Exemplo n.º 1
static void snprintf_int64(CuTest *tc)
    char buf[100];
    apr_int64_t i = APR_INT64_C(-42);
    apr_uint64_t ui = APR_INT64_C(42); /* no APR_UINT64_C */
    apr_uint64_t big = APR_INT64_C(3141592653589793238);

    apr_snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "%" APR_INT64_T_FMT, i);
    CuAssertStrEquals(tc, buf, "-42");

    apr_snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "%" APR_UINT64_T_FMT, ui);
    CuAssertStrEquals(tc, buf, "42");

    apr_snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "%" APR_UINT64_T_FMT, big);
    CuAssertStrEquals(tc, buf, "3141592653589793238");
void log4cxx::helpers::RelativeTimeDateFormat::format(
    LogString &s,
    log4cxx_time_t date,
    Pool& p) const {
    log4cxx_int64_t interval = (date - startTime) / APR_INT64_C(1000);
    StringHelper::toString(interval, p, s);
Exemplo n.º 3
static void test_insertfile(abts_case *tc, void *ctx)
    apr_bucket_alloc_t *ba = apr_bucket_alloc_create(p);
    apr_bucket_brigade *bb;
    const apr_off_t bignum = (APR_INT64_C(2) << 32) + 424242;
    apr_off_t count;
    apr_file_t *f;
    apr_bucket *e;

    ABTS_ASSERT(tc, "open test file",
                apr_file_open(&f, TIF_FNAME,
                              APR_FOPEN_WRITE | APR_FOPEN_TRUNCATE
                            | APR_FOPEN_CREATE | APR_FOPEN_SPARSE,
                              APR_OS_DEFAULT, p) == APR_SUCCESS);

    if (apr_file_trunc(f, bignum)) {
        apr_file_remove(TIF_FNAME, p);
        ABTS_NOT_IMPL(tc, "Skipped: could not create large file");
    bb = apr_brigade_create(p, ba);

    e = apr_brigade_insert_file(bb, f, 0, bignum, p);
    ABTS_ASSERT(tc, "inserted file was not at end of brigade",
                e == APR_BRIGADE_LAST(bb));

    /* check that the total size of inserted buckets is equal to the
     * total size of the file. */
    count = 0;

    for (e = APR_BRIGADE_FIRST(bb);
         e != APR_BRIGADE_SENTINEL(bb);
         e = APR_BUCKET_NEXT(e)) {
        ABTS_ASSERT(tc, "bucket size sane", e->length != (apr_size_t)-1);
        count += e->length;

    ABTS_ASSERT(tc, "total size of buckets incorrect", count == bignum);


    /* Truncate the file to zero size before close() so that we don't
     * actually write out the large file if we are on a non-sparse file
     * system - like Mac OS X's HFS.  Otherwise, pity the poor user who
     * has to wait for the 8GB file to be written to disk.
    apr_file_trunc(f, 0);

    apr_file_remove(TIF_FNAME, p);
Exemplo n.º 4
static void more_int64_fmts(abts_case *tc, void *data)
    char buf[100];
    apr_int64_t i = APR_INT64_C(-42);
    apr_int64_t ibig = APR_INT64_C(-314159265358979323);
    apr_uint64_t ui = APR_UINT64_C(42);
    apr_uint64_t big = APR_UINT64_C(3141592653589793238);

    apr_snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "%" APR_INT64_T_FMT, i);
    ABTS_STR_EQUAL(tc, buf, "-42");

    apr_snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "%" APR_UINT64_T_FMT, ui);
    ABTS_STR_EQUAL(tc, buf, "42");

    apr_snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "%" APR_UINT64_T_FMT, big);
    ABTS_STR_EQUAL(tc, buf, "3141592653589793238");

    apr_snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "%" APR_INT64_T_FMT, ibig);
    ABTS_STR_EQUAL(tc, buf, "-314159265358979323");
Exemplo n.º 5
static void string_strtoi64(CuTest *tc)
    static const struct {
        int errnum, base;
        const char *in, *end;
        apr_int64_t result;
    } ts[] = {
        /* base 10 tests */
        { 0, 10, "123545", NULL, APR_INT64_C(123545) },
        { 0, 10, "   123545", NULL, APR_INT64_C(123545) },
        { 0, 10, "   +123545", NULL, APR_INT64_C(123545) },
        { 0, 10, "-123545", NULL, APR_INT64_C(-123545) },
        { 0, 10, "   00000123545", NULL, APR_INT64_C(123545) },
        { 0, 10, "123545ZZZ", "ZZZ", APR_INT64_C(123545) },
        { 0, 10, "   123545   ", "   ", APR_INT64_C(123545) },

