예제 #1
// ================================================
// ExtrapChild
// vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
void CoordinateConverterTM::ExtrapChild( CoordinateSet &CigiCoord,
        CoordinateSet &DBaseCoord,
        ExtrapolationSet &ExtrapData,
        float dTime,
        bool TrajEn )

	Vect3 RateV;  // Rate vector (in parent entity)
	Vect3 RateVb;  // Rate vector (in body)
	Vect3 RateVa; // Rate vector - from accel parameters

	double tRate;
	double mRate;
	double cRate;

	// All rates are in entity body coordinates

	// Get the current rate
	RateVb.Set( ExtrapData.XRate, ExtrapData.YRate, ExtrapData.ZRate );

	// Generate current rotation matrix
	Mtx3 RotMtx;
	RotMtx.GenRot( CigiCoord.Yaw, CigiCoord.Pitch, CigiCoord.Roll );

	// Convert Rates to Parent entity coordinates
	RateV = RotMtx * RateVb;

	// Trajectory affects on child entities are not
	//  processed at this time
	if( TrajEn )
		mRate = RateV.mag();

		RateVa.Set( ExtrapData.AccelX, ExtrapData.AccelY, ExtrapData.AccelZ );

		// Determine drag coef.
		if( ExtrapData.TermVel > 0.000001 )
			ExtrapData.DragF = ( double )RateVa.mag() / ExtrapData.TermVel;
		else if( mRate > 0.000001 )
			ExtrapData.DragF = ( double )ExtrapData.RetardationRate / mRate;
			ExtrapData.DragF = 0.0;

		RateVa = RateVa * dTime;
		RateV = RateV + RateVa;
		cRate = RateV.mag();
		tRate = cRate - ( cRate * ExtrapData.DragF * dTime );

		RateV = RateV.Unit() * tRate;

		// Store current rates
		ExtrapData.XRate = RateV.getx();
		ExtrapData.YRate = RateV.gety();
		ExtrapData.ZRate = RateV.getz();


	// update position
	// (DBase coord in enu not ned
	//  even in parent coord system)
	DBaseCoord.LatX += ( RateV.gety() * dTime );
	DBaseCoord.LonY += ( RateV.getx() * dTime );
	DBaseCoord.AltZ -= ( RateV.getz() * dTime );

	// update attitude
	ApplyAttitudeRates( DBaseCoord, ExtrapData, dTime );

	CigiCoord.LatX = DBaseCoord.LonY;
	CigiCoord.LonY = DBaseCoord.LatX;
	CigiCoord.AltZ = -DBaseCoord.AltZ;
	CigiCoord.Yaw = DBaseCoord.Yaw;
	CigiCoord.Pitch = DBaseCoord.Pitch;
	CigiCoord.Roll = DBaseCoord.Roll;

예제 #2
// ================================================
// Extrapolate
// vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
void CoordinateConverterTM::Extrapolate( CoordinateSet &CigiCoord,
        CoordinateSet &DBaseCoord,
        ExtrapolationSet &ExtrapData,
        float dTime,
        bool TrajEn )
	int stat;
	double lla[3];
	double xyz[3];

	Vect3 RateV;  // Rate vector
	Vect3 RateVb;  // Rate vector (in body)
	Vect3 RateVa; // Rate vector - from accel parameters
	Vect3 EnuRate; // Rate vector - East-North-Up referance

	double tRate;
	double mRate;
	double cRate;

	float ypr[3];
	float nedv[3];
	float neda[3];

	float gypr[3];
	float gccv[3];
	float gcca[3];

	double gridDeclination = sin( CigiCoord.LatX ) *
	                         ( CigiCoord.LatX - TMcentMeridian );

	// All rates are in entity body coordinates
	// All accels are based on the North-East-Down
	//   coordinate system.

	// Get the current rate
	RateVb.Set( ExtrapData.XRate, ExtrapData.YRate, ExtrapData.ZRate );

	// Generate current rotation matrix
	Mtx3 RotMtx;
	RotMtx.GenRot( CigiCoord.Yaw, CigiCoord.Pitch, CigiCoord.Roll );

	// Convert Rates to ned
	RateV = RotMtx * RateVb;

	if( TrajEn )
		mRate = RateV.mag();

		RateVa.Set( ExtrapData.AccelX, ExtrapData.AccelY, ExtrapData.AccelZ );

		// Determine drag coef.
		if( ExtrapData.TermVel > 0.000001 )
			ExtrapData.DragF = ( double )RateVa.mag() / ExtrapData.TermVel;
		else if( mRate > 0.000001 )
			ExtrapData.DragF = ( double )ExtrapData.RetardationRate / mRate;
			ExtrapData.DragF = 0.0;

		RateVa = RateVa * dTime;
		RateV = RateV + RateVa;
		cRate = RateV.mag();
		tRate = cRate - ( cRate * ExtrapData.DragF * dTime );

		RateV = RateV.Unit() * tRate;

		// Convert back to body coordinate system
		RateVb = RateV * RotMtx;

		// Store current rates
		ExtrapData.XRate = RateVb.getx();
		ExtrapData.YRate = RateVb.gety();
		ExtrapData.ZRate = RateVb.getz();


	// Convert Linear Rates to act in the Database Coordinate system
	//  and apply them to Database Corrdinate system entity position
	if( ConvMeth == 1 )  // WCS
		// Not Supported at this time

		if( ConvMeth == 2 )  // TM
			// Convert from NED to ENU
			EnuRate.Set( RateV.gety(), RateV.getx(), -RateV.getz() );
			// this only affects the x and y rates
			Vect3 XYNorm( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );
			EnuRate.Rotate( XYNorm, gridDeclination );
		else  // LCC  (ConvMeth == 3)
			// Not Supported at this time


		ApplyAttitudeRates( DBaseCoord, ExtrapData, dTime );


	// Note: This is in east-north-up
	DBaseCoord.LatX += EnuRate.getx() * dTime;
	DBaseCoord.LonY += EnuRate.gety() * dTime;
	DBaseCoord.AltZ += EnuRate.getz() * dTime;

	// Generate lla position and attitude
	CoordDBase2Cigi( DBaseCoord, CigiCoord );