Exemplo n.º 1
void StringArray::appendNumbersToDuplicates (bool ignoreCase,
                                             bool appendNumberToFirstInstance,
                                             CharPointer_UTF8 preNumberString,
                                             CharPointer_UTF8 postNumberString)
    if (preNumberString.getAddress() == nullptr)
        preNumberString = CharPointer_UTF8 (" (");

    if (postNumberString.getAddress() == nullptr)
        postNumberString = CharPointer_UTF8 (")");

    for (int i = 0; i < size() - 1; ++i)
        auto& s = strings.getReference(i);
        auto nextIndex = indexOf (s, ignoreCase, i + 1);

        if (nextIndex >= 0)
            auto original = s;
            int number = 0;

            if (appendNumberToFirstInstance)
                s = original + String (preNumberString) + String (++number) + String (postNumberString);

            while (nextIndex >= 0)
                set (nextIndex, (*this)[nextIndex] + String (preNumberString) + String (++number) + String (postNumberString));
                nextIndex = indexOf (original, ignoreCase, nextIndex + 1);
Exemplo n.º 2
String MidiMessage::getTextFromTextMetaEvent() const
    auto textData = reinterpret_cast<const char*> (getMetaEventData());

    return String (CharPointer_UTF8 (textData),
                   CharPointer_UTF8 (textData + getMetaEventLength()));
Exemplo n.º 3
File File::getSpecialLocation (const SpecialLocationType type)
    switch (type)
        case userHomeDirectory:
            if (const char* homeDir = getenv ("HOME"))
                return File (CharPointer_UTF8 (homeDir));

            if (auto* pw = getpwuid (getuid()))
                return File (CharPointer_UTF8 (pw->pw_dir));

            return {};

        case userDocumentsDirectory:          return resolveXDGFolder ("XDG_DOCUMENTS_DIR", "~/Documents");
        case userMusicDirectory:              return resolveXDGFolder ("XDG_MUSIC_DIR",     "~/Music");
        case userMoviesDirectory:             return resolveXDGFolder ("XDG_VIDEOS_DIR",    "~/Videos");
        case userPicturesDirectory:           return resolveXDGFolder ("XDG_PICTURES_DIR",  "~/Pictures");
        case userDesktopDirectory:            return resolveXDGFolder ("XDG_DESKTOP_DIR",   "~/Desktop");
        case userApplicationDataDirectory:    return resolveXDGFolder ("XDG_CONFIG_HOME",   "~/.config");
        case commonDocumentsDirectory:
        case commonApplicationDataDirectory:  return File ("/opt");
        case globalApplicationsDirectory:     return File ("/usr");

        case tempDirectory:
            if (const char* tmpDir = getenv ("TMPDIR"))
                return File (CharPointer_UTF8 (tmpDir));

            return File ("/tmp");

        case invokedExecutableFile:
            if (juce_argv != nullptr && juce_argc > 0)
                return File (CharPointer_UTF8 (juce_argv[0]));
            // deliberate fall-through...

        case currentExecutableFile:
        case currentApplicationFile:
            return juce_getExecutableFile();
            // deliberate fall-through if this is not a shared-library

        case hostApplicationPath:
            const File f ("/proc/self/exe");
            return f.isSymbolicLink() ? f.getLinkedTarget() : juce_getExecutableFile();

            jassertfalse; // unknown type?

    return {};
Exemplo n.º 4
void XmlDocument::skipHeader()
    const int headerStart = input.indexOf (CharPointer_UTF8 ("<?xml"));

    if (headerStart >= 0)
        const int headerEnd = (input + headerStart).indexOf (CharPointer_UTF8 ("?>"));
        if (headerEnd < 0)

       #if JUCE_DEBUG
        const String header (input + headerStart, (size_t) (headerEnd - headerStart));
        const String encoding (header.fromFirstOccurrenceOf ("encoding", false, true)
                                     .fromFirstOccurrenceOf ("=", false, false)
                                     .fromFirstOccurrenceOf ("\"", false, false)
                                     .upToFirstOccurrenceOf ("\"", false, false).trim());

