Exemplo n.º 1
  * @brief   Main program
  * @param  None
  * @retval None
int main(void) {
  /*!< At this stage the microcontroller clock setting is already configured, 
       this is done through SystemInit() function which is called from startup
       file (startup_stm32f10x_xx.s) before to branch to application main.
       To reconfigure the default setting of SystemInit() function, refer to
       system_stm32f10x.c file
  /* System Clocks Configuration */
  /* System Tick Configuration at 1us */
  SysTick_Config(SystemCoreClock / 1000000);
#if (defined USE_EQDAS01) || (defined USE_EQDAS02)
  /* TIM2 Configuration */
  /* TIM3 Configuration */
  /* TIM6 Configuration (RTC load) */
#elif defined USE_EQDAS_SERVER
  /* TIM4 Configuration */
  /* UART1 Configuration */

  /* WIZ820io SPI1 configuration */
  /* W5200 Configuration */
  /* EXTI Configuration */
  /* CLCD Configuration */
  /* GLCD Configuration */
#if (defined USE_EQDAS01) || (defined USE_EQDAS02)
  /* RTC configuration by setting the time by Serial USART1 */
  /* FatFS configuration */
  f_mount(0, &fs);  // mSD
  //f_mount(1, &fs);  // NAND
  /* Display Total size of SD card in MB scale */
  /* Scan all files in mSD card */
  /* MAL configuration */
  /* UMS configuration */
  /* loop upon completion of USB Enumeration */
  //while (bDeviceState != CONFIGURED);
  // For TCP client's connection request delay
  presentTime = my_time;
  /* Clear CLCD before branch into main */
  /* Alarm in 3 second */
  //RTC_SetAlarm(RTC_GetCounter() + 3);
  /* Wait until last write operation on RTC registers has finished */
  // When everything is set, print message
  printf("\r\n\n - System is ready - ");
  while (1) {
#if (defined USE_EQDAS01) || (defined USE_EQDAS02)
    if(TimerCount >= 999) { // 0 ~ 999 (1000) = 1 sec
      TimerCount = 0;
      int x, y, z;
      x = mAxisBuf.tmp_data_x_lcd[index];
      y = mAxisBuf.tmp_data_y_lcd[index];
      z = mAxisBuf.tmp_data_z_lcd[index];
      char Serial_Buf[37];
      int hour, minute, second, tmsecond;
      hour = THH; minute = TMM; second = TSS; tmsecond = 0;
      sprintf(Serial_Buf, "%04d%02d%02d_%02d%02d%02d%02d_%+05d_%+05d_%+05d\r\n", 
                year, month, day, hour, minute, second, tmsecond, x, y, z);
      //my_time++;  // uncomment when tcp connection is needed

