushort16 *ss = raw->getEntry(CANONCR2SLICE)->getShortArray();
    for (int i = 0; i < ss[0]; i++) {
  } else {
  uint32 offY = 0;

  if (s_width.size() > 15)
    ThrowRDE("CR2 Decoder: No more than 15 slices supported");
  _RPT1(0,"Org slices:%d\n", s_width.size());
  for (uint32 i = 0; i < slices.size(); i++) {
    Cr2Slice slice = slices[i];
    try {
      LJpegPlain l(mFile, mRaw);
      l.mUseBigtable = true;
      l.startDecoder(slice.offset, slice.count, 0, offY);
    } catch (RawDecoderException &e) {
      if (i == 0)
      // These may just be single slice error - store the error and move on
    } catch (IOException &e) {
      // Let's try to ignore this - it might be truncated data, so something might be useful.
    offY += slice.w;

  if (mRaw->subsampling.x > 1 || mRaw->subsampling.y > 1)

  return mRaw;
예제 #12
RawImage Cr2Decoder::decodeRawInternal() {
  if(hints.find("old_format") != hints.end()) {
    uint32 off = 0;
    if (mRootIFD->getEntryRecursive((TiffTag)0x81))
      off = mRootIFD->getEntryRecursive((TiffTag)0x81)->getInt();
    else {
      vector<TiffIFD*> data = mRootIFD->getIFDsWithTag(CFAPATTERN);
      if (data.empty())
        ThrowRDE("CR2 Decoder: Couldn't find offset");
      else {
        if (data[0]->hasEntry(STRIPOFFSETS))
          off = data[0]->getEntry(STRIPOFFSETS)->getInt();
          ThrowRDE("CR2 Decoder: Couldn't find offset");

    ByteStream *b;
    if (getHostEndianness() == big)
      b = new ByteStream(mFile, off+41);
      b = new ByteStreamSwap(mFile, off+41);
    uint32 height = b->getShort();
    uint32 width = b->getShort();

    // Every two lines can be encoded as a single line, probably to try and get
    // better compression by getting the same RGBG sequence in every line
    if(hints.find("double_line_ljpeg") != hints.end()) {
      height *= 2;
      mRaw->dim = iPoint2D(width*2, height/2);
    else {
      width *= 2;
      mRaw->dim = iPoint2D(width, height);

    LJpegPlain *l = new LJpegPlain(mFile, mRaw);
    try {
      l->startDecoder(off, mFile->getSize()-off, 0, 0);
    } catch (IOException& e) {

    delete l;

    if(hints.find("double_line_ljpeg") != hints.end()) {
      // We now have a double width half height image we need to convert to the
      // normal format
      iPoint2D final_size(width, height);
      RawImage procRaw = RawImage::create(final_size, TYPE_USHORT16, 1);
      procRaw->metadata = mRaw->metadata;

      for (uint32 y = 0; y < height; y++) {
        ushort16 *dst = (ushort16*)procRaw->getData(0,y);
        ushort16 *src = (ushort16*)mRaw->getData(y%2 == 0 ? 0 : width, y/2);
        for (uint32 x = 0; x < width; x++)
          dst[x] = src[x];
      mRaw = procRaw;

    if (mRootIFD->getEntryRecursive((TiffTag)0x123)) {
      TiffEntry *curve = mRootIFD->getEntryRecursive((TiffTag)0x123);
      if (curve->type == TIFF_SHORT && curve->count == 4096) {
        TiffEntry *linearization = mRootIFD->getEntryRecursive((TiffTag)0x123);
        uint32 len = linearization->count;
        ushort16 *table = new ushort16[len];
        linearization->getShortArray(table, len);
        if (!uncorrectedRawValues) {
          mRaw->setTable(table, 4096, true);
          // Apply table
          // Delete table
        } else {
          // We want uncorrected, but we store the table.
          mRaw->setTable(table, 4096, false);

    return mRaw;

  vector<TiffIFD*> data = mRootIFD->getIFDsWithTag((TiffTag)0xc5d8);

  if (data.empty())
    ThrowRDE("CR2 Decoder: No image data found");

