int main(int argc, char **argv) { /* used to read sizes*/ BMPdata bmpData = {0}; unsigned int bytesread = 0; int j=0; printf("Starting monochrome bitmap analyzer...\r\n"); if ( argc < 2) { printf( "No arguments given! Please provide bmp file name\r\n"); return 0; } printf("Opening %s\r\n", argv[1]); FILE* bmp = fopen(argv[1],"r"); if(bmp==0) { printf("Could not open file!\r\n"); return 0; } /* seek over BM */ FSEEK_ERROR(bmp, 2, "File does not start with BM"); FREAD_ERROR((void*)&bmpData.filesize,sizeof(unsigned int),1,bmp,"File does not have size"); /* seek over app specific */ FSEEK_ERROR(bmp, 4, "No app specific bytes"); FREAD_ERROR((void*)&bmpData.offset,sizeof(unsigned int),1,bmp,"File does not have pixel offset"); FSEEK_ERROR(bmp, 4, "No app dib header"); FREAD_ERROR((void*)&bmpData.width,sizeof(int),1,bmp,"File does not have width"); FREAD_ERROR((void*)&bmpData.height,sizeof(int),1,bmp,"File does not have height"); FREAD_ERROR((void*)&bmpData.colorplane,sizeof(short),1,bmp,"File does not have colorplane"); FREAD_ERROR((void*)&bmpData.bitsPerPixel,sizeof(short),1,bmp,"File does not have bits per pixel"); FREAD_ERROR((void*)&bmpData.compression,sizeof(unsigned int),1,bmp,"File does not have compression field"); FREAD_ERROR((void*)&bmpData.pixelSize,sizeof(unsigned int),1,bmp,"File does not have pixelsize"); FREAD_ERROR((void*)&bmpData.dpihor,sizeof(unsigned int),1,bmp,"File does not have dpi hor"); FREAD_ERROR((void*)&bmpData.dpiver,sizeof(unsigned int),1,bmp,"File does not have dpi ver"); FREAD_ERROR((void*)&bmpData.colorsInPallete,sizeof(unsigned int),1,bmp,"File does not have # colours in pallete"); FREAD_ERROR((void*)&bmpData.ImportantColors,sizeof(unsigned int),1,bmp,"File does not have important colours"); printf("Filesize: %d bytes \r\n", bmpData.filesize); printf("Pixeldata starts at: %d %X\r\n", bmpData.offset, bmpData.offset); printf("Width: %d\r\n", bmpData.width); printf("Height: %d\r\n", bmpData.height); printf("Colorplane: %d\r\n", bmpData.colorplane); printf("Bits Per Pixel: %d\r\n", bmpData.bitsPerPixel); printf("Compression: %d\r\n", bmpData.compression); printf("Pixel size: %d bytes %X\r\n", bmpData.pixelSize, bmpData.pixelSize); printf("DPI horizontal: %u %X\r\n", bmpData.dpihor,bmpData.dpihor); printf("DPI vertical: %u %X\r\n", bmpData.dpiver,bmpData.dpiver); printf("Number of colors: %d\r\n", bmpData.colorsInPallete); printf("Important colors: %d\r\n", bmpData.ImportantColors); printf("Header Bytes Read: %d\r\n", bytesread); if(bmpData.bitsPerPixel != 1) { printf("WARNING: Image is not a monochrome image! Will try to continue...\r\n"); } if(bmpData.compression != 0) { printf("WARNING: Image has compression! Will try to continue...\r\n"); } if(bytesread<bmpData.offset) { printf("Seeking %d bytes to pixeldata...\r\n",(bmpData.offset-bytesread)); FSEEK_ERROR(bmp, (bmpData.offset-bytesread), "No pixeldata found"); } else if(bytesread>bmpData.offset) { printf("WARNING: Image header too small! Will try to continue...\r\n"); } /* get number of bytes we need from each row */ int widthPixBytes = bmpData.width/8 + ((bmpData.width%8)?1:0); printf("Each row has %d bytes of pixeldata\r\n", widthPixBytes); /* get number of bytes for each row with padding */ int totalWidth = widthPixBytes + ((widthPixBytes%4)?(4-(widthPixBytes%4)):0); printf("Each row with padding is %d bytes\r\n", totalWidth); /* since bmp is upside down malloc memory to fill array upside down */ char* pixelBuff = malloc(widthPixBytes*bmpData.height); if(pixelBuff == NULL) { printf("Error: Could not allocate memory for pixel buffer!"); return 0; } /* address the pointer to the last row */ char* rowPointer = pixelBuff+(widthPixBytes*(bmpData.height-1)); int pixelByte; int columnoffset = 0; int pixelBytesRead = 0; while(((pixelByte = fgetc(bmp)) != EOF) && pixelBytesRead<(totalWidth*bmpData.height)) { pixelBytesRead++; columnoffset++; if(columnoffset<=widthPixBytes) { rowPointer[columnoffset-1] = pixelByte; } if(columnoffset>=totalWidth) { /* move pointer to next row*/ rowPointer -= (widthPixBytes); columnoffset=0; } } /* Draw the image on the screen and generate the output file */ FILE* outputFile = NULL; if ( argc < 3) { printf( "No output arguments given! will not generate output file\r\n"); } else { outputFile = fopen(argv[2],"w"); if(outputFile==NULL) { printf("ERROR: Could not open output file for writing!\r\n"); } else { fprintf(outputFile,"/* Image data for %s %dx%d */\r\n", argv[1], bmpData.width, bmpData.height); fprintf(outputFile,"/* Generated by MonochromeBMP2Array */\r\n"); fprintf(outputFile,"/* Source code available at */\r\n"); fprintf(outputFile,"/*\r\n"); } } unsigned char pixelByteDraw; columnoffset=0; pixelBytesRead=0; /* Draw the image on screen and to the file */ if(bmpData.width<200) { do { pixelByteDraw = *(pixelBuff+pixelBytesRead); if(columnoffset<widthPixBytes) { for(j=1;j<=8;j++) { if(pixelByteDraw&(1<<(8-j))) { printf("*"); if(outputFile!