예제 #1
void CheckFills(const TreeType& tree)
  if (tree.IsLeaf())
    BOOST_REQUIRE(tree.Count() >= tree.MinLeafSize() || tree.Parent() == NULL);
    BOOST_REQUIRE(tree.Count() <= tree.MaxLeafSize());
    for (size_t i = 0; i < tree.NumChildren(); i++)
      BOOST_REQUIRE(tree.NumChildren() >= tree.MinNumChildren() ||
                    tree.Parent() == NULL);
      BOOST_REQUIRE(tree.NumChildren() <= tree.MaxNumChildren());
bool HilbertRTreeSplit<splitOrder>::
SplitNonLeafNode(TreeType* tree, std::vector<bool>& relevels)
  // If we are splitting the root node, we need will do things differently so
  // that the constructor and other methods don't confuse the end user by giving
  // an address of another node.
  if (tree->Parent() == NULL)
    // We actually want to copy this way.  Pointers and everything.
    TreeType* copy = new TreeType(*tree, false);
    // Only the root node owns this variable.
    copy->AuxiliaryInfo().HilbertValue().OwnsValueToInsert() = false;
    copy->Parent() = tree;
    tree->NumChildren() = 0;
    tree->children[(tree->NumChildren())++] = copy;

    SplitNonLeafNode(copy, relevels);
    return true;

  TreeType* parent = tree->Parent();

  size_t iTree = 0;
  for (iTree = 0; parent->children[iTree] != tree; iTree++);

  // Try to find splitOrder cooperating siblings in order to redistribute
  // children among them and avoid split.
  size_t firstSibling, lastSibling;
  if (FindCooperatingSiblings(parent, iTree, firstSibling, lastSibling))
    RedistributeNodesEvenly(parent, firstSibling, lastSibling);
    return false;

  // We can not find splitOrder cooperating siblings since they are all full.
  // We introduce new one instead.
  size_t iNewSibling = (iTree + splitOrder < parent->NumChildren() ?
                        iTree + splitOrder : parent->NumChildren());

  for (size_t i = parent->NumChildren(); i > iNewSibling ; i--)
    parent->children[i] = parent->children[i - 1];


  parent->children[iNewSibling] = new TreeType(parent);

  lastSibling = (iTree + splitOrder < parent->NumChildren() ?
                 iTree + splitOrder : parent->NumChildren() - 1);
  firstSibling = (lastSibling > splitOrder ?
                  lastSibling - splitOrder : 0);

  assert(lastSibling - firstSibling <= splitOrder);
  assert(firstSibling >= 0);
  assert(lastSibling < parent->NumChildren());

  // Redistribute children among (splitOrder + 1) cooperating siblings evenly.
  RedistributeNodesEvenly(parent, firstSibling, lastSibling);

  if (parent->NumChildren() == parent->MaxNumChildren() + 1)
    SplitNonLeafNode(parent, relevels);
  return false;