예제 #1
Vector3f cTrackball::ballVector(Vector2f screen) const
    // normalize and centre the screen coordinates first
    screen -= m_center;
    screen /= m_radius;
    float lsqared = screen.squaredNorm();
    Vector3f ball;
    // if we are grabbing outside the bounds of the virtual hemisphere, 
    // take a point on the edge
    if (lsqared > 1.0)
        ball = Vector3f(screen[0], screen[1], 0.0f);
    // otherwise we are on the protruding hemisphere
        float z = sqrtf(1.0f - lsqared);
        ball = Vector3f(screen[0], screen[1], z);

    // return the ball vector, taking into account the camera's orientation
    return m_inverseCamera * ball;
예제 #2
// produce a yaw error value. The returned value is proportional
// to sin() of the current heading error in earth frame
    const Vector3f &mag = _compass->get_field();
    // get the mag vector in the earth frame
    Vector2f rb = _dcm_matrix.mulXY(mag);

    if (rb.length() < FLT_EPSILON) {
        return 0.0f;

    if (rb.is_inf()) {
        // not a valid vector
        return 0.0f;

    // update vector holding earths magnetic field (if required)
    if( !is_equal(_last_declination,_compass->get_declination()) ) {
        _last_declination = _compass->get_declination();
        _mag_earth.x = cosf(_last_declination);
        _mag_earth.y = sinf(_last_declination);

    // calculate the error term in earth frame
    // calculate the Z component of the cross product of rb and _mag_earth
    return rb % _mag_earth;
예제 #3
void Ball::Bounce(Vector2f normal)
	Vector2f normal_component = normal * mVelocity.dotProduct(normal);

	mVelocity -= normal_component * 2;

	//Now constrain angles - two cones of 30 degrees left/right should be invalid
	Vector2f v_norm = mVelocity;
	float dot = v_norm.dotProduct(Vector2f(1, 0));
	if(dot > cos(DEG2RAD(30)) || dot < -cos(DEG2RAD(30)))
		float magnitude = mVelocity.length();
		if(mVelocity.x < 0 && mVelocity.y < 0)
			mVelocity = Vector2f(-cos(DEG2RAD(30)), -sin(DEG2RAD(30))) * magnitude;
		else if(mVelocity.x > 0 && mVelocity.y < 0)
			mVelocity = Vector2f(cos(DEG2RAD(30)), -sin(DEG2RAD(30))) * magnitude;
		else if(mVelocity.x < 0 && mVelocity.y > 0)
			mVelocity = Vector2f(-cos(DEG2RAD(30)), sin(DEG2RAD(30))) * magnitude;
			mVelocity = Vector2f(cos(DEG2RAD(30)), sin(DEG2RAD(30))) * magnitude;

void ExampleExperimentFields::DrawVectorField()

    //Load the vector field
    VectorField2 field;
    if (!field.load(VectorfieldFilename))
        output << "Error loading field file " << VectorfieldFilename << "\n";

    //Draw vector directions (constant length)
    for(float32 x=field.boundMin()[0]; x<=field.boundMax()[0]; x+=0.2)
        for(float32 y=field.boundMin()[1]; y<=field.boundMax()[1]; y+=0.2)
            Vector2f vec = field.sample(x,y);

            viewer->addLine(x, y, x + ArrowScale*vec[0], y + ArrowScale*vec[1]);

예제 #5
void PolygonBody::calculateNormals(std::vector<Vector2f>& outputNormals) const {
    for (size_t i = 0; i < _verticesWorldSpace.size(); ++i) {
        Vector2f edge = _verticesWorldSpace[i] - _verticesWorldSpace[(i + 1) % _verticesWorldSpace.size()];
예제 #6
float getAngle(Vector2f v1, Vector2f v2)
	auto l1 = v1.lengthSq();
	auto l2 = v2.lengthSq();

	// Make sure we don't divide by zero
	if (std::abs(l1) < EPSILON || std::abs(l2) < EPSILON)
		return 0;


	auto angle = std::acos(Vector2f::dot(v1, v2));
	auto orientation = (v1.x * v2.y) - (v2.x * v1.y);

	if (orientation > 0)
		angle = -angle;

	// Radians to degrees
	return static_cast<float>(angle * (180.0 / M_PI));
예제 #7
void Plane::calc_gndspeed_undershoot()
 	// Use the component of ground speed in the forward direction
	// This prevents flyaway if wind takes plane backwards
    if (gps.status() >= AP_GPS::GPS_OK_FIX_2D) {
	    Vector2f gndVel = ahrs.groundspeed_vector();
		const Matrix3f &rotMat = ahrs.get_dcm_matrix();
		Vector2f yawVect = Vector2f(rotMat.a.x,rotMat.b.x);
		float gndSpdFwd = yawVect * gndVel;
        groundspeed_undershoot = (g.min_gndspeed_cm > 0) ? (g.min_gndspeed_cm - gndSpdFwd*100) : 0;
예제 #8
파일: control.cpp 프로젝트: mktk1117/phenox
int PxController::bound(Vector2f &n, Vector2f &n2) {
    if(dbound_lock_cnt > DBOUNDCNT) {
        std::cout << "----double bound unlocked "<< std::endl;
        dbound_lock_cnt = 0;
        n += n2;
        return bound(n);
        std::cout << "----double bound locked "<< std::endl;
        std::cout << "    count:" << dbound_lock_cnt << std::endl;
        return 1;
예제 #9
bool FlightTaskAuto::_compute_heading_from_2D_vector(float &heading, Vector2f v)
	if (PX4_ISFINITE(v.length()) && v.length() > SIGMA_NORM) {
		// To find yaw: take dot product of x = (1,0) and v
		// and multiply by the sign given of cross product of x and v.
		// Dot product: (x(0)*v(0)+(x(1)*v(1)) = v(0)
		// Cross product: x(0)*v(1) - v(0)*x(1) = v(1)
		heading =  math::sign(v(1)) * wrap_pi(acosf(v(0)));
		return true;

