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A distributed sleep synchronization algorithm for ultra low power radio networks

See also the project wiki

Work in progress.

TL;DR nanopower radios sleep mostly. They must wake up at the same time to communicate. To wake up at the same time requires synchronized clocks. To synchronize clocks without an always-on time beacon and when units are sleeping mostly, I "fish" for other units and elect one of the two units to become the master. It can take tens of minutes for many units to sync up.


- algorithm seems to achieve sync (for three units)
- algorithm conveys data (work) piggybacked in sync message format
- built as a static library
- target platform Nordic nrf52/nrf51, without OS, using a proprietary protocol 

(see my other GitHub repository)

Related projects

solarRadioFirefly is an app that uses SleepSyncAgent (a Blinky app of sorts.)

sleepSyncAgent uses nRF5x, a platform library for Nordic radios.

Characteristics of the algorithm:

Ultra low power: Unit is duty-cycled, sleeping mostly, with radio off.

Symmetric powered: no unit has more electrical power than other units.

Distributed, non-centralized: all units have same program. All units may perform any role. No unit is responsible for gathering complete information from other units.

Leader election: cliques form, each clique elects a master transmitting sync. Cliques merge.

Not a sensor network: external events might not be reliably sensed since units sleep often, and in sync (at the same time.)

Contention with collision avoidance: the algorithm, in many places, probablistically xmits (after a random interval) to avoid sure collisions

Single-hop, broadcast: each unit hears all other units; no unit relays messages to others

Isolated: no unit is a gateway to a larger network, and the system does not have an external clock reference

Platform independent: platform layer isolates the algorithm from the RTOS and wireless stack.

Discussion: it is not IoT, since there is no gateway and no Network time. It is not a mesh network (keeping topology.)

Goals and Applications

One goal is to eliminate batteries and instead use energy harvesting (usually solar, since it has much more energy than any other harvested source.) Eliminate batteries since they are:

short-lived (two years)
toxic (lithium, cadmium, etc.)

Silicon and software will continue to get cheaper, smaller, and less toxic, while batteries won't.


solar night lights that strobe like runway strobelights
sensor networks


Keeps in sync to about 0.2 mSec.

Duty cycle (ratio of on to off) is about 1/100 or more, waking every few seconds or more.

At 0dBm, communicates at distance no more than ??? At -40dBm, communicates at distance no more than about one foot


Implements a SleepSyncAgent. SleepSyncAgent handles radio for app. The app manages power, sync, and work. Most 'useful' work is done on receiving a work message from the SyncAgent (many messages are exchanged to achieve sync, but it is not 'useful' work unless sync is all you want.)

SleepSyncAgent is a wedge into the app. Built as a library cross-compiled to the target. Linked into the app. The app project provides platform libs that SleepSyncAgent requires.

App                        SleepSyncAgent             ISRs 
                          (higher priority)           (highest priority)
main()                 --> loopOnEvents() 
                           never returns

                                      reasonForWake <- Crystal 32kHz RTC
                                      reasonForWake <- Radio
                                                    <- Exceptions
platform libs (or RTOS) <-- SyncAgent 
Work thread (lowest priority
	--> workFromAppQue  --> isQueueEmpty()
	<-- workToAppQue    <-- onWorkMsgReceive()

A unit can be in these states (in order of electrical power available):

- reset: not enough power for the mcu
- low power: mcu duty-cycled, app running, but syncAgent's clock drifting, and radio not used
- enough power to sync: mcu and radio duty-cycled, app running, and syncAgent actively syncing
- enough power to work: same as above, but enough power to do work when work messages received

If work takes little power, the last two states might be the same. If work takes much power, then in the third state, work messages might be received but ignored (while sync is still maintained.)


Not references, just keywords to search for references.

Digi Corporation's Digimesh has "sleep synchronization" in a "mesh network."

