Exemplo n.º 1
 * @brief Save table column into FITS file
 * @exception GException::fits_hdu_not_found
 *            Specified HDU not found in FITS file.
 * @exception GException::fits_error
 *            Error occured during writing of the column data.
 * Save Bit (vector) column into FITS file by writing 8 Bits at once.
void GFitsTableBitCol::save_column(void)
    // Continue only if a FITS file is connected and data have been loaded
    if (FPTR(m_fitsfile)->Fptr != NULL && m_colnum > 0 && m_data != NULL) {

        // Set any pending Bit

        // Move to the HDU
        int status = 0;
        status     = __ffmahd(FPTR(m_fitsfile),
                              (FPTR(m_fitsfile)->HDUposition)+1, NULL,
        if (status != 0) {
            throw GException::fits_hdu_not_found(G_SAVE_COLUMN,

        // Save data 8 Bits at once
        status = __ffpcn(FPTR(m_fitsfile), __TBYTE, m_colnum, 1, 1,
                         m_size, m_data, m_nulval, &status);
        if (status != 0) {
            throw GException::fits_error(G_SAVE_COLUMN, status);

    } // endif: FITS file was connected

    // Return
Exemplo n.º 2
 * @brief Save table column into FITS file
 * @exception GException::fits_hdu_not_found
 *            Specified HDU not found in FITS file.
 * @exception GException::fits_error
 *            Error occured during writing of the column data.
 * The table column is only saved if it is linked to a FITS file and if the
 * data are indeed present in the class instance. This avoids saving of data
 * that have not been modified.
 * The method make use of the virtual methods 
 *   GFitsTableCol::ptr_data and
 *   GFitsTableCol::ptr_nulval.
 * These methods are implemented by the derived column classes which 
 * implement a specific storage class (i.e. float, double, short, ...).
void GFitsTableCol::save_column_fixed(void)
    // Continue only if a FITS file is connected and data have been loaded
    if (FPTR(m_fitsfile)->Fptr != NULL && m_colnum > 0 && ptr_data() != NULL) {

        // Move to the HDU
        int status = 0;
        status     = __ffmahd(FPTR(m_fitsfile),
                              (FPTR(m_fitsfile)->HDUposition)+1, NULL,
        if (status != 0) {
            throw GException::fits_hdu_not_found(G_SAVE_COLUMN_FIXED,

        // Save the column data
        status = __ffpcn(FPTR(m_fitsfile), m_type, m_colnum, 1, 1,
                         m_size, ptr_data(), ptr_nulval(), &status);
        if (status != 0) {
            std::string msg = "Unable to save column '"+name()+"' to"
                              " FITS file.";
            throw GException::fits_error(G_SAVE_COLUMN_FIXED, status, msg);

    } // endif: FITS file was connected

    // Return
Exemplo n.º 3
 * @brief Load fixed-length column from FITS file
 * @exception GException::fits_hdu_not_found
 *            Specified HDU not found in FITS file.
 * @exception GException::fits_error
 *            An error occured while loading column data from FITS file.
 * If a FITS file is attached to the column the data are loaded into memory
 * from the FITS file. If no FITS file is attached, memory is allocated
 * to hold the column data and all cells are set to 0.
 * The method makes use of the virtual methods 
 * GFitsTableCol::alloc_data,
 * GFitsTableCol::init_data,
 * GFitsTableCol::ptr_data, and
 * GFitsTableCol::ptr_nulval.
 * These methods are implemented by the derived column classes which 
 * implement a specific storage class (i.e. float, double, short, ...).
void GFitsTableCol::load_column_fixed(void)
    // Calculate size of memory
    m_size = m_number * m_length;

    // Load only if the column has a positive size
    if (m_size > 0) {

        // Allocate and initialise fresh memory

        // If a FITS file is attached then try loading column data from the
        // FITS file. This may fail in case that no data has yet been written
        // to the FITS file. In that case we just skip loading and return
        // the initalised column ... 
        if (FPTR(m_fitsfile)->Fptr != NULL) {

            // Move to the HDU
            int status = 0;
            status     = __ffmahd(FPTR(m_fitsfile),
                                  NULL, &status);
            // If this failed because:
            // - the primary HDU was not found (status 252)
            // - we moved past the file (status 107)
            // we assume that no data have yet been written to the file and
            // we skip the loading.
            if (status != 252 && status != 107) {
                // Break on any other cfitsio error
                if (status != 0) {
                    throw GException::fits_hdu_not_found(G_LOAD_COLUMN_FIXED,

                // Load data
                status = __ffgcv(FPTR(m_fitsfile), m_type, m_colnum, 
                                 1, 1, m_size, ptr_nulval(), ptr_data(),
                                 &m_anynul, &status);
                if (status != 0) {
                    throw GException::fits_error(G_LOAD_COLUMN_FIXED, status,
                                    "for column '"+m_name+"'.");
            } // endif: no primary HDU found

        } // endif: there was a FITS file attached

    } // endif: column has a positive size

    // Return
Exemplo n.º 4
int main()
  short *p;

  p = calloc(SIZE, sizeof(fptr) + sizeof(short) + sizeof(void*));
  FPTR(p)[0] = free;
  VOID(&FPTR(p)[1])[0] = p;
  FPTR(p)[0]( VOID(&FPTR(p)[1])[0] );
  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 5
 * @brief Load table column from FITS file
 * @exception GException::fits_hdu_not_found
 *            Specified HDU not found in FITS file.
 * @exception GException::fits_error
 *            An error occured while loading column data from FITS file.
 * Load Bit (vector) column into memory by reading 8 Bits at once.
void GFitsTableBitCol::load_column(void)
    // Compute total number of Bits in column
    m_bits = m_number * m_length;

    // Compute number of Bytes and Bits per row
    m_bytes_per_row = (m_number > 0) ? ((m_number-1) / 8) + 1 : 0;
    m_bits_per_row  = m_bytes_per_row * 8;