	// heading unknown and therefore do not change heading
	return false;
float AP_Landing_Deepstall::update_steering()
    Location current_loc;
    if ((!landing.ahrs.get_position(current_loc) || !landing.ahrs.healthy()) && !hold_level) {
        // panic if no position source is available
        // continue the stall but target just holding the wings held level as deepstall should be a minimal
        // energy configuration on the aircraft, and if a position isn't available aborting would be worse
        gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL, "Deepstall: Invalid data from AHRS. Holding level");
        hold_level = true;

    float desired_change = 0.0f;

    if (!hold_level) {
        uint32_t time = AP_HAL::millis();
        float dt = constrain_float(time - last_time, (uint32_t)10UL, (uint32_t)200UL) * 1e-3;
        last_time = time;

        Vector2f ab = location_diff(arc_exit, extended_approach);
        Vector2f a_air = location_diff(arc_exit, current_loc);

        crosstrack_error = a_air % ab;
        float sine_nu1 = constrain_float(crosstrack_error / MAX(L1_period, 0.1f), -0.7071f, 0.7107f);
        float nu1 = asinf(sine_nu1);

        if (L1_i > 0) {
            L1_xtrack_i += nu1 * L1_i / dt;
            L1_xtrack_i = constrain_float(L1_xtrack_i, -0.5f, 0.5f);
            nu1 += L1_xtrack_i;
        desired_change = wrap_PI(radians(target_heading_deg) + nu1 - landing.ahrs.yaw) / time_constant;

    float yaw_rate = landing.ahrs.get_gyro().z;
    float yaw_rate_limit_rps = radians(yaw_rate_limit);
    float error = wrap_PI(constrain_float(desired_change, -yaw_rate_limit_rps, yaw_rate_limit_rps) - yaw_rate);

    gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "x: %f e: %f r: %f d: %f",
                                    (double)location_diff(current_loc, landing_point).length());
#endif // DEBUG_PRINTS

    return ds_PID.get_pid(error);
예제 #11
void GMExperiment6_1::tangent_check(int32 start_idx, int32 end_idx, vector<int> & knots, vector<Vector2f> &smoothData)
    Vector2f tangent_begin = firstDerivative(smoothData,start_idx);
    for(int i=start_idx+1;i<end_idx; i++)
           Vector2f tangent = firstDerivative(smoothData,i);
       if( (tangent[0]*tangent_begin[0]+tangent[1]*tangent_begin[1]) < cos(tangent_filter_angle*M_PI/180.0) )//if tangents off by more than 90 deg
예제 #12
float AP_Landing_Deepstall::update_steering()
    Location current_loc;
    if (!landing.ahrs.get_position(current_loc)) {
        // panic if no position source is available
        // continue the  but target just holding the wings held level as deepstall should be a minimal energy
        // configuration on the aircraft, and if a position isn't available aborting would be worse
        GCS_MAVLINK::send_statustext_all(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL, "Deepstall: No position available. Attempting to hold level");
        memcpy(&current_loc, &landing_point, sizeof(Location));
    uint32_t time = AP_HAL::millis();
    float dt = constrain_float(time - last_time, (uint32_t)10UL, (uint32_t)200UL) / 1000.0;
    last_time = time;

    Vector2f ab = location_diff(arc_exit, extended_approach);
    Vector2f a_air = location_diff(arc_exit, current_loc);

    crosstrack_error = a_air % ab;
    float sine_nu1 = constrain_float(crosstrack_error / MAX(L1_period, 0.1f), -0.7071f, 0.7107f);
    float nu1 = asinf(sine_nu1);

    if (L1_i > 0) {
        L1_xtrack_i += nu1 * L1_i / dt;
        L1_xtrack_i = constrain_float(L1_xtrack_i, -0.5f, 0.5f);
        nu1 += L1_xtrack_i;

    float desired_change = wrap_PI(radians(target_heading_deg) + nu1 - landing.ahrs.yaw);

    float yaw_rate = landing.ahrs.get_gyro().z;
    float yaw_rate_limit_rps = radians(yaw_rate_limit);
    float error = wrap_PI(constrain_float(desired_change / time_constant,
                                          -yaw_rate_limit_rps, yaw_rate_limit_rps) - yaw_rate);

    GCS_MAVLINK::send_statustext_all(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "x: %f e: %f r: %f d: %f",
                                    (double)location_diff(current_loc, landing_point).length());
#endif // DEBUG_PRINTS

