Exemplo n.º 1
/*	Frees the brush with all of its faces and display list.
	Unlinks the brush from whichever chain it is in.
	Decrements the owner entity's brushcount.
	Removes owner entity if this was the last brush
	unless owner is the world.
void Brush_Free (brush_t *b)
	face_t	*f, *next;

	// free faces
	for (f=b->brush_faces ; f ; f=next)
		next = f->next;
		Face_Free( f );

	for ( i = 0; i < b->d_numwindings; i++ )
		if ( b->d_windings[i] )
			FreeWinding( b->d_windings[i] );
			b->d_windings[i] = 0;

	// unlink from active/selected list
	if (b->next)
		Brush_RemoveFromList (b);

	// unlink from entity list
	if (b->onext)
		Entity_UnlinkBrush (b);

	free (b);
Exemplo n.º 2
/*	Turn the currently selected entity back into normal brushes
void  Select_Ungroup (void)
	entity_t	*e;
	brush_t		*b;

	e = selected_brushes.next->owner;

	if (!e || e == world_entity || e->eclass->fixedsize)
		Sys_Status ("Not a grouped entity.", 0);

	for (b=e->brushes.onext ; b != &e->brushes ; b=e->brushes.onext)
		Brush_RemoveFromList (b);
		Brush_AddToList (b, &active_brushes);
		Entity_UnlinkBrush (b);
		Entity_LinkBrush (world_entity, b);
		Brush_Build( b );
		b->owner = world_entity;

	Entity_Free (e);
	Sys_UpdateWindows (W_ALL);
Exemplo n.º 3

Turn the currently selected entity back into normal brushes
void Select_Ungroup( void )
	int numselectedgroups;
	entity_s*   e;
	brush_s*        b, *sb;
	numselectedgroups = 0;
	for ( sb = selected_brushes.next; sb != &selected_brushes; sb = sb->next )
		e = sb->owner;
		if ( !e || e == world_entity || e->eclass->fixedsize )
		for ( b = e->brushes.onext; b != &e->brushes; b = e->brushes.onext )
			//Brush_RemoveFromList (b);
			//Brush_AddToList (b, &active_brushes);
			Entity_UnlinkBrush( b );
			Entity_LinkBrush( world_entity, b );
			Brush_Build( b );
			b->owner = world_entity;
		Entity_Free( e );
	if ( numselectedgroups <= 0 )
		Sys_Printf( "No grouped entities selected.\n" );
	Sys_Printf( "Ungrouped %d entit%s.\n", numselectedgroups, ( numselectedgroups == 1 ) ? "y" : "ies" );
	Sys_UpdateWindows( W_ALL );
Exemplo n.º 4
void Undo_Redo(void)
	undo_t *redo;
	brush_t *pBrush, *pNextBrush;
	entity_t *pEntity, *pNextEntity, *pRedoEntity;

	if (!g_lastredo)
		Sys_Status("Nothing left to redo.\n");
	if (g_lastundo)
		if (!g_lastundo->done)
			Sys_Status("WARNING: last undo not finished.\n");
	// get the last redo
	redo = g_lastredo;
	if (g_lastredo->prev) g_lastredo->prev->next = NULL;
	else g_redolist = NULL;
	g_lastredo = g_lastredo->prev;
	// remove current selection
	// move "created" brushes back to the last undo
	for (pBrush = active_brushes.next; pBrush != NULL && pBrush != &active_brushes; pBrush = pNextBrush)
		pNextBrush = pBrush->next;
		if (pBrush->redoId == redo->id)
			//move the brush to the undo
			Brush_AddToList(pBrush, &g_lastundo->brushlist);
			g_undoMemorySize += Brush_MemorySize(pBrush);
			pBrush->ownerId = pBrush->owner->entityId;
	// move "created" entities back to the last undo
	for (pEntity = entities.next; pEntity != NULL && pEntity != &entities; pEntity = pNextEntity)
		pNextEntity = pEntity->next;
		if (pEntity->redoId == redo->id)
			// check if this entity is in the redo
			for (pRedoEntity = redo->entitylist.next; pRedoEntity != NULL && pRedoEntity != &redo->entitylist; pRedoEntity = pRedoEntity->next)
				// move brushes to the redo entity
				if (pRedoEntity->entityId == pEntity->entityId)
					pRedoEntity->brushes.next = pEntity->brushes.next;
					pRedoEntity->brushes.prev = pEntity->brushes.prev;
					pEntity->brushes.next = &pEntity->brushes;
					pEntity->brushes.prev = &pEntity->brushes;
			//move the entity to the redo
			Entity_AddToList(pEntity, &g_lastundo->entitylist);
			g_undoMemorySize += Entity_MemorySize(pEntity);
	// add the undo entities back into the entity list
	for (pEntity = redo->entitylist.next; pEntity != NULL && pEntity != &redo->entitylist; pEntity = redo->entitylist.next)
		//if this is the world entity
		if (pEntity->entityId == world_entity->entityId)
			//free the epairs of the world entity
			//set back the original epairs
			world_entity->epairs = pEntity->epairs;
			//free the world_entity clone that stored the epairs
			Entity_AddToList(pEntity, &entities);
	// add the redo brushes back into the selected brushes
	for (pBrush = redo->brushlist.next; pBrush != NULL && pBrush != &redo->brushlist; pBrush = redo->brushlist.next)
    	Brush_AddToList(pBrush, &active_brushes);
		for (pEntity = entities.next; pEntity != NULL && pEntity != &entities; pEntity = pEntity->next)
			if (pEntity->entityId == pBrush->ownerId)
				Entity_LinkBrush(pEntity, pBrush);
		//if the brush is not linked then it should be linked into the world entity
		if (pEntity == NULL || pEntity == &entities)
			Entity_LinkBrush(world_entity, pBrush);
		//build the brush
	common->Printf("%s redone.\n", redo->operation);
	// free the undo
    g_bScreenUpdates = true; 
Exemplo n.º 5
void Undo_Undo(void)
	undo_t *undo, *redo;
	brush_t *pBrush, *pNextBrush;
	entity_t *pEntity, *pNextEntity, *pUndoEntity;

