예제 #1
	void r_search(Node *root, const interval<T>& i, ivec& vec, int mode) {
		if (root == NULL) return;

		if (mode == OVERLAP && root->m_interval->overlaps(i)) vec.push_back(*(root->m_interval));
		if (mode == CONTAIN && root->m_interval->contains(i)) vec.push_back(*(root->m_interval));
		if (mode == CONTAINED && i.contains(*(root->m_interval))) vec.push_back(*(root->m_interval));

		if (root->left != NULL && i.overlaps(root->left->min, root->left->max))
			r_search(root->left, i, vec, mode);
		if (root->right != NULL && i.overlaps(root->right->min, root->right->max))
			r_search(root->right, i, vec, mode);
예제 #2
파일: arith2.hpp 프로젝트: ngzHappy/cpc2
template<class T, class Policies> inline
interval<T, Policies> fmod(const interval<T, Policies>& x,
                           const interval<T, Policies>& y)
  if (interval_lib::detail::test_input(x, y))
    return interval<T, Policies>::empty();
  typename Policies::rounding rnd;
  typedef typename interval_lib::unprotect<interval<T, Policies> >::type I;
  T const &yb = interval_lib::user::is_neg(x.lower()) ? y.lower() : y.upper();
  T n = rnd.int_down(rnd.div_down(x.lower(), yb));
  return (const I&)x - n * (const I&)y;
예제 #3
void random_updater::diminish_interval_for_basic_var(numeric_pair<mpq>& nb_x, unsigned j,
                                                     mpq & a,
                                                     interval & r) {
    SASSERT(m_core_solver.m_r_heading[j] >= 0);
    numeric_pair<mpq> delta;
    SASSERT(a != zero_of_type<mpq>());
    switch (m_core_solver.get_column_type(j)) {
    case column_type::free_column:
    case column_type::low_bound:
        delta = m_core_solver.m_r_x[j] - m_core_solver.m_r_low_bounds[j];
        SASSERT(delta >= zero_of_type<numeric_pair<mpq>>());
        if (a > 0) {
            r.set_upper_bound(nb_x + delta / a);
        } else {
            r.set_low_bound(nb_x + delta / a);
    case column_type::upper_bound:
        delta = m_core_solver.m_r_upper_bounds()[j] - m_core_solver.m_r_x[j];
        SASSERT(delta >= zero_of_type<numeric_pair<mpq>>());
        if (a > 0) {
            r.set_low_bound(nb_x - delta / a);
        } else {
            r.set_upper_bound(nb_x - delta / a);
    case column_type::boxed:
        if (a > 0) {
            delta = m_core_solver.m_r_x[j] - m_core_solver.m_r_low_bounds[j];
            SASSERT(delta >= zero_of_type<numeric_pair<mpq>>());
            r.set_upper_bound(nb_x + delta / a);
            delta = m_core_solver.m_r_upper_bounds()[j] - m_core_solver.m_r_x[j];
            SASSERT(delta >= zero_of_type<numeric_pair<mpq>>());
            r.set_low_bound(nb_x - delta / a);
        } else { // a < 0
            delta = m_core_solver.m_r_upper_bounds()[j] - m_core_solver.m_r_x[j];
            SASSERT(delta >= zero_of_type<numeric_pair<mpq>>());
            r.set_upper_bound(nb_x - delta / a);
            delta = m_core_solver.m_r_x[j] - m_core_solver.m_r_low_bounds[j];
            SASSERT(delta >= zero_of_type<numeric_pair<mpq>>());
            r.set_low_bound(nb_x + delta / a);
    case column_type::fixed:
예제 #4
template<class T, class Policies> inline
interval<T, Policies> intersect(const interval<T, Policies>& x,
                                const interval<T, Policies>& y)
  if (interval_lib::detail::test_input(x, y))
    return interval<T, Policies>::empty();
  const T& l = max BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION(x.lower(), y.lower());
  const T& u = min BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION(x.upper(), y.upper());
  if (l <= u) return interval<T, Policies>(l, u, true);
  else        return interval<T, Policies>::empty();
예제 #5
template<class T, class Policies> inline
interval<T, Policies> operator/(const interval<T, Policies>& x, const T& y)
  if (interval_lib::detail::test_input(x, y) || interval_lib::user::is_zero(y))
    return interval<T, Policies>::empty();
  typename Policies::rounding rnd;
  const T& xl = x.lower();
  const T& xu = x.upper();
  if (interval_lib::user::is_neg(y))
    return interval<T, Policies>(rnd.div_down(xu, y), rnd.div_up(xl, y), true);
    return interval<T, Policies>(rnd.div_down(xl, y), rnd.div_up(xu, y), true);
예제 #6
template<class T, class Policies> inline
interval<T, Policies> div_zero_part2(const interval<T, Policies>& x,
                                     const interval<T, Policies>& y)
  // assert(::boost::numeric::interval_lib::user::is_neg(y.lower()) && ::boost::numeric::interval_lib::user::is_pos(y.upper()) && (div_zero_part1(x, y, b), b));
  typename Policies::rounding rnd;
  typedef interval<T, Policies> I;
  typedef typename Policies::checking checking;
  if (::boost::numeric::interval_lib::user::is_neg(x.upper()))
    return I(rnd.div_down(x.upper(), y.lower()), checking::pos_inf(), true);
    return I(rnd.div_down(x.lower(), y.upper()), checking::pos_inf(), true);
예제 #7
파일: transc.hpp 프로젝트: 4eek/xtractorfan
template<class T, class Policies> inline
interval<T, Policies> log(const interval<T, Policies>& x)
  typedef interval<T, Policies> I;
  if (interval_lib::detail::test_input(x) ||
    return I::empty();
  typename Policies::rounding rnd;
  typedef typename Policies::checking checking;
  T l = !interval_lib::user::is_pos(x.lower())
             ? checking::neg_inf() : rnd.log_down(x.lower());
