Exemplo n.º 1
static void
init_heap_space(size_t min_size, size_t max_size)
	size_t pagesize, alloc_size, reserve_size, freesize_pre, freesize_post;
	unsigned int min_num_segments, max_num_segments, bitmap_bits;
	void *p;

	pagesize = GetPageSize();

	if (SEGMENT_SIZE % pagesize != 0)
		sml_fatal(0, "SEGMENT_SIZE is not aligned in page size.");

	alloc_size = ALIGNSIZE(min_size, SEGMENT_SIZE);
	reserve_size = ALIGNSIZE(max_size, SEGMENT_SIZE);

	if (alloc_size < SEGMENT_SIZE)
		alloc_size = SEGMENT_SIZE;
	if (reserve_size < alloc_size)
		reserve_size = alloc_size;

	min_num_segments = alloc_size / SEGMENT_SIZE;
	max_num_segments = reserve_size / SEGMENT_SIZE;

	p = ReservePage(HEAP_BEGIN_ADDR, SEGMENT_SIZE + reserve_size);
	if (p == ReservePageError)
		sml_fatal(0, "failed to alloc virtual memory.");

	freesize_post = (uintptr_t)p & (SEGMENT_SIZE - 1);
	if (freesize_post == 0) {
		ReleasePage(p + reserve_size, SEGMENT_SIZE);
	} else {
		freesize_pre = SEGMENT_SIZE - freesize_post;
		ReleasePage(p, freesize_pre);
		p = (char*)p + freesize_pre;
		ReleasePage(p + reserve_size, freesize_post);

	heap_space.begin = p;
	heap_space.end = (char*)p + reserve_size;
	heap_space.min_num_segments = min_num_segments;
	heap_space.max_num_segments = max_num_segments;
	heap_space.num_committed = 0;
	heap_space.extend_step = min_num_segments > 0 ? min_num_segments : 1;

	bitmap_bits = ALIGNSIZE(max_num_segments, BITPTR_WORDBITS);
	heap_space.bitmap = xmalloc(bitmap_bits / CHAR_BIT);
	memset(heap_space.bitmap, 0, bitmap_bits / CHAR_BIT);


Exemplo n.º 2
 * Initialize matrix structure and allocate space for elements.
 * @param [in,out] m
 *    On entry uninitialized matrix. On exit initialized matrix with space allocated
 *    for elements.
 * @param [in] r
 *    Number of rows
 * @param [in] c
 *    Number of columns
 * If number of rows or columns is zero, no space is allocated but matrix
 * is properly initialized to zero size.
 * @return Pointer to initialized matrix.
 * \ingroup matrix
armas_x_dense_t *armas_x_init(armas_x_dense_t *m, int r, int c)
  int doff;

  if (r <= 0 || c <= 0) {
    m->rows = 0; m->cols = 0;
    m->step = 0;
    m->elems = (DTYPE *)0;
    m->__data = (void *)0;
    m->__nbytes = 0;
    return m;
  // set first to adjusted element count
  m->__nbytes = ALIGNSIZE(r*c, DTYPE);
  m->__data = calloc(m->__nbytes, sizeof(DTYPE));
  if ( !m->__data ) {
    m->__nbytes = 0;
    return (armas_x_dense_t *)0;
  // convert to number of bytes
  m->__nbytes *= sizeof(DTYPE);
  m->rows = r;
  m->cols = c;
  m->step = r;
  doff = ALIGNOFFSET(m->__data);
  m->elems = (DTYPE *)&((unsigned char *)m->__data)[doff];
  return m;
Exemplo n.º 3
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
   int fd;
   int text_start_addr/*, data_start_addr, init32_size*/;
   struct stat st;
   char buf[PATH_MAX*4];
   if(argc != 5)
       printf("binit32 $(LD) $(srcdir)/init32.lds init32.o decom.o");