    /* Clock generated by TIM3 */
    if(ClientTimerCounter >= 99) {  // 0 ~ 999 (1000) = 1 sec
      ClientTimerCounter = 0;
      arrIdx = index;
      year = GetYearAndMergeToInt();
      month = GetMonthAndMergeToInt();
      day = GetDayAndMergeToInt();
      hour = THH; minute = TMM; second = TSS; tmsecond = 0;
      /* EQDAQ01, 02 Client Routine ---------------------------------------------*/
      /* E1Flag or E2Flag set when client board successfully connect to server --*/
      /* Refer to wiz820.c line no. 300 for which flag to be set */
      if(E1Flag) {
        int x, y, z;
        x = mAxisBuf.tmp_data_x_lcd[arrIdx];
        y = mAxisBuf.tmp_data_y_lcd[arrIdx];
        z = mAxisBuf.tmp_data_z_lcd[arrIdx];
        char E1_Buf[20];        
        sprintf(E1_Buf, "%04d%02d%02d_%02d%02d%02d%02d_%+05d_%+05d_%+05d\r\n", 
                year, month, day, hour, minute, second, tmsecond, x, y, z);
        // Only when socket is established, allow send data
        if(getSn_SR(SOCK_ZERO) == SOCK_ESTABLISHED) {
          /* send selected data */
          CountSendByte = send(SOCK_ZERO, (uint8_t*)E1_Buf, strlen(E1_Buf), (bool)false);
      if(E2Flag) {
        int x, y, z;
        x = mAxisBuf.tmp_data_x_lcd[arrIdx];
        y = mAxisBuf.tmp_data_y_lcd[arrIdx];
        z = mAxisBuf.tmp_data_z_lcd[arrIdx];
        char E2_Buf[20];
        sprintf(E2_Buf, "%04d%02d%02d_%02d%02d%02d%02d_%+05d_%+05d_%+05d\r\n", 
                year, month, day, hour, minute, second, tmsecond, x, y, z);
        // Only when socket is established, allow send data
        if(getSn_SR(SOCK_ZERO) == SOCK_ESTABLISHED) {
          /* send selected data */
          send(SOCK_ZERO, (uint8_t*)E2_Buf, strlen(E2_Buf), (bool)false);
    /* do RTC work on every 0.5 sec */
    if(RTCTIM6Count >= 499) {
      RTCTIM6Count = 0;
      /* RTC 1Hz interrupt */
      if(RTCTimeDisplay) { // 1Hz calibrated by RTC
        RTCTimeDisplay = false; 
        /* Display current time */
      /* RTC Alarm interrupt */
      if(RTCAlarmFlag) {
        RTCAlarmFlag = false;
        printf("\r\nRTC Alarm Actviated!");
    if(ParseUSART1) {
      ParseUSART1 = false;
      // print system configuration
      // run some test on SDIO

#if (defined USE_EQDAS01) || (defined USE_EQDAS02)

#elif (defined) USE_EQDAS_SERVER
      char buffer[37];
      sprintf(buffer, "%s_%s_%s_%s_%s\r\n",
      printf("\r\nRX_BUF : %s, strlen(RX_BUF) : %d", (char*)RX_BUF, strlen((char*)RX_BUF));
      printf("\r\nstrlen(buffer) = %d\n%s", strlen(buffer), buffer);
      char *original = "-3843,+4095,+2069";
      char target[20];
      strncpy(target, original, strlen(original));
      char *one, *two, *three;
      char *AfterToken;
      AfterToken = strtok(target, ",");
      one = AfterToken;
      AfterToken = strtok(NULL, ",");
      two = AfterToken;
      AfterToken = strtok(NULL, ",");
      three = AfterToken;
      AfterToken = strtok(NULL, ",");
      if(AfterToken != NULL) printf("AfterToken is not empty");
      printf("\r\none : %s, two : %s, three : %s", one, two, three);*/
#if (defined USE_EQDAS01) || (defined USE_EQDAS02)
    for(i=0; i<100; i++) {
      // Make a copy from raw collected data to temporary array
      // Copy to Temporary GAL array
      // Calculate GAL and copy to single temporary GAL value
      // Determine KMA scale
      // Check sign bit and apply to int container
      CheckSignAndToInt(i); // this function also cuts surplus 1G
      // Copy to data buffer to be written through FATFS
    /* Save log to file process */
    if(GoAppendDataFlag) {  // every 500 sample (equals 5 sec), go save file.
      GoAppendDataFlag = false;
      int bytesWritten = 0;
      /* Open or create a log file and ready to append */
      //char *filePath = "/20130517/22H-23H/test.txt";
      //res = open_append(&fsrc, filePath);
      if(FiveSecFlag) {
        // it means that DATA1_BUF is full and ready to flush out
        // be sure to empty out DATA1_BUF or will overflow and cause system to halt.
        /* Append 5 second of data */
        bytesWritten = f_printf(&fsrc, DATA1_BUF);
        /* Close the file */
        printf("\r\n%d of bytesWritten", bytesWritten);
        // Reset DATA1_BUF
        memset(DATA1_BUF, 0, sizeof(DATA1_BUF));
      } else {
        // here means that DATA2_BUF is full and ready to flush out
        // be sure to empty out DATA2_BUF or will overflow and cause system to halt.
        /* Append 5 second of data */
        bytesWritten = f_printf(&fsrc, DATA2_BUF);

