void SelGenSchemaPage::OnWizardPageChanging(wxWizardEvent &event) { if(event.GetDirection() && m_allSchemas->GetSelection() == wxNOT_FOUND) { wxMessageBox(_("Please select an item to move to next step."), _("No choice made"), wxICON_WARNING | wxOK, this); event.Veto(); } else if(event.GetDirection()) { if(m_allSchemas->GetSelection() > 0) { wparent->OIDSelectedSchema = schemasHM[schemasNames[m_allSchemas->GetSelection()]]; wparent->schemaName = schemasNames[m_allSchemas->GetSelection()]; wxArrayString tables = ddImportDBUtils::getTablesNames(wparent->getConnection(), wparent->schemaName); wparent->getDesign()->unMarkSchemaOnAll(); wparent->getDesign()->markSchemaOn(tables); } else { wparent->OIDSelectedSchema = -1; wparent->schemaName = _(""); } wparent->page4->populateGrid(); } }
void WizardPageFlagsConfig::OnWizardPageChanging( wxWizardEvent& event ) { uint32_t mask = ( 1 << m_pItem->m_width ) - 1; mask = mask << m_pItem->m_pos; if ( event.GetDirection() ) { // Forward if ( flagtype_value == m_pItem->m_type ) { wxString str = m_textField->GetValue(); if ( !str.IsNumber() ) { event.Veto(); } else { m_value = vscp_readStringValue( str ); m_value = ( m_value << m_pItem->m_pos ) & mask; } } else if ( flagtype_choice == m_pItem->m_type ) { m_value = m_listBox->GetSelection(); m_value = ( m_value << m_pItem->m_pos ) & mask; } else { // Boolean m_value = ( m_boolChoice->GetValue() ? 1 : 0 ); m_value = ( m_value << m_pItem->m_pos ) & mask; } } else { // Backward } }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void WizCompilerPanel::OnPageChanging(wxWizardEvent& event) { if (event.GetDirection() != 0) // !=0 forward, ==0 backward { if (GetCompilerID().IsEmpty()) { cbMessageBox(_("You must select a compiler for your project..."), _("Error"), wxICON_ERROR, GetParent()); event.Veto(); return; } if (m_AllowConfigChange && !GetWantDebug() && !GetWantRelease()) { cbMessageBox(_("You must select at least one configuration..."), _("Error"), wxICON_ERROR, GetParent()); event.Veto(); return; } if (m_AllowConfigChange) { ConfigManager* cfg = Manager::Get()->GetConfigManager(_T("scripts")); cfg->Write(_T("/generic_wizard/want_debug"), (bool)GetWantDebug()); cfg->Write(_T("/generic_wizard/debug_name"), GetDebugName()); cfg->Write(_T("/generic_wizard/debug_output"), GetDebugOutputDir()); cfg->Write(_T("/generic_wizard/debug_objects_output"), GetDebugObjectOutputDir()); cfg->Write(_T("/generic_wizard/want_release"), (bool)GetWantRelease()); cfg->Write(_T("/generic_wizard/release_name"), GetReleaseName()); cfg->Write(_T("/generic_wizard/release_output"), GetReleaseOutputDir()); cfg->Write(_T("/generic_wizard/release_objects_output"), GetReleaseObjectOutputDir()); } } WizPageBase::OnPageChanging(event); // let the base class handle it too }
void CErrProxyPage::OnPageChanging(wxWizardEvent& event) { CMainDocument* pDoc = wxGetApp().GetDocument(); wxString strBuffer = wxEmptyString; int iBuffer = 0; wxASSERT(pDoc); wxASSERT(wxDynamicCast(pDoc, CMainDocument)); if (event.GetDirection() == true) { // Moving to the next page, save state pDoc->proxy_info.use_http_proxy = (m_pProxyHTTPServerCtrl->GetValue().Length() > 0); pDoc->proxy_info.http_server_name = (const char*)m_pProxyHTTPServerCtrl->GetValue().mb_str(); pDoc->proxy_info.http_user_name = (const char*)m_pProxyHTTPUsernameCtrl->GetValue().mb_str(); pDoc->proxy_info.http_user_passwd = (const char*)m_pProxyHTTPPasswordCtrl->GetValue().mb_str(); strBuffer = m_pProxyHTTPPortCtrl->GetValue(); strBuffer.ToLong((long*)&iBuffer); pDoc->proxy_info.http_server_port = iBuffer; pDoc->proxy_info.use_socks_proxy = (m_pProxySOCKSServerCtrl->GetValue().Length() > 0); pDoc->proxy_info.socks_server_name = (const char*)m_pProxySOCKSServerCtrl->GetValue().mb_str(); pDoc->proxy_info.socks5_user_name = (const char*)m_pProxySOCKSUsernameCtrl->GetValue().mb_str(); pDoc->proxy_info.socks5_user_passwd = (const char*)m_pProxySOCKSPasswordCtrl->GetValue().mb_str(); strBuffer = m_pProxySOCKSPortCtrl->GetValue(); strBuffer.ToLong((long*)&iBuffer); pDoc->proxy_info.socks_server_port = iBuffer; pDoc->SetProxyConfiguration(); } }
void MyWizard::OnPageChanging(wxWizardEvent &event) { wxWizardPage *wp=event.GetPage(); EnterLeavePage *elp=dynamic_cast<EnterLeavePage*>(wp); if (elp) { if (event.GetDirection()) { //forward bool b=elp->OnLeave(true); if (!b) {event.Veto();return;} wxWizardPage *nwp=wp->GetNext(); EnterLeavePage *nelp=dynamic_cast<EnterLeavePage*>(nwp); if (nelp) { bool b=nelp->OnEnter(true); if (!b) event.Veto(); } } else { //backward bool b=elp->OnLeave(false); if (!b) {event.Veto();return;} wxWizardPage *nwp=wp->GetPrev(); EnterLeavePage *nelp=dynamic_cast<EnterLeavePage*>(nwp); if (nelp) { bool b=nelp->OnEnter(false); if (!b) event.Veto(); } } } }
void ConnectWizard::OnPageChanged( wxWizardEvent& event ) { dout << "> OnPageChanged" << std::endl; if( event.GetDirection() ) { if( GetCurrentPage()==sessionlistPage ) { // just in case dout << "stop search" << std::endl; d->setup.stopSearch(); // clear host search list dout << "clear list" << std::endl; d->sessionsCritSec.Enter(); d->hosts.clear(); sessions->Clear(); sessions->Refresh(); d->sessionsCritSec.Leave(); // start new host search dout << "start new search" << std::endl; long portNum; port->GetValue().ToLong( &portNum ); bool ret = d->setup.startSearch( broadcastRadio->GetValue(), hostName->GetValue().c_str(), portNum ); if( !ret ) derr << "Search failed. Take a look at the logs to find out why." << std::endl; } } dout << "< OnPageChanged" << std::endl; }
void ddGenerationWizard::OnWizardPageChanging(wxWizardEvent &event) { if(event.GetDirection()) { page2->RefreshTablesList(); } }
void SelGenTablesPage::OnWizardPageChanging(wxWizardEvent &event) { if(event.GetDirection() && m_selTables->GetCount() <= 0) { wxMessageBox(_("Please select at least one table to move to next step."), _("No tables selected"), wxICON_WARNING | wxOK, this); event.Veto(); } }
void OnWizardPageChanging(wxWizardEvent& event) { int sel = m_radio->GetSelection(); if ( sel == Both ) return; if ( event.GetDirection() && sel == Forward ) return; if ( !event.GetDirection() && sel == Backward ) return; wxMessageBox(wxT("You can't go there"), wxT("Not allowed"), wxICON_WARNING | wxOK, this); event.Veto(); }