	if (!g_lastundo)
		Sys_Status("Nothing left to undo.\n");
	if (!g_lastundo->done)
		Sys_Status("Undo_Undo: WARNING: last undo not yet finished!\n");
	// get the last undo
	undo = g_lastundo;
	if (g_lastundo->prev) g_lastundo->prev->next = NULL;
	else g_undolist = NULL;
	g_lastundo = g_lastundo->prev;

	//allocate a new redo
	redo = (undo_t *) Mem_ClearedAlloc(sizeof(undo_t), TAG_TOOLS);
	if (!redo) return;
	memset(redo, 0, sizeof(undo_t));
	redo->brushlist.next = &redo->brushlist;
	redo->brushlist.prev = &redo->brushlist;
	redo->entitylist.next = &redo->entitylist;
	redo->entitylist.prev = &redo->entitylist;
	if (g_lastredo) g_lastredo->next = redo;
	else g_redolist = redo;
	redo->prev = g_lastredo;
	redo->next = NULL;
	g_lastredo = redo;
	redo->time = Sys_DoubleTime();
	redo->id = g_redoId++;
	redo->done = true;
	redo->operation = undo->operation;

	//reset the redo IDs of all brushes using the new ID
	for (pBrush = active_brushes.next; pBrush != NULL && pBrush != &active_brushes; pBrush = pBrush->next)
		if (pBrush->redoId == redo->id)
			pBrush->redoId = 0;
	for (pBrush = selected_brushes.next; pBrush != NULL && pBrush != &selected_brushes; pBrush = pBrush->next)
		if (pBrush->redoId == redo->id)
			pBrush->redoId = 0;
	//reset the redo IDs of all entities using thew new ID
	for (pEntity = entities.next; pEntity != NULL && pEntity != &entities; pEntity = pEntity->next)
		if (pEntity->redoId == redo->id)
			pEntity->redoId = 0;

	// remove current selection
	// move "created" brushes to the redo
	for (pBrush = active_brushes.next; pBrush != NULL && pBrush != &active_brushes; pBrush=pNextBrush)
		pNextBrush = pBrush->next;
		if (pBrush->undoId == undo->id)
			//move the brush to the redo
			Brush_AddToList(pBrush, &redo->brushlist);
			//make sure the ID of the owner is stored
			pBrush->ownerId = pBrush->owner->entityId;
			//unlink the brush from the owner entity
	// move "created" entities to the redo
	for (pEntity = entities.next; pEntity != NULL && pEntity != &entities; pEntity = pNextEntity)
		pNextEntity = pEntity->next;
		if (pEntity->undoId == undo->id)
			// check if this entity is in the undo
			for (pUndoEntity = undo->entitylist.next; pUndoEntity != NULL && pUndoEntity != &undo->entitylist; pUndoEntity = pUndoEntity->next)
				// move brushes to the undo entity
				if (pUndoEntity->entityId == pEntity->entityId)
					pUndoEntity->brushes.next = pEntity->brushes.next;
					pUndoEntity->brushes.prev = pEntity->brushes.prev;
					pEntity->brushes.next = &pEntity->brushes;
					pEntity->brushes.prev = &pEntity->brushes;
			//move the entity to the redo
			Entity_AddToList(pEntity, &redo->entitylist);
	// add the undo entities back into the entity list
	for (pEntity = undo->entitylist.next; pEntity != NULL && pEntity != &undo->entitylist; pEntity = undo->entitylist.next)
		g_undoMemorySize -= Entity_MemorySize(pEntity);
		//if this is the world entity
		if (pEntity->entityId == world_entity->entityId)
			//free the epairs of the world entity
			//set back the original epairs
			world_entity->epairs = pEntity->epairs;
			//free the world_entity clone that stored the epairs
			Entity_AddToList(pEntity, &entities);
			pEntity->redoId = redo->id;
	// add the undo brushes back into the selected brushes
	for (pBrush = undo->brushlist.next; pBrush != NULL && pBrush != &undo->brushlist; pBrush = undo->brushlist.next)
		g_undoMemorySize -= Brush_MemorySize(pBrush);
    	Brush_AddToList(pBrush, &active_brushes);
		for (pEntity = entities.next; pEntity != NULL && pEntity != &entities; pEntity = pEntity->next)
			if (pEntity->entityId == pBrush->ownerId)
				Entity_LinkBrush(pEntity, pBrush);
		//if the brush is not linked then it should be linked into the world entity
		if (pEntity == NULL || pEntity == &entities)
			Entity_LinkBrush(world_entity, pBrush);
		//build the brush
		pBrush->redoId = redo->id;
	common->Printf("%s undone.\n", undo->operation);
	// free the undo
	g_undoMemorySize -= sizeof(undo_t);
	if (g_undoId <= 0) g_undoId = 2 * g_undoMaxSize;