    // Compute length of memory array
    m_size = m_bytes_per_row * m_length;

    // Load only if the column has a positive size
    if (m_size > 0) {

        // Allocate and initialise fresh memory

        // If a FITS file is attached then load column data from the FITS
        // file
        if (FPTR(m_fitsfile)->Fptr != NULL) {

            // Move to the HDU
            int status = 0;
            status     = __ffmahd(FPTR(m_fitsfile),
                                  NULL, &status);
            if (status != 0) {
                throw GException::fits_hdu_not_found(G_LOAD_COLUMN,

            // Load data 8 Bits at once
            status = __ffgcv(FPTR(m_fitsfile), __TBYTE, m_colnum, 1, 1, m_size,
                             m_nulval, m_data, &m_anynul, &status);
            if (status != 0) {
                throw GException::fits_error(G_LOAD_COLUMN, status,
                                  "for column \""+m_name+"\".");

    } // endif: column has a positive size

    // Return
Exemplo n.º 6
 * @brief Load FITS image
 * @param[in] datatype Datatype of pixels to be saved.
 * @param[in] pixels Pixel array to be saved.
 * @param[in] nulval Pointer to pixel nul value.
 * @param[out] anynul Number of nul values encountered during loading.
 * @exception GException::fits_error
 *            FITS error.
 * Load image pixels from FITS file.
void GFitsImage::load_image(int datatype, const void* pixels,
                            const void* nulval, int* anynul)
    // Move to HDU

    // Load the image pixels (if there are some ...)
    if (m_naxis > 0) {
        long* fpixel = new long[m_naxis];
        long* lpixel = new long[m_naxis];
        long* inc    = new long[m_naxis];
        for (int i = 0; i < m_naxis; ++i) {
            fpixel[i] = 1;
            lpixel[i] = m_naxes[i];
            inc[i]    = 1;
        int status = 0;
        status     = __ffgsv(FPTR(m_fitsfile), datatype, fpixel, lpixel, inc,
                             (void*)nulval, (void*)pixels, anynul, &status);
        delete [] fpixel;
        delete [] lpixel;
        delete [] inc;
        if (status != 0) {
            throw GException::fits_error(G_LOAD_IMAGE, status);

    // Return
Exemplo n.º 7
 * @brief Save table column into FITS file
 * @exception GException::fits_hdu_not_found
 *            Specified HDU not found in FITS file.
 * @exception GException::fits_error
 *            Error occured during writing of the column data.
 * The table column is only saved if it is linked to a FITS file and if the
 * data are indeed present in the class instance. This avoids saving of data
 * that have not been modified.
 * The method make use of the virtual methods 
 *   GFitsTableCol::ptr_data and
 *   GFitsTableCol::ptr_nulval.
 * These methods are implemented by the derived column classes which 
 * implement a specific storage class (i.e. float, double, short, ...).
void GFitsTableCol::save_column_variable(void)
    // Continue only if a FITS file is connected and data have been loaded
    if (FPTR(m_fitsfile)->Fptr != NULL && m_colnum > 0 && ptr_data() != NULL) {

        // Move to the HDU
        int status = 0;
        status     = __ffmahd(FPTR(m_fitsfile),
                              (FPTR(m_fitsfile)->HDUposition)+1, NULL,
        if (status != 0) {
            throw GException::fits_hdu_not_found(G_SAVE_COLUMN_VARIABLE,

        // Save the column data row-by-row
        for (int row = 0; row < m_length; ++row) {

            // Save row data
            status = __ffpcn(FPTR(m_fitsfile),
            if (status != 0) {
                std::string msg = "Unable to save row "+gammalib::str(row+1)+""
                                  " of column '"+name()+"' to FITS file.";
                throw GException::fits_error(G_SAVE_COLUMN_VARIABLE, status,

        } // endfor: looped over rows

    } // endif: FITS file was connected

    // Return
Exemplo n.º 8
 * @brief Open Image
 * @param[in] vptr FITS file void pointer.
 * @exception GException::fits_error
 *            FITS error.
 * Open FITS image in FITS file. Opening means connecting the FITS file
 * pointer to the image and reading the image and axes dimensions.
void GFitsImage::open_image(void* vptr)
    // Move to HDU
    gammalib::fits_move_to_hdu(G_OPEN_IMAGE, vptr);

    // Save the FITS file pointer and the HDU number
    FPTR_COPY(m_fitsfile, vptr);
    m_hdunum = FPTR(vptr)->HDUposition;

    // Get the image dimensions
    int status = 0;
    status = __ffgidm(FPTR(m_fitsfile), &m_naxis, &status);
    if (status != 0) {
        throw GException::fits_error(G_OPEN_IMAGE, status);

    // Reset number of image pixels
    m_num_pixels = 0;

    // Get the axes dimensions
    if (m_naxis > 0) {

        // Allocate memory for axes dimensions
        if (m_naxes != NULL) delete [] m_naxes;
        m_naxes      = new long[m_naxis];

        // Get the axes dimensions
        status = __ffgisz(FPTR(m_fitsfile), m_naxis, m_naxes, &status);
        if (status != 0) {
            throw GException::fits_error(G_OPEN_IMAGE, status);

        // Calculate number of image pixels
        m_num_pixels = 1;
        for (int i = 0; i < m_naxis; ++i) {
            m_num_pixels *= m_naxes[i];

    } // endif: there is an image

    // Return
Exemplo n.º 9
void ui_menu_select_rw::handle()
	// process the menu
	const ui_menu_event *event = process(0);
	if (event != NULL && event->iptkey == IPT_UI_SELECT)
		*m_result = int(FPTR(event->itemref));
Exemplo n.º 10
 * @brief Initialise class members
void GFitsTableCol::init_members(void)
    // Optionally print call graph
    #if defined(G_CALL_GRAPH)