        /* base 16 tests */
        { 0, 16, "1E299", NULL, APR_INT64_C(123545) },
        { 0, 16, "1e299", NULL, APR_INT64_C(123545) },
        { 0, 16, "0x1e299", NULL, APR_INT64_C(123545) },
        { 0, 16, "0X1E299", NULL, APR_INT64_C(123545) },
        { 0, 16, "+1e299", NULL, APR_INT64_C(123545) },
        { 0, 16, "-1e299", NULL, APR_INT64_C(-123545) },
        { 0, 16, "   -1e299", NULL, APR_INT64_C(-123545) },

        /* automatic base detection tests */
        { 0, 0, "123545", NULL, APR_INT64_C(123545) },
        { 0, 0, "0x1e299", NULL, APR_INT64_C(123545) },
        { 0, 0, "  0x1e299", NULL, APR_INT64_C(123545) },
        { 0, 0, "+0x1e299", NULL, APR_INT64_C(123545) },
        { 0, 0, "-0x1e299", NULL, APR_INT64_C(-123545) },

        /* large number tests */
        { 0, 10, "8589934605", NULL, APR_INT64_C(8589934605) },
        { 0, 10, "-8589934605", NULL, APR_INT64_C(-8589934605) },
        { 0, 16, "0x20000000D", NULL, APR_INT64_C(8589934605) },
        { 0, 16, "-0x20000000D", NULL, APR_INT64_C(-8589934605) },
        { 0, 16, "   0x20000000D", NULL, APR_INT64_C(8589934605) },
        { 0, 16, "   0x20000000D", NULL, APR_INT64_C(8589934605) },

        /* error cases */
        { ERANGE, 10, "999999999999999999999999999999999", "", MY_LLONG_MAX },
        { ERANGE, 10, "-999999999999999999999999999999999", "", MY_LLONG_MIN },

#if 0
        /* C99 doesn't require EINVAL for an invalid range. */
        { EINVAL, 99, "", (void *)-1 /* don't care */, 0 },

        /* some strtoll implementations give EINVAL when no conversion
         * is performed. */
        { -1 /* don't care */, 10, "zzz", "zzz", APR_INT64_C(0) },
        { -1 /* don't care */, 10, "", NULL, APR_INT64_C(0) }

    int n;

    for (n = 0; n < sizeof(ts)/sizeof(ts[0]); n++) {
        char *end = "end ptr not changed";
        apr_int64_t result;
        int errnum;
        errno = 0;
        result = apr_strtoi64(ts[n].in, &end, ts[n].base);
        errnum = errno;

                 apr_psprintf(p, "for '%s': result was %" APR_INT64_T_FMT 
                              " not %" APR_INT64_T_FMT, ts[n].in,
                              result, ts[n].result),
                 result == ts[n].result);
        if (ts[n].errnum != -1) {
                     apr_psprintf(p, "for '%s': errno was %d not %d", ts[n].in,
                                  errnum, ts[n].errnum),
                     ts[n].errnum == errnum);

        if (ts[n].end == NULL) {
            /* end must point to NUL terminator of .in */
            CuAssertPtrEquals(tc, ts[n].in + strlen(ts[n].in), end);
        } else if (ts[n].end != (void *)-1) {
                     apr_psprintf(p, "for '%s', end was '%s' not '%s'",
                                  ts[n].in, end, ts[n].end),
                     strcmp(ts[n].end, end) == 0);
Exemplo n.º 6
CACHE_DECLARE(int) ap_cache_check_freshness(cache_handle_t *h,
                                            request_rec *r)
    apr_int64_t age, maxage_req, maxage_cresp, maxage, smaxage, maxstale;
    apr_int64_t minfresh;
    const char *cc_cresp, *cc_req;
    const char *pragma;
    const char *agestr = NULL;
    const char *expstr = NULL;
    char *val;
    apr_time_t age_c = 0;
    cache_info *info = &(h->cache_obj->info);
    cache_server_conf *conf =
      (cache_server_conf *)ap_get_module_config(r->server->module_config,