        /* Close the file */
        printf("\r\n%d of bytesWritten", bytesWritten);
        // Reset DATA2_BUF
        memset(DATA2_BUF, 0, sizeof(DATA2_BUF));
// following routine is only necessary when the board works as server
#elif defined USE_EQDAS_SERVER
    /* EQ-DAQ-01 Parsing routine ------------------------------------------------- */
    /* Set E1Flag indicate that we have valid connection from EQ-DAQ-01(port 5050) */
    if(E1Flag) {
      E1Flag = false; // clear flag since this routine excutes ceaselessly over time
      ProcessTextStream(EQ_ONE, (char*)RX_BUF, E1Order);
      /* PC Client Parsing routine ------------------------------------------------- */
      /* Set PCFlag indicate that we have valid connection from PC Client(port 7070) */
      if(PCFlag) {        
        // Send directly to PC
      if(E1Order < 99) E1Order++;
      else E1Order = 0;
    /* EQ-DAQ-02 Parsing routine ------------------------------------------------- */
    /* Set E2Flag indicate that we have valid connection from EQ-DAQ-02(port 6060) */
    if(E2Flag) {
      E2Flag = false;
      ProcessTextStream(EQ_TWO, (char*)RX_BUF, E2Order);
      /* PC Client Parsing routine ------------------------------------------------- */
      /* Set PCFlag indicate that we have valid connection from PC Client(port 7070) */
      if(PCFlag) {        
        // Send directly to PC
      if(E2Order < 99) E2Order++;
      else E2Order = 0;


/* Setup TCP Client or Server -----------------------------------------------------*/
/* Please open config.h file to choose a proper board you wish to use */    
#if (defined USE_EQDAS01) || (defined USE_EQDAS02)    

      /* Start TCP Client process */
#elif defined USE_EQDAS_SERVER
      /* Process server socket with each port */
      ProcessTcpServer(SOCK_ZERO, 5050);  // designated as for EQM-DAQ-01 with port 5050
      ProcessTcpServer(SOCK_ONE, 6060);   // designated as for EQM-DAQ-02 with port 6060
      ProcessTcpServer(SOCK_TWO, 7070);   // designated as for PC-CLIENT  with port 7070
      ProcessTcpServer(SOCK_THREE, 8080); // designated as for PC_DUMP    with port 8080
      ProcessTcpServer(SOCK_FOUR, 9090);   // designated as for TOBEUSED with port 9090
      ProcessTcpServer(SOCK_FIVE, 10010);   // designated as for TOBEUSED with port 10010
      ProcessTcpServer(SOCK_SIX, 10020);    // designated as for TOBEUSED with port 10020
      ProcessTcpServer(SOCK_SEVEN, 10030);  // designated as for TOBEUSED with port 10030
Exemplo n.º 2
  * @brief   Main program
  * @param  None
  * @retval None
int main(void) {
  /*!< At this stage the microcontroller clock setting is already configured, 
       this is done through SystemInit() function which is called from startup
       file (startup_stm32f10x_xx.s) before to branch to application main.
       To reconfigure the default setting of SystemInit() function, refer to
       system_stm32f10x.c file
  /* System Clocks Configuration */
  /* System Tick Configuration at 1us */
  SysTick_Config(SystemCoreClock / 1000000);
#if (defined USE_EQDAS01) || (defined USE_EQDAS02)
  /* TIM2 Configuration */
  /* TIM3 Configuration */
  /* TIM6 Configuration (RTC load) */
#elif defined USE_EQDAS_SERVER
  /* TIM4 Configuration */
  /* CLCD Configuration */
  /* GLCD Configuration */
  /* UART1 Configuration */
  /* RTC configuration by setting the time by Serial USART1 */

