Exemplo n.º 1
  static FT_Error
  ft_gzip_file_init( FT_GZipFile  zip,
                     FT_Stream    stream,
                     FT_Stream    source )
    z_stream*  zstream = &zip->zstream;
    FT_Error   error   = Gzip_Err_Ok;

    zip->stream = stream;
    zip->source = source;
    zip->memory = stream->memory;

    zip->limit  = zip->buffer + FT_GZIP_BUFFER_SIZE;
    zip->cursor = zip->limit;
    zip->pos    = 0;

    /* check and skip .gz header */
      stream = source;

      error = ft_gzip_check_header( stream );
      if ( error )
        goto Exit;

      zip->start = FT_STREAM_POS();

    /* initialize zlib -- there is no zlib header in the compressed stream */
    zstream->zalloc = (alloc_func)ft_gzip_alloc;
    zstream->zfree  = (free_func) ft_gzip_free;
    zstream->opaque = stream->memory;

    zstream->avail_in = 0;
    zstream->next_in  = zip->buffer;

    if ( inflateInit2( zstream, -MAX_WBITS ) != Z_OK ||
         zstream->next_in == NULL                     )
      error = Gzip_Err_Invalid_File_Format;

    return error;
Exemplo n.º 2
  static FT_Error
  ft_lzw_file_init( FT_LZWFile  zip,
                    FT_Stream   stream,
                    FT_Stream   source )
    s_zstate_t*  zstream = &zip->zstream;
    FT_Error     error   = LZW_Err_Ok;

    zip->stream = stream;
    zip->source = source;
    zip->memory = stream->memory;

    zip->limit  = zip->buffer + FT_LZW_BUFFER_SIZE;
    zip->cursor = zip->limit;
    zip->pos    = 0;

    /* check and skip .Z header */
      stream = source;

      error = ft_lzw_check_header( source );
      if ( error )
        goto Exit;

      zip->start = FT_STREAM_POS();

    /* initialize internal lzw variable */
    zinit( zstream );

    zstream->avail_in    = 0;
    zstream->next_in     = zip->buffer;
    zstream->zs_in_count = source->size - 2;

    if ( zstream->next_in == NULL )
      error = LZW_Err_Invalid_File_Format;

    return error;
Exemplo n.º 3
  static FT_Error
  load_post_names( TT_Face  face )
    FT_Stream  stream;
    FT_Error   error;
    FT_Fixed   format;
    FT_ULong   post_len;
    FT_ULong   post_limit;

    /* get a stream for the face's resource */
    stream = face->root.stream;

    /* seek to the beginning of the PS names table */
    error = face->goto_table( face, TTAG_post, stream, &post_len );
    if ( error )
      goto Exit;

    post_limit = FT_STREAM_POS() + post_len;

    format = face->postscript.FormatType;

    /* go to beginning of subtable */
    if ( FT_STREAM_SKIP( 32 ) )
      goto Exit;

    /* now read postscript table */
    if ( format == 0x00020000L )
      error = load_format_20( face, stream, post_limit );
    else if ( format == 0x00028000L )
      error = load_format_25( face, stream, post_limit );
      error = FT_THROW( Invalid_File_Format );

    face->postscript_names.loaded = 1;

    return error;
Exemplo n.º 4
  tt_face_load_font_dir( TT_Face    face,
                         FT_Stream  stream )
    SFNT_HeaderRec  sfnt;
    FT_Error        error;
    FT_Memory       memory = stream->memory;
    TT_TableRec*    entry;
    FT_Int          nn;

    static const FT_Frame_Field  offset_table_fields[] =
#define FT_STRUCTURE  SFNT_HeaderRec

      FT_FRAME_START( 8 ),
        FT_FRAME_USHORT( num_tables ),
        FT_FRAME_USHORT( search_range ),
        FT_FRAME_USHORT( entry_selector ),
        FT_FRAME_USHORT( range_shift ),

    FT_TRACE2(( "tt_face_load_font_dir: %08p\n", face ));

    /* read the offset table */

    sfnt.offset = FT_STREAM_POS();

    if ( FT_READ_ULONG( sfnt.format_tag )                    ||
         FT_STREAM_READ_FIELDS( offset_table_fields, &sfnt ) )
      goto Exit;

    /* many fonts don't have these fields set correctly */
#if 0
    if ( sfnt.search_range != 1 << ( sfnt.entry_selector + 4 )        ||
         sfnt.search_range + sfnt.range_shift != sfnt.num_tables << 4 )
      return SFNT_Err_Unknown_File_Format;

    /* load the table directory */

    FT_TRACE2(( "-- Number of tables: %10u\n",    sfnt.num_tables ));
    FT_TRACE2(( "-- Format version:   0x%08lx\n", sfnt.format_tag ));

    /* check first */
    error = check_table_dir( &sfnt, stream );
    if ( error )
      FT_TRACE2(( "tt_face_load_font_dir:"
                  " invalid table directory for TrueType\n" ));

      goto Exit;

    face->num_tables = sfnt.num_tables;
    face->format_tag = sfnt.format_tag;

    if ( FT_QNEW_ARRAY( face->dir_tables, face->num_tables ) )
      goto Exit;

    if ( FT_STREAM_SEEK( sfnt.offset + 12 )       ||
         FT_FRAME_ENTER( face->num_tables * 16L ) )
      goto Exit;

    entry = face->dir_tables;

    for ( nn = 0; nn < sfnt.num_tables; nn++ )
      entry->Tag      = FT_GET_TAG4();
      entry->CheckSum = FT_GET_ULONG();
      entry->Offset   = FT_GET_LONG();
      entry->Length   = FT_GET_LONG();

      /* ignore invalid tables */
      if ( entry->Offset + entry->Length > stream->size )
        FT_TRACE2(( "  %c%c%c%c  -  %08lx  -  %08lx\n",
                    (FT_Char)( entry->Tag >> 24 ),
                    (FT_Char)( entry->Tag >> 16 ),
                    (FT_Char)( entry->Tag >> 8  ),
                    (FT_Char)( entry->Tag       ),
                    entry->Length ));


    FT_TRACE2(( "table directory loaded\n\n" ));

    return error;
Exemplo n.º 5
  static FT_Error
  load_format_20( TT_Face    face,
                  FT_Stream  stream,
                  FT_ULong   post_limit )
    FT_Memory   memory = stream->memory;
    FT_Error    error;

    FT_Int      num_glyphs;
    FT_UShort   num_names;

    FT_UShort*  glyph_indices = NULL;
    FT_Char**   name_strings  = NULL;

    if ( FT_READ_USHORT( num_glyphs ) )
      goto Exit;

    /* UNDOCUMENTED!  The number of glyphs in this table can be smaller */
    /* than the value in the maxp table (cf. cyberbit.ttf).             */

    /* There already exist fonts which have more than 32768 glyph names */
    /* in this table, so the test for this threshold has been dropped.  */

    if ( num_glyphs > face->max_profile.numGlyphs )
      error = FT_THROW( Invalid_File_Format );
      goto Exit;

    /* load the indices */
      FT_Int  n;

      if ( FT_NEW_ARRAY ( glyph_indices, num_glyphs ) ||
           FT_FRAME_ENTER( num_glyphs * 2L )          )
        goto Fail;

      for ( n = 0; n < num_glyphs; n++ )
        glyph_indices[n] = FT_GET_USHORT();


    /* compute number of names stored in table */
      FT_Int  n;

      num_names = 0;

      for ( n = 0; n < num_glyphs; n++ )
        FT_Int  idx;

        idx = glyph_indices[n];
        if ( idx >= 258 )
          idx -= 257;
          if ( idx > num_names )
            num_names = (FT_UShort)idx;

    /* now load the name strings */
      FT_UShort  n;

      if ( FT_NEW_ARRAY( name_strings, num_names ) )
        goto Fail;

      for ( n = 0; n < num_names; n++ )
        FT_UInt  len;

        if ( FT_STREAM_POS() >= post_limit )
          FT_TRACE6(( "load_format_20: %d byte left in post table\n",
                      post_limit - FT_STREAM_POS() ));

          if ( FT_READ_BYTE( len ) )
            goto Fail1;

        if ( len > post_limit                   ||
             FT_STREAM_POS() > post_limit - len )
          FT_Int  d = (FT_Int)post_limit - (FT_Int)FT_STREAM_POS();

          FT_ERROR(( "load_format_20:"
                     " exceeding string length (%d),"
                     " truncating at end of post table (%d byte left)\n",
                     len, d ));
          len = (FT_UInt)FT_MAX( 0, d );

        if ( FT_NEW_ARRAY( name_strings[n], len + 1 ) ||
             FT_STREAM_READ( name_strings[n], len   ) )
          goto Fail1;

        name_strings[n][len] = '\0';

      if ( n < num_names )
        FT_ERROR(( "load_format_20:"
                   " all entries in post table are already parsed,"
                   " using NULL names for gid %d - %d\n",
                    n, num_names - 1 ));
        for ( ; n < num_names; n++ )
          if ( FT_NEW_ARRAY( name_strings[n], 1 ) )
            goto Fail1;
            name_strings[n][0] = '\0';

