Exemplo n.º 1
bool CHostageImprov::FaceTowards(const Vector &target, float deltaT)
	bool bError = false;
	Vector2D to = (target - GetFeet()).Make2D();

	// TODO: fix test demo
	float_precision float_x = target.x - GetFeet().x;
	float_precision float_y = target.y - GetFeet().y;
	float_precision flLen = to.Length();

	if (flLen <= 0)
		to.x = 1;
		to.y = 0;
		to.x = float_x / flLen;
		to.y = float_y / flLen;

	float moveAngle = GetMoveAngle();

	Vector2D lat(BotCOS(moveAngle), BotSIN(moveAngle));
	Vector2D dir(-lat.y, lat.x);

	float_precision dot = DotProduct(to, dir);

	if (DotProduct(to, lat) < 0.0f)
		if (dot >= 0.0f)
			dot = 1.0f;
			dot = -1.0f;

		bError = true;

	const float maxTurnRate = 0.05f;

	if (bError || Q_fabs(dot) >= maxTurnRate)
		const float tolerance = 300.0f;
		float moveRatio = dot * deltaT * tolerance + moveAngle;


		m_moveAngle = moveRatio;
		m_hostage->pev->angles.y = moveRatio;

		return false;

	return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
NOXREF void CCSBot::MoveAwayFromPosition(const Vector *pos)
	// compute our current forward and lateral vectors
	float angle = pev->v_angle[ YAW ];

	Vector2D dir(BotCOS(angle), BotSIN(angle));
	Vector2D lat(-dir.y, dir.x);

	// compute unit vector to goal position
	Vector2D to(pos->x - pev->origin.x, pos->y - pev->origin.y);

	// move away from the position independant of our view direction
	float toProj = to.x * dir.x + to.y * dir.y;
	float latProj = to.x * lat.x + to.y * lat.y;

	const float c = 0.5f;
	if (toProj > c)
	else if (toProj < -c)

	if (latProj >= c)
	else if (latProj <= -c)
Exemplo n.º 3
void CCSBot::Panic(CBasePlayer *pEnemy)
	if (IsSurprised())

	Vector2D dir(BotCOS(pev->v_angle.y), BotSIN(pev->v_angle.y));
	Vector2D perp(-dir.y, dir.x);
	Vector spot;

	if (GetProfile()->GetSkill() >= 0.5f)
		Vector2D toEnemy = (pEnemy->pev->origin - pev->origin).Make2D();

		float along = DotProduct(toEnemy, dir);

		float c45 = 0.7071f;
		float size = 100.0f;

		real_t shift = RANDOM_FLOAT(-75.0, 75.0);

		if (along > c45)
			spot.x = pev->origin.x + dir.x * size + perp.x * shift;
			spot.y = pev->origin.y + dir.y * size + perp.y * shift;
		else if (along < -c45)
			spot.x = pev->origin.x - dir.x * size + perp.x * shift;
			spot.y = pev->origin.y - dir.y * size + perp.y * shift;
		else if (DotProduct(toEnemy, perp) > 0.0)
			spot.x = pev->origin.x + perp.x * size + dir.x * shift;
			spot.y = pev->origin.y + perp.y * size + dir.y * shift;
			spot.x = pev->origin.x - perp.x * size + dir.x * shift;
			spot.y = pev->origin.y - perp.y * size + dir.y * shift;
		const float offset = 200.0f;
		real_t side = RANDOM_FLOAT(-offset, offset) * 2.0f;

		spot.x = pev->origin.x - dir.x * offset + perp.x * side;
		spot.y = pev->origin.y - dir.y * offset + perp.y * side;

	spot.z = pev->origin.z + RANDOM_FLOAT(-50.0, 50.0);

	// we are stunned for a moment
	m_surpriseDelay = RANDOM_FLOAT(0.1, 0.2);
	m_surpriseTimestamp = gpGlobals->time;

	SetLookAt("Panic", &spot, PRIORITY_HIGH, 0, 0, 5.0);
Exemplo n.º 4
/* <5d4160> ../cstrike/dlls/bot/states/cs_bot_plant_bomb.cpp:17 */
void PlantBombState::__MAKE_VHOOK(OnEnter)(CCSBot *me)

	float yaw = me->pev->v_angle.y;
	Vector2D dir(BotCOS(yaw), BotSIN(yaw));

	Vector down(me->pev->origin.x + 10.0f * dir.x, me->pev->origin.y + 10.0f * dir.y, me->GetFeetZ());
	me->SetLookAt("Plant bomb on floor", &down, PRIORITY_HIGH);
Exemplo n.º 5
 * Plant the bomb.
void PlantBombState::OnEnter( CCFBot *me )
	me->SetDisposition( CCFBot::SELF_DEFENSE );

