bool ConfigObjectUtility::DeleteObjectHelper(const ConfigObject::Ptr& object, bool cascade, const Array::Ptr& errors) { std::vector<Object::Ptr> parents = DependencyGraph::GetParents(object); Type::Ptr type = object->GetReflectionType(); if (!parents.empty() && !cascade) { if (errors) errors->Add("Object '" + object->GetName() + "' of type '" + type->GetName() + "' cannot be deleted because other objects depend on it. " "Use cascading delete to delete it anyway."); return false; } for (const Object::Ptr& pobj : parents) { ConfigObject::Ptr parentObj = dynamic_pointer_cast<ConfigObject>(pobj); if (!parentObj) continue; DeleteObjectHelper(parentObj, cascade, errors); } ConfigItem::Ptr item = ConfigItem::GetByTypeAndName(type, object->GetName()); try { /* mark this object for cluster delete event */ object->SetExtension("ConfigObjectDeleted", true); /* triggers signal for DB IDO and other interfaces */ object->Deactivate(true); if (item) item->Unregister(); else object->Unregister(); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { if (errors) errors->Add(DiagnosticInformation(ex)); return false; } String path = GetObjectConfigPath(object->GetReflectionType(), object->GetName()); if (Utility::PathExists(path)) { if (unlink(path.CStr()) < 0 && errno != ENOENT) { BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(posix_error() << boost::errinfo_api_function("unlink") << boost::errinfo_errno(errno) << boost::errinfo_file_name(path)); } } return true; }
static void PersistModAttrHelper(std::fstream& fp, ConfigObject::Ptr& previousObject, const ConfigObject::Ptr& object, const String& attr, const Value& value) { if (object != previousObject) { if (previousObject) { ConfigWriter::EmitRaw(fp, "\tobj.version = "); ConfigWriter::EmitValue(fp, 0, previousObject->GetVersion()); ConfigWriter::EmitRaw(fp, "\n}\n\n"); } ConfigWriter::EmitRaw(fp, "var obj = "); Array::Ptr args1 = new Array(); args1->Add(object->GetReflectionType()->GetName()); args1->Add(object->GetName()); ConfigWriter::EmitFunctionCall(fp, "get_object", args1); ConfigWriter::EmitRaw(fp, "\nif (obj) {\n"); } ConfigWriter::EmitRaw(fp, "\tobj."); Array::Ptr args2 = new Array(); args2->Add(attr); args2->Add(value); ConfigWriter::EmitFunctionCall(fp, "modify_attribute", args2); ConfigWriter::EmitRaw(fp, "\n"); previousObject = object; }
void ApiListener::PersistMessage(const Dictionary::Ptr& message, const ConfigObject::Ptr& secobj) { double ts = message->Get("ts"); ASSERT(ts != 0); Dictionary::Ptr pmessage = new Dictionary(); pmessage->Set("timestamp", ts); pmessage->Set("message", JsonEncode(message)); if (secobj) { Dictionary::Ptr secname = new Dictionary(); secname->Set("type", secobj->GetReflectionType()->GetName()); secname->Set("name", secobj->GetName()); pmessage->Set("secobj", secname); } boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_LogLock); if (m_LogFile) { NetString::WriteStringToStream(m_LogFile, JsonEncode(pmessage)); m_LogMessageCount++; SetLogMessageTimestamp(ts); if (m_LogMessageCount > 50000) { CloseLogFile(); RotateLogFile(); OpenLogFile(); } } }
bool Zone::CanAccessObject(const ConfigObject::Ptr& object) { Zone::Ptr object_zone; if (object->GetReflectionType() == Zone::TypeInstance) object_zone = static_pointer_cast<Zone>(object); else object_zone = static_pointer_cast<Zone>(object->GetZone()); if (!object_zone) object_zone = Zone::GetLocalZone(); return object_zone->IsChildOf(this); }
ValidationError::ValidationError(const ConfigObject::Ptr& object, const std::vector<String>& attributePath, const String& message) : m_Object(object), m_AttributePath(attributePath), m_Message(message) { String path; BOOST_FOREACH(const String& attribute, attributePath) { if (!path.IsEmpty()) path += " -> "; path += "'" + attribute + "'"; } Type::Ptr type = object->GetReflectionType(); m_What = "Validation failed for object '" + object->GetName() + "' of type '" + type->GetName() + "'"; if (!path.IsEmpty()) m_What += "; Attribute " + path; m_What += ": " + message; }
void ApiListener::SyncRelayMessage(const MessageOrigin::Ptr& origin, const ConfigObject::Ptr& secobj, const Dictionary::Ptr& message, bool log) { double ts = Utility::GetTime(); message->Set("ts", ts); Log(LogNotice, "ApiListener") << "Relaying '" << message->Get("method") << "' message"; if (origin && origin->FromZone) message->Set("originZone", origin->FromZone->GetName()); Zone::Ptr target_zone; if (secobj) { if (secobj->GetReflectionType() == Zone::TypeInstance) target_zone = static_pointer_cast<Zone>(secobj); else target_zone = static_pointer_cast<Zone>(secobj->GetZone()); } if (!target_zone) target_zone = Zone::GetLocalZone(); Endpoint::Ptr master = GetMaster(); bool need_log = !RelayMessageOne(target_zone, origin, message, master); for (const Zone::Ptr& zone : target_zone->GetAllParents()) { if (!RelayMessageOne(zone, origin, message, master)) need_log = true; } if (log && need_log) PersistMessage(message, secobj); }