    /* all right, set table fields and exit successfully */
      TT_Post_20  table = &face->postscript_names.names.format_20;

      table->num_glyphs    = (FT_UShort)num_glyphs;
      table->num_names     = (FT_UShort)num_names;
      table->glyph_indices = glyph_indices;
      table->glyph_names   = name_strings;
    return FT_Err_Ok;

      FT_UShort  n;

      for ( n = 0; n < num_names; n++ )
        FT_FREE( name_strings[n] );

    FT_FREE( name_strings );
    FT_FREE( glyph_indices );

    return error;
Exemplo n.º 6
  static FT_Error
  cff_new_index( CFF_Index  idx,
                 FT_Stream  stream,
                 FT_Bool    load )
    FT_Error   error;
    FT_Memory  memory = stream->memory;
    FT_UShort  count;

    FT_MEM_ZERO( idx, sizeof ( *idx ) );

    idx->stream = stream;
    if ( !FT_READ_USHORT( count ) &&
         count > 0                )
      FT_Byte*   p;
      FT_Byte    offsize;
      FT_ULong   data_size;
      FT_ULong*  poff;

      /* there is at least one element; read the offset size,           */
      /* then access the offset table to compute the index's total size */
      if ( FT_READ_BYTE( offsize ) )
        goto Exit;

      idx->stream   = stream;
      idx->count    = count;
      idx->off_size = offsize;
      data_size     = (FT_ULong)( count + 1 ) * offsize;

      if ( FT_NEW_ARRAY( idx->offsets, count + 1 ) ||
           FT_FRAME_ENTER( data_size )             )
        goto Exit;

      poff = idx->offsets;
      p    = (FT_Byte*)stream->cursor;

      for ( ; (FT_Short)count >= 0; count-- )
        poff[0] = cff_get_offset( p, offsize );
        p += offsize;


      idx->data_offset = FT_STREAM_POS();
      data_size        = poff[-1] - 1;

      if ( load )
        /* load the data */
        if ( FT_FRAME_EXTRACT( data_size, idx->bytes ) )
          goto Exit;
        /* skip the data */
        if ( FT_STREAM_SKIP( data_size ) )
          goto Exit;

    if ( error )
      FT_FREE( idx->offsets );

    return error;
Exemplo n.º 7
  static FT_Error
  fnt_face_get_dll_fonts( FNT_Face  face )
    FT_Error         error;
    FT_Stream        stream = FT_FACE( face )->stream;
    FT_Memory        memory = FT_FACE( face )->memory;
    WinMZ_HeaderRec  mz_header;

    face->fonts     = 0;
    face->num_fonts = 0;

    /* does it begin with a MZ header? */
    if ( FT_STREAM_SEEK( 0 )                                 ||
         FT_STREAM_READ_FIELDS( winmz_header_fields, &mz_header ) )
      goto Exit;

    error = FNT_Err_Unknown_File_Format;
    if ( mz_header.magic == WINFNT_MZ_MAGIC )
      /* yes, now look for a NE header in the file */
      WinNE_HeaderRec  ne_header;

      if ( FT_STREAM_SEEK( mz_header.lfanew )                  ||
           FT_STREAM_READ_FIELDS( winne_header_fields, &ne_header ) )
        goto Exit;

      error = FNT_Err_Unknown_File_Format;
      if ( ne_header.magic == WINFNT_NE_MAGIC )
        /* good, now look in the resource table for each FNT resource */
        FT_ULong   res_offset = mz_header.lfanew +

        FT_UShort  size_shift;
        FT_UShort  font_count  = 0;
        FT_ULong   font_offset = 0;

        if ( FT_STREAM_SEEK( res_offset ) ||
             FT_FRAME_ENTER( ne_header.rname_tab_offset -
                             ne_header.resource_tab_offset ) )
          goto Exit;

        size_shift = FT_GET_USHORT_LE();

        for (;;)
          FT_UShort  type_id, count;

          type_id = FT_GET_USHORT_LE();
          if ( !type_id )

          count = FT_GET_USHORT_LE();

          if ( type_id == 0x8008 )
            font_count  = count;
            font_offset = (FT_ULong)( FT_STREAM_POS() + 4 +
                                      ( stream->cursor - stream->limit ) );

          stream->cursor += 4 + count * 12;

        if ( !font_count || !font_offset )
          FT_TRACE2(( "this file doesn't contain any FNT resources!\n" ));
          error = FNT_Err_Unknown_File_Format;
          goto Exit;

        if ( FT_STREAM_SEEK( font_offset )           ||
             FT_NEW_ARRAY( face->fonts, font_count ) )
          goto Exit;

        face->num_fonts = font_count;

        if ( FT_FRAME_ENTER( (FT_Long)font_count * 12 ) )
          goto Exit;

        /* now read the offset and position of each FNT font */
          FNT_Font  cur   = face->fonts;
          FNT_Font  limit = cur + font_count;

          for ( ; cur < limit; cur++ )
            cur->offset     = (FT_ULong)FT_GET_USHORT_LE() << size_shift;
            cur->fnt_size   = (FT_ULong)FT_GET_USHORT_LE() << size_shift;
            cur->size_shift = size_shift;
            stream->cursor += 8;

        /* finally, try to load each font there */
          FNT_Font  cur   = face->fonts;
          FNT_Font  limit = cur + font_count;

          for ( ; cur < limit; cur++ )
            error = fnt_font_load( cur, stream );
            if ( error )
              goto Fail;

    if ( error )
      fnt_face_done_fonts( face );

    return error;
Exemplo n.º 8
  static FT_Error
  cff_index_init( CFF_Index  idx,
                  FT_Stream  stream,
                  FT_Bool    load )
    FT_Error   error;
    FT_Memory  memory = stream->memory;
    FT_UShort  count;

    FT_MEM_ZERO( idx, sizeof ( *idx ) );

    idx->stream = stream;
    idx->start  = FT_STREAM_POS();
    if ( !FT_READ_USHORT( count ) &&
         count > 0                )
      FT_Byte   offsize;
      FT_ULong  size;

      /* there is at least one element; read the offset size,           */
      /* then access the offset table to compute the index's total size */
      if ( FT_READ_BYTE( offsize ) )
        goto Exit;

      if ( offsize < 1 || offsize > 4 )
        error = FT_Err_Invalid_Table;
        goto Exit;

      idx->count    = count;
      idx->off_size = offsize;
      size          = (FT_ULong)( count + 1 ) * offsize;

      idx->data_offset = idx->start + 3 + size;

      if ( FT_STREAM_SKIP( size - offsize ) )
        goto Exit;

      size = cff_index_read_offset( idx, &error );
      if ( error )
        goto Exit;

      if ( size == 0 )
        error = CFF_Err_Invalid_Table;
        goto Exit;

      idx->data_size = --size;

      if ( load )
        /* load the data */
        if ( FT_FRAME_EXTRACT( size, idx->bytes ) )
          goto Exit;
        /* skip the data */
        if ( FT_STREAM_SKIP( size ) )
          goto Exit;

    if ( error )
      FT_FREE( idx->offsets );

    return error;
  T1_Get_Private_Dict( T1_Parser      parser,
                       PSAux_Service  psaux )
    FT_Stream  stream = parser->stream;
    FT_Memory  memory = parser->root.memory;
    FT_Error   error  = FT_Err_Ok;
    FT_ULong   size;

    if ( parser->in_pfb )
      /* in the case of the PFB format, the private dictionary can be  */
      /* made of several segments.  We thus first read the number of   */
      /* segments to compute the total size of the private dictionary  */
      /* then re-read them into memory.                                */
      FT_Long    start_pos = FT_STREAM_POS();
      FT_UShort  tag;

      parser->private_len = 0;
      for (;;)
        error = read_pfb_tag( stream, &tag, &size );
        if ( error )
          goto Fail;

        if ( tag != 0x8002U )

        parser->private_len += size;

        if ( FT_STREAM_SKIP( size ) )
          goto Fail;

      /* Check that we have a private dictionary there */
      /* and allocate private dictionary buffer        */
      if ( parser->private_len == 0 )
        FT_ERROR(( "T1_Get_Private_Dict:"
                   " invalid private dictionary section\n" ));
        error = FT_THROW( Invalid_File_Format );
        goto Fail;

      if ( FT_STREAM_SEEK( start_pos )                           ||
           FT_ALLOC( parser->private_dict, parser->private_len ) )
        goto Fail;

      parser->private_len = 0;
      for (;;)
        error = read_pfb_tag( stream, &tag, &size );
        if ( error || tag != 0x8002U )
          error = FT_Err_Ok;

        if ( FT_STREAM_READ( parser->private_dict + parser->private_len,
                             size ) )
          goto Fail;

        parser->private_len += size;
      /* We have already `loaded' the whole PFA font file into memory; */
      /* if this is a memory resource, allocate a new block to hold    */
      /* the private dict.  Otherwise, simply overwrite into the base  */
      /* dictionary block in the heap.                                 */