	// look at the floor
//	Vector down( myOrigin.x, myOrigin.y, -1000.0f );

	float yaw = me->EyeAngles().y;
	Vector2D dir( BotCOS(yaw), BotSIN(yaw) );
	Vector myOrigin = GetCentroid( me );

	Vector down( myOrigin.x + 10.0f * dir.x, myOrigin.y + 10.0f * dir.y, me->GetFeetZ() );
	me->SetLookAt( "Plant bomb on floor", down, PRIORITY_HIGH );
Exemplo n.º 6
void CCSBot::StrafeAwayFromPosition(const Vector *pos)
	// compute our current forward and lateral vectors
	float angle = pev->v_angle[ YAW ];

	Vector2D dir(BotCOS(angle), BotSIN(angle));
	Vector2D lat(-dir.y, dir.x);

	// compute unit vector to goal position
	Vector2D to(pos->x - pev->origin.x, pos->y - pev->origin.y);

	float latProj = to.x * lat.x + to.y * lat.y;

	if (latProj >= 0.0f)
Exemplo n.º 7
void CHostageImprov::Wiggle()
	// for wiggling
	if (m_wiggleTimer.IsElapsed())
		m_wiggleDirection = static_cast<NavRelativeDirType>(RANDOM_LONG(FORWARD, LEFT));
		m_wiggleTimer.Start(RANDOM_FLOAT(0.3f, 0.5f));

	const float force = 15.0f;
	Vector dir(BotCOS(m_moveAngle), BotSIN(m_moveAngle), 0.0f);
	Vector lat(-dir.y, dir.x, 0.0f);

	switch (m_wiggleDirection)
	case FORWARD:
		ApplyForce(dir * force);
		ApplyForce(dir * -force);
	case LEFT:
		ApplyForce(lat * force);
	case RIGHT:
		ApplyForce(lat * -force);

	const float minStuckJumpTime = 0.5f;
	if (m_follower.GetStuckDuration() > minStuckJumpTime && m_wiggleJumpTimer.IsElapsed())
		if (Jump())
			m_wiggleJumpTimer.Start(RANDOM_FLOAT(0.75f, 1.2f));
Exemplo n.º 8
void CCSBot::MoveTowardsPosition(const Vector *pos)
	// Jump up on ledges
	// Because we may not be able to get to our goal position and enter the next
	// area because our extent collides with a nearby vertical ledge, make sure
	// we look far enough ahead to avoid this situation.
	// Can't look too far ahead, or bots will try to jump up slopes.

	// NOTE: We need to do this frequently to catch edges at the right time
	// TODO: Look ahead *along path* instead of straight line
	if ((m_lastKnownArea == NULL || !(m_lastKnownArea->GetAttributes() & NAV_NO_JUMP)) &&
		!IsOnLadder() && !m_isJumpCrouching)
		float ground;
		Vector aheadRay(pos->x - pev->origin.x, pos->y - pev->origin.y, 0);

		// look far ahead to allow us to smoothly jump over gaps, ledges, etc
		// only jump if ground is flat at lookahead spot to avoid jumping up slopes
		bool jumped = false;

		if (IsRunning())
			const float farLookAheadRange = 80.0f;
			Vector normal;
			Vector stepAhead = pev->origin + farLookAheadRange * aheadRay;
			stepAhead.z += HalfHumanHeight;

			if (GetSimpleGroundHeightWithFloor(&stepAhead, &ground, &normal))
				if (normal.z > 0.9f)
					jumped = DiscontinuityJump(ground, ONLY_JUMP_DOWN);

		if (!jumped)
			// close up jumping
			// cant be less or will miss jumps over low walls
			const float lookAheadRange = 30.0f;
			Vector stepAhead = pev->origin + lookAheadRange * aheadRay;
			stepAhead.z += HalfHumanHeight;

			if (GetSimpleGroundHeightWithFloor(&stepAhead, &ground))
				jumped = DiscontinuityJump(ground);

		if (!jumped)
			// about to fall gap-jumping
			const float lookAheadRange = 10.0f;
			Vector stepAhead = pev->origin + lookAheadRange * aheadRay;
			stepAhead.z += HalfHumanHeight;

			if (GetSimpleGroundHeightWithFloor(&stepAhead, &ground))
				jumped = DiscontinuityJump(ground, ONLY_JUMP_DOWN, MUST_JUMP);

	// compute our current forward and lateral vectors
	float angle = pev->v_angle.y;

	Vector2D dir(BotCOS(angle), BotSIN(angle));
	Vector2D lat(-dir.y, dir.x);

	// compute unit vector to goal position
	Vector2D to(pos->x - pev->origin.x, pos->y - pev->origin.y);

	// move towards the position independant of our view direction
	float toProj = to.x * dir.x + to.y * dir.y;
	float latProj = to.x * lat.x + to.y * lat.y;

	const float c = 0.25f;
	if (toProj > c)
	else if (toProj < -c)