void WeatherFaxWizard::OnWizardPageChanged( wxWizardEvent& event ) { if(event.GetPage() == m_pages[1]) { if(!event.GetDirection()) { /* if we backed up, convert the mapped coordinates back to the input */ double x1, y1, mx1, my1; double x2, y2, mx2, my2; x1 = m_sCoord1X->GetValue(), y1 = m_sCoord1Y->GetValue(); x2 = m_sCoord2X->GetValue(), y2 = m_sCoord2Y->GetValue(); m_wfimg.MercatorToInput(x1, y1, mx1, my1); m_sCoord1XUnMapped->SetValue(round(mx1)); m_sCoord1YUnMapped->SetValue(round(my1)); m_wfimg.MercatorToInput(x2, y2, mx2, my2); m_sCoord2XUnMapped->SetValue(round(mx2)); m_sCoord2YUnMapped->SetValue(round(my2)); double coord1lat, coord1lon, coord2lat, coord2lon; m_tCoord1Lat->GetValue().ToDouble(&coord1lat); m_tCoord1Lon->GetValue().ToDouble(&coord1lon); m_tCoord2Lat->GetValue().ToDouble(&coord2lat); m_tCoord2Lon->GetValue().ToDouble(&coord2lon); WriteMappingLatLon(coord1lat, coord1lon, coord2lat, coord2lon); } SetUnMappedCoordRanges(); UpdateMappingControls(); m_rbCoord1UnMapped->SetValue(true); m_rbCoord2UnMapped->SetValue(false); } else if(event.GetPage() == m_pages[2]) { StoreMappingParams(); /* invalidate mapped image */ m_wfimg.m_mappedimg = wxNullImage; m_rbCoord1UnMapped->SetValue(true); m_rbCoord2UnMapped->SetValue(false); if(!ApplyMapping()) { wxMessageDialog w ( this, _("Failed to apply mapping\nCheck Mapping Correction Parameters"), _("Mapping"), wxOK | wxICON_ERROR ); w.ShowModal(); ShowPage(m_pages[1], true); } else if(m_curCoords->mapping == WeatherFaxImageCoordinates::MERCATOR && m_curCoords->mappingmultiplier == 1 && m_curCoords->mappingratio == 1) { wxWizardEvent dummy; OnWizardFinished( dummy ); if(IsModal()) EndModal(wxID_OK); else Hide(); } } }
void WizInfoPanel::OnPageChanging(wxWizardEvent& event) { if (!GetSkipPage() && event.GetDirection() != 0) // !=0 forward, ==0 backward { SetSkipPage(m_InfoPanel->chkSkip->GetValue()); } WizPageBase::OnPageChanging(event); }
void WizardPageCanalConfig::OnWizardPageChanging( wxWizardEvent& event ) { if ( event.GetDirection() ) { // Forward if ( type_choice == m_pItem->m_type ) { int sel = m_listBox->GetSelection(); if ( -1 != sel ) { if ( !m_bOptional ) { wxMessageBox(_("This value is not optional. Please select a value!")); event.Veto(); } else { m_strValue = wxString::Format( _( "%d" ), sel ); } } } else if ( type_boolean == m_pItem->m_type ) { m_strValue = ( m_boolChoice->GetValue() ? _( "true" ) : _("false") ); } else if ( type_string == m_pItem->m_type ) { m_strValue = m_textField->GetValue(); } else if ( type_int32 == m_pItem->m_type ) { m_strValue = m_textField->GetValue(); } else if ( type_uint32 == m_pItem->m_type ) { m_strValue = m_textField->GetValue(); } else if ( type_float == m_pItem->m_type ) { m_strValue = m_textField->GetValue(); } else if ( type_isotime == m_pItem->m_type ) { m_strValue = m_textField->GetValue(); } else if ( type_isodate == m_pItem->m_type ) { m_strValue = m_textField->GetValue(); } else if ( type_isodatetime == m_pItem->m_type ) { m_strValue = m_textField->GetValue(); } else if ( type_guid == m_pItem->m_type ) { m_strValue = m_textField->GetValue(); } else if ( type_event == m_pItem->m_type ) { } else if ( type_filter == m_pItem->m_type ) { } else if ( type_mask == m_pItem->m_type ) { } } else { // Backward } }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void WizProjectPathPanel::OnPageChanged(wxWizardEvent& event) { if (event.GetDirection() != 0) // !=0 forward, ==0 backward { wxString dir = Manager::Get()->GetProjectManager()->GetDefaultPath(); m_pProjectPathPanel->SetPath(dir); } WizPageBase::OnPageChanged(event); // let the base class handle it too }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void WizGenericSelectPathPanel::OnPageChanging(wxWizardEvent& event) { if (event.GetDirection() != 0) // !