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the robotcowboy visual engine

a simple Open Sound Control 2d graphics engine

Copyright (c) Dan Wilcox 2007 - 2013


The rc-visual package contains the following parts:

  1. rc-visual - OSC-controlled 2d engine
  2. rc-visual-send - OSC notification command tool

This group of tools allows any OSC-capable program to control simple 2d visuals which are specified in xml scene descriptions. A notification tool can control a running graphics engine.

These tools are developed for the robotcowboy project, a wearable computer music system using Pure Data in GNU/Linux. See


Here's a quick start to build and install for Ubuntu/Debian on the command line:

sudo apt-get install libsdl-dev libsdl-gfx1.2-dev libsdl-net1.2-dev libsdl-ttf2.0-dev libsdl-image1.2-dev liblo-dev
git clone git://
cd rc-visual
sudo make install

If everything finished successfully, you're good to go.


The following libraries are required:

  • SDL
  • SDL_gfx
  • SDL_net
  • SDL_ttf
  • SDL_image
  • liblo (lightweight osc)


Install the required development versions of the libraries using your distro's package manager.

For Debian/Ubuntu, you can use use apt-get on the command line:

sudo apt-get libsdl-dev libsdl-gfx1.2-dev libsdl-net1.2-dev libsdl-ttf2.0-dev libsdl-image1.2-dev liblo-dev

Mac OS

On Max OS X, they can be installed easily using Macports or Homebrew


  • install the Macports binary and setup the Macports environment
  • goto the Terminal and install the libs:
sudo port install libsdl libsdl_gfx libsdl_net libsdl_ttf libsdl_image liblo

If you use the default Macports install location of /opt/local, you will need to set the Macports include and lib dirs before running ./configure:

export CPPFLAGS=-I/opt/local/include && export LDFLAGS=-L/opt/local/lib


  • install the Homebrew environment
  • go to the Terminal and install the libs:
brew install sdl sdl_gfx sdl_net sdl_ttf sdl_image liblo


Windows support should work, but hasn't been tested. I'd recommend installing binary versions of the required libraries and building rc-visual in MiniGW/Cygwin.


As this is an GNU autotools project, simply run on the command line:

sudo make install

This readme, example config files, and resources are also installed to your doc dir, something like $(prefix)/share/doc/rc-visual.

By default, the configure script installs to /usr/local. To change this behavior, specify a new dir before building the project:

./configure --prefix=/path/to/install/dir

If using Macports on Mac OS X, it is recommended to use the Macports default prefix of /opt/local.


All applications have a full help usage printout, use -h or --help.



% rc-visual scene_file.xml

Starts rc-visual using the given xml scene description. The file sets connection information (if not using defaults) and lists visual scenes and scene elements. Look at the example.xml file installed to the doc folder or in the data folder of the source distribution for details.

See the pd patches in the pd folder for info on how to communicate with rc-visual.

Note: Values set on the command line override those in the scene file.


You can also specify values on the command line which override values in the config file:

  -i, --ip                     IP address to send to; default is ''
  -p, --port                   Port to send to; default is '8880'
  --listening_port             Listening port; default is '7770'
  --connectionId               Connection id for notifications; default is '0'

Event Streaming

rc-visual streams keyboard event information in the following OSC address format:

/rc-visual/devices/keyboard KEY
  • KEY is the current key pressed value


rc-unitd also sends status notification messages:

/rc-visual/notifications/connect ID
/rc-unitd/notifications/disconnect ID
  • ID is the connectionID specified in the config file or as a the command line option (0 by default)


% rc-visual-send

Used to control a running rc-visual. Can be used to signal scene changes, scene file loading, and send a quit command.

Load a config file (clears current):

% rd-visual-send file some_file.xml

Reload the current file (for live changes):

% rc-visual-send reload

Go to next scene:

% rc-visual-send scene next

Go to previous scene:

% rc-visual-send scene prev

Go to scene by number:

% rc-visual-send scene 1

Go to scene by name:

% rc-visual-send scene scene1

Tell rd-visual to shutdown:

% rc-visual-send quit


rc-visual-send has ip and port setting options similar to rc-visual:

  -i, --ip               IP address to send to; default is ''
  -p, --port             Port to send to; default is '7770'
  -q, --quiet            Don't print a summary

Example, tell rc-visual running on machine at using port 10100 to shutdown:

% rc-visual-send -i -p 10100 quit

Console Error

As rc-visual uses SDL, it will not work over a SSH connection and you'll get the following error:

Error: Graphics: Unable to open a console terminal

Run it from a real terminal on the machine.


A Premake4 script and IDE files can be found in the prj folder. Premake4 can generate the IDE files from a given lua script. Download Premake4 from

Make sure the externals are built by calling the prj/setupbuild script which runs configure and calls make in the externals dir.

You can enable a debug build using:

./configure --enable-debug

I develop using an IDE, then update the autotools files when the sources are finished. I run make dist-check to make sure the distributable package can be built successfully.


  • greater image support through libDevil?
  • animated gif support
  • scene transitions, fades
  • different render backends (OpenGL)
  • lua scripting support (to create dynamic scenes)
  • plugin architecture


(obsolete) a simple SDL-based 2D visual engine for robotcowboy






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