	brush_t *b, *next;
	for (b = active_brushes.next ; b != NULL && b != &active_brushes ; b=next) {
		next = b->next;
		Brush_Build( b, true, false, false );
	for (b = selected_brushes.next ; b != NULL && b != &selected_brushes ; b=next) {
		next = b->next;
		Brush_Build( b, true, false, false );

    g_bScreenUpdates = true; 
Exemplo n.º 6
void Undo_Undo(boolean bSilent)
	// spog - disable undo if undo levels = 0
	if (g_PrefsDlg.m_nUndoLevels == 0)
		Sys_Printf("Undo_Undo: undo is disabled.\n");

	undo_t *undo, *redo;
	brush_t *pBrush, *pNextBrush;
	entity_t *pEntity, *pNextEntity, *pUndoEntity;

	if (!g_lastundo)
		Sys_Printf("Nothing left to undo.\n");
	if (!g_lastundo->done)
		Sys_Printf("Undo_Undo: WARNING: last undo not yet finished!\n");
	// get the last undo
	undo = g_lastundo;
	if (g_lastundo->prev) g_lastundo->prev->next = NULL;
	else g_undolist = NULL;
	g_lastundo = g_lastundo->prev;

	//allocate a new redo
	redo = (undo_t *) malloc(sizeof(undo_t));
	if (!redo) return;
	memset(redo, 0, sizeof(undo_t));
	redo->brushlist.next = &redo->brushlist;
	redo->brushlist.prev = &redo->brushlist;
	redo->entitylist.next = &redo->entitylist;
	redo->entitylist.prev = &redo->entitylist;
	if (g_lastredo) g_lastredo->next = redo;
	else g_redolist = redo;
	redo->prev = g_lastredo;
	redo->next = NULL;
	g_lastredo = redo;
	redo->time = Sys_DoubleTime();
	redo->id = g_redoId++;
	redo->done = true;
	redo->operation = undo->operation;

	//reset the redo IDs of all brushes using the new ID
	for (pBrush = active_brushes.next; pBrush != NULL && pBrush != &active_brushes; pBrush = pBrush->next)
		if (pBrush->redoId == redo->id)
			pBrush->redoId = 0;
	for (pBrush = selected_brushes.next; pBrush != NULL && pBrush != &selected_brushes; pBrush = pBrush->next)
		if (pBrush->redoId == redo->id)
			pBrush->redoId = 0;
	//reset the redo IDs of all entities using thew new ID
	for (pEntity = entities.next; pEntity != NULL && pEntity != &entities; pEntity = pEntity->next)
		if (pEntity->redoId == redo->id)
			pEntity->redoId = 0;

	// deselect current sutff
	// move "created" brushes to the redo
	for (pBrush = active_brushes.next; pBrush != NULL && pBrush != &active_brushes; pBrush=pNextBrush)
		pNextBrush = pBrush->next;
		if (pBrush->undoId == undo->id)
			//move the brush to the redo
			Brush_AddToList(pBrush, &redo->brushlist);
			//make sure the ID of the owner is stored
			pBrush->ownerId = pBrush->owner->entityId;
			//unlink the brush from the owner entity
	// move "created" entities to the redo
	for (pEntity = entities.next; pEntity != NULL && pEntity != &entities; pEntity = pNextEntity)
		pNextEntity = pEntity->next;
		if (pEntity->undoId == undo->id)
			// check if this entity is in the undo
			for (pUndoEntity = undo->entitylist.next; pUndoEntity != NULL && pUndoEntity != &undo->entitylist; pUndoEntity = pUndoEntity->next)
				// move brushes to the undo entity
				if (pUndoEntity->entityId == pEntity->entityId)
					pUndoEntity->brushes.next = pEntity->brushes.next;
					pUndoEntity->brushes.prev = pEntity->brushes.prev;
					pEntity->brushes.next = &pEntity->brushes;
					pEntity->brushes.prev = &pEntity->brushes;
			//move the entity to the redo
			Entity_AddToList(pEntity, &redo->entitylist);
	// add the undo entities back into the entity list
	for (pEntity = undo->entitylist.next; pEntity != NULL && pEntity != &undo->entitylist; pEntity = undo->entitylist.next)
		g_undoMemorySize -= Entity_MemorySize(pEntity);
		//if this is the world entity
		if (pEntity->entityId == world_entity->entityId)
			epair_t* tmp = world_entity->epairs;
			world_entity->epairs = pEntity->epairs;
      pEntity->epairs = tmp;
			Entity_AddToList(pEntity, &entities);
			pEntity->redoId = redo->id;
	// add the undo brushes back into the selected brushes
	for (pBrush = undo->brushlist.next; pBrush != NULL && pBrush != &undo->brushlist; pBrush = undo->brushlist.next)
		//Sys_Printf("Owner ID: %i\n",pBrush->ownerId);
		g_undoMemorySize -= Brush_MemorySize(pBrush);
    	Brush_AddToList(pBrush, &active_brushes);
		for (pEntity = entities.next; pEntity != NULL && pEntity != &entities; pEntity = pEntity->next) // fixes broken undo on entities
			//Sys_Printf("Entity ID: %i\n",pEntity->entityId);
			if (pEntity->entityId == pBrush->ownerId)
				Entity_LinkBrush(pEntity, pBrush);
		//if the brush is not linked then it should be linked into the world entity
		//++timo FIXME: maybe not, maybe we've lost this entity's owner!
		if (pEntity == NULL || pEntity == &entities)
			Entity_LinkBrush(world_entity, pBrush);
		//build the brush
		pBrush->redoId = redo->id;
	if (!bSilent)
		Sys_Printf("%s undone.\n", undo->operation);
	// free the undo
	g_undoMemorySize -= sizeof(undo_t);
	if (g_undoId <= 0) g_undoId = 2 * g_undoMaxSize;
    g_bScreenUpdates = true;
Exemplo n.º 7
/*!\todo Possibly make the import Undo-friendly by calling Undo_End for new brushes and ents */
void Map_ImportEntities( CPtrArray *ents, bool bAddSelected = false ){
	int num_ents, num_brushes;
	CPtrArray *brushes;
	vec3_t mins, maxs;
	entity_t *e;
	brush_t *b;
	face_t *f;
	int i,j;