    // Allocate FITS file pointer
    m_fitsfile = new __fitsfile;
    FPTR(m_fitsfile)->HDUposition = 0;
    FPTR(m_fitsfile)->Fptr        = NULL;

    // Initialise members
    m_colnum   = 0;
    m_type     = 0;
    m_repeat   = 0;
    m_width    = 0;
    m_number   = 0;
    m_length   = 0;
    m_variable = false;
    m_varlen   = 0;
    m_size     = 0;
    m_anynul   = 0;

    // Optionally print call graph
    #if defined(G_CALL_GRAPH)
    printf("exit GFitsTableCol::init_members\n");

    // Return
Exemplo n.º 11
 * @brief Fetch image pixels
 * Fetch the image pixels. This function is in general called if pixel
 * values should be read or written yet no pixel array is allocated. In case
 * that pixels existed already before they will be deleted before fetching
 * new ones.
 * There are two possibilities to fetch the pixels:
 * (1) In case that a FITS file is attached to the image, the pixel array
 * will be loaded from the FITS file using the load_image() method.
 * (2) In case that no FITS file is attached, a new pixel array will be
 * allocated that is initalised to zero.
void GFitsImage::fetch_data(void)
    // Fetch only if there are pixels in image
    if (m_num_pixels > 0) {

        // Allocate and initialise fresh memory

        // If a FITS file is attached then load pixels from FITS file.
        if (FPTR(m_fitsfile)->Fptr != NULL) {
            load_image(type(), ptr_data(), ptr_nulval(), &m_anynul);

    } // endif: there were pixels available

    // Return
Exemplo n.º 12
 * @brief Delete class members
void GFitsTableCol::free_members(void)
    // Optionally print call graph
    #if defined(G_CALL_GRAPH)

    // Free memory
    if (m_fitsfile != NULL) delete FPTR(m_fitsfile);

    // Mark memory as free
    m_fitsfile = NULL;

    // Optionally print call graph
    #if defined(G_CALL_GRAPH)
    printf("exit GFitsTableCol::free_members\n");

    // Return
Exemplo n.º 13
 * @brief Load variable-length column from FITS file
 * @exception GException::fits_hdu_not_found
 *            Specified HDU not found in FITS file.
 * @exception GException::fits_error
 *            An error occured while loading column data from FITS file.
 * If a FITS file is attached to the column the data are loaded into memory
 * from the FITS file. If no FITS file is attached, memory is allocated
 * to hold the column data and all cells are set to 0.
 * The method makes use of the virtual methods 
 * GFitsTableCol::alloc_data,
 * GFitsTableCol::init_data,
 * GFitsTableCol::ptr_data, and
 * GFitsTableCol::ptr_nulval.
 * These methods are implemented by the derived column classes which 
 * implement a specific storage class (i.e. float, double, short, ...).
void GFitsTableCol::load_column_variable(void)
    // If a FITS file is attached then try loading column data from the
    // FITS file. This may fail in case that no data has yet been written
    // to the FITS file. In that case we just skip loading and return
    // the initalised column ... 
    if (FPTR(m_fitsfile)->Fptr != NULL) {

        // Move to the HDU
        int status = 0;
        status     = __ffmahd(FPTR(m_fitsfile),
        // If this failed because:
        // - the primary HDU was not found (status 252)
        // - we moved past the file (status 107)
        // we assume that no data have yet been written to the file and
        // we skip the loading.
        if (status != 252 && status != 107) {
            // Break on any other cfitsio error
            if (status != 0) {
                throw GException::fits_hdu_not_found(G_LOAD_COLUMN_VARIABLE,

            // Allocate rowstart array
            m_rowstart.assign(m_length+1, 0);

            // Determine the column length for each row by looping over
            // all rows and derive the total memory requirement
            m_size        = 0;
            m_varlen      = 0;
            m_rowstart[0] = 0;
            for (int row = 0; row < m_length; ++row) {

                // Initialise offset and repeat
                long offset(0);
                long repeat(0);

                // Get variable-length of row in repeat
                status = __ffgdes(FPTR(m_fitsfile),
                if (status != 0) {
                    std::string msg = "Unable to get descriptor of row "+
                                      gammalib::str(row+1)+" of column '"+
                                      name()+"' from FITS file.";
                    throw GException::fits_error(G_LOAD_COLUMN_VARIABLE, status,

                // Store start of next row
                m_rowstart[row+1] = m_rowstart[row] + repeat;
                m_size           += repeat;
                if (repeat > m_varlen) {
                    m_varlen = repeat;

            } // endfor: looped over all rows

            // Allocate and initialise fresh memory

            // Load data for each row
            for (int row = 0; row < m_length; ++row) {

                // Initialise anynul
                int anynul(0);

                // Load data
                status = __ffgcv(FPTR(m_fitsfile),
                if (status != 0) {
                    std::string msg = "Unable to load row "+gammalib::str(row+1)+""
                                      " of column '"+name()+"' from FITS file.";
                    throw GException::fits_error(G_LOAD_COLUMN_VARIABLE, status,

                // Increment anynul
                m_anynul += anynul;

            } // endfor: looped over all rows

        } // endif: no primary HDU found

    } // endif: there was a FITS file attached

    // Return
Exemplo n.º 14
void *osd_malloc_array(size_t size)
    return malloc(size);
    // add in space for the size and offset
    size += MAX_ALIGNMENT + sizeof(size_t) + 2;
    size &= ~size_t(1);

    // round the size up to a page boundary
    size_t const rounded_size = ((size + sizeof(void *) + PAGE_SIZE - 1) / PAGE_SIZE) * PAGE_SIZE;

    // reserve that much memory, plus two guard pages
    void *page_base = VirtualAlloc(NULL, rounded_size + 2 * PAGE_SIZE, MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_NOACCESS);
    if (page_base == NULL)
        return NULL;