  /* WIZ820io SPI1 configuration */
  /* W5200 Configuration */
  /* Print WIZ820io configuration */
  /* EXTI Configuration */
  /* FatFS configuration */
  f_mount(0, &fs);  // mSD
  //f_mount(1, &fs);  // NAND
  /* Display Total size of SD card in MB scale */
  /* Scan all files in mSD card */
  /* MAL configuration */
  /* UMS configuration */
  /* loop upon completion of USB Enumeration */
  //while (bDeviceState != CONFIGURED);
  /* ATFC Algorithm GPIO */
  /* ATFC Parameter Initialization */
  // For TCP client's connection request delay
  presentTime = my_time;
  /* Clear CLCD before branch into main */
  /* Alarm in 3 second */
  //RTC_SetAlarm(RTC_GetCounter() + 3);
  /* Wait until last write operation on RTC registers has finished */

  /* Create directory and sub directory in accordance with current date */
  //filePath = CreateDirectoryAccordingly(GetYearAndMergeToInt(), GetMonthAndMergeToInt(), 
                                        //GetDayAndMergeToInt(), RTC_GetCounter() / 3600);
  /* Create file in append mode in accordance with current minute */
  //CreateFileAppendModeAccordingly(filePath, (RTC_GetCounter() % 3600) / 60);
  // When everything is set, print message
  printf("\r\n\n - System is ready - ");
  while (1) {
#if (defined USE_EQDAS01) || (defined USE_EQDAS02)
    if(TimerCount > 1000) { // 0 ~ 999 (1000) = 1 sec
      TimerCount = 0;
      int x, y, z;
      x = mAxisBuf.tmp_data_x_lcd[index];
      y = mAxisBuf.tmp_data_y_lcd[index];
      z = mAxisBuf.tmp_data_z_lcd[index];
      char Serial_Buf[37];
      int hour, minute, second, tmsecond;
      hour = THH; minute = TMM; second = TSS; tmsecond = 0;
      sprintf(Serial_Buf, "%04d%02d%02d_%02d%02d%02d%02d_%+05d_%+05d_%+05d\r\n", 
                year, month, day, hour, minute, second, tmsecond, x, y, z);
      //my_time++;  // uncomment when tcp connection is needed
      /* Process Parameter Text Stream */
      if(PCFlag) {  // EQDAS Client System and ATFC Algorithm Setting
        PCFlag = false;
    /* Clock generated by TIM3 */
    if(ClientTimerCounter > 10) {  // 0 ~ 999 (1000) = 1 sec
      ClientTimerCounter = 0;
      int mAlgorithmContainer;
      year = GetYearAndMergeToInt();
      month = GetMonthAndMergeToInt();
      day = GetDayAndMergeToInt();
      hour = THH; minute = TMM; second = TSS; tmsecond = 0;
      int mYear, mMonth, mDay, mHour, mMin, mSec, mTMSec;
      mYear = year; mMonth = month; mDay = day;
      mHour = hour; mMin = minute; mSec = second; mTMSec = tmsecond;
      x = mAxisBuf.tmp_data_x_lcd[arrIdx];
      y = mAxisBuf.tmp_data_y_lcd[arrIdx];
      z = mAxisBuf.tmp_data_z_lcd[arrIdx];

      if(flag_uart) { // prevent unpleasant impuse
        // Index synchronization
        arrIdx = index; 
        // Make a copy from raw collected data to temporary array
        // Copy to Temporary GAL array
        // Calculate GAL and copy to single temporary GAL value
        // Determine KMA scale
        // Check sign bit and apply to int container
        CheckSignAndToInt(arrIdx); // this function also cuts surplus 1G 
        /* Switch menu & waveform display through graphic lcd */
        GLCD_AxisViewWithWaveform(mode, arrIdx, x, y, z);
        if(GoATFCFlag) {
          // Apply ATFC Algorithm to Axis x