	GPtrArray *new_ents = g_ptr_array_new();

	g_qeglobals.bPrimitBrushes = false;

	brush_t *pBrushList = ( bAddSelected ) ? &selected_brushes : &active_brushes;

	bool bDoneBPCheck = false;
	g_qeglobals.bNeedConvert = false;
	// HACK: find out if this map file was a BP one
	// check the first brush in the file that is NOT a patch
	// this will not be necessary when we allow both formats in the same file
	num_ents = ents->GetSize();
	for ( i = 0; !bDoneBPCheck && i < num_ents; i++ )
		e = (entity_t*)ents->GetAt( i );
		brushes = (CPtrArray*)e->pData;
		num_brushes = brushes->GetSize();
		for ( j = 0; !bDoneBPCheck && j < num_brushes; j++ )
			/*!todo Allow mixing texdef formats per-face. */
			b = (brush_t *)brushes->GetAt( j );
			if ( b->patchBrush ) {
			bDoneBPCheck = true;
			int BP_param = -1;
			if ( b->bBrushDef && !g_qeglobals.m_bBrushPrimitMode ) {
				BP_param = 0;
			else if ( !b->bBrushDef && g_qeglobals.m_bBrushPrimitMode ) {
				BP_param = 1;

			if ( BP_param != -1 ) {
				switch ( BP_MessageBox( BP_param ) )
				case 0:
					Map_FreeEntities( ents );
				case 1:
					g_qeglobals.bNeedConvert = true;
				case 2:
					g_qeglobals.bNeedConvert = false;

	// process the entities into the world geometry
	num_ents = ents->GetSize();
	for ( i = 0; i < num_ents; i++ )
		num_brushes = 0;
		e = (entity_t*)ents->GetAt( i );
		brushes = (CPtrArray*)e->pData;

		num_brushes = brushes->GetSize();
		// link brushes into entity
		for ( j = 0; j < num_brushes; j++ )
			Entity_LinkBrush( e, (brush_t *)brushes->GetAt( j ) );
		delete brushes;
		e->pData = NULL;

		// set entity origin
		GetVectorForKey( e, "origin", e->origin );
		// set entity eclass
		/*!\todo Make SetKeyValue check for "classname" change and assign appropriate eclass */
		e->eclass = Eclass_ForName( ValueForKey( e, "classname" ),
									( e->brushes.onext != &e->brushes ) );

		// go through all parsed brushes and build stuff
		for ( b = e->brushes.onext; b != &e->brushes; b = b->onext )
			for ( f = b->brush_faces; f != NULL; f = f->next )
				f->pShader = QERApp_Shader_ForName( f->texdef.GetName() );
				f->d_texture = f->pShader->getTexture();

			// when brushes are in final state, build the planes and windings
			// NOTE: also converts BP brushes if g_qeglobals.bNeedConvert is true
			Brush_Build( b );

//#define TERRAIN_HACK

		if ( ( strcmp( ValueForKey( e, "terrain" ),"1" ) == 0 && strcmp( e->eclass->name,"func_group" ) == 0 ) ) {

			// two aux pointers to the shaders used in the terrain entity
			// we don't keep refcount on them since they are only temporary
			// this avoids doing expensive lookups by name for all faces
			IShader *pTerrainShader, *pCaulk;

			pTerrainShader = NULL;
			pCaulk = QERApp_Shader_ForName( SHADER_CAULK );

			for ( b = e->brushes.onext; b != &e->brushes; b = b->onext )
				if ( pTerrainShader == NULL ) {
					for ( f = b->brush_faces; f != NULL; f = f->next )
						if ( strcmp( f->texdef.GetName(), SHADER_CAULK ) != 0 ) {
							pTerrainShader = f->pShader;

				if ( pTerrainShader ) {
					for ( f = b->brush_faces; f != NULL; f = f->next )
						if ( strcmp( f->texdef.GetName(), SHADER_CAULK ) != 0 ) { // not caulk
							Face_SetShader( f, pTerrainShader->getName() );
							Face_SetShader( f, pCaulk->getName() );
					Sys_FPrintf( SYS_WRN, "WARNING: no terrain shader found for brush\n" );