	// if we are avoiding someone via strafing, don't override
	if (m_avoid != NULL)

	if (latProj >= c)
	else if (latProj <= -c)
Exemplo n.º 9
// "Bend" our line of sight around corners until we can "see" the point.
bool CCSBot::BendLineOfSight(const Vector *eye, const Vector *point, Vector *bend) const
	// if we can directly see the point, use it
	TraceResult result;
	UTIL_TraceLine(*eye, *point + Vector(0, 0, HalfHumanHeight), ignore_monsters, ENT(pev), &result);

	if (result.flFraction == 1.0f && !result.fStartSolid)
		// can directly see point, no bending needed
		*bend = *point;
		return true;

	// "bend" our line of sight until we can see the approach point
	Vector v = *point - *eye;
	float startAngle = UTIL_VecToYaw(v);
	float length = v.Length2D();

	float angleInc = 10.0f;
	for (float angle = angleInc; angle <= 135.0f; angle += angleInc)
		// check both sides at this angle offset
		for (int side = 0; side < 2; ++side)
			float actualAngle = (side) ? (startAngle + angle) : (startAngle - angle);

			float dx = BotCOS(actualAngle);
			float dy = BotSIN(actualAngle);

			// compute rotated point ray endpoint
			Vector rotPoint(eye->x + length * dx, eye->y + length * dy, point->z);

			TraceResult result;
			UTIL_TraceLine(*eye, rotPoint + Vector(0, 0, HalfHumanHeight), ignore_monsters, ENT(pev), &result);

			// if this ray started in an obstacle, skip it
			if (result.fStartSolid)

			Vector ray = rotPoint - *eye;
			float rayLength = ray.NormalizeInPlace();
			float visibleLength = rayLength * result.flFraction;

			// step along ray, checking if point is visible from ray point
			const float bendStepSize = 50.0f;
			for (float bendLength = bendStepSize; bendLength <= visibleLength; bendLength += bendStepSize)
				// compute point along ray
				Vector rayPoint = *eye + bendLength * ray;

				// check if we can see approach point from this bend point
				UTIL_TraceLine(rayPoint, *point + Vector(0, 0, HalfHumanHeight), ignore_monsters, ENT(pev), &result);

				if (result.flFraction == 1.0f && !result.fStartSolid)
					// target is visible from this bend point on the ray - use this point on the ray as our point

					// keep "bent" point at correct height along line of sight
					if (!GetGroundHeight(&rayPoint, &rayPoint.z))
						rayPoint.z = point->z;

					*bend = rayPoint;
					return true;

	*bend = *point;

	// bending rays didn't help - still can't see the point
	return false;
Exemplo n.º 10
 * Do reflex avoidance movements if our "feelers" are touched
 * @todo Parameterize feeler spacing
void CNavPathFollower::FeelerReflexAdjustment( Vector *goalPosition, float height )
	// if we are in a "precise" area, do not do feeler adjustments
	if (m_improv->GetLastKnownArea() && m_improv->GetLastKnownArea()->GetAttributes() & NAV_PRECISE)

	Vector dir( BotCOS( m_improv->GetMoveAngle() ), BotSIN( m_improv->GetMoveAngle() ), 0.0f );
	dir.z = 0.0f;

	Vector lat( -dir.y, dir.x, 0.0f );

	const float feelerOffset = (m_improv->IsCrouching()) ? 20.0f : 25.0f;	// 15, 20
	const float feelerLengthRun = 50.0f;	// 100 - too long for tight hallways (cs_747)
	const float feelerLengthWalk = 30.0f;

	const float feelerHeight = (height > 0.0f) ? height : StepHeight + 0.1f;	// if obstacle is lower than StepHeight, we'll walk right over it

	float feelerLength = (m_improv->IsRunning()) ? feelerLengthRun : feelerLengthWalk;

	feelerLength = (m_improv->IsCrouching()) ? 20.0f : feelerLength;

	// Feelers must follow floor slope
	float ground;
	Vector normal;
	if (m_improv->GetSimpleGroundHeightWithFloor( &m_improv->GetEyes(), &ground, &normal ) == false)

	// get forward vector along floor
	dir = CrossProduct( lat, normal );

	// correct the sideways vector
	lat = CrossProduct( dir, normal );

	Vector feet = m_improv->GetFeet();
	feet.z += feelerHeight;

	Vector from = feet + feelerOffset * lat;
	Vector to = from + feelerLength * dir;

	bool leftClear = IsWalkableTraceLineClear( from, to, WALK_THRU_DOORS | WALK_THRU_BREAKABLES );