      /* first of all, look at the `eexec' keyword */
      FT_Byte*  cur   = parser->base_dict;
      FT_Byte*  limit = cur + parser->base_len;
      FT_Byte   c;

      for (;;)
        c = cur[0];
        if ( c == 'e' && cur + 9 < limit )  /* 9 = 5 letters for `eexec' + */
                                            /* whitespace + 4 chars        */
          if ( cur[1] == 'e' &&
               cur[2] == 'x' &&
               cur[3] == 'e' &&
               cur[4] == 'c' )
        if ( cur >= limit )
          FT_ERROR(( "T1_Get_Private_Dict:"
                     " could not find `eexec' keyword\n" ));
          error = FT_THROW( Invalid_File_Format );
          goto Exit;

      /* check whether `eexec' was real -- it could be in a comment */
      /* or string (as e.g. in u003043t.gsf from ghostscript)       */

      parser->root.cursor = parser->base_dict;
      /* set limit to `eexec' + whitespace + 4 characters */
      parser->root.limit  = cur + 10;

      cur   = parser->root.cursor;
      limit = parser->root.limit;

      while ( cur < limit )
        if ( *cur == 'e' && ft_strncmp( (char*)cur, "eexec", 5 ) == 0 )
          goto Found;

        T1_Skip_PS_Token( parser );
        if ( parser->root.error )
        T1_Skip_Spaces  ( parser );
        cur = parser->root.cursor;

      /* we haven't found the correct `eexec'; go back and continue */
      /* searching                                                  */

      cur   = limit;
      limit = parser->base_dict + parser->base_len;
      goto Again;

      /* now determine where to write the _encrypted_ binary private  */
      /* dictionary.  We overwrite the base dictionary for disk-based */
      /* resources and allocate a new block otherwise                 */

      parser->root.limit = parser->base_dict + parser->base_len;

      T1_Skip_PS_Token( parser );
      cur   = parser->root.cursor;
      limit = parser->root.limit;

      /* according to the Type1 spec, the first cipher byte must not be  */
      /* an ASCII whitespace character code (blank, tab, carriage return */
      /* or line feed).  We have seen Type 1 fonts with two line feed    */
      /* characters...  So skip now all whitespace character codes.      */
      /* SumatraPDF: stop at \r if it's not used for EOL - cf. https://code.google.com/p/sumatrapdf/issues/detail?id=2408 */
      c = !memchr(cur, '\n', limit - cur) || memchr(cur, '\n', limit - cur) > memchr(cur, '\r', limit - cur);
      while ( cur < limit       &&
              ( *cur == ' '  ||
                *cur == '\t' ||
                ( c && *cur == '\r' ) ||
                *cur == '\n' ) )
      if ( cur >= limit )
        FT_ERROR(( "T1_Get_Private_Dict:"
                   " `eexec' not properly terminated\n" ));
        error = FT_THROW( Invalid_File_Format );
        goto Exit;

      size = (FT_ULong)( parser->base_len - ( cur - parser->base_dict ) );

      if ( parser->in_memory )
        /* note that we allocate one more byte to put a terminating `0' */
        if ( FT_ALLOC( parser->private_dict, size + 1 ) )
          goto Fail;
        parser->private_len = size;
        parser->single_block = 1;
        parser->private_dict = parser->base_dict;
        parser->private_len  = size;
        parser->base_dict    = 0;
        parser->base_len     = 0;

      /* now determine whether the private dictionary is encoded in binary */
      /* or hexadecimal ASCII format -- decode it accordingly              */

      /* we need to access the next 4 bytes (after the final whitespace */
      /* following the `eexec' keyword); if they all are hexadecimal    */
      /* digits, then we have a case of ASCII storage                   */

      if ( cur + 3 < limit                                &&
           ft_isxdigit( cur[0] ) && ft_isxdigit( cur[1] ) &&
           ft_isxdigit( cur[2] ) && ft_isxdigit( cur[3] ) )
        /* ASCII hexadecimal encoding */
        FT_Long  len;

        parser->root.cursor = cur;
        (void)psaux->ps_parser_funcs->to_bytes( &parser->root,
                                                0 );
        parser->private_len = len;

        /* put a safeguard */
        parser->private_dict[len] = '\0';
        /* binary encoding -- copy the private dict */
        FT_MEM_MOVE( parser->private_dict, cur, size );

    /* we now decrypt the encoded binary private dictionary */
    psaux->t1_decrypt( parser->private_dict, parser->private_len, 55665U );

    if ( parser->private_len < 4 )
      FT_ERROR(( "T1_Get_Private_Dict:"
                 " invalid private dictionary section\n" ));
      error = FT_THROW( Invalid_File_Format );
      goto Fail;

    /* replace the four random bytes at the beginning with whitespace */
    parser->private_dict[0] = ' ';
    parser->private_dict[1] = ' ';
    parser->private_dict[2] = ' ';
    parser->private_dict[3] = ' ';

    parser->root.base   = parser->private_dict;
    parser->root.cursor = parser->private_dict;
    parser->root.limit  = parser->root.cursor + parser->private_len;

    return error;
Exemplo n.º 10
Arquivo: winfnt.c Projeto: 1tgr/mobius
static FT_Error
fnt_face_get_dll_font( FNT_Face  face,
                       FT_Int    face_index )
    FT_Error         error;
    FT_Stream        stream = FT_FACE( face )->stream;
    FT_Memory        memory = FT_FACE( face )->memory;
    WinMZ_HeaderRec  mz_header;

    face->font = 0;

    /* does it begin with an MZ header? */
    if ( FT_STREAM_SEEK( 0 )                                      ||
            FT_STREAM_READ_FIELDS( winmz_header_fields, &mz_header ) )
        goto Exit;

    error = FNT_Err_Unknown_File_Format;
    if ( mz_header.magic == WINFNT_MZ_MAGIC )
        /* yes, now look for an NE header in the file */
        WinNE_HeaderRec  ne_header;

        if ( FT_STREAM_SEEK( mz_header.lfanew )                       ||
                FT_STREAM_READ_FIELDS( winne_header_fields, &ne_header ) )
            goto Exit;

        error = FNT_Err_Unknown_File_Format;
        if ( ne_header.magic == WINFNT_NE_MAGIC )
            /* good, now look into the resource table for each FNT resource */
            FT_ULong   res_offset  = mz_header.lfanew +
            FT_UShort  size_shift;
            FT_UShort  font_count  = 0;
            FT_ULong   font_offset = 0;

            if ( FT_STREAM_SEEK( res_offset )                    ||
                    FT_FRAME_ENTER( ne_header.rname_tab_offset -
                                    ne_header.resource_tab_offset ) )
                goto Exit;

            size_shift = FT_GET_USHORT_LE();

            for (;;)
                FT_UShort  type_id, count;

                type_id = FT_GET_USHORT_LE();
                if ( !type_id )

                count = FT_GET_USHORT_LE();

                if ( type_id == 0x8008U )
                    font_count  = count;
                    font_offset = (FT_ULong)( FT_STREAM_POS() + 4 +
                                              ( stream->cursor - stream->limit ) );

                stream->cursor += 4 + count * 12;


            if ( !font_count || !font_offset )
                FT_TRACE2(( "this file doesn't contain any FNT resources!\n" ));
                error = FNT_Err_Unknown_File_Format;
                goto Exit;

            face->root.num_faces = font_count;

            if ( face_index >= font_count )
                error = FNT_Err_Bad_Argument;
                goto Exit;

            if ( FT_NEW( face->font ) )
                goto Exit;

            if ( FT_STREAM_SEEK( font_offset + face_index * 12 ) ||
                    FT_FRAME_ENTER( 12 )                            )
                goto Fail;

            face->font->offset     = (FT_ULong)FT_GET_USHORT_LE() << size_shift;
            face->font->fnt_size   = (FT_ULong)FT_GET_USHORT_LE() << size_shift;
            face->font->size_shift = size_shift;

            stream->cursor += 8;


            error = fnt_font_load( face->font, stream );

    if ( error )
        fnt_font_done( face );

    return error;
Exemplo n.º 11
  /* synthesized into a TTC with one offset table.              */
  static FT_Error
  sfnt_open_font( FT_Stream  stream,
                  TT_Face    face )
    FT_Memory  memory = stream->memory;
    FT_Error   error;
    FT_ULong   tag, offset;

    static const FT_Frame_Field  ttc_header_fields[] =
#define FT_STRUCTURE  TTC_HeaderRec

      FT_FRAME_START( 8 ),
        FT_FRAME_LONG( version ),
        FT_FRAME_LONG( count   ),  /* this is ULong in the specs */

    face->ttc_header.tag     = 0;
    face->ttc_header.version = 0;
    face->ttc_header.count   = 0;

    offset = FT_STREAM_POS();

    if ( FT_READ_ULONG( tag ) )
      return error;

    if ( tag != 0x00010000UL &&
         tag != TTAG_ttcf    &&
         tag != TTAG_OTTO    &&
         tag != TTAG_true    &&
         tag != TTAG_typ1    &&
         tag != 0x00020000UL )
      FT_TRACE2(( "  not a font using the SFNT container format\n" ));
      return FT_THROW( Unknown_File_Format );

    face->ttc_header.tag = TTAG_ttcf;

    if ( tag == TTAG_ttcf )
      FT_Int  n;