   if((fd = open("init16", O_RDWR)) == -1)
        perror("open init16 fault:");
   fstat(fd, &st);
   text_start_addr = st.st_size;
   text_start_addr += CFG_KERNEL_OSKERNELSYS_PADDR;
   /*   sprintf(buf, "%s -T %s/init32.lds -Ttext 0x%x -o init32 init32.o decom.o\n",
	getenv("LD"), getenv("srcdir"), text_start_addr);*/
   sprintf(buf, "%s -T %s -Ttext 0x%x -o init32 %s %s\n",
	   argv[1], argv[2], text_start_addr, argv[3], argv[4]);
   return system(buf);      
   return 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
** 'push_float' pushes a floating point value on to the Basic stack
void push_float(float64 x) {
  basicvars.stacktop.floatsp->itemtype = STACK_FLOAT;
  basicvars.stacktop.floatsp->floatvalue = x;
#ifdef DEBUG
  if (basicvars.debug_flags.allstack) fprintf(stderr, "Push floating point value on to stack at %p, value %g\n", basicvars.stacktop.floatsp, x);
Exemplo n.º 5
** 'push_int' pushes an integer value on to the Basic stack
void push_int(int32 x) {
  basicvars.stacktop.intsp->itemtype = STACK_INT;
  basicvars.stacktop.intsp->intvalue = x;
#ifdef DEBUG
  if (basicvars.debug_flags.allstack) fprintf(stderr, "Push integer value on to stack at %p, value %d\n", basicvars.stacktop.intsp, x);
Exemplo n.º 6
** 'pop_error' removes an 'ON ERROR' control block from the stack
** and returns the error block it contained
errorblock pop_error(void) {
  stack_error *p = basicvars.stacktop.errorsp;
#ifdef DEBUG
  if (basicvars.debug_flags.stack) fprintf(stderr, "Discard 'ERROR' block at %p\n", p);
  return p->handler;
Exemplo n.º 7
** 'pop_data' removes a stored 'DATA' pointer value from the stack
** and returns the value of the pointer
byte *pop_data(void) {
  stack_data *p = basicvars.stacktop.datasp;
#ifdef DEBUG
  if (basicvars.debug_flags.stack) fprintf(stderr, "Discard 'DATA' block at %p\n", p);
  return p->address;
Exemplo n.º 8
** 'pop_arraytemp' removes a temporary array descriptor from thr
** Basic stack and returns it to the calling program
basicarray pop_arraytemp(void) {
  stack_arraytemp *p = basicvars.stacktop.arraytempsp;
#ifdef DEBUG
  if (basicvars.debug_flags.allstack) fprintf(stderr, "Pop temporary array block at %p\n", p);
  return p->descriptor;
Exemplo n.º 9
static void
chunk_alloc(sml_obstack_t **obstack, size_t objsize)
	size_t head_size, chunk_size;
	sml_obstack_t *newchunk;

