int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { string fname = std::string(argv[2]); int fdot = fname.find_last_of('.'); if (fdot != std::string::npos) { string ending = fname.substr(fdot); // If .chk or .fld we exchange the extension in the output file. // For all other files (e.g. .bse) we append the extension to avoid // conflicts. if (ending == ".chk" || ending == ".fld") { fname = fname.substr(0,fdot); } } fname = fname + ".txt"; int cnt; int id1, id2; int i, j, n, e, b; Array<OneD, NekDouble> auxArray; int nBndEdgePts, nBndEdges, nBndRegions; if (argc < 3) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: ExtractSurface3DCFS meshfile fieldFile\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Extracts a surface from a 3D fld file" "(only for CompressibleFlowSolver and purely 3D .fld files)\n"); exit(1); } LibUtilities::SessionReaderSharedPtr vSession = LibUtilities::SessionReader::CreateInstance(3, argv); std::string m_ViscosityType; NekDouble m_gamma; NekDouble m_pInf; NekDouble m_rhoInf; NekDouble m_uInf; NekDouble m_vInf; NekDouble m_wInf; NekDouble m_gasConstant; NekDouble m_Twall; NekDouble m_mu; NekDouble m_thermalConductivity; int m_spacedim = 3; int nDimensions = m_spacedim; int phys_offset; // Get gamma parameter from session file. ASSERTL0(vSession->DefinesParameter("Gamma"), "Compressible flow sessions must define a Gamma parameter."); vSession->LoadParameter("Gamma", m_gamma, 1.4); // Get E0 parameter from session file. ASSERTL0(vSession->DefinesParameter("pInf"), "Compressible flow sessions must define a pInf parameter."); vSession->LoadParameter("pInf", m_pInf, 101325); // Get rhoInf parameter from session file. ASSERTL0(vSession->DefinesParameter("rhoInf"), "Compressible flow sessions must define a rhoInf parameter."); vSession->LoadParameter("rhoInf", m_rhoInf, 1.225); // Get uInf parameter from session file. ASSERTL0(vSession->DefinesParameter("uInf"), "Compressible flow sessions must define a uInf parameter."); vSession->LoadParameter("uInf", m_uInf, 0.1); // Get vInf parameter from session file. if (m_spacedim == 2 || m_spacedim == 3) { ASSERTL0(vSession->DefinesParameter("vInf"), "Compressible flow sessions must define a vInf parameter" "for 2D/3D problems."); vSession->LoadParameter("vInf", m_vInf, 0.0); } // Get wInf parameter from session file. if (m_spacedim == 3) { ASSERTL0(vSession->DefinesParameter("wInf"), "Compressible flow sessions must define a wInf parameter" "for 3D problems."); vSession->LoadParameter("wInf", m_wInf, 0.0); } vSession->LoadParameter ("GasConstant", m_gasConstant, 287.058); vSession->LoadParameter ("Twall", m_Twall, 300.15); vSession->LoadSolverInfo("ViscosityType", m_ViscosityType, "Constant"); vSession->LoadParameter ("mu", m_mu, 1.78e-05); vSession->LoadParameter ("thermalConductivity", m_thermalConductivity, 0.0257); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Read in mesh from input file string meshfile(argv[1]); SpatialDomains::MeshGraphSharedPtr graphShPt = SpatialDomains::MeshGraph::Read(vSession); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Import field file string fieldFile(argv[2]); vector<LibUtilities::FieldDefinitionsSharedPtr> fieldDef; vector<vector<NekDouble> > fieldData; LibUtilities::Import(fieldFile, fieldDef, fieldData); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Set up Expansion information vector< vector<LibUtilities::PointsType> > pointsType; for (i = 0; i < fieldDef.size(); ++i) { vector<LibUtilities::PointsType> ptype; for (j = 0; j < 3; ++j) { ptype.push_back(LibUtilities::ePolyEvenlySpaced); } pointsType.push_back(ptype); } graphShPt->SetExpansions(fieldDef, pointsType); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Define Expansion int nfields = fieldDef[0]->m_fields.size(); Array<OneD, MultiRegions::ExpListSharedPtr> Exp(nfields); Array<OneD, MultiRegions::ExpListSharedPtr> pFields(nfields); for(i = 0; i < pFields.num_elements(); i++) { pFields[i] = MemoryManager<MultiRegions ::DisContField3D>::AllocateSharedPtr(vSession, graphShPt, vSession->GetVariable(i)); } MultiRegions::ExpList3DSharedPtr Exp3D; Exp3D = MemoryManager<MultiRegions::ExpList3D> ::AllocateSharedPtr(vSession, graphShPt); Exp[0] = Exp3D; for (i = 1; i < nfields; ++i) { Exp[i] = MemoryManager<MultiRegions::ExpList3D> ::AllocateSharedPtr(*Exp3D); } // Count of the point on the surface int nSurfacePts = 0; if (pFields[0]->GetBndCondExpansions().num_elements()) { nSurfacePts = 0; cnt = 0; nBndRegions = pFields[0]->GetBndCondExpansions().num_elements(); for (b = 0; b < nBndRegions; ++b) { nBndEdges = pFields[0]->GetBndCondExpansions()[b]->GetExpSize(); for (e = 0; e < nBndEdges; ++e) { nBndEdgePts = pFields[0]-> GetBndCondExpansions()[b]->GetExp(e)->GetTotPoints(); if (pFields[0]->GetBndConditions()[b]-> GetUserDefined() == "WallViscous" || pFields[0]->GetBndConditions()[b]-> GetUserDefined() == "WallAdiabatic" || pFields[0]->GetBndConditions()[b]-> GetUserDefined() == "Wall") { nSurfacePts += nBndEdgePts; } } } } int nSolutionPts = pFields[0]->GetNpoints(); int nTracePts = pFields[0]->GetTrace()->GetTotPoints(); int nElements = pFields[0]->GetExpSize(); Array<OneD, NekDouble> tmp(nSolutionPts, 0.0); Array<OneD, NekDouble> x(nSolutionPts); Array<OneD, NekDouble> y(nSolutionPts); Array<OneD, NekDouble> z(nSolutionPts); Array<OneD, NekDouble> traceX(nTracePts); Array<OneD, NekDouble> traceY(nTracePts); Array<OneD, NekDouble> traceZ(nTracePts); Array<OneD, NekDouble> surfaceX(nSurfacePts); Array<OneD, NekDouble> surfaceY(nSurfacePts); Array<OneD, NekDouble> surfaceZ(nSurfacePts); pFields[0]->GetCoords(x, y, z); pFields[0]->ExtractTracePhys(x, traceX); pFields[0]->ExtractTracePhys(y, traceY); pFields[0]->ExtractTracePhys(z, traceZ); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copy data from field file Array<OneD, Array<OneD, NekDouble> > uFields(nfields); Array<OneD, Array<OneD, NekDouble> > traceFields(nfields); Array<OneD, Array<OneD, NekDouble> > surfaceFields(nfields); // Extract the physical values of the solution at the boundaries for (j = 0; j < nfields; ++j) { uFields[j] = Array<OneD, NekDouble>(nSolutionPts, 0.0); traceFields[j] = Array<OneD, NekDouble>(nTracePts, 0.0); surfaceFields[j] = Array<OneD, NekDouble>(nSurfacePts, 0.0); for (i = 0; i < fieldData.size(); ++i) { Exp[j]->ExtractDataToCoeffs(fieldDef[i], fieldData[i], fieldDef[i]->m_fields[j], Exp[j]->UpdateCoeffs()); } Exp[j]->BwdTrans(Exp[j]->GetCoeffs(), Exp[j]->UpdatePhys()); Vmath::Vcopy(nSolutionPts, Exp[j]->GetPhys(), 1, uFields[j], 1); pFields[0]->ExtractTracePhys(uFields[j], traceFields[j]); } //Fields to add in the output file int nfieldsAdded = 34; Array<OneD, Array<OneD, NekDouble> > traceFieldsAdded(nfieldsAdded); Array<OneD, Array<OneD, NekDouble> > surfaceFieldsAdded(nfieldsAdded); for (j = 0; j < nfieldsAdded; ++j) { traceFieldsAdded[j] = Array<OneD, NekDouble>(nTracePts, 0.0); surfaceFieldsAdded[j] = Array<OneD, NekDouble>(nSurfacePts, 0.0); } /******** Evaluation of normals and tangents on the trace ***************** * nx -> traceFieldsAdded[0]; * ny -> traceFieldsAdded[1]; * nz -> traceFieldsAdded[2]; * bx -> traceFieldsAdded[3]; * by -> traceFieldsAdded[4]; * bz -> traceFieldsAdded[5]; * tx -> traceFieldsAdded[6]; * ty -> traceFieldsAdded[7]; * tz -> traceFieldsAdded[8]; ***************************************************************************/ Array<OneD, Array<OneD, NekDouble> > m_traceNormals (nDimensions); for(i = 0; i < nDimensions; ++i) { m_traceNormals[i] = Array<OneD, NekDouble> (nTracePts, 0.0); } pFields[0]->GetTrace()->GetNormals(m_traceNormals); Array<OneD, Array<OneD, NekDouble> > m_traceTangents (nDimensions); Array<OneD, Array<OneD, NekDouble> > m_traceBinormals (nDimensions); Array<OneD, Array<OneD, NekDouble> > h (nDimensions); Array<OneD, NekDouble > tmpNorm (nTracePts, 1.0); Array<OneD, NekDouble > NormH (nTracePts, 0.0); Array<OneD, NekDouble > tmpTrace (nTracePts, 0.0); for(i = 0; i < nDimensions; ++i) { m_traceTangents[i] = Array<OneD, NekDouble> (nTracePts, 0.0); m_traceBinormals[i] = Array<OneD, NekDouble> (nTracePts, 0.0); h[i] = Array<OneD, NekDouble> (nTracePts, 0.0); } // Normals // nx Vmath::Vcopy(nTracePts, &m_traceNormals[0][0], 1, &traceFieldsAdded[0][0], 1); // ny Vmath::Vcopy(nTracePts, &m_traceNormals[1][0], 1, &traceFieldsAdded[1][0], 1); // nz Vmath::Vcopy(nTracePts, &m_traceNormals[2][0], 1, &traceFieldsAdded[2][0], 1); // Tangents and Binormals // h1 Vmath::Vadd(nTracePts, &m_traceNormals[0][0], 1, &tmpNorm[0], 1, &h[0][0], 1); // h2 Vmath::Vcopy(nTracePts, &m_traceNormals[1][0], 1, &h[1][0], 1); // h3 Vmath::Vcopy(nTracePts, &m_traceNormals[2][0], 1, &h[2][0], 1); // Norm of h for (i = 0; i < m_spacedim; i++) { Vmath::Vvtvp (nTracePts, &h[i][0], 1, &h[i][0], 1, &NormH[0],1, &NormH[0],1); } //b1 Vmath::Vmul(nTracePts, &h[0][0], 1, &h[1][0], 1, &tmpTrace[0],1); Vmath::Vdiv(nTracePts, &tmpTrace[0],1, &NormH[0], 1, &tmpTrace[0],1); Vmath::Smul(nTracePts, -2.0, &tmpTrace[0], 1, &m_traceBinormals[0][0], 1); Vmath::Vcopy(nTracePts, &m_traceBinormals[0][0], 1, &traceFieldsAdded[3][0], 1); //b2 Vmath::Vmul(nTracePts, &h[1][0], 1, &h[1][0], 1, &tmpTrace[0],1); Vmath::Vdiv(nTracePts, &tmpTrace[0],1, &NormH[0], 1, &tmpTrace[0],1); Vmath::Smul(nTracePts, -2.0, &tmpTrace[0], 1, &tmpTrace[0], 1); Vmath::Vadd(nTracePts, &tmpTrace[0], 1, &tmpNorm[0], 1, &m_traceBinormals[1][0], 1); Vmath::Vcopy(nTracePts, &m_traceBinormals[1][0], 1, &traceFieldsAdded[4][0], 1); //b3 Vmath::Vmul(nTracePts, &h[1][0], 1, &h[2][0], 1, &tmpTrace[0],1); Vmath::Vdiv(nTracePts, &tmpTrace[0],1, &NormH[0], 1, &tmpTrace[0],1); Vmath::Smul(nTracePts, -2.0, &tmpTrace[0], 1, &m_traceBinormals[2][0], 1); Vmath::Vcopy(nTracePts, &m_traceBinormals[2][0], 1, &traceFieldsAdded[5][0], 1); //t1 Vmath::Vmul(nTracePts, &h[0][0], 1, &h[2][0], 1, &tmpTrace[0],1); Vmath::Vdiv(nTracePts, &tmpTrace[0],1, &NormH[0], 1, &tmpTrace[0],1); Vmath::Smul(nTracePts, -2.0, &tmpTrace[0], 1, &m_traceTangents[0][0], 1); Vmath::Vcopy(nTracePts, &m_traceTangents[0][0], 1, &traceFieldsAdded[6][0], 1); //t2 Vmath::Vcopy(nTracePts, &m_traceBinormals[2][0], 1, &m_traceTangents[1][0], 1); Vmath::Vcopy(nTracePts, &m_traceTangents[1][0], 1, &traceFieldsAdded[7][0], 1); //t3 Vmath::Vmul(nTracePts, &h[2][0], 1, &h[2][0], 1, &tmpTrace[0],1); Vmath::Vdiv(nTracePts, &tmpTrace[0],1, &NormH[0], 1, &tmpTrace[0],1); Vmath::Smul(nTracePts, -2.0, &tmpTrace[0], 1, &tmpTrace[0], 1); Vmath::Vadd(nTracePts, &tmpTrace[0], 1, &tmpNorm[0], 1, &m_traceTangents[2][0], 1); Vmath::Vcopy(nTracePts, &m_traceTangents[2][0], 1, &traceFieldsAdded[8][0], 1); /******** Evaluation of the pressure *************************************** * P = (E-1/2.*rho.*((rhou./rho).^2+(rhov./rho).