    // now allow access to everything but the first and last pages
    page_base = VirtualAlloc(reinterpret_cast<UINT8 *>(page_base) + PAGE_SIZE, rounded_size, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE);
    if (page_base == NULL)
        return NULL;

    // work backwards from the page base to get to the block base
    UINT8 *const block = GUARD_ALIGN_START ? reinterpret_cast<UINT8 *>(page_base) : (reinterpret_cast<UINT8 *>(page_base) + rounded_size - size);
    UINT8 *const result = reinterpret_cast<UINT8 *>(reinterpret_cast<FPTR>(block + sizeof(size_t) + MAX_ALIGNMENT) & ~(FPTR(MAX_ALIGNMENT) - 1));

    // store the size at the start with a flag indicating it has a guard page
    *reinterpret_cast<size_t *>(block) = size | 1;
    *(result - 1) = result - block;
    return result;
Exemplo n.º 15
 * @brief Save FITS image
 * @param[in] datatype Datatype of pixels to be saved
 * @param[in] pixels Pixel array to be saved
 * @exception GException::fits_file_not_open
 *            No FITS file has been opened.
 * @exception GException::fits_error
 *            FITS error.
 * Save image pixels into FITS file. In case that the HDU does not exist it
 * is created. In case that the pixel array is empty no data are saved; all
 * image pixels will be empty in this case.
void GFitsImage::save_image(int datatype, const void* pixels)
    // Throw an exception if FITS file is not open
    if (FPTR(m_fitsfile)->Fptr == NULL) {
        throw GException::fits_file_not_open(G_SAVE_IMAGE, 
              "Open file before saving the image.");

    // Move to HDU. We use here an explicit cfitsio moveto function since we
    // want to recover the error code ...
    int status = 0;
    int type   = 0;
    status     = __ffmahd(FPTR(m_fitsfile), m_hdunum+1, &type, &status);

    // If move was successful but HDU type in file differs from HDU type
    // of object then replace the HDU in the file
    if (status == 0 && type != exttype()) {
        status = __ffdhdu(FPTR(m_fitsfile), NULL, &status);
        if (status != 0) {
            throw GException::fits_error(G_SAVE_IMAGE, status);
        status = __ffiimg(FPTR(m_fitsfile), m_bitpix, m_naxis, m_naxes, &status);
        //status = __ffiimgll(FPTR(m_fitsfile), m_bitpix, m_naxis, m_naxes, &status);
        if (status != 0) {
            throw GException::fits_error(G_SAVE_IMAGE, status);

    // If HDU does not yet exist in file then create it now
    if (status == 107) {
        status = 0;
        status = __ffcrim(FPTR(m_fitsfile), m_bitpix, m_naxis, m_naxes, &status);
        if (status != 0) {
            throw GException::fits_error(G_SAVE_IMAGE, status);
    else if (status != 0) {
        throw GException::fits_error(G_SAVE_IMAGE, status);

    // If HDU seems to be empty then create it now. This is only needed for the
    // primary HDU, since __ffmahd gives no error if the primary HDU is empty.
    // By checking the number of keywords in the HDU we detect an empty HDU ...
    int num = 0;
    status  = __ffghsp(FPTR(m_fitsfile), &num, NULL, &status);
    if (status != 0) {
        throw GException::fits_error(G_SAVE_IMAGE, status);
    if (num == 0) {
        status = __ffcrim(FPTR(m_fitsfile), m_bitpix, m_naxis, m_naxes, &status);
        if (status != 0) {
            throw GException::fits_error(G_SAVE_IMAGE, status);

    // Make sure that the image on disk has the right size by resizing it
    status = __ffrsim(FPTR(m_fitsfile), m_bitpix, m_naxis, m_naxes, &status);
    if (status != 0) {
        throw GException::fits_error(G_SAVE_IMAGE, status);

    // Save the image pixels (if there are some ...)
    if (m_naxis > 0 && pixels != NULL) {
        long* fpixel = new long[m_naxis];
        long* lpixel = new long[m_naxis];
        for (int i = 0; i < m_naxis; ++i) {
            fpixel[i] = 1;
            lpixel[i] = m_naxes[i];
        status = __ffpss(FPTR(m_fitsfile), datatype, fpixel, lpixel,
                         (void*)pixels, &status);
        delete [] fpixel;
        delete [] lpixel;
        if (status != 0) {
            throw GException::fits_error(G_SAVE_IMAGE, status);

    // Return
Exemplo n.º 16
void menu_software_list::handle()
	const entry_info *selected_entry = nullptr;
	int bestmatch = 0;

	// process the menu
	const event *event = process(0);

	if (event && event->itemref)
		if ((FPTR)event->itemref == 1 && event->iptkey == IPT_UI_SELECT)
			m_ordered_by_shortname = !m_ordered_by_shortname;

			// reset the char buffer if we change ordering criterion

			// reload the menu with the new order
			machine().popmessage(_("Switched Order: entries now ordered by %s"), m_ordered_by_shortname ? _("shortname") : _("description"));
		// handle selections
		else if (event->iptkey == IPT_UI_SELECT)
			entry_info *info = (entry_info *) event->itemref;
			m_result = info->short_name;
		else if (event->iptkey == IPT_SPECIAL)
			if (input_character(m_filename_buffer, event->unichar, &is_valid_softlist_part_char))
				// display the popup
				ui().popup_time(ERROR_MESSAGE_TIME, "%s", m_filename_buffer);

				// identify the selected entry
				entry_info const *const cur_selected = (FPTR(event->itemref) != 1)
						? reinterpret_cast<entry_info const *>(get_selection_ref())
						: nullptr;

