Exemplo n.º 1
task main(){
  nMotorEncoder[UP] = 0;
  nMotorEncoder[RND] = 0;
  for(int i=0; i <= 5; ++i){
Exemplo n.º 2
task main(){
 // checkBTLinkConnected();
  nMotorEncoder[UP] = 0;
  nMotorEncoder[RND] = 0;
    nxtDisplayTextLine(3,"RUP = %d",500);
    nxtDisplayTextLine(4,"RRND = %d",500);
    nxtDisplayTextLine(5,"RRND = %d",500);
    AbsMove(2000, 2000, 500);
     AbsMove(0, 0, 0);
 //   motor[UP] = 100;
   // motor{RND] = 100;
Exemplo n.º 3
bool PCIM114GL::IsLastPosDone(int nAxis)
        double dPos=m_dLastTargetPos[nAxis];

        double dP=GetFeedbackPos(nAxis);
        if(dP>dPos-0.1 && dP<dPos+0.1) return true;
        else if(GetAxisStatus(nAxis,Axis_Const::INP)) AbsMove(nAxis,dPos);
        else return false;

        return false;
Exemplo n.º 4
task main() {
    nMotorEncoder[UP] = 0;
    nMotorEncoder[RND] = 0;
    while(true) {
        fRec[0] = (Rec[0]-8)*40;
        fRec[1] = (Rec[1]-8)*40;
        nxtDisplayTextLine(3,"RUP = %d",fRec[0]);
        nxtDisplayTextLine(4,"RRND = %d",fRec[1]);
        AbsMove(fRec[0], fRec[1]);
Exemplo n.º 5
LRESULT KItemNull::WndProc(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
    float const fX = (float)(GET_X_LPARAM(lParam));
    float const fY = (float)(GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam));
    switch (uMsg)
        if (PtInItem(fX, fY))
            if (KDebugConfig::ms_aBoolFlag[KDebugConfig::BOOL_SELECT_WINDOW_IN_CLIENT])
				g_pUI->m_EditorMgr.UIEditorOperation(PLUGIN_UI_EDITOR_SEL_WND, (WPARAM)m_szItemName, 0);

            if (KDebugConfig::ms_aBoolFlag[KDebugConfig::BOOL_RESIZE_WND_AND_ITEM_MODE] &&
                (fX > m_fAbsX + m_fWidth - 2 * KDebugConfig::ms_nResizeWindowHandleNodeHalfSize) &&
                (fY > m_fAbsY + m_fHeight - 2 * KDebugConfig::ms_nResizeWindowHandleNodeHalfSize))
            KItemEditModeMgr::GetSelf().SetDragStartPos(fX, fY);
            return TRUE;
    case WM_MOUSEMOVE:
        if (wParam & MK_LBUTTON)
            float fLastX;
            float fLastY;
            KItemEditModeMgr::GetSelf().GetFragStartPos(fLastX, fLastY);
            if (KItemEditModeMgr::GetSelf().GetEditMode() == EDIT_DRAG_MODE)
                AbsMove(fX - fLastX, fY - fLastY);
            else if (KItemEditModeMgr::GetSelf().GetEditMode() == EDIT_RESIZE_MODE)
                float fWidth = m_fWidth + (fX - fLastX);
                float fHeight = m_fHeight + (fY - fLastY);
                if (fWidth < 0.0f)
                    fWidth = 0.0f;
                if (fHeight < 0.0f)
                    fHeight = 0.0f;
                SetSize(fWidth, fHeight);
            KItemEditModeMgr::GetSelf().SetDragStartPos(fX, fY);
            return TRUE;
		else if (PtInItem(fX, fY))
			static char szInfo[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
			_snprintf(szInfo, _countof(szInfo), "名字: %s\n   x=%d, y=%d, w=%d, h=%d\n", m_szItemName, 
				(int)m_fRelX, (int)m_fRelY, (int)m_fWidth, (int)m_fHeight);
			g_pUI->m_EditorMgr.UIEditorOperation(PLUGIN_UI_EDITOR_SHOW_INFO, (WPARAM)szInfo, 0);
			return TRUE;
    return FALSE;
Exemplo n.º 6
task main()
	// Setup
	string sFriendlyName;
	IAmNXT = 2;
	MaxNXT = 3;

	bNxtLCDStatusDisplay = true; // Enable top status line displayHSpeedRxData[1]

int delta = 2;                        // Create int 'delta' to the be Servo Change Rate.