#define PATCH_HACK
		for ( b = e->brushes.onext; b != &e->brushes; b = b->onext )
			// patch hack, to be removed when dependency on brush_faces is removed
			if ( b->patchBrush ) {
				Patch_CalcBounds( b->pPatch, mins, maxs );
				for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
					if ( (int)mins[i] == (int)maxs[i] ) {
						mins[i] -= 4;
						maxs[i] += 4;
				Brush_Resize( b, mins, maxs );
				Brush_Build( b );
		// add brush for fixedsize entity
		if ( e->eclass->fixedsize ) {
			vec3_t mins, maxs;
			VectorAdd( e->eclass->mins, e->origin, mins );
			VectorAdd( e->eclass->maxs, e->origin, maxs );
			b = Brush_Create( mins, maxs, &e->eclass->texdef );
			Entity_LinkBrush( e, b );
			Brush_Build( b );

		for ( b = e->brushes.onext; b != &e->brushes; b = b->onext )
			Brush_AddToList( b, pBrushList );

		if ( strcmp( e->eclass->name, "worldspawn" ) == 0 ) {
			if ( world_entity ) {
				while ( e->brushes.onext != &e->brushes )
					b = e->brushes.onext;
					Entity_UnlinkBrush( b );
					Entity_LinkBrush( world_entity, b );
				Entity_Free( e );
				world_entity = e;
		else if ( strcmp( e->eclass->name, "group_info" ) == 0 ) {
			// it's a group thing!
			Group_Add( e );
			Entity_Free( e );
			// fix target/targetname collisions
			if ( ( g_PrefsDlg.m_bDoTargetFix ) && ( strcmp( ValueForKey( e, "target" ), "" ) != 0 ) ) {
				GPtrArray *t_ents = g_ptr_array_new();
				entity_t *e_target;
				const char *target = ValueForKey( e, "target" );
				qboolean bCollision = FALSE;

				// check the current map entities for an actual collision
				for ( e_target = entities.next; e_target != &entities; e_target = e_target->next )
					if ( !strcmp( target, ValueForKey( e_target, "target" ) ) ) {
						bCollision = TRUE;
						// make sure the collision is not between two imported entities
						for ( j = 0; j < (int)new_ents->len; j++ )
							if ( e_target == g_ptr_array_index( new_ents, j ) ) {
								bCollision = FALSE;

				// find the matching targeted entity(s)
				if ( bCollision ) {
					for ( j = num_ents - 1; j > 0; j-- )
						e_target = (entity_t*)ents->GetAt( j );
						if ( e_target != NULL && e_target != e ) {
							const char *targetname = ValueForKey( e_target, "targetname" );
							if ( ( targetname != NULL ) && ( strcmp( target, targetname ) == 0 ) ) {
								g_ptr_array_add( t_ents, (gpointer)e_target );
					if ( t_ents->len > 0 ) {
						// link the first to get a unique target/targetname
						Entity_Connect( e, (entity_t*)g_ptr_array_index( t_ents,0 ) );
						// set the targetname of the rest of them manually
						for ( j = 1; j < (int)t_ents->len; j++ )
							SetKeyValue( (entity_t*)g_ptr_array_index( t_ents, j ), "targetname", ValueForKey( e, "target" ) );
					g_ptr_array_free( t_ents, FALSE );

			// add the entity to the end of the entity list
			Entity_AddToList( e, &entities );

			// keep a list of ents added to avoid testing collisions against them
			g_ptr_array_add( new_ents, (gpointer)e );
	g_ptr_array_free( new_ents, FALSE );


	g_qeglobals.bNeedConvert = false;
Exemplo n.º 8
// =======================================================================================================================
//    Map_ImportFile Timo 09/01/99:: called by CXYWnd::Paste & Map_ImportFile if Map_ImportFile ( prefab ), the buffer
//    may contain brushes in old format ( conversion needed )
// =======================================================================================================================
void Map_ImportBuffer(char *buf, bool renameEntities) {
	entity_t	*ent;
	brush_t		*b = NULL;
	CPtrArray	ptrs;


	Undo_Start("import buffer");

	g_qeglobals.d_parsed_brushes = 0;
	if (buf) {
		CMapStringToString	mapStr;
		g_qeglobals.d_num_entities = 0;

		// Timo will be used in Entity_Parse to detect if a conversion between brush
		// formats is needed
		g_qeglobals.bNeedConvert = false;
		g_qeglobals.bOldBrushes = false;
		g_qeglobals.bPrimitBrushes = false;
		g_qeglobals.mapVersion = 1.0;

		if (GetToken(true)) {
			if (stricmp(token, "Version") == 0) {
				g_qeglobals.mapVersion = atof(token);
				common->Printf("Map version: %1.2f\n", g_qeglobals.mapVersion);
			} else {

		idDict RemappedNames;	// since I can't use "map <string, string>"... sigh. So much for STL...

		while (1) {
			// use the selected brushes list as it's handy ent = Entity_Parse (false,
			// &selected_brushes);
			ent = Entity_Parse(false, &active_brushes);
			if (!ent) {