      if(EventDetection) {
        GPIO_WriteBit(GPIOE, GPIO_Pin_15, Bit_SET);
        mAlgorithmContainer = x;
      } else {
        GPIO_WriteBit(GPIOE, GPIO_Pin_15, Bit_RESET);
        mAlgorithmContainer = 0; 
      // Copy to data buffer to be written through FATFS
      /* EQDAQ01, 02 Client Routine ---------------------------------------------*/
      /* E1Flag or E2Flag set when client board successfully connect to server --*/
      /* Refer to wiz820.c line no. 300 for which flag to be set */
      if(E1Flag) {
        char E1_Buf[45];
        sprintf(E1_Buf, "%04d%02d%02d_%02d%02d%02d%02d_%+05d_%+05d_%+05d_%+05d\r\n", 
                mYear, mMonth, mDay, mHour, mMin, mSec, mTMSec,
                x, y, z, mAlgorithmContainer);
        // Only when socket is established, allow send data
        if(getSn_SR(SOCK_TWO) == SOCK_ESTABLISHED) {
          /* send selected data */
          CountSendByte = send(SOCK_TWO, (uint8_t*)E1_Buf, strlen(E1_Buf), (bool)false);
      if(E2Flag) {
        char E2_Buf[45];
        sprintf(E2_Buf, "%04d%02d%02d_%02d%02d%02d%02d_%+05d_%+05d_%+05d\r\n", 
                mYear, mMonth, mDay, mHour, mMin, mSec, mTMSec, x, y, z);
        // Only when socket is established, allow send data
        if(getSn_SR(SOCK_ZERO) == SOCK_ESTABLISHED) {
          /* send selected data */
          send(SOCK_ZERO, (uint8_t*)E2_Buf, strlen(E2_Buf), (bool)false);
    /* do RTC work on every second */
    if(RTCTIM6Count > 1000) {
      RTCTIM6Count = 0;
      if(InitialThirteenSeconds == 12) {
         InitialThirteenSeconds = 0;
         GoATFCFlag = true;
      } else {
        if(!GoATFCFlag) {
      /* RTC 1Hz interrupt */
      if(RTCTimeDisplay) { // 1Hz calibrated by RTC
        RTCTimeDisplay = false; 
        /* Display current time */
      /* RTC Alarm interrupt */
      if(RTCAlarmFlag) {
        RTCAlarmFlag = false;
        printf("\r\nRTC Alarm Actviated!");
    /* Save log to file process ------------------------------------------------*/
    /* Save process needs to be run every single cycle due to delay might occur */
    if(GoAppendDataFlag) {  // every 500 sample (equals 5 sec), go save file.
      GoAppendDataFlag = false;
      int bytesWritten = 0;
      if(EachSecFlag) {
        // it means that DATA1_BUF is full and ready to flush out
        // be sure to empty out DATA1_BUF or will overflow and cause system to halt.
        /* Append first data for the duration of 1 second */
        bytesWritten = f_printf(&fsrc, DATA1_BUF);
        printf("\r\n%d of bytesWritten", bytesWritten);
        if(FileRecordCompleteFlag) {
          FileRecordCompleteFlag = false;
          printf("\r\nFile Record Complete!");
          /* Close the file */
        // Reset DATA1_BUF
        memset(DATA1_BUF, 0, sizeof(DATA1_BUF)); 
      } else {
        /* Append another second of data */
        bytesWritten = f_printf(&fsrc, DATA2_BUF);
        printf("\r\n%d of bytesWritten", bytesWritten);
        if(FileRecordCompleteFlag) {
          FileRecordCompleteFlag = false;
          printf("\r\nFile Record Complete!");
          /* Close the file */
        // Reset DATA2_BUF
        memset(DATA2_BUF, 0, sizeof(DATA2_BUF));
    if(ParseUSART1) {
      ParseUSART1 = false;
      // run some test on SDIO