  TiffIFD* raw = data[0];
  mRaw = RawImage::create();
  mRaw->isCFA = true;
  vector<Cr2Slice> slices;
  int completeH = 0;
  bool doubleHeight = false;

  try {
    TiffEntry *offsets = raw->getEntry(STRIPOFFSETS);
    TiffEntry *counts = raw->getEntry(STRIPBYTECOUNTS);
    // Iterate through all slices
    for (uint32 s = 0; s < offsets->count; s++) {
      Cr2Slice slice;
      slice.offset = offsets[0].getInt();
      slice.count = counts[0].getInt();
      SOFInfo sof;
      LJpegPlain *l = new LJpegPlain(mFile, mRaw);
      l->getSOF(&sof, slice.offset, slice.count);
      delete l;
      slice.w = sof.w * sof.cps;
      slice.h = sof.h;
      if (sof.cps == 4 && slice.w > slice.h * 4) {
        doubleHeight = true;
      if (!slices.empty())
        if (slices[0].w != slice.w)
          ThrowRDE("CR2 Decoder: Slice width does not match.");

      if (mFile->isValid(slice.offset, slice.count)) // Only decode if size is valid
      completeH += slice.h;
  } catch (TiffParserException) {
    ThrowRDE("CR2 Decoder: Unsupported format.");

  // Override with canon_double_height if set.
  map<string,string>::iterator msb_hint = hints.find("canon_double_height");
  if (msb_hint != hints.end())
    doubleHeight = (0 == (msb_hint->second).compare("true"));

  if (slices.empty()) {
    ThrowRDE("CR2 Decoder: No Slices found.");
  mRaw->dim = iPoint2D(slices[0].w, completeH);

  // Fix for Canon 6D mRaw, which has flipped width & height for some part of the image
  // In that case, we swap width and height, since this is the correct dimension
  bool flipDims = false;
  bool wrappedCr2Slices = false;
  if (raw->hasEntry((TiffTag)0xc6c5)) {
    ushort16 ss = raw->getEntry((TiffTag)0xc6c5)->getInt();
    // sRaw
    if (ss == 4) {
      mRaw->dim.x /= 3;
      mRaw->isCFA = false;

      // Fix for Canon 80D mraw format.
      // In that format, the frame (as read by getSOF()) is 4032x3402, while the
      // real image should be 4536x3024 (where the full vertical slices in
      // the frame "wrap around" the image.
      if (hints.find("wrapped_cr2_slices") != hints.end() && raw->hasEntry(IMAGEWIDTH) && raw->hasEntry(IMAGELENGTH)) {
        wrappedCr2Slices = true;
        int w = raw->getEntry(IMAGEWIDTH)->getInt();
        int h = raw->getEntry(IMAGELENGTH)->getInt();
        if (w * h != mRaw->dim.x * mRaw->dim.y) {
          ThrowRDE("CR2 Decoder: Wrapped slices don't match image size");
        mRaw->dim = iPoint2D(w, h);
    flipDims = mRaw->dim.x < mRaw->dim.y;
    if (flipDims) {
      int w = mRaw->dim.x;
      mRaw->dim.x = mRaw->dim.y;
      mRaw->dim.y = w;


  vector<int> s_width;
  if (raw->hasEntry(CANONCR2SLICE)) {
    TiffEntry *ss = raw->getEntry(CANONCR2SLICE);
    for (int i = 0; i < ss->getShort(0); i++) {
  } else {
  uint32 offY = 0;

  if (s_width.size() > 15)
    ThrowRDE("CR2 Decoder: No more than 15 slices supported");
  _RPT1(0,"Org slices:%d\n", s_width.size());
  for (uint32 i = 0; i < slices.size(); i++) {
    Cr2Slice slice = slices[i];
    try {
      LJpegPlain *l = new LJpegPlain(mFile, mRaw);
      l->mUseBigtable = true;
      l->mCanonFlipDim = flipDims;
      l->mCanonDoubleHeight = doubleHeight;
      l->mWrappedCr2Slices = wrappedCr2Slices;
      l->startDecoder(slice.offset, slice.count, 0, offY);
      delete l;
    } catch (RawDecoderException &e) {
      if (i == 0)
      // These may just be single slice error - store the error and move on
    } catch (IOException &e) {
      // Let's try to ignore this - it might be truncated data, so something might be useful.
    offY += slice.w;

  if (mRaw->metadata.subsampling.x > 1 || mRaw->metadata.subsampling.y > 1)

  return mRaw;
예제 #13
RawImage NefDecoder::decodeRawInternal() {
  vector<TiffIFD*> data = mRootIFD->getIFDsWithTag(CFAPATTERN);

  if (data.empty())
    ThrowRDE("NEF Decoder: No image data found");

  TiffIFD* raw = data[0];
  int compression = raw->getEntry(COMPRESSION)->getInt();

  data = mRootIFD->getIFDsWithTag(MODEL);

  if (data.empty())
    ThrowRDE("NEF Decoder: No model data found");

