예제 #1
 * Find an entry by name.
ZipEntry* ZipFile::getEntryByName(const char* fileName) const
     * Do a stupid linear string-compare search.
     * There are various ways to speed this up, especially since it's rare
     * to intermingle changes to the archive with "get by name" calls.  We
     * don't want to sort the mEntries vector itself, however, because
     * it's used to recreate the Central Directory.
     * (Hash table works, parallel list of pointers in sorted order is good.)
    int idx;

    for (idx = mEntries.size()-1; idx >= 0; idx--) {
        ZipEntry* pEntry = mEntries[idx];
        if (!pEntry->getDeleted() &&
            strcmp(fileName, pEntry->getFileName()) == 0)
            return pEntry;

    return NULL;
예제 #2
 * Crunch deleted files out of an archive by shifting the later files down.
 * Because we're not using a temp file, we do the operation inside the
 * current file.
status_t ZipFile::crunchArchive(void)
    status_t result = NO_ERROR;
    int i, count;
    long delCount, adjust;

#if 0
    for (i = 0; i < (int) mEntries.size(); i++) {
        printf(" %d: lfhOff=%ld del=%d\n",
            i, mEntries[i]->getLFHOffset(), mEntries[i]->getDeleted());
    printf("  END is %ld\n", (long) mEOCD.mCentralDirOffset);

     * Roll through the set of files, shifting them as appropriate.  We
     * could probably get a slight performance improvement by sliding
     * multiple files down at once (because we could use larger reads
     * when operating on batches of small files), but it's not that useful.
    count = mEntries.size();
    delCount = adjust = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        ZipEntry* pEntry = mEntries[i];
        long span;

        if (pEntry->getLFHOffset() != 0) {
            long nextOffset;

            /* Get the length of this entry by finding the offset
             * of the next entry.  Directory entries don't have
             * file offsets, so we need to find the next non-directory
             * entry.
            nextOffset = 0;
            for (int ii = i+1; nextOffset == 0 && ii < count; ii++)
                nextOffset = mEntries[ii]->getLFHOffset();
            if (nextOffset == 0)
                nextOffset = mEOCD.mCentralDirOffset;
            span = nextOffset - pEntry->getLFHOffset();

            assert(span >= ZipEntry::LocalFileHeader::kLFHLen);
        } else {
            /* This is a directory entry.  It doesn't have
             * any actual file contents, so there's no need to
             * move anything.
            span = 0;

        //printf("+++ %d: off=%ld span=%ld del=%d [count=%d]\n",
        //    i, pEntry->getLFHOffset(), span, pEntry->getDeleted(), count);

        if (pEntry->getDeleted()) {
            adjust += span;

            delete pEntry;

            /* adjust loop control */
        } else if (span != 0 && adjust > 0) {
            /* shuffle this entry back */
            //printf("+++ Shuffling '%s' back %ld\n",
            //    pEntry->getFileName(), adjust);
            result = filemove(mZipFp, pEntry->getLFHOffset() - adjust,
                        pEntry->getLFHOffset(), span);
            if (result != NO_ERROR) {
                /* this is why you use a temp file */
                LOGE("error during crunch - archive is toast\n");
                return result;

            pEntry->setLFHOffset(pEntry->getLFHOffset() - adjust);

     * Fix EOCD info.  We have to wait until the end to do some of this
     * because we use mCentralDirOffset to determine "span" for the
     * last entry.
    mEOCD.mCentralDirOffset -= adjust;
    mEOCD.mNumEntries -= delCount;
    mEOCD.mTotalNumEntries -= delCount;
    mEOCD.mCentralDirSize = 0;  // mark invalid; set by flush()

    assert(mEOCD.mNumEntries == mEOCD.mTotalNumEntries);
    assert(mEOCD.mNumEntries == count);

    return result;
예제 #3
 * The directory hierarchy looks like this:
 * "outputDir" and "assetRoot" are existing directories.
 * On success, "bundle->numPackages" will be the number of Zip packages
 * we created.
status_t writeAPK(Bundle* bundle, const String8& outputFile, const sp<OutputSet>& outputSet)
    fprintf(stdout, "BENCHMARK: Starting APK Bundling \n");
    long startAPKTime = clock();
    #endif /* BENCHMARK */

    status_t result = NO_ERROR;
    ZipFile* zip = NULL;
    int count;