#if (defined USE_EQDAS01) || (defined USE_EQDAS02)
      /* Print WIZ820io configuration */

      printf("\r\nBKP_DR1 = %d", BKP_ReadBackupRegister(BKP_DR1));
      printf("\r\nBKP_DR2 = %d", BKP_ReadBackupRegister(BKP_DR2));
      printf("\r\nBKP_DR3 = %d", BKP_ReadBackupRegister(BKP_DR3));
      printf("\r\nBKP_DR4 = %d", BKP_ReadBackupRegister(BKP_DR4));
      printf("\r\nBKP_DR5 = %d", BKP_ReadBackupRegister(BKP_DR5));
      printf("\r\nBKP_DR6 = %d", BKP_ReadBackupRegister(BKP_DR6));
      printf("\r\nBKP_DR7 = %d", BKP_ReadBackupRegister(BKP_DR7));
      printf("\r\nBKP_DR8 = %d", BKP_ReadBackupRegister(BKP_DR8));
      printf("\r\nBKP_DR9 = %d", BKP_ReadBackupRegister(BKP_DR9));
      printf("\r\nBKP_DR10 = %d", BKP_ReadBackupRegister(BKP_DR10));
      printf("\r\nBKP_DR11 = %d", BKP_ReadBackupRegister(BKP_DR11));
      printf("\r\nBKP_DR12 = %d", BKP_ReadBackupRegister(BKP_DR12));
      printf("\r\nBKP_DR13 = %d", BKP_ReadBackupRegister(BKP_DR13));
      printf("\r\nBKP_DR14 = %d", BKP_ReadBackupRegister(BKP_DR14));
      printf("\r\nBKP_DR15 = %d", BKP_ReadBackupRegister(BKP_DR15));
      printf("\r\nBKP_DR16 = %d", BKP_ReadBackupRegister(BKP_DR16));
#elif (defined) USE_EQDAS_SERVER
      char buffer[37];
      sprintf(buffer, "%s_%s_%s_%s_%s\r\n",
      printf("\r\nRX_BUF : %s, strlen(RX_BUF) : %d", (char*)RX_BUF, strlen((char*)RX_BUF));
      printf("\r\nstrlen(buffer) = %d\n%s", strlen(buffer), buffer);
      char *original = "-3843,+4095,+2069";
      char target[20];
      strncpy(target, original, strlen(original));
      char *one, *two, *three;
      char *AfterToken;
      AfterToken = strtok(target, ",");
      one = AfterToken;
      AfterToken = strtok(NULL, ",");
      two = AfterToken;
      AfterToken = strtok(NULL, ",");
      three = AfterToken;
      AfterToken = strtok(NULL, ",");
      if(AfterToken != NULL) printf("AfterToken is not empty");
      printf("\r\none : %s, two : %s, three : %s", one, two, three);*/
#if (defined USE_EQDAS01) || (defined USE_EQDAS02)
    for(i=0; i<100; i++) {
      if(flag_uart) {
      // Make a copy from raw collected data to temporary array
      // Copy to Temporary GAL array
      // Calculate GAL and copy to single temporary GAL value
      // Determine KMA scale

