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An FX2LP firmware and various host tools and libraries to make it easier to:

   * Bootstrap an FPGA design using minimal components
   * Reprogram the FPGA over USB
   * Communicate with the FPGA using HiSpeed USB (~25Mbyte/s)

The project comprises these components:

   xilprg    - A fork of Zoltán Csizmadia's xilprg, with NeroJTAG capability
   host      - Host-side tool for interacting with the FPGA's registers
   firmware  - FX2LP firmware, including FPGA bootload & NeroJTAG capability
   vhdl      - Example FPGA design implementing four registers
   xsvf2csvf - Convert a Xilinx XSVF file into the compressed CSVF format
   csvfplay  - Play a CSVF file using a NeroJTAG-capable device
   libnero   - Host-side implementation of the NeroJTAG protocol
   libsync   - Host code to sync the FX2LP's bulk endpoints

The project build assumes this directory ("neopurgo") lives within a structure like this:

| |
| +-neopurgo


   * Visual Studio Express 2008
   * SDCC 2.9.0
   * Xilinx ISE WebPACK
   * Fx2tools

make -f Makefile.win32 clean
make -f Makefile.win32


   * sudo apt-get install g++
   * sudo apt-get install libusb-dev
   * sudo apt-get install sdcc
   * Xilinx ISE WebPACK
   * Fx2tools

make -f Makefile.linux clean
make -f Makefile.linux


Example NEXYS2 Session (Linux)

chris@wotan:~/src/apps/neopurgo$ sudo fx2loader -v 0x1443 -p 0x0005 firmware/firmware.hex
chris@wotan:~/src/apps/neopurgo$ sudo ./xilprg/xilprg -c nero:04B4:8613 -s
Identifying chain contents ...
'1' xc3s1200e Xilinx Spartan-3E
'2' xcf04s Xilinx XCF00S Platform Flash
2 device(s) found.
chris@wotan:~/src/apps/neopurgo$ sudo ./xilprg/xilprg -c nero:04B4:8613 -b vhdl/TopLevel.bit
Identifying chain contents ...
'1' xc3s1200e Xilinx Spartan-3E
'2' xcf04s Xilinx XCF00S Platform Flash
2 device(s) found.
'1' Programming xc3s1200e ...
Successfully completed.
chris@wotan:~/src/apps/neopurgo$ sudo ./host/host 
R0 = 0xA5                                        [this comes from the state of the board's switches]
R1 = 0x00
R2 = 0x00
R3 = 0x00
chris@wotan:~/src/apps/neopurgo$ sudo ./host/host -i
> 0000000001aa                                   [this loads 0xAA into register 0]
Writing:  00 00 00 00 01 AA
> 000000000110                                   [this loads 0x10 into register 0]
Writing:  00 00 00 00 01 10
> 010000000101                                   [this loads 0x01 into register 1]
Writing:  01 00 00 00 01 01
> 8000000001                                     [read register 0]
Writing:  80 00 00 00 01
Read 1 bytes from endpoint 8:  A5
> 8100000001                                     [read register 1]
Writing:  81 00 00 00 01
Read 1 bytes from endpoint 8:  01
> /00 firmware/random.dat                        [upload firmware/random.dat into register 0]
Writing five command bytes followed by 2071 data bytes: 00 00 00 08 17 EB ... B8
Time: 0.217000ms
Speed: 9.101657 MB/s
Checksum: 0x0C36
> q


Example NEXYS2 Session (Windows)

Note: Ensure you have loaded LibUSB-Win32 drivers for both the default Nexys2 device (1443:0005) and
      the Neopurgo firmware (04B4:8613).

W:\src\apps\neopurgo>fx2loader -v 0x1443 -p 0x0005 firmware/firmware.hex

W:\src\apps\neopurgo>.\xilprg\Release\xilprg.exe -c nero:04B4:8613 -s
Identifying chain contents ...
'1' xc3s1200e Xilinx Spartan-3E
'2' xcf04s Xilinx XCF00S Platform Flash
2 device(s) found.

W:\src\apps\neopurgo>.\xilprg\Release\xilprg.exe -c nero:04B4:8613 -b vhdl/TopLevel.bit
Identifying chain contents ...
'1' xc3s1200e Xilinx Spartan-3E
'2' xcf04s Xilinx XCF00S Platform Flash
2 device(s) found.
'1' Programming xc3s1200e ...
Successfully completed.

R0 = 0xA5                                        [this comes from the state of the board's switches]
R1 = 0x00
R2 = 0x00
R3 = 0x00

W:\src\apps\neopurgo>host\Release\host.exe -i
> 0000000001aa                                   [this loads 0xAA into register 0]
Writing:  00 00 00 00 01 AA
> 000000000110                                   [this loads 0x10 into register 0]
Writing:  00 00 00 00 01 10
> 010000000101                                   [this loads 0x01 into register 1]
Writing:  01 00 00 00 01 01
> 8000000001                                     [read register 0]
Writing:  80 00 00 00 01
Read 1 bytes from endpoint 8:  A5
> 8100000001                                     [read register 1]
Writing:  81 00 00 00 01
Read 1 bytes from endpoint 8:  01
> /00 firmware/random.dat                        [upload firmware/random.dat into register 0]
Writing five command bytes followed by 2071 data bytes: 00 00 00 08 17 EB ... B8
Time: 37.638024ms
Speed: 0.052475 MB/s
Checksum: 0x0C36
> q



JUNK:Aim to replace Digilent Adept with open-source tools






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