=0 forward, ==0 backward { wxString dir = Manager::Get()->GetMacrosManager()->ReplaceMacros(m_pGenericSelectPath->txtFolder->GetValue()); if (!wxDirExists(dir)) { cbMessageBox(_("Please select a valid location..."), _("Error"), wxICON_ERROR, GetParent()); event.Veto(); return; } } WizPageBase::OnPageChanging(event); // let the base class handle it too if (event.GetDirection() != 0 && event.IsAllowed()) { Manager::Get()->GetConfigManager(_T("project_wizard"))->Write(_T("/generic_paths/") + GetPageName(), m_pGenericSelectPath->txtFolder->GetValue()); } }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void WizGenericSingleChoiceList::OnPageChanging(wxWizardEvent& event) { WizPageBase::OnPageChanging(event); // let the base class handle it too // save selection value if (event.GetDirection() != 0 && event.IsAllowed()) { Manager::Get()->GetConfigManager(_T("project_wizard"))->Write(_T("/generic_single_choices/") + GetPageName(), (int)m_pGenericSingleChoiceList->GetChoice()); } }
void ReportGridPage::OnWizardPageChanging(wxWizardEvent &event) { if(!event.GetDirection()) { //Reset tables after a warning int answer = wxMessageBox(_("Going back to \"Select schema\" page will reinitialize all selections.\nDo you want to continue?"), _("Going back?"), wxYES_NO | wxCANCEL, this); if (answer != wxYES) { event.Veto(); } } }
void FirstTimeWizard::OnPageChanging( wxWizardEvent& evt ) { if( evt.GetPage() == NULL ) return; // safety valve! sptr page = (sptr)evt.GetPage()->GetClientData(); if( evt.GetDirection() ) { // Moving forward: // Apply settings from the current page... if( page >= 0 ) { if( ApplicableWizardPage* page = wxDynamicCast( GetCurrentPage(), ApplicableWizardPage ) ) { if( !page->PrepForApply() || !page->GetApplyState().ApplyAll() ) { evt.Veto(); return; } } } if( page == 0 ) { if( wxFile::Exists(GetUiSettingsFilename()) || wxFile::Exists(GetVmSettingsFilename()) ) { // Asks the user if they want to import or overwrite the existing settings. Dialogs::ImportSettingsDialog modal( this ); if( modal.ShowModal() != wxID_OK ) { evt.Veto(); return; } } } } else { // Moving Backward: // Some specific panels need per-init actions canceled. if( page == 1 ) { m_panel_PluginSel.CancelRefresh(); } } }
void PHPXDebugSetupWizard::OnPageChanging(wxWizardEvent& event) { event.Skip(); if(event.GetDirection() && event.GetPage() == m_wizardPageIDEKey) { // build the text to copy wxString content; content << "xdebug.remote_enable=1\n"; content << "xdebug.idekey=\"" << m_textCtrlKey->GetValue() << "\"\n"; content << "xdebug.remote_host=" << m_textCtrlIP->GetValue() << "\n"; content << "xdebug.remote_port=" << m_textCtrlPort->GetValue() << "\n"; m_textCtrlPHPIni->ChangeValue(content); CallAfter(&PHPXDebugSetupWizard::SelectAllIniText); } }
void PluginWizard::OnPageChanging(wxWizardEvent& event) { if ( event.GetDirection() && event.GetPage() == m_pages.at(0)) { wxString pluginName = m_textCtrlName->GetValue(); pluginName.Trim(); if ( pluginName.IsEmpty() || !::IsValidCppIndetifier(pluginName) ) { ::wxMessageBox(_("Invalid plugin name"), "codelite"); event.Veto(); return; } } else if ( event.GetDirection() && event.GetPage() == m_pages.at(1)) { if ( !wxDir::Exists( m_dirPickerCodeliteDir->GetPath() ) ) { ::wxMessageBox(_("codelite folder does not exists"), "codelite"); event.Veto(); return; } if ( !wxDir::Exists( m_dirPickerPluginPath->GetPath() ) ) { ::wxMessageBox(_("The selected plugin folder does not exist"), "codelite"); event.Veto(); return; } } }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void WizPageBase::OnPageChanged(wxWizardEvent& event) { try { wxString sig = _T("OnEnter_") + m_PageName; SqPlus::SquirrelFunction<void> cb(cbU2C(sig)); if (cb.func.IsNull()) return; cb(event.GetDirection() != 0); // !