	head_size = ALIGNSIZE(sizeof(struct sml_obstack), objsize);
	chunk_size = objsize + head_size;
	chunk_size = ALIGNSIZE(chunk_size, MINCHUNKSIZE);
	newchunk = xmalloc(chunk_size);
	newchunk->next = *obstack;
	newchunk->start = (char*)newchunk + head_size;
	newchunk->end = (char*)newchunk + chunk_size;
	newchunk->free = newchunk->start;
	newchunk->base = newchunk->start;
	*obstack = newchunk;
Exemplo n.º 10
** 'push_arraytemp' pushes a descriptor for a temporary array on
** to the Basic stack. As this is a temporary array, the entire
** descriptor is copied on to the stack rather than just a pointer
** to it
void push_arraytemp(basicarray *descriptor, int32 type) {
  basicvars.stacktop.arraytempsp->itemtype = arraytemptype[type & TYPEMASK];
  basicvars.stacktop.arraytempsp->descriptor = *descriptor;
#ifdef DEBUG
  if (basicvars.debug_flags.allstack) fprintf(stderr, "Push temp array descriptor block at %p\n", basicvars.stacktop.arraytempsp);
Exemplo n.º 11
** 'push_string' copies a string descriptor on to the Basic stack
void push_string(basicstring x) {
  basicvars.stacktop.stringsp->itemtype = STACK_STRING;
  basicvars.stacktop.stringsp->descriptor = x;
#ifdef DEBUG
  if (basicvars.debug_flags.allstack) fprintf(stderr, "Push string value on to stack at %p, address %p, length %d\n",
   basicvars.stacktop.stringsp, x.stringaddr, x.stringlen);
Exemplo n.º 12
** 'make_restart' creates an entry on the Basic stack for the
** environment block used by 'longjmp' when handling errors when
** an 'ON ERROR LOCAL' has been executed. It returns a pointer to
** the block for the longjmp's 'jmp_buf' structure
jmp_buf *make_restart(void) {
  if (basicvars.stacktop.bytesp<basicvars.stacklimit.bytesp) error(ERR_STACKFULL);
  basicvars.stacktop.restartsp->itemtype = STACK_RESTART;
#ifdef DEBUG
  if (basicvars.debug_flags.stack) fprintf(stderr, "Create restart block at %p\n", basicvars.stacktop.bytesp);
  return &basicvars.stacktop.restartsp->restart;
Exemplo n.º 13
** 'make_opstack' is called to create a new operator stack. It also
** checks that there is enough room on the Basic stack to hold
** 'OPSTACKSIZE' numeric or string entries. It returns a pointer to
** the base of the stack
int32 *make_opstack(void) {
  if (basicvars.stacktop.bytesp-OPSTACKSIZE*LARGEST_ENTRY<basicvars.stacklimit.bytesp) error(ERR_STACKFULL);
  basicvars.stacktop.opstacksp->itemtype = STACK_OPSTACK;
#ifdef DEBUG
  if (basicvars.debug_flags.stack) fprintf(stderr, "Create operator stack at %p\n", basicvars.stacktop.bytesp);
  return &basicvars.stacktop.opstacksp->opstack[0];
Exemplo n.º 14
** 'pop_gosub' removes a GOSUB return control block from the Basic stack.
** It updates the GOSUB call chain as well
gosubinfo pop_gosub(void) {
  stack_gosub *p = basicvars.stacktop.gosubsp;
#ifdef DEBUG
  if (basicvars.debug_flags.stack) fprintf(stderr, "Discard 'GOSUB' block at %p\n", p);
  basicvars.gosubstack = p->gosublock.lastcall;
  return p->gosublock;
Exemplo n.º 15
** 'pop_proc' removes a procedure return control block from the Basic
** stack, updating the procedure/function call chain as well
fnprocinfo pop_proc(void) {
  stack_proc *p = basicvars.stacktop.procsp;
#ifdef DEBUG
  if (basicvars.debug_flags.stack) fprintf(stderr, "Discard 'PROC' block at %p\n", p);
  basicvars.procstack = p->fnprocblock.lastcall;
  return p->fnprocblock;
Exemplo n.º 16
** 'pop_string' pops a string descriptor from the Basic stack
basicstring pop_string(void) {
  stack_string *p = basicvars.stacktop.stringsp;
#ifdef DEBUG
  if (basicvars.debug_flags.allstack) fprintf(stderr, "Pop string from stack at %p, address %p, length %d\n",
   p, p->descriptor.stringaddr, p->descriptor.stringlen);
  return p->descriptor;
Exemplo n.º 17
** 'pop_int' pops an integer from the Basic stack
int32 pop_int(void) {
  stack_int *p = basicvars.stacktop.intsp;
#ifdef DEBUG
  if (basicvars.debug_flags.allstack) fprintf(stderr, "Pop integer from stack at %p, value %d\n",
   p, p->intvalue);
  return p->intvalue;
Exemplo n.º 18
