void dialogs::show_timed_dialog(std::string face_file, bool is_left, std::string lines[], short delay, bool show_btn=true) { UNUSED(is_left); std::string temp_text; char temp_char; timer.pause(); draw_dialog_bg(show_btn); draw_lib.update_screen(); st_position dialog_pos = graphLib.get_dialog_pos(); graphLib.place_face(face_file, st_position(dialog_pos.x+16, dialog_pos.y+16)); draw_lib.update_screen(); /// @TODO: usar show_config_bg e hide_config_bg da graphLib - modificar para aceitar centered (que é o atual) ou top ou bottom for (int i=0; i<3; i++) { for (unsigned int j=0; j<lines[i].size(); j++) { temp_char = lines[i].at(j); temp_text = ""; temp_text += temp_char; graphLib.draw_text(j*9+(dialog_pos.x+52), i*11+(dialog_pos.y+16), temp_text); //graphLib.draw_text(j*9+53, i*11+9, "A"); draw_lib.update_screen(); input.waitTime(15); } } input.waitTime(delay); timer.unpause(); }
bool dialogs::show_leave_game_dialog() const { bool res = false; bool repeat_menu = true; int picked_n = -1; timer.pause(); std::cout << ">>>>>>> show_leave_game_dialog::START" << std::endl; graphicsLib_gSurface bgCopy; graphLib.initSurface(st_size(RES_W, RES_H), &bgCopy); graphLib.copyArea(st_position(0, 0), &graphLib.gameScreen, &bgCopy); graphLib.show_dialog(0, false); st_position dialog_pos = graphLib.get_dialog_pos(); graphLib.draw_text(dialog_pos.x+30, dialog_pos.y+16, "QUIT GAME?"); std::vector<std::string> item_list; item_list.push_back("YES"); item_list.push_back("NO"); option_picker main_picker(false, st_position(dialog_pos.x+40, dialog_pos.y+16+11), item_list, false); draw_lib.update_screen(); while (repeat_menu == true) { picked_n = main_picker.pick(); std::cout << "picked_n: " << picked_n << std::endl; if (picked_n == 0) { res = true; repeat_menu = false; } else if (picked_n == 1) { res = false; repeat_menu = false; } else { main_picker.draw(); } } input.clean(); input.waitTime(200); graphLib.copyArea(st_position(0, 0), &bgCopy, &graphLib.gameScreen); draw_lib.update_screen(); timer.unpause(); std::cout << ">>>>>>> show_leave_game_dialog::END" << std::endl; return res; }
void key_map::draw_screen() { bool finished = false; st_position config_text_pos; st_position cursor_pos; short _pick_pos = 0; config_text_pos.x = graphLib.get_config_menu_pos().x + 74; config_text_pos.y = graphLib.get_config_menu_pos().y + 40; cursor_pos = config_text_pos; graphLib.clear_area(config_text_pos.x-1, config_text_pos.y-1, 180, 180, 0, 0, 0); input.clean(); input.waitTime(300); for (unsigned int i=0; i<_keys_list.size(); i++) { graphLib.draw_text(config_text_pos.x, config_text_pos.y + i*CURSOR_SPACING, _keys_list[i].c_str()); redraw_line(i); } graphLib.draw_text(config_text_pos.x, config_text_pos.y + _keys_list.size()*CURSOR_SPACING, "RETURN"); draw_lib.update_screen(); //cout << "scenesLib::option_picker::START\n"; graphLib.drawCursor(st_position(cursor_pos.x-CURSOR_SPACING, cursor_pos.y+(_pick_pos*CURSOR_SPACING))); while (finished == false) { input.readInput(); if (input.p1_input[BTN_START]) { if (_pick_pos == (short)_keys_list.size()) { std::cout << "key_map::draw_screen - FINISHED #1" << std::endl; finished = true; } else { graphLib.draw_text(config_text_pos.x, config_text_pos.y + _keys_list.size()*CURSOR_SPACING+CURSOR_SPACING*2, "PRESS NEW KEY/BUTTON"); //input code (number) draw_lib.update_screen(); //format_v_2_1_1::st_key_config new_key = input.get_pressed_key(); graphLib.clear_area(config_text_pos.x, config_text_pos.y + _keys_list.size()*CURSOR_SPACING+CURSOR_SPACING*2-1, 180, CURSOR_SPACING+1, 0, 0, 0); ///@TODO - key_config[_pick_pos].key_type = new_key.key_type; ///@TODO - key_config[_pick_pos].key_number = new_key.key_number; redraw_line(_pick_pos); draw_lib.update_screen(); } } if (input.p1_input[BTN_DOWN]) { soundManager.play_sfx(SFX_CURSOR); graphLib.eraseCursor(st_position(cursor_pos.x-CURSOR_SPACING, cursor_pos.y+(_pick_pos*CURSOR_SPACING))); _pick_pos++; if (_pick_pos >= (short)_keys_list.size()+1) { _pick_pos = 0; } graphLib.drawCursor(st_position(cursor_pos.x-CURSOR_SPACING, cursor_pos.y+(_pick_pos*CURSOR_SPACING))); } if (input.p1_input[BTN_UP]) { soundManager.play_sfx(SFX_CURSOR); graphLib.eraseCursor(st_position(cursor_pos.x-CURSOR_SPACING, cursor_pos.y+(_pick_pos*CURSOR_SPACING))); _pick_pos--; if (_pick_pos < 0) { _pick_pos = _keys_list.size(); } graphLib.drawCursor(st_position(cursor_pos.x-CURSOR_SPACING, cursor_pos.y+(_pick_pos*CURSOR_SPACING))); } if (input.p1_input[BTN_QUIT]) { std::cout << "key_map::draw_screen - FINISHED #2" << std::endl; finished = true; } input.clean(); input.waitTime(10); draw_lib.update_screen(); } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) #endif { #ifdef PSP SetupCallbacks(); scePowerSetClockFrequency(333, 333, 166); #endif for (int i=0; i<FLAG_COUNT; i++) { GAME_FLAGS[i] = false; } UNUSED(argc); string argvString = ""; #ifndef WII argvString = string(argv[0]); #else if (!fatInitDefault()) { printf("fatInitDefault ERROR #1"); std::fflush(stdout); timer.delay(500); exit(-1); } #endif get_filepath(); // fallback in case getcwd returns null if (FILEPATH.size() == 0) { std::cout << "Could not read path, fallback to using argv" << std::endl; FILEPATH = argvString.substr(0, argvString.size()-EXEC_NAME.size()); } std::cout << "main - argvString: '" << argvString << "', FILEPATH: '" << FILEPATH << "'" << std::endl; std::fflush(stdout); #ifdef PLAYSTATION2 std::cout << "PS2.DEBUG #1" << std::endl; std::fflush(stdout); #ifndef PS2LINK SifIopReset(NULL, 0); // clean previous loading of irx by apps like ulaunchElf. Comment this line to get cout on ps2link #endif printf("DEBUG.PS2 #1.1\n"); /* SP193: Being creative (Do something while waiting for the slow IOP to be reset). =D */ int main_id = GetThreadId(); ChangeThreadPriority(main_id, 72); std::cout << "PS2.DEBUG #1.1" << std::endl; std::fflush(stdout); printf("DEBUG.PS2 #1.2\n"); #ifndef PS2LINK while(SifIopSync()) { std::cout << "PS2.SifIopSync()" << std::endl; } #endif /* Initialize and connect to all SIF services on the IOP. */ SifInitRpc(0); SifInitIopHeap(); SifLoadFileInit(); fioInit(); printf("DEBUG.PS2 #1.3\n"); /* Apply the SBV LMB patch to allow modules to be loaded from a buffer in EE RAM. */ sbv_patch_enable_lmb(); // --- DEBUG --- // //FILEPATH = "cdfs:/"; // --- DEBUG --- // std::cout << "PS2.DEBUG #2" << std::endl; std::fflush(stdout); if (FILEPATH.find("mass:") != std::string::npos) { printf("DEBUG.PS2 #1.4\n"); std::cout << "PS2.DEBUG Load USB" << std::endl; std::fflush(stdout); PS2_load_USB(); } if (FILEPATH.find("cdfs") != std::string::npos || FILEPATH.find("cdrom") != std::string::npos) { printf("DEBUG.PS2 #1.5\n"); std::cout << "PS2.DEBUG Load CDROM" << std::endl; std::fflush(stdout); FILEPATH = "cdfs:"; PS2_load_CDROM(); } printf("DEBUG.PS2 #2\n"); std::cout << "PS2.DEBUG #3" << std::endl; std::fflush(stdout); #endif // check command-line paramethers if (argc > 1) { for (int i=1; i<argc; i++) { std::string