			// end entity for undo

			// end brushes for undo
			for (b = ent->brushes.onext; b && b != &ent->brushes; b = b->onext) {

			if (!strcmp(ValueForKey(ent, "classname"), "worldspawn")) {
				// world brushes need to be added to the current world entity
				b = ent->brushes.onext;
				while (b && b != &ent->brushes) {
					brush_t *bNext = b->onext;
					Entity_LinkBrush(world_entity, b);
					b = bNext;
			else {
				// the following bit remaps conflicting target/targetname key/value pairs
				CString str = ValueForKey(ent, "target");
				CString strKey;
				CString strTarget("");
				if (str.GetLength() > 0) {
					if (FindEntity("target", str.GetBuffer(0))) {
						if (!mapStr.Lookup(str, strKey)) {
							idStr key;
							strKey = key;
							mapStr.SetAt(str, strKey);

						strTarget = strKey;
						SetKeyValue(ent, "target", strTarget.GetBuffer(0));

				 * str = ValueForKey(ent, "name"); if (str.GetLength() > 0) { if
				 * (FindEntity("name", str.GetBuffer(0))) { if (!mapStr.Lookup(str, strKey)) {
				 * UniqueTargetName(strKey); mapStr.SetAt(str, strKey); } Entity_SetName(ent,
				 * strKey.GetBuffer(0)); } }
				CString cstrNameOld = ValueForKey(ent, "name");
				Entity_Name(ent, renameEntities);
				CString cstrNameNew = ValueForKey(ent, "name");
				if (cstrNameOld != cstrNameNew)
					RemappedNames.Set(cstrNameOld, cstrNameNew);
				// if (strTarget.GetLength() > 0) SetKeyValue(ent, "target",
				// strTarget.GetBuffer(0));
				// add the entity to the end of the entity list
				ent->next = &entities;
				ent->prev = entities.prev;
				entities.prev->next = ent;
				entities.prev = ent;

				for (b = ent->brushes.onext; b != &ent->brushes; b = b->onext) {

		// now iterate through the remapped names, and see if there are any target-connections that need remaking...
		// (I could probably write this in half the size with STL, but WTF, work with what we have...)
		int iNumKeyVals = RemappedNames.GetNumKeyVals();
		for (int iKeyVal=0; iKeyVal < iNumKeyVals; iKeyVal++)
			const idKeyValue *pKeyVal = RemappedNames.GetKeyVal( iKeyVal );

			LPCSTR psOldName = pKeyVal->GetKey().c_str();
			LPCSTR psNewName = pKeyVal->GetValue().c_str();

			entity_t *pEntOld = FindEntity("name", psOldName);	// original ent we cloned from
			entity_t *pEntNew = FindEntity("name", psNewName);	// cloned ent

			if (pEntOld && pEntNew)
				CString cstrTargetNameOld = ValueForKey(pEntOld, "target");
				if (!cstrTargetNameOld.IsEmpty())
					// ok, this ent was targeted at another ent, so it's clone needs updating to point to
					//	the clone of that target, so...
					entity_t *pEntOldTarget = FindEntity("name", cstrTargetNameOld);
					if ( pEntOldTarget )
						LPCSTR psNewTargetName = RemappedNames.GetString( cstrTargetNameOld );
						if (psNewTargetName && psNewTargetName[0])
							SetKeyValue(pEntNew, "target", psNewTargetName);

	// ::ShowWindow(g_qeglobals.d_hwndEntity, FALSE);
	// ::LockWindowUpdate(g_qeglobals.d_hwndEntity);
	g_bScreenUpdates = false;
	for (int i = 0; i < ptrs.GetSize(); i++) {
		Brush_Build(reinterpret_cast < brush_t * > (ptrs[i]), true, false);
		Select_Brush(reinterpret_cast < brush_t * > (ptrs[i]), true, false);

	// ::LockWindowUpdate(NULL);
	g_bScreenUpdates = true;


	// reset the "need conversion" flag conversion to the good format done in
	// Map_BuildBrushData
	g_qeglobals.bNeedConvert = false;


	// Sys_MarkMapModified();
	mapModified = 1;

Exemplo n.º 9
    Entity_Create Creates a new entity out of the selected_brushes list. If the entity class is fixed size, the brushes
    are only used to find a midpoint. Otherwise, the brushes have their ownership transfered to the new entity.
entity_t *Entity_Create(eclass_t *c, bool forceFixed)
    entity_t	*e;
    brush_t		*b;
    idVec3		mins, maxs, origin;
    char		text[32];
    texdef_t td;
    brushprimit_texdef_t bp;

    // check to make sure the brushes are ok
    for (b = selected_brushes.next; b != &selected_brushes; b = b->next)
        if (b->owner != world_entity)
            Sys_Status("Entity NOT created, brushes not all from world\n");
            return NULL;

    idStr str;
    if (c->defArgs.GetString("model", "", str) && c->entityModel == NULL)
        c->entityModel = gameEdit->ANIM_GetModelFromEntityDef( &c->defArgs );

    // create it
    e = Entity_New();
    e->brushes.onext = e->brushes.oprev = &e->brushes;
    e->eclass = c;
    SetKeyValue(e, "classname", c->name);
    Entity_Name(e, false);

