/** * Handles configuration values being changed. * * Currently checks for data search paths and default facility. * * @param pNf Poco notification */ void IndirectDataReduction::handleConfigChange( Mantid::Kernel::ConfigValChangeNotification_ptr pNf) { std::string key = pNf->key(); std::string value = pNf->curValue(); if (key == "datasearch.directories" || key == "defaultsave.directory") { readSettings(); } else if (key == "default.facility") { QString facility = QString::fromStdString(value); filterUiForFacility(facility); m_uiForm.iicInstrumentConfiguration->setFacility(facility); } }
void InstrumentSelector::handleConfigChange(Mantid::Kernel::ConfigValChangeNotification_ptr pNf) { if(!m_updateOnFacilityChange) return; QString prop = QString::fromStdString(pNf->key()); QString newV = QString::fromStdString(pNf->curValue()); QString oldV = QString::fromStdString(pNf->preValue()); if ( newV != oldV ) { if ( ( prop == "default.facility" ) && ( newV != QString::fromStdString(m_currentFacility->name()) ) ) { fillWithInstrumentsFromFacility(newV); } else if ( ( prop == "default.instrument" ) && ( newV != this->currentText() ) ) { this->setCurrentIndex(this->findText(newV)); } } }
/** Update the output directory label if the Mantid system output * directory has changed * @param pDirInfo :: a pointer to an object with the output directory name in * it */ void SANSAddFiles::changeOutputDir( Mantid::Kernel::ConfigValChangeNotification_ptr pDirInfo) { if (pDirInfo->key() == "defaultsave.directory") { setOutDir(pDirInfo->curValue()); } }