        /* If you load an XML document with a non-UTF encoding type, it may have been
           loaded wrongly.. Since all the files are read via the normal juce file streams,
           they're treated as UTF-8, so by the time it gets to the parser, the encoding will
           have been lost. Best plan is to stick to utf-8 or if you have specific files to
           read, use your own code to convert them to a unicode String, and pass that to the
           XML parser.
        jassert (encoding.isEmpty() || encoding.startsWithIgnoreCase ("utf-"));

        input += headerEnd + 2;


    const int docTypeIndex = input.indexOf (CharPointer_UTF8 ("<!DOCTYPE"));
    if (docTypeIndex < 0)

    input += docTypeIndex + 9;
    const String::CharPointerType docType (input);

    int n = 1;

    while (n > 0)
        const juce_wchar c = readNextChar();

        if (outOfData)

        if (c == '<')
        else if (c == '>')

    dtdText = String (docType, (size_t) (input.getAddress() - (docType.getAddress() + 1))).trim();
Exemplo n.º 5
File File::getSpecialLocation (const SpecialLocationType type)
    switch (type)
    case userHomeDirectory:
        const char* homeDir = getenv ("HOME");
        if (homeDir)
            return File (CharPointer_UTF8 (homeDir));

        if (struct passwd* const pw = getpwuid (getuid()))
            return File (CharPointer_UTF8 (pw->pw_dir));

        return File (CharPointer_UTF8 (homeDir));

    case userDocumentsDirectory:
        return resolveXDGFolder ("XDG_DOCUMENTS_DIR", "~");
    case userMusicDirectory:
        return resolveXDGFolder ("XDG_MUSIC_DIR",     "~");
    case userMoviesDirectory:
        return resolveXDGFolder ("XDG_VIDEOS_DIR",    "~");
    case userPicturesDirectory:
        return resolveXDGFolder ("XDG_PICTURES_DIR",  "~");
    case userDesktopDirectory:
        return resolveXDGFolder ("XDG_DESKTOP_DIR",   "~/Desktop");
    case userApplicationDataDirectory:
        return File ("~");
    case commonDocumentsDirectory:
    case commonApplicationDataDirectory:
        return File ("/var");
    case globalApplicationsDirectory:
        return File ("/usr");

    case tempDirectory:
        File tmp ("/var/tmp");

        if (! tmp.isDirectory())
            tmp = "/tmp";

            if (! tmp.isDirectory())
                tmp = File::getCurrentWorkingDirectory();

        return tmp;

        bassertfalse; // unknown type?

    return File::nonexistent ();
Exemplo n.º 6
String SystemStats::getLogonName()
    if (const char* user = getenv ("USER"))
        return CharPointer_UTF8 (user);

    if (struct passwd* const pw = getpwuid (getuid()))
        return CharPointer_UTF8 (pw->pw_name);

    return String();
Exemplo n.º 7
void XmlDocument::skipNextWhiteSpace()
    for (;;)
        juce_wchar c = *input;

        while (CharacterFunctions::isWhitespace (c))
            c = *++input;

        if (c == 0)
            outOfData = true;
        else if (c == '<')
            if (input[1] == '!'
                 && input[2] == '-'
                 && input[3] == '-')
                input += 4;
                const int closeComment = input.indexOf (CharPointer_UTF8 ("-->"));

                if (closeComment < 0)
                    outOfData = true;

                input += closeComment + 3;
            else if (input[1] == '?')
                input += 2;
                const int closeBracket = input.indexOf (CharPointer_UTF8 ("?>"));

                if (closeBracket < 0)
                    outOfData = true;

                input += closeBracket + 2;

