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Copyright (C) 2009 JMM (

This program is GNU GPL free software.
All data created by jmimu except main character sprite from

Intro :
	You are in a quiet town known by the name of Dawson.
	There is a hursh winter and you are in lack of money.
	So you decide to rob a bank and flee, the ultimate
	solution to all your problems. But what you don't know
	is that after this, some wolves are expecting you for
	dinner in the White Agony Valley. And a long white
	agony it is. Your only chance to survive is to get
	through this valley. For this you have to walk for days
	and the hardest thing beside weather is to keep the
	wolves away. Your yellings keep them away, but the surest
	thing is to make fire. The only way to keep the fire
	burning is to SACRIFICE your money, your brandly new money.

	Vous habitez dans un ville très calme, connue sous le
	nom de Dawson. Dehors, l'hiver est rude et vous n'avez
	plus d'argent. Alors vous decidez de braquer une
	banque puis de vous enfuir par la mer. Mais ce que
	vous ne saviez pas, c'est qu'après cela des loups vous
	attendent pour dîner dans la Vallée de l'Agonie Blanche.
	Votre seule chance de survivre est de sortir de cette
	vallée. Il faut pour cela marcher de nombreux jours en
	affrontant le mauvais temps, et se proteger des loups
	à la nuit tombée. Vos cris les éloignent et le feu vous
	protège. Mais pour tenir le feu éveillé, vous devez
	SACRIFIER votre tant attendu argent.

Compilation :
	Needs SFML library (
	Needs qmake.
	Needs c++ gnu compiler
Starting :

	Try to keep as much money as you can,
	and try to survive 5 nights !

Instructions :
	Keep wolves away from you.
	They fear yells and fire.
	If your fire is too weak, they can cross it!
	The more they are, the less they fear.
Controls :
	- Left / Right : move to a fire
	- Down : stop
	- Up : yell
	- Space (close to a fire): add money


Simple SFML game made for Game Creator Network's Novendiales 5







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