^2))*(gamma - 1); * P -> traceFieldsAdded[9]; ***************************************************************************/ Array<OneD, NekDouble> pressure(nSolutionPts, 0.0); NekDouble gammaMinusOne = m_gamma - 1.0; for (i = 0; i < m_spacedim; i++) { Vmath::Vmul(nSolutionPts, &uFields[i + 1][0], 1, &uFields[i + 1][0], 1, &tmp[0],1); Vmath::Smul(nSolutionPts, 0.5, &tmp[0], 1, &tmp[0], 1); Vmath::Vadd(nSolutionPts, &pressure[0], 1, &tmp[0], 1, &pressure[0], 1); } Vmath::Vdiv(nSolutionPts, &pressure[0], 1, &uFields[0][0], 1, &pressure[0],1); Vmath::Vsub(nSolutionPts, &uFields[nfields - 1][0], 1, &pressure[0], 1, &pressure[0],1); Vmath::Smul(nSolutionPts, gammaMinusOne, &pressure[0], 1, &pressure[0], 1); // Extract trace pFields[0]->ExtractTracePhys(pressure, traceFieldsAdded[9]); /******** Evaluation of the temperature ************************************ * T = P/(R*rho); * T -> traceFieldsAdded[10]; ***************************************************************************/ Array<OneD, NekDouble> temperature(nSolutionPts, 0.0); Vmath::Vdiv(nSolutionPts, &pressure[0], 1, &uFields[0][0], 1, &temperature[0],1); NekDouble GasConstantInv = 1.0/m_gasConstant; Vmath::Smul(nSolutionPts, GasConstantInv, &temperature[0], 1, &temperature[0], 1); // Extract trace pFields[0]->ExtractTracePhys(temperature, traceFieldsAdded[10]); /*** Evaluation of the temperature gradient in the normal direction ******** * DT_n -> traceFieldsAdded[11] ***************************************************************************/ Array<OneD, Array<OneD, NekDouble> > Dtemperature(nDimensions); Array<OneD, Array<OneD, NekDouble> > traceDtemperature(nDimensions); for (i = 0; i < nDimensions; ++ i) { Dtemperature[i] = Array<OneD, NekDouble>(nSolutionPts, 0.0); traceDtemperature[i] = Array<OneD, NekDouble>(nTracePts, 0.0); } for (i = 0; i < nDimensions; ++ i) { for (n = 0; n < nElements; n++) { phys_offset = pFields[0]->GetPhys_Offset(n); pFields[i]->GetExp(n)->PhysDeriv( i, temperature + phys_offset, auxArray = Dtemperature[i] + phys_offset); } // Extract trace pFields[0]->ExtractTracePhys(Dtemperature[i], traceDtemperature[i]); } for(i = 0; i < nDimensions; ++i) { Vmath::Vmul(nTracePts, &m_traceNormals[i][0], 1, &traceDtemperature[i][0], 1, &tmp[0],1); Vmath::Vadd(nTracePts, &traceFieldsAdded[11][0], 1, &tmp[0], 1, &traceFieldsAdded[11][0], 1); } /*** Evaluation of the pressure gradient *********************************** * DP_t -> traceFieldsAdded[12] tangent direction * DP_b -> traceFieldsAdded[13] binormal direction * DP_x -> traceFieldsAdded[14] * DP_y -> traceFieldsAdded[15] * DP_z -> traceFieldsAdded[16] ***************************************************************************/ Array<OneD, Array<OneD, NekDouble> > Dpressure(nDimensions); Array<OneD, Array<OneD, NekDouble> > traceDpressure(nDimensions); for (i = 0; i < nDimensions; ++ i) { Dpressure[i] = Array<OneD, NekDouble>(nSolutionPts, 0.0); traceDpressure[i] = Array<OneD, NekDouble>(nTracePts, 0.0); } for (i = 0; i < nDimensions; ++ i) { for (n = 0; n < nElements; n++) { phys_offset = pFields[0]->GetPhys_Offset(n); pFields[i]->GetExp(n)->PhysDeriv( i, pressure + phys_offset, auxArray = Dpressure[i] + phys_offset); } // Extract trace pFields[0]->ExtractTracePhys(Dpressure[i], traceDpressure[i]); } // Dp_t for(i = 0; i < nDimensions; ++i) { Vmath::Vmul(nTracePts, &m_traceTangents[i][0], 1, &traceDpressure[i][0], 1, &tmp[0],1); Vmath::Vadd(nTracePts, &traceFieldsAdded[12][0], 1, &tmp[0], 1, &traceFieldsAdded[12][0], 1); } // Dp_b for(i = 0; i < nDimensions; ++i) { Vmath::Vmul(nTracePts, &m_traceBinormals[i][0], 1, &traceDpressure[i][0], 1, &tmp[0],1); Vmath::Vadd(nTracePts, &traceFieldsAdded[13][0], 1, &tmp[0], 1, &traceFieldsAdded[13][0], 1); } // Dp_x Vmath::Vcopy(nTracePts, &traceDpressure[0][0], 1, &traceFieldsAdded[14][0], 1); // Dp_y Vmath::Vcopy(nTracePts, &traceDpressure[1][0], 1, &traceFieldsAdded[15][0], 1); // Dp_z Vmath::Vcopy(nTracePts, &traceDpressure[2][0], 1, &traceFieldsAdded[16][0], 1); /** Evaluation of the velocity gradient in the cartesian directions * Du_x: traceFieldsAdded[17] * Du_y: traceFieldsAdded[18] * Du_z: traceFieldsAdded[19] * Dv_x: traceFieldsAdded[20] * Dv_y: traceFieldsAdded[21] * Dv_z: traceFieldsAdded[22] * Dw_x: traceFieldsAdded[23] * Dw_y: traceFieldsAdded[24] * Dw_z: traceFieldsAdded[25] **/ Array<OneD, Array<OneD, Array<OneD, NekDouble> > > Dvelocity(nDimensions); Array<OneD, Array<OneD, Array<OneD, NekDouble> > > traceDvelocity(nDimensions); Array<OneD, Array<OneD, NekDouble> > velocity(nDimensions); for (i = 0; i < nDimensions; ++ i) { Dvelocity[i] = Array<OneD, Array<OneD, NekDouble> >(nDimensions); traceDvelocity[i] = Array<OneD, Array<OneD, NekDouble> >(nDimensions); velocity[i] = Array<OneD, NekDouble>(nSolutionPts, 0.0); Vmath::Vdiv(nSolutionPts, uFields[i+1], 1, uFields[0], 1, velocity[i], 1); for (j = 0; j < nDimensions; ++j) { Dvelocity[i][j] = Array<OneD, NekDouble>(nSolutionPts, 0.0); traceDvelocity[i][j] = Array<OneD, NekDouble>(nTracePts, 0.0); } } for (i = 0; i < nDimensions; ++i) { for (j = 0; j < nDimensions; ++j) { for (n = 0; n < nElements; n++) { phys_offset = pFields[0]->GetPhys_Offset(n); pFields[i]->GetExp(n)->PhysDeriv( j, velocity[i] + phys_offset, auxArray = Dvelocity[i][j] + phys_offset); } // Extract trace pFields[0]->ExtractTracePhys(Dvelocity[i][j], traceDvelocity[i][j]); } } Vmath::Vcopy(nTracePts, &traceDvelocity[0][0][0], 1, &traceFieldsAdded[17][0], 1); Vmath::Vcopy(nTracePts, &traceDvelocity[0][1][0], 1, &traceFieldsAdded[18][0], 1); Vmath::Vcopy(nTracePts, &traceDvelocity[0][2][0], 1, &traceFieldsAdded[19][0], 1); Vmath::Vcopy(nTracePts, &traceDvelocity[1][0][0], 1, &traceFieldsAdded[20][0], 1); Vmath::Vcopy(nTracePts, &traceDvelocity[1][1][0], 1, &traceFieldsAdded[21][0], 1); Vmath::Vcopy(nTracePts, &traceDvelocity[1][2][0], 1, &traceFieldsAdded[22][0], 1); Vmath::Vcopy(nTracePts, &traceDvelocity[2][0][0], 1, &traceFieldsAdded[23][0], 1); Vmath::Vcopy(nTracePts, &traceDvelocity[2][1][0], 1, &traceFieldsAdded[24][0], 1); Vmath::Vcopy(nTracePts, &traceDvelocity[2][2][0], 1, &traceFieldsAdded[25][0], 1); /*** Evaluation of shear stresses ****************************************** * tau_xx -> traceFieldsAdded[26] * tau_yy -> traceFieldsAdded[27] * tau_zz -> traceFieldsAdded[28] * tau_xy -> traceFieldsAdded[29] * tau_xz -> traceFieldsAdded[30] * tau_yz -> traceFieldsAdded[31] ***************************************************************************/ // Stokes hypotesis const NekDouble lambda = -2.0/3.0; // Auxiliary variables Array<OneD, NekDouble > mu (nSolutionPts, 0.0); Array<OneD, NekDouble > mu2 (nSolutionPts, 0.0); Array<OneD, NekDouble > divVel(nSolutionPts, 0.0); // Variable viscosity through the Sutherland's law if (m_ViscosityType == "Variable") { NekDouble mu_star = m_mu; NekDouble T_star = m_pInf / (m_rhoInf * m_gasConstant); NekDouble ratio; for (int i = 0; i < nSolutionPts; ++i) { ratio = temperature[i] / T_star; mu[i] = mu_star * ratio * sqrt(ratio) * (T_star + 110.0) / (temperature[i] + 110.0); } } else { Vmath::Fill(nSolutionPts, m_mu, &mu[0], 1); } // Computing diagonal terms of viscous stress tensor Array<OneD, Array<OneD, NekDouble> > temp(m_spacedim); Array<OneD, Array<OneD, NekDouble> > Sgg(m_spacedim); // mu2 = 2 * mu Vmath::Smul(nSolutionPts, 2.0, &mu[0], 1, &mu2[0], 1); // Velocity divergence Vmath::Vadd(nSolutionPts, &divVel[0], 1, &Dvelocity[0][0][0], 1, &divVel[0], 1); Vmath::Vadd(nSolutionPts, &divVel[0], 1, &Dvelocity[1][1][0], 1, &divVel[0], 1); // Velocity divergence scaled by lambda * mu Vmath::Smul(nSolutionPts, lambda, &divVel[0], 1, &divVel[0], 1); Vmath::Vmul(nSolutionPts, &mu[0], 1, &divVel[0], 1, &divVel[0], 1); // Diagonal terms of viscous stress tensor (Sxx, Syy) // Sjj = 2 * mu * du_j/dx_j - (2 / 3) * mu * sum_j(du_j/dx_j) for (j = 0; j < m_spacedim; ++j) { temp[j] = Array<OneD, NekDouble>(nSolutionPts, 0.0); Sgg[j] = Array<OneD, NekDouble>(nSolutionPts, 0.0); Vmath::Vmul(nSolutionPts, &mu2[0], 1, &Dvelocity[j][j][0], 1, &temp[j][0], 1); Vmath::Vadd(nSolutionPts, &temp[j][0], 1, &divVel[0], 1, &Sgg[j][0], 1); } // Extra diagonal terms of viscous stress tensor Array<OneD, NekDouble > Sxy(nSolutionPts, 0.0); Array<OneD, NekDouble > Sxz(nSolutionPts, 0.0); Array<OneD, NekDouble > Syz(nSolutionPts, 0.0); // Sxy = (du/dy + dv/dx) Vmath::Vadd(nSolutionPts, &Dvelocity[0][1][0], 1, &Dvelocity[1][0][0], 1, &Sxy[0], 1); // Sxz = (du/dz + dw/dx) Vmath::Vadd(nSolutionPts, &Dvelocity[0][2][0], 1, &Dvelocity[2][0][0], 1, &Sxz[0], 1); // Syz = (dv/dz + dw/dy) Vmath::Vadd(nSolutionPts, &Dvelocity[1][2][0], 1, &Dvelocity[2][1][0], 1, &Syz[0], 1); // Sxy = mu * (du/dy + dv/dx) Vmath::Vmul(nSolutionPts, &mu[0], 1, &Sxy[0], 1, &Sxy[0], 1); // Sxz = mu * (du/dy + dv/dx) Vmath::Vmul(nSolutionPts, &mu[0], 1, &Sxz[0], 1, &Sxz[0], 1); // Syz = mu * (du/dy + dv/dx) Vmath::Vmul(nSolutionPts, &mu[0], 1, &Syz[0], 1, &Syz[0], 1); pFields[0]->ExtractTracePhys(Sgg[0], traceFieldsAdded[26]); pFields[0]->ExtractTracePhys(Sgg[1], traceFieldsAdded[27]); pFields[0]->ExtractTracePhys(Sgg[2], traceFieldsAdded[28]); pFields[0]->ExtractTracePhys(Sxy, traceFieldsAdded[29]); pFields[0]->ExtractTracePhys(Sxz, traceFieldsAdded[30]); pFields[0]->ExtractTracePhys(Syz, traceFieldsAdded[31]); /*** Evaluation of dinamic viscosity *************************************** * mu -> traceFieldsAdded[32] ***************************************************************************/ pFields[0]->ExtractTracePhys(mu, traceFieldsAdded[32]); /*** Evaluation of Mach number ********************************************* * M -> traceFieldsAdded[33] ***************************************************************************/ NekDouble gamma = m_gamma; // Speed of sound Array<OneD, NekDouble> soundspeed(nSolutionPts, 0.0); Vmath::Vdiv (nSolutionPts, pressure, 1, uFields[0], 1, soundspeed, 1); Vmath::Smul (nSolutionPts, gamma, soundspeed, 1, soundspeed, 1); Vmath::Vsqrt(nSolutionPts, soundspeed, 1, soundspeed, 1); // Mach Array<OneD, NekDouble> mach(nSolutionPts, 0.0); for (int i = 0; i < m_spacedim; ++i) { Vmath::Vvtvp(nSolutionPts, uFields[i + 1], 1, uFields[i + 1], 1, mach, 1, mach, 1); } Vmath::Vdiv(nSolutionPts, mach, 1, uFields[0], 1, mach, 1); Vmath::Vdiv(nSolutionPts, mach, 1, uFields[0], 1, mach, 1); Vmath::Vsqrt(nSolutionPts, mach, 1, mach, 1); Vmath::Vdiv(nSolutionPts, mach, 1, soundspeed, 1, mach, 1); pFields[0]->ExtractTracePhys(mach, traceFieldsAdded[33]); /**************************************************************************/ // Extract coordinates if (pFields[0]->GetBndCondExpansions().num_elements()) { id1 = 0; cnt = 0; nBndRegions = pFields[0]->GetBndCondExpansions().num_elements(); for (b = 0; b < nBndRegions; ++b) { nBndEdges = pFields[0]->GetBndCondExpansions()[b]->GetExpSize(); for (e = 0; e < nBndEdges; ++e) { nBndEdgePts = pFields[0]-> GetBndCondExpansions()[b]->GetExp(e)->GetTotPoints(); id2 = pFields[0]->GetTrace()-> GetPhys_Offset(pFields[0]->GetTraceMap()-> GetBndCondTraceToGlobalTraceMap(cnt++)); if (pFields[0]->GetBndConditions()[b]-> GetUserDefined() == "WallViscous" || pFields[0]->GetBndConditions()[b]-> GetUserDefined() == "WallAdiabatic" || pFields[0]->GetBndConditions()[b]-> GetUserDefined() == "Wall") { Vmath::Vcopy(nBndEdgePts, &traceX[id2], 1, &surfaceX[id1], 1); Vmath::Vcopy(nBndEdgePts, &traceY[id2], 1, &surfaceY[id1], 1); Vmath::Vcopy(nBndEdgePts, &traceZ[id2], 1, &surfaceZ[id1], 1); id1 += nBndEdgePts; } } } } // Extract fields if (pFields[0]->GetBndCondExpansions().num_elements()) { for (j = 0; j < nfields; ++j) { cout << "field " << j << endl; id1 = 0; cnt = 0; nBndRegions = pFields[j]->GetBndCondExpansions().num_elements(); for (b = 0; b < nBndRegions; ++b) { nBndEdges = pFields[j]->GetBndCondExpansions()[b]->GetExpSize(); for (e = 0; e < nBndEdges; ++e) { nBndEdgePts = pFields[j]-> GetBndCondExpansions()[b]->GetExp(e)->GetTotPoints(); id2 = pFields[j]->GetTrace()-> GetPhys_Offset(pFields[j]->GetTraceMap()-> GetBndCondTraceToGlobalTraceMap(cnt++)); if (pFields[j]->GetBndConditions()[b]-> GetUserDefined() == "WallViscous" || pFields[j]->GetBndConditions()[b]-> GetUserDefined() == "WallAdiabatic" || pFields[j]->GetBndConditions()[b]-> GetUserDefined() == "Wall") { Vmath::Vcopy(nBndEdgePts, &traceFields[j][id2], 1, &surfaceFields[j][id1], 1); id1 += nBndEdgePts; } } } } } // Extract fields added if (pFields[0]->GetBndCondExpansions().num_elements()) { for (j = 0; j < nfieldsAdded; ++j) { cout << "field added " << j << endl; id1 = 0; cnt = 0; nBndRegions = pFields[0]->GetBndCondExpansions().num_elements(); for (b = 0; b < nBndRegions; ++b) { nBndEdges = pFields[0]->GetBndCondExpansions()[b]->GetExpSize(); for (e = 0; e < nBndEdges; ++e) { nBndEdgePts = pFields[0]-> GetBndCondExpansions()[b]->GetExp(e)->GetTotPoints(); id2 = pFields[0]->GetTrace()-> GetPhys_Offset(pFields[0]->GetTraceMap()-> GetBndCondTraceToGlobalTraceMap(cnt++)); if (pFields[0]->GetBndConditions()[b]-> GetUserDefined() == "WallViscous" || pFields[0]->GetBndConditions()[b]-> GetUserDefined() == "WallAdiabatic" || pFields[0]->GetBndConditions()[b]-> GetUserDefined() == "Wall") { Vmath::Vcopy(nBndEdgePts, &traceFieldsAdded[j][id2], 1, &surfaceFieldsAdded[j][id1], 1); id1 += nBndEdgePts; } } } } } //========================================================================== //========================================================================== //========================================================================== // Print the surface coordinates and the surface solution in a .txt file ofstream outfile;; outfile << "% x[m] " << " \t" << "y[m] " << " \t" << "z[m] " << " \t" << "nx[] " << " \t" << "ny[] " << " \t" << "nz[] " << " \t" << "bx[] " << " \t" << "by[] " << " \t" << "bz[] " << " \t" << "tx[] " << " \t" << "ty[] " << " \t" << "tz[] " << " \t" << "rho[kg/m^3] " << " \t" << "rhou[kg/(m^2 s)] " << " \t" << "rhov[kg/(m^2 s)] " << " \t" << "rhow[kg/(m^2 s)] " << " \t" << "E[Pa] " << " \t" << "p[Pa] " << " \t" << "T[k] " << " \t" << "dT/dn[k/m] " << " \t" << "dp/dT[Pa/m] " << " \t" << "dp/dB[Pa/m] " << " \t" << "dp/dx[Pa/m] " << " \t" << "dp/dy[Pa/m] " << " \t" << "dp/dz[Pa/m] " << " \t" << "du/dx[s^-1] " << " \t" << "du/dy[s^-1] " << " \t" << "du/dz[s^-1] " << " \t" << "dv/dx[s^-1] " << " \t" << "dv/dy[s^-1] " << " \t" << "dv/dz[s^-1] " << " \t" << "dw/dx[s^-1] " << " \t" << "dw/dy[s^-1] " << " \t" << "dw/dz[s^-1] " << " \t" << "tau_xx[Pa] " << " \t" << "tau_yy[Pa] " << " \t" << "tau_zz[Pa] " << " \t" << "tau_xy[Pa] " << " \t" << "tau_xz[Pa] " << " \t" << "tau_yz[Pa] " << " \t" << "mu[Pa s] " << " \t" << "M[] " << " \t" << endl; for (i = 0; i < nSurfacePts; ++i) { outfile << scientific << setw (17) << setprecision(16) << surfaceX[i] << " \t " << surfaceY[i] << " \t " << surfaceZ[i] << " \t " << surfaceFieldsAdded[0][i] << " \t " << surfaceFieldsAdded[1][i] << " \t " << surfaceFieldsAdded[2][i] << " \t " << surfaceFieldsAdded[3][i] << " \t " << surfaceFieldsAdded[4][i] << " \t " << surfaceFieldsAdded[5][i] << " \t " << surfaceFieldsAdded[6][i] << " \t " << surfaceFieldsAdded[7][i] << " \t " << surfaceFieldsAdded[8][i] << " \t " << surfaceFields[0][i] << " \t " << surfaceFields[1][i] << " \t " << surfaceFields[2][i] << " \t " << surfaceFields[3][i] << " \t " << surfaceFields[4][i] << " \t " << surfaceFieldsAdded[9][i] << " \t " << surfaceFieldsAdded[10][i] << " \t " << surfaceFieldsAdded[11][i] << " \t " << surfaceFieldsAdded[12][i] << " \t " << surfaceFieldsAdded[13][i] << " \t " << surfaceFieldsAdded[14][i] << " \t " << surfaceFieldsAdded[15][i] << " \t " << surfaceFieldsAdded[16][i] << " \t " << surfaceFieldsAdded[17][i] << " \t " << surfaceFieldsAdded[18][i] << " \t " << surfaceFieldsAdded[19][i] << " \t " << surfaceFieldsAdded[20][i] << " \t " << surfaceFieldsAdded[21][i] << " \t " << surfaceFieldsAdded[22][i] << " \t " << surfaceFieldsAdded[23][i] << " \t " << surfaceFieldsAdded[24][i] << " \t " << surfaceFieldsAdded[25][i] << " \t " << surfaceFieldsAdded[26][i] << " \t " << surfaceFieldsAdded[27][i] << " \t " << surfaceFieldsAdded[28][i] << " \t " << surfaceFieldsAdded[29][i] << " \t " << surfaceFieldsAdded[30][i] << " \t " << surfaceFieldsAdded[31][i] << " \t " << surfaceFieldsAdded[32][i] << " \t " << surfaceFieldsAdded[33][i] << " \t " << endl; } outfile << endl << endl; outfile.close(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { LibUtilities::SessionReaderSharedPtr vSession = LibUtilities::SessionReader::CreateInstance(argc, argv); MultiRegions::ContField1DSharedPtr Exp,Sol; int i,j; int order, nq; int coordim; Array<OneD,NekDouble> sol; Array<OneD,NekDouble> xc0,xc1,xc2; if(argc != 2) { fprintf(stderr,"Usage: ProjectCont1D mesh \n"); exit(1); } //---------------------------------------------- // read the problem parameters from input file SpatialDomains::MeshGraphSharedPtr graph1D = MemoryManager<SpatialDomains::MeshGraph1D>::AllocateSharedPtr(vSession); //---------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------- // Print summary of solution details const SpatialDomains::ExpansionMap &expansions = graph1D->GetExpansions(); LibUtilities::BasisKey bkey0 = expansions.begin()->second->m_basisKeyVector[0]; int nmodes = bkey0.GetNumModes(); cout << "Solving 1D Continuous Projection" << endl; cout << " Expansion : (" << LibUtilities::BasisTypeMap[bkey0.GetBasisType()] <<")" << endl; cout << " No. modes : " << nmodes << endl; cout << endl; //---------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------- // Define Expansion Exp = MemoryManager<MultiRegions::ContField1D> ::AllocateSharedPtr(vSession,graph1D,vSession->GetVariable(0)); //---------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------- // Define solution to be projected coordim = Exp->GetCoordim(0); nq = Exp->GetTotPoints(); order = Exp->GetExp(0)->GetNcoeffs(); // define coordinates and solution sol = Array<OneD,NekDouble>(nq); xc0 = Array<OneD,NekDouble>(nq); xc1 = Array<OneD,NekDouble>(nq); xc2 = Array<OneD,NekDouble>(nq); switch(coordim) { case 1: Exp->GetCoords(xc0); Vmath::Zero(nq,&xc1[0],1); Vmath::Zero(nq,&xc2[0],1); break; case 2: Exp->GetCoords(xc0,xc1); Vmath::Zero(nq,&xc2[0],1); break; case 3: Exp->GetCoords(xc0,xc1,xc2); break; } for(i = 0; i < nq; ++i) { sol[i] = 0.0; for(j = 0; j < order; ++j) { sol[i] += pow(xc0[i],j); sol[i] += pow(xc1[i],j); sol[i] += pow(xc2[i],j); } } //---------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------- // Setup Temporary expansion and put in solution Sol = MemoryManager<MultiRegions::ContField1D> ::AllocateSharedPtr(*Exp); Sol->SetPhys(sol); //---------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------- // Project onto Expansion Exp->FwdTrans(Sol->GetPhys(), Exp->UpdateCoeffs()); //--------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------- // Backward Transform Solution to get projected values Exp->BwdTrans(Exp->GetCoeffs(), Exp->UpdatePhys()); //------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------- // Calculate L_inf error cout << "L infinity error: " << Exp->Linf(Sol->GetPhys()) << endl; cout << "L 2 error: " << Exp->L2 (Sol->GetPhys()) << endl; //-------------------------------------------- vSession->Finalise(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if(argc != 2) { fprintf(stderr,"Usage: ./Aliasing file.xml \n"); fprintf(stderr,"\t Method will read intiial conditions section of .xml file for input \n"); exit(1); } LibUtilities::SessionReaderSharedPtr session; string vDriverModule; DriverSharedPtr drv; try { // Create session reader. session = LibUtilities::SessionReader::CreateInstance(argc, argv); // Create driver session->LoadSolverInfo("Driver", vDriverModule, "Standard"); drv = GetDriverFactory().CreateInstance(vDriverModule, session); EquationSystemSharedPtr EqSys = drv->GetEqu()[0]; IncNavierStokesSharedPtr IncNav = EqSys->as<IncNavierStokes>(); IncNav->SetInitialConditions(0.0,false); Array<OneD, MultiRegions::ExpListSharedPtr> fields = IncNav->UpdateFields(); int i; int nConvectiveFields = IncNav->GetNConvectiveFields(); int nphys = fields[0]->GetTotPoints(); Array<OneD, Array<OneD, NekDouble> > VelFields(nConvectiveFields); Array<OneD, Array<OneD, NekDouble> > NonLinear(nConvectiveFields); Array<OneD, Array<OneD, NekDouble> > NonLinearDealiased(nConvectiveFields); for(i = 0; i < nConvectiveFields; ++i) { VelFields[i] = fields[i]->UpdatePhys(); NonLinear[i] = Array<OneD, NekDouble> (nphys); NonLinearDealiased[i] = Array<OneD, NekDouble> (nphys); } boost::shared_ptr<NavierStokesAdvection> A = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<NavierStokesAdvection>(IncNav->GetAdvObject()); if (!A) { cout << "Must use non-linear Navier-Stokes advection" << endl; exit(-1); } // calculate non-linear terms without dealiasing A->SetSpecHPDealiasing(false); A->Advect(nConvectiveFields, fields, VelFields, VelFields, NonLinear, 0.0); // calculate non-linear terms with dealiasing A->SetSpecHPDealiasing(true); A->Advect(nConvectiveFields, fields, VelFields, VelFields, NonLinearDealiased, 0.0); // Evaulate Difference and put into fields; for(i = 0; i < nConvectiveFields; ++i) { Vmath::Vsub(nphys,NonLinearDealiased[i],1,NonLinear[i],1,NonLinear[i],1); fields[i]->FwdTrans_IterPerExp(NonLinear[i],fields[i]->UpdateCoeffs()); // Need to reset varibale name for output string name = "NL_Aliasing_"+session->GetVariable(i); session->SetVariable(i,name.c_str()); } // Reset session name for output file std::string outname = IncNav->GetSessionName(); outname += "_NonLinear_Aliasing"; IncNav->ResetSessionName(outname); IncNav->Output(); } catch (const std::runtime_error&) { return 1; } catch (const std::string& eStr) { cout << "Error: " << eStr << endl; } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { LibUtilities::SessionReaderSharedPtr vSession = LibUtilities::SessionReader::CreateInstance(argc, argv); LibUtilities::CommSharedPtr vComm = vSession->GetComm(); MultiRegions::ContField3DHomogeneous1DSharedPtr Exp_u, Exp_v, Exp_w; StdRegions::ConstFactorMap factors; FlagList flags; if( (argc != 2) && (argc != 3)) { fprintf(stderr,"Usage: Deriv3DHomo2D meshfile [SysSolnType] \n"); exit(1); } //---------------------------------------------- // Read in mesh from input file SpatialDomains::MeshGraphSharedPtr graph2D = MemoryManager<SpatialDomains::MeshGraph2D>::AllocateSharedPtr(vSession); //---------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------- // Define Expansion int nzpoints; NekDouble lz; int FFT; vSession->LoadParameter("HomModesZ", nzpoints); vSession->LoadParameter("LZ", lz); vSession->LoadParameter("USEFFT", FFT); bool useFFT = false; bool deal = false; if(FFT==1){useFFT = true;} const LibUtilities::PointsKey PkeyZ(nzpoints,LibUtilities::eFourierSingleModeSpaced); const LibUtilities::BasisKey BkeyZ(LibUtilities::eFourierHalfModeRe,nzpoints,PkeyZ); Exp_u = MemoryManager<MultiRegions::ContField3DHomogeneous1D>::AllocateSharedPtr(vSession,BkeyZ,lz,useFFT,deal,graph2D,vSession->GetVariable(0)); Exp_v = MemoryManager<MultiRegions::ContField3DHomogeneous1D>::AllocateSharedPtr(vSession,BkeyZ,lz,useFFT,deal,graph2D,vSession->GetVariable(1)); Exp_w = MemoryManager<MultiRegions::ContField3DHomogeneous1D>::AllocateSharedPtr(vSession,BkeyZ,lz,useFFT,deal,graph2D,vSession->GetVariable(2)); //---------------------------------------------- // Print summary of solution details flags.set(eUseGlobal, false); const SpatialDomains::ExpansionMap &expansions = graph2D->GetExpansions(); LibUtilities::BasisKey bkey0 = expansions.begin()->second->m_basisKeyVector[0]; cout << "Calculating Derivatives (Homogeneous in z-plane):" << endl; cout << " Lz : " << lz << endl; cout << " N.modes : " << bkey0.GetNumModes() << endl; cout << " N.Z h**o modes : " << BkeyZ.GetNumModes() << endl; cout << endl; //---------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------- // Set up coordinates of mesh for Forcing function evaluation int nq = Exp_u->GetTotPoints(); Array<OneD,NekDouble> xc0,xc1,xc2; xc0 = Array<OneD,NekDouble>(nq,0.0); xc1 = Array<OneD,NekDouble>(nq,0.0); xc2 = Array<OneD,NekDouble>(nq,0.0); Exp_u->GetCoords(xc0,xc1,xc2); //---------------------------------------------- Array<OneD,NekDouble> dudx,dvdy,dwdz; Array<OneD,NekDouble> dump; dump = Array<OneD,NekDouble>(nq,0.0); dudx = Array<OneD,NekDouble>(nq,0.0); dvdy = Array<OneD,NekDouble>(nq,0.0); dwdz = Array<OneD,NekDouble>(nq,0.0); //---------------------------------------------- // Define initial fields LibUtilities::EquationSharedPtr ffunc_u = vSession->GetFunction("InitialCondition", 0); LibUtilities::EquationSharedPtr ffunc_v = vSession->GetFunction("InitialCondition", 1); LibUtilities::EquationSharedPtr ffunc_w = vSession->GetFunction("InitialCondition", 2); LibUtilities::EquationSharedPtr exac_u = vSession->GetFunction("ExactSolution", 0); LibUtilities::EquationSharedPtr exac_v = vSession->GetFunction("ExactSolution", 1); LibUtilities::EquationSharedPtr exac_w = vSession->GetFunction("ExactSolution", 2); ffunc_u->Evaluate(xc0,xc1,xc2,Exp_u->UpdatePhys()); ffunc_v->Evaluate(xc0,xc1,xc2,Exp_v->UpdatePhys()); ffunc_w->Evaluate(xc0,xc1,xc2,Exp_w->UpdatePhys()); exac_u->Evaluate(xc0,xc1,xc2,dudx); exac_v->Evaluate(xc0,xc1,xc2,dvdy); exac_w->Evaluate(xc0,xc1,xc2,dwdz); //---------------------------------------------- //Taking derivative and printing the error cout << "Deriv u" << endl; Exp_u->PhysDeriv(Exp_u->GetPhys(),Exp_u->UpdatePhys(),dump,dump); cout << "Deriv u done" << endl; cout << "L infinity error: " << Exp_u->Linf(Exp_u->GetPhys(), dudx) << endl; cout << "L 2 error : " << Exp_u->L2 (Exp_u->GetPhys(), dudx) << endl; Exp_v->PhysDeriv(Exp_v->GetPhys(),dump,Exp_v->UpdatePhys(),dump); cout << "L infinity error: " << Exp_v->Linf(Exp_v->GetPhys(), dvdy) << endl; cout << "L 2 error : " << Exp_v->L2 (Exp_v->GetPhys(), dvdy) << endl; Exp_w->PhysDeriv(Exp_w->GetPhys(),dump,dump,Exp_w->UpdatePhys()); cout << "L infinity error: " << Exp_w->Linf(Exp_w->GetPhys(), dwdz) << endl; cout << "L 2 error : " << Exp_w->L2 (Exp_w->GetPhys(), dwdz) << endl; return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { LibUtilities::SessionReaderSharedPtr vSession = LibUtilities::SessionReader::CreateInstance(argc, argv); MultiRegions::ContField2DSharedPtr Exp,Fce; int nq, coordim; Array<OneD,NekDouble> fce; Array<OneD,NekDouble> xc0,xc1,xc2; NekDouble lambda; NekDouble ax,ay; if((argc != 2)&&(argc != 3)) { fprintf(stderr,"Usage: SteadyLinearAdvectionReaction2D meshfile [SysSolnType]\n"); exit(1); } //---------------------------------------------- // Read in mesh from input file SpatialDomains::MeshGraphSharedPtr graph2D = MemoryManager<SpatialDomains::MeshGraph2D>::AllocateSharedPtr(vSession); //---------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------- // Get Advection Velocity ax = vSession->GetParameter("Advection_x"); ay = vSession->GetParameter("Advection_y"); //---------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------- // Print summary of solution details lambda = vSession->GetParameter("Lambda"); cout << " Lambda : " << lambda << endl; const SpatialDomains::ExpansionMap &expansions = graph2D->GetExpansions(); LibUtilities::BasisKey bkey0 = expansions.begin()->second->m_basisKeyVector[0]; LibUtilities::BasisKey bkey1 = expansions.begin()->second->m_basisKeyVector[1]; cout << "Solving Steady 2D LinearAdvection :" << endl; cout << " Advection_x : " << ax << endl; cout << " Advection_y : " << ay << endl; cout << " Expansion : (" << LibUtilities::BasisTypeMap[bkey0.GetBasisType()] <<","<< LibUtilities::BasisTypeMap[bkey1.GetBasisType()] << ")" << endl; cout << " No. modes : " << bkey0.GetNumModes() << endl; cout << endl; //---------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------- // Define Expansion Exp = MemoryManager<MultiRegions::ContField2D>:: AllocateSharedPtr(vSession,graph2D,vSession->GetVariable(0)); //---------------------------------------------- Timing("Read files and define exp .."); //---------------------------------------------- // Set up coordinates of mesh for Forcing function evaluation coordim = Exp->GetCoordim(0); nq = Exp->GetTotPoints(); xc0 = Array<OneD,NekDouble>(nq,0.0); xc1 = Array<OneD,NekDouble>(nq,0.0); xc2 = Array<OneD,NekDouble>(nq,0.0); switch(coordim) { case 1: Exp->GetCoords(xc0); break; case 2: Exp->GetCoords(xc0,xc1); break; case 3: Exp->GetCoords(xc0,xc1,xc2); break; } Array<OneD, Array< OneD, NekDouble> > Vel(2); Vel[0] = Array<OneD, NekDouble> (nq,ax); Vel[1] = Array<OneD, NekDouble> (nq,ay); //---------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------- // Define forcing function for first variable defined in file fce = Array<OneD,NekDouble>(nq); LibUtilities::EquationSharedPtr ffunc = vSession->GetFunction("Forcing",0); ffunc->Evaluate(xc0,xc1,xc2,fce); //---------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------- // Setup expansion containing the forcing function Fce = MemoryManager<MultiRegions::ContField2D>::AllocateSharedPtr(*Exp); Fce->SetPhys(fce); //---------------------------------------------- Timing("Define forcing .."); //---------------------------------------------- // Helmholtz solution taking physical forcing Exp->LinearAdvectionReactionSolve(Vel, Fce->GetPhys(), Exp->UpdateCoeffs(), lambda, MultiRegions::eGlobal); //---------------------------------------------- Timing("Linear Advection Solve .."); //---------------------------------------------- // Backward Transform Solution to get solved values Exp->BwdTrans(Exp->GetCoeffs(), Exp->UpdatePhys(), MultiRegions::eGlobal); //---------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------- // See if there is an exact solution, if so // evaluate and plot errors LibUtilities::EquationSharedPtr ex_sol = vSession->GetFunction("ExactSolution",0); if(ex_sol) { //---------------------------------------------- // evaluate exact solution ex_sol->Evaluate(xc0,xc1,xc2,fce); //---------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------- // Calculate L_inf error Fce->SetPhys(fce); Fce->SetPhysState(true); cout << "L infinity error: " << Exp->Linf(Fce->GetPhys()) << endl; cout << "L 2 error: " << Exp->L2 (Fce->GetPhys()) << endl; //-------------------------------------------- } //---------------------------------------------- vSession->Finalise(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i,j; int surfID; if(argc != 5) { fprintf(stderr,"Usage: FldAddScalGrad meshfile infld outfld BoundaryID\n"); exit(1); } surfID = boost::lexical_cast<int>(argv[argc - 1]); argv[argc -1] = argv[argc - 2]; LibUtilities::SessionReaderSharedPtr vSession = LibUtilities::SessionReader::CreateInstance(argc, argv); //---------------------------------------------- // Read in mesh from input file string meshfile(argv[argc-4]); SpatialDomains::MeshGraphSharedPtr graphShPt = SpatialDomains::MeshGraph::Read(vSession); //---------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------- // Import field file. string fieldfile(argv[argc-3]); vector<LibUtilities::FieldDefinitionsSharedPtr> fielddef; vector<vector<NekDouble> > fielddata; LibUtilities::Import(fieldfile,fielddef,fielddata); //---------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------- // Define Expansion int expdim = graphShPt->GetMeshDimension(); int nfields = 1; int addfields = 7; Array<OneD, MultiRegions::ExpListSharedPtr> exp(nfields + addfields); MultiRegions::AssemblyMapCGSharedPtr m_locToGlobalMap; switch(expdim) { case 1: { ASSERTL0(false,"Expansion dimension not recognised"); } break; case 2: { ASSERTL0(false,"Expansion dimension not recognised"); } break; case 3: { MultiRegions::ContField3DSharedPtr originalfield = MemoryManager<MultiRegions::ContField3D> ::AllocateSharedPtr(vSession, graphShPt, vSession->GetVariable(0)); m_locToGlobalMap = originalfield->GetLocalToGlobalMap(); exp[0] = originalfield; for (i=0; i<addfields; i++) { exp[i+1] = MemoryManager<MultiRegions::ContField3D> ::AllocateSharedPtr(*originalfield, graphShPt, vSession->GetVariable(0)); } } break; default: ASSERTL0(false,"Expansion dimension not recognised"); break; } //---------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------- // Copy data from field file for(j = 0; j < nfields+addfields; ++j) { for(int i = 0; i < fielddata.size(); ++i) { exp[j]->ExtractDataToCoeffs(fielddef [i], fielddata[i], fielddef [i]->m_fields[0], exp[j]->UpdateCoeffs()); } exp[j]->BwdTrans(exp[j]->GetCoeffs(),exp[j]->UpdatePhys()); } //---------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------- int n, cnt, elmtid, nq, offset, nt, boundary, nfq; nt = exp[0]->GetNpoints(); Array<OneD, Array<OneD, NekDouble> > grad(expdim); Array<OneD, Array<OneD, NekDouble> > fgrad(expdim); Array<OneD, Array<OneD, NekDouble> > values(addfields); // Set up mapping from Boundary condition to element details. StdRegions::StdExpansionSharedPtr elmt; StdRegions::StdExpansion2DSharedPtr bc; Array<OneD, int> BoundarytoElmtID; Array<OneD, int> BoundarytoTraceID; Array<OneD, Array<OneD, MultiRegions::ExpListSharedPtr> > BndExp(addfields); Array<OneD, const NekDouble> U(nt); Array<OneD, NekDouble> outvalues; exp[0]->GetBoundaryToElmtMap(BoundarytoElmtID,BoundarytoTraceID); //get boundary expansions for each field for (i = 0; i<addfields; i++) { BndExp[i] = exp[i]->GetBndCondExpansions(); } // loop over the types of boundary conditions for(cnt = n = 0; n < BndExp[0].num_elements(); ++n) { // identify boundary which the user wanted if(n == surfID) { for(i = 0; i < BndExp[0][n]->GetExpSize(); ++i, cnt++) { // find element and face of this expansion. elmtid = BoundarytoElmtID[cnt]; elmt = exp[0]->GetExp(elmtid); nq = elmt->GetTotPoints(); offset = exp[0]->GetPhys_Offset(elmtid); // Initialise local arrays for the velocity gradients // size of total number of quadrature points for each element (hence local). for(j = 0; j < expdim; ++j) { grad[j] = Array<OneD, NekDouble>(nq); } if(expdim == 2) { } else { for (j = 0; j< addfields; j++) { values[j] = BndExp[j][n]->UpdateCoeffs() + BndExp[j][n]->GetCoeff_Offset(i); } // Get face 2D expansion from element expansion bc = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<StdRegions::StdExpansion2D> (BndExp[0][n]->GetExp(i)); // Number of face quadrature points nfq = bc->GetTotPoints(); //identify boundary of element boundary = BoundarytoTraceID[cnt]; //Extract scalar field U = exp[0]->GetPhys() + offset; //Compute gradients elmt->PhysDeriv(U,grad[0],grad[1],grad[2]); if(i ==0) { for (j = 0; j< nq; j++) { cout << "element grad: " << grad[0][j] << endl; } } for(j = 0; j < expdim; ++j) { fgrad[j] = Array<OneD, NekDouble>(nfq); } // Get gradient at the quadrature points of the face for(j = 0; j < expdim; ++j) { elmt->GetFacePhysVals(boundary,bc,grad[j],fgrad[j]); bc->FwdTrans(fgrad[j],values[j]); } if(i ==0) { for (j = 0; j< nfq; j++) { cout << "face grad: " << fgrad[0][j] << endl; } } const SpatialDomains::GeomFactorsSharedPtr m_metricinfo=bc->GetMetricInfo(); const Array<OneD, const Array<OneD, NekDouble> > normals = elmt->GetFaceNormal(boundary); Array<OneD, NekDouble> gradnorm(nfq); if (m_metricinfo->GetGtype() == SpatialDomains::eDeformed) { Vmath::Vvtvvtp(nfq,normals[0],1,fgrad[0],1, normals[1],1,fgrad[1],1,gradnorm,1); Vmath::Vvtvp (nfq,normals[2],1,fgrad[2],1,gradnorm,1,gradnorm,1); } else { Vmath::Svtsvtp(nfq,normals[0][0],fgrad[0],1, normals[1][0],fgrad[1],1,gradnorm,1); Vmath::Svtvp(nfq,normals[2][0],fgrad[2],1,gradnorm,1,gradnorm,1); } for(j = 0; j<expdim; j++) { bc->FwdTrans(normals[j],values[j+expdim]); } //gradient (grad(u) n) Vmath::Smul(nfq,-1.0,gradnorm,1,gradnorm,1); bc->FwdTrans(gradnorm,values[expdim*2]); } } } else { cnt += BndExp[0][n]->GetExpSize(); } } for(int j = 0; j < addfields; ++j) { int ncoeffs = exp[0]->GetNcoeffs(); Array<OneD, NekDouble> output(ncoeffs); output=exp[j+1]->UpdateCoeffs(); int nGlobal=m_locToGlobalMap->GetNumGlobalCoeffs(); Array<OneD, NekDouble> outarray(nGlobal,0.0); int bndcnt=0; const Array<OneD,const int>& map = m_locToGlobalMap->GetBndCondCoeffsToGlobalCoeffsMap(); NekDouble sign; for(int i = 0; i < BndExp[j].num_elements(); ++i) { if(i==surfID) { const Array<OneD,const NekDouble>& coeffs = BndExp[j][i]->GetCoeffs(); for(int k = 0; k < (BndExp[j][i])->GetNcoeffs(); ++k) { sign = m_locToGlobalMap->GetBndCondCoeffsToGlobalCoeffsSign(bndcnt); outarray[map[bndcnt++]] = sign * coeffs[k]; } } else { bndcnt += BndExp[j][i]->GetNcoeffs(); } } m_locToGlobalMap->GlobalToLocal(outarray,output); } //----------------------------------------------- // Write solution to file with additional computed fields string out(argv[argc-2]); std::vector<LibUtilities::FieldDefinitionsSharedPtr> FieldDef = exp[0]->GetFieldDefinitions(); std::vector<std::vector<NekDouble> > FieldData(FieldDef.size()); vector<string > outname; outname.push_back("du/dx"); outname.push_back("du/dy"); outname.push_back("du/dz"); outname.push_back("nx"); outname.push_back("ny"); outname.push_back("nz"); outname.push_back("gradient"); for(j = 0; j < nfields+addfields; ++j) { for(i = 0; i < FieldDef.size(); ++i) { if (j >= nfields) { FieldDef[i]->m_fields.push_back(outname[j-nfields]); } else { FieldDef[i]->m_fields.push_back(fielddef[i]->m_fields[j]); } exp[j]->AppendFieldData(FieldDef[i], FieldData[i]); } } LibUtilities::Write(out, FieldDef, FieldData); //----------------------------------------------- return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { LibUtilities::SessionReaderSharedPtr vSession = LibUtilities::SessionReader::CreateInstance(argc, argv); LibUtilities::CommSharedPtr vComm = vSession->GetComm(); string meshfile(argv[1]); MultiRegions::DisContField3DHomogeneous1DSharedPtr Exp,Fce; MultiRegions::ExpListSharedPtr DerExp1,DerExp2,DerExp3; int i, nq; Array<OneD,NekDouble> fce; Array<OneD,NekDouble> xc0,xc1,xc2; StdRegions::ConstFactorMap factors; NekDouble lz; if(argc != 2) { fprintf(stderr,"Usage: Helmholtz2D meshfile\n"); exit(1); } LibUtilities::FieldIOSharedPtr fld = MemoryManager<LibUtilities::FieldIO>::AllocateSharedPtr(vComm); //---------------------------------------------- // Read in mesh from input file SpatialDomains::MeshGraphSharedPtr graph2D = MemoryManager<SpatialDomains::MeshGraph2D>::AllocateSharedPtr(vSession); //---------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------- // Define Expansion int nplanes = vSession->GetParameter("HomModesZ"); lz = vSession->GetParameter("LZ"); bool useFFT = false; bool deal = false; const LibUtilities::PointsKey Pkey(nplanes,LibUtilities::eFourierEvenlySpaced); const LibUtilities::BasisKey Bkey(LibUtilities::eFourier,nplanes,Pkey); Exp = MemoryManager<MultiRegions::DisContField3DHomogeneous1D>:: AllocateSharedPtr(vSession,Bkey,lz,useFFT,deal,graph2D,vSession->GetVariable(0)); //---------------------------------------------- Timing("Read files and define exp .."); //---------------------------------------------- // Print summary of solution details factors[StdRegions::eFactorLambda] = vSession->GetParameter("Lambda"); factors[StdRegions::eFactorTau] = 1.0; const SpatialDomains::ExpansionMap &expansions = graph2D->GetExpansions(); LibUtilities::BasisKey bkey0 = expansions.begin()->second->m_basisKeyVector[0]; cout << "Solving 3D Helmholtz (Homogeneous in z-direction):" << endl; cout << " Lambda : " << factors[StdRegions::eFactorLambda] << endl; cout << " Lz : " << lz << endl; cout << " No. modes : " << bkey0.GetNumModes() << endl; cout << " No. hom. modes : " << Bkey.GetNumModes() << endl; cout << endl; //---------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------- // Set up coordinates of mesh for Forcing function evaluation nq = Exp->GetTotPoints(); xc0 = Array<OneD,NekDouble>(nq,0.0); xc1 = Array<OneD,NekDouble>(nq,0.0); xc2 = Array<OneD,NekDouble>(nq,0.0); Exp->GetCoords(xc0,xc1,xc2); //---------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------- // Define forcing function for first variable defined in file fce = Array<OneD,NekDouble>(nq); LibUtilities::EquationSharedPtr ffunc = vSession->GetFunction("Forcing", 0); ffunc->Evaluate(xc0, xc1, xc2, fce); //---------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------- // Setup expansion containing the forcing function Fce = MemoryManager<MultiRegions::DisContField3DHomogeneous1D>::AllocateSharedPtr(*Exp); Fce->SetPhys(fce); //---------------------------------------------- Timing("Define forcing .."); //---------------------------------------------- // Helmholtz solution taking physical forcing Exp->HelmSolve(Fce->GetPhys(), Exp->UpdateCoeffs(), NullFlagList, factors); //---------------------------------------------- Timing("Helmholtz Solve .."); #ifdef TIMING for(i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { Exp->HelmSolve(Fce->GetPhys(), Exp->UpdateCoeffs(), NullFlagList, factors); } Timing("100 Helmholtz Solves:... "); #endif //----------------------------------------------- // Backward Transform Solution to get solved values at Exp->BwdTrans(Exp->GetCoeffs(), Exp->UpdatePhys()); //----------------------------------------------- Timing("Backard Transform .."); //----------------------------------------------- // Write solution to file string out = meshfile.substr(0, meshfile.find_last_of(".")) + ".fld"; std::vector<LibUtilities::FieldDefinitionsSharedPtr> FieldDef = Exp->GetFieldDefinitions(); std::vector<std::vector<NekDouble> > FieldData(FieldDef.size()); for(i = 0; i < FieldDef.size(); ++i) { FieldDef[i]->m_fields.push_back("u"); Exp->AppendFieldData(FieldDef[i], FieldData[i]); } fld->Write(out, FieldDef, FieldData); //----------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------- // See if there is an exact solution, if so // evaluate and plot errors LibUtilities::EquationSharedPtr ex_sol = vSession->GetFunction("ExactSolution", 0); if(ex_sol) { //---------------------------------------------- // evaluate exact solution ex_sol->Evaluate(xc0, xc1, xc2, fce); //---------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------- // Calculate error Fce->SetPhys(fce); Fce->SetPhysState(true); cout << "L infinity error: " << Exp->Linf(Exp->GetPhys(), Fce->GetPhys()) << endl; cout << "L 2 error : " << Exp->L2 (Exp->GetPhys(), Fce->GetPhys()) << endl; //-------------------------------------------- } Timing("Output .."); //---------------------------------------------- return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int cnt; int id1, id2; int i, j, e, b; int nBndEdgePts, nBndEdges, nBndRegions; if (argc < 3) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: ExtractSurface2DCFS meshfile fieldFile\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Extracts a surface from a 2D fld file" "(only for CompressibleFlowSolver and purely 2D .fld files)\n"); exit(1); } LibUtilities::SessionReaderSharedPtr vSession = LibUtilities::SessionReader::CreateInstance(3, argv); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Read in mesh from input file string meshfile(argv[1]); SpatialDomains::MeshGraphSharedPtr graphShPt = SpatialDomains::MeshGraph::Read(vSession); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Import field file string fieldFile(argv[2]); vector<LibUtilities::FieldDefinitionsSharedPtr> fieldDef; vector<vector<NekDouble> > fieldData; LibUtilities::Import(fieldFile, fieldDef, fieldData); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Set up Expansion information vector< vector<LibUtilities::PointsType> > pointsType; for (i = 0; i < fieldDef.size(); ++i) { vector<LibUtilities::PointsType> ptype; for (j = 0; j < 2; ++j) { ptype.push_back(LibUtilities::ePolyEvenlySpaced); } pointsType.push_back(ptype); } graphShPt->SetExpansions(fieldDef, pointsType); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Define Expansion int nfields = fieldDef[0]->m_fields.size(); Array<OneD, MultiRegions::ExpListSharedPtr> Exp(nfields); Array<OneD, MultiRegions::ExpListSharedPtr> pFields(nfields); for(i = 0; i < pFields.num_elements(); i++) { pFields[i] = MemoryManager<MultiRegions ::DisContField2D>::AllocateSharedPtr(vSession, graphShPt, vSession->GetVariable(i)); } MultiRegions::ExpList2DSharedPtr Exp2D; Exp2D = MemoryManager<MultiRegions::ExpList2D> ::AllocateSharedPtr(vSession, graphShPt); Exp[0] = Exp2D; for (i = 1; i < nfields; ++i) { Exp[i] = MemoryManager<MultiRegions::ExpList2D> ::AllocateSharedPtr(*Exp2D); } int nSolutionPts = pFields[0]->GetNpoints(); int nTracePts = pFields[0]->GetTrace()->GetTotPoints(); Array<OneD, NekDouble> x(nSolutionPts); Array<OneD, NekDouble> y(nSolutionPts); Array<OneD, NekDouble> z(nSolutionPts); Array<OneD, NekDouble> traceX(nTracePts); Array<OneD, NekDouble> traceY(nTracePts); Array<OneD, NekDouble> traceZ(nTracePts); Array<OneD, NekDouble> surfaceX(nTracePts); Array<OneD, NekDouble> surfaceY(nTracePts); Array<OneD, NekDouble> surfaceZ(nTracePts); pFields[0]->GetCoords(x, y, z); pFields[0]->ExtractTracePhys(x, traceX); pFields[0]->ExtractTracePhys(y, traceY); pFields[0]->ExtractTracePhys(z, traceZ); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copy data from field file Array<OneD, Array<OneD, NekDouble> > uFields(nfields); Array<OneD, Array<OneD, NekDouble> > traceFields(nfields); Array<OneD, Array<OneD, NekDouble> > surfaceFields(nfields); // Extract the physical values of the solution at the boundaries for (j = 0; j < nfields; ++j) { uFields[j] = Array<OneD, NekDouble>(nSolutionPts, 0.0); traceFields[j] = Array<OneD, NekDouble>(nTracePts, 0.0); surfaceFields[j] = Array<OneD, NekDouble>(nTracePts, 0.0); for (i = 0; i < fieldData.size(); ++i) { Exp[j]->ExtractDataToCoeffs(fieldDef[i], fieldData[i], fieldDef[i]->m_fields[j], Exp[j]->UpdateCoeffs()); } Exp[j]->BwdTrans(Exp[j]->GetCoeffs(), Exp[j]->UpdatePhys()); Vmath::Vcopy(nSolutionPts, Exp[j]->GetPhys(), 1, uFields[j], 1); pFields[0]->ExtractTracePhys(uFields[j], traceFields[j]); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (pFields[0]->GetBndCondExpansions().num_elements()) { id1 = 0; cnt = 0; nBndRegions = pFields[0]->GetBndCondExpansions().num_elements(); for (b = 0; b < nBndRegions; ++b) { nBndEdges = pFields[0]->GetBndCondExpansions()[b]->GetExpSize(); for (e = 0; e < nBndEdges; ++e) { nBndEdgePts = pFields[0]-> GetBndCondExpansions()[b]->GetExp(e)->GetNumPoints(0); id2 = pFields[0]->GetTrace()-> GetPhys_Offset(pFields[0]->GetTraceMap()-> GetBndCondTraceToGlobalTraceMap(cnt++)); if (pFields[0]->GetBndConditions()[b]-> GetUserDefined() == SpatialDomains::eWallViscous || pFields[0]->GetBndConditions()[b]-> GetUserDefined() == SpatialDomains::eWall) { Vmath::Vcopy(nBndEdgePts, &traceX[id2], 1, &surfaceX[id1], 1); Vmath::Vcopy(nBndEdgePts, &traceY[id2], 1, &surfaceY[id1], 1); Vmath::Vcopy(nBndEdgePts, &traceZ[id2], 1, &surfaceZ[id1], 1); id1 += nBndEdgePts; } } } } if (pFields[0]->GetBndCondExpansions().num_elements()) { for (j = 0; j < nfields; ++j) { id1 = 0; cnt = 0; nBndRegions = pFields[j]->GetBndCondExpansions().num_elements(); for (b = 0; b < nBndRegions; ++b) { nBndEdges = pFields[j]->GetBndCondExpansions()[b]->GetExpSize(); for (e = 0; e < nBndEdges; ++e) { nBndEdgePts = pFields[j]-> GetBndCondExpansions()[b]->GetExp(e)->GetNumPoints(0); id2 = pFields[j]->GetTrace()-> GetPhys_Offset(pFields[j]->GetTraceMap()-> GetBndCondTraceToGlobalTraceMap(cnt++)); if (pFields[j]->GetBndConditions()[b]-> GetUserDefined() == SpatialDomains::eWallViscous || pFields[j]->GetBndConditions()[b]-> GetUserDefined() == SpatialDomains::eWall) { Vmath::Vcopy(nBndEdgePts, &traceFields[j][id2], 