    // add the entity to the entity list
    Entity_AddToList(e, &entities);

    if (c->fixedsize)
        // just use the selection for positioning b = selected_brushes.next; for (i=0 ;
        // i<3 ; i++) { e->origin[i] = b->mins[i] - c->mins[i]; }
        VectorCopy(e->origin, origin);

        // create a custom brush
        VectorAdd(c->mins, e->origin, mins);
        VectorAdd(c->maxs, e->origin, maxs);

        b = Brush_Create(mins, maxs, &c->texdef);

        Entity_LinkBrush(e, b);

        if (c->defMaterial.Length())
            Brush_SetTexture(b, &td, &bp, false);

        // delete the current selection

        // select the new brush
        b->next = b->prev = &selected_brushes;
        selected_brushes.next = selected_brushes.prev = b;



        // change the selected brushes over to the new entity
        for (b = selected_brushes.next; b != &selected_brushes; b = b->next)
            Entity_LinkBrush(e, b);
            Brush_Build(b); // so the key brush gets a name
            if (c->defMaterial.Length())
                Brush_SetTexture(b, &td, &bp, false);


        //for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        //	origin[i] = vMin[i] + vMax[i] * 0.5;

        if (!forceFixed)
            SetKeyValue(e, "model", ValueForKey(e, "name"));

    sprintf(text, "%i %i %i", (int)origin[0], (int)origin[1], (int)origin[2]);
    SetKeyValue(e, "origin", text);
    VectorCopy(origin, e->origin);

    return e;
Exemplo n.º 10

Creates a new entity out of the selected_brushes list.
If the entity class is fixed size, the brushes are only
used to find a midpoint.  Otherwise, the brushes have
their ownershi[ transfered to the new entity.
entity_t	*Entity_Create (eclass_t *c)
	entity_t	*e;
	brush_t		*b;
	vec3_t		mins, maxs;
	int			i;

	// check to make sure the brushes are ok

	for (b=selected_brushes.next ; b != &selected_brushes ; b=b->next)
		if (b->owner != world_entity)
			Sys_Printf ("Entity NOT created, brushes not all from world\n");
			Sys_Beep ();
			return NULL;

	// create it

	e = (entity_t*)qmalloc(sizeof(*e));
	e->brushes.onext = e->brushes.oprev = &e->brushes;
	e->eclass = c;
	SetKeyValue (e, "classname", c->name);
	// add the entity to the entity list
	e->next = entities.next;
	entities.next = e;
	e->next->prev = e;
	e->prev = &entities;

	if (c->fixedsize)
		// just use the selection for positioning
		b = selected_brushes.next;
		for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
			e->origin[i] = b->mins[i] - c->mins[i];

		// create a custom brush
		VectorAdd (c->mins, e->origin, mins);
		VectorAdd (c->maxs, e->origin, maxs);

	  b = Brush_Create (mins, maxs, &c->texdef);

		Entity_LinkBrush (e, b);

		// delete the current selection
		Select_Delete ();

		// select the new brush
		b->next = b->prev = &selected_brushes;
		selected_brushes.next = selected_brushes.prev = b;

		Brush_Build( b );
		// change the selected brushes over to the new entity
		for (b=selected_brushes.next ; b != &selected_brushes ; b=b->next)
			Entity_UnlinkBrush (b);
			Entity_LinkBrush (e, b);
			Brush_Build( b );	// so the key brush gets a name

	Sys_UpdateWindows (W_ALL);
	return e;
Exemplo n.º 11
void Undo_Redo( void ){
	// spog - disable undo if undo levels = 0
	if ( g_PrefsDlg.m_nUndoLevels == 0 ) {
		Sys_Printf( "Undo_Redo: undo is disabled.\n" );

	undo_t *redo;
	brush_t *pBrush, *pNextBrush;
	entity_t *pEntity, *pNextEntity, *pRedoEntity;

