Exemplo n.º 1
void main(void)
    byte tbfr, tbfl, tbrr, tbrl;
    SOPT = 0x00; //disable watchdog
    ICGC1 = 0b01110100; // select external crystal
    Delay(64);  // start up delay for crystal
    SCISetup(); // setup serial communication via RS-232 I/F
    // Initialization
    // for motor driving with PWM from TPM1
    TPM1SC = 0b00001000;    // edge-aligned PWM on bus clock
    TPM1MOD = (word)(pwmPeriod * busClock * 1000);  // set PWM period
    TPM1C2SC = 0b00101000;  // edge-aligned PWM with high-true pulses for PTF0 (left motor IN_A)
    TPM1C3SC = 0b00101000;  // edge-aligned PWM with high-true pulses for PTF1 (left motor IN_B)
    TPM1C4SC = 0b00101000;  // edge-aligned PWM with high-true pulses for PTF2 (right motor IN_A)
    TPM1C5SC = 0b00101000;  // edge-aligned PWM with high-true pulses for PTF3 (right motor IN_B)

    // for motor speed control with timer overflow interrupt of TPM2
    TPM2SC = 0b01001000;    // enable timer overflow and input capture on bus rate clock
    TPM2MOD = (word)(controlPeriod * busClock * 1000);  // set motor speed control period
    TPM2C0SC = 0b01000100;  // enable interrups on positive edge for PTF4 (left tachometer)
    TPM2C1SC = 0b01000100;  // enable interrups on positive edge for PTF5 (right tachometer)
    diffLeft = 0;           // difference between two consecutive counter values for left motor
    diffRight = 0;          // difference between two consecutive counter values for right motor
    travelDistance = 0;     // distance to travel; one unit is approximately 05 mm
    scaleFactor = 200;      // scale factor used in motor speed control
    nomSpeed = 0x2000;      // nominal speed
    pwLeft = defaultSpeed;  // PWM duty cycle for left motor
    pwRight = defaultSpeed; // PWM duty cycle for right motor
    pwMax = 90;             // maximum for PWM duty cycle
    pwMin = 40;             // minimum for PWM duty cycle

    // for ADC
    ADC1CFG = 0b00000000;   // on bus clock, 8-bit conversion
    APCTL1 = 0b11111111;    // use all 8 pins of port B for ADC

    // for motor status
    leftMotor = MOTOR_STATUS_STOP;
    rightMotor = MOTOR_STATUS_STOP;

    // now we are ready to go!

    // Now we set the mouse operation mode based on the status of two front
    // touch bars -- at the moment of turning it on -- as follows:
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    // touchBarFrontLeft | touchBarFrontRight | Operation Mode
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    // not touched       | not touched        | MOUSE_MODE_DEBUG (DEFAULT)
    // not touched       | touched            | MOUSE_MODE_COMBAT
    // touched           | not touched        | MOUSE_MODE_LINE_FOLLOWING
    // touched           | touched            | MOUSE_MODE_OBSTACLE_AVOIDING
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------

    PTAPE = 0xFF;   // enable port A pullups for touchbar switches and infrared sensors
    PTADD = 0x00;   // set port A as input

    tbfl = touchBarFrontLeft;
    tbfr = touchBarFrontRight;
    tbfl = 1;
    tbfr = 1;
    if ((tbfl == 0) && (tbfr == 0)) {
        mouseMode = MOUSE_MODE_DEBUG;
    else if ((tbfl == 0) && (tbfr == 1)) {
        mouseMode = MOUSE_MODE_COMBAT;
    else if ((tbrl == 1) && (tbrr == 0)) {
        mouseMode = MOUSE_MODE_LINE_FOLLOWING;
    else {

    for (;;) {
        // do nothing; just waiting for interrupts
Exemplo n.º 2
void main(void)
    byte tbfr, tbfl, tbrr, tbrl;
    SOPT = 0x00; //disable watchdog
    ICGC1 = 0b01110100; // select external crystal
    Delay(64);  // start up delay for crystal
    SCISetup(); // setup serial communication via RS-232 I/F
    // Initialization
    // for motor driving with PWM from TPM1
    TPM1SC = 0b00001000;    // edge-aligned PWM on bus clock
    TPM1MOD = (word)(pwmPeriod * busClock * 1000);  // set PWM period
    TPM1C2SC = 0b00101000;  // edge-aligned PWM with high-true pulses for PTF0 (left motor IN_A)
    TPM1C3SC = 0b00101000;  // edge-aligned PWM with high-true pulses for PTF1 (left motor IN_B)
    TPM1C4SC = 0b00101000;  // edge-aligned PWM with high-true pulses for PTF2 (right motor IN_A)
    TPM1C5SC = 0b00101000;  // edge-aligned PWM with high-true pulses for PTF3 (right motor IN_B)