void FilterGraph::mouseMove (const MouseEvent &event)
    Point <int> mousePos =  getMouseXYRelative();
    int xPos = mousePos.getX();
    float freq = xToFreq (xPos);
    if (traceType == Magnitude)
        float magnitude = (float) (filterVector [0].getResponse (freq).magnitudeValue);
        for (int i = 1; i < numFilters; i++)
            magnitude *= (float) (filterVector [i].getResponse (freq).magnitudeValue);
        magnitude = 20 * log10 (magnitude);
        setTooltip (String (freq, 1) + "Hz, " + String (magnitude, 1) + "dB");
    if (traceType == Phase)
        float phase = (float) (filterVector [0].getResponse (freq).phaseValue);
        for (int i = 1; i < numFilters; i++)
            phase += (float) (filterVector [i].getResponse (freq).phaseValue);
        phase /= float_Pi;
        setTooltip (String (freq, 1) + "Hz, " + String (phase, 2) + String (CharPointer_UTF8 ("\xcf\x80")) + "rad");
Exemplo n.º 9
    bool next (String& filenameFound,
               bool* const isDir, bool* const isHidden, std::int64_t* const fileSize,
               Time* const modTime, Time* const creationTime, bool* const isReadOnly)
        if (dir != nullptr)
            const char* wildcardUTF8 = nullptr;

            for (;;)
                struct dirent* const de = readdir (dir);

                if (de == nullptr)

                if (wildcardUTF8 == nullptr)
                    wildcardUTF8 = wildCard.toUTF8();

                if (fnmatch (wildcardUTF8, de->d_name, FNM_CASEFOLD) == 0)
                    filenameFound = CharPointer_UTF8 (de->d_name);

                    updateStatInfoForFile (parentDir + filenameFound, isDir, fileSize, modTime, creationTime, isReadOnly);

                    if (isHidden != nullptr)
                        *isHidden = filenameFound.startsWithChar ('.');

                    return true;

        return false;
Exemplo n.º 10
    static String parseNameRecord (MemoryInputStream& input, const NameRecord& nameRecord,
                                   const int64 directoryOffset, const int64 offsetOfStringStorage)
        String result;
        const int64 oldPos = input.getPosition();
        input.setPosition (directoryOffset + offsetOfStringStorage + ByteOrder::swapIfLittleEndian (nameRecord.offsetFromStorageArea));
        const int stringLength = (int) ByteOrder::swapIfLittleEndian (nameRecord.stringLength);
        const int platformID = ByteOrder::swapIfLittleEndian (nameRecord.platformID);

        if (platformID == 0 || platformID == 3)
            const int numChars = stringLength / 2 + 1;
            HeapBlock<uint16> buffer;
            buffer.calloc (numChars + 1);
            input.read (buffer, stringLength);

            for (int i = 0; i < numChars; ++i)
                buffer[i] = ByteOrder::swapIfLittleEndian (buffer[i]);

            static_jassert (sizeof (CharPointer_UTF16::CharType) == sizeof (uint16));
            result = CharPointer_UTF16 ((CharPointer_UTF16::CharType*) buffer.getData());
            HeapBlock<char> buffer;
            buffer.calloc (stringLength + 1);
            input.read (buffer, stringLength);
            result = CharPointer_UTF8 (buffer.getData());

        input.setPosition (oldPos);
        return result;
Exemplo n.º 11
LV2World::isPluginSupported (const LilvPlugin* plugin)
    // Required features support
    LilvNodes* nodes = lilv_plugin_get_required_features (plugin);
    LILV_FOREACH (nodes, iter, nodes)
        const LilvNode* node (lilv_nodes_get (nodes, iter));
        if (! isFeatureSupported (CharPointer_UTF8 (lilv_node_as_uri (node)))) {
            return false; // Feature not supported
    lilv_nodes_free (nodes); nodes = nullptr;
    // Check this plugin's port types are supported
    const uint32 numPorts = lilv_plugin_get_num_ports (plugin);
    for (uint32 i = 0; i < numPorts; ++i)
        // const LilvPort* port (lilv_plugin_get_port_by_index (plugin, i));
        // nothing here yet (or ever)
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 12
  : myFont (Typeface::createSystemTypefaceFor (BinaryData::myFont_ttf, BinaryData::myFont_ttfSize)),
    myText (CharPointer_UTF8 ("H\xe2\x84\xae\xc5\x82\xc5\x82o W\xe2\x98\xba\xd2\x91\xc5\x82""d"))
    myFont.setHeight (100.0f);