      FT_TRACE3(( "sfnt_open_font: file is a collection\n" ));

      if ( FT_STREAM_READ_FIELDS( ttc_header_fields, &face->ttc_header ) )
        return error;

      if ( face->ttc_header.count == 0 )
        return FT_THROW( Invalid_Table );

      /* a rough size estimate: let's conservatively assume that there   */
      /* is just a single table info in each subfont header (12 + 16*1 = */
      /* 28 bytes), thus we have (at least) `12 + 4*count' bytes for the */
      /* size of the TTC header plus `28*count' bytes for all subfont    */
      /* headers                                                         */
      if ( (FT_ULong)face->ttc_header.count > stream->size / ( 28 + 4 ) )
        return FT_THROW( Array_Too_Large );

      /* now read the offsets of each font in the file */
      if ( FT_NEW_ARRAY( face->ttc_header.offsets, face->ttc_header.count ) )
        return error;

      if ( FT_FRAME_ENTER( face->ttc_header.count * 4L ) )
        return error;

      for ( n = 0; n < face->ttc_header.count; n++ )
        face->ttc_header.offsets[n] = FT_GET_ULONG();

      FT_TRACE3(( "sfnt_open_font: synthesize TTC\n" ));

      face->ttc_header.version = 1 << 16;
      face->ttc_header.count   = 1;

      if ( FT_NEW( face->ttc_header.offsets ) )
        return error;

      face->ttc_header.offsets[0] = offset;

    return error;
Exemplo n.º 12
  cid_parser_new( CID_Parser*    parser,
                  FT_Stream      stream,
                  FT_Memory      memory,
                  PSAux_Service  psaux )
    FT_Error  error;
    FT_ULong  base_offset, offset, ps_len;
    FT_Byte   buffer[256 + 10];
    FT_Int    buff_len;
    FT_Byte   *cur, *limit;
    FT_Byte   *arg1, *arg2;

    FT_MEM_ZERO( parser, sizeof ( *parser ) );
    psaux->ps_parser_funcs->init( &parser->root, 0, 0, memory );

    parser->stream = stream;

    base_offset = FT_STREAM_POS();

    /* first of all, check the font format in the header */
    if ( FT_FRAME_ENTER( 31 ) )
      goto Exit;

    if ( ft_strncmp( (char *)stream->cursor,
                     "%!PS-Adobe-3.0 Resource-CIDFont", 31 ) )
      FT_TRACE2(( "[not a valid CID-keyed font]\n" ));
      error = CID_Err_Unknown_File_Format;

    if ( error )
      goto Exit;

    /* now, read the rest of the file until we find a `StartData' */
    buff_len = 256;
    for (;;)
      FT_Byte*  p;
      FT_ULong  top_position;

      /* fill input buffer */
      limit     = buffer + 256;
      buff_len -= 256;
      if ( buff_len > 0 )
        FT_MEM_MOVE( buffer, limit, buff_len );

      p = buffer + buff_len;

      if ( FT_STREAM_READ( p, 256 + 10 - buff_len ) )
        goto Exit;

      top_position = FT_STREAM_POS() - buff_len;
      buff_len     = 256 + 10;

      /* look for `StartData' */
      for ( p = buffer; p < limit; p++ )
        if ( p[0] == 'S' && ft_strncmp( (char*)p, "StartData", 9 ) == 0 )
          /* save offset of binary data after `StartData' */
          offset = (FT_ULong)( top_position - ( limit - p ) + 10 );
          goto Found;

    /* we have found the start of the binary data.  We will now     */
    /* rewind and extract the frame corresponding to the PostScript */
    /* section                                                      */

    ps_len = offset - base_offset;
    if ( FT_STREAM_SEEK( base_offset )                  ||
         FT_FRAME_EXTRACT( ps_len, parser->postscript ) )
      goto Exit;

    parser->data_offset    = offset;
    parser->postscript_len = ps_len;
    parser->root.base      = parser->postscript;
    parser->root.cursor    = parser->postscript;
    parser->root.limit     = parser->root.cursor + ps_len;
    parser->num_dict       = -1;

    /* Finally, we check whether `StartData' was real -- it could be  */
    /* in a comment or string.  We also get its arguments to find out */
    /* whether the data is represented in binary or hex format.       */

    arg1 = parser->root.cursor;
    cid_parser_skip_PS_token( parser );
    cid_parser_skip_spaces  ( parser );
    arg2 = parser->root.cursor;
    cid_parser_skip_PS_token( parser );
    cid_parser_skip_spaces  ( parser );

    limit = parser->root.limit;
    cur   = parser->root.cursor;

    while ( cur < limit )
      if ( parser->root.error )

      if ( *cur == 'S' && ft_strncmp( (char*)cur, "StartData", 9 ) == 0 )
        if ( ft_strncmp( (char*)arg1, "(Hex)", 5 ) == 0 )
          parser->binary_length = ft_atol( (const char *)arg2 );

        limit = parser->root.limit;
        cur   = parser->root.cursor;
        goto Exit;

      cid_parser_skip_PS_token( parser );
      cid_parser_skip_spaces  ( parser );
      arg1 = arg2;
      arg2 = cur;
      cur  = parser->root.cursor;

    /* we haven't found the correct `StartData'; go back and continue */
    /* searching                                                      */
    FT_FRAME_RELEASE( parser->postscript );
    if ( !FT_STREAM_SEEK( offset ) )
      goto Again;

    return error;
Exemplo n.º 13
cid_parser_new( CID_Parser*    parser,
                FT_Stream      stream,
                FT_Memory      memory,
                PSAux_Service  psaux )
    FT_Error  error;
    FT_ULong  base_offset, offset, ps_len;
    FT_Byte   *cur, *limit;
    FT_Byte   *arg1, *arg2;

    FT_MEM_ZERO( parser, sizeof ( *parser ) );
    psaux->ps_parser_funcs->init( &parser->root, 0, 0, memory );

    parser->stream = stream;

    base_offset = FT_STREAM_POS();

    /* first of all, check the font format in the header */
    if ( FT_FRAME_ENTER( 31 ) )
        goto Exit;

    if ( ft_strncmp( (char *)stream->cursor,
                     "%!PS-Adobe-3.0 Resource-CIDFont", 31 ) )
        FT_TRACE2(( "  not a CID-keyed font\n" ));
        error = FT_THROW( Unknown_File_Format );

    if ( error )
        goto Exit;

    /* now, read the rest of the file until we find */
    /* `StartData' or `/sfnts'                      */
        FT_Byte   buffer[256 + 10];
        FT_ULong  read_len = 256 + 10;
        FT_Byte*  p        = buffer;

        for ( offset = FT_STREAM_POS(); ; offset += 256 )
            FT_ULong  stream_len;

            stream_len = stream->size - FT_STREAM_POS();
            if ( stream_len == 0 )
                FT_TRACE2(( "cid_parser_new: no `StartData' keyword found\n" ));
                error = FT_THROW( Invalid_File_Format );
                goto Exit;

            read_len = FT_MIN( read_len, stream_len );
            if ( FT_STREAM_READ( p, read_len ) )
                goto Exit;

            if ( read_len < 256 )
                p[read_len]  = '\0';

            limit = p + read_len - 10;

            for ( p = buffer; p < limit; p++ )
                if ( p[0] == 'S' && ft_strncmp( (char*)p, "StartData", 9 ) == 0 )
                    /* save offset of binary data after `StartData' */
                    offset += (FT_ULong)( p - buffer + 10 );
                    goto Found;
                else if ( p[1] == 's' && ft_strncmp( (char*)p, "/sfnts", 6 ) == 0 )
                    offset += (FT_ULong)( p - buffer + 7 );
                    goto Found;

            FT_MEM_MOVE( buffer, p, 10 );
            read_len = 256;
            p = buffer + 10;

    /* We have found the start of the binary data or the `/sfnts' token. */
    /* Now rewind and extract the frame corresponding to this PostScript */
    /* section.                                                          */

    ps_len = offset - base_offset;
    if ( FT_STREAM_SEEK( base_offset )                  ||
            FT_FRAME_EXTRACT( ps_len, parser->postscript ) )
        goto Exit;

    parser->data_offset    = offset;
    parser->postscript_len = ps_len;
    parser->root.base      = parser->postscript;
    parser->root.cursor    = parser->postscript;
    parser->root.limit     = parser->root.cursor + ps_len;
    parser->num_dict       = -1;

