Exemplo n.º 1
void build_subsumed(GHashTable *tbl, pred_t *p)
	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < p->hist->pred_n; i++) {
		if (HAS_FLAG(p->hist->pred[i].flags, CONTEXT) && HAS_FLAG(p->hist->pred[i].flags, HIST_C)
			&& p->hist->pred[i].cond == p->cond) {

			pair_t *pr = MYmalloc(sizeof(pair_t));
			pr->origin = p;
			pr->produced = p->hist->pred + i;

			pred_t *pred = g_hash_table_lookup(tbl, p);
			if (!pred) {
				g_hash_table_insert(tbl, p, pr);
				pred = p;

			if (!HAS_FLAG(pred->flags, BLACK))
				SET_FLAG(pred->flags, RED);
		} else if (HAS_FLAG(p->hist->pred[i].flags, PRESET)) {
			pair_t *pr = g_hash_table_lookup(tbl, p->hist->pred + i);
			if (pr) {
				CLEAN_FLAG(pr->produced->flags, RED);
				SET_FLAG(pr->produced->flags, BLACK);
		build_subsumed(tbl, p->hist->pred + i);
Exemplo n.º 2
void dot_history_cleanup(hist_t *h)
	if (HAS_FLAG(h->flags, BLACK)) {
		CLEAN_FLAG(h->flags, BLACK);

		pred_t *pred = h->pred, *last = h->pred + h->pred_n;
		while (pred < last) {
Exemplo n.º 3
void clean_pred(void *v)
	CLEAN_FLAG(((pred_t*)v)->flags, RED);
	CLEAN_FLAG(((pred_t*)v)->flags, BLACK);
Exemplo n.º 4
void LZ78::decompress(const std::string* outfile) {
    unsigned long last_index = 0x00000000;
    decode_dict = new std::map<unsigned long, std::vector<unsigned char> > ();
    //fprintf(stderr, "Max map size is %lu\n", this->decode_dict->max_size());
    unsigned long maskIndex, eofile;
    eofile = EOFILE;
    unsigned char newEntry;

    debug("Decompressing...", INFO);
    if (this->filename != NULL) {
        debug("Opening from file : " + *(this->filename), DEBUG);
        if (!freopen(this->filename->c_str(), "rb", stdin)) {
            debug("Error opening file !", CRITICAL);

    if (outfile != NULL) {
        debug("Opening outfile : " + *outfile, DEBUG);
        if (!freopen(outfile->c_str(), "wb", stdout)) {
            debug("Error opening file for output !", CRITICAL);

    bool terminated = false;
    int byteIndex;
    unsigned char currByte, lookahead1, lookahead2;
    long lastPos;
    std::vector<unsigned char> part;
    do {

        maskIndex = 0;
        for (byteIndex = 0; byteIndex < DICT_NUMBYTE - 1; byteIndex++) {
            currByte = fgetc(stdin);
            maskIndex = maskIndex + currByte;
            maskIndex = maskIndex << 8;
        currByte = fgetc(stdin);
        maskIndex = maskIndex + currByte;
        //fprintf(stderr, "Maskindex = %lu\n ******************************\n", maskIndex);
        //cerr << "\t Index is:" << std::bitset < 24 > (maskIndex) << std::endl;
        if (IS_MATCH(maskIndex)) {
            debug("MATCH !", DEBUG);
        } else {
            debug("MISS !", DEBUG);
        if (maskIndex == eofile) {
            debug("end of file", DEBUG);
            terminated = true;
        } else {
            //fprintf(stderr,"index : %lu\n",CLEAN_FLAG(maskIndex));
            newEntry = fgetc(stdin);
            //fprintf(stderr,"Entry = %x\n",newEntry);
            lastPos = ftell(stdin);
            bool eofMark = false;
            if (DICT_NUMBYTE>1) {
                lookahead1 = fgetc(stdin);
                if (newEntry == 0x7F && lookahead1 == 0xFF)
                    eofMark = true;
            if (DICT_NUMBYTE>2) {
                lookahead2 = fgetc(stdin);
                if (eofMark && lookahead2 == 0xFF)
                    eofMark = true;
		    eofMark = false;

            if (!eofMark) {

                fseek(stdin, 1-DICT_NUMBYTE, SEEK_CUR);

                //fprintf(stderr, "last index is %lu \n", last_index);
                last_index += 0x00000001;
                if (IS_MATCH(maskIndex)) {
                    debug("Decoding a match in dict", DDEBUG);
                    // match -> 1??????? ........ where ?? is dict index, ... is symbol coding
                    unsigned long index = CLEAN_FLAG(maskIndex);
                    //cerr << "\t Real Index is:" << std::bitset < 24 > (index) << std::endl;
                    part = getEntry(index);
                    if (part.size() ==0) {
                        debug("Entry not found in dictionary, internal error !",CRITICAL);
                        // break;

                    debug("Entry has been found", DEBUG);
		    //fprintf(stderr,"Pushing new entry in dictionary : %x\n",newEntry);
                    debug("String appended", DDEBUG);

                    this->decode_dict->insert(std::pair<unsigned long, std::vector<unsigned char> > (last_index, std::vector<unsigned char>(part)));
                    if (this->decode_dict->size() >=MAX_DICSIZE) {
                        last_index = 0x00000000;
                    for (std::vector<unsigned char>::iterator it = part.begin(); it!=part.end(); ++it) {
                        fputc(*it, stdout);

                else {
                    debug("No match for current DWORD Adding to dictionary", DDEBUG);
                    std::vector<unsigned char> vect;
                    this->decode_dict->insert(std::pair<unsigned long, std::vector<unsigned char> > (last_index, vect));
		                        if (this->decode_dict->size() >=MAX_DICSIZE) {
                        last_index = 0x00000000;
                    fputc(newEntry, stdout);

            } else {
                debug("Special EOF situation !", DEBUG);
		//fprintf(stderr,"lookahead1 = %x \tlookahead2 = %x \t newEntry = %x\n",lookahead1,lookahead2,newEntry);

                if (IS_MATCH(maskIndex)) {
                    debug("Decoding a match in dict", DDEBUG);
                    unsigned long index = CLEAN_FLAG(maskIndex);
                    part = getEntry(index);
                    if (part.size() ==0) {
			//fprintf(stderr,"Cannot find entry %lu\n",index);
                        debug("Entry not found in dictionary, internal error !",CRITICAL);
                    debug("Entry has been found", DEBUG);
		    //fprintf(stderr,"Found entry %lu\n",index);
                    for (std::vector<unsigned char>::iterator it = part.begin(); it!=part.end(); ++it) {
                        fputc(*it, stdout);
                terminated = true;


    } while (maskIndex != eofile && !terminated);
    if (part.size()!=0) {
        debug("hm, Part is not empty !",CRITICAL);
    debug("Closing stdin FILE descriptor", DDEBUG);
    debug("Closing stdout FILE descriptor", DDEBUG);
    debug("Done !", INFO);