     * We now want to check if our cached data is still fresh. This depends
     * on a few things, in this order:
     * - RFC2616 14.9.4 End to end reload, Cache-Control: no-cache. no-cache in
     * either the request or the cached response means that we must
     * revalidate the request unconditionally, overriding any expiration
     * mechanism. It's equivalent to max-age=0,must-revalidate.
     * - RFC2616 14.32 Pragma: no-cache This is treated the same as
     * Cache-Control: no-cache.
     * - RFC2616 14.9.3 Cache-Control: max-stale, must-revalidate,
     * proxy-revalidate if the max-stale request header exists, modify the
     * stale calculations below so that an object can be at most <max-stale>
     * seconds stale before we request a revalidation, _UNLESS_ a
     * must-revalidate or proxy-revalidate cached response header exists to
     * stop us doing this.
     * - RFC2616 14.9.3 Cache-Control: s-maxage the origin server specifies the
     * maximum age an object can be before it is considered stale. This
     * directive has the effect of proxy|must revalidate, which in turn means
     * simple ignore any max-stale setting.
     * - RFC2616 14.9.4 Cache-Control: max-age this header can appear in both
     * requests and responses. If both are specified, the smaller of the two
     * takes priority.
     * - RFC2616 14.21 Expires: if this request header exists in the cached
     * entity, and it's value is in the past, it has expired.

    /* This value comes from the client's initial request. */
    cc_req = apr_table_get(r->headers_in, "Cache-Control");
    pragma = apr_table_get(r->headers_in, "Pragma");

    if (ap_cache_liststr(NULL, pragma, "no-cache", NULL)
        || ap_cache_liststr(NULL, cc_req, "no-cache", NULL)) {

        if (!conf->ignorecachecontrol) {
            /* Treat as stale, causing revalidation */
            return 0;

        ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_INFO, 0, r->server,
                     "Incoming request is asking for a uncached version of "
                     "%s, but we know better and are ignoring it",

    /* These come from the cached entity. */
    cc_cresp = apr_table_get(h->resp_hdrs, "Cache-Control");
    expstr = apr_table_get(h->resp_hdrs, "Expires");

    if (ap_cache_liststr(NULL, cc_cresp, "no-cache", NULL)) {
         * The cached entity contained Cache-Control: no-cache, so treat as
         * stale causing revalidation
        return 0;

    if ((agestr = apr_table_get(h->resp_hdrs, "Age"))) {
        age_c = apr_atoi64(agestr);

    /* calculate age of object */
    age = ap_cache_current_age(info, age_c, r->request_time);

    /* extract s-maxage */
    if (cc_cresp && ap_cache_liststr(r->pool, cc_cresp, "s-maxage", &val)
        && val != NULL) {
        smaxage = apr_atoi64(val);
    else {
        smaxage = -1;

    /* extract max-age from request */
    if (!conf->ignorecachecontrol
        && cc_req && ap_cache_liststr(r->pool, cc_req, "max-age", &val)
        && val != NULL) {
        maxage_req = apr_atoi64(val);
    else {
        maxage_req = -1;

    /* extract max-age from response */
    if (cc_cresp && ap_cache_liststr(r->pool, cc_cresp, "max-age", &val)
        && val != NULL) {
        maxage_cresp = apr_atoi64(val);
    else {
        maxage_cresp = -1;

     * if both maxage request and response, the smaller one takes priority
    if (maxage_req == -1) {
        maxage = maxage_cresp;
    else if (maxage_cresp == -1) {
        maxage = maxage_req;
    else {
        maxage = MIN(maxage_req, maxage_cresp);

    /* extract max-stale */
    if (cc_req && ap_cache_liststr(r->pool, cc_req, "max-stale", &val)) {
        if(val != NULL) {
            maxstale = apr_atoi64(val);
        else {
             * If no value is assigned to max-stale, then the client is willing
             * to accept a stale response of any age (RFC2616 14.9.3). We will
             * set it to one year in this case as this situation is somewhat
             * similar to a "never expires" Expires header (RFC2616 14.21)
             * which is set to a date one year from the time the response is
             * sent in this case.
            maxstale = APR_INT64_C(86400*365);
    else {
        maxstale = 0;

    /* extract min-fresh */
    if (!conf->ignorecachecontrol
        && cc_req && ap_cache_liststr(r->pool, cc_req, "min-fresh", &val)
        && val != NULL) {
        minfresh = apr_atoi64(val);
    else {
        minfresh = 0;

    /* override maxstale if must-revalidate or proxy-revalidate */
    if (maxstale && ((cc_cresp &&
                      ap_cache_liststr(NULL, cc_cresp,
                                       "must-revalidate", NULL)) ||
                     (cc_cresp &&
                      ap_cache_liststr(NULL, cc_cresp,
                                       "proxy-revalidate", NULL)))) {
        maxstale = 0;