  return I(l, rnd.log_up(x.upper()), true);
예제 #8
template<class T, class Policies> inline
interval<T, Policies> div_non_zero(const T& x, const interval<T, Policies>& y)
  // assert(!in_zero(y));
  typename Policies::rounding rnd;
  typedef interval<T, Policies> I;
  const T& yl = y.lower();
  const T& yu = y.upper();
  if (::boost::numeric::interval_lib::user::is_neg(x))
    return I(rnd.div_down(x, yl), rnd.div_up(x, yu), true);
    return I(rnd.div_down(x, yu), rnd.div_up(x, yl), true);
예제 #9
파일: utility.hpp 프로젝트: 2asoft/xray-16
template<class T, class Policies> inline
interval<T, Policies> intersect(const interval<T, Policies>& x,
                                const interval<T, Policies>& y)
  if (interval_lib::detail::test_input(x, y))
    return interval<T, Policies>::empty();
  const T& l = max(x.lower(), y.lower());
  const T& u = min(x.upper(), y.upper());
  if (l <= u) return interval<T, Policies>(l, u, true);
  else        return interval<T, Policies>::empty();
예제 #10
list<interval> split(interval const & i, unsigned n) {
    list<interval> ret;
    double lb = i.leftBound();
    double const rb = i.rightBound();
    double const width = rb - lb;
    double const step = width / n;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {
        ret.emplace_back(lb, lb + step);
        lb += step;
    ret.emplace_back(lb, rb);
    return ret;
예제 #11
template<class T, class Policies> inline
interval<T, Policies> div_zero_part2(const interval<T, Policies>& x,
                                     const interval<T, Policies>& y)
    // assert(y.lower() < 0 && y.upper() > 0 && (div_zero_part1(x, y, b), b));
    typename Policies::rounding rnd;
    typedef interval<T, Policies> I;
    typedef typename I::checking checking;
    const T& inf = checking::inf();
    if (is_neg(x.upper()))
        return I(rnd.div_down(x.upper(), y.lower()), inf, true);
        return I(rnd.div_down(x.lower(), y.upper()), inf, true);
예제 #12
파일: transc.hpp 프로젝트: 4eek/xtractorfan
template<class T, class Policies> inline
interval<T, Policies> cosh(const interval<T, Policies>& x)
  typedef interval<T, Policies> I;
  if (interval_lib::detail::test_input(x))
    return I::empty();
  typename Policies::rounding rnd;
  if (interval_lib::user::is_neg(x.upper()))
    return I(rnd.cosh_down(x.upper()), rnd.cosh_up(x.lower()), true);
  else if (!interval_lib::user::is_neg(x.lower()))
    return I(rnd.cosh_down(x.lower()), rnd.cosh_up(x.upper()), true);
    return I(static_cast<T>(0), rnd.cosh_up(-x.lower() > x.upper() ? x.lower() : x.upper()), true);
예제 #13
파일: utility.hpp 프로젝트: 2asoft/xray-16
template<class T, class Policies> inline
interval<T, Policies> hull(const T& x, const interval<T, Policies>& y)
  bool bad_x = interval_lib::detail::test_input<T, Policies>(x);
  bool bad_y = interval_lib::detail::test_input(y);
  if (bad_x)
    if (bad_y) return interval<T, Policies>::empty();
    else       return y;
    if (bad_y) return interval<T, Policies>(x, x, true);
  return interval<T, Policies>(min(x, y.lower()),
                               max(x, y.upper()), true);
예제 #14
template<class T, class Policies> inline
interval<T, Policies> hull(const T& x, const interval<T, Policies>& y)
  bool bad_x = interval_lib::detail::test_input<T, Policies>(x);
  bool bad_y = interval_lib::detail::test_input(y);
  if (bad_x)
    if (bad_y) return interval<T, Policies>::empty();
    else       return y;
    if (bad_y) return interval<T, Policies>(x, x, true);
  return interval<T, Policies>(min BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION(x, y.lower()),
                               max BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION(x, y.upper()), true);
예제 #15
template<class T, class Policies1, class Policies2> inline
bool overlap(const interval<T, Policies1>& x,
             const interval<T, Policies2>& y)
  if (interval_lib::detail::test_input(x, y)) return false;
  return x.lower() <= y.lower() && y.lower() <= x.upper() ||
         y.lower() <= x.lower() && x.lower() <= y.upper();
예제 #16
 interval interval_relation_plugin::widen(interval const& src1, interval const& src2) {
     bool l_open = src1.is_lower_open();
     bool r_open = src1.is_upper_open();
     ext_numeral low = src1.inf();
     ext_numeral high = src1.sup();
     if (src2.inf() < low || (low == src2.inf() && l_open && !src2.is_lower_open())) {
         low = ext_numeral(false);
         l_open = true;
     if (high < src2.sup() || (src2.sup() == high && !r_open && src2.is_upper_open())) {
         high = ext_numeral(true);
         r_open = true;
     return interval(dep(), low, l_open, nullptr, high, r_open, nullptr);
예제 #17
template<class T, class Policies1, class Policies2> inline
bool proper_subset(const interval<T, Policies1>& x,
                   const interval<T, Policies2>& y)
  if (empty(y)) return false;
  if (empty(x)) return true;
  return y.lower() <= x.lower() && x.upper() <= y.upper() &&
         (y.lower() != x.lower() || x.upper() != y.upper());
예제 #18
void ode_solver::prune_trajectory(interval& time, IVector& e) {
    // Remove datapoints after time interval.
    auto ite = find_if (m_trajectory.begin(),
                        [&time](pair<interval, IVector>& item) {
                            return item.first.leftBound() > time.rightBound();
    m_trajectory.erase(ite, m_trajectory.end());