    return ds_PID.get_pid(error);
예제 #13
bool Sprite::manageCollision(Sprite *obj) { 
  if ( !strategy->execute(*this, *obj) ) return false;
  int widthSum = frame->getWidth()/2 + obj->getFrame()->getWidth()/2; 
  if ( getDistance(obj) <= widthSum ) {
    Vector2f velocity = getVelocity() - obj->getVelocity();
    Vector2f distance = getPosition() - obj->getPosition();
    if ( velocity.dot(distance) < 0 ) {
      distance = distance.normalize();
      Vector2f v1 = getVelocity();
      v1 -= 2 * distance * getVelocity().dot(distance);
      Vector2f v2 = obj->getVelocity();
      v2 -= 2 * distance * obj->getVelocity().dot(distance);
    } // end of inner if
  } // end of outer if
return true;
예제 #14
//Calculates either 1 or 2 contact points for a collision depending on
//how the polygons overlap
std::vector<Vector2f> PolygonBody::calculateContactPoints(PolygonBody& polygon, const Vector2f& collisionNormal) const {
    Edge edgeA = calculateCollisionEdge(collisionNormal);
    Edge edgeB = polygon.calculateCollisionEdge(-collisionNormal);
    const Edge* referenceEdge = 0;
    const Edge* incidentEdge = 0;
    float dotA = (edgeA.end - edgeA.start).dotProduct(collisionNormal);
    float dotB = (edgeB.end - edgeB.start).dotProduct(collisionNormal);
    //The reference edge is the most perpendicular to the collision normal (dot product is closest to zero)
    if (fabsf(dotA) <= fabsf(dotB)) {
        referenceEdge = &edgeA;
        incidentEdge = &edgeB;
    } else {
        referenceEdge = &edgeB;
        incidentEdge = &edgeA;
    Vector2f referenceVector = referenceEdge->end - referenceEdge->start;

    std::vector<Vector2f> clippedPoints = clipPoints(incidentEdge->start, incidentEdge->end, referenceVector, referenceVector.dotProduct(referenceEdge->start));

    if (clippedPoints.size() < 2)
        return std::vector<Vector2f>(); //something went wrong, return an empty vector
    clippedPoints = clipPoints(clippedPoints[0], clippedPoints[1], -referenceVector, -(referenceVector.dotProduct(referenceEdge->end)));
    if (clippedPoints.size() < 2)
        return std::vector<Vector2f>(); //something went wrong, return an empty vector

    Vector2f referenceNormal = referenceVector.crossProduct(-1.0f);
    float max = referenceNormal.dotProduct(referenceEdge->vertex);
    if (referenceNormal.dotProduct(clippedPoints[1]) > max)
        clippedPoints.erase(clippedPoints.begin() + 1);
    if (referenceNormal.dotProduct(clippedPoints[0]) > max)
    return clippedPoints;
예제 #15
void AssignmentFour::DrawVectorFieldHelper() {
	//Draw vector directions (constant length)
	for (float32 x = Field.boundMin()[0]; x <= Field.boundMax()[0]; x += 0.2)
		for (float32 y = Field.boundMin()[1]; y <= Field.boundMax()[1]; y += 0.2)
			Vector2f vec = Field.sample(x, y);

			if (NormalizeVectorField) {

			float32 x2 = x + ArrowScale*vec[0];
			float32 y2 = y + ArrowScale*vec[1];

			viewer->addLine(x, y, x2, y2);
			if (ShowPoints) {
				viewer->addPoint(Point2D(x2, y2));
예제 #16
// produce a yaw error value. The returned value is proportional
// to sin() of the current heading error in earth frame
    Vector3f mag = Vector3f(_compass->mag_x, _compass->mag_y, _compass->mag_z);
    // get the mag vector in the earth frame
    Vector2f rb = _dcm_matrix.mulXY(mag);

    if (rb.is_inf()) {
        // not a valid vector
        return 0.0;

    // update vector holding earths magnetic field (if required)
    if( _last_declination != _compass->get_declination() ) {
        _last_declination = _compass->get_declination();
        _mag_earth.x = cosf(_last_declination);
        _mag_earth.y = sinf(_last_declination);

    // calculate the error term in earth frame
    // calculate the Z component of the cross product of rb and _mag_earth
    return rb % _mag_earth;
void CPlanetDot::update(float dt)
	/** Assume circular orbit */
	/** x^2 + y^2 = orbitRadius */
	/** position = (cos(t), sin(t)) */

	time +=dt * orbitSpeed;;
	mVecPosition.x = cosf(time);
	mVecPosition.y = sinf(time);

	float a = mVecVelocity.lengthSq() / this->orbitRadius;
	Vector2f aVec = mVecCenter - mVecPosition;
	aVec *= a;
	mVecVelocity += aVec;
	if(mVecVelocity.length() > orbitSpeed)
		mVecVelocity *= orbitSpeed;
	mVecPosition += mVecVelocity;
예제 #18
파일: test3.cpp 프로젝트: Whitestar/vmath
	void testNormalize()
		CPPUNIT_ASSERT(std::abs(v5.length() - 1.0) < EPSILON);

예제 #19
    float scoreForWidget(GuiWidget const &widget, ui::Direction dir) const
        if (!widget.canBeFocused() || &widget == thisPublic)
            return -1;

        Rectanglef const viewRect  = self().root().viewRule().rect();
        Rectanglef const selfRect  = self().hitRule().rect();
        Rectanglef const otherRect = widget.hitRule().rect();
        Vector2f const otherMiddle =
                (dir == ui::Up?   otherRect.midBottom() :
                 dir == ui::Down? otherRect.midTop()    :
                 dir == ui::Left? otherRect.midRight()  :
                                  otherRect.midLeft()  );

        if (!viewRect.contains(otherMiddle))
            return -1;

        bool const axisOverlap =
                (isHorizontal(dir) && !selfRect.vertical()  .intersection(otherRect.vertical())  .isEmpty()) ||
                (isVertical(dir)   && !selfRect.horizontal().intersection(otherRect.horizontal()).isEmpty());

        // Check for contacting edges.
        float edgeDistance = 0; // valid only if axisOverlap
        if (axisOverlap)
            switch (dir)
            case ui::Left:
                edgeDistance = selfRect.left() - otherRect.right();

            case ui::Up:
                edgeDistance = selfRect.top() - otherRect.bottom();

            case ui::Right:
                edgeDistance = otherRect.left() - selfRect.right();

                edgeDistance = otherRect.top() - selfRect.bottom();
            // Very close edges are considered contacting.
            if (edgeDistance >= 0 && edgeDistance < toDevicePixels(5))
                return edgeDistance;