      // Check sign bit and apply to int container
      CheckSignAndToInt(i); // this function also cuts surplus 1G 
// following routine is only necessary when the board works as server
#elif defined USE_EQDAS_SERVER
    /* EQ-DAQ-01 Parsing routine ------------------------------------------------- */
    /* Set E1Flag indicate that we have valid connection from EQ-DAQ-01(port 5050) */
    if(E1Flag) {
      E1Flag = false; // clear flag since this routine excutes ceaselessly over time
      ProcessTextStream(EQ_ONE, (char*)RX_BUF, E1Order);
      /* PC Client Parsing routine ------------------------------------------------- */
      /* Set PCFlag indicate that we have valid connection from PC Client(port 7070) */
      if(PCFlag) {        
        // Send directly to PC
      if(E1Order < 99) E1Order++;
      else E1Order = 0;
    /* EQ-DAQ-02 Parsing routine ------------------------------------------------- */
    /* Set E2Flag indicate that we have valid connection from EQ-DAQ-02(port 6060) */
    if(E2Flag) {
      E2Flag = false;
      ProcessTextStream(EQ_TWO, (char*)RX_BUF, E2Order);
      /* PC Client Parsing routine ------------------------------------------------- */
      /* Set PCFlag indicate that we have valid connection from PC Client(port 7070) */
      if(PCFlag) {        
        // Send directly to PC
      if(E2Order < 99) E2Order++;
      else E2Order = 0;


/* Setup TCP Client or Server -----------------------------------------------------*/
/* Please open config.h file to choose a proper board you wish to use */    
#if (defined USE_EQDAS01) || (defined USE_EQDAS02)    

      /* Start TCP Client process */
      ProcessTcpClient(SOCK_ZERO);  // TCP Client
      /* Parameter setting Server side with port 5050 in default */
      ATFCTcpServer(SOCK_TWO, EQDAS_Conf_PORT);  // SOCK_TWO because of flag conformity
#elif defined USE_EQDAS_SERVER
      /* Process server socket with each port */
      ProcessTcpServer(SOCK_ZERO, 5050);  // designated as for EQM-DAQ-01 with port 5050
      ProcessTcpServer(SOCK_ONE, 6060);   // designated as for EQM-DAQ-02 with port 6060
      ProcessTcpServer(SOCK_TWO, 7070);   // designated as for PC-CLIENT  with port 7070
      ProcessTcpServer(SOCK_THREE, 8080); // designated as for PC_DUMP    with port 8080
      ProcessTcpServer(SOCK_FOUR, 9090);   // designated as for TOBEUSED with port 9090
      ProcessTcpServer(SOCK_FIVE, 10010);   // designated as for TOBEUSED with port 10010
      ProcessTcpServer(SOCK_SIX, 10020);    // designated as for TOBEUSED with port 10020
      ProcessTcpServer(SOCK_SEVEN, 10030);  // designated as for TOBEUSED with port 10030
Exemplo n.º 3
  * @brief   Main program
  * @param  None
  * @retval None
int main(void) {
  /*!< At this stage the microcontroller clock setting is already configured, 
       this is done through SystemInit() function which is called from startup
       file (startup_stm32f10x_xx.s) before to branch to application main.
       To reconfigure the default setting of SystemInit() function, refer to
       system_stm32f10x.c file
  /* RCC configuration */
  /* TIM4 configuration */
  /* UART4 configuration */
  /* Configure SysTick for each 1us */  
  SysTick_Config(SystemCoreClock / 1000000);
  /* TLCD configuration */

  /* RTC Configuration */
  /* WIZ820io SPI2 configuration */
  WIZ820io_SPI2_Configuration();  // one that is on left one
  /* WIZ820io SPI3 configuration */
  //WIZ820io_SPI3_Configuration();  // one that is on right one

  /* W5200 Configuration */
  /* EXIT4(Mode select button) configuration */
  /* EXIT5(F_SYNC : 100Hz) configuration */
  /* EXIT6(F_SCLK : 10KHz) configuration */
  /* myAccel3LV02 Configuration */
  //myAccel3LV02 setup 1000.0111 Power on, enable all axis, self test off
  Accel_WriteReg(CTRL_REG1, 0xC7);
  // following routine setup myAccel3LV02 6g mode
  //Accel_WriteReg(CTRL_REG2, 0x80);
  /* GLCD configuration */
  /* Clear system loading string of TLCD */
  // When everything is set, print message
  printf("\r\n - System is ready - ");
  while(1) {
    if(TimerCount >= 1000) {  // thousand equals one second
      TimerCount = 0;