    /* handle expiration */
    if (((smaxage != -1) && (age < (smaxage - minfresh))) ||
        ((maxage != -1) && (age < (maxage + maxstale - minfresh))) ||
        ((smaxage == -1) && (maxage == -1) &&
         (info->expire != APR_DATE_BAD) &&
         (age < (apr_time_sec(info->expire - info->date) + maxstale - minfresh)))) {
        const char *warn_head;

        warn_head = apr_table_get(h->resp_hdrs, "Warning");

        /* it's fresh darlings... */
        /* set age header on response */
        apr_table_set(h->resp_hdrs, "Age",
                      apr_psprintf(r->pool, "%lu", (unsigned long)age));

        /* add warning if maxstale overrode freshness calculation */
        if (!(((smaxage != -1) && age < smaxage) ||
              ((maxage != -1) && age < maxage) ||
              (info->expire != APR_DATE_BAD &&
               (apr_time_sec(info->expire - info->date)) > age))) {
            /* make sure we don't stomp on a previous warning */
            if ((warn_head == NULL) ||
                ((warn_head != NULL) && (ap_strstr_c(warn_head, "110") == NULL))) {
                apr_table_merge(h->resp_hdrs, "Warning",
                                "110 Response is stale");
         * If none of Expires, Cache-Control: max-age, or Cache-Control:
         * s-maxage appears in the response, and the respose header age
         * calculated is more than 24 hours add the warning 113
        if ((maxage_cresp == -1) && (smaxage == -1) &&
            (expstr == NULL) && (age > 86400)) {

            /* Make sure we don't stomp on a previous warning, and don't dup
             * a 113 marning that is already present. Also, make sure to add
             * the new warning to the correct *headers_out location.
            if ((warn_head == NULL) ||
                ((warn_head != NULL) && (ap_strstr_c(warn_head, "113") == NULL))) {
                apr_table_merge(h->resp_hdrs, "Warning",
                                "113 Heuristic expiration");
        return 1;    /* Cache object is fresh (enough) */

    return 0;        /* Cache object is stale */
Exemplo n.º 7
#include "apr_errno.h"
#include "apr_general.h"
#include "apr_lib.h"
#include "test_apr.h"
#include "apr_strings.h"
#include <time.h>

#define STR_SIZE 45

/* The time value is used throughout the tests, so just make this a global.
 * Also, we need a single value that we can test for the positive tests, so
 * I chose the number below, it corresponds to:
 *           2002-08-14 12:05:36.186711 -25200 [257 Sat].
 * Which happens to be when I wrote the new tests.
static apr_time_t now = APR_INT64_C(1032030336186711);

static char* print_time (apr_pool_t *pool, const apr_time_exp_t *xt)
    return apr_psprintf (pool,
                         "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%06d %+05d [%d %s]%s",
                         xt->tm_year + 1900,
                         xt->tm_yday + 1,
Exemplo n.º 8
#include "apr_date.h"

#ifndef srand48
#define srand48 srandom

#ifndef mrand48
#define mrand48 random

void gm_timestr_822(char *ts, apr_time_t sec);
void gm_timestr_850(char *ts, apr_time_t sec);
void gm_timestr_ccc(char *ts, apr_time_t sec);

static const apr_time_t year2secs[] = {
             APR_INT64_C(0),    /* 1970 */
      APR_INT64_C(31536000),    /* 1971 */
      APR_INT64_C(63072000),    /* 1972 */
      APR_INT64_C(94694400),    /* 1973 */
     APR_INT64_C(126230400),    /* 1974 */
     APR_INT64_C(157766400),    /* 1975 */
     APR_INT64_C(189302400),    /* 1976 */
     APR_INT64_C(220924800),    /* 1977 */
     APR_INT64_C(252460800),    /* 1978 */
     APR_INT64_C(283996800),    /* 1979 */
     APR_INT64_C(315532800),    /* 1980 */
     APR_INT64_C(347155200),    /* 1981 */
     APR_INT64_C(378691200),    /* 1982 */
     APR_INT64_C(410227200),    /* 1983 */
     APR_INT64_C(441763200),    /* 1984 */
     APR_INT64_C(473385600),    /* 1985 */
Exemplo n.º 9
int cache_check_freshness(cache_handle_t *h, cache_request_rec *cache,
        request_rec *r)
    apr_status_t status;
    apr_int64_t age, maxage_req, maxage_cresp, maxage, smaxage, maxstale;
    apr_int64_t minfresh;
    const char *cc_req;
    const char *pragma;
    const char *agestr = NULL;
    apr_time_t age_c = 0;
    cache_info *info = &(h->cache_obj->info);
    const char *warn_head;
    cache_server_conf *conf =
      (cache_server_conf *)ap_get_module_config(r->server->module_config,