        Vector2f const middle    = (dir == ui::Up?   selfRect.midTop()    :
                                    dir == ui::Down? selfRect.midBottom() :
                                    dir == ui::Left? selfRect.midLeft()   :
                                                     selfRect.midRight() );
        Vector2f const delta     = otherMiddle - middle;
        Vector2f const dirVector = directionVector(dir);
        auto dotProd = delta.normalize().dot(dirVector);
        if (dotProd <= 0)
            // On the wrong side.
            return -1;
        float distance = delta.length();
        if (axisOverlap)
            dotProd = 1.0;
            if (edgeDistance > 0)
                distance = de::min(distance, edgeDistance);

        float favorability = 1;
        if (widget.parentWidget() == self().parentWidget())
            favorability = .1f; // Siblings are much preferred.
        else if (self().hasAncestor(widget) || widget.hasAncestor(self()))
            favorability = .2f; // Ancestry is also good.

        // Prefer widgets that are nearby, particularly in the specified direction.
        return distance * (.5f + acos(dotProd)) * favorability;
예제 #20
Vector2f Vector2f::GetNormalized()
  Vector2f temp = *this;
  return temp;
예제 #21
Vector2f AssignmentFour::FieldValue(Vector2f xi) {
	StaticVector<float, 2U> vec = Field.sample(xi[0], xi[1]);
	Vector2f v = makeVector2f(vec[0], vec[1]);
	if (DirectionFieldOnly) v.normalize();
	return IntegrateBackwards ? -v : v;
예제 #22
//We use a modified Separating Axis Test to test for polygon-circle collisions
bool PolygonBody::checkCollision(CircleBody& circle, Collision& collision) {
    float radiusSum = _radius + circle.radius();
    if ((circle.position() - _position).lengthSquared() > radiusSum * radiusSum)
        return false;
    std::vector<Vector2f> axes;
    //We need the axis from the center of the circle to the closest vertex on the polygon
    Vector2f additionalAxis = _verticesWorldSpace[0] - circle.position();
    for (size_t i = 1; i < _verticesWorldSpace.size(); ++i) {
        Vector2f v = _verticesWorldSpace[i] - circle.position();
        if (v.lengthSquared() < additionalAxis.lengthSquared())
            additionalAxis = v;
    float minOverlap = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
    Vector2f minOverlapAxis;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < axes.size(); ++i) {
        Vector2f& axis = axes[i];
        float projection = axis.dotProduct(_verticesWorldSpace.front());
        float aMinProjection = projection;
        float aMaxProjection = projection;
        for (size_t j = 1; j < _verticesWorldSpace.size(); ++j) {
            projection = axis.dotProduct(_verticesWorldSpace[j]);
            aMinProjection = std::min(aMinProjection, projection);
            aMaxProjection = std::max(aMaxProjection, projection);
        projection = axis.dotProduct(circle.position());
        float bMinProjection = projection - circle.radius();
        float bMaxProjection = projection + circle.radius();
        if (bMinProjection > bMaxProjection)
            std::swap(bMinProjection, bMaxProjection);
        if ((aMaxProjection < bMinProjection) || (bMaxProjection < aMinProjection))
            return false; //This axis has no overlap, a collision is not possible
        float lowerOverlap = aMaxProjection - bMinProjection;
        float upperOverlap = bMaxProjection - aMinProjection;
        if (lowerOverlap < minOverlap) {
            minOverlap = lowerOverlap;
            minOverlapAxis = axis;
        if (upperOverlap < minOverlap) {
            minOverlap = upperOverlap;
            minOverlapAxis = -axis;

    collision.bodyA = this;
    collision.bodyB = &circle;
    collision.normal = minOverlapAxis;
    collision.depth = minOverlap;
    collision.contactPoints.push_back(circle.position() - collision.normal * (circle.radius() - collision.depth));

    return true;
예제 #23
// update L1 control for waypoint navigation
// this function costs about 3.5 milliseconds on a AVR2560
void AP_L1_Control::update_waypoint(const struct Location &prev_WP, const struct Location &next_WP)

	struct Location _current_loc;
	float Nu;
	float xtrackVel;
	float ltrackVel;
	// Calculate L1 gain required for specified damping
	float K_L1 = 4.0f * _L1_damping * _L1_damping;

	// Get current position and velocity

	Vector2f _groundspeed_vector = _ahrs.groundspeed_vector();

	// update _target_bearing_cd
	_target_bearing_cd = get_bearing_cd(_current_loc, next_WP);
	//Calculate groundspeed
	float groundSpeed = _groundspeed_vector.length();
    if (groundSpeed < 0.1f) {
        // use a small ground speed vector in the right direction,
        // allowing us to use the compass heading at zero GPS velocity
        groundSpeed = 0.1f;
        _groundspeed_vector = Vector2f(cosf(_ahrs.yaw), sinf(_ahrs.yaw)) * groundSpeed;

	// Calculate time varying control parameters
	// Calculate the L1 length required for specified period
	// 0.3183099 = 1/1/pipi
	_L1_dist = 0.3183099f * _L1_damping * _L1_period * groundSpeed;
	// Calculate the NE position of WP B relative to WP A
    Vector2f AB = location_diff(prev_WP, next_WP);
	// Check for AB zero length and track directly to the destination
	// if too small
	if (AB.length() < 1.0e-6f) {
		AB = location_diff(_current_loc, next_WP);