    setSize (600, 400);
Exemplo n.º 13
LV2Module::getClassLabel() const
   if (const LilvPluginClass* klass = lilv_plugin_get_class (plugin))
       if (const LilvNode* node = lilv_plugin_class_get_label (klass))
           return CharPointer_UTF8 (lilv_node_as_string (node));
   return String::empty;
Exemplo n.º 14
String StringPool::getPooledString (const char* const newString)
    if (newString == nullptr || *newString == 0)
        return String();

    const ScopedLock sl (lock);
    return addPooledString (strings, CharPointer_UTF8 (newString));
Exemplo n.º 15
String InputStream::readString()
    MemoryBlock buffer (256);
    char* data = static_cast<char*> (buffer.getData());
    size_t i = 0;

    while ((data[i] = readByte()) != 0)
        if (++i >= buffer.getSize())
            buffer.setSize (buffer.getSize() + 512);
            data = static_cast<char*> (buffer.getData());

    return String (CharPointer_UTF8 (data),
                   CharPointer_UTF8 (data + i));
Exemplo n.º 16
    bool next()
        if (ports == nullptr || ports [index + 1] == nullptr)
            return false;

        name = CharPointer_UTF8 (ports[++index]);
        clientName = name.upToFirstOccurrenceOf (":", false, false);
        return true;
Exemplo n.º 17
String SystemStats::getLogonName()
    const char* user = getenv ("USER");

    if (user == nullptr)
        if (passwd* const pw = getpwuid (getuid()))
            user = pw->pw_name;

    return CharPointer_UTF8 (user);
bool MemoryOutputStream::appendUTF8Char (juce_wchar c)
    if (char* dest = prepareToWrite (CharPointer_UTF8::getBytesRequiredFor (c)))
        CharPointer_UTF8 (dest).write (c);
        return true;

    return false;
Exemplo n.º 19
LV2Module::getAuthorName() const
   if (LilvNode* node = lilv_plugin_get_author_name (plugin))
       String name (CharPointer_UTF8 (lilv_node_as_string (node)));
       lilv_node_free (node);
       return name;
   return String::empty;
Exemplo n.º 20
String SystemStats::getLogonName()
    const char* user = getenv ("USER");

    if (user == 0)
        struct passwd* const pw = getpwuid (getuid());
        if (pw != 0)
            user = pw->pw_name;

    return CharPointer_UTF8 (user);
Exemplo n.º 21
const String
LV2Module::getPortName (uint32 index) const
    if (const LilvPort* port = getPort (index))
        LilvNode* node = lilv_port_get_name (plugin, port);
        const String name = CharPointer_UTF8 (lilv_node_as_string (node));
        lilv_node_free (node);
        return name;
    return String::empty;
void PluginParameter::init (const String& name_, ParameterUnit unit_, String description_,
                            double value_, double min_, double max_, double default_,
                            double skewFactor_, double smoothCoeff_, double step_, String unitSuffix_)
	name = name_;
	unit = unit_;
	description = description_;

	min = min_;
	max = max_;
	setValue (value_);
	defaultValue = default_;

	smoothCoeff = smoothCoeff_;
	smoothValue = getValue();

	skewFactor = skewFactor_;
	step = step_;

	unitSuffix = unitSuffix_;

	// default label suffix's, these can be changed later
	switch (unit)
		case UnitPercent:       setUnitSuffix("%");                         break;
		case UnitSeconds:       setUnitSuffix("s");                         break;
		case UnitPhase:         setUnitSuffix(CharPointer_UTF8 ("\xc2\xb0"));      break;
		case UnitHertz:         setUnitSuffix("Hz");                        break;
		case UnitDecibels:      setUnitSuffix("dB");                        break;
		case UnitDegrees:       setUnitSuffix(CharPointer_UTF8 ("\xc2\xb0"));      break;
		case UnitMeters:        setUnitSuffix("m");                         break;
		case UnitBPM:           setUnitSuffix("BPM");                       break;
		case UnitMilliseconds:  setUnitSuffix("ms");                        break;
		default:                                                            break;
Exemplo n.º 23
 int doFTime (CharPointer_UTF32 dest, const size_t maxChars, const String& format, const struct tm* const tm) noexcept
     HeapBlock <char> tempDest;
     tempDest.calloc (maxChars + 2);
     const int result = (int) strftime (tempDest, maxChars, format.toUTF8(), tm);
     if (result > 0)
         dest.writeAll (CharPointer_UTF8 (tempDest.getData()));
     return result;
    #elif JUCE_WINDOWS
     HeapBlock <wchar_t> tempDest;
     tempDest.calloc (maxChars + 2);
     const int result = (int) wcsftime (tempDest, maxChars, format.toWideCharPointer(), tm);
     if (result > 0)
         dest.writeAll (CharPointer_UTF16 (tempDest.getData()));
     return result;
     return (int) wcsftime (dest.getAddress(), maxChars, format.toUTF32(), tm);
Exemplo n.º 24
    static String readResponse (const int socketHandle, const uint32 timeOutTime)
        int bytesRead = 0, numConsecutiveLFs  = 0;
        MemoryBlock buffer (1024, true);