	// draw debug beams
	if (m_isDebug)
		if (leftClear)
			UTIL_DrawBeamPoints( from, to, 1, 0, 255, 0 );
			UTIL_DrawBeamPoints( from, to, 1, 255, 0, 0 );

	from = feet - feelerOffset * lat;
	to = from + feelerLength * dir;

	bool rightClear = IsWalkableTraceLineClear( from, to, WALK_THRU_DOORS | WALK_THRU_BREAKABLES );

	// draw debug beams
	if (m_isDebug)
		if (rightClear)
			UTIL_DrawBeamPoints( from, to, 1, 0, 255, 0 );
			UTIL_DrawBeamPoints( from, to, 1, 255, 0, 0 );

	const float avoidRange = (m_improv->IsCrouching()) ? 150.0f : 300.0f;

	if (!rightClear)
		if (leftClear)
			// right hit, left clear - veer left
			*goalPosition = *goalPosition + avoidRange * lat;
			//*goalPosition = m_improv->GetFeet() + avoidRange * lat;

	else if (!leftClear)
		// right clear, left hit - veer right
		*goalPosition = *goalPosition - avoidRange * lat;
		//*goalPosition = m_improv->GetFeet() - avoidRange * lat;


Exemplo n.º 11
// Do reflex avoidance movements if our "feelers" are touched
void CCSBot::FeelerReflexAdjustment(Vector *goalPosition)
	// if we are in a "precise" area, do not do feeler adjustments
	if (m_lastKnownArea && (m_lastKnownArea->GetAttributes() & NAV_PRECISE))

	Vector dir(BotCOS(m_forwardAngle), BotSIN(m_forwardAngle), 0.0f);
	Vector lat(-dir.y, dir.x, 0.0f);

	const float feelerOffset = (IsCrouching()) ? 15.0f : 20.0f;
	const float feelerLengthRun = 50.0f; // 100 - too long for tight hallways (cs_747)
	const float feelerLengthWalk = 30.0f;
	const float feelerHeight = StepHeight + 0.1f; // if obstacle is lower than StepHeight, we'll walk right over it

	float feelerLength = (IsRunning()) ? feelerLengthRun : feelerLengthWalk;

	feelerLength = (IsCrouching()) ? 20.0f : feelerLength;

	// Feelers must follow floor slope
	float ground;
	Vector normal;

	//m_eyePos = EyePosition();
	m_eyePos.x = pev->origin.x + pev->view_ofs.x;
	m_eyePos.y = pev->origin.y + pev->view_ofs.y;
	m_eyePos.z = pev->origin.z + pev->view_ofs.z;

	if (GetSimpleGroundHeightWithFloor(&m_eyePos, &ground, &normal) == false)

	// get forward vector along floor
	dir = CrossProduct(lat, normal);

	// correct the sideways vector
	lat = CrossProduct(dir, normal);

	Vector feet(pev->origin.x, pev->origin.y, GetFeetZ());
	feet.z += feelerHeight;

	Vector from = feet + feelerOffset * lat;
	Vector to = from + feelerLength * dir;

	bool leftClear = IsWalkableTraceLineClear(from, to, WALK_THRU_EVERYTHING);

	// avoid ledges, too
	// use 'from' so it doesn't interfere with legitimate gap jumping (its at our feet)
	// TODO: Rethink this - it causes lots of wiggling when bots jump down from vents, etc
	float ground;
	if (GetSimpleGroundHeightWithFloor(&from, &ground))
		if (GetFeetZ() - ground > JumpHeight)
			leftClear = false;

	if ((cv_bot_traceview.value == 1.0f && IsLocalPlayerWatchingMe()) || cv_bot_traceview.value == 10.0f)
		if (leftClear)
			UTIL_DrawBeamPoints(from, to, 1, 0, 255, 0);
			UTIL_DrawBeamPoints(from, to, 1, 255, 0, 0);

	from = feet - feelerOffset * lat;
	to = from + feelerLength * dir;

	bool rightClear = IsWalkableTraceLineClear(from, to, WALK_THRU_EVERYTHING);

	// avoid ledges, too
	if (GetSimpleGroundHeightWithFloor(&from, &ground))
		if (GetFeetZ() - ground > JumpHeight)
			rightClear = false;

	if ((cv_bot_traceview.value == 1.0f && IsLocalPlayerWatchingMe()) || cv_bot_traceview.value == 10.0f)
		if (rightClear)
			UTIL_DrawBeamPoints(from, to, 1, 0, 255, 0);
			UTIL_DrawBeamPoints(from, to, 1, 255, 0, 0);

	const float avoidRange = (IsCrouching()) ? 150.0f : 300.0f; // 50.0f : 300.0f

	if (!rightClear)
		if (leftClear)
			// right hit, left clear - veer left
			*goalPosition = *goalPosition + avoidRange * lat;
	else if (!leftClear)
		// right clear, left hit - veer right
		*goalPosition = *goalPosition - avoidRange * lat;