** 'pop_float' pops a floating point value from the Basic stack
float64 pop_float(void) {
  stack_float *p = basicvars.stacktop.floatsp;
#ifdef DEBUG
  if (basicvars.debug_flags.allstack) fprintf(stderr, "Pop floating point value from stack at %p, value %g\n",
   p, p->floatvalue);
  return p->floatvalue;
Exemplo n.º 19
** 'push_error' creates a control block on the stack for a Basic
** error handler
void push_error(errorblock handler) {
  if (basicvars.stacktop.bytesp<basicvars.stacklimit.bytesp) error(ERR_STACKFULL);
  basicvars.stacktop.errorsp->itemtype = STACK_ERROR;
  basicvars.stacktop.errorsp->handler = handler;
#ifdef DEBUG
  if (basicvars.debug_flags.stack) fprintf(stderr, "Create saved 'ON ERROR' block at %p\n", basicvars.stacktop.errorsp);
Exemplo n.º 20
** 'push_data' is called to save the current value of the 'DATA'
** pointer on the Basic stack
void push_data(byte *address) {
  if (basicvars.stacktop.bytesp<basicvars.stacklimit.bytesp) error(ERR_STACKFULL);
  basicvars.stacktop.datasp->itemtype = STACK_DATA;
  basicvars.stacktop.datasp->address = address;
#ifdef DEBUG
  if (basicvars.debug_flags.stack) fprintf(stderr, "Create saved 'DATA' block at %p\n", basicvars.stacktop.datasp);
Exemplo n.º 21
** 'push_repeat' creates a control block on the Basic stack for a 'REPEAT' loop
void push_repeat(void) {
  if (basicvars.stacktop.bytesp<basicvars.stacklimit.bytesp) error(ERR_STACKFULL);
  basicvars.stacktop.repeatsp->itemtype = STACK_REPEAT;
  basicvars.stacktop.repeatsp->repeataddr = basicvars.current;
#ifdef DEBUG
  if (basicvars.debug_flags.stack) fprintf(stderr, "Create 'REPEAT' block at %p\n", basicvars.stacktop.repeatsp);
Exemplo n.º 22
** 'push_while' creates a control block on the Basic stack for a 'WHILE' loop
void push_while(byte *expr) {
  if (basicvars.stacktop.bytesp<basicvars.stacklimit.bytesp) error(ERR_STACKFULL);
  basicvars.stacktop.whilesp->itemtype = STACK_WHILE;
  basicvars.stacktop.whilesp->whilexpr = expr;
  basicvars.stacktop.whilesp->whileaddr = basicvars.current;
#ifdef DEBUG
  if (basicvars.debug_flags.stack) fprintf(stderr, "Create 'WHILE' block at %p\n", basicvars.stacktop.whilesp);
Exemplo n.º 23
** 'push_strtemp' creates a string descriptor on the Basic stack for an
** 'intermediate value' string, that is, a string created as a result of a
** string operation such as 'STRING$'.
void push_strtemp(int32 stringlen, char *stringaddr) {
  basicvars.stacktop.stringsp->itemtype = STACK_STRTEMP;
  basicvars.stacktop.stringsp->descriptor.stringlen = stringlen;
  basicvars.stacktop.stringsp->descriptor.stringaddr = stringaddr;
#ifdef DEBUG
  if (basicvars.debug_flags.allstack) fprintf(stderr, "Push string temp on to stack at %p, address %p, length %d\n",
   basicvars.stacktop.stringsp, stringaddr, stringlen);
Exemplo n.º 24
** 'push_dolstring' is called to push a reference to a '$<string>'
** type of string on to the Basic stack. It creates a descriptor
** for the string and copies that on to the stack
void push_dolstring(int32 strlength, char *strtext) {
  basicvars.stacktop.stringsp->itemtype = STACK_STRING;
  basicvars.stacktop.stringsp->descriptor.stringlen = strlength;
  basicvars.stacktop.stringsp->descriptor.stringaddr = strtext;
#ifdef DEBUG
  if (basicvars.debug_flags.allstack) fprintf(stderr, "Push $<string> string on to stack at %p, address %p, length %d\n",
   basicvars.stacktop.stringsp, strtext, strlength);
Exemplo n.º 25
** 'push_gosub' pushes a 'GOSUB' return block on to the Basic stack
void push_gosub(void) {
  if (basicvars.stacktop.bytesp<basicvars.stacklimit.bytesp) error(ERR_STACKFULL);
  basicvars.stacktop.gosubsp->itemtype = STACK_GOSUB;
  basicvars.stacktop.gosubsp->gosublock.lastcall = basicvars.gosubstack;
  basicvars.stacktop.gosubsp->gosublock.retaddr = basicvars.current;
  basicvars.gosubstack = &basicvars.stacktop.gosubsp->gosublock;
#ifdef DEBUG
  if (basicvars.debug_flags.stack) fprintf(stderr, "Saving GOSUB return block at %p\n", basicvars.stacktop.gosubsp);
Exemplo n.º 26
sml_obstack_align(sml_obstack_t **obstack, size_t size)
	size_t offset;

