RenderedPosition::RenderedPosition(const VisiblePosition& position) : m_offset(0) , m_prevLeafChild(uncachedInlineBox()) , m_nextLeafChild(uncachedInlineBox()) { if (position.isNull()) return; position.getInlineBoxAndOffset(m_inlineBox, m_offset); if (m_inlineBox) m_renderer = &m_inlineBox->renderer(); else m_renderer = rendererFromPosition(position.deepEquivalent()); }
VisiblePosition nextLinePosition(const VisiblePosition &visiblePosition, int x) { Position p = visiblePosition.deepEquivalent(); Node *node = p.node(); Node* highestRoot = highestEditableRoot(p); if (!node) return VisiblePosition(); node->document()->updateLayoutIgnorePendingStylesheets(); RenderObject *renderer = node->renderer(); if (!renderer) return VisiblePosition(); RenderBlock *containingBlock = 0; RootInlineBox *root = 0; InlineBox* box; int ignoredCaretOffset; visiblePosition.getInlineBoxAndOffset(box, ignoredCaretOffset); if (box) { root = box->root()->nextRootBox(); if (root) containingBlock = renderer->containingBlock(); } if (!root) { // This containing editable block does not have a next line. // Need to move forward to next containing editable block in this root editable // block and find the first root line box in that block. Node* startBlock = enclosingNodeWithNonInlineRenderer(node); Node* n = nextLeafWithSameEditability(node, p.deprecatedEditingOffset()); while (n && startBlock == enclosingNodeWithNonInlineRenderer(n)) n = nextLeafWithSameEditability(n); while (n) { if (highestEditableRoot(Position(n, 0)) != highestRoot) break; Position pos(n, caretMinOffset(n)); if (pos.isCandidate()) { ASSERT(n->renderer()); pos.getInlineBoxAndOffset(DOWNSTREAM, box, ignoredCaretOffset); if (box) { // next root line box found root = box->root(); containingBlock = n->renderer()->containingBlock(); break; } return VisiblePosition(pos, DOWNSTREAM); } n = nextLeafWithSameEditability(n); } } if (root) { // FIXME: Can be wrong for multi-column layout and with transforms. FloatPoint absPos = containingBlock->localToAbsolute(FloatPoint()); if (containingBlock->hasOverflowClip()) absPos -= containingBlock->layer()->scrolledContentOffset(); RenderObject* renderer = root->closestLeafChildForXPos(x - absPos.x(), isEditablePosition(p))->renderer(); Node* node = renderer->node(); if (node && editingIgnoresContent(node)) return Position(node->parent(), node->nodeIndex()); return renderer->positionForPoint(IntPoint(x - absPos.x(), root->lineTop())); } // Could not find a next line. This means we must already be on the last line. // Move to the end of the content in this block, which effectively moves us // to the end of the line we're on. Element* rootElement = node->isContentEditable() ? node->rootEditableElement() : node->document()->documentElement(); return VisiblePosition(rootElement, rootElement ? rootElement->childNodeCount() : 0, DOWNSTREAM); }
VisiblePosition previousLinePosition(const VisiblePosition &visiblePosition, int x) { Position p = visiblePosition.deepEquivalent(); Node *node = p.node(); Node* highestRoot = highestEditableRoot(p); if (!node) return VisiblePosition(); node->document()->updateLayoutIgnorePendingStylesheets(); RenderObject *renderer = node->renderer(); if (!renderer) return VisiblePosition(); RenderBlock *containingBlock = 0; RootInlineBox *root = 0; InlineBox* box; int ignoredCaretOffset; visiblePosition.getInlineBoxAndOffset(box, ignoredCaretOffset); if (box) { root = box->root()->prevRootBox(); if (root) containingBlock = renderer->containingBlock(); } if (!root) { // This containing editable block does not have a previous line. // Need to move back to previous containing editable block in this root editable // block and find the last root line box in that block. Node* startBlock = enclosingBlock(node); Node* n = previousLeafWithSameEditability(node); while (n && startBlock == enclosingBlock(n)) n = previousLeafWithSameEditability(n); while (n) { if (highestEditableRoot(Position(n, 0)) != highestRoot) break; Position pos(n, caretMinOffset(n)); if (pos.isCandidate()) { ASSERT(n->renderer()); Position maxPos(n, caretMaxOffset(n)); maxPos.getInlineBoxAndOffset(DOWNSTREAM, box, ignoredCaretOffset); if (box) { // previous root line box found root = box->root(); containingBlock = n->renderer()->containingBlock(); break; } return VisiblePosition(pos, DOWNSTREAM); } n = previousLeafWithSameEditability(n); } } if (root) { // FIXME: Can be wrong for multi-column layout. int absx, absy; containingBlock->absolutePositionForContent(absx, absy); if (containingBlock->hasOverflowClip()) containingBlock->layer()->subtractScrollOffset(absx, absy); RenderObject *renderer = root->closestLeafChildForXPos(x - absx, isEditablePosition(p))->object(); Node* node = renderer->element(); if (editingIgnoresContent(node)) return Position(node->parent(), node->nodeIndex()); return renderer->positionForCoordinates(x - absx, root->topOverflow()); } // Could not find a previous line. This means we must already be on the first line. // Move to the start of the content in this block, which effectively moves us // to the start of the line we're on. Node* rootElement = node->isContentEditable() ? node->rootEditableElement() : node->document()->documentElement(); return VisiblePosition(rootElement, 0, DOWNSTREAM); }