				// loop through all entries
				for (auto &entry : m_entrylist)
					// is this entry the selected entry?
					if (cur_selected != &entry)
						auto &compare_name = m_ordered_by_shortname ? entry.short_name : entry.long_name;

						int match = 0;
						for (int i = 0; i < m_filename_buffer.length(); i++)
							if (core_strnicmp(compare_name.c_str(), m_filename_buffer.c_str(), i) == 0)
								match = i;

						if (match > bestmatch)
							bestmatch = match;
							selected_entry = &entry;

				if (selected_entry != nullptr && selected_entry != cur_selected)
					set_selection((void *)selected_entry);
		else if (event->iptkey == IPT_UI_CANCEL)
			// reset the char buffer also in this case
			m_result = m_filename_buffer;
Exemplo n.º 17
 * @brief Save table into FITS file
 * @exception GException::fits_error
 *            A CFITSIO error occured in this method.
 * @exception GException::fits_bad_col_length
 *            Table columns have inconsistent lengths.
 * This method saves a table into a FITS file.
 * In case that no table HDU exists it will be created by appending a new
 * HDU to the existing file. The definition of this HDU will be based on the
 * table definition in the class instance.
 * The method also verifies the consistency of all table columns. Table
 * columns need to have identical lengths to be saved into a FITS table.
 * All columns with a length of zero will be excluded from saving, and if
 * they exist in the FITS file, they will be removed from the file.
 * @todo This method should also update the header. Even easier, this method
 *       should save the header into the file using the m_header.save()
 *       method.
 *       Only this assures coherence between the files !!!! Once this has
 *       been implemented (also in the GFitsImage method) we should delete
 *       the m_header.save() call in GFitsHDU::save.
void GFitsTable::data_save(void)
    // Debug definition: Dump method entry
    #if defined(G_DEBUG_SAVE)
    std::cout << "GFitsTable::save: entry" << std::endl;

    // Make sure that column lengths are consistent with table length.
    // Columns with zero length will not be considered (why?)
    for (int i = 0; i < m_cols; ++i) {
        if (m_columns[i] != NULL && m_columns[i]->length() > 0) {
            if (m_columns[i]->length() != m_rows) {
                throw GException::fits_bad_col_length(G_DATA_SAVE,

    // Move to HDU
    int status = 0;
    status = __ffmahd(FPTR(m_fitsfile), m_hdunum+1, NULL, &status);

    // If HDU does not exist in file then create it now
    if (status == 107) {

        // Reset status
        status = 0;

        // Initialise number of fields
        int tfields = 0;

        // Setup cfitsio column definition arrays
        char** ttype = NULL;
        char** tform = NULL;
        char** tunit = NULL;
        if (m_cols > 0) {
            ttype = new char*[m_cols];
            tform = new char*[m_cols];
            tunit = new char*[m_cols];
            for (int i = 0; i < m_cols; ++i) {
                ttype[i] = NULL;
                tform[i] = NULL;
                tunit[i] = NULL;
            for (int i = 0; i < m_cols; ++i) {
                ttype[tfields] = get_ttype(i);
                tform[tfields] = get_tform(i);
                tunit[tfields] = get_tunit(i);
                if (ttype[tfields] != NULL && tform[tfields] != NULL && 
                    tunit[tfields] != NULL)

        // Create FITS table
        status = __ffcrtb(FPTR(m_fitsfile), m_type, m_rows, tfields, ttype, tform,
                          tunit, NULL, &status);
        if (status != 0)
            throw GException::fits_error(G_DATA_SAVE, status);

        // De-allocate column definition arrays
        if (m_cols > 0) {
            for (int i = 0; i < m_cols; ++i) {
                if (ttype[i] != NULL) delete [] ttype[i];
                if (tform[i] != NULL) delete [] tform[i];
                if (tunit[i] != NULL) delete [] tunit[i];
            if (ttype != NULL) delete [] ttype;
            if (ttype != NULL) delete [] tform;
            if (ttype != NULL) delete [] tunit;

        // Connect all existing columns to FITS table
        if (m_columns != NULL) {
            for (int i = 0; i < m_cols; ++i) {
                if (m_columns[i] != NULL) {
                    FPTR_COPY(m_columns[i]->m_fitsfile, m_fitsfile);
                    m_columns[i]->m_colnum = i+1;

        // Debug option: Signal table creation
        #if defined(G_DEBUG_SAVE)
        std::cout << "GFitsTable::save: created new table" << std::endl;

    // ... otherwise we signal a FITS error
    else if (status != 0) {
        throw GException::fits_error(G_DATA_SAVE, status);

    // Determine number of columns in table
    int num_cols = 0;
    status = __ffgncl(FPTR(m_fitsfile), &num_cols, &status);
    if (status != 0) {
        throw GException::fits_error(G_DATA_SAVE, status);
    // Debug option: Log number of columns in FITS table
    #if defined(G_DEBUG_SAVE)
    std::cout << "GFitsTable::save: FITS table contains ";
    std::cout << num_cols << " columns." << std::endl;

    // If we have no columns in the table then delete all columns from
    // FITS table
    if (m_columns == NULL && num_cols > 0) {
        for (int i = 0; i < num_cols; ++i) {
            status = __ffdcol(FPTR(m_fitsfile), i, &status);
            if (status != 0) {
                throw GException::fits_error(G_DATA_SAVE, status);

    // ... otherwise update the FITS table
    else {

        // Determine number of rows in table
        long num_rows = 0;
        status        = __ffgnrw(FPTR(m_fitsfile), &num_rows, &status);
        if (status != 0) {
            throw GException::fits_error(G_DATA_SAVE, status);

        // Debug option: Log number of rows in FITS table
        #if defined(G_DEBUG_SAVE)
        std::cout << "GFitsTable::save: FITS table contains ";
        std::cout << num_rows << " rows." << std::endl;