=0 forward, ==0 backward } catch (SquirrelError& e) { Manager::Get()->GetScriptingManager()->DisplayErrors(&e); } }
void CErrNotDetectedPage::OnPageChanged(wxWizardEvent& event) { if (event.GetDirection() == false) return; wxASSERT(m_pTitleStaticCtrl); wxASSERT(m_pDirectionsStaticCtrl); if (CheckWizardTypeByPage<CWizardAttachProject>(this)) { m_pTitleStaticCtrl->SetLabel(_("Project not found")); m_pDirectionsStaticCtrl->SetLabel(_("The URL you supplied is not that of a BOINC-based project.\n\nPlease check the URL and try again.")); } else if (CheckWizardTypeByPage<CWizardAccountManager>(this)) { m_pTitleStaticCtrl->SetLabel(_("Account manager not found")); m_pDirectionsStaticCtrl->SetLabel(_("The URL you supplied is not that of a BOINC-based account\nmanager.\n\nPlease check the URL and try again.")); } else { wxASSERT(FALSE); } Fit(); }
void ConnectWizard::OnNextPage( wxWizardEvent& event ) { dout << "> OnNextPage" << std::endl; if( event.GetDirection() ) { if( GetCurrentPage()==hostPage ) { wxIPV4address addr; if( directRadio->GetValue() && addr.Hostname( hostName->GetValue() )==false ) { wxMessageBox(_T("Please enter a valid internet (IP v4) address for the hostname."), _T("Invalid hostname"), wxICON_ERROR | wxOK, this); event.Veto(); return; } if( addr.Service( port->GetValue() )==false ) { wxMessageBox(_T("Please enter a valid port number (between 1 and 65535)."), _T("Invalid port"), wxICON_ERROR | wxOK, this); event.Veto(); return; } } else if( GetCurrentPage()==sessionlistPage ) { d->setup.stopSearch(); // session selected? int selected = sessions->GetSelection(); if( selected==wxNOT_FOUND ) { wxMessageBox(_T("Please select the host you want to connect to."), _T("No host selected"), wxICON_ERROR | wxOK, this); event.Veto(); return; } // connect finally d->con = d->setup.connect( d->hosts[selected] ); if( d->con.isNull() ) { wxMessageBox( _T(d->setup.errorMessage().c_str()), _T("Connection error"), wxICON_ERROR | wxOK, this); event.Veto(); return; } } } dout << "< OnNextPage" << std::endl; }
void HostWizard::OnNextPage( wxWizardEvent& event ) { if( event.GetDirection() ) if( GetCurrentPage()==sessionPage ) { if( sessionNameEdit->GetValue().Length()==0 ) { wxMessageBox(_T("Please enter a session name. Empty session names are not allowed."), _T("Invalid session name"), wxICON_ERROR | wxOK, this); event.Veto(); } else { long ret; if( !portEdit->GetValue().ToLong( &ret ) || ret<=0 || ret>65535 ) { wxMessageBox(_T("Please enter a valid port number (between 1 and 65535)."), _T("Invalid port"), wxICON_ERROR | wxOK, this); event.Veto(); } } } }