	if (*obstack) {
		offset = (*obstack)->base - (char*)(*obstack);
		sml_obstack_blank(obstack, ALIGNSIZE(offset, size) - offset);
		(*obstack)->base = (*obstack)->free;
Exemplo n.º 27
** save_array is called to save an array descriptor on the stack when
* creating a local array
void save_array(lvalue details) {
  if (basicvars.stacktop.bytesp<basicvars.stacklimit.bytesp) error(ERR_STACKFULL);
  basicvars.stacktop.localsp->itemtype = STACK_LOCAL;
  basicvars.stacktop.localsp->savedetails = details;
  basicvars.stacktop.localsp->value.savedarray = *details.address.arrayaddr;
#ifdef DEBUG
  if (basicvars.debug_flags.stack) fprintf(stderr, "LOCAL variable - saving array dimensions from %p at %p\n",
   details.address.arrayaddr, basicvars.stacktop.localsp);
Exemplo n.º 28
** 'save_string' saves a string descriptor on the stack. It is used when
** dealing with local variables.
** Note that the string descriptor is passed separately as the address
** given in 'details' as the home of the string descriptor is in fact the
** address of the string itself in the case of '$<string>' type strings.
** In this case the descriptor represents the place at which the string
** has been saved
void save_string(lvalue details, basicstring thestring) {
  if (basicvars.stacktop.bytesp<basicvars.stacklimit.bytesp) error(ERR_STACKFULL);
  basicvars.stacktop.localsp->itemtype = STACK_LOCAL;
  basicvars.stacktop.localsp->savedetails = details;
  basicvars.stacktop.localsp->value.savedstring = thestring;
#ifdef DEBUG
  if (basicvars.debug_flags.stack) fprintf(stderr, "LOCAL variable - saving string from %p at %p\n",
   details.address.straddr, basicvars.stacktop.localsp);
Exemplo n.º 29
** 'save_float' saves a floating point value on the stack. It is used when
** dealing with local variables
void save_float(lvalue details, float64 floatvalue) {
  if (basicvars.stacktop.bytesp<basicvars.stacklimit.bytesp) error(ERR_STACKFULL);
  basicvars.stacktop.localsp->itemtype = STACK_LOCAL;
  basicvars.stacktop.localsp->savedetails = details;
  basicvars.stacktop.localsp->value.savedfloat = floatvalue;
#ifdef DEBUG
  if (basicvars.debug_flags.stack) fprintf(stderr, "LOCAL variable - saving floating point value from %p at %p\n",
   details.address.floataddr, basicvars.stacktop.localsp);
Exemplo n.º 30
** 'pop_fn' removes a function return control block from the Basic stack,
** updating the procedure/function call chain as well
fnprocinfo pop_fn(void) {
  stack_fn *p = basicvars.stacktop.fnsp;
#ifdef DEBUG
  if (basicvars.debug_flags.stack) fprintf(stderr, "Discard 'FN' block at %p, restart = %p\n", p, p->lastrestart);
  basicvars.opstop = p->lastopstop;
  basicvars.opstlimit = p->lastopstlimit;
  basicvars.local_restart = p->lastrestart;
  basicvars.procstack = p->fnprocblock.lastcall;
  return p->fnprocblock;