        // If the table length differs from number of rows in the FITS file
        // then readjust FITS table length. We do this by adding or
        // deleting rows at the end of the table as we anyways rewrite the
        // entire table later
        if (m_rows > num_rows) {
            // Insert rows at the end of the table
            long long firstrow = num_rows;
            long long nrows    = m_rows - num_rows;
            status = __ffirow(FPTR(m_fitsfile), firstrow, nrows, &status);
            if (status != 0) {
                throw GException::fits_error(G_DATA_SAVE, status);
            // Debug option: Log row adding
            #if defined(G_DEBUG_SAVE)
            std::cout << "GFitsTable::save: Added " << nrows;
            std::cout << " rows to FITS table." << std::endl;
        else if (m_rows < num_rows) {

            // Delete rows at the end of the table
            long long firstrow = num_rows;
            long long nrows    = num_rows - m_rows;
            status = __ffdrow(FPTR(m_fitsfile), firstrow, nrows, &status);
            if (status != 0) {
                throw GException::fits_error(G_DATA_SAVE, status);
            // Debug option: Log row adding
            #if defined(G_DEBUG_SAVE)
            std::cout << "GFitsTable::save: Deleted " << nrows;
            std::cout << " rows from FITS table." << std::endl;
        // Update all columns. The 'm_colnum' field specifies where in the
        // FITS file the column resides. If 'm_colnum=0' then we have a new
        // column that does not yet exist. In this case we append a new column
        // to the FITS file.
        for (int i = 0; i < m_cols; ++i) {

            // Only consider valid columns
            if (m_columns[i] != NULL) {

                // If column has no correspondance than add new column in
                // FITS table and link column to table.
                if (m_columns[i]->m_colnum == 0) {

                    // Increment number of columns in FITS file

                    // Append column to FITS file
                    status = __fficol(FPTR(m_fitsfile), num_cols, get_ttype(i),
                                      get_tform(i), &status);
                    if (status != 0) {
                        throw GException::fits_error(G_DATA_SAVE, status);

                    // Connect all column to FITS table by copying over the
                    // FITS file pointer.
                    FPTR_COPY(m_columns[i]->m_fitsfile, m_fitsfile);
                    m_columns[i]->m_colnum = num_cols;

                } // endif: column appended to FITS file

                // Now write column into FITS file (only if length is positive)
                if (m_columns[i]->length() > 0) {

            } // endif: column was valid
        } // endfor: looped over all table columns

        // Delete all unused columns from FITS file. We do this from last to
        // first so that the column numbers remain valid. Also note that
        // FITS column counting starts from 1.
        for (int colnum = num_cols; colnum > 0; --colnum) {

            // Get column name from FITS file
            char keyname[10];
            char value[80];
            sprintf(keyname, "TTYPE%d", colnum);
            status = __ffgkey(FPTR(m_fitsfile), keyname, value, NULL, &status);
            if (status != 0) {
                throw GException::fits_error(G_DATA_SAVE, status);
            value[strlen(value)-1] = '\0';
            std::string colname = strip_whitespace(&(value[1]));
            // Check if this column is actually in our list of columns
            bool used = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < m_cols; ++i) {
                if (m_columns[i]           != NULL &&
                    m_columns[i]->length() > 0 &&
                    m_columns[i]->name()   == colname) {
                    used = true;

            // If column is not used then delete it now from FITS table
            if (!used) {

                // Delete column
                status = __ffdcol(FPTR(m_fitsfile), colnum, &status);
                if (status != 0) {
                    throw GException::fits_error(G_DATA_SAVE, status);

                // Debug option: Log column deletion
                #if defined(G_DEBUG_SAVE)
                std::cout << "GFitsTable::save: Deleted obsolete column ";
                std::cout << value << " from FITS table." << std::endl;
            } // endif: deleted column

        } // endfor: Looped over all FITS columns

    } // endelse: FITS table has been updated

    // Now update the header for all columns (unit and TDIM information)
    for (int i = 0; i < m_cols; ++i) {

        // Only consider valid columns
        if (m_columns[i] != NULL) {

            // Get column number
            int colnum = m_columns[i]->m_colnum;

            // Update column units if available
            if (m_columns[i]->unit().length() > 0) {

                // Build keyname
                std::string keyname = "TUNIT"+str(colnum);

                // Update header card
                card(keyname, m_columns[i]->unit(), "physical unit of field");

            // Write TDIM keyword if available
            if (m_columns[i]->dim().size() > 0) {
                // Build keyname
                std::string keyname = "TDIM"+str(colnum);
                // Build value string
                std::string value = "("+str(m_columns[i]->dim()[0]);
                for (int k = 1; k < m_columns[i]->dim().size(); ++k) {
                    value += ","+str(m_columns[i]->dim()[k]);
                value += ")";
                // Update header card
                card(keyname, value, "dimensions of field");
            } // endif: wrote TDIM keyword

        } // endif: column was valid

    } // endfor: looped over all columns

    // Debug definition: Dump method exit
    #if defined(G_DEBUG_SAVE)
    std::cout << "GFitsTable::save: exit" << std::endl;

    // Return
Exemplo n.º 18
 * @brief Open Table
 * @param[in] vptr FITS file pointer.
 * @exception GException::fits_hdu_not_found
 *            Specified HDU not found in FITS file.
 * @exception GException::fits_error
 *            A CFITSIO error occured during loading the table.
 * @exception GException::fits_unknown_coltype
 *            FITS column of unsupported type has been found in the FITS file.
 * @exception GException::fits_inconsistent_tdim
 *            The TDIM information provided in the header is inconsistent
 *            with the size of the column.
 * This method loads a description of the table into memory. Column data are
 * not loaded at this point to save memory. They will be loaded on request
 * later. 
void GFitsTable::data_open(void* vptr)
    // Move to HDU
    int status = 0;
    status     = __ffmahd(FPTR(vptr), (FPTR(vptr)->HDUposition)+1, NULL, &status);
    if (status != 0)
        throw GException::fits_hdu_not_found(G_DATA_OPEN, (FPTR(vptr)->HDUposition)+1,

    // Save FITS file pointer
    FPTR_COPY(m_fitsfile, vptr);