1, &surfaceFields[j][id1], 1); id1 += nBndEdgePts; } } } } } // Print the surface coordinates and the surface solution in a .txt file ofstream outfile;"surfaceQuantities.txt"); for (i = 0; i < id1; ++i) { outfile << scientific << setw (17) << setprecision(16) << surfaceX[i] << " \t " << surfaceY[i] << " \t " << surfaceZ[i] << " \t " << surfaceFields[0][i] << " \t " << surfaceFields[1][i] << " \t " << surfaceFields[2][i] << " \t " << surfaceFields[3][i] << " \t " << endl; } outfile << endl << endl; outfile.close(); /* //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copy data from field file // Extract the physical values of the solution at the boundaries for (j = 0; j < nfields; ++j) { cnt = 0; nBndRegions = Exp[j]->GetBndCondExpansions().num_elements(); for (b = 0; b < nBndRegions; ++b) { nBndEdges = Exp[j]->GetBndCondExpansions()[b]->GetExpSize(); for (e = 0; e < nBndEdges; ++e) { nBndEdgePts = Exp[j]-> GetBndCondExpansions()[b]->GetExp(e)->GetNumPoints(0); id1 = Exp[j]->GetBndCondExpansions()[b]->GetPhys_Offset(e); id2 = Exp[0]->GetTrace()-> GetPhys_Offset(Exp[0]->GetTraceMap()-> GetBndCondTraceToGlobalTraceMap(cnt++)); for (i = 0; i < fieldData.size(); ++i) { if (Exp[j]->GetBndConditions()[b]-> GetUserDefined() == SpatialDomains::eWallViscous || Exp[j]->GetBndConditions()[b]-> GetUserDefined() == SpatialDomains::eWall) { Exp[j]->ExtractDataToCoeffs(fieldDef[i], fieldData[i], fieldDef[i]->m_fields[j], Exp[j]->UpdateCoeffs()); } } } } Exp[j]->BwdTrans(Exp[j]->GetCoeffs(), Exp[j]->UpdatePhys()); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* //---------------------------------------------- // Probe data fields Array<OneD, Array<OneD, NekDouble> > gloCoord(); for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { gloCoord[0] = x0 + i*dx; gloCoord[1] = y0 + i*dy; gloCoord[2] = z0 + i*dz; cout << gloCoord[0] << " " << gloCoord[1] << " " << gloCoord[2]; int ExpId = Exp[0]->GetExpIndex(gloCoord, NekConstants::kGeomFactorsTol); for (int j = 0; j < nfields; ++j) { Exp[j]->PutPhysInToElmtExp(); cout << " " << Exp[j]->GetExp(ExpId)->PhysEvaluate(gloCoord); } cout << endl; } */ //---------------------------------------------- return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { LibUtilities::SessionReaderSharedPtr vSession = LibUtilities::SessionReader::CreateInstance(argc, argv); MultiRegions::ContField3DSharedPtr Exp,Fce; int i, j, nq, coordim; Array<OneD,NekDouble> fce; Array<OneD,NekDouble> xc0,xc1,xc2; if(argc != 2) { fprintf(stderr,"Usage: ProjectCont3D meshfile \n"); exit(1); } //---------------------------------------------- // Read in mesh from input file SpatialDomains::MeshGraphSharedPtr graph3D = MemoryManager<SpatialDomains::MeshGraph3D>::AllocateSharedPtr(vSession); //---------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------- // Print summary of solution details const SpatialDomains::ExpansionMap &expansions = graph3D->GetExpansions(); LibUtilities::BasisKey bkey = expansions.begin()->second->m_basisKeyVector[0]; int nmodes = bkey.GetNumModes(); cout << "Solving 3D C0 continuous Projection" << endl; cout << " No. modes : " << nmodes << endl; cout << endl; //---------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------- // Define Expansion Exp = MemoryManager<MultiRegions::ContField3D> ::AllocateSharedPtr(vSession,graph3D,vSession->GetVariable(0)); //---------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------- // Set up coordinates of mesh for Forcing function evaluation coordim = Exp->GetCoordim(0); nq = Exp->GetTotPoints(); xc0 = Array<OneD,NekDouble>(nq,0.0); xc1 = Array<OneD,NekDouble>(nq,0.0); xc2 = Array<OneD,NekDouble>(nq,0.0); switch(coordim) { case 1: Exp->GetCoords(xc0); break; case 2: Exp->GetCoords(xc0,xc1); break; case 3: Exp->GetCoords(xc0,xc1,xc2); break; } //---------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------- // Define forcing function fce = Array<OneD,NekDouble>(nq); for(i = 0; i < nq; ++i) { fce[i] = 0.0; for(j = 0; j < nmodes; ++j) { fce[i] += pow(xc0[i],j); fce[i] += pow(xc1[i],j); fce[i] += pow(xc2[i],j); } } //--------------------------------------------- // Set up ExpList1D containing the solution Fce = MemoryManager<MultiRegions::ContField3D>::AllocateSharedPtr(*Exp); Fce->SetPhys(fce); //--------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------- // Write solution //ofstream outfile("ProjectContFileOrig3D.dat"); //Fce->WriteToFile(outfile,eGnuplot); //outfile.close(); //---------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------- // Project onto Expansion Exp->FwdTrans(Fce->GetPhys(), Exp->UpdateCoeffs(), MultiRegions::eGlobal); //--------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------- // Backward Transform Solution to get projected values Exp->BwdTrans(Exp->GetCoeffs(), Exp->UpdatePhys(), MultiRegions::eGlobal); //------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------- // Write solution //ofstream outfile2("ProjectContFile3D.dat"); //Exp->WriteToFile(outfile2,eGnuplot); //outfile2.close(); //---------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------- // Calculate L_inf error cout << "L infinity error: " << Exp->Linf(Fce->GetPhys()) << endl; cout << "L 2 error: " << Exp->L2 (Fce->GetPhys()) << endl; //-------------------------------------------- vSession->Finalise(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { LibUtilities::SessionReaderSharedPtr vSession = LibUtilities::SessionReader::CreateInstance(argc, argv); LibUtilities::CommSharedPtr vComm = vSession->GetComm(); MultiRegions::DisContField3DSharedPtr Exp,Fce; int i, nq, coordim; Array<OneD,NekDouble> fce; Array<OneD,NekDouble> xc0,xc1,xc2; StdRegions::ConstFactorMap factors; if(argc < 2) { fprintf(stderr,"Usage: PostProcHDG3D meshfile [solntype]\n"); exit(1); } //---------------------------------------------- // Read in mesh from input file SpatialDomains::MeshGraphSharedPtr graph3D = MemoryManager<SpatialDomains::MeshGraph3D>::AllocateSharedPtr(vSession); //---------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------- // Print summary of solution details factors[StdRegions::eFactorLambda] = vSession->GetParameter("Lambda"); factors[StdRegions::eFactorTau] = 1.0; const SpatialDomains::ExpansionMap &expansions = graph3D->GetExpansions(); LibUtilities::BasisKey bkey0 = expansions.begin()->second->m_basisKeyVector[0]; //MAY NEED ADJUSTMENT FOR VARIOUS ELEMENT TYPES int num_modes = bkey0.GetNumModes(); int num_points = bkey0.GetNumPoints(); if (vComm->GetRank() == 0) { cout << "Solving 3D Helmholtz:" << endl; cout << " Lambda : " << factors[StdRegions::eFactorLambda] << endl; cout << " No. modes : " << num_modes << endl; cout << " No. points : " << num_points << endl; cout << endl; } //---------------------------------------------- // Define Expansion //---------------------------------------------- Exp = MemoryManager<MultiRegions::DisContField3D>:: AllocateSharedPtr(vSession,graph3D,vSession->GetVariable(0)); //---------------------------------------------- Timing("Read files and define exp .."); //---------------------------------------------- // Set up coordinates of mesh for Forcing function evaluation coordim = Exp->GetCoordim(0); nq = Exp->GetTotPoints(); xc0 = Array<OneD,NekDouble>(nq,0.0); xc1 = Array<OneD,NekDouble>(nq,0.0); xc2 = Array<OneD,NekDouble>(nq,0.0); switch(coordim) { case 1: Exp->GetCoords(xc0); break; case 2: Exp->GetCoords(xc0,xc1); break; case 3: Exp->GetCoords(xc0,xc1,xc2); break; } //---------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------- // Define forcing function for first variable defined in file fce = Array<OneD,NekDouble>(nq); LibUtilities::EquationSharedPtr ffunc = vSession->GetFunction("Forcing", 0); ffunc->Evaluate(xc0, xc1, xc2, fce); //---------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------- // Setup expansion containing the forcing function Fce = MemoryManager<MultiRegions::DisContField3D>::AllocateSharedPtr(*Exp); Fce->SetPhys(fce); //---------------------------------------------- Timing("Define forcing .."); //---------------------------------------------- // Helmholtz solution taking physical forcing Exp->HelmSolve(Fce->GetPhys(), Exp->UpdateCoeffs(), NullFlagList, factors); //---------------------------------------------- Timing("Helmholtz Solve .."); //----------------------------------------------- // Backward Transform Solution to get solved values at Exp->BwdTrans(Exp->GetCoeffs(), Exp->UpdatePhys()); //----------------------------------------------- Timing("Backward Transform .."); //----------------------------------------------- // Write solution to file //string out = vSession->GetSessionName() + ".fld"; //std::vector<LibUtilities::FieldDefinitionsSharedPtr> FieldDef // = Exp->GetFieldDefinitions(); //std::vector<std::vector<NekDouble> > FieldData(FieldDef.size()); //for(i = 0; i < FieldDef.size(); ++i) //{ // FieldDef[i]->m_fields.push_back("u"); // Exp->AppendFieldData(FieldDef[i], FieldData[i]); //} //LibUtilities::Write(out, FieldDef, FieldData); //-------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------- // See if there is an exact solution, if so // evaluate and plot errors LibUtilities::EquationSharedPtr ex_sol = vSession->GetFunction("ExactSolution", 0); //---------------------------------------------- // evaluate exact solution ex_sol->Evaluate(xc0, xc1, xc2, fce); //---------------------------------------------- //Tetrahedron const LibUtilities::PointsKey PkeyT1(num_points+1,LibUtilities::eGaussLobattoLegendre); const LibUtilities::PointsKey PkeyT2(num_points,LibUtilities::eGaussRadauMAlpha1Beta0);//need to doublecheck this one const LibUtilities::PointsKey PkeyT3(num_points,LibUtilities::eGaussRadauMAlpha2Beta0);//need to doublecheck this one LibUtilities::BasisKeyVector BkeyT; BkeyT.push_back(LibUtilities::BasisKey(LibUtilities::eModified_A, num_modes+1, PkeyT1)); BkeyT.push_back(LibUtilities::BasisKey(LibUtilities::eModified_B, num_modes+1, PkeyT2)); BkeyT.push_back(LibUtilities::BasisKey(LibUtilities::eModified_C, num_modes+1, PkeyT3)); //Prism const LibUtilities::PointsKey PkeyP1(num_points+1,LibUtilities::eGaussLobattoLegendre); const LibUtilities::PointsKey PkeyP2(num_points+1,LibUtilities::eGaussLobattoLegendre); const LibUtilities::PointsKey PkeyP3(num_points,LibUtilities::eGaussRadauMAlpha1Beta0);//need to doublecheck this one LibUtilities::BasisKeyVector BkeyP; BkeyP.push_back(LibUtilities::BasisKey(LibUtilities::eModified_A, num_modes+1, PkeyP1)); BkeyP.push_back(LibUtilities::BasisKey(LibUtilities::eModified_A, num_modes+1, PkeyP2)); BkeyP.push_back(LibUtilities::BasisKey(LibUtilities::eModified_B, num_modes+1, PkeyP3)); //Hexahedron const LibUtilities::PointsKey PkeyH(num_points+1,LibUtilities::eGaussLobattoLegendre); LibUtilities::BasisKeyVector BkeyH; BkeyH.push_back(LibUtilities::BasisKey(LibUtilities::eModified_A, num_modes+1, PkeyH)); BkeyH.push_back(LibUtilities::BasisKey(LibUtilities::eModified_A, num_modes+1, PkeyH)); BkeyH.push_back(LibUtilities::BasisKey(LibUtilities::eModified_A, num_modes+1, PkeyH)); graph3D->SetBasisKey(LibUtilities::eTetrahedron, BkeyT); graph3D->SetBasisKey(LibUtilities::ePrism, BkeyP); graph3D->SetBasisKey(LibUtilities::eHexahedron, BkeyH); MultiRegions::DisContField3DSharedPtr PostProc = MemoryManager<MultiRegions::DisContField3D>::AllocateSharedPtr(vSession,graph3D,vSession->GetVariable(0)); int ErrorCoordim = PostProc->GetCoordim(0); int ErrorNq = PostProc->GetTotPoints(); Array<OneD,NekDouble> ErrorXc0(ErrorNq,0.0); Array<OneD,NekDouble> ErrorXc1(ErrorNq,0.0); Array<OneD,NekDouble> ErrorXc2(ErrorNq,0.0); switch(ErrorCoordim) { case 