void WizPageBase::OnPageChanging(wxWizardEvent& event) { Manager::Get()->GetConfigManager(_T("scripts"))->Write(_T("/generic_wizard/") + m_PageName + _T("/skip"), (bool)m_SkipPage); try { wxString sig = _T("OnLeave_") + m_PageName; SqPlus::SquirrelFunction<bool> cb(cbU2C(sig)); if (cb.func.IsNull()) return; bool allow = cb(event.GetDirection() != 0); // !=0 forward, ==0 backward if (!allow) event.Veto(); } catch (SquirrelError& e) { Manager::Get()->GetScriptingManager()->DisplayErrors(&e); } }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void WizProjectPathPanel::OnPageChanging(wxWizardEvent& event) { if (event.GetDirection() != 0) // !=0 forward, ==0 backward { wxString dir = m_pProjectPathPanel->GetPath(); wxString name = m_pProjectPathPanel->GetName(); wxString fullname = m_pProjectPathPanel->GetFullFileName(); wxString title = m_pProjectPathPanel->GetTitle(); // if (!wxDirExists(dir)) // { // cbMessageBox(_("Please select a valid path to create your project..."), _("Error"), wxICON_ERROR, GetParent()); // event.Veto(); // return; // } if (title.IsEmpty()) { cbMessageBox(_("Please select a title for your project..."), _("Error"), wxICON_ERROR, GetParent()); event.Veto(); return; } if (name.IsEmpty()) { cbMessageBox(_("Please select a name for your project..."), _("Error"), wxICON_ERROR, GetParent()); event.Veto(); return; } if (wxFileExists(fullname)) { if (cbMessageBox(_("A project with the same name already exists in the project folder.\n" "Are you sure you want to use this directory (files may be OVERWRITTEN)?"), _("Confirmation"), wxICON_QUESTION | wxYES_NO, GetParent()) != wxID_YES) { // cbMessageBox(_("A project with the same name already exists in the project folder.\n" // "Please select a different project name..."), _("Warning"), wxICON_WARNING, GetParent()); event.Veto(); return; } } Manager::Get()->GetProjectManager()->SetDefaultPath(dir); } WizPageBase::OnPageChanging(event); // let the base class handle it too }
void WizFilePathPanel::OnPageChanging(wxWizardEvent& event) { if (event.GetDirection() != 0) // !=0 forward, ==0 backward { m_Filename = m_pFilePathPanel->GetFilename(); m_HeaderGuard = m_pFilePathPanel->GetHeaderGuard(); m_AddToProject = m_pFilePathPanel->GetAddToProject(); if (m_Filename.IsEmpty() || !wxDirExists(wxPathOnly(m_Filename))) { cbMessageBox(_("Please select a filename with full path for your new file..."), _("Error"), wxICON_ERROR, GetParent()); event.Veto(); return; } ConfigManager* cfg = Manager::Get()->GetConfigManager(_T("scripts")); cfg->Write(_T("/generic_wizard/add_file_to_project"), (bool)m_pFilePathPanel->GetAddToProject()); } WizPageBase::OnPageChanging(event); // let the base class handle it too }
void DriveSelectPage::OnWizardPageChanging(wxWizardEvent& event) { m_filename = m_drivebox->GetValue(); m_type = wxString((char *)m_typebox->GetClientData(m_typebox->GetSelection()), wxConvUTF8); m_compress = wxString((char *)m_compbox->GetClientData(m_compbox->GetSelection()), wxConvUTF8); if (m_pageType == PT_FORMAT) m_format = (dsk_format_t)(m_formbox->GetSelection()); else m_format = (dsk_format_t)(m_formbox->GetSelection() - 1); m_forceHead = m_head->GetSelection() - 1; m_doubleStep = m_dstep->GetValue(); if (m_filename.IsEmpty() && event.GetDirection()) { wxMessageBox(_T("You have not entered a filename."), _T("Choose disc"), wxICON_WARNING | wxOK, this); event.Veto(); } }
