Exemplo n.º 1
int Init_Lookup_Tables( reax_system *system, control_params *control, 
			storage *workspace, mpi_datatypes *mpi_data, char *msg )
  int i, j, r;
  int num_atom_types;
  int existing_types[MAX_ATOM_TYPES], aggregated[MAX_ATOM_TYPES];
  real dr;
  real *h, *fh, *fvdw, *fele, *fCEvd, *fCEclmb;
  real v0_vdw, v0_ele, vlast_vdw, vlast_ele;
  MPI_Comm comm;

  /* initializations */
  v0_vdw = 0;
  v0_ele = 0;
  vlast_vdw = 0;
  vlast_ele = 0;
  comm = mpi_data->world;

  num_atom_types = system->reax_param.num_atom_types;
  dr = control->nonb_cut / control->tabulate;
  h = (real*) 
    smalloc( (control->tabulate+2) * sizeof(real), "lookup:h", comm );
  fh = (real*) 
    smalloc( (control->tabulate+2) * sizeof(real), "lookup:fh", comm );
  fvdw = (real*) 
    smalloc( (control->tabulate+2) * sizeof(real), "lookup:fvdw", comm );
  fCEvd = (real*) 
    smalloc( (control->tabulate+2) * sizeof(real), "lookup:fCEvd", comm );
  fele = (real*) 
    smalloc( (control->tabulate+2) * sizeof(real), "lookup:fele", comm );
  fCEclmb = (real*) 
    smalloc( (control->tabulate+2) * sizeof(real), "lookup:fCEclmb", comm );
  /* allocate Long-Range LookUp Table space based on 
     number of atom types in the ffield file */
  LR = (LR_lookup_table**) 
    scalloc( num_atom_types, sizeof(LR_lookup_table*), "lookup:LR", comm );
  for( i = 0; i < num_atom_types; ++i )
    LR[i] = (LR_lookup_table*) 
      scalloc( num_atom_types, sizeof(LR_lookup_table), "lookup:LR[i]", comm );

  /* most atom types in ffield file will not exist in the current
     simulation. to avoid unnecessary lookup table space, determine
     the atom types that exist in the current simulation */
  for( i = 0; i < MAX_ATOM_TYPES; ++i )
    existing_types[i] = 0;
  for( i = 0; i < system->n; ++i )
    existing_types[ system->my_atoms[i].type ] = 1;

  MPI_Allreduce( existing_types, aggregated, MAX_ATOM_TYPES, 
		 MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, mpi_data->world );

  /* fill in the lookup table entries for existing atom types.
     only lower half should be enough. */
  for( i = 0; i < num_atom_types; ++i )
    if( aggregated[i] )
      //for( j = 0; j < num_atom_types; ++j )
      for( j = i; j < num_atom_types; ++j )
	if( aggregated[j] ) {
	  LR[i][j].xmin = 0;
	  LR[i][j].xmax = control->nonb_cut;
	  LR[i][j].n = control->tabulate + 2;
	  LR[i][j].dx = dr;
	  LR[i][j].inv_dx = control->tabulate / control->nonb_cut;
	  LR[i][j].y = (LR_data*) 
	    smalloc( LR[i][j].n * sizeof(LR_data), "lookup:LR[i,j].y", comm );
	  LR[i][j].H = (cubic_spline_coef*) 
	    smalloc( LR[i][j].n*sizeof(cubic_spline_coef),"lookup:LR[i,j].H" , 
		     comm );
	  LR[i][j].vdW = (cubic_spline_coef*) 
	    smalloc( LR[i][j].n*sizeof(cubic_spline_coef),"lookup:LR[i,j].vdW",
	  LR[i][j].CEvd = (cubic_spline_coef*) 
	    smalloc( LR[i][j].n*sizeof(cubic_spline_coef),"lookup:LR[i,j].CEvd",
	  LR[i][j].ele = (cubic_spline_coef*) 
	    smalloc( LR[i][j].n*sizeof(cubic_spline_coef),"lookup:LR[i,j].ele", 
		     comm );
	  LR[i][j].CEclmb = (cubic_spline_coef*) 
	    smalloc( LR[i][j].n*sizeof(cubic_spline_coef), 
		     "lookup:LR[i,j].CEclmb", comm );
	  for( r = 1; r <= control->tabulate; ++r ) {
	    LR_vdW_Coulomb( system, workspace, i, j, r * dr, &(LR[i][j].y[r]) );
	    h[r] = LR[i][j].dx;
	    fh[r] = LR[i][j].y[r].H;
	    fvdw[r] = LR[i][j].y[r].e_vdW;
	    fCEvd[r] = LR[i][j].y[r].CEvd;
	    fele[r] = LR[i][j].y[r].e_ele;
	    fCEclmb[r] = LR[i][j].y[r].CEclmb;