	// Calculate the NE position of the aircraft relative to WP A
    Vector2f A_air = location_diff(prev_WP, _current_loc);

	// calculate distance to target track, for reporting
	_crosstrack_error = AB % A_air;

	//Determine if the aircraft is behind a +-135 degree degree arc centred on WP A
	//and further than L1 distance from WP A. Then use WP A as the L1 reference point
		//Otherwise do normal L1 guidance
	float WP_A_dist = A_air.length();
	float alongTrackDist = A_air * AB;
	if (WP_A_dist > _L1_dist && alongTrackDist/max(WP_A_dist, 1.0f) < -0.7071f) 
		//Calc Nu to fly To WP A
		Vector2f A_air_unit = (A_air).normalized(); // Unit vector from WP A to aircraft
		xtrackVel = _groundspeed_vector % (-A_air_unit); // Velocity across line
		ltrackVel = _groundspeed_vector * (-A_air_unit); // Velocity along line
		Nu = atan2f(xtrackVel,ltrackVel);


		_nav_bearing = atan2f(-A_air_unit.y , -A_air_unit.x); // bearing (radians) from AC to L1 point

	} else { //Calc Nu to fly along AB line
		//Calculate Nu2 angle (angle of velocity vector relative to line connecting waypoints)
		xtrackVel = _groundspeed_vector % AB; // Velocity cross track
		ltrackVel = _groundspeed_vector * AB; // Velocity along track
		float Nu2 = atan2f(xtrackVel,ltrackVel);
		//Calculate Nu1 angle (Angle to L1 reference point)
		float xtrackErr = A_air % AB;
		float sine_Nu1 = xtrackErr/max(_L1_dist, 0.1f);
		//Limit sine of Nu1 to provide a controlled track capture angle of 45 deg
		sine_Nu1 = constrain_float(sine_Nu1, -0.7071f, 0.7071f);
		float Nu1 = asinf(sine_Nu1);
		Nu = Nu1 + Nu2;
		_nav_bearing = atan2f(AB.y, AB.x) + Nu1; // bearing (radians) from AC to L1 point		

    _last_Nu = Nu;
	//Limit Nu to +-pi
	Nu = constrain_float(Nu, -1.5708f, +1.5708f);
	_latAccDem = K_L1 * groundSpeed * groundSpeed / _L1_dist * sinf(Nu);
	// Waypoint capture status is always false during waypoint following
	_WPcircle = false;
	_bearing_error = Nu; // bearing error angle (radians), +ve to left of track
예제 #24
// update L1 control for waypoint navigation
void AP_L1_Control::update_waypoint(const struct Location &prev_WP, const struct Location &next_WP)

	struct Location _current_loc;
	float Nu;
	float xtrackVel;
	float ltrackVel;

    uint32_t now = AP_HAL::micros();
    float dt = (now - _last_update_waypoint_us) * 1.0e-6f;
    if (dt > 0.1) {
        dt = 0.1;
    _last_update_waypoint_us = now;
	// Calculate L1 gain required for specified damping
	float K_L1 = 4.0f * _L1_damping * _L1_damping;

	// Get current position and velocity

	Vector2f _groundspeed_vector = _ahrs.groundspeed_vector();

	// update _target_bearing_cd
	_target_bearing_cd = get_bearing_cd(_current_loc, next_WP);
	//Calculate groundspeed
	float groundSpeed = _groundspeed_vector.length();
    if (groundSpeed < 0.1f) {
        // use a small ground speed vector in the right direction,
        // allowing us to use the compass heading at zero GPS velocity
        groundSpeed = 0.1f;
        _groundspeed_vector = Vector2f(cosf(_ahrs.yaw), sinf(_ahrs.yaw)) * groundSpeed;

	// Calculate time varying control parameters
	// Calculate the L1 length required for specified period
	// 0.3183099 = 1/1/pipi
	_L1_dist = 0.3183099f * _L1_damping * _L1_period * groundSpeed;
	// Calculate the NE position of WP B relative to WP A
    Vector2f AB = location_diff(prev_WP, next_WP);
	// Check for AB zero length and track directly to the destination
	// if too small
	if (AB.length() < 1.0e-6f) {
		AB = location_diff(_current_loc, next_WP);
        if (AB.length() < 1.0e-6f) {
            AB = Vector2f(cosf(_ahrs.yaw), sinf(_ahrs.yaw));

	// Calculate the NE position of the aircraft relative to WP A
    Vector2f A_air = location_diff(prev_WP, _current_loc);

	// calculate distance to target track, for reporting
	_crosstrack_error = A_air % AB;

	//Determine if the aircraft is behind a +-135 degree degree arc centred on WP A
	//and further than L1 distance from WP A. Then use WP A as the L1 reference point
		//Otherwise do normal L1 guidance
	float WP_A_dist = A_air.length();
	float alongTrackDist = A_air * AB;
	if (WP_A_dist > _L1_dist && alongTrackDist/MAX(WP_A_dist, 1.0f) < -0.7071f) 
		//Calc Nu to fly To WP A
		Vector2f A_air_unit = (A_air).normalized(); // Unit vector from WP A to aircraft
		xtrackVel = _groundspeed_vector % (-A_air_unit); // Velocity across line
		ltrackVel = _groundspeed_vector * (-A_air_unit); // Velocity along line
		Nu = atan2f(xtrackVel,ltrackVel);
		_nav_bearing = atan2f(-A_air_unit.y , -A_air_unit.x); // bearing (radians) from AC to L1 point