     * We now want to check if our cached data is still fresh. This depends
     * on a few things, in this order:
     * - RFC2616 14.9.4 End to end reload, Cache-Control: no-cache. no-cache
     * in either the request or the cached response means that we must
     * perform the request unconditionally, and ignore cached content. We
     * should never reach here, but if we do, mark the content as stale,
     * as this is the best we can do.
     * - RFC2616 14.32 Pragma: no-cache This is treated the same as
     * Cache-Control: no-cache.
     * - RFC2616 14.9.3 Cache-Control: max-stale, must-revalidate,
     * proxy-revalidate if the max-stale request header exists, modify the
     * stale calculations below so that an object can be at most <max-stale>
     * seconds stale before we request a revalidation, _UNLESS_ a
     * must-revalidate or proxy-revalidate cached response header exists to
     * stop us doing this.
     * - RFC2616 14.9.3 Cache-Control: s-maxage the origin server specifies the
     * maximum age an object can be before it is considered stale. This
     * directive has the effect of proxy|must revalidate, which in turn means
     * simple ignore any max-stale setting.
     * - RFC2616 14.9.4 Cache-Control: max-age this header can appear in both
     * requests and responses. If both are specified, the smaller of the two
     * takes priority.
     * - RFC2616 14.21 Expires: if this request header exists in the cached
     * entity, and it's value is in the past, it has expired.

    /* This value comes from the client's initial request. */
    cc_req = apr_table_get(r->headers_in, "Cache-Control");
    pragma = apr_table_get(r->headers_in, "Pragma");

    ap_cache_control(r, &cache->control_in, cc_req, pragma, r->headers_in);

    if (cache->control_in.no_cache) {

        if (!conf->ignorecachecontrol) {
            /* Treat as stale, causing revalidation */
            return 0;

        ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_INFO, 0, r, APLOGNO(00781)
                "Incoming request is asking for a uncached version of "
                "%s, but we have been configured to ignore it and "
                "serve a cached response anyway",

    /* These come from the cached entity. */
    if (h->cache_obj->info.control.no_cache
            || h->cache_obj->info.control.invalidated) {
         * The cached entity contained Cache-Control: no-cache, or a
         * no-cache with a header present, or a private with a header
         * present, or the cached entity has been invalidated in the
         * past, so treat as stale causing revalidation.
        return 0;

    if ((agestr = apr_table_get(h->resp_hdrs, "Age"))) {
        char *endp;
        apr_off_t offt;
        if (!apr_strtoff(&offt, agestr, &endp, 10)
                && endp > agestr && !*endp) {
            age_c = offt;

    /* calculate age of object */
    age = ap_cache_current_age(info, age_c, r->request_time);

    /* extract s-maxage */
    smaxage = h->cache_obj->info.control.s_maxage_value;

    /* extract max-age from request */
    maxage_req = -1;
    if (!conf->ignorecachecontrol) {
        maxage_req = cache->control_in.max_age_value;

     * extract max-age from response, if both s-maxage and max-age, s-maxage
     * takes priority
    if (smaxage != -1) {
        maxage_cresp = smaxage;
    else {
        maxage_cresp = h->cache_obj->info.control.max_age_value;

     * if both maxage request and response, the smaller one takes priority
    if (maxage_req == -1) {
        maxage = maxage_cresp;
    else if (maxage_cresp == -1) {
        maxage = maxage_req;
    else {
        maxage = MIN(maxage_req, maxage_cresp);

    /* extract max-stale */
    if (cache->control_in.max_stale) {
        if(cache->control_in.max_stale_value != -1) {
            maxstale = cache->control_in.max_stale_value;
        else {
             * If no value is assigned to max-stale, then the client is willing
             * to accept a stale response of any age (RFC2616 14.9.3). We will
             * set it to one year in this case as this situation is somewhat
             * similar to a "never expires" Expires header (RFC2616 14.21)
             * which is set to a date one year from the time the response is
             * sent in this case.
            maxstale = APR_INT64_C(86400*365);
    else {
        maxstale = 0;

    /* extract min-fresh */
    if (!conf->ignorecachecontrol && cache->control_in.min_fresh) {
        minfresh = cache->control_in.min_fresh_value;
    else {
        minfresh = 0;