	  // init the start-end points
	  h[r] = LR[i][j].dx;
	  v0_vdw = LR[i][j].y[1].CEvd;
	  v0_ele = LR[i][j].y[1].CEclmb;
	  fh[r] = fh[r-1];
	  fvdw[r] = fvdw[r-1];
	  fCEvd[r] = fCEvd[r-1];
	  fele[r] = fele[r-1];
	  fCEclmb[r] = fCEclmb[r-1];
	  vlast_vdw = fCEvd[r-1];
	  vlast_ele = fele[r-1];
	  Natural_Cubic_Spline( &h[1], &fh[1], 
				&(LR[i][j].H[1]), control->tabulate+1, comm );

	  Complete_Cubic_Spline( &h[1], &fvdw[1], v0_vdw, vlast_vdw, 
				 &(LR[i][j].vdW[1]), control->tabulate+1, 
				 comm );

	  Natural_Cubic_Spline( &h[1], &fCEvd[1], 
				&(LR[i][j].CEvd[1]), control->tabulate+1, 
				comm );

	  Complete_Cubic_Spline( &h[1], &fele[1], v0_ele, vlast_ele, 
				 &(LR[i][j].ele[1]), control->tabulate+1, 
				 comm );

	  Natural_Cubic_Spline( &h[1], &fCEclmb[1], 
				&(LR[i][j].CEclmb[1]), control->tabulate+1, 
				comm );
	  LR[i][j].n = 0;

  return 1;
Exemplo n.º 2
int Init_Lookup_Tables( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
                        storage *workspace, mpi_datatypes *mpi_data, char *msg )
  int i, j, r;
  int num_atom_types;
  int existing_types[MAX_ATOM_TYPES], aggregated[MAX_ATOM_TYPES];
  double dr;
  double *h, *fh, *fvdw, *fele, *fCEvd, *fCEclmb;
  double v0_vdw, v0_ele, vlast_vdw, vlast_ele;
  MPI_Comm comm;

  /* initializations */
  v0_vdw = 0;
  v0_ele = 0;
  vlast_vdw = 0;
  vlast_ele = 0;
  comm = mpi_data->world;

  num_atom_types = system->reax_param.num_atom_types;
  dr = control->nonb_cut / control->tabulate;
  h = (double*)
    smalloc( (control->tabulate+2) * sizeof(double), "lookup:h", comm );
  fh = (double*)
    smalloc( (control->tabulate+2) * sizeof(double), "lookup:fh", comm );
  fvdw = (double*)
    smalloc( (control->tabulate+2) * sizeof(double), "lookup:fvdw", comm );
  fCEvd = (double*)
    smalloc( (control->tabulate+2) * sizeof(double), "lookup:fCEvd", comm );
  fele = (double*)
    smalloc( (control->tabulate+2) * sizeof(double), "lookup:fele", comm );
  fCEclmb = (double*)
    smalloc( (control->tabulate+2) * sizeof(double), "lookup:fCEclmb", comm );