"Reachback firefly algorithm". But in firefly algorithms, all units xmit sync. Here, we decide a master. Here, more than one unit (even slaves) may xmit sync, but in the ideal state, only one master does.

"time triggered communication". Units are synced and communicate on a schedule of slots. We do the same thing.


Currently the algorithm assumes all units are in range of all other units.

FUTURE: In a mesh, that assumption is relaxed. Sync is relayed. The algorithm does not keep an elaborate topology with routing tables. The algorithm would still have one master. The master might not be in a central geographic position (which would minimize relaying.)


Different Eclipse build configurations:

- Debug: builds and links for the host architecture with stubs for platform libs.
- ArchiveArmM4: builds static lib for ARM M4 architecture leaving undefined references to platform libs
- ArchiveArmM0: " for M0
- DebugProvisioned: same as ArchiveArmM4 but with BLE provisioning (dependent on Nordic Softdevice)

CFLAGS are defined in the configurations, e.g. for M0 -mthumb -mcpu=cortex-m0 -mabi=aapcs -mfloat-abi=soft These must match the app that you are linking to.


Platforms could be:

- stubs for platform (compile only)
- wireless network simulator (FUTURE)
- RTOS and wireless stack on target chip

	- a Bluetooth stack with Broadcaster/Observer roles to implement a UDP like protocol, without connections (TI CC2650, FUTURE)
	- a proprietary wireless protocol stack (Nordic nRF52)

Debug configuration

This "Build configuration" only ensures the code compiles cleanly for other architectures. Builds an executable for the host (development) computer. Most hosts do not have a radio (only the target, embedded computer) so it is not useful to attempt execution.

In config.h, comment out the define SYNC_AGENT_IS_LIBRARY. Then stubs for the platform are compiled and linked in. In this configuration, ProjectProperties>C/C++Builder>Settings>BuildArtifact>ArtifactType is Executable.

Archive configuration

This "build configuration" builds a library to be linked into a main (app) program for a target, embedded architecture.

There a two such configurations, for ARM M0 and ARM M4.

In config.h, define SYNC_AGENT_IS_LIBRARY Then platform stubs are excluded from the build by #ifdefs, and the library depends on implementation in the app project of the platform API's.

ProjectProperties>C/C++Builder>Settings>Build Artifact>ArtifactType: Static library ProjectProperties>C/C++Builder>Settings>Tool Chain> compiler flags for ARM

Note that platform/platform.h currently has hard-coded paths to headers for the app's implementation of the platform.

Linking with app

Copy the archive to the app project.
Implement the API defined by platform/platform.h
In the app's main, instantiate a SleepSyncAgent and call its loopOnEvents() method.  See main.cpp
Implement a work thread reading to and writing to work queues (FUTURE)
Build app project with same CFLAGS for ARM ISA.


During development, there were these variants which I hope are still viable:

Sync only: no work is conveyed
Sync with work conveyed in a separate slot (more reliable work conveyance?)
Sync with work conveyed in the same slot as sync messages (fewer active slots, less power required.)
With power management for harvested power.

See config.h

Currently developing the last variant.


One feature is provisioning using BT protocol. That requires Softdevice, called in sequential multiprotocol. Build configs without that feature do not build: networkProvisioner.cpp, workProvisioner.cpp, provisioningPublisher.cpp

Provisioning is spread through a clique using the SleepSync protocol. But provisioning control by a BT app uses the feature. Some units can be BT provisionable while other units get provisioned in a chain from a BT provisionable unit.

Currently the nrf51 build configs don't use the feature, because the Nordic SDK has lost backward compatibility support for the nrf51. IOW, latest SD API is not supported on the nrf51.

To Do

- harvested power operation (daily solar power down and resync)
- testing with many tens, hundreds,... of units
- RTOS work thread with work queues in and out
- fleshing out corners of algorithm: dropping out, adjusting mergers in progress, etc. 
- other platforms
- broadcast mesh:  relay sync to cliques that can't hear my master.  No addressing or routes, just hop count


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