void NewProjectWizard::OnPageChanging(wxWizardEvent& event) { if ( event.GetDirection() ) { // ------------------------------------------------------- // Switching from the Templates page // ------------------------------------------------------- if ( event.GetPage() == m_wizardPageTemplate ) { if ( !CheckProjectTemplate() ) { event.Veto(); return; } } else if ( event.GetPage() == m_wizardPageDetails ) { if( !CheckProjectName() || !CheckProjectPath() ) { event.Veto(); return; } } } event.Skip(); }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void WizBuildTargetPanel::OnPageChanging(wxWizardEvent& event) { if (event.GetDirection() != 0) // !=0 forward, ==0 backward { if (m_pBuildTargetPanel->GetCompilerCombo()->IsShown() && GetCompilerID().IsEmpty()) { cbMessageBox(_("You must select a compiler for your build target..."), _("Error"), wxICON_ERROR, GetParent()); event.Veto(); return; } cbProject* theproject = Manager::Get()->GetProjectManager()->GetActiveProject(); // can't fail; if no project, the wizard didn't even run if (theproject->GetBuildTarget(m_pBuildTargetPanel->GetTargetName())) { cbMessageBox(_("A build target with that name already exists in the active project..."), _("Error"), wxICON_ERROR, GetParent()); event.Veto(); return; } } WizPageBase::OnPageChanging(event); // let the base class handle it too }
void UserWizardP2::OnWizardPageChanging(wxWizardEvent& event) { if ( !event.GetDirection() ) return; wxListCtrl * listctrl = (wxListCtrl *)FindWindow(ID_U_CONFNETS); wxListBox * listbox = (wxListBox *)FindWindow(ID_U_ALLNETS); wxString uname = ((UserWizardP1 *)GetPrev())->name->GetValue(); wxString pword = ((UserWizardP1 *)GetPrev())->p1->GetValue(); SecByteBlock pass((const unsigned char *)pword.c_str(), pword.length()); AuthLoad &myLoader = wxGetApp().AccessLoader(); if (!myLoader.CreateNew(uname.c_str(), pass)) { throw("UserWizardP2::OnWizardPageChanging: Could not create new user"); } wxMessageBox(uname + pword); // load defaults XMLNode toc, msn, yahoo, kit, icq; toc << "<toc>" "<user password=\"\" username=\"\"/>" "<server host=\"" TOC_SERVER "\" port=\"" TOC_SERVER_PORT "\"/>" "<loginserver host=\"" TOC_LOGIN_SERVER "\" port=\"" TOC_LOGIN_PORT "\"/>" "</toc>"; msn << "<msn>" "<user password=\"\" username=\"\"/>" "<server host=\"" MSN_SERVER "\" port=\"" MSN_PORT "\"/>" "</msn>"; yahoo << "<yahoo>" "<user password=\"\" username=\"\"/>" "<server host=\"" YAHOO_DATA_SERVER "\" port=\"" YAHOO_DATA_PORT "\"/>" "<loginserver host=\"" YAHOO_AUTH_SERVER "\" port=\"" YAHOO_AUTH_PORT "\"/>" "</yahoo>"; kit << "<kit>" "<user password=\"\" username=\"\"/>" "<server host=\"" GNU_SERVER "\" port=\"" GNU_PORT "\"/>" "</kit>"; icq << "<icq>" "<user password=\"\" username=\"\"/>" "<server host=\"" ICQ_SERVER "\" port=\"" ICQ_PORT "\"/>" "</icq>"; for (long int it = 0; it < listctrl->GetItemCount(); it++) { XMLNode tmp; switch(listctrl->GetItemData(it)) { case (AIM): tmp = toc; break; case(MSN): tmp = msn; break; case(YAHOO): tmp = yahoo; break; case(ICQ): tmp = icq; break; case(GNU): tmp = kit; break; default: wxASSERT(false); break; } wxLogDebug(listctrl->GetItemText(it).c_str()); tmp.child("user").setProperty("username", listctrl->GetItemText(it).c_str()); tmp.child("user").setProperty("password", string((const char *)(const unsigned char *)m_pwords[it], m_pwords[it].Size())); } try { myLoader.U().SetNet(icq); myLoader.U().SetNet(toc); myLoader.U().SetNet(msn); myLoader.U().SetNet(yahoo); myLoader.U().SetNet(kit); } catch(...) { throw gmException("Pointer Error", gmException::gMEM); } myLoader.CommitToFile(); }