  LR = (LR_lookup_table**)
    scalloc( num_atom_types, sizeof(LR_lookup_table*), "lookup:LR", comm );
  for( i = 0; i < num_atom_types; ++i )
    LR[i] = (LR_lookup_table*)
      scalloc( num_atom_types, sizeof(LR_lookup_table), "lookup:LR[i]", comm );

  for( i = 0; i < MAX_ATOM_TYPES; ++i )
    existing_types[i] = 0;
  for( i = 0; i < system->n; ++i )
    existing_types[ system->my_atoms[i].type ] = 1;

  MPI_Allreduce( existing_types, aggregated, MAX_ATOM_TYPES,
                 MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, mpi_data->world );

  for( i = 0; i < num_atom_types; ++i ) {
    if( aggregated[i] ) {
      for( j = i; j < num_atom_types; ++j ) {
        if( aggregated[j] ) {
          LR[i][j].xmin = 0;
          LR[i][j].xmax = control->nonb_cut;
          LR[i][j].n = control->tabulate + 2;
          LR[i][j].dx = dr;
          LR[i][j].inv_dx = control->tabulate / control->nonb_cut;
          LR[i][j].y = (LR_data*)
            smalloc( LR[i][j].n * sizeof(LR_data), "lookup:LR[i,j].y", comm );
          LR[i][j].H = (cubic_spline_coef*)
            smalloc( LR[i][j].n*sizeof(cubic_spline_coef),"lookup:LR[i,j].H" ,
                     comm );
          LR[i][j].vdW = (cubic_spline_coef*)
            smalloc( LR[i][j].n*sizeof(cubic_spline_coef),"lookup:LR[i,j].vdW",
          LR[i][j].CEvd = (cubic_spline_coef*)
            smalloc( LR[i][j].n*sizeof(cubic_spline_coef),"lookup:LR[i,j].CEvd",
          LR[i][j].ele = (cubic_spline_coef*)
            smalloc( LR[i][j].n*sizeof(cubic_spline_coef),"lookup:LR[i,j].ele",
                     comm );
          LR[i][j].CEclmb = (cubic_spline_coef*)
            smalloc( LR[i][j].n*sizeof(cubic_spline_coef),
                     "lookup:LR[i,j].CEclmb", comm );

          for( r = 1; r <= control->tabulate; ++r ) {
            LR_vdW_Coulomb( system, workspace, control, i, j, r * dr, &(LR[i][j].y[r]) );
            h[r] = LR[i][j].dx;
            fh[r] = LR[i][j].y[r].H;
            fvdw[r] = LR[i][j].y[r].e_vdW;
            fCEvd[r] = LR[i][j].y[r].CEvd;
            fele[r] = LR[i][j].y[r].e_ele;
            fCEclmb[r] = LR[i][j].y[r].CEclmb;

          // init the start-end points
          h[r] = LR[i][j].dx;
          v0_vdw = LR[i][j].y[1].CEvd;
          v0_ele = LR[i][j].y[1].CEclmb;
          fh[r] = fh[r-1];
          fvdw[r] = fvdw[r-1];
          fCEvd[r] = fCEvd[r-1];
          fele[r] = fele[r-1];
          fCEclmb[r] = fCEclmb[r-1];
          vlast_vdw = fCEvd[r-1];
          vlast_ele = fele[r-1];

          Natural_Cubic_Spline( &h[1], &fh[1],
                                &(LR[i][j].H[1]), control->tabulate+1, comm );

          Complete_Cubic_Spline( &h[1], &fvdw[1], v0_vdw, vlast_vdw,
                                 &(LR[i][j].vdW[1]), control->tabulate+1,
                                 comm );

          Natural_Cubic_Spline( &h[1], &fCEvd[1],
                                &(LR[i][j].CEvd[1]), control->tabulate+1,
                                comm );

          Complete_Cubic_Spline( &h[1], &fele[1], v0_ele, vlast_ele,
                                 &(LR[i][j].ele[1]), control->tabulate+1,
                                 comm );

          Natural_Cubic_Spline( &h[1], &fCEclmb[1],
                                &(LR[i][j].CEclmb[1]), control->tabulate+1,
                                comm );
        } else{
          LR[i][j].n = 0;

  return 1;