servoChangeRate[servo1] = delta;          // Slow the Servo Change Rate down to only 'delta' positions per update.
    servoChangeRate[servo2] = delta;          // Slow the Servo Change Rate down to only 'delta' positions per update.
    servoChangeRate[servo3] = delta;          // Slow the Servo Change Rate down to only 'delta' positions per update.
    servoChangeRate[servo4] = delta;          // Slow the Servo Change Rate down to only 'delta' positions per update.
    servoChangeRate[servo5] = delta;          // Slow the Servo Change Rate down to only 'delta' positions per update.


	  while( HSpeedRxDataLen == 0 ) wait1Msec(10);

	if(HSpeedRxData[0] == 1){

	   AbsMove(2000,2000, 360);

	  if(ServoValue[servo1] >= 191)             // If servo1 is closer to 255 (than 0):
      while(ServoValue[servo1] > 125)                 // While the ServoValue of servo1 is greater than 0:
        servo[servo1] = 125;                                // Move servo1 to position to 0.

     if(ServoValue[servo2] < 64)              // If servo1 is closer to 0 (than 255):
      while(ServoValue[servo2] < 110)               // While the ServoValue of servo1 is less than 255:
        servo[servo2] = 110;                              // Move servo1 to position to 255.

     if(ServoValue[servo3] < 64)              // If servo1 is closer to 0 (than 255):
      while(ServoValue[servo3] < 110)               // While the ServoValue of servo1 is less than 255:
        servo[servo3] = 110;                              // Move servo1 to position to 255.

     if(ServoValue[servo4] < 64)              // If servo1 is closer to 0 (than 255):
      while(ServoValue[servo4] < 110)               // While the ServoValue of servo1 is less than 255:
        servo[servo4] = 110;                              // Move servo1 to position to 255.

     if(ServoValue[servo5] < 64)              // If servo1 is closer to 0 (than 255):
      while(ServoValue[servo5] < 110)               // While the ServoValue of servo1 is less than 255:
        servo[servo5] = 110;                              // Move servo1 to position to 255.


	if(HSpeedRxData[0] == 2){

	    if(ServoValue[servo1] < 191)              // If servo1 is closer to 0 (than 255):
      while(ServoValue[servo1] < 255)               // While the ServoValue of servo1 is less than 255:
        servo[servo1] = 255;                              // Move servo1 to position to 255.

     if(ServoValue[servo2] >= 64)             // If servo1 is closer to 255 (than 0):
      while(ServoValue[servo2] > 0)                 // While the ServoValue of servo1 is greater than 0:
        servo[servo2] = 0;                                // Move servo1 to position to 0.

     if(ServoValue[servo3] >= 64)             // If servo1 is closer to 255 (than 0):
      while(ServoValue[servo3] > 0)                 // While the ServoValue of servo1 is greater than 0:
        servo[servo3] = 0;                                // Move servo1 to position to 0.

     if(ServoValue[servo4] >= 64)             // If servo1 is closer to 255 (than 0):
      while(ServoValue[servo4] > 0)                 // While the ServoValue of servo1 is greater than 0:
        servo[servo4] = 0;                                // Move servo1 to position to 0.

     if(ServoValue[servo5] >= 64)             // If servo1 is closer to 255 (than 0):
      while(ServoValue[servo5] > 0)                 // While the ServoValue of servo1 is greater than 0:
        servo[servo5] = 0;                                // Move servo1 to position to 0.

    AbsMove(0,0, 0);


	if(HSpeedRxData[0] == 3){

	   AbsMove(0,0, 0);

