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fixed up version of RAMP Gold architecture simulator with updated akaros

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fixed up version of RAMP Gold architecture simulator with updated akaros

to simulate: go to sparcmt/project_files/simulation/top_1P_bee3_neweth/ open the mpf file with modelsim and simulate

to synthesize: then go to sparcmt/project_files/synthesis/top_1P_bee3_neweth/ open the synplify project file there and run synth and p&r then go to sparcmt/project_files/synthesis/top_1P_bee3_neweth/rev_1/par_1 and run bitgen fpga_top.ncd outputfile.bit now you have a bit file to put on the FPGA! This requires synplify and the xilinx ide The current implementation runs on the Xilinx XUP board

to build akaros: go to the akaros folder and run make

To run: load the fpga with the bitfile go to the appserver folder for the version you are using (naming changes slightly) then go to /build/bin run ./sparc_app -s -p"NUMBER OF PROCESSORS HERE" -f appserver_ros.conf hw ~/(path to akaros-latest)/obj/kern/kernel none the conf file may need to be edited to match your pc setup

the FPGA and PC need to be connected by an ethernet cable

Notes about the implementation changes to get RAMP Gold working:

%all the work that we did to get RAMP Gold up and running HySIM is based on the RAMP Gold simulator architecture, so the first step to creating HySIM was to get the RAMP Gold simulator running. We did not expect this to take much time or be very difficult - unfortunately, we were sadly mistaken. Getting RAMP Gold running proved to be an enormous task, requiring multiple code fixes before RAMP Gold would function properly. Many of these issues could be traced back to the non-standard Akaros operating system that is used in RAMP Gold.

%The Akaros operating system provided many issues with the installation of the %RAMP Gold simulator. For example, the latest version of Akaros no longer supports the RAMP Gold architecture. This is not immediately obvious, because the RAMP Gold website points to the Akaros website without any mention of a specific version requirement. Using some date and version investigation, we finally tracked down the correct version of Akaros. Unfortunately, this version does not benefit from any improvements or refinements to Akaros, because Akaros support for SPARC (which is the processor that RAMP Gold emulates) was dropped in favor of RISC-V on May 9, 2011. This means that many of the improvements and bug fixes are not included in the version required for RAMP Gold.

Once the correct operating system was obtained, the issue of getting meaningful benchmarks running on the system still remained. As we attempted to run different benchmarks on the system, we discovered that Akaros lacked proper Pthread library support. The Pthread library is a key resource for running many multi-threaded applications. Basic Pthread support in Akaros exists, but it was incomplete for the SPARC target system. This resulted in even simple test programs failing with related Pthread errors. One of the main errors was related to the thread scheduler not properly detecting when all of the cores were idle before returning to the shell. We modified the \texttt{__smp_idle()} function to periodically check whether there were threads running on other cores before returning to the management shell, and only returned to the shell when all cores were idle for a specified duration. This is a clear workaround instead of a permanent fix, but due to the complicated nature of the operating system thread scheduler, we could not provide a permanent fix.

Another key issue with Akaros was a bug in the filesystem code. This bug caused a memory access exception during execution, but not during FPGA simulation. %CHRIS: I added FPGA simulation. We are talking about the bug occuring during system execution, but not FPGA emulation, right? Yes %After some investigation, We eventually tracked this problem down to a bug (an uninitialized variable \texttt{k_i_info->init_size}) in the file system code. This bug does not occur in the functional simulator because the memory is initialized to zero in the simulator, but does on the FPGA hardware, where the memory contains random values that may not be properly initialized. By properly initializing the \texttt{k_i_info->init_size} variable, the system successfully accessed memory.

On the hardware side, the constraints mapping proved to cause some challenges with a slightly more complicated tool flow. The codebase for RAMP Gold is written in SystemVerilog. The Xilinx ISE cannot synthesize SystemVerilog so Synplify Premier was used. The challenge came from mapping the constraints for any new designs generated from the Xilinx Core Generator into the pre-existing design. The Xilinx ISE and Core Generator use user constraint files (.ucf extension) to define the constraints for a given design. The Synplify tools use a table based approach called synplify design constraints (.sdc extension). The naming conventions between the two file types also change. In particular, the auto-generated blocks from generate loops within a design are named differently by each of the two tools. Transferring the constraints required some research and trial and error. Ultimately, the location constraints belonged in the attributes tab of the synplify design constraints file. This accounted for most of the relevant constraint that had to be transferred.

%We run MCF, bzip2 and facesim Eventually, however, we were able to run several PARSEC benchmarks on the RAMP Gold infrastructure, so we are now able to move on to the creation of HySIM.


fixed up version of RAMP Gold architecture simulator with updated akaros






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