     * Prep the Zip archive.
     * If the file already exists, fail unless "update" or "force" is set.
     * If "update" is set, update the contents of the existing archive.
     * Else, if "force" is set, remove the existing archive.
    FileType fileType = getFileType(outputFile.string());
    if (fileType == kFileTypeNonexistent) {
        // okay, create it below
    } else if (fileType == kFileTypeRegular) {
        if (bundle->getUpdate()) {
            // okay, open it below
        } else if (bundle->getForce()) {
            if (unlink(outputFile.string()) != 0) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unable to remove '%s': %s\n", outputFile.string(),
                goto bail;
        } else {
            fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: '%s' exists (use '-f' to force overwrite)\n",
            goto bail;
    } else {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: '%s' exists and is not a regular file\n", outputFile.string());
        goto bail;

    if (bundle->getVerbose()) {
        printf("%s '%s'\n", (fileType == kFileTypeNonexistent) ? "Creating" : "Opening",

    status_t status;
    zip = new ZipFile;
    status = zip->open(outputFile.string(), ZipFile::kOpenReadWrite | ZipFile::kOpenCreate);
    if (status != NO_ERROR) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unable to open '%s' as Zip file for writing\n",
        goto bail;

    if (bundle->getVerbose()) {
        printf("Writing all files...\n");

    count = processAssets(bundle, zip, outputSet);
    if (count < 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unable to process assets while packaging '%s'\n",
        result = count;
        goto bail;

    if (bundle->getVerbose()) {
        printf("Generated %d file%s\n", count, (count==1) ? "" : "s");
    count = processJarFiles(bundle, zip);
    if (count < 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unable to process jar files while packaging '%s'\n",
        result = count;
        goto bail;
    if (bundle->getVerbose())
        printf("Included %d file%s from jar/zip files.\n", count, (count==1) ? "" : "s");
    result = NO_ERROR;

     * Check for cruft.  We set the "marked" flag on all entries we created
     * or decided not to update.  If the entry isn't already slated for
     * deletion, remove it now.
        if (bundle->getVerbose())
            printf("Checking for deleted files\n");
        int i, removed = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < zip->getNumEntries(); i++) {
            ZipEntry* entry = zip->getEntryByIndex(i);

            if (!entry->getMarked() && entry->getDeleted()) {
                if (bundle->getVerbose()) {
                    printf("      (removing crufty '%s')\n",
        if (bundle->getVerbose() && removed > 0)
            printf("Removed %d file%s\n", removed, (removed==1) ? "" : "s");

    /* tell Zip lib to process deletions and other pending changes */
    result = zip->flush();
    if (result != NO_ERROR) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Zip flush failed, archive may be hosed\n");
        goto bail;

    /* anything here? */
    if (zip->getNumEntries() == 0) {
        if (bundle->getVerbose()) {
            printf("Archive is empty -- removing %s\n", outputFile.getPathLeaf().string());
        delete zip;        // close the file so we can remove it in Win32
        zip = NULL;
        if (unlink(outputFile.string()) != 0) {
            fprintf(stderr, "warning: could not unlink '%s'\n", outputFile.string());

    // If we've been asked to generate a dependency file for the .ap_ package,
    // do so here
    if (bundle->getGenDependencies()) {
        // The dependency file gets output to the same directory
        // as the specified output file with an additional .d extension.
        // e.g. bin/resources.ap_.d
        String8 dependencyFile = outputFile;

        FILE* fp = fopen(dependencyFile.string(), "a");
        // Add this file to the dependency file
        fprintf(fp, "%s \\\n", outputFile.string());

    assert(result == NO_ERROR);

    delete zip;        // must close before remove in Win32
    if (result != NO_ERROR) {
        if (bundle->getVerbose()) {
            printf("Removing %s due to earlier failures\n", outputFile.string());
        if (unlink(outputFile.string()) != 0) {
            fprintf(stderr, "warning: could not unlink '%s'\n", outputFile.string());

    if (result == NO_ERROR && bundle->getVerbose())

    fprintf(stdout, "BENCHMARK: End APK Bundling. Time Elapsed: %f ms \n",(clock() - startAPKTime)/1000.0);
    #endif /* BENCHMARK */
    return result;
예제 #4
AaptAssets::slurpResourceZip(Bundle* bundle, const char* filename)
    int count = 0;
    SortedVector<AaptGroupEntry> entries;