        while (numConsecutiveLFs < 2 && bytesRead < 32768
                && Time::getMillisecondCounter() <= timeOutTime)
            fd_set readbits;
            FD_ZERO (&readbits);
            FD_SET (socketHandle, &readbits);

            struct timeval tv;
            tv.tv_sec = jmax (1, (int) (timeOutTime - Time::getMillisecondCounter()) / 1000);
            tv.tv_usec = 0;

            if (select (socketHandle + 1, &readbits, 0, 0, &tv) <= 0)
                return String::empty;  // (timeout)

            buffer.ensureSize (bytesRead + 8, true);
            char* const dest = (char*) buffer.getData() + bytesRead;

            if (recv (socketHandle, dest, 1, 0) == -1)
                return String::empty;

            const char lastByte = *dest;

            if (lastByte == '\n')
            else if (lastByte != '\r')
                numConsecutiveLFs = 0;

        const String header (CharPointer_UTF8 ((const char*) buffer.getData()));

        if (header.startsWithIgnoreCase ("HTTP/"))
            return header.trimEnd();

        return String::empty;
Exemplo n.º 25
void NewComponent::paint (Graphics& g)
    //[UserPrePaint] Add your own custom painting code here..

    g.fillAll (Colour (0xff222222));

    g.setGradientFill (ColourGradient (Colours::darkgrey,
                                       128.0f, static_cast<float> (-56),
                                       128.0f, 80.0f,
    g.fillRect (0, 0, 350, 30);

    g.setColour (Colour (0xffcfcfcf));
    g.setFont (Font (14.00f, Font::plain));
    g.drawText (TRANS("Amarras"),
                27, 0, 152, 30,
                Justification::centredLeft, true);

    g.setColour (Colour (0xff666666));
    g.setFont (Font (10.00f, Font::plain));
    g.drawText (TRANS("1"),
                3, 3, 13, 30,
                Justification::centred, true);

    g.setColour (Colour (0xff858585));
    g.setFont (Font (14.00f, Font::plain));
    g.drawText (CharPointer_UTF8 ("D\'Arienzo - Maur\xc3\xa9"),
                185, 0, 125, 30,
                Justification::centredLeft, true);

    g.setColour (Colour (0xff858585));
    g.setFont (Font (12.00f, Font::plain));
    g.drawText (TRANS("1941"),
                315, 0, 28, 30,
                Justification::centredRight, true);

    //[UserPaint] Add your own custom painting code here..
Exemplo n.º 26
void jojo_bang (t_jojo *x)
    const ScopedLock myLock (x->lock_); 
    post ("Public / %s", x->public_.toString().toRawUTF8());
    post ("Private / %s", x->private_.toString().toRawUTF8());
    String myText (CharPointer_UTF8 ("P\xc3\xa9p\xc3\xa9 p\xc3\xa8te en ao\xc3\xbbt!"));
    post ("%s", myText.toRawUTF8());
    const juce::MemoryBlock blockBegin (myText.toRawUTF8(), myText.getNumBytesAsUTF8() + 1);