	} else { //Calc Nu to fly along AB line
		//Calculate Nu2 angle (angle of velocity vector relative to line connecting waypoints)
		xtrackVel = _groundspeed_vector % AB; // Velocity cross track
		ltrackVel = _groundspeed_vector * AB; // Velocity along track
		float Nu2 = atan2f(xtrackVel,ltrackVel);
		//Calculate Nu1 angle (Angle to L1 reference point)
		float sine_Nu1 = _crosstrack_error/MAX(_L1_dist, 0.1f);
		//Limit sine of Nu1 to provide a controlled track capture angle of 45 deg
		sine_Nu1 = constrain_float(sine_Nu1, -0.7071f, 0.7071f);
		float Nu1 = asinf(sine_Nu1);

        // compute integral error component to converge to a crosstrack of zero when traveling
		// straight but reset it when disabled or if it changes. That allows for much easier
		// tuning by having it re-converge each time it changes.
		if (_L1_xtrack_i_gain <= 0 || !is_equal(_L1_xtrack_i_gain, _L1_xtrack_i_gain_prev)) {
		    _L1_xtrack_i = 0;
		    _L1_xtrack_i_gain_prev = _L1_xtrack_i_gain;
		} else if (fabsf(Nu1) < radians(5)) {
            _L1_xtrack_i += Nu1 * _L1_xtrack_i_gain * dt;

            // an AHRS_TRIM_X=0.1 will drift to about 0.08 so 0.1 is a good worst-case to clip at
            _L1_xtrack_i = constrain_float(_L1_xtrack_i, -0.1f, 0.1f);

		// to converge to zero we must push Nu1 harder
        Nu1 += _L1_xtrack_i;

		Nu = Nu1 + Nu2;
		_nav_bearing = atan2f(AB.y, AB.x) + Nu1; // bearing (radians) from AC to L1 point		

    _last_Nu = Nu;
	//Limit Nu to +-pi
	Nu = constrain_float(Nu, -1.5708f, +1.5708f);
	_latAccDem = K_L1 * groundSpeed * groundSpeed / _L1_dist * sinf(Nu);
	// Waypoint capture status is always false during waypoint following
	_WPcircle = false;
	_bearing_error = Nu; // bearing error angle (radians), +ve to left of track
// rate_bf_to_motor_roll_pitch - ask the rate controller to calculate the motor outputs to achieve the target rate in radians/second
void AC_AttitudeControl_Heli::rate_bf_to_motor_roll_pitch(const Vector3f &rate_rads, float rate_roll_target_rads, float rate_pitch_target_rads)
    float roll_pd, roll_i, roll_ff;             // used to capture pid values
    float pitch_pd, pitch_i, pitch_ff;          // used to capture pid values
    float rate_roll_error_rads, rate_pitch_error_rads;    // simply target_rate - current_rate
    float roll_out, pitch_out;

    // calculate error
    rate_roll_error_rads = rate_roll_target_rads - rate_rads.x;
    rate_pitch_error_rads = rate_pitch_target_rads - rate_rads.y;

    // pass error to PID controller

    // call p and d controllers
    roll_pd = _pid_rate_roll.get_p() + _pid_rate_roll.get_d();
    pitch_pd = _pid_rate_pitch.get_p() + _pid_rate_pitch.get_d();

    // get roll i term
    roll_i = _pid_rate_roll.get_integrator();

    // update i term as long as we haven't breached the limits or the I term will certainly reduce
    if (!_flags_heli.limit_roll || ((roll_i>0&&rate_roll_error_rads<0)||(roll_i<0&&rate_roll_error_rads>0))){
		if (_flags_heli.leaky_i){
			roll_i = _pid_rate_roll.get_leaky_i(AC_ATTITUDE_HELI_RATE_INTEGRATOR_LEAK_RATE);
			roll_i = _pid_rate_roll.get_i();

    // get pitch i term
    pitch_i = _pid_rate_pitch.get_integrator();

    // update i term as long as we haven't breached the limits or the I term will certainly reduce
    if (!_flags_heli.limit_pitch || ((pitch_i>0&&rate_pitch_error_rads<0)||(pitch_i<0&&rate_pitch_error_rads>0))){
		if (_flags_heli.leaky_i) {
			pitch_i = _pid_rate_pitch.get_leaky_i(AC_ATTITUDE_HELI_RATE_INTEGRATOR_LEAK_RATE);
			pitch_i = _pid_rate_pitch.get_i();
    // For legacy reasons, we convert to centi-degrees before inputting to the feedforward
    roll_ff = roll_feedforward_filter.apply(_pid_rate_roll.get_ff(rate_roll_target_rads), _dt);
    pitch_ff = pitch_feedforward_filter.apply(_pid_rate_pitch.get_ff(rate_pitch_target_rads), _dt);

    // add feed forward and final output
    roll_out = roll_pd + roll_i + roll_ff;
    pitch_out = pitch_pd + pitch_i + pitch_ff;

    // constrain output and update limit flags
    if (fabsf(roll_out) > AC_ATTITUDE_RATE_RP_CONTROLLER_OUT_MAX) {
        _flags_heli.limit_roll = true;
        _flags_heli.limit_roll = false;
    if (fabsf(pitch_out) > AC_ATTITUDE_RATE_RP_CONTROLLER_OUT_MAX) {
        _flags_heli.limit_pitch = true;
        _flags_heli.limit_pitch = false;