    ZipFile* zip = new ZipFile;
    status_t err = zip->open(filename, ZipFile::kOpenReadOnly);
    if (err != NO_ERROR) {
        fprintf(stderr, "error opening zip file %s\n", filename);
        count = err;
        delete zip;
        return -1;

    const int N = zip->getNumEntries();
    for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
        ZipEntry* entry = zip->getEntryByIndex(i);
        if (entry->getDeleted()) {

        String8 entryName(entry->getFileName());

        String8 dirName = entryName.getPathDir();
        sp<AaptDir> dir = dirName == "" ? this : makeDir(dirName);

        String8 resType;
        AaptGroupEntry kind;

        String8 remain;
        if (entryName.walkPath(&remain) == kResourceDir) {
            // these are the resources, pull their type out of the directory name
            kind.initFromDirName(remain.walkPath().string(), &resType);
        } else {
            // these are untyped and don't have an AaptGroupEntry
        if (entries.indexOf(kind) < 0) {

        // use the one from the zip file if they both exist.

        sp<AaptFile> file = new AaptFile(entryName, kind, resType);
        status_t err = dir->addLeafFile(entryName.getPathLeaf(), file);
        if (err != NO_ERROR) {
            fprintf(stderr, "err=%s entryName=%s\n", strerror(err), entryName.string());
            count = err;
            goto bail;

#if 0
        if (entryName == "AndroidManifest.xml") {
        printf("\n\nfile: %s\n", entryName.string());

        size_t len = entry->getUncompressedLen();
        void* data = zip->uncompress(entry);
        void* buf = file->editData(len);
        memcpy(buf, data, len);

#if 0
        const int OFF = 0;
        const unsigned char* p = (unsigned char*)data;
        const unsigned char* end = p+len;
        p += OFF;
        for (int i=0; i<32 && p < end; i++) {
            printf("0x%03x ", i*0x10 + OFF);
            for (int j=0; j<0x10 && p < end; j++) {
                printf(" %02x", *p);



    delete zip;
    return count;
예제 #5
 * The directory hierarchy looks like this:
 * "outputDir" and "assetRoot" are existing directories.
 * On success, "bundle->numPackages" will be the number of Zip packages
 * we created.
status_t writeAPK(Bundle* bundle, const sp<AaptAssets>& assets,
                       const String8& outputFile)
    status_t result = NO_ERROR;
    ZipFile* zip = NULL;
    int count;


     * Prep the Zip archive.
     * If the file already exists, fail unless "update" or "force" is set.
     * If "update" is set, update the contents of the existing archive.
     * Else, if "force" is set, remove the existing archive.
    FileType fileType = getFileType(outputFile.string());
    if (fileType == kFileTypeNonexistent) {
        // okay, create it below
    } else if (fileType == kFileTypeRegular) {
        if (bundle->getUpdate()) {
            // okay, open it below
        } else if (bundle->getForce()) {
            if (unlink(outputFile.string()) != 0) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unable to remove '%s': %s\n", outputFile.string(),
                goto bail;
        } else {
            fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: '%s' exists (use '-f' to force overwrite)\n",
            goto bail;
    } else {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: '%s' exists and is not a regular file\n", outputFile.string());
        goto bail;

    if (bundle->getVerbose()) {
        printf("%s '%s'\n", (fileType == kFileTypeNonexistent) ? "Creating" : "Opening",

    status_t status;
    zip = new ZipFile;
    status = zip->open(outputFile.string(), ZipFile::kOpenReadWrite | ZipFile::kOpenCreate);
    if (status != NO_ERROR) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unable to open '%s' as Zip file for writing\n",
        goto bail;

    if (bundle->getVerbose()) {
        printf("Writing all files...\n");

    count = processAssets(bundle, zip, assets);
    if (count < 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unable to process assets while packaging '%s'\n",
        result = count;
        goto bail;

    if (bundle->getVerbose()) {
        printf("Generated %d file%s\n", count, (count==1) ? "" : "s");
    count = processJarFiles(bundle, zip);
    if (count < 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unable to process jar files while packaging '%s'\n",
        result = count;
        goto bail;
    if (bundle->getVerbose())
        printf("Included %d file%s from jar/zip files.\n", count, (count==1) ? "" : "s");
    result = NO_ERROR;