    BigInteger bitArray;
    bitArray.loadFromMemoryBlock (blockBegin);
    x->public_.applyToValue (bitArray);             /* Encrypt with the public key. */

    post ("%s", bitArray.toString (16).toRawUTF8());
    x->private_.applyToValue (bitArray);            /* Then decrypt with the private key. */
    const juce::MemoryBlock blockEnd (bitArray.toMemoryBlock());
    post ("%s", blockEnd.toString().toRawUTF8());
void MemoryOutputStream::appendUTF8Char (juce_wchar c)
    CharPointer_UTF8 (prepareToWrite (CharPointer_UTF8::getBytesRequiredFor (c))).write (c);
Exemplo n.º 28
void XmlDocument::readEntity (String& result)
    // skip over the ampersand

    if (input.compareIgnoreCaseUpTo (CharPointer_UTF8 ("amp;"), 4) == 0)
        input += 4;
        result += '&';
    else if (input.compareIgnoreCaseUpTo (CharPointer_UTF8 ("quot;"), 5) == 0)
        input += 5;
        result += '"';
    else if (input.compareIgnoreCaseUpTo (CharPointer_UTF8 ("apos;"), 5) == 0)
        input += 5;
        result += '\'';
    else if (input.compareIgnoreCaseUpTo (CharPointer_UTF8 ("lt;"), 3) == 0)
        input += 3;
        result += '<';
    else if (input.compareIgnoreCaseUpTo (CharPointer_UTF8 ("gt;"), 3) == 0)
        input += 3;
        result += '>';
    else if (*input == '#')
        int charCode = 0;

        if (*input == 'x' || *input == 'X')
            int numChars = 0;

            while (input[0] != ';')
                const int hexValue = CharacterFunctions::getHexDigitValue (input[0]);

                if (hexValue < 0 || ++numChars > 8)
                    setLastError ("illegal escape sequence", true);

                charCode = (charCode << 4) | hexValue;

        else if (input[0] >= '0' && input[0] <= '9')
            int numChars = 0;

            while (input[0] != ';')
                if (++numChars > 12)
                    setLastError ("illegal escape sequence", true);

                charCode = charCode * 10 + ((int) input[0] - '0');

            setLastError ("illegal escape sequence", true);
            result += '&';

        result << (juce_wchar) charCode;
        const String::CharPointerType entityNameStart (input);
        const int closingSemiColon = input.indexOf ((juce_wchar) ';');

        if (closingSemiColon < 0)
            outOfData = true;
            result += '&';
            input += closingSemiColon + 1;

            result += expandExternalEntity (String (entityNameStart, (size_t) closingSemiColon));
Exemplo n.º 29
File File::getSpecialLocation (const SpecialLocationType type)
    switch (type)
    case userHomeDirectory:
        const char* homeDir = getenv ("HOME");

        if (homeDir == nullptr)
            struct passwd* const pw = getpwuid (getuid());
            if (pw != nullptr)
                homeDir = pw->pw_dir;

        return File (CharPointer_UTF8 (homeDir));

    case userDocumentsDirectory:
    case userMusicDirectory:
    case userMoviesDirectory:
    case userApplicationDataDirectory:
        return File ("~");

    case userDesktopDirectory:
        return File ("~/Desktop");

    case commonApplicationDataDirectory:
        return File ("/var");

    case globalApplicationsDirectory:
        return File ("/usr");

    case tempDirectory:
        File tmp ("/var/tmp");

        if (! tmp.isDirectory())
            tmp = "/tmp";

            if (! tmp.isDirectory())
                tmp = File::getCurrentWorkingDirectory();

        return tmp;

    case invokedExecutableFile:
        if (juce_Argv0 != nullptr)
            return File (CharPointer_UTF8 (juce_Argv0));
        // deliberate fall-through...

    case currentExecutableFile:
    case currentApplicationFile:
        return juce_getExecutableFile();

    case hostApplicationPath:
        return juce_readlink ("/proc/self/exe", juce_getExecutableFile());

        jassertfalse; // unknown type?

    return File::nonexistent;
String MemoryOutputStream::toUTF8() const
    const char* const d = static_cast<const char*> (getData());
    return String (CharPointer_UTF8 (d), CharPointer_UTF8 (d + getDataSize()));