    // output to motors

    // Piro-Comp, or Pirouette Compensation is a pre-compensation calculation, which basically rotates the Roll and Pitch Rate I-terms as the
    // helicopter rotates in yaw.  Much of the built-up I-term is needed to tip the disk into the incoming wind.  Fast yawing can create an instability
    // as the built-up I-term in one axis must be reduced, while the other increases.  This helps solve that by rotating the I-terms before the error occurs.
    // It does assume that the rotor aerodynamics and mechanics are essentially symmetrical about the main shaft, which is a generally valid assumption. 
    if (_piro_comp_enabled){

        int32_t         piro_roll_i, piro_pitch_i;            // used to hold I-terms while doing piro comp

        piro_roll_i  = roll_i;
        piro_pitch_i = pitch_i;

        Vector2f yawratevector;
        yawratevector.x     = cosf(-rate_rads.z * _dt);
        yawratevector.y     = sinf(-rate_rads.z * _dt);

        roll_i      = piro_roll_i * yawratevector.x - piro_pitch_i * yawratevector.y;
        pitch_i     = piro_pitch_i * yawratevector.x + piro_roll_i * yawratevector.y;


void NPCFreefall_DZ::onUpdate(float dt)
    // obtain spinal cord
    SpinalCord* spinalCord = getNPC()->getSpinalCord();

    // update target position
    Matrix4f catToyPose = getNPC()->getCatToy()->getCurrentPose();
    _targetPos.set( catToyPose[3][0], catToyPose[3][1], catToyPose[3][2] );

	// jump only when the wind is right
	Vector2f pos = Vector2f(catToyPose[3][0], catToyPose[3][2]);
	NxVec3 wind = getNPC()->getJumper()->getScene()->getWindAtPoint(NxVec3(catToyPose[3][0], catToyPose[3][1], catToyPose[3][2]));
	Vector2f wind2(wind.x, wind.z);
	float wind_angle = 0.0;
	if (wind.magnitude() < 1.5f) {
		wind_angle = 1.0f;
	} else {
		wind_angle = pos.dot(wind2);

    // if my character is still roaming
	if (wind_angle >= 0.8f && catToyPose[3][1] >= 300.0f) _timeUntilJump -= dt;
	//getCore()->logMessage("%s has %2.4f seconds to jump", getNPC()->getNPCName(), _timeUntilJump);

	if( _timeUntilJump <= 0.0f && getNPC()->getJumper()->getPhase() == ::jpRoaming )
		Vector3f pos = Vector3f(catToyPose[3][0], catToyPose[3][1], catToyPose[3][2]);
        // if npc on airplane
        if( getNPC()->getJumper()->getAirplane() != NULL )
            // just jump!
            spinalCord->phase = true;
        // if npc at the exit point and ready to jump        
        else if( _positionIsSucceed && _directionIsSucceed )
            // jump!
            spinalCord->phase = true;
        // if npc at the exit point and not surely ready to clear jump
            if( !_positionIsSucceed )
                // move to abyss
                Matrix4f jumpPose = getNPC()->getCatToy()->getJumpPose();
                Vector3f jumpPos( jumpPose[3][0], jumpPose[3][1], jumpPose[3][2] );
                call( new NPCMove( getNPC(), jumpPos ) );
                _positionIsSucceed = true;
            if( !_directionIsSucceed )
                // jumper absolute orientation
                Vector3f jumperAt = getNPC()->getJumper()->getClump()->getFrame()->getAt();

                // direction of cat toy jump
                Matrix4f jumpPose = getNPC()->getCatToy()->getJumpPose();
                Vector3f targetDir( jumpPose[2][0], 0.0f, jumpPose[2][2] );

                // angle to target
                Vector3f atH = jumperAt; atH[1] = 0; atH.normalize();
                Vector3f dirH = targetDir; dirH[1] = 0; dirH.normalize();
                float targetAngle = ::calcAngle( dirH, atH, Vector3f( 0,1,0 ) );

                if( fabs( targetAngle ) < 1.0f )
                    _directionIsSucceed = true;
                    // turn jumper by AI algo
                    float aiRotationVel = 180.0f;
                    float aiRotationAngle = sgn( targetAngle ) * aiRotationVel * dt;
                    if( fabs( aiRotationAngle ) > fabs( targetAngle ) ) aiRotationAngle = targetAngle;
                    getNPC()->getJumper()->getClump()->getFrame()->rotateRelative( Vector3f( 0,1,0 ), aiRotationAngle );
    // else, turn & track towards the target
    else if( getNPC()->getJumper()->getPhase() == ::jpFreeFalling )
         // jumper absolute orientation
        Vector3f jumperAt = getNPC()->getJumper()->getClump()->getFrame()->getAt();

        Vector3f jumperRight = getNPC()->getJumper()->getClump()->getFrame()->getRight();

        Vector3f jumperUp = getNPC()->getJumper()->getClump()->getFrame()->getUp();

        // retrieve current jumper position    
        Vector3f jumperPos = getNPC()->getJumper()->getClump()->getFrame()->getPos();
        jumperPos += Vector3f( 0, jumperRoamingSphereSize, 0 );

		// wingsuit
		bool wingsuit = database::Suit::getRecord(getNPC()->getJumper()->getVirtues()->equipment.suit.id)->wingsuit;

		// leveling
		// wlo - when npc higher
		//if (!wingsuit) {
		//	if (jumperPos[1] - _targetPos[1] > 1500.0f) {
		//		spinalCord->wlo = true;
		//	} else if (jumperPos[1] - _targetPos[1] < -1500.0f)  {
		//		spinalCord->hook = true;
		//	}

        // direction to target
        Vector3f targetDir = _targetPos - jumperPos;
        float distanceToTarget = Vector3f( targetDir[0], 0, targetDir[2] ).length();