     * Check for cruft.  We set the "marked" flag on all entries we created
     * or decided not to update.  If the entry isn't already slated for
     * deletion, remove it now.
        if (bundle->getVerbose())
            printf("Checking for deleted files\n");
        int i, removed = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < zip->getNumEntries(); i++) {
            ZipEntry* entry = zip->getEntryByIndex(i);

            if (!entry->getMarked() && entry->getDeleted()) {
                if (bundle->getVerbose()) {
                    printf("      (removing crufty '%s')\n",
        if (bundle->getVerbose() && removed > 0)
            printf("Removed %d file%s\n", removed, (removed==1) ? "" : "s");

    /* tell Zip lib to process deletions and other pending changes */
    result = zip->flush();
    if (result != NO_ERROR) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Zip flush failed, archive may be hosed\n");
        goto bail;

    /* anything here? */
    if (zip->getNumEntries() == 0) {
        if (bundle->getVerbose()) {
            printf("Archive is empty -- removing %s\n", outputFile.getPathLeaf().string());
        delete zip;        // close the file so we can remove it in Win32
        zip = NULL;
        if (unlink(outputFile.string()) != 0) {
            fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: could not unlink '%s'\n", outputFile.string());

    assert(result == NO_ERROR);

    delete zip;        // must close before remove in Win32
    if (result != NO_ERROR) {
        if (bundle->getVerbose()) {
            printf("Removing %s due to earlier failures\n", outputFile.string());
        if (unlink(outputFile.string()) != 0) {
            fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: could not unlink '%s'\n", outputFile.string());

    if (result == NO_ERROR && bundle->getVerbose())
    return result;
예제 #6
 * The directory hierarchy looks like this:
 * "outputDir" and "assetRoot" are existing directories.
 * On success, "bundle->numPackages" will be the number of Zip packages
 * we created.
status_t writeAPK(Bundle* bundle, ZipFile* zip, const char* outputFileName,
                    const sp<OutputSet>& outputSet, bool isOverlay)
    status_t result = NO_ERROR;
    int count;

    if (bundle->getVerbose()) {
        printf("Writing all files...\n");

    count = processAssets(bundle, zip, outputSet, isOverlay);
    if (count < 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unable to process assets while packaging '%s'\n",
        result = count;
        goto bail;

    if (bundle->getVerbose()) {
        printf("Generated %d file%s\n", count, (count==1) ? "" : "s");

    if (!isOverlay) {
        count = processJarFiles(bundle, zip);
        if (count < 0) {
            fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unable to process jar files while packaging '%s'\n",
            result = count;
            goto bail;

        if (bundle->getVerbose())
            printf("Included %d file%s from jar/zip files.\n", count, (count==1) ? "" : "s");

    result = NO_ERROR;

     * Check for cruft.  We set the "marked" flag on all entries we created
     * or decided not to update.  If the entry isn't already slated for
     * deletion, remove it now.
        if (bundle->getVerbose())
            printf("Checking for deleted files\n");
        int i, removed = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < zip->getNumEntries(); i++) {
            ZipEntry* entry = zip->getEntryByIndex(i);

            if (!entry->getMarked() && entry->getDeleted()) {
                if (bundle->getVerbose()) {
                    printf("      (removing crufty '%s')\n",
        if (bundle->getVerbose() && removed > 0)
            printf("Removed %d file%s\n", removed, (removed==1) ? "" : "s");

    /* tell Zip lib to process deletions and other pending changes */
    result = zip->flush();
    if (result != NO_ERROR) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Zip flush failed, archive may be hosed\n");
        goto bail;

    return result;