    // Update the datapoints in the time interval
    ite = find_if (m_trajectory.begin(), m_trajectory.end(), [&time](pair<interval, IVector>& item) {
            return item.first.leftBound()>= time.leftBound();
    for_each(ite, m_trajectory.end(), [&e](pair<interval, IVector>& item) {
            intersection(item.second, e, item.second);
예제 #19
template<class T, class Policies> inline
interval<T, Policies> operator*(const T& x, const interval<T, Policies>& y)
  typedef interval<T, Policies> I;
  if (interval_lib::detail::test_input(x, y))
    return I::empty();
  typename Policies::rounding rnd;
  const T& yl = y.lower();
  const T& yu = y.upper();
  // x is supposed not to be infinite
  if (interval_lib::user::is_neg(x))
    return I(rnd.mul_down(x, yu), rnd.mul_up(x, yl), true);
  else if (interval_lib::user::is_zero(x))
    return I(static_cast<T>(0), static_cast<T>(0), true);
    return I(rnd.mul_down(x, yl), rnd.mul_up(x, yu), true);
예제 #20
// FIXME It actually performs intersection which is inconsistent with intersect
bool sqr_inverse(interval& z, interval& x, interval& gap) {

	bool has_gap = false;

	const interval x_1 = sqrt(z);

	const interval x_2 = -x_1;

	interval x_image;

	if (disjoint(x, x_2)) {

		x_image = x_1;
	else if (disjoint(x, x_1)) {

		x_image = x_2;
	else {

		gap = interval(x_2.sup(), x_1.inf());

		has_gap = gap.diameter() > IMPROVEMENT_TOL; // FIXME GAP_SQRT_TOL ?

		x_image = hull_of(x_1, x_2);



	return has_gap;
예제 #21
template<class T, class Policies> inline
T checked_upper(const interval<T, Policies>& x)
  if (empty(x)) {
    typedef typename Policies::checking checking;
    return checking::nan();
  return x.upper();
예제 #22
template<class T, class Policies> inline
interval<T, Policies> min BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION (const T& x, const interval<T, Policies>& y)
  typedef interval<T, Policies> I;
  if (interval_lib::detail::test_input(x, y))
    return I::empty();
  return I(min BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION(x, y.lower()), min BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION(x, y.upper()), true);
예제 #23
template<class T, class Policies> inline
interval<T, Policies> div_positive(const interval<T, Policies>& x, const T& yu)
    // assert(yu > T(0));
    if (is_zero(x)) return x;
    typename Policies::rounding rnd;
    typedef interval<T, Policies> I;
    const T& xl = x.lower();
    const T& xu = x.upper();
    typedef typename Policies::checking checking;
    const T& inf = checking::inf();
    if (is_neg(xu))
        return I(-inf, rnd.div_up(xu, yu), true);
    else if (is_neg(xl))
        return I(-inf, inf, true);
        return I(rnd.div_down(xl, yu), inf, true);
예제 #24
파일: marker.cpp 프로젝트: zhgn/scigraphics
std::vector<scigraphics::number> scigraphics::markerLinear::marksWithStepVector( const interval<number> Interval, const number Steps[] ) const
  assert( Steps != NULL );
  std::vector<number> Result;

