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This package implements active compliant control in task space. It utilizes the ros_control framework. Your robot needs a force(-torque) sensor located at the end-effector for this controller to work.


Clone this repository into your catkin workspace and compile it.


Creating a launch file

First you need to create a yaml-file that defines the controller. Following parameters are available:

Parameter Description
type Name of the controller as defined by the controller plugin.(position_controllers/CompliantController, velocity_controllers/CompliantController or effort_controllers/CompliantController)
ft_sensor_name Name of the ft-sensor handle
joints Joint names that are to be controlled
segments Link names connecting the controlled links
moveit_group Only needed if type of controller is position. Name of the moveit group that is controlled. Joint names have to match joints listed in this file
inertia Inertia of the end-effector. Overridden by dynamic reconfigure.
damping Damping of the end-effector. Overridden by dynamic reconfigure.
stiffness Stiffness of the end-effector. Overridden by dynamic reconfigure.
cmd_topic_name Topic this controller uses to listen for end-effector position commands

The controller can then be started using:

<node name="compliant_controller_spawner" pkg="controller_manager" type="spawner" respawn="false" output="screen" args="[Controller name]" />

Inverse Kinematics

Inverse Kinematics is called using moveit IK plugins. Since the controller is working with sensor feedback, IK needs to be faster than one control loop period. So consider using IKFast or trac_ik.

Controller Usage

The compliant controller uses dynamic_reconfigure to change control parameters on runtime. Open up rqt and load the dynamic_reconfigure plugin. Open the node that corresponds to the compliant controller.

Parameter Description
active Activate compliant behaviour. Default: false
inertia Mode 0: Virtual inertia of the end-effector. Mode 1: Derivative gain on ext force.
damping Mode 0: Virtual damping of the end-effector. Mode 1: Integral gain on ext force.
stiffness Mode 0: Virtual stiffness of the end-effector. Mode 1: Proportional gain on ext force.
dead_zone_trans Dead zone of the ft-sensor force values
dead_zone_rot Dead zone of the ft-sensor torque values
speed_limit_trans Translational speed limit of the end-effector in m/s
speed_limit_rot Rotational speed limit of the end-effector in m/s
mode Changes the controller mode. 0 uses a set-point, 1 tries to reduce to force to zero without a set-point.


Compliant control implementation for ros_control framework.






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