Exemplo n.º 1
void ezSimpleTestGroup::RunSubTest(ezInt32 iIdentifier)
Exemplo n.º 2
ezResult ezTaskSystem::CancelTask(ezTask* pTask, ezOnTaskRunning::Enum OnTaskRunning)
  if (pTask->IsTaskFinished())
    return EZ_SUCCESS;


  EZ_ASSERT(pTask->m_BelongsToGroup.m_pTaskGroup->m_uiGroupCounter == pTask->m_BelongsToGroup.m_uiGroupCounter, "The task to be removed is in an invalid group.");

  // we set the cancel flag, to make sure that tasks that support canceling will terminate asap
  pTask->m_bCancelExecution = true;


    // if the task is still in the queue of its group, it had not yet been scheduled
    if (!pTask->m_bTaskIsScheduled && pTask->m_BelongsToGroup.m_pTaskGroup->m_Tasks.RemoveSwap(pTask))
      // we set the task to finished, even though it was not executed
      pTask->m_bIsFinished = true;
      return EZ_SUCCESS;

    // check if the task has already been scheduled for execution
    // if so, remove it from the work queue
      for (ezUInt32 i = 0; i < ezTaskPriority::ENUM_COUNT; ++i)
        auto it = s_Tasks[i].GetIterator();

        while (it.IsValid())
          if (it->m_pTask == pTask)

            // we set the task to finished, even though it was not executed
            pTask->m_bIsFinished = true;

            // tell the system that one task of that group is 'finished', to ensure its dependencies will get scheduled
            TaskHasFinished(it->m_pTask, it->m_pBelongsToGroup);
            return EZ_SUCCESS;


  // if we made it here, the task was already running
  // thus we just wait for it to finish

  if (OnTaskRunning == ezOnTaskRunning::WaitTillFinished)

  return EZ_FAILURE;
Exemplo n.º 3
void ezTask::Run() 
  // actually this should not be possible to happen
  if (m_bIsFinished || m_bCancelExecution)
    m_bIsFinished = true;

    EZ_ASSERT(m_bProfilingIDGenerated, "Profiling id must be valid at this point.");


  m_bIsFinished = true;
Exemplo n.º 4
void ezTaskSystem::WaitForTask(ezTask* pTask)
  if (pTask->IsTaskFinished())


  const bool bIsMainThread = ezThreadUtils::IsMainThread();

  ezTaskPriority::Enum FirstPriority = ezTaskPriority::EarlyThisFrame;
  ezTaskPriority::Enum LastPriority = ezTaskPriority::LateNextFrame;

  if (bIsMainThread)
    // if this is the main thread, we need to execute the main-thread tasks
    // otherwise a dependency on which pTask is waiting, might not get fulfilled
    FirstPriority = ezTaskPriority::ThisFrameMainThread;
    LastPriority = ezTaskPriority::SomeFrameMainThread;

  while (!pTask->IsTaskFinished())
    // we only execute short tasks here, because you should never WAIT for a long running task
    // and a short task should never have a dependency on a long running task either
    // so we assume that only short running tasks need to be executed to fulfill the task's dependencies
    // Since there are threads to deal with long running tasks in parallel, even if we were waiting for such
    // a task, it will get finished at some point
    if (!ExecuteTask(FirstPriority, LastPriority, pTask))
      // if there was nothing for us to do, that probably means that the task is either currently being processed by some other thread
      // or it is in a priority list that we did not want to work on (maybe because we are on the main thread)
      // in this case try it again with non-main-thread tasks

      if (!pTask->IsTaskFinished() && !ExecuteTask(ezTaskPriority::EarlyThisFrame, ezTaskPriority::LateNextFrame, pTask))
        // if there is STILL nothing for us to do, it might be a long running task OR it is already being processed
        // we won't fall back to processing long running tasks, because that might stall the application
        // instead we assume the task (or any dependency) is currently processed by another thread
        // and to prevent a busy loop, we just give up our time-slice and try again later