    /* Finally, we check whether `StartData' or `/sfnts' was real --  */
    /* it could be in a comment or string.  We also get the arguments */
    /* of `StartData' to find out whether the data is represented in  */
    /* binary or hex format.                                          */

    arg1 = parser->root.cursor;
    cid_parser_skip_PS_token( parser );
    cid_parser_skip_spaces  ( parser );
    arg2 = parser->root.cursor;
    cid_parser_skip_PS_token( parser );
    cid_parser_skip_spaces  ( parser );

    limit = parser->root.limit;
    cur   = parser->root.cursor;

    while ( cur < limit )
        if ( parser->root.error )
            error = parser->root.error;
            goto Exit;

        if ( cur[0] == 'S' && ft_strncmp( (char*)cur, "StartData", 9 ) == 0 )
            if ( ft_strncmp( (char*)arg1, "(Hex)", 5 ) == 0 )
                FT_Long  tmp = ft_atol( (const char *)arg2 );

                if ( tmp < 0 )
                    FT_ERROR(( "cid_parser_new: invalid length of hex data\n" ));
                    error = FT_THROW( Invalid_File_Format );
                    parser->binary_length = (FT_ULong)tmp;

            goto Exit;
        else if ( cur[1] == 's' && ft_strncmp( (char*)cur, "/sfnts", 6 ) == 0 )
            FT_TRACE2(( "cid_parser_new: cannot handle Type 11 fonts\n" ));
            error = FT_THROW( Unknown_File_Format );
            goto Exit;

        cid_parser_skip_PS_token( parser );
        cid_parser_skip_spaces  ( parser );
        arg1 = arg2;
        arg2 = cur;
        cur  = parser->root.cursor;

    /* we haven't found the correct `StartData'; go back and continue */
    /* searching                                                      */
    FT_FRAME_RELEASE( parser->postscript );
    if ( !FT_STREAM_SEEK( offset ) )
        goto Again;

    return error;
Exemplo n.º 14
  static FT_Error
  woff_open_font( FT_Stream  stream,
                  TT_Face    face )
    FT_Memory       memory = stream->memory;
    FT_Error        error  = FT_Err_Ok;

    WOFF_HeaderRec  woff;
    WOFF_Table      tables  = NULL;
    WOFF_Table*     indices = NULL;

    FT_ULong        woff_offset;

    FT_Byte*        sfnt        = NULL;
    FT_Stream       sfnt_stream = NULL;

    FT_Byte*        sfnt_header;
    FT_ULong        sfnt_offset;

    FT_Int          nn;
    FT_ULong        old_tag = 0;

    static const FT_Frame_Field  woff_header_fields[] =
#define FT_STRUCTURE  WOFF_HeaderRec

      FT_FRAME_START( 44 ),
        FT_FRAME_ULONG ( signature ),
        FT_FRAME_ULONG ( flavor ),
        FT_FRAME_ULONG ( length ),
        FT_FRAME_USHORT( num_tables ),
        FT_FRAME_USHORT( reserved ),
        FT_FRAME_ULONG ( totalSfntSize ),
        FT_FRAME_USHORT( majorVersion ),
        FT_FRAME_USHORT( minorVersion ),
        FT_FRAME_ULONG ( metaOffset ),
        FT_FRAME_ULONG ( metaLength ),
        FT_FRAME_ULONG ( metaOrigLength ),
        FT_FRAME_ULONG ( privOffset ),
        FT_FRAME_ULONG ( privLength ),

    FT_ASSERT( stream == face->root.stream );
    FT_ASSERT( FT_STREAM_POS() == 0 );

    if ( FT_STREAM_READ_FIELDS( woff_header_fields, &woff ) )
      return error;

    /* Make sure we don't recurse back here or hit TTC code. */
    if ( woff.flavor == TTAG_wOFF || woff.flavor == TTAG_ttcf )
      return FT_THROW( Invalid_Table );

    /* Miscellaneous checks. */
    if ( woff.length != stream->size                              ||
         woff.num_tables == 0                                     ||
         44 + woff.num_tables * 20UL >= woff.length               ||
         12 + woff.num_tables * 16UL >= woff.totalSfntSize        ||
         ( woff.totalSfntSize & 3 ) != 0                          ||
         ( woff.metaOffset == 0 && ( woff.metaLength != 0     ||
                                     woff.metaOrigLength != 0 ) ) ||
         ( woff.metaLength != 0 && woff.metaOrigLength == 0 )     ||
         ( woff.privOffset == 0 && woff.privLength != 0 )         )
      return FT_THROW( Invalid_Table );

    if ( FT_ALLOC( sfnt, woff.totalSfntSize ) ||
         FT_NEW( sfnt_stream )                )
      goto Exit;

    sfnt_header = sfnt;

    /* Write sfnt header. */
      FT_UInt  searchRange, entrySelector, rangeShift, x;

      x             = woff.num_tables;
      entrySelector = 0;
      while ( x )
        x            >>= 1;
        entrySelector += 1;

      searchRange = ( 1 << entrySelector ) * 16;
      rangeShift  = woff.num_tables * 16 - searchRange;

      WRITE_ULONG ( sfnt_header, woff.flavor );
      WRITE_USHORT( sfnt_header, woff.num_tables );
      WRITE_USHORT( sfnt_header, searchRange );
      WRITE_USHORT( sfnt_header, entrySelector );
      WRITE_USHORT( sfnt_header, rangeShift );

    /* While the entries in the sfnt header must be sorted by the */
    /* tag value, the tables themselves are not.  We thus have to */
    /* sort them by offset and check that they don't overlap.     */

    if ( FT_NEW_ARRAY( tables, woff.num_tables )  ||
         FT_NEW_ARRAY( indices, woff.num_tables ) )
      goto Exit;

    FT_TRACE2(( "\n"
                "  tag    offset    compLen  origLen  checksum\n"
                "  -------------------------------------------\n" ));

    if ( FT_FRAME_ENTER( 20L * woff.num_tables ) )
      goto Exit;

    for ( nn = 0; nn < woff.num_tables; nn++ )
      WOFF_Table  table = tables + nn;

      table->Tag        = FT_GET_TAG4();
      table->Offset     = FT_GET_ULONG();
      table->CompLength = FT_GET_ULONG();
      table->OrigLength = FT_GET_ULONG();
      table->CheckSum   = FT_GET_ULONG();

      FT_TRACE2(( "  %c%c%c%c  %08lx  %08lx  %08lx  %08lx\n",
                  (FT_Char)( table->Tag >> 24 ),
                  (FT_Char)( table->Tag >> 16 ),
                  (FT_Char)( table->Tag >> 8  ),
                  (FT_Char)( table->Tag       ),
                  table->CheckSum ));

      if ( table->Tag <= old_tag )
        error = FT_THROW( Invalid_Table );
        goto Exit;

      old_tag     = table->Tag;
      indices[nn] = table;


    /* Sort by offset. */

    ft_qsort( indices,
              sizeof ( WOFF_Table ),
              compare_offsets );

    /* Check offsets and lengths. */

    woff_offset = 44 + woff.num_tables * 20L;
    sfnt_offset = 12 + woff.num_tables * 16L;

    for ( nn = 0; nn < woff.num_tables; nn++ )
      WOFF_Table  table = indices[nn];

      if ( table->Offset != woff_offset                         ||
           table->CompLength > woff.length                      ||
           table->Offset > woff.length - table->CompLength      ||
           table->OrigLength > woff.totalSfntSize               ||
           sfnt_offset > woff.totalSfntSize - table->OrigLength ||
           table->CompLength > table->OrigLength                )
        error = FT_THROW( Invalid_Table );
        goto Exit;

      table->OrigOffset = sfnt_offset;

      /* The offsets must be multiples of 4. */
      woff_offset += ( table->CompLength + 3 ) & ~3U;
      sfnt_offset += ( table->OrigLength + 3 ) & ~3U;

     * Final checks!
     * We don't decode and check the metadata block.
     * We don't check table checksums either.
     * But other than those, I think we implement all
     * `MUST' checks from the spec.

    if ( woff.metaOffset )
      if ( woff.metaOffset != woff_offset                  ||
           woff.metaOffset + woff.metaLength > woff.length )
        error = FT_THROW( Invalid_Table );
        goto Exit;

      /* We have padding only ... */
      woff_offset += woff.metaLength;

    if ( woff.privOffset )
      /* ... if it isn't the last block. */
      woff_offset = ( woff_offset + 3 ) & ~3U;

      if ( woff.privOffset != woff_offset                  ||
           woff.privOffset + woff.privLength > woff.length )
        error = FT_THROW( Invalid_Table );
        goto Exit;

      /* No padding for the last block. */
      woff_offset += woff.privLength;

    if ( sfnt_offset != woff.totalSfntSize ||
         woff_offset != woff.length        )
      error = FT_THROW( Invalid_Table );
      goto Exit;

    /* Write the tables. */

    for ( nn = 0; nn < woff.num_tables; nn++ )
      WOFF_Table  table = tables + nn;

      /* Write SFNT table entry. */
      WRITE_ULONG( sfnt_header, table->Tag );
      WRITE_ULONG( sfnt_header, table->CheckSum );
      WRITE_ULONG( sfnt_header, table->OrigOffset );
      WRITE_ULONG( sfnt_header, table->OrigLength );