    /* override maxstale if must-revalidate, proxy-revalidate or s-maxage */
    if (maxstale && (h->cache_obj->info.control.must_revalidate
            || h->cache_obj->info.control.proxy_revalidate || smaxage != -1)) {
        maxstale = 0;

    /* handle expiration */
    if (((maxage != -1) && (age < (maxage + maxstale - minfresh))) ||
        ((smaxage == -1) && (maxage == -1) &&
         (info->expire != APR_DATE_BAD) &&
         (age < (apr_time_sec(info->expire - info->date) + maxstale - minfresh)))) {

        warn_head = apr_table_get(h->resp_hdrs, "Warning");

        /* it's fresh darlings... */
        /* set age header on response */
        apr_table_set(h->resp_hdrs, "Age",
                      apr_psprintf(r->pool, "%lu", (unsigned long)age));

        /* add warning if maxstale overrode freshness calculation */
        if (!(((maxage != -1) && age < maxage) ||
              (info->expire != APR_DATE_BAD &&
               (apr_time_sec(info->expire - info->date)) > age))) {
            /* make sure we don't stomp on a previous warning */
            if ((warn_head == NULL) ||
                ((warn_head != NULL) && (ap_strstr_c(warn_head, "110") == NULL))) {
                apr_table_mergen(h->resp_hdrs, "Warning",
                                 "110 Response is stale");

         * If none of Expires, Cache-Control: max-age, or Cache-Control:
         * s-maxage appears in the response, and the response header age
         * calculated is more than 24 hours add the warning 113
        if ((maxage_cresp == -1) && (smaxage == -1) && (apr_table_get(
                h->resp_hdrs, "Expires") == NULL) && (age > 86400)) {

            /* Make sure we don't stomp on a previous warning, and don't dup
             * a 113 marning that is already present. Also, make sure to add
             * the new warning to the correct *headers_out location.
            if ((warn_head == NULL) ||
                ((warn_head != NULL) && (ap_strstr_c(warn_head, "113") == NULL))) {
                apr_table_mergen(h->resp_hdrs, "Warning",
                                 "113 Heuristic expiration");
        return 1;    /* Cache object is fresh (enough) */

     * At this point we are stale, but: if we are under load, we may let
     * a significant number of stale requests through before the first
     * stale request successfully revalidates itself, causing a sudden
     * unexpected thundering herd which in turn brings angst and drama.
     * So.
     * We want the first stale request to go through as normal. But the
     * second and subsequent request, we must pretend to be fresh until
     * the first request comes back with either new content or confirmation
     * that the stale content is still fresh.
     * To achieve this, we create a very simple file based lock based on
     * the key of the cached object. We attempt to open the lock file with
     * exclusive write access. If we succeed, woohoo! we're first, and we
     * follow the stale path to the backend server. If we fail, oh well,
     * we follow the fresh path, and avoid being a thundering herd.
     * The lock lives only as long as the stale request that went on ahead.
     * If the request succeeds, the lock is deleted. If the request fails,
     * the lock is deleted, and another request gets to make a new lock
     * and try again.
     * At any time, a request marked "no-cache" will force a refresh,
     * ignoring the lock, ensuring an extended lockout is impossible.
     * A lock that exceeds a maximum age will be deleted, and another
     * request gets to make a new lock and try again.
    status = cache_try_lock(conf, cache, r);
    if (APR_SUCCESS == status) {
        /* we obtained a lock, follow the stale path */
        ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, r, APLOGNO(00782)
                "Cache lock obtained for stale cached URL, "
                "revalidating entry: %s",
        return 0;
    else if (APR_STATUS_IS_EEXIST(status)) {
        /* lock already exists, return stale data anyway, with a warning */
        ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, status, r, APLOGNO(00783)
                "Cache already locked for stale cached URL, "
                "pretend it is fresh: %s",

        /* make sure we don't stomp on a previous warning */
        warn_head = apr_table_get(h->resp_hdrs, "Warning");
        if ((warn_head == NULL) ||
            ((warn_head != NULL) && (ap_strstr_c(warn_head, "110") == NULL))) {
            apr_table_mergen(h->resp_hdrs, "Warning",
                             "110 Response is stale");

        return 1;
    else {
        /* some other error occurred, just treat the object as stale */
        ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, status, r, APLOGNO(00784)
                "Attempt to obtain a cache lock for stale "
                "cached URL failed, revalidating entry anyway: %s",
        return 0;