=NULL) { fprintf(outputFile,"*"); } } else { printf(" "); if(outputFile!=NULL) { fprintf(outputFile," "); } } } } pixelBytesRead++; columnoffset++; if(columnoffset==widthPixBytes) { if(outputFile!=NULL) { fprintf(outputFile,"\r\n"); } columnoffset=0; printf("\r\n"); } } while (pixelBytesRead<widthPixBytes*bmpData.height); } else { printf("Image is wider than 200px and is therefore not drawn!\r\n"); if(outputFile!=NULL) { fprintf(outputFile,"\r\nImage is wider than 200px and is therefore not drawn!\r\n"); } } if(outputFile!=NULL) { fprintf(outputFile,"*/\r\n"); } columnoffset=0; pixelBytesRead=0; /* Generate the array and data to file */ if(outputFile!=NULL) { fprintf(outputFile,"\r\n/* Image data */\r\n"); fprintf(outputFile,"unsigned int ImgWidthBytes = %d;\r\n", widthPixBytes); fprintf(outputFile,"unsigned int ImgWidthPixels = %d;\r\n", bmpData.width); fprintf(outputFile,"unsigned int ImgHeightPixels = %d;\r\n", bmpData.height); fprintf(outputFile,"unsigned int ImgTotalBytes = %d;\r\n\r\n", widthPixBytes*bmpData.height); fprintf(outputFile,"const char ImgArray[] = {\r\n"); } do { pixelByteDraw = *(pixelBuff+pixelBytesRead); if(columnoffset<widthPixBytes) { if(outputFile!=NULL) { fprintf(outputFile,"0x%02X,", pixelByteDraw); } } pixelBytesRead++; columnoffset++; if(columnoffset==widthPixBytes) { if(outputFile!=NULL && pixelBytesRead<widthPixBytes*bmpData.height) { fprintf(outputFile,"\r\n"); } columnoffset=0; } printf("\rProgress: %3d %%", pixelBytesRead*100/(widthPixBytes*bmpData.height)); } while (pixelBytesRead<widthPixBytes*bmpData.height); if(outputFile!=NULL) { fprintf(outputFile,"\r\n};\r\n\r\n"); } /* Free the allocated buffer */ free(pixelBuff); printf("\r\nFile written to %s.\r\n", argv[2]); printf("All done\r\n"); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { FILE *lfile=NULL, *infile ; int wantline, currline, furthest, c ; size_t maxlinelength=0, maxnlines ; long *linepos ; char *line=NULL ; /* getline automatically mallocs and reallocs it */ while((c = getopt(argc, argv, "f:")) != -1) { switch(c) { case 'f': lfile = fopen(optarg, "r") ; break ; case '?': usage() ; } } if(lfile == NULL) usage() ; maxnlines = 1e3 ; linepos = (long *) malloc(maxnlines * sizeof(long)) ; for(c = 0 ; c < maxnlines ; c++) linepos[c] = -9 ; infile = stdin ; // NB can't use fseek with a pipe! See FSEEK_ERROR above. currline = furthest = 0 ; while( fscanf(lfile, "%d", &wantline) == 1) { /* Each time this loop is entered we have a new wantline, and the task is to find it and print it */ wantline-- ; // indexing from 1 in shell linepos[currline] = ftell(infile) ; /* First check whether we need to rewind to get to wantline */ if(wantline < currline) { if( fseek(infile, linepos[wantline] - linepos[currline], SEEK_CUR) != 0 ) FSEEK_ERROR() ; if( getline(&line, &maxlinelength, infile) < 0 ) ERROR("Failed to read new line (reached end of file?)") ; printf("%s", line) ; currline = wantline ; continue ; } /* We're either at wantline or it's ahead of us */ if(furthest > currline) { /* If we've already been further than this point, than we can fast-forward. */ if(wantline <= furthest) { /* we've been past it previously, but subsequently did a rewind: fast-forward to it, print it and skip to next wantline */ if( fseek(infile, linepos[wantline] - linepos[currline], SEEK_CUR) != 0 ) FSEEK_ERROR() ; if( getline(&line, &maxlinelength, infile) < 0 ) ERROR("Failed to read new line (reached end of file?)") ; printf("%s", line) ; currline = wantline + 1 ; continue ; } /* Wantline is further than we've been before: fast-forward to our furthest point, then start advancing line-by-line */ if( fseek(infile, linepos[furthest] - linepos[currline], SEEK_CUR) != 0 ) FSEEK_ERROR() ; currline = furthest ; } /* Now we're going beyond where we've been before. So advance line-by-line, storing the positions of the new lines, until we find wantline */ while(wantline > currline) { if( getline(&line, &maxlinelength, infile) < 0 ) ERROR("Failed to read new line (reached end of file?)") ; currline++ ; if(currline > maxnlines) { maxnlines *= 2 ; linepos = realloc(linepos, maxnlines * sizeof(long)) ; } linepos[currline] = ftell(infile) ; } /* We're at wantline */ assert(currline == wantline) ; if( getline(&line, &maxlinelength, infile) < 0) ERROR("Failed to read next line") ; printf("%s", line) ; currline++ ; if(currline > maxnlines) { maxnlines *= 2 ; linepos = realloc(linepos, maxnlines * sizeof(long)) ; } furthest = MAX(furthest, currline) ; } fclose(infile) ; fclose(lfile) ; free(line) ; free(linepos) ; return 0 ; }