    // for motor speed control with timer overflow interrupt of TPM2
    TPM2SC = 0b01001000;    // enable timer overflow and input capture on bus rate clock
    TPM2MOD = (word)(controlPeriod * busClock * 1000);  // set motor speed control period
    TPM2C0SC = 0b01000100;  // enable interrups on positive edge for PTF4 (left tachometer)
    TPM2C1SC = 0b01000100;  // enable interrups on positive edge for PTF5 (right tachometer)
    diffLeft = 0;           // difference between two consecutive counter values for left motor
    diffRight = 0;          // difference between two consecutive counter values for right motor
    travelDistance = 0;     // distance to travel; one unit is approximately 05 mm
    scaleFactor = 2;        // scale factor used in motor speed control    
    nomSpeed = 0x2000;      // nominal speed
    pwLeft = defaultSpeed;  // PWM duty cycle for left motor
    pwRight = defaultSpeed; // PWM duty cycle for right motor
    pwMax = 50;             // maximum for PWM duty cycle
    pwMin = 10;             // minimum for PWM duty cycle

    // for KBI handling
    PTDPE = 0xFF;   // enable port D pullups for push button switch
    PTDDD = 0x00;   // set port D as input; switches 3 and 4 are connected to port D3 and D2, respectively
    KBI1SC = BitClear(1, KBI1SC);   // KBIE=0; disable KBI
    KBI1PE = 0x60;                  // enable KBI function for pins 5 and 6 only
    KBI1SC = BitClear(0, KBI1SC);   // KBIMOD=0; select edge-only detection
    KBI1SC = BitSet(2, KBI1SC);     // KBACK=1; clear KBI flag
    KBI1SC = BitSet(1, KBI1SC);     // KBIE=1; enable KBI

    // for ADC
    ADC1CFG = 0b00000000;   // on bus clock, 8-bit conversion
    APCTL1 = 0b11111111;    // use all 8 pins of port B for ADC

    // for motor status
    leftMotor = MOTOR_STATUS_STOP;
    rightMotor = MOTOR_STATUS_STOP;

    // Now we are going to set the mouse operation mode according to rocker switches 1 & 2 as follows:
    // --------------------------------------------------------------
    // SW1    | SW2    | Operation Mode               | LED8* | LED9*
    // --------------------------------------------------------------
    // Open** | Open   | MOUSE_MODE_OBSTACLE_AVOIDING | ON    | ON
    // Open   | Closed | MOUSE_MODE_LINE_FOLLOWING    | ON    | OFF
    // Closed | Open   | MOUSE_MODE_COMBAT            | OFF   | ON
    // Closed | Closed | MOUSE_MODE_DEBUG             | OFF   | OFF
    // --------------------------------------------------------------
    // *  We assume that PTC2 and PTC6 are connected to LED8 and LED9, respectively.
    // ** These switches are active low and input a logic high when set to the open position.
    PTAPE = 0xFF;   // enable port A pullups for push button switch
    PTADD = 0x00;   // set port A as input; switches 1 and 2 are connected to port A0 and A1, respectively
    sw1 = PTAD_PTAD0;  // read switch configuration
    sw2 = PTAD_PTAD1;  // read switch configuration

    PTCDD = 0xFF;   // set port C as output    
    PTCD =  0xFF;   // turn off LEDs

    // simple FSM for motor status handling
    if (sw1 == 1) {
        if (sw2 == 1) {
            mouseMode = MOUSE_MODE_OBSTACLE_AVOIDING;
            PTCD_PTCD2 = 1;
            PTCD_PTCD6 = 1;
        else {
            mouseMode = MOUSE_MODE_LINE_FOLLOWING;
            PTCD_PTCD2 = 1;
            PTCD_PTCD6 = 0;
    else {
        if (sw2 == 1) {
            mouseMode = MOUSE_MODE_COMBAT;
            PTCD_PTCD2 = 0;
            PTCD_PTCD6 = 1;
        else {
            mouseMode = MOUSE_MODE_DEBUG;
            // reserved for another mode in the future
            PTCD_PTCD2 = 0;
            PTCD_PTCD6 = 0;

    PTAPE = 0xFF;   // enable port A pullups for push button switch
    PTADD = 0x00;   // set port A as input; switches 1 and 2 are connected to port A0 and A1, respectively

	// Note that we temporarily comment out the following for testing the sample program
	// tbfl = touchBarFrontLeft;
    // tbfr = touchBarFrontRight;
    // tbrl = touchBarRearLeft;
    // tbrr = touchBarRearRight;
	// Then, set the following to enter a test mode for testing component functions
/*	tbfl = 0;
    if ((tbfl == 1) && (tbfr == 1)) {
    else if ((tbrl == 1) && (tbrr == 1)) {
        mouseMode = MOUSE_MODE_LINE_FOLLOWING;
    else {
        // Debug();
    } */

    // now we are ready to go!
    for (;;) {
        // do nothing; just waiting for interrupts