  TiffEntry *offsets = raw->getEntry(STRIPOFFSETS);
  TiffEntry *counts = raw->getEntry(STRIPBYTECOUNTS);

  if (!data[0]->getEntry(MODEL)->getString().compare("NIKON D100 ")) {  /**Sigh**/
    if (!mFile->isValid(offsets->getInt()))
      ThrowRDE("NEF Decoder: Image data outside of file.");
    if (!D100IsCompressed(offsets->getInt())) {
      return mRaw;

  if (compression == 1) {
    return mRaw;

  if (offsets->count != 1) {
    ThrowRDE("NEF Decoder: Multiple Strips found: %u", offsets->count);
  if (counts->count != offsets->count) {
    ThrowRDE("NEF Decoder: Byte count number does not match strip size: count:%u, strips:%u ", counts->count, offsets->count);
  if (!mFile->isValid(offsets->getInt() + counts->getInt()))
    ThrowRDE("NEF Decoder: Invalid strip byte count. File probably truncated.");

  if (34713 != compression)
    ThrowRDE("NEF Decoder: Unsupported compression");

  uint32 width = raw->getEntry(IMAGEWIDTH)->getInt();
  uint32 height = raw->getEntry(IMAGELENGTH)->getInt();
  uint32 bitPerPixel = raw->getEntry(BITSPERSAMPLE)->getInt();

  mRaw->dim = iPoint2D(width, height);

  data = mRootIFD->getIFDsWithTag(MAKERNOTE);
  if (data.empty())
    ThrowRDE("NEF Decoder: No EXIF data found");

  TiffIFD* exif = data[0];
  TiffEntry *makernoteEntry = exif->getEntry(MAKERNOTE);
  const uchar8* makernote = makernoteEntry->getData();
  FileMap makermap((uchar8*)&makernote[10], mFile->getSize() - makernoteEntry->getDataOffset() - 10);
  TiffParser makertiff(&makermap);

  data = makertiff.RootIFD()->getIFDsWithTag((TiffTag)0x8c);

  if (data.empty())
    ThrowRDE("NEF Decoder: Decompression info tag not found");

  TiffEntry *meta;
  try {
    meta = data[0]->getEntry((TiffTag)0x96);
  } catch (TiffParserException) {
    meta = data[0]->getEntry((TiffTag)0x8c);  // Fall back

  try {
    NikonDecompressor decompressor(mFile, mRaw);

    ByteStream* metastream;
    if (getHostEndianness() == data[0]->endian)
      metastream = new ByteStream(meta->getData(), meta->count);
      metastream = new ByteStreamSwap(meta->getData(), meta->count);

    decompressor.DecompressNikon(metastream, width, height, bitPerPixel, offsets->getInt(), counts->getInt());

    delete metastream;
  } catch (IOException &e) {
    // Let's ignore it, it may have delivered somewhat useful data.

  return mRaw;
예제 #14
void NefDecoder::DecodeUncompressed() {
  vector<TiffIFD*> data = mRootIFD->getIFDsWithTag(CFAPATTERN);
  TiffIFD* raw = FindBestImage(&data);
  uint32 nslices = raw->getEntry(STRIPOFFSETS)->count;
  const uint32 *offsets = raw->getEntry(STRIPOFFSETS)->getIntArray();
  const uint32 *counts = raw->getEntry(STRIPBYTECOUNTS)->getIntArray();
  uint32 yPerSlice = raw->getEntry(ROWSPERSTRIP)->getInt();
  uint32 width = raw->getEntry(IMAGEWIDTH)->getInt();
  uint32 height = raw->getEntry(IMAGELENGTH)->getInt();
  uint32 bitPerPixel = raw->getEntry(BITSPERSAMPLE)->getInt();

  vector<NefSlice> slices;
  uint32 offY = 0;

  for (uint32 s = 0; s < nslices; s++) {
    NefSlice slice;
    slice.offset = offsets[s];
    slice.count = counts[s];
    if (offY + yPerSlice > height)
      slice.h = height - offY;
      slice.h = yPerSlice;

    offY += yPerSlice;

    if (mFile->isValid(slice.offset + slice.count)) // Only decode if size is valid

  if (0 == slices.size())
    ThrowRDE("NEF Decoder: No valid slices found. File probably truncated.");

  mRaw->dim = iPoint2D(width, offY);
  if (bitPerPixel == 14 && width*slices[0].h*2 == slices[0].count)
    bitPerPixel = 16; // D3