1: PostProc->GetCoords(ErrorXc0); break; case 2: PostProc->GetCoords(ErrorXc0,ErrorXc1); break; case 3: PostProc->GetCoords(ErrorXc0,ErrorXc1,ErrorXc2); break; } // evaluate exact solution Array<OneD,NekDouble> ppSol(ErrorNq); ex_sol->Evaluate(ErrorXc0,ErrorXc1,ErrorXc2,ppSol); // calcualte spectral/hp approximation on the quad points of this new // expansion basis std::vector<LibUtilities::FieldDefinitionsSharedPtr> FieldDef = Exp->GetFieldDefinitions(); std::vector<std::vector<NekDouble> > FieldData(FieldDef.size()); std::string fieldstr = "u"; for(i = 0; i < FieldDef.size(); ++i) { FieldDef[i]->m_fields.push_back(fieldstr); Exp->AppendFieldData(FieldDef[i], FieldData[i]); PostProc->ExtractDataToCoeffs(FieldDef[i],FieldData[i],fieldstr,PostProc->UpdateCoeffs()); } // Interpolation of trace std::vector<LibUtilities::FieldDefinitionsSharedPtr> TraceDef = Exp->GetTrace()->GetFieldDefinitions(); std::vector<std::vector<NekDouble> > TraceData(TraceDef.size()); for(i = 0; i < TraceDef.size(); ++i) { TraceDef[i]->m_fields.push_back(fieldstr); Exp->GetTrace()->AppendFieldData(TraceDef[i], TraceData[i]); PostProc->GetTrace()->ExtractDataToCoeffs(TraceDef[i],TraceData[i],fieldstr,PostProc->GetTrace()->UpdateCoeffs()); } PostProc->BwdTrans_IterPerExp(PostProc->GetCoeffs(),PostProc->UpdatePhys()); PostProc->EvaluateHDGPostProcessing(PostProc->UpdateCoeffs()); PostProc->BwdTrans_IterPerExp(PostProc->GetCoeffs(),PostProc->UpdatePhys()); NekDouble vLinfError = Exp->Linf(Exp->GetPhys(), fce); NekDouble vL2Error = Exp->L2 (Exp->GetPhys(), fce); NekDouble L2ErrorPostProc = PostProc->L2(PostProc->GetPhys(), ppSol); NekDouble LinfErrorPostProc = PostProc->Linf(PostProc->GetPhys(), ppSol); if (vSession->GetComm()->GetRank() == 0) { cout << "L infinity error : " << vLinfError << endl; cout << "L 2 error : " << vL2Error << endl; cout << "Postprocessed L infinity error : " << LinfErrorPostProc << endl; cout << "Postprocessed L 2 error : " << L2ErrorPostProc << endl; } vSession->Finalise(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { MultiRegions::ContField3DSharedPtr Exp,Fce,Sol; int i, nq, coordim; Array<OneD,NekDouble> fce,sol; Array<OneD,NekDouble> xc0,xc1,xc2; NekDouble lambda; vector<string> vFilenames; if(argc != 6) { fprintf(stderr,"Usage: TimingCGHelmSolve3D Type MeshSize NumModes OptimisationLevel OperatorToTest\n"); fprintf(stderr," where: - Type is one of the following:\n"); fprintf(stderr," 1: Regular Hexahedrons \n"); fprintf(stderr," 2: Deformed Hexahedrons (may not be supported) \n"); fprintf(stderr," 3: Regular Tetrahedrons \n"); fprintf(stderr," where: - MeshSize is 1/h \n"); fprintf(stderr," where: - NumModes is the number of 1D modes of the expansion \n"); fprintf(stderr," where: - OptimisationLevel is one of the following:\n"); fprintf(stderr," 0: Use elemental sum-factorisation evaluation \n"); fprintf(stderr," 2: Use elemental matrix evaluation using blockmatrices \n"); fprintf(stderr," 3: Use global matrix evaluation \n"); fprintf(stderr," 4: Use optimal evaluation (this option requires optimisation-files being set-up) \n"); fprintf(stderr," where: - OperatorToTest is one of the following:\n"); fprintf(stderr," 0: BwdTrans \n"); fprintf(stderr," 1: Inner Product \n"); fprintf(stderr," 2: Mass Matrix \n"); exit(1); } boost::filesystem::path basePath(BASE_PATH); int Type = atoi(argv[1]); int MeshSize = atoi(argv[2]); int NumModes = atoi(argv[3]); int optLevel = atoi(argv[4]); int opToTest = atoi(argv[5]); //---------------------------------------------- // Retrieve the necessary input files stringstream MeshFileName; stringstream MeshFileDirectory; stringstream BCfileName; stringstream ExpansionsFileName; stringstream GlobOptFileName; switch(Type) { case 1: { MeshFileDirectory << "RegularHexMeshes"; MeshFileName << "UnitCube_RegularHexMesh_h_1_" << MeshSize << ".xml"; } break; case 2: { MeshFileDirectory << "DeformedHexMeshes"; MeshFileName << "UnitCube_DeformedHexMesh_h_1_" << MeshSize << ".xml"; } break; case 3: { MeshFileDirectory << "RegularTetMeshes"; MeshFileName << "UnitCube_RegularTetMesh_h_1_" << MeshSize << ".xml"; } break; default: { cerr << "Type should be equal to one of the following values: "<< endl; cerr << " 1: Regular Hexahedrons" << endl; cerr << " 2: Deformed Hexahedrons" << endl; cerr << " 3: Regular Tetrahedrons" << endl; exit(1); } } BCfileName << "UnitCube_DirichletBoundaryConditions.xml"; ExpansionsFileName << "NektarExpansionsNummodes" << NumModes << ".xml"; switch(optLevel) { case 0: { GlobOptFileName << "NoGlobalMat.xml"; } break; case 2: { GlobOptFileName << "DoBlockMat.xml"; } break; case 3: { GlobOptFileName << "DoGlobalMat.xml"; } break; case 4: { ASSERTL0(false,"Optimisation level not set up"); } break; default: { ASSERTL0(false,"Unrecognised optimisation level"); } } boost::filesystem::path MeshFilePath = basePath / boost::filesystem::path("InputFiles") / boost::filesystem::path("Geometry") / boost::filesystem::path(MeshFileDirectory.str()) / boost::filesystem::path(MeshFileName.str()); vFilenames.push_back(PortablePath(MeshFilePath)); boost::filesystem::path BCfilePath = basePath / boost::filesystem::path("InputFiles") / boost::filesystem::path("Conditions") / boost::filesystem::path(BCfileName.str()); vFilenames.push_back(PortablePath(BCfilePath)); boost::filesystem::path ExpansionsFilePath = basePath / boost::filesystem::path("InputFiles") / boost::filesystem::path("Expansions") / boost::filesystem::path(ExpansionsFileName.str()); vFilenames.push_back(PortablePath(ExpansionsFilePath)); boost::filesystem::path GlobOptFilePath = basePath / boost::filesystem::path("InputFiles") / boost::filesystem::path("Optimisation") / boost::filesystem::path(GlobOptFileName.str()); vFilenames.push_back(PortablePath(GlobOptFilePath)); //---------------------------------------------- StdRegions::MatrixType type; switch (opToTest) { case 0: type = StdRegions::eBwdTrans; break; case 1: type = StdRegions::eIProductWRTBase; break; case 2: type = StdRegions::eMass; break; case 3: type = StdRegions::eHelmholtz; break; default: cout << "Operator " << opToTest << " not defined." << endl; } LibUtilities::SessionReaderSharedPtr vSession = LibUtilities::SessionReader::CreateInstance(argc, argv, vFilenames); //---------------------------------------------- // Read in mesh from input file SpatialDomains::MeshGraphSharedPtr graph3D = MemoryManager<SpatialDomains::MeshGraph3D>::AllocateSharedPtr(vSession); //---------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------- // Print summary of solution details lambda = vSession->GetParameter("Lambda"); //---------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------- // Define Expansion Exp = MemoryManager<MultiRegions::ContField3D> ::AllocateSharedPtr(vSession, graph3D, vSession->GetVariable(0)); //---------------------------------------------- int NumElements = Exp->GetExpSize(); //---------------------------------------------- // Set up coordinates of mesh for Forcing function evaluation coordim = Exp->GetCoordim(0); nq = Exp->GetTotPoints(); xc0 = Array<OneD,NekDouble>(nq,0.0); xc1 = Array<OneD,NekDouble>(nq,0.0); xc2 = Array<OneD,NekDouble>(nq,0.0); switch(coordim) { case 1: Exp->GetCoords(xc0); break; case 2: Exp->GetCoords(xc0,xc1); break; case 3: Exp->GetCoords(xc0,xc1,xc2); break; } //---------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------- // Define forcing function for first variable defined in file fce = Array<OneD,NekDouble>(nq); LibUtilities::EquationSharedPtr ffunc = vSession->GetFunction("Forcing",0); for(i = 0; i < nq; ++i) { fce[i] = ffunc->Evaluate(xc0[i],xc1[i],xc2[i]); } //---------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------- // Setup expansion containing the forcing function Fce = MemoryManager<MultiRegions::ContField3D>::AllocateSharedPtr(*Exp); Fce->SetPhys(fce); //---------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------- // See if there is an exact solution, if so // evaluate and plot errors LibUtilities::EquationSharedPtr ex_sol = vSession->GetFunction("ExactSolution",0); //---------------------------------------------- // evaluate exact solution sol = Array<OneD,NekDouble>(nq); for(i = 0; i < nq; ++i) { sol[i] = ex_sol->Evaluate(xc0[i],xc1[i],xc2[i]); } Sol = MemoryManager<MultiRegions::ContField3D>::AllocateSharedPtr(*Exp); Sol->SetPhys(sol); Sol->SetPhysState(true); //---------------------------------------------- NekDouble L2Error; NekDouble LinfError; if (type == StdRegions::eHelmholtz) { FlagList flags; flags.set(eUseGlobal, true); StdRegions::ConstFactorMap factors; factors[StdRegions::eFactorLambda] = lambda; //---------------------------------------------- // Helmholtz solution taking physical forcing Exp->HelmSolve(Fce->GetPhys(), Exp->UpdateCoeffs(),flags,factors); // GeneralMatrixOp does not impose boundary conditions. // MultiRegions::GlobalMatrixKey key(type, lambda, Exp->GetLocalToGlobalMap()); // Exp->GeneralMatrixOp (key, Fce->GetPhys(),Exp->UpdateContCoeffs(), true); //---------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------- // Backward Transform Solution to get solved values at Exp->BwdTrans(Exp->GetCoeffs(), Exp->UpdatePhys(), MultiRegions::eGlobal); //---------------------------------------------- L2Error = Exp->L2 (Sol->GetPhys()); LinfError = Exp->Linf(Sol->GetPhys()); } else { Exp->FwdTrans(Sol->GetPhys(), Exp->UpdateCoeffs(), MultiRegions::eGlobal); //---------------------------------------------- // Backward Transform Solution to get solved values at Exp->BwdTrans(Exp->GetCoeffs(), Exp->UpdatePhys(), MultiRegions::eGlobal); //---------------------------------------------- L2Error = Exp->L2 (Sol->GetPhys()); LinfError = Exp->Linf(Sol->GetPhys()); } //-------------------------------------------- // alternative error calculation /* const LibUtilities::PointsKey PkeyT1(30,LibUtilities::eGaussLobattoLegendre); const LibUtilities::PointsKey PkeyT2(30,LibUtilities::eGaussRadauMAlpha1Beta0); const LibUtilities::PointsKey PkeyQ1(30,LibUtilities::eGaussLobattoLegendre); const LibUtilities::PointsKey PkeyQ2(30,LibUtilities::eGaussLobattoLegendre); const LibUtilities::BasisKey BkeyT1(LibUtilities::eModified_A,NumModes,PkeyT1); const LibUtilities::BasisKey BkeyT2(LibUtilities::eModified_B,NumModes,PkeyT2); const LibUtilities::BasisKey BkeyQ1(LibUtilities::eModified_A,NumModes,PkeyQ1); const LibUtilities::BasisKey BkeyQ2(LibUtilities::eModified_A,NumModes,PkeyQ2); MultiRegions::ExpList3DSharedPtr ErrorExp = MemoryManager<MultiRegions::ExpList3D>::AllocateSharedPtr(BkeyT1,BkeyT2,BkeyT3,BkeyQ1,BkeyQ2,BkeyQ3,graph3D); int ErrorCoordim = ErrorExp->GetCoordim(0); int ErrorNq = ErrorExp->GetTotPoints(); Array<OneD,NekDouble> ErrorXc0(ErrorNq,0.0); Array<OneD,NekDouble> ErrorXc1(ErrorNq,0.0); Array<OneD,NekDouble> ErrorXc2(ErrorNq,0.0); switch(ErrorCoordim) { case 1: ErrorExp->GetCoords(ErrorXc0); break; case 2: ErrorExp->GetCoords(ErrorXc0,ErrorXc1); break; case 3: ErrorExp->GetCoords(ErrorXc0,ErrorXc1,ErrorXc2); break; } // evaluate exact solution Array<OneD,NekDouble> ErrorSol(ErrorNq); for(i = 0; i < ErrorNq; ++i) { ErrorSol[i] = ex_sol->Evaluate(ErrorXc0[i],ErrorXc1[i],ErrorXc2[i]); } // calcualte spectral/hp approximation on the quad points of this new // expansion basis Exp->GlobalToLocal(Exp->GetContCoeffs(),ErrorExp->UpdateCoeffs()); ErrorExp->BwdTrans_IterPerExp(ErrorExp->GetCoeffs(),ErrorExp->UpdatePhys()); NekDouble L2ErrorBis = ErrorExp->L2 (ErrorSol); NekDouble LinfErrorBis = ErrorExp->Linf(ErrorSol); */ //-------------------------------------------- #if 0 cout << "L infinity error: " << LinfErrorBis << endl; cout << "L 2 error: " << L2ErrorBis << endl; #endif //---------------------------------------------- NekDouble exeTime; int NumCalls; exeTime = TimeMatrixOp(type, Exp, Fce, NumCalls, lambda); int nLocCoeffs = Exp->GetLocalToGlobalMap()->GetNumLocalCoeffs(); int nGlobCoeffs = Exp->GetLocalToGlobalMap()->GetNumGlobalCoeffs(); int nLocBndCoeffs = Exp->GetLocalToGlobalMap()->GetNumLocalBndCoeffs(); int nGlobBndCoeffs = Exp->GetLocalToGlobalMap()->GetNumGlobalBndCoeffs(); int nLocDirCoeffs = Exp->GetLocalToGlobalMap()->GetNumLocalDirBndCoeffs(); int nGlobDirCoeffs = Exp->GetLocalToGlobalMap()->GetNumGlobalDirBndCoeffs(); // MultiRegions::GlobalMatrixKey key(StdRegions::eHelmholtz,lambda,Exp->GetLocalToGlobalMap()); // int nnz = Exp->GetGlobalMatrixNnz(key); ostream &outfile = cout; outfile.precision(0); outfile << setw(10) << Type << " "; outfile << setw(10) << NumElements << " "; outfile << setw(10) << NumModes << " "; outfile << setw(10) << NumCalls << " "; outfile << setw(10) << fixed << noshowpoint << exeTime << " "; outfile << setw(10) << fixed << noshowpoint << ((NekDouble) (exeTime/((NekDouble)NumCalls))) << " "; outfile.precision(7); outfile << setw(15) << scientific << noshowpoint << L2Error << " "; outfile << setw(15) << scientific << noshowpoint << "- "; // << L2ErrorBis << " "; outfile << setw(15) << scientific << noshowpoint << LinfError << " "; outfile << setw(15) << scientific << noshowpoint << "- ";// << LinfErrorBis << " "; outfile << setw(10) << nLocCoeffs << " "; outfile << setw(10) << nGlobCoeffs << " "; outfile << setw(10) << nLocBndCoeffs << " "; outfile << setw(10) << nGlobBndCoeffs << " "; outfile << setw(10) << nLocDirCoeffs << " "; outfile << setw(10) << nGlobDirCoeffs << " "; outfile << setw(10) << "- "; // << nnz << " "; outfile << setw(10) << optLevel << " "; outfile << endl; //---------------------------------------------- return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { LibUtilities::SessionReaderSharedPtr vSession = LibUtilities::SessionReader::CreateInstance(argc, argv); LibUtilities::CommSharedPtr vComm = vSession->GetComm(); MultiRegions::DisContField3DSharedPtr Exp, Fce; int i, nq, coordim; Array<OneD,NekDouble> fce; Array<OneD,NekDouble> xc0,xc1,xc2; StdRegions::ConstFactorMap factors; if(argc < 2) { fprintf(stderr,"Usage: HDGHelmholtz3D meshfile [solntype]\n"); exit(1); } LibUtilities::FieldIOSharedPtr fld = MemoryManager<LibUtilities::FieldIO>::AllocateSharedPtr(vComm); //---------------------------------------------- // Read in mesh from input file SpatialDomains::MeshGraphSharedPtr graph3D = MemoryManager<SpatialDomains::MeshGraph3D>::AllocateSharedPtr(vSession); //---------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------- // Print summary of solution details factors[StdRegions::eFactorLambda] = vSession->GetParameter("Lambda"); factors[StdRegions::eFactorTau] = 1.0; const SpatialDomains::ExpansionMap &expansions = graph3D->GetExpansions(); LibUtilities::BasisKey bkey0 = expansions.begin()->second->m_basisKeyVector[0]; if (vComm->GetRank() == 0) { cout << "Solving 3D Helmholtz:" << endl; cout << " - Communication: " << vSession->GetComm()->GetType() << " (" << vSession->GetComm()->GetSize() << " processes)" << endl; cout << " - Solver type : " << vSession->GetSolverInfo("GlobalSysSoln") << endl; cout << " - Lambda : " << factors[StdRegions::eFactorLambda] << endl; cout << " - No. modes : " << bkey0.GetNumModes() << endl; cout << endl; } //---------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------- // Define Expansion Exp = MemoryManager<MultiRegions::DisContField3D>:: AllocateSharedPtr(vSession,graph3D,vSession->GetVariable(0)); //---------------------------------------------- Timing("Read files and define exp .."); //---------------------------------------------- // Set up coordinates of mesh for Forcing function evaluation coordim = Exp->GetCoordim(0); nq = Exp->GetTotPoints(); xc0 = Array<OneD,NekDouble>(nq,0.0); xc1 = Array<OneD,NekDouble>(nq,0.0); xc2 = Array<OneD,NekDouble>(nq,0.0); switch(coordim) { case 1: Exp->GetCoords(xc0); break; case 2: Exp->GetCoords(xc0,xc1); break; case 3: Exp->GetCoords(xc0,xc1,xc2); break; } //---------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------- // Define forcing function for first variable defined in file fce = Array<OneD,NekDouble>(nq); LibUtilities::EquationSharedPtr ffunc = vSession->GetFunction("Forcing", 0); ffunc->Evaluate(xc0, xc1, xc2, fce); //---------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------- // Setup expansion containing the forcing function Fce = MemoryManager<MultiRegions::DisContField3D>::AllocateSharedPtr(*Exp); Fce->SetPhys(fce); //---------------------------------------------- Timing("Define forcing .."); //---------------------------------------------- // Helmholtz solution taking physical forcing Exp->HelmSolve(Fce->GetPhys(), Exp->UpdateCoeffs(), NullFlagList, factors); //---------------------------------------------- Timing("Helmholtz Solve .."); #if 0 for(i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { Exp->HelmSolve(Fce->GetPhys(), Exp->UpdateCoeffs(), NullFlagList, factors); } Timing("100 Helmholtz Solves:... "); #endif //---------------------------------------------- // Backward Transform Solution to get solved values at Exp->BwdTrans(Exp->GetCoeffs(), Exp->UpdatePhys()); //---------------------------------------------- Timing("Backward Transform .."); //----------------------------------------------- // Write solution to file string out = vSession->GetSessionName() + ".fld"; std::vector<LibUtilities::FieldDefinitionsSharedPtr> FieldDef = Exp->GetFieldDefinitions(); std::vector<std::vector<NekDouble> > FieldData(FieldDef.size()); for(i = 0; i < FieldDef.size(); ++i) { FieldDef[i]->m_fields.push_back("u"); Exp->AppendFieldData(FieldDef[i], FieldData[i]); } fld->Write(out, FieldDef, FieldData); //----------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------- // See if there is an exact solution, if so // evaluate and plot errors LibUtilities::EquationSharedPtr ex_sol = vSession->GetFunction("ExactSolution", 0); if(ex_sol) { //---------------------------------------------- // evaluate exact solution ex_sol->Evaluate(xc0, xc1, xc2, fce); //---------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------- // Calculate L_inf error Fce->SetPhys(fce); Fce->SetPhysState(true); NekDouble vLinfError = Exp->Linf(Exp->GetPhys(), Fce->GetPhys()); NekDouble vL2Error = Exp->L2 (Exp->GetPhys(), Fce->GetPhys()); NekDouble vH1Error = Exp->H1 (Exp->GetPhys(), Fce->GetPhys()); if (vComm->GetRank() == 0) { cout << "L infinity error: " << vLinfError << endl; cout << "L 2 error : " << vL2Error << endl; cout << "H 1 error : " << vH1Error << endl; } //-------------------------------------------- } Timing("Output .."); //---------------------------------------------- vSession->Finalise(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { LibUtilities::SessionReaderSharedPtr vSession = LibUtilities::SessionReader::CreateInstance(argc, argv); LibUtilities::CommSharedPtr vComm = vSession->GetComm(); MultiRegions::ContField1DSharedPtr Exp,Fce; int i, nq, coordim; Array<OneD,NekDouble> fce; Array<OneD,NekDouble> xc0,xc1,xc2; StdRegions::ConstFactorMap factors; if( (argc != 2) && (argc != 3) && (argc != 4)) { fprintf(stderr,"Usage: Helmholtz1D meshfile \n"); exit(1); } try { LibUtilities::FieldIOSharedPtr fld = MemoryManager<LibUtilities::FieldIO>::AllocateSharedPtr(vComm); //---------------------------------------------- // Read in mesh from input file SpatialDomains::MeshGraphSharedPtr graph1D = SpatialDomains::MeshGraph::Read(vSession); //---------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------- // Print summary of solution details factors[StdRegions::eFactorLambda] = vSession->GetParameter("Lambda"); const SpatialDomains::ExpansionMap &expansions = graph1D->GetExpansions(); LibUtilities::BasisKey bkey0 = expansions.begin()->second->m_basisKeyVector[0]; if (vComm->GetRank() ==0) { cout << "Solving 1D Helmholtz: " << endl; cout << " Communication: " << vComm->GetType() << endl; cout << " Solver type : " << vSession->GetSolverInfo("GlobalSysSoln") << endl; cout << " Lambda : " << factors[StdRegions::eFactorLambda] << endl; cout << " No. modes : " << bkey0.GetNumModes() << endl; } //---------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------- // Define Expansion Exp = MemoryManager<MultiRegions::ContField1D>:: AllocateSharedPtr(vSession,graph1D,vSession->GetVariable(0)); //---------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------- // Set up coordinates of mesh for Forcing function evaluation coordim = Exp->GetCoordim(0); nq = Exp->GetTotPoints(); xc0 = Array<OneD,NekDouble>(nq); xc1 = Array<OneD,NekDouble>(nq); xc2 = Array<OneD,NekDouble>(nq); switch(coordim) { case 1: Exp->GetCoords(xc0); Vmath::Zero(nq,&xc1[0],1); Vmath::Zero(nq,&xc2[0],1); break; case 2: Exp->GetCoords(xc0,xc1); Vmath::Zero(nq,&xc2[0],1); break; case 3: Exp->GetCoords(xc0,xc1,xc2); break; } //---------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------- // Define forcing function for first variable defined in file fce = Array<OneD,NekDouble>(nq); LibUtilities::EquationSharedPtr ffunc = vSession->GetFunction("Forcing", 0); ffunc->Evaluate(xc0,xc1,xc2, fce); //---------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------- // Setup expansion containing the forcing function Fce = MemoryManager<MultiRegions::ContField1D>::AllocateSharedPtr(*Exp); Fce->SetPhys(fce); //---------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------- //Helmholtz solution taking physical forcing after setting //initial condition to zero Vmath::Zero(Exp->GetNcoeffs(),Exp->UpdateCoeffs(),1); Exp->HelmSolve(Fce->GetPhys(), Exp->UpdateCoeffs(), NullFlagList, factors); //---------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------- // Backward Transform Solution to get solved values at Exp->BwdTrans(Exp->GetCoeffs(), Exp->UpdatePhys()); //---------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------- // Write solution string out(strtok(argv[1],".")); string endfile(".fld"); out += endfile; std::vector<LibUtilities::FieldDefinitionsSharedPtr> FieldDef = Exp->GetFieldDefinitions(); std::vector<std::vector<NekDouble> > FieldData(FieldDef.size()); for(i = 0; i < FieldDef.size(); ++i) { FieldDef[i]->m_fields.push_back("u"); Exp->AppendFieldData(FieldDef[i], FieldData[i]); } fld->Write(out, FieldDef, FieldData); //---------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------- // See if there is an exact solution, if so // evaluate and plot errors LibUtilities::EquationSharedPtr ex_sol = vSession->GetFunction("ExactSolution", 0); if(ex_sol) { //---------------------------------------------- // evaluate exact solution ex_sol->Evaluate(xc0,xc1,xc2, fce); Fce->SetPhys(fce); //---------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------- // Calculate errors NekDouble vLinfError = Exp->Linf(Exp->GetPhys(), Fce->GetPhys()); NekDouble vL2Error = Exp->L2(Exp->GetPhys(), Fce->GetPhys()); NekDouble vH1Error = Exp->H1(Exp->GetPhys(), Fce->GetPhys()); if (vComm->GetRank() == 0) { cout << "L infinity error: " << vLinfError << endl; cout << "L 2 error: " << vL2Error << endl; cout << "H 1 error: " << vH1Error << endl; } //-------------------------------------------- } //---------------------------------------------- } catch (const std::runtime_error&) { cerr << "Caught exception." << endl; return 1; } vComm->Finalise(); return 0; }