  for ( number Order = std::pow( 10, baseOrder(Interval.distance()) - 2 ); Order < Interval.distance() * 10; Order *= 10 )
    for ( const number *Step = &Steps[0]; *Step != 0; ++Step )
      Result = marksWithStep( Interval, *Step * Order );
      if ( vectorInMarkLimits(Result) )
        return Result;

  return Result;
예제 #25
template<class T, class Policies1, class Policies2> inline
logic::tribool operator==(const interval<T, Policies1>& x, const interval<T, Policies2>& y)
  if (detail::test_input(x, y)) throw comparison_error();
  if (x.upper() == y.lower() && x.lower() == y.upper()) return true;
  if (x.upper() < y.lower() || x.lower() > y.upper()) return false;
  return logic::indeterminate;
예제 #26
void random_updater::diminish_interval_to_leave_basic_vars_feasible(numeric_pair<mpq> &nb_x, interval & r) {
    unsigned i;
    mpq a;
    while (m_column_j->next(a, i)) {
        diminish_interval_for_basic_var(nb_x, m_core_solver.m_r_basis[i], a, r);
        if (r.is_empty())
예제 #27
template<class T, class Policies> inline
interval<T, Policies> div_positive(const interval<T, Policies>& x, const T& yu)
  // assert(::boost::numeric::interval_lib::user::is_pos(yu));
  if (::boost::numeric::interval_lib::user::is_zero(x.lower()) &&
    return x;
  typename Policies::rounding rnd;
  typedef interval<T, Policies> I;
  const T& xl = x.lower();
  const T& xu = x.upper();
  typedef typename Policies::checking checking;
  if (::boost::numeric::interval_lib::user::is_neg(xu))
    return I(checking::neg_inf(), rnd.div_up(xu, yu), true);
  else if (::boost::numeric::interval_lib::user::is_neg(xl))
    return I(checking::neg_inf(), checking::pos_inf(), true);
    return I(rnd.div_down(xl, yu), checking::pos_inf(), true);
예제 #28
template<class T, class Policies> inline
interval<T, Policies> fmod(const interval<T, Policies>& x, const T& y)
  if (interval_lib::detail::test_input(x, y))
    return interval<T, Policies>::empty();
  typename Policies::rounding rnd;
  typedef typename interval_lib::unprotect<interval<T, Policies> >::type I;
  T n = rnd.int_down(rnd.div_down(x.lower(), y));
  return (const I&)x - n * I(y);
예제 #29
template<class T, class Policies> inline
interval<T, Policies> operator/(const T& x, const interval<T, Policies>& y)
  if (interval_lib::detail::test_input(x, y))
    return interval<T, Policies>::empty();
  if (zero_in(y))
    if (!interval_lib::user::is_zero(y.lower()))
      if (!interval_lib::user::is_zero(y.upper()))
        return interval_lib::detail::div_zero<T, Policies>(x);
        return interval_lib::detail::div_negative<T, Policies>(x, y.lower());
      if (!interval_lib::user::is_zero(y.upper()))
        return interval_lib::detail::div_positive<T, Policies>(x, y.upper());
        return interval<T, Policies>::empty();
    return interval_lib::detail::div_non_zero(x, y);
예제 #30
// FIXME Performs intersection which is inconsistent with intersect!
bool save_gap_if_any(const double l, const double u, interval& z, interval& gap) {

	ASSERT2( l <= u, "l, u: " << l << ", " << u );

	const double zL = z.inf(), zU = z.sup();

	bool ret_val = false;

	if (zL <= l && u <= zU) { // zL--l  u--zU

		gap = interval(l, u);

		ret_val = true;
	else if (l < zL &&  zU < u) { // --l  zL--zU  u--

		throw infeasible_problem();
	else if (zU <= l) { // zL--zU--l  u--

		; // no progress
	else if (u <= zL) { // --l  u--zL--zU

		; // no progress
	else if (zL <= l && zU < u) { // zL--l  zU  u--

		z = interval(zL, l);
	else if (l < zL && u <= zU) { // --l  zL  u--zU

		z = interval(u, zU);
	else {


	ASSERT(z.subset_of(interval(zL, zU)));

	return ret_val;