  offY = 0;
  for (uint32 i = 0; i < slices.size(); i++) {
    NefSlice slice = slices[i];
    ByteStream in(mFile->getData(slice.offset), slice.count);
    iPoint2D size(width, slice.h);
    iPoint2D pos(0, offY);
    try {
      if (hints.find(string("coolpixmangled")) != hints.end())
        readCoolpixMangledRaw(in, size, pos, width*bitPerPixel / 8);
      else if (hints.find(string("coolpixsplit")) != hints.end())
        readCoolpixSplitRaw(in, size, pos, width*bitPerPixel / 8);
        readUncompressedRaw(in, size, pos, width*bitPerPixel / 8, bitPerPixel, true);
    } catch (RawDecoderException e) {
      if (i>0)
    } catch (IOException e) {
      if (i>0)
        ThrowRDE("NEF decoder: IO error occurred in first slice, unable to decode more. Error is: %s", e.what());
    offY += slice.h;
예제 #15
RawImage NefDecoder::decodeRawInternal() {
  vector<TiffIFD*> data = mRootIFD->getIFDsWithTag(CFAPATTERN);

  if (data.empty())
    ThrowRDE("NEF Decoder: No image data found");

  TiffIFD* raw = data[0];
  int compression = raw->getEntry(COMPRESSION)->getInt();

  data = mRootIFD->getIFDsWithTag(MODEL);

  if (data.empty())
    ThrowRDE("NEF Decoder: No model data found");

  TiffEntry *offsets = raw->getEntry(STRIPOFFSETS);
  TiffEntry *counts = raw->getEntry(STRIPBYTECOUNTS);

  if (!data[0]->getEntry(MODEL)->getString().compare("NIKON D100 ")) {  /**Sigh**/
    if (!mFile->isValid(offsets->getInt()))
      ThrowRDE("NEF Decoder: Image data outside of file.");
    if (!D100IsCompressed(offsets->getInt())) {
      return mRaw;

  if (compression == 1 || (hints.find(string("force_uncompressed")) != hints.end()) ||
      NEFIsUncompressed(raw)) {
    return mRaw;

  if (NEFIsUncompressedRGB(raw)) {
    return mRaw;

  if (offsets->count != 1) {
    ThrowRDE("NEF Decoder: Multiple Strips found: %u", offsets->count);
  if (counts->count != offsets->count) {
    ThrowRDE("NEF Decoder: Byte count number does not match strip size: count:%u, strips:%u ", counts->count, offsets->count);
  if (!mFile->isValid(offsets->getInt(), counts->getInt()))
    ThrowRDE("NEF Decoder: Invalid strip byte count. File probably truncated.");

  if (34713 != compression)
    ThrowRDE("NEF Decoder: Unsupported compression");

  uint32 width = raw->getEntry(IMAGEWIDTH)->getInt();
  uint32 height = raw->getEntry(IMAGELENGTH)->getInt();
  uint32 bitPerPixel = raw->getEntry(BITSPERSAMPLE)->getInt();

  mRaw->dim = iPoint2D(width, height);

  data = mRootIFD->getIFDsWithTag((TiffTag)0x8c);

  if (data.empty())
    ThrowRDE("NEF Decoder: Decompression info tag not found");

  TiffEntry *meta;
  if (data[0]->hasEntry((TiffTag)0x96)) {
    meta = data[0]->getEntry((TiffTag)0x96);
  } else {
    meta = data[0]->getEntry((TiffTag)0x8c);  // Fall back

  try {
    NikonDecompressor decompressor(mFile, mRaw);
    decompressor.uncorrectedRawValues = uncorrectedRawValues;
    ByteStream* metastream;
    if (getHostEndianness() == data[0]->endian)
      metastream = new ByteStream(meta->getData(), meta->count);
      metastream = new ByteStreamSwap(meta->getData(), meta->count);

    decompressor.DecompressNikon(metastream, width, height, bitPerPixel, offsets->getInt(), counts->getInt());

    delete metastream;
  } catch (IOException &e) {
    // Let's ignore it, it may have delivered somewhat useful data.

  return mRaw;
예제 #16
RawImage Rw2Decoder::decodeRawInternal() {

  vector<TiffIFD*> data = mRootIFD->getIFDsWithTag(PANASONIC_STRIPOFFSET);

  bool isOldPanasonic = FALSE;

  if (data.empty()) {
    if (!mRootIFD->hasEntryRecursive(STRIPOFFSETS))
      ThrowRDE("RW2 Decoder: No image data found");
    isOldPanasonic = TRUE;
    data = mRootIFD->getIFDsWithTag(STRIPOFFSETS);