    // Determine number of rows in table
    long nrows  = 0;
    status      = __ffgnrw(FPTR(m_fitsfile), &nrows, &status);
    if (status != 0)
        throw GException::fits_error(G_DATA_OPEN, status);
        m_rows = (int)nrows;

    // Determine number of columns in table
    status = __ffgncl(FPTR(m_fitsfile), &m_cols, &status);
    if (status != 0)
        throw GException::fits_error(G_DATA_OPEN, status);

    // Allocate and initialise memory for column pointers. Note that this
    // initialisation is needed to allow for a clean free_members() call
    // in case of any exception.
    if (m_columns != NULL) delete [] m_columns;
    m_columns = new GFitsTableCol*[m_cols];
    for (int i = 0; i < m_cols; ++i)
        m_columns[i] = NULL;

    // Get table column information
    int  typecode = 0;
    long repeat   = 0;
    long width    = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < m_cols; ++i) {

        // Get column name
        char keyname[10];
        char value[80];
        sprintf(keyname, "TTYPE%d", i+1);
        status = __ffgkey(FPTR(m_fitsfile), keyname, value, NULL, &status);
        if (status != 0)
            throw GException::fits_error(G_DATA_OPEN, status);
        value[strlen(value)-1] = '\0';

        // Get column definition
        status = __ffgtcl(FPTR(m_fitsfile), i+1, &typecode, &repeat, &width,
        if (status != 0)
            throw GException::fits_error(G_DATA_OPEN, status);

        // Check for unsigned columns
        unsigned long offset = 0;
        sprintf(keyname, "TZERO%d", i+1);
        status = __ffgky(FPTR(m_fitsfile), __TULONG, keyname, &offset, NULL, &status);
        if (status == 0) {
            if (typecode == __TSHORT && offset == 32768u)
                typecode = __TUSHORT;
            else if (typecode == __TLONG && offset == 2147483648u)
                typecode = __TULONG;
            else if (typecode == __TINT && offset == 2147483648u)
                typecode = __TUINT;
            else {
                std::ostringstream message;
                message << ", but column " << value << " has typecode " << typecode
                        << " and unexpected associated TZERO=" << offset << ".";
                throw GException::fits_error(G_DATA_OPEN, 0, message.str());
            status = 0;

        // Get column unit (optional, leave blank if not found)
        char unit[80];
        sprintf(keyname, "TUNIT%d", i+1);
        status = __ffgkey(FPTR(m_fitsfile), keyname, unit, NULL, &status);
        if (status != 0) {
            status = 0;
            unit[0] = '\0';
            unit[1] = '\0';
            unit[strlen(unit)-1] = '\0';

        // Get column dimension (optional, leave blank if not found)
        char dim[80];
        sprintf(keyname, "TDIM%d", i+1);
        status = __ffgkey(FPTR(m_fitsfile), keyname, dim, NULL, &status);
        if (status != 0) {
            status = 0;
            dim[0] = '\0';
            dim[1] = '\0';
        else {
            dim[strlen(dim)-1] = '\0';
        // If found, extract column dimension into vector array of integers
        std::vector<int> vdim;
        std::string      sdim = strip_chars(strip_whitespace(&(dim[1])),"()");
        if (sdim.length() > 0) {
            std::vector<std::string> elements = split(sdim, ",");
            for (int k = 0; k < elements.size(); ++k) {

        // Allocate column
        m_columns[i] = alloc_column(typecode);
        if (m_columns[i] == NULL) {
            std::ostringstream colname;
            colname << value;
            throw GException::fits_unknown_coltype(G_DATA_OPEN, colname.str(), typecode);

        // Store column definition
        m_columns[i]->m_colnum = i+1;
        m_columns[i]->m_type   = typecode;
        m_columns[i]->m_repeat = repeat;
        m_columns[i]->m_width  = width;
        m_columns[i]->m_length = m_rows;

        // Extract column vector size
        if (m_columns[i]->m_repeat == 1) { // ASCII tables
            m_columns[i]->m_number = 1;
        else {                             // Binary tables
            if (typecode == __TSTRING) {
                m_columns[i]->m_number = m_columns[i]->m_repeat /
            else {
                m_columns[i]->m_number = m_columns[i]->m_repeat;
        // If TDIM information was set then check its consistency
        if (!vdim.empty()) {
            // Compute expectation
            int num = vdim[0];
            for (int k = 1; k < vdim.size(); ++k) {
                num *= vdim[k];
            // Compare with real size
            if (num != m_columns[i]->m_number) {
                throw GException::fits_inconsistent_tdim(G_DATA_OPEN,
        } // endif: Valid TDIM information was found

    } // endfor: looped over all columns

    // Return
Exemplo n.º 19
static void
invoke_callback(JNIEnv* env, callback *cb, ffi_cif* cif, void *resp, void **cbargs) {
  jobject self;
  void *oldresp = resp;

  self = (*env)->NewLocalRef(env, cb->object);
  // Avoid calling back to a GC'd object
  if ((*env)->IsSameObject(env, self, NULL)) {
    fprintf(stderr, "JNA: callback object has been garbage collected\n");
    if (cif->rtype->type != FFI_TYPE_VOID) {
      memset(resp, 0, cif->rtype->size); 
  else if (cb->direct) {
    unsigned int i;
    void **args = alloca((cif->nargs + 3) * sizeof(void *));
    args[0] = (void *)&env;
    args[1] = &self;
    args[2] = &cb->methodID;
    memcpy(&args[3], cbargs, cif->nargs * sizeof(void *));