	if ( !g_lastredo ) {
		Sys_Printf( "Nothing left to redo.\n" );
	if ( g_lastundo ) {
		if ( !g_lastundo->done ) {
			Sys_Printf( "WARNING: last undo not finished.\n" );
	// get the last redo
	redo = g_lastredo;
	if ( g_lastredo->prev ) {
		g_lastredo->prev->next = NULL;
	else{g_redolist = NULL; }
	g_lastredo = g_lastredo->prev;
	Undo_GeneralStart( redo->operation );
	// remove current selection
	// move "created" brushes back to the last undo
	for ( pBrush = active_brushes.next; pBrush != NULL && pBrush != &active_brushes; pBrush = pNextBrush )
		pNextBrush = pBrush->next;
		if ( pBrush->redoId == redo->id ) {
			//move the brush to the undo
			Brush_RemoveFromList( pBrush );
			Brush_AddToList( pBrush, &g_lastundo->brushlist );
			g_undoMemorySize += Brush_MemorySize( pBrush );
			pBrush->ownerId = pBrush->owner->entityId;
			Entity_UnlinkBrush( pBrush );
	// move "created" entities back to the last undo
	for ( pEntity = entities.next; pEntity != NULL && pEntity != &entities; pEntity = pNextEntity )
		pNextEntity = pEntity->next;
		if ( pEntity->redoId == redo->id ) {
			// check if this entity is in the redo
			for ( pRedoEntity = redo->entitylist.next; pRedoEntity != NULL && pRedoEntity != &redo->entitylist; pRedoEntity = pRedoEntity->next )
				// move brushes to the redo entity
				if ( pRedoEntity->entityId == pEntity->entityId ) {
					pRedoEntity->brushes.next = pEntity->brushes.next;
					pRedoEntity->brushes.prev = pEntity->brushes.prev;
					pEntity->brushes.next = &pEntity->brushes;
					pEntity->brushes.prev = &pEntity->brushes;
			//move the entity to the redo
			Entity_RemoveFromList( pEntity );
			Entity_AddToList( pEntity, &g_lastundo->entitylist );
			g_undoMemorySize += Entity_MemorySize( pEntity );
	// add the undo entities back into the entity list
	for ( pEntity = redo->entitylist.next; pEntity != NULL && pEntity != &redo->entitylist; pEntity = redo->entitylist.next )
		//if this is the world entity
		if ( pEntity->entityId == world_entity->entityId ) {
			epair_t* tmp = world_entity->epairs;
			world_entity->epairs = pEntity->epairs;
			pEntity->epairs = tmp;
			Entity_Free( pEntity );
			Entity_RemoveFromList( pEntity );
			Entity_AddToList( pEntity, &entities );
	// add the redo brushes back into the selected brushes
	for ( pBrush = redo->brushlist.next; pBrush != NULL && pBrush != &redo->brushlist; pBrush = redo->brushlist.next )
		Brush_RemoveFromList( pBrush );
		Brush_AddToList( pBrush, &active_brushes );
		for ( pEntity = entities.next; pEntity != NULL && pEntity != &entities; pEntity = pEntity->next ) // fixes broken undo on entities
			if ( pEntity->entityId == pBrush->ownerId ) {
				Entity_LinkBrush( pEntity, pBrush );
		//if the brush is not linked then it should be linked into the world entity
		if ( pEntity == NULL || pEntity == &entities ) {
			Entity_LinkBrush( world_entity, pBrush );
		//build the brush
		Select_Brush( pBrush );
	Sys_Printf( "%s redone.\n", redo->operation );
	// free the undo
	free( redo );
	g_bScreenUpdates = true;
	Sys_UpdateWindows( W_ALL );
Exemplo n.º 12
// Timo 09/01/99 : called by CXYWnd::Paste & Map_ImportFile
// if Map_ImportFile ( prefab ), the buffer may contain brushes in old format ( conversion needed )
void Map_ImportBuffer (char* buf)
	entity_t* ent;
	brush_t* b = NULL;
	CPtrArray ptrs;


	Undo_Start("import buffer");

	g_qeglobals.d_parsed_brushes = 0;
	if (buf)
		CMapStringToString mapStr;
		StartTokenParsing (buf);
		g_qeglobals.d_num_entities = 0;

		// Timo
		// will be used in Entity_Parse to detect if a conversion between brush formats is needed
		g_qeglobals.bNeedConvert = false;
		g_qeglobals.bOldBrushes = false;
		g_qeglobals.bPrimitBrushes = false;

		while (1)

			// use the selected brushes list as it's handy
			//ent = Entity_Parse (false, &selected_brushes);
			ent = Entity_Parse (false, &active_brushes);
			if (!ent)
			//end entity for undo
			//end brushes for undo
			for(b = ent->brushes.onext; b && b != &ent->brushes; b = b->onext)

			if (!strcmp(ValueForKey (ent, "classname"), "worldspawn"))
				// world brushes need to be added to the current world entity

				while (b && b != &ent->brushes)
					brush_t* bNext = b->onext;
					Entity_LinkBrush(world_entity, b);
					b = bNext;
				// the following bit remaps conflicting target/targetname key/value pairs
				CString str = ValueForKey(ent, "target");
				CString strKey;
				CString strTarget("");
				if (str.GetLength() > 0)
					if (FindEntity("target", str.GetBuffer(0)))
						if (!mapStr.Lookup(str, strKey))
							mapStr.SetAt(str, strKey);
						strTarget = strKey;
						SetKeyValue(ent, "target", strTarget.GetBuffer(0));
				str = ValueForKey(ent, "targetname");
				if (str.GetLength() > 0)
					if (FindEntity("targetname", str.GetBuffer(0)))
						if (!mapStr.Lookup(str, strKey))
							mapStr.SetAt(str, strKey);
						SetKeyValue(ent, "targetname", strKey.GetBuffer(0));
				//if (strTarget.GetLength() > 0)
				//  SetKeyValue(ent, "target", strTarget.GetBuffer(0));

				// add the entity to the end of the entity list
				ent->next = &entities;
				ent->prev = entities.prev;
				entities.prev->next = ent;
				entities.prev = ent;

				for (b=ent->brushes.onext ; b != &ent->brushes ; b=b->onext)

	//::ShowWindow(g_qeglobals.d_hwndEntity, FALSE);
	g_bScreenUpdates = false; 
	for (int i = 0; i < ptrs.GetSize(); i++)
		Brush_Build(reinterpret_cast<brush_t*>(ptrs[i]), true, false);
		Select_Brush(reinterpret_cast<brush_t*>(ptrs[i]), true, false);
	g_bScreenUpdates = true; 


	// reset the "need conversion" flag
	// conversion to the good format done in Map_BuildBrushData

	Sys_UpdateWindows (W_ALL);
	modified = true;