temp_argv(argv[i]); if (temp_argv == "--fullscreen") { } else if (temp_argv == "--quickload") { GAME_FLAGS[FLAG_QUICKLOAD] = true; } else if (temp_argv == "--invencible") { // player have infinite HP GAME_FLAGS[FLAG_INVENCIBLE] = true; } else if (temp_argv == "--allweapons") { // player have all weapons available even if GAME_FLAGS[FLAG_ALLWEAPONS] = true; } else if (temp_argv == "--infinitejump") { // player can jump again and again GAME_FLAGS[FLAG_INFINITE_JUMP] = true; } } } std::cout << "PS2.DEBUG #7" << std::endl; std::fflush(stdout); //fio.check_conversion(); fio.read_game(game_data); //GAME_FLAGS[FLAG_INFINITE_HP] = true; // DEBUG gameControl.get_drop_item_ids(); soundManager.init_audio_system(); // PS2 version have to load config AFTER SDL_Init due to SDK issues #ifdef LINUX SAVEPATH = std::string(getenv("HOME")) + "/.rockbot/"; mkdir(SAVEPATH.c_str(), 0777); //std::cout << "SAVEPATH: " << SAVEPATH << ", mkdir-res: " << res << ", errno: " << errno << std::endl; #elif WIN32 SAVEPATH = std::string(getenv("APPDATA")) + "/rockbot"; std::cout << "SAVEPATH: " << SAVEPATH << std::endl; _mkdir(SAVEPATH.c_str()); #else SAVEPATH = FILEPATH; #endif #ifndef PLAYSTATION2 fio.load_config(game_config); #endif // INIT GRAPHICS if (graphLib.initGraphics() != true) { printf("ERROR intializing graphic\n"); return -1; } // define SAVEPATH #ifdef PLAYSTATION2 PS2_load_MC(); SAVEPATH = "mc0:Rockbot/"; if (fioMkdir(SAVEPATH.c_str()) < 0) { std::cout << "main - warning: could not create '" << SAVEPATH << "' folder" << std::endl; std::fflush(stdout); /// @TODO - check if directory exists } else { std::cout << "Folder '" << SAVEPATH << "' created" << std::endl; std::fflush(stdout); } #endif have_save = fio.save_exists(); #ifndef DEBUG_OUTPUT // redirect output to null std::string cout_file = "/dev/null"; std::ofstream out(cout_file.c_str()); std::cout.rdbuf(out.rdbuf()); #else // --- REDIRECT STDOUT TO A FILE --- // #if defined(PSP) || defined(WII) || defined(ANDROID) || defined(DINGUX) || defined(PLAYSTATION2) //std::string cout_file = SAVEPATH + "/stdout.txt"; std::string cout_file = FILEPATH + "/stdout.txt"; std::streambuf *coutbuf = std::cout.rdbuf(); std::ofstream out(cout_file.c_str()); std::cout.rdbuf(out.rdbuf()); //redirect std::cout to out.txt! #endif #endif graphLib.preload(); #ifdef PLAYSTATION2 fio.load_config(game_config); PS2_create_save_icons(); #endif draw_lib.preload(); gameControl.currentStage = APEBOT; // INIT GAME if (GAME_FLAGS[FLAG_QUICKLOAD] == false) { if (gameControl.showIntro() == false) { std::cout << "ERROR SHOWING INTRO" << std::endl; return 0; } } else { gameControl.quick_load_game(); //ending end_obj; //end_obj.start(); //return 1; } input.clean(); input.p1_input[BTN_START] = 0; input.waitTime(200); input.clean(); bool run_game = true; while (run_game) { #if !defined(PSP) && !defined(DINGUX) timer.start_ticker(); #endif #ifdef PLAYSTATION2 RotateThreadReadyQueue(_MIXER_THREAD_PRIORITY); #endif gameControl.showGame(); #ifdef DEBUG_SHOW_FPS gameControl.fps_count(); #endif draw_lib.update_screen(); if (input.p1_input[BTN_QUIT] == 1) { //std::cout << "LEAVE #3" << std::endl; std::fflush(stdout); gameControl.leave_game(); } unsigned int now_ticks = timer.get_ticks(); if (now_ticks < (1000 / FRAMES_PER_SECOND)) { timer.delay((1000 / FRAMES_PER_SECOND) - now_ticks); } } /// @TODO: sdl quit sub-systems #ifdef PSP sceKernelExitGame(); return 0; #else SDL_Quit(); #endif return 1; }