    // Note that there is no support for CVT_TYPE_MAPPER here
    if (cb->conversion_flags) {
      for (i=0;i < cif->nargs;i++) {
        switch(cb->conversion_flags[i]) {
        case CVT_INTEGER_TYPE:
        case CVT_POINTER_TYPE:
        case CVT_NATIVE_MAPPED:
	  // Make sure we have space enough for the new argument
	  args[i+3] = alloca(sizeof(void *));
	  *((void **)args[i+3]) = fromNativeCallbackParam(env, cb->arg_classes[i], cif->arg_types[i], cbargs[i], JNI_FALSE, cb->encoding);
        case CVT_POINTER:
          *((void **)args[i+3]) = newJavaPointer(env, *(void **)cbargs[i]);
        case CVT_STRING:
          *((void **)args[i+3]) = newJavaString(env, *(void **)cbargs[i], cb->encoding);
        case CVT_WSTRING:
          *((void **)args[i+3]) = newJavaWString(env, *(void **)cbargs[i]);
        case CVT_STRUCTURE:
          *((void **)args[i+3]) = newJavaStructure(env, *(void **)cbargs[i], cb->arg_classes[i]);
	  args[i+3] = alloca(sizeof(void *));
	  *((void **)args[i+3]) = newJavaStructure(env, cbargs[i], cb->arg_classes[i]);
        case CVT_CALLBACK:
          *((void **)args[i+3]) = newJavaCallback(env, *(void **)cbargs[i], cb->arg_classes[i]);
        case CVT_FLOAT:
	  args[i+3] = alloca(sizeof(double));
	  *((double *)args[i+3]) = *(float*)cbargs[i];
        case CVT_DEFAULT:
          fprintf(stderr, "JNA: Unhandled arg conversion type %d\n", cb->conversion_flags[i]);

    if (cb->rflag == CVT_STRUCTURE_BYVAL) {
      resp = alloca(sizeof(jobject));
    else if (cb->cif.rtype->size > cif->rtype->size) {
      resp = alloca(cb->cif.rtype->size);
#define FPTR(ENV,OFFSET) (*(void **)((char *)(*(ENV)) + OFFSET))
#define JNI_FN(X) ((void (*)(void))(X))
    ffi_call(&cb->java_cif, JNI_FN(FPTR(env, cb->fptr_offset)), resp, args);
    if ((*env)->ExceptionCheck(env)) {
      jthrowable throwable = (*env)->ExceptionOccurred(env);
      if (!handle_exception(env, self, throwable)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "JNA: error handling callback exception, continuing\n");
      if (cif->rtype->type != FFI_TYPE_VOID) {
        memset(oldresp, 0, cif->rtype->size);
    else switch(cb->rflag) {
      if (cb->cif.rtype->size > sizeof(ffi_arg)) {
        *(jlong *)oldresp = getIntegerTypeValue(env, *(void **)resp);
      else {
        *(ffi_arg *)oldresp = (ffi_arg)getIntegerTypeValue(env, *(void **)resp);
      *(void **)resp = getPointerTypeAddress(env, *(void **)resp);
      toNative(env, *(void **)resp, oldresp, cb->cif.rtype->size, JNI_TRUE, cb->encoding);
      // TODO: getNativeString rather than allocated memory
      fprintf(stderr, "JNA: Likely memory leak here\n");
      toNative(env, *(void **)resp, oldresp, cb->cif.rtype->size, JNI_TRUE, cb->encoding);
    case CVT_POINTER:
      *(void **)resp = getNativeAddress(env, *(void **)resp);
    case CVT_STRING: 
      *(void **)resp = getNativeString(env, *(void **)resp, JNI_FALSE);
    case CVT_WSTRING: 
      *(void **)resp = getNativeString(env, *(void **)resp, JNI_TRUE);
      writeStructure(env, *(void **)resp);
      *(void **)resp = getStructureAddress(env, *(void **)resp);
      writeStructure(env, *(void **)resp);
      memcpy(oldresp, getStructureAddress(env, *(void **)resp), cb->cif.rtype->size);
    case CVT_CALLBACK: 
      *(void **)resp = getCallbackAddress(env, *(void **)resp);
    case CVT_DEFAULT:
      fprintf(stderr, "JNA: Unhandled result conversion: %d\n", cb->rflag);
    if (cb->conversion_flags) {
      for (i=0;i < cif->nargs;i++) {
        if (cb->conversion_flags[i] == CVT_STRUCTURE) {
          writeStructure(env, *(void **)cbargs[i]);
  else {
    jobject result;
    jobjectArray params =
      (*env)->NewObjectArray(env, cif->nargs, classObject, NULL);
    unsigned int i;

    for (i=0;i < cif->nargs;i++) {
      jobject arg = new_object(env, cb->arg_jtypes[i], cbargs[i], JNI_FALSE, cb->encoding);
      (*env)->SetObjectArrayElement(env, params, i, arg);
    result = (*env)->CallObjectMethod(env, self, cb->methodID, params);
    if ((*env)->ExceptionCheck(env)) {
      jthrowable throwable = (*env)->ExceptionOccurred(env);
      if (!handle_exception(env, self, throwable)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "JNA: error while handling callback exception, continuing\n");
      if (cif->rtype->type != FFI_TYPE_VOID)
        memset(resp, 0, cif->rtype->size);
    else {
      extract_value(env, result, resp, cif->rtype->size, JNI_TRUE, cb->encoding);
Exemplo n.º 20
void *osd_malloc(size_t size)
    return malloc(size);
    // add in space for the size and offset
    size += MAX_ALIGNMENT + sizeof(size_t) + 2;
    size &= ~size_t(1);

    // basic objects just come from the heap
    UINT8 *const block = reinterpret_cast<UINT8 *>(HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, size));
    if (block == NULL)
        return NULL;
    UINT8 *const result = reinterpret_cast<UINT8 *>(reinterpret_cast<FPTR>(block + sizeof(size_t) + MAX_ALIGNMENT) & ~(FPTR(MAX_ALIGNMENT) - 1));

    // store the size and return and pointer to the data afterward
    *reinterpret_cast<size_t *>(block) = size;
    *(result - 1) = result - block;
    return result;