  TiffIFD* raw = data[0];
  uint32 height = raw->getEntry((TiffTag)3)->getShort();
  uint32 width = raw->getEntry((TiffTag)2)->getShort();

  if (isOldPanasonic) {
    ThrowRDE("Cannot decode old-style Panasonic RAW files");
    TiffEntry *offsets = raw->getEntry(STRIPOFFSETS);
    TiffEntry *counts = raw->getEntry(STRIPBYTECOUNTS);

    if (offsets->count != 1) {
      ThrowRDE("RW2 Decoder: Multiple Strips found: %u", offsets->count);
    int off = offsets->getInt();
    if (!mFile->isValid(off))
      ThrowRDE("Panasonic RAW Decoder: Invalid image data offset, cannot decode.");

    int count = counts->getInt();
    if (count != (int)(width*height*2))
      ThrowRDE("Panasonic RAW Decoder: Byte count is wrong.");

    if (!mFile->isValid(off+count))
      ThrowRDE("Panasonic RAW Decoder: Invalid image data offset, cannot decode.");
    mRaw->dim = iPoint2D(width, height);
    ByteStream input_start(mFile->getData(off), mFile->getSize() - off);
    iPoint2D pos(0, 0);
    readUncompressedRaw(input_start, mRaw->dim,pos, width*2, 16, BitOrder_Plain);

  } else {

    mRaw->dim = iPoint2D(width, height);
    TiffEntry *offsets = raw->getEntry(PANASONIC_STRIPOFFSET);

    if (offsets->count != 1) {
      ThrowRDE("RW2 Decoder: Multiple Strips found: %u", offsets->count);

    load_flags = 0x2008;
    int off = offsets->getInt();

    if (!mFile->isValid(off))
      ThrowRDE("RW2 Decoder: Invalid image data offset, cannot decode.");

    input_start = new ByteStream(mFile->getData(off), mFile->getSize() - off);
  // Read blacklevels
  if (raw->hasEntry((TiffTag)0x1c) && raw->hasEntry((TiffTag)0x1d) && raw->hasEntry((TiffTag)0x1e)) {
    mRaw->blackLevelSeparate[0] = raw->getEntry((TiffTag)0x1c)->getInt() + 15;
    mRaw->blackLevelSeparate[1] = mRaw->blackLevelSeparate[2] = raw->getEntry((TiffTag)0x1d)->getInt() + 15;
    mRaw->blackLevelSeparate[3] = raw->getEntry((TiffTag)0x1e)->getInt() + 15;
  return mRaw;
예제 #17
RawDecoder* TiffParser::getDecoder() {
  if (!mRootIFD)

  vector<TiffIFD*> potentials;
  potentials = mRootIFD->getIFDsWithTag(DNGVERSION);

  /* Copy, so we can pass it on and not have it destroyed with ourselves */
  TiffIFD* root = mRootIFD;

  if (!potentials.empty()) {  // We have a dng image entry
    TiffIFD *t = potentials[0];
    const unsigned char* c = t->getEntry(DNGVERSION)->getData();
    if (c[0] > 1)
      throw TiffParserException("DNG version too new.");
    mRootIFD = NULL;
    return new DngDecoder(root, mInput);

  potentials = mRootIFD->getIFDsWithTag(MAKE);

  if (!potentials.empty()) {  // We have make entry
    for (vector<TiffIFD*>::iterator i = potentials.begin(); i != potentials.end(); ++i) {
      string make = (*i)->getEntry(MAKE)->getString();
      if (!make.compare("Canon")) {
        mRootIFD = NULL;
        return new Cr2Decoder(root, mInput);
      if (!make.compare("NIKON CORPORATION")) {
        mRootIFD = NULL;
        return new NefDecoder(root, mInput);
      if (!make.compare("NIKON")) {
        mRootIFD = NULL;
        return new NefDecoder(root, mInput);
      if (!make.compare("OLYMPUS IMAGING CORP.")) {
        mRootIFD = NULL;
        return new OrfDecoder(root, mInput);
      if (!make.compare("SONY")) {
        mRootIFD = NULL;
        return new ArwDecoder(root, mInput);
      if (!make.compare("PENTAX Corporation ")) {
        mRootIFD = NULL;
        return new PefDecoder(root, mInput);
      if (!make.compare("PENTAX")) {
        mRootIFD = NULL;
        return new PefDecoder(root, mInput);
      if (!make.compare("Panasonic")) {
        mRootIFD = NULL;
        return new Rw2Decoder(root, mInput);
      if (!make.compare("SAMSUNG")) {
        mRootIFD = NULL;
        return new SrwDecoder(root, mInput);
  throw TiffParserException("No decoder found. Sorry.");
  return NULL;