      /* Write table data. */
      if ( FT_STREAM_SEEK( table->Offset )     ||
           FT_FRAME_ENTER( table->CompLength ) )
        goto Exit;

      if ( table->CompLength == table->OrigLength )
        /* Uncompressed data; just copy. */
        ft_memcpy( sfnt + table->OrigOffset,
                   table->OrigLength );

        /* Uncompress with zlib. */
        FT_ULong  output_len = table->OrigLength;

        error = FT_Gzip_Uncompress( memory,
                                    sfnt + table->OrigOffset, &output_len,
                                    stream->cursor, table->CompLength );
        if ( error )
          goto Exit;
        if ( output_len != table->OrigLength )
          error = FT_THROW( Invalid_Table );
          goto Exit;


        error = FT_THROW( Unimplemented_Feature );
        goto Exit;



      /* We don't check whether the padding bytes in the WOFF file are     */
      /* actually '\0'.  For the output, however, we do set them properly. */
      sfnt_offset = table->OrigOffset + table->OrigLength;
      while ( sfnt_offset & 3 )
        sfnt[sfnt_offset] = '\0';

    /* Ok!  Finally ready.  Swap out stream and return. */
    FT_Stream_OpenMemory( sfnt_stream, sfnt, woff.totalSfntSize );
    sfnt_stream->memory = stream->memory;
    sfnt_stream->close  = sfnt_stream_close;

      ( face->root.face_flags & FT_FACE_FLAG_EXTERNAL_STREAM ) != 0 );

    face->root.stream = sfnt_stream;

    face->root.face_flags &= ~FT_FACE_FLAG_EXTERNAL_STREAM;

    FT_FREE( tables );
    FT_FREE( indices );

    if ( error )
      FT_FREE( sfnt );
      FT_Stream_Close( sfnt_stream );
      FT_FREE( sfnt_stream );

    return error;
Exemplo n.º 15
Arquivo: t1parse.c Projeto: 8l/inferno
  T1_Get_Private_Dict( T1_Parser      parser,
                       PSAux_Service  psaux )
    FT_Stream  stream = parser->stream;
    FT_Memory  memory = parser->root.memory;
    FT_Error   error  = 0;
    FT_Long    size;

    if ( parser->in_pfb )
      /* in the case of the PFB format, the private dictionary can be  */
      /* made of several segments.  We thus first read the number of   */
      /* segments to compute the total size of the private dictionary  */
      /* then re-read them into memory.                                */
      FT_Long    start_pos = FT_STREAM_POS();
      FT_UShort  tag;

      parser->private_len = 0;
      for (;;)
        error = read_pfb_tag( stream, &tag, &size );
        if ( error )
          goto Fail;

        if ( tag != 0x8002U )

        parser->private_len += size;

        if ( FT_STREAM_SKIP( size ) )
          goto Fail;

      /* Check that we have a private dictionary there */
      /* and allocate private dictionary buffer        */
      if ( parser->private_len == 0 )
        FT_ERROR(( "T1_Get_Private_Dict:" ));
        FT_ERROR(( " invalid private dictionary section\n" ));
        error = T1_Err_Invalid_File_Format;
        goto Fail;

      if ( FT_STREAM_SEEK( start_pos )                             ||
           FT_ALLOC( parser->private_dict, parser->private_len ) )
        goto Fail;

      parser->private_len = 0;
      for (;;)
        error = read_pfb_tag( stream, &tag, &size );
        if ( error || tag != 0x8002U )
          error = T1_Err_Ok;

        if ( FT_STREAM_READ( parser->private_dict + parser->private_len, size ) )
          goto Fail;

        parser->private_len += size;
      /* we have already `loaded' the whole PFA font file into memory; */
      /* if this is a memory resource, allocate a new block to hold    */
      /* the private dict. Otherwise, simply overwrite into the base   */
      /* dictionary block in the heap.                                 */

      /* first of all, look at the `eexec' keyword */
      FT_Byte*  cur   = parser->base_dict;
      FT_Byte*  limit = cur + parser->base_len;
      FT_Byte   c;

      for (;;)
        c = cur[0];
        if ( c == 'e' && cur + 9 < limit )  /* 9 = 5 letters for `eexec' + */
                                            /* newline + 4 chars           */
          if ( cur[1] == 'e' && cur[2] == 'x' &&
               cur[3] == 'e' && cur[4] == 'c' )
            cur += 6; /* we skip the newling after the `eexec' */

            /* XXX: Some fonts use DOS-linefeeds, i.e. \r\n; we need to */
            /*      skip the extra \n if we find it                     */
            if ( cur[0] == '\n' )

        if ( cur >= limit )
          FT_ERROR(( "T1_Get_Private_Dict:" ));
          FT_ERROR(( " could not find `eexec' keyword\n" ));
          error = T1_Err_Invalid_File_Format;
          goto Exit;

      /* now determine where to write the _encrypted_ binary private  */
      /* dictionary.  We overwrite the base dictionary for disk-based */
      /* resources and allocate a new block otherwise                 */

      size = (FT_Long)( parser->base_len - ( cur - parser->base_dict ) );

      if ( parser->in_memory )
        /* note that we allocate one more byte to put a terminating `0' */
        if ( FT_ALLOC( parser->private_dict, size + 1 ) )
          goto Fail;
        parser->private_len = size;
        parser->single_block = 1;
        parser->private_dict = parser->base_dict;
        parser->private_len  = size;
        parser->base_dict    = 0;
        parser->base_len     = 0;

      /* now determine whether the private dictionary is encoded in binary */
      /* or hexadecimal ASCII format -- decode it accordingly              */

      /* we need to access the next 4 bytes (after the final \r following */
      /* the `eexec' keyword); if they all are hexadecimal digits, then   */
      /* we have a case of ASCII storage                                  */

      if ( ( hexa_value( cur[0] ) | hexa_value( cur[1] ) |
             hexa_value( cur[2] ) | hexa_value( cur[3] ) ) < 0 )

        /* binary encoding -- `simply' copy the private dict */
        FT_MEM_COPY( parser->private_dict, cur, size );

        /* ASCII hexadecimal encoding */

        FT_Byte*  write;
        FT_Int    count;

        write = parser->private_dict;
        count = 0;

        for ( ;cur < limit; cur++ )
          int  hex1;

          /* check for newline */
          if ( cur[0] == '\r' || cur[0] == '\n' )

          /* exit if we have a non-hexadecimal digit that isn't a newline */
          hex1 = hexa_value( cur[0] );
          if ( hex1 < 0 || cur + 1 >= limit )

          /* otherwise, store byte */
          *write++ = (FT_Byte)( ( hex1 << 4 ) | hexa_value( cur[1] ) );

        /* put a safeguard */
        parser->private_len = write - parser->private_dict;
        *write++ = 0;

    /* we now decrypt the encoded binary private dictionary */
    psaux->t1_decrypt( parser->private_dict, parser->private_len, 55665U );
    parser->root.base   = parser->private_dict;
    parser->root.cursor = parser->private_dict;
    parser->root.limit  = parser->root.cursor + parser->private_len;

    return error;
Exemplo n.º 16
  tt_face_load_name( TT_Face    face,
                     FT_Stream  stream )
    FT_Error      error;
    FT_Memory     memory = stream->memory;
    FT_ULong      table_pos, table_len;
    FT_ULong      storage_start, storage_limit;
    FT_UInt       count;
    TT_NameTable  table;

    static const FT_Frame_Field  name_table_fields[] =
#define FT_STRUCTURE  TT_NameTableRec

      FT_FRAME_START( 6 ),
        FT_FRAME_USHORT( format ),
        FT_FRAME_USHORT( numNameRecords ),
        FT_FRAME_USHORT( storageOffset ),

    static const FT_Frame_Field  name_record_fields[] =
#define FT_STRUCTURE  TT_NameEntryRec

      /* no FT_FRAME_START */
        FT_FRAME_USHORT( platformID ),
        FT_FRAME_USHORT( encodingID ),
        FT_FRAME_USHORT( languageID ),
        FT_FRAME_USHORT( nameID ),
        FT_FRAME_USHORT( stringLength ),
        FT_FRAME_USHORT( stringOffset ),

    table         = &face->name_table;
    table->stream = stream;

    error = face->goto_table( face, TTAG_name, stream, &table_len );
    if ( error )
      goto Exit;

    table_pos = FT_STREAM_POS();

    if ( FT_STREAM_READ_FIELDS( name_table_fields, table ) )
      goto Exit;

    /* Some popular Asian fonts have an invalid `storageOffset' value   */
    /* (it should be at least "6 + 12*num_names").  However, the string */
    /* offsets, computed as "storageOffset + entry->stringOffset", are  */
    /* valid pointers within the name table...                          */
    /*                                                                  */
    /* We thus can't check `storageOffset' right now.                   */
    /*                                                                  */
    storage_start = table_pos + 6 + 12*table->numNameRecords;
    storage_limit = table_pos + table_len;

    if ( storage_start > storage_limit )
      FT_ERROR(( "tt_face_load_name: invalid `name' table\n" ));
      error = SFNT_Err_Name_Table_Missing;
      goto Exit;

