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Welcome to 'Simon & Baxter: the Magical Stones'

It's an interactive textual game in which you have to explore

a fantasy world full of enemies and challenges to get magical stones.

Whith their power you will be able to defeat Rakdos, the Devil King


The BASIC COMMANDS that you can enter:: go / look / open (direction) door / close (direction) door / help / quit.

To specify the DIRECTION you want: north(n) / south(s) / east(e) / west(w) / up(u) / down(d)

To INTERACT with OBJECTS you can introduce these commands:

pick / drop = to put items in your inventory / leave items\nin the room you are.

equip / unequip = to equip/unequip items that are in the inventory.

put into = to put an item into another item (container).

get from = to get an item that's inside another item (container).

look trunk = to look items that are inside this container.

To know basic INFORMATION related to the character:

You can't see which objects are in the room when you move between them.

To see the items, you have to insert the command 'look'.

inventory / inv / i = it shows all the items the player is carrying.

equipment(eq) = it shows the equipped items.

stats(st) = to look the statistics of the character.


You have to think twice before dropping an item. Why? Because of the physical

laws of this world, a wormhole is created when you drop items, making them appear into another room.

If you want to keep your items safe, you have to put them into the trunk.



Some of the characters drop items when you defeat them.

JIKKI = the independent NPC that moves between GRIMGAR, LAKE, HILL and SUPER GENERATOR. He's not hostile.

KARLA = placed in TAVERN. You can buy and sell her items.

SKELETONS = placed in FLOOR 1. They are hostile (if you enter in the room, they automatically attack you and the fight starts).

TOTEM = placed in FLOOR 2. It's hostile (you have to defeat it before its coundown reaches 0).

SMAUG = placed in DRAGON'S RIFT. It's not hostile.

RAKDOS = placed in RAKDOS THRONE ROOM. It's hostile.


attack (creature) = start combat with a NPC)

buy (creature) = see the items you can buy from this NPC.

buy/sell (item) from/to (creature) = trade with a seller NPC.

heal(h) / mana(m) = the magical staff Baxter helps you with his magical abilities.

GOD MODE: "/heal" or "/mana" if you want to increase tese stats to a god level.

NEW SPECIAL FEATURE: the magical gems

The magical gems you can find around the map let you casting powerful abilities that consume mana (be careful which ability you cast and alwas take care about your mana). You can combine different abilities to cast new powerful spells (Combinations explained in the PDF called "SpellsCombinations"). NOTE: if you want to cast a combinated spell, you have to do it like this = "1"(spacebar)"2". You have to pick the gems to keep them into your inventory.


When a combat starts (you attack a NPC or a NPC attacks you), you can't move to any other room until the fight ends (a character dies). Only when you are in combat you can cast magic spells with the correct comands (1, 2, 3, 4, 5).

AUTHOR: Jordi Oña Rufí.




P.D.: Some commits I realized were made with a wrong github account.