bool ObjectQueryHandler::HandleRequest(const ApiUser::Ptr& user, HttpRequest& request, HttpResponse& response, const Dictionary::Ptr& params) { if (request.RequestUrl->GetPath().size() < 3 || request.RequestUrl->GetPath().size() > 4) return false; if (request.RequestMethod != "GET") return false; Type::Ptr type = FilterUtility::TypeFromPluralName(request.RequestUrl->GetPath()[2]); if (!type) { HttpUtility::SendJsonError(response, params, 400, "Invalid type specified."); return true; } QueryDescription qd; qd.Types.insert(type->GetName()); qd.Permission = "objects/query/" + type->GetName(); Array::Ptr uattrs, ujoins, umetas; try { uattrs = params->Get("attrs"); } catch (const std::exception&) { HttpUtility::SendJsonError(response, params, 400, "Invalid type for 'attrs' attribute specified. Array type is required."); return true; } try { ujoins = params->Get("joins"); } catch (const std::exception&) { HttpUtility::SendJsonError(response, params, 400, "Invalid type for 'joins' attribute specified. Array type is required."); return true; } try { umetas = params->Get("meta"); } catch (const std::exception&) { HttpUtility::SendJsonError(response, params, 400, "Invalid type for 'meta' attribute specified. Array type is required."); return true; } bool allJoins = HttpUtility::GetLastParameter(params, "all_joins"); params->Set("type", type->GetName()); if (request.RequestUrl->GetPath().size() >= 4) { String attr = type->GetName(); boost::algorithm::to_lower(attr); params->Set(attr, request.RequestUrl->GetPath()[3]); } std::vector<Value> objs; try { objs = FilterUtility::GetFilterTargets(qd, params, user); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { HttpUtility::SendJsonError(response, params, 404, "No objects found.", DiagnosticInformation(ex)); return true; } ArrayData results; results.reserve(objs.size()); std::set<String> joinAttrs; std::set<String> userJoinAttrs; if (ujoins) { ObjectLock olock(ujoins); for (const String& ujoin : ujoins) { userJoinAttrs.insert(ujoin.SubStr(0, ujoin.FindFirstOf("."))); } } for (int fid = 0; fid < type->GetFieldCount(); fid++) { Field field = type->GetFieldInfo(fid); if (!(field.Attributes & FANavigation)) continue; if (!allJoins && userJoinAttrs.find(field.NavigationName) == userJoinAttrs.end()) continue; joinAttrs.insert(field.Name); } for (const ConfigObject::Ptr& obj : objs) { DictionaryData result1{ { "name", obj->GetName() }, { "type", obj->GetReflectionType()->GetName() } }; DictionaryData metaAttrs; if (umetas) { ObjectLock olock(umetas); for (const String& meta : umetas) { if (meta == "used_by") { Array::Ptr used_by = new Array(); metaAttrs.emplace_back("used_by", used_by); for (const Object::Ptr& pobj : DependencyGraph::GetParents((obj))) { ConfigObject::Ptr configObj = dynamic_pointer_cast<ConfigObject>(pobj); if (!configObj) continue; used_by->Add(new Dictionary({ { "type", configObj->GetReflectionType()->GetName() }, { "name", configObj->GetName() } })); } } else if (meta == "location") { metaAttrs.emplace_back("location", obj->GetSourceLocation()); } else { HttpUtility::SendJsonError(response, params, 400, "Invalid field specified for meta: " + meta); return true; } } } result1.emplace_back("meta", new Dictionary(std::move(metaAttrs))); try { result1.emplace_back("attrs", SerializeObjectAttrs(obj, String(), uattrs, false, false)); } catch (const ScriptError& ex) { HttpUtility::SendJsonError(response, params, 400, ex.what()); return true; } DictionaryData joins; for (const String& joinAttr : joinAttrs) { Object::Ptr joinedObj; int fid = type->GetFieldId(joinAttr); if (fid < 0) { HttpUtility::SendJsonError(response, params, 400, "Invalid field specified for join: " + joinAttr); return true; } Field field = type->GetFieldInfo(fid); if (!(field.Attributes & FANavigation)) { HttpUtility::SendJsonError(response, params, 400, "Not a joinable field: " + joinAttr); return true; } joinedObj = obj->NavigateField(fid); if (!joinedObj) continue; String prefix = field.NavigationName; try { joins.emplace_back(prefix, SerializeObjectAttrs(joinedObj, prefix, ujoins, true, allJoins)); } catch (const ScriptError& ex) { HttpUtility::SendJsonError(response, params, 400, ex.what()); return true; } } result1.emplace_back("joins", new Dictionary(std::move(joins))); results.push_back(new Dictionary(std::move(result1))); } Dictionary::Ptr result = new Dictionary({ { "results", new Array(std::move(results)) } }); response.SetStatus(200, "OK"); HttpUtility::SendJsonBody(response, params, result); return true; }