		// landing too far away? let's deploy in order to return safely
		// glide ratio is based on canopy size
		database::Canopy *canopy = database::Canopy::getRecord(getNPC()->getJumper()->getVirtues()->equipment.canopy.id);
		Vector3f pos = getNPC()->getJumper()->getClump()->getFrame()->getPos();
		float glide = canopy->square / 150.0f;
		float alt = pos[1];
		pos[1] = 0;
		bool farEnough = pos.length() >= alt*glide;
		//getCore()->logMessage("alt: %2.5f; dst: %2.5f; coverage: %2.5f", alt, pos.length(), alt*glide);
		// deploy now?
		if ((alt <= 85000.0f || farEnough) && alt <= 150000.0f) {
			if (getNPC()->getJumper()->getCanopySimulator()) {
				//getCore()->logMessage("npc pull. Far enough: %d", (int)farEnough);
				spinalCord->phase = true;
				spinalCord->modifier = wingsuit;
			} else {
				//getCore()->logMessage("npc pull reserve. Far enough: %d", (int)farEnough);
				spinalCord->pullReserve = true;
				spinalCord->modifier = wingsuit;

        // if toy tracking modifier is on
		if( wingsuit /* getNPC()->getCatToy()->getModifier()*/ )
            // sum up target direction 
            Vector3f targetFlatAt(
                "POS: %3.2f %3.2f %3.2f AT : %3.2f 0.0 %3.2f", 
                targetFlatAt[0], targetFlatAt[2] 
            targetDir += targetFlatAt * 3;

        // horizontal steering
		float minAngle = 5.0f;
		float minValue = 0.0f;
        float maxAngle = 45.0f;
        float maxValue = 1.0f;

        // angle to target
		Vector3f atH = jumperAt; 
		// headdown
		if (getNPC()->getJumper()->getDefaultPose() == 1) {
			atH = jumperUp;
			minAngle = 25.0f;
			maxValue = 0.1f;
		// sitfly
		} else if (getNPC()->getJumper()->getDefaultPose() == 2) {
			atH = jumperUp;
			atH[2] *= -1;
			//minAngle = 25.0f;
			maxValue = 0.1f;

        atH[1] = 0; atH.normalize();
        Vector3f dirH = targetDir; dirH[1] = 0; dirH.normalize();
        float targetAngle = ::calcAngle( dirH, atH, Vector3f( 0,1,0 ) );

        // inclination angle relative to the horizont
        float horizontalAngle = -1 * ::calcAngle( atH, jumperUp, jumperRight );

        // horizontal steering 
        float factor = ( fabs( targetAngle ) - minAngle ) / ( maxAngle - minAngle );
        factor = ( factor < 0 ) ? 0 : ( ( factor > 1 ) ? 1 : factor );
        float impulse = minValue * ( 1 - factor ) + maxValue * factor;
		if (wingsuit) impulse = 0.0f;
        // smooth impulse
        impulse = pow( impulse, 1.25f );
		if (alt <= 130000.0f) impulse = 0.0f;
        // apply impulse
        if( targetAngle < 0 )
            spinalCord->right = impulse;
            spinalCord->left = impulse;
        // relation btw desired inclination and target angle
        minAngle = 5.0f;
        minValue = 25.0f;
        maxAngle = 90.0f;
        maxValue = 0.0f;

        factor = ( fabs( targetAngle ) - minAngle ) / ( maxAngle - minAngle );
        factor = ( factor < 0 ) ? 0 : ( ( factor > 1 ) ? 1 : factor );
        float desiredInclination = minValue * ( 1 - factor ) + maxValue * factor;

        // inclination difference
        float inclinationDifference = desiredInclination - horizontalAngle;

        // vertical steering
        minAngle = 0.0f;
        minValue = 0.0f;
        maxAngle = 30.0f;
        maxValue = 1.0f;
        factor = ( fabs( inclinationDifference ) - minAngle ) / ( maxAngle - minAngle );
        factor = ( factor < 0 ) ? 0 : ( ( factor > 1 ) ? 1 : factor );
        impulse = minValue * ( 1 - factor ) + maxValue * factor;

		if (!wingsuit && distanceToTarget > 2500.0f && alt > 130000.0f) {
			if( inclinationDifference < 0 )
				spinalCord->down += impulse;
				if (spinalCord->down > 1.0f) spinalCord->down = 1.0f;
				spinalCord->up += impulse;
				if (spinalCord->up > 1.0f) spinalCord->up = 1.0f;

        // tracking modifier
        if( fabs( targetAngle ) < 90.0f && distanceToTarget > 2500.0f )
            spinalCord->modifier = 0.0f;
			spinalCord->trigger_modifier = false;
            spinalCord->modifier = 0.0f;
			spinalCord->trigger_modifier = false;

		if (wingsuit || alt <= 130000.0f) spinalCord->modifier = 1.0f;
		if (wingsuit || alt <= 130000.0f) spinalCord->trigger_modifier = true;

        // force tracking in several condition        
        if( getNPC()->getCatToy()->getModifier() )
            // not a skydiving?
            if( !getNPC()->getJumper()->getCanopySimulator()->getGearRecord()->skydiving )
                // imitate cat toy modifier
                spinalCord->modifier = getNPC()->getCatToy()->getModifier();
                Vector3f cattoyFaceH( catToyPose[2][0], 0, catToyPose[2][2] );
                Vector3f npcFaceH = getNPC()->getJumper()->getClump()->getFrame()->getAt();
                npcFaceH[1] = 0;
                //if( Vector3f::dot( dirH, cattoyFaceH ) > 0.85f ) spinalCord->modifier = true;