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                       K Input Method Editor v0.1.4

0. Introduction

  This program is made to support inputting Hangul(Korean chars) on 
non-Korean OS/2.

1. Development Environments

  - OS/2 Warp 4 for Korean with FixPak #15

  - EMX 0.9d fix #4 + gcc 2.8.1
2. Requirements

  It should be possible at least to print Hangul in order to enable to input 
Hangul. Especially, codepage 949(codepage for Korean) should be supported. 
Fortunately, ULS(Universal Language Supports) feature is supported since Warp 
4 FixPak #5.
  You should add CP949 in CONFIG.SYS as the following.

  Of course, you can set the primary codepage as 949, but if you do so, you 
cannot use help manger on a few programs. So specifying 949 as secondary code 
page is recommended.

  And Hangul font is needed to print Hangul. You can use 'Times New Roman 
WT K' font distributed for Java 2 v1.3.1 by IBM. For reference, you can use
any other unicode fonts such as Gulim shipped by M$ Windows for Korean, if 
you install FreeType/2 v1.2 or later.

  And you should run any program which you want to input Hangul in CP949. 
The following batch file is helpful.

---------- 949run.cmd
@echo off
chcp 949
start /n /f %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
chcp 850

2-1. Test Environments

  This program have been tested on eComStation v2.1 for English and Warp 4 for 
Korean with FixPak #15. You can use this program without any conflicts with 
system IME on Korean Warp.

3. Features

  - Input Hangul regardless of keyboard type
  - Support 2 bulsik, 3 bulsik 390, 3 bulsik final
  - Manage Hangul input status according to window
  - Specify programs which Hangul input is not needed
  - Supports 'Over The Spot'
  - Provide 'Font Association Setting' feature
  - Supports special chars/Hanja input
  - Workaround of IME which cannot recognize Shift+PageDown on Korean Warp
  - Enable inputting '\' on English Warp when changing CP to 949
4. Instllation

  Unzip archive file to any directory. But kimehook.dll must be in the path 
specified by LIBPATH.
5. Usage
  Launch kime.exe on WPS or command line.
5-1. Hot keys

  Shift-Space : Toggle the status of Hangul/English of KIME
  Ctrl-Space  : Change the keyboard layout for Hangul of KIME
  Right Shift : Call 'Hanja selection' window if inputting Hangul, 
                otherwise, Call 'Special char selection' window.
5-2. Mouse

  Button 2 : Call pop-up menu
5-3. Menu

  Hide    : Hide the status box of KIME
  Options : Change the setting of KIME
  Exit    : Exit KIME
5-4. Command line options

  "--kbd390"      : Start KIME with 3 bulsik 390 layout
  "--kbd3f"       : Start KIME with 3 bulsik final layout
  "--hanjafont"   : Specify bitmap Hanja font to support 'Hanja selection'
                    This package includes HANJA.FNT.
  "--useos2ime"   : Use a OS/2 system IME

5-5. KIMEOPT environment variable
  Without command line options, you can use 'KIMEOPT' environment variable. 
Launching KIME after setting KIMEOPT=--kbd390 is the same as launching 'KIME 
6. Limitations and Known Bugs

  - if you press arrow key or enter key when inputting Hangul on Netscape, 
Hangul is inputted after key processed
  - Input Hangul on non-949 CP because KIME cannot query a codepage of 
window. Of course, Hangul is not inputted.
  - Status window appears when pressing virtual keys( Alt, Ctrl, Shift, Fxx ) 
  - Process 'Exception List File' on current working directory

  - Supports only PM except VIO.
    ( For VIO, use KShell with KIME )

  - Cannot use unicode fonts for 'Font Association'
    But, unicode fonts are supported by FreeType/2 v1.2 or later.
  - if clicking when inputting Hangul on E, Hangul is located at mouse 
    cursor position, and reversed box as selection appears at side of Hangul.
7. To do

  - Planning...
8. Exception List File

  'Exception List File' is intended to avoid conflict with toggle key of 
programs with self-IME or for programs not needing Hangul input.

  'Exception List File' is a plain text on a directory where KIME is there, 
so you can edit it using any text editor. The format of it is to specify the 
program name not needing Hangul input in line unit.

  Basically, KIMEXCPT.DAT has the following

---------- KIMEXCPT.DAT

9. History
  - v0.1.4 ( 2004/01/18 )
    Fixed. Input status is sometimes not changed on Mozilla
    Fixed. Cannot input special char/Hanja becuase of focus change
    Fixed. Hangule is located at mouse cursor position if clicking while 
           inputting Hangul
    Supports for Odin is improved.
  - v0.1.3 ( 2003/03/04 )
    Added. The status of input of status window is changed according to input 
           focus change
    Fixed. Interim char remain if clicking mouse
    Added. '\' is enabled on PM on English Warp when changing CP to 949  

  - v0.1.2 ( 2002/03/18 )
    Fixed. Work as Shift key is pressed when Caps Lock is ON
    Fixed. Digits is displayed as pressing arrow keys on keypad if pressing 
           arrow keys when Num Lock is ON on English Warp

  - v0.1.1 ( 2002/01/25 )
    Changed. Do not register at TasKist
    Fixed. 'Special Char Selection' window appear when pressing any key with 
  - v0.1.0 ( 2001/11/27 )
    Added. Supports special char/Hanja input
    Added. Supports 'Font Associatoin Setting'
    Fixed. Function keys(Fxx) is not processed while Hangul mode
  - v0.0.0 ( 2001/11/08 )
    Initial version
10. Compile
  You need EMX 0.9d fix #4 + gcc 2.8.1 and GNU Make 3.81-k2 or above.

11. Thanks to ...
  Moon, Yoo-Seong(
    Author of HIA, which is a moudle for input of Hangul used by this program

  Choi, Min-Soon(josuwa77)
    Provide Warp Server for e-Business with me.

12. Contact

  Please use a issue tracker of github.

KO Myung-Hun


K Input Method Editor for OS/2






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