    /* Allocate the array of name records. */
    count                 = table->numNameRecords;
    table->numNameRecords = 0;

    if ( FT_NEW_ARRAY( table->names, count ) ||
         FT_FRAME_ENTER( count * 12 )        )
      goto Exit;

    /* Load the name records and determine how much storage is needed */
    /* to hold the strings themselves.                                */
      TT_NameEntryRec*  entry = table->names;

      for ( ; count > 0; count-- )
        if ( FT_STREAM_READ_FIELDS( name_record_fields, entry ) )

        /* check that the name is not empty */
        if ( entry->stringLength == 0 )

        /* check that the name string is within the table */
        entry->stringOffset += table_pos + table->storageOffset;
        if ( entry->stringOffset                       < storage_start ||
             entry->stringOffset + entry->stringLength > storage_limit )
          /* invalid entry - ignore it */
          entry->stringOffset = 0;
          entry->stringLength = 0;


      table->numNameRecords = (FT_UInt)( entry - table->names );


    /* everything went well, update face->num_names */
    face->num_names = (FT_UShort) table->numNameRecords;

    return error;
Exemplo n.º 17
/* synthesized into a TTC with one offset table.              */
static FT_Error
sfnt_open_font(FT_Stream stream,
               TT_Face face)
    FT_Memory memory = stream->memory;
    FT_Error  error;
    FT_ULong  tag, offset;

    static const FT_Frame_Field ttc_header_fields[] =
#define FT_STRUCTURE TTC_HeaderRec


    face->ttc_header.tag     = 0;
    face->ttc_header.version = 0;
    face->ttc_header.count   = 0;

    offset = FT_STREAM_POS();

    if (FT_READ_ULONG(tag))
        return error;

    if (tag != 0x00010000UL &&
        tag != TTAG_ttcf &&
        tag != TTAG_OTTO &&
        tag != TTAG_true &&
        tag != TTAG_typ1 &&
        tag != 0x00020000UL)
        return SFNT_Err_Unknown_File_Format;

    face->ttc_header.tag = TTAG_ttcf;

    if (tag == TTAG_ttcf)
        FT_Int n;

        FT_TRACE3(("sfnt_open_font: file is a collection\n"));

        if (FT_STREAM_READ_FIELDS(ttc_header_fields, &face->ttc_header))
            return error;

        /* now read the offsets of each font in the file */
        if (FT_NEW_ARRAY(face->ttc_header.offsets, face->ttc_header.count))
            return error;

        if (FT_FRAME_ENTER(face->ttc_header.count * 4L))
            return error;

        for (n = 0; n < face->ttc_header.count; n++)
            face->ttc_header.offsets[n] = FT_GET_ULONG();

        FT_TRACE3(("sfnt_open_font: synthesize TTC\n"));

        face->ttc_header.version = 1 << 16;
        face->ttc_header.count   = 1;

        if (FT_NEW(face->ttc_header.offsets))
            return error;

        face->ttc_header.offsets[0] = offset;

    return error;
Exemplo n.º 18
  CID_New_Parser( CID_Parser*    parser,
                  FT_Stream      stream,
                  FT_Memory      memory,
                  PSAux_Service  psaux )
    FT_Error  error;
    FT_ULong  base_offset, offset, ps_len;
    FT_Byte   buffer[256 + 10];
    FT_Int    buff_len;

    FT_MEM_SET( parser, 0, sizeof ( *parser ) );
    psaux->ps_parser_funcs->init( &parser->root, 0, 0, memory );

    parser->stream = stream;

    base_offset = FT_STREAM_POS();

    /* first of all, check the font format in the  header */
    if ( FT_FRAME_ENTER( 31 ) )
      goto Exit;

    if ( ft_strncmp( (char *)stream->cursor,
                     "%!PS-Adobe-3.0 Resource-CIDFont", 31 ) )
      FT_TRACE2(( "[not a valid CID-keyed font]\n" ));
      error = CID_Err_Unknown_File_Format;

    if ( error )
      goto Exit;

    /* now, read the rest of the file, until we find a `StartData' */
    buff_len = 256;
    for (;;)
      FT_Byte   *p, *limit = buffer + 256;
      FT_ULong  top_position;

      /* fill input buffer */
      buff_len -= 256;
      if ( buff_len > 0 )
        FT_MEM_MOVE( buffer, limit, buff_len );

      p = buffer + buff_len;

      if ( FT_STREAM_READ( p, 256 + 10 - buff_len ) )
        goto Exit;

      top_position = FT_STREAM_POS() - buff_len;
      buff_len = 256 + 10;

      /* look for `StartData' */
      for ( p = buffer; p < limit; p++ )
        if ( p[0] == 'S' && ft_strncmp( (char*)p, "StartData", 9 ) == 0 )
          /* save offset of binary data after `StartData' */
          offset = (FT_ULong)( top_position - ( limit - p ) + 10 );
          goto Found;

    /* we have found the start of the binary data.  We will now        */
    /* rewind and extract the frame of corresponding to the Postscript */
    /* section                                                         */

    ps_len = offset - base_offset;
    if ( FT_STREAM_SEEK( base_offset )                    ||
         FT_FRAME_EXTRACT( ps_len, parser->postscript ) )
      goto Exit;

    parser->data_offset    = offset;
    parser->postscript_len = ps_len;
    parser->root.base      = parser->postscript;
    parser->root.cursor    = parser->postscript;
    parser->root.limit     = parser->root.cursor + ps_len;
    parser->num_dict       = -1;

    return error;
Exemplo n.º 19
  cff_font_load( FT_Stream  stream,
                 FT_Int     face_index,
                 CFF_Font   font,
                 FT_Bool    pure_cff )
    static const FT_Frame_Field  cff_header_fields[] =
#define FT_STRUCTURE  CFF_FontRec

      FT_FRAME_START( 4 ),
        FT_FRAME_BYTE( version_major ),
        FT_FRAME_BYTE( version_minor ),
        FT_FRAME_BYTE( header_size ),
        FT_FRAME_BYTE( absolute_offsize ),

    FT_Error         error;
    FT_Memory        memory = stream->memory;
    FT_ULong         base_offset;
    CFF_FontRecDict  dict;

    FT_ZERO( font );

    font->stream = stream;
    font->memory = memory;
    dict         = &font->top_font.font_dict;
    base_offset  = FT_STREAM_POS();

    /* read CFF font header */
    if ( FT_STREAM_READ_FIELDS( cff_header_fields, font ) )
      goto Exit;

    /* check format */
    if ( font->version_major   != 1 ||
         font->header_size      < 4 ||
         font->absolute_offsize > 4 )
      FT_TRACE2(( "[not a CFF font header!]\n" ));
      error = CFF_Err_Unknown_File_Format;
      goto Exit;

    /* skip the rest of the header */
    if ( FT_STREAM_SKIP( font->header_size - 4 ) )
      goto Exit;

    /* read the name, top dict, string and global subrs index */
    if ( FT_SET_ERROR( cff_index_init( &font->name_index,
                                       stream, 0 ) )              ||
         FT_SET_ERROR( cff_index_init( &font->font_dict_index,
                                       stream, 0 ) )              ||
         FT_SET_ERROR( cff_index_init( &font->string_index,
                                       stream, 0 ) )              ||
         FT_SET_ERROR( cff_index_init( &font->global_subrs_index,
                                       stream, 1 ) )              )
      goto Exit;

    /* well, we don't really forget the `disabled' fonts... */
    font->num_faces = font->name_index.count;
    if ( face_index >= (FT_Int)font->num_faces )
      FT_ERROR(( "cff_font_load: incorrect face index = %d\n",
                 face_index ));
      error = CFF_Err_Invalid_Argument;

    /* in case of a font format check, simply exit now */
    if ( face_index < 0 )
      goto Exit;

    /* now, parse the top-level font dictionary */
    error = cff_subfont_load( &font->top_font,
                              base_offset );
    if ( error )
      goto Exit;

    if ( FT_STREAM_SEEK( base_offset + dict->charstrings_offset ) )
      goto Exit;

    error = cff_index_init( &font->charstrings_index, stream, 0 );
    if ( error )
      goto Exit;

    /* now, check for a CID font */
    if ( dict->cid_registry != 0xFFFFU )
      CFF_IndexRec  fd_index;
      CFF_SubFont   sub;
      FT_UInt       idx;

      /* this is a CID-keyed font, we must now allocate a table of */
      /* sub-fonts, then load each of them separately              */
      if ( FT_STREAM_SEEK( base_offset + dict->cid_fd_array_offset ) )
        goto Exit;

      error = cff_index_init( &fd_index, stream, 0 );
      if ( error )
        goto Exit;

      if ( fd_index.count > CFF_MAX_CID_FONTS )
        FT_ERROR(( "cff_font_load: FD array too large in CID font\n" ));
        goto Fail_CID;