      // retrieve axis data
      GetAccelValue(AXIS_X, &Xdata);
      GetAccelValue(AXIS_Y, &Ydata);
      GetAccelValue(AXIS_Z, &Zdata);
      char str[30];
      sprintf(str, "%d,%d,%d", 0xFFF&Xdata, 0xFFF&Ydata, 0xFFF&Zdata);
      TLCD_Write(0, 0, str);
    if(ParseUART4) {
      ParseUART4 = false; 
      // print Wiz810io configuration
    if(flag_uart == 1) {
      tmp_start = index;
    // On every impulse out of 100Hz do the work
    if(RbitFlag) {
      RbitFlag = false;
      // copy to buffer
      mAxisBuf.tmp_data_x_lcd[index] = mAxisData.data_x[index];
      mAxisBuf.tmp_data_y_lcd[index] = mAxisData.data_y[index];
      mAxisBuf.tmp_data_z_lcd[index] = mAxisData.data_z[index];
      // Copy to Temporary GAL array
      // Cut off to 1G
      // Calculate GAL and copy to single temporary GAL value
      // Determine KMA scale
      /* PC Client Parsing routine ------------------------------------------------- */
      /* Set PCFlag indicate that we have valid connection from PC Client(port 7070) */
      if(PCFlag) {
        //PCFlag = false;
        char PC_Buf[20];
        sprintf(PC_Buf, "%+d,%+d,%+d\n",
        // code for stacking algorithm which will combine data from two boards into one
        // Only when socket is established, allow send data
        if(getSn_SR(SOCK_TWO) == SOCK_ESTABLISHED) {
          /* send selected data */
          send(SOCK_TWO, (uint8_t*)PC_Buf, strlen(PC_Buf), (bool)false);
      // increase index so that we can add to next array
    switch(mode) {
    case SELECT_AXIS_X : break;
    case SELECT_AXIS_Y : break;
    case SELECT_AXIS_Z : break;
    // RTC Wakeup event
    if(WUFlag) {
      WUFlag = false;
      // Update current Date and Time
      // Display on TLCD
      TLCD_Write(0, 0, Date);
      TLCD_Write(0, 1, Time);
    /* EQ-DAQ-01 Parsing routine ------------------------------------------------- */
    /* Set E1Flag indicate that we have valid connection from EQ-DAQ-01(port 5050) */
    if(E1Flag) {
      E1Flag = false;
      ProcessTextStream(EQ_ONE, (char*)RX_BUF);
    /* EQ-DAQ-02 Parsing routine ------------------------------------------------- */
    /* Set E2Flag indicate that we have valid connection from EQ-DAQ-02(port 6060) */
    if(E2Flag) {
      E2Flag = false;
      ProcessTextStream(EQ_TWO, (char*)RX_BUF);
    /* Process server socket with each port */
    ProcessTcpServer(SOCK_ZERO, 5050);  // designated as for EQM-DAQ-01 with port 5050
    ProcessTcpServer(SOCK_ONE, 6060);   // designated as for EQM-DAQ-02 with port 6060
    ProcessTcpServer(SOCK_TWO, 7070);   // designated as for PC-CLIENT  with port 7070
    ProcessTcpServer(SOCK_THREE, 8080); // designated as for TOBEUSED   with port 8080
    /* Socket 4 to 7 reserved for future application
     * ProcessTcpServer(SOCK_FOUR, 9090);   // designated as for TOBEUSED with port 9090
     * ProcessTcpServer(SOCK_FIVE, 10010);   // designated as for TOBEUSED with port 10010
     * ProcessTcpServer(SOCK_SIX, 10020);    // designated as for TOBEUSED with port 10020
     * ProcessTcpServer(SOCK_SEVEN, 10030);  // designated as for TOBEUSED with port 10030