      /* allocate & read each font dict independently */
      font->num_subfonts = fd_index.count;
      if ( FT_NEW_ARRAY( sub, fd_index.count ) )
        goto Fail_CID;

      /* set up pointer table */
      for ( idx = 0; idx < fd_index.count; idx++ )
        font->subfonts[idx] = sub + idx;

      /* now load each subfont independently */
      for ( idx = 0; idx < fd_index.count; idx++ )
        sub = font->subfonts[idx];
        error = cff_subfont_load( sub, &fd_index, idx,
                                  stream, base_offset );
        if ( error )
          goto Fail_CID;

      /* now load the FD Select array */
      error = CFF_Load_FD_Select( &font->fd_select,
                                  base_offset + dict->cid_fd_select_offset );

      cff_index_done( &fd_index );

      if ( error )
        goto Exit;
      font->num_subfonts = 0;

    /* read the charstrings index now */
    if ( dict->charstrings_offset == 0 )
      FT_ERROR(( "cff_font_load: no charstrings offset!\n" ));
      error = CFF_Err_Unknown_File_Format;
      goto Exit;

    /* explicit the global subrs */
    font->num_global_subrs = font->global_subrs_index.count;
    font->num_glyphs       = font->charstrings_index.count;

    error = cff_index_get_pointers( &font->global_subrs_index,
                                    &font->global_subrs ) ;

    if ( error )
      goto Exit;

    /* read the Charset and Encoding tables if available */
    if ( font->num_glyphs > 0 )
      FT_Bool  invert = FT_BOOL( dict->cid_registry != 0xFFFFU && pure_cff );

      error = cff_charset_load( &font->charset, font->num_glyphs, stream,
                                base_offset, dict->charset_offset, invert );
      if ( error )
        goto Exit;

      /* CID-keyed CFFs don't have an encoding */
      if ( dict->cid_registry == 0xFFFFU )
        error = cff_encoding_load( &font->encoding,
                                   dict->encoding_offset );
        if ( error )
          goto Exit;
        /* CID-keyed fonts only need CIDs */
        FT_FREE( font->charset.sids );

    /* get the font name (/CIDFontName for CID-keyed fonts, */
    /* /FontName otherwise)                                 */
    font->font_name = cff_index_get_name( &font->name_index, face_index );

    return error;
Exemplo n.º 20
  tt_face_load_font_dir( TT_Face    face,
                         FT_Stream  stream )
    SFNT_HeaderRec  sfnt;
    FT_Error        error;
    FT_Memory       memory = stream->memory;
    TT_TableRec*    entry;
    FT_Int          nn;

    static const FT_Frame_Field  offset_table_fields[] =
#define FT_STRUCTURE  SFNT_HeaderRec

      FT_FRAME_START( 8 ),
        FT_FRAME_USHORT( num_tables ),
        FT_FRAME_USHORT( search_range ),
        FT_FRAME_USHORT( entry_selector ),
        FT_FRAME_USHORT( range_shift ),

    FT_TRACE2(( "tt_face_load_font_dir: %08p\n", face ));

    /* read the offset table */

    sfnt.offset = FT_STREAM_POS();

    if ( FT_READ_ULONG( sfnt.format_tag )                    ||
         FT_STREAM_READ_FIELDS( offset_table_fields, &sfnt ) )
      goto Exit;

    /* many fonts don't have these fields set correctly */
#if 0
    if ( sfnt.search_range != 1 << ( sfnt.entry_selector + 4 )        ||
         sfnt.search_range + sfnt.range_shift != sfnt.num_tables << 4 )
      return FT_THROW( Unknown_File_Format );

    /* load the table directory */

    FT_TRACE2(( "-- Number of tables: %10u\n",    sfnt.num_tables ));
    FT_TRACE2(( "-- Format version:   0x%08lx\n", sfnt.format_tag ));

    if ( sfnt.format_tag != TTAG_OTTO )
      /* check first */
      error = check_table_dir( &sfnt, stream );
      if ( error )
        FT_TRACE2(( "tt_face_load_font_dir:"
                    " invalid table directory for TrueType\n" ));

        goto Exit;

    face->num_tables = sfnt.num_tables;
    face->format_tag = sfnt.format_tag;

    if ( FT_QNEW_ARRAY( face->dir_tables, face->num_tables ) )
      goto Exit;

    if ( FT_STREAM_SEEK( sfnt.offset + 12 )       ||
         FT_FRAME_ENTER( face->num_tables * 16L ) )
      goto Exit;

    entry = face->dir_tables;

    FT_TRACE2(( "\n"
                "  tag    offset    length   checksum\n"
                "  ----------------------------------\n" ));

    for ( nn = 0; nn < sfnt.num_tables; nn++ )
      entry->Tag      = FT_GET_TAG4();
      entry->CheckSum = FT_GET_ULONG();
      entry->Offset   = FT_GET_ULONG();
      entry->Length   = FT_GET_ULONG();

      /* ignore invalid tables that can't be sanitized */

      if ( entry->Offset > stream->size )
      else if ( entry->Length > stream->size - entry->Offset )
        if ( entry->Tag == TTAG_hmtx ||
             entry->Tag == TTAG_vmtx )
          FT_ULong  old_length = entry->Length;

          /* make metrics table length a multiple of 4 */
          entry->Length = ( stream->size - entry->Offset ) & ~3U;

          FT_TRACE2(( "  %c%c%c%c  %08lx  %08lx  %08lx"
                      " (sanitized; original length %08lx)\n",
                      (FT_Char)( entry->Tag >> 24 ),
                      (FT_Char)( entry->Tag >> 16 ),
                      (FT_Char)( entry->Tag >> 8  ),
                      (FT_Char)( entry->Tag       ),
                      old_length ));
Exemplo n.º 21
  pfr_phy_font_load( PFR_PhyFont  phy_font,
                     FT_Stream    stream,
                     FT_UInt32    offset,
                     FT_UInt32    size )
    FT_Error   error;
    FT_Memory  memory = stream->memory;
    FT_UInt    flags;
    FT_ULong   num_aux;
    FT_Byte*   p;
    FT_Byte*   limit;

    phy_font->memory = memory;
    phy_font->offset = offset;

    phy_font->kern_items      = NULL;
    phy_font->kern_items_tail = &phy_font->kern_items;

    if ( FT_STREAM_SEEK( offset ) ||
         FT_FRAME_ENTER( size )   )
      goto Exit;

    phy_font->cursor = stream->cursor;

    p     = stream->cursor;
    limit = p + size;

    PFR_CHECK( 15 );
    phy_font->font_ref_number    = PFR_NEXT_USHORT( p );
    phy_font->outline_resolution = PFR_NEXT_USHORT( p );
    phy_font->metrics_resolution = PFR_NEXT_USHORT( p );
    phy_font->bbox.xMin          = PFR_NEXT_SHORT( p );
    phy_font->bbox.yMin          = PFR_NEXT_SHORT( p );
    phy_font->bbox.xMax          = PFR_NEXT_SHORT( p );
    phy_font->bbox.yMax          = PFR_NEXT_SHORT( p );
    phy_font->flags      = flags = PFR_NEXT_BYTE( p );

    /* get the standard advance for non-proportional fonts */
    if ( !(flags & PFR_PHY_PROPORTIONAL) )
      PFR_CHECK( 2 );
      phy_font->standard_advance = PFR_NEXT_SHORT( p );

    /* load the extra items when present */
    if ( flags & PFR_PHY_EXTRA_ITEMS )
      error = pfr_extra_items_parse( &p, limit,
                                     pfr_phy_font_extra_items, phy_font );

      if ( error )
        goto Fail;

    /* In certain fonts, the auxiliary bytes contain interesting   */
    /* information.  These are not in the specification but can be */
    /* guessed by looking at the content of a few PFR0 fonts.      */
    PFR_CHECK( 3 );
    num_aux = PFR_NEXT_ULONG( p );

    if ( num_aux > 0 )
      FT_Byte*  q = p;
      FT_Byte*  q2;

      PFR_CHECK_SIZE( num_aux );
      p += num_aux;

      while ( num_aux > 0 )
        FT_UInt  length, type;

        if ( q + 4 > p )

        length = PFR_NEXT_USHORT( q );
        if ( length < 4 || length > num_aux )

        q2   = q + length - 2;
        type = PFR_NEXT_USHORT( q );

        switch ( type )
        case 1:
          /* this seems to correspond to the font's family name, padded to */
          /* an even number of bytes with a zero byte appended if needed   */
          error = pfr_aux_name_load( q, length - 4U, memory,
                                     &phy_font->family_name );
          if ( error )
            goto Exit;

        case 2:
          if ( q + 32 > q2 )

          q += 10;
          phy_font->ascent  = PFR_NEXT_SHORT( q );
          phy_font->descent = PFR_NEXT_SHORT( q );
          phy_font->leading = PFR_NEXT_SHORT( q );

        case 3:
          /* this seems to correspond to the font's style name, padded to */
          /* an even number of bytes with a zero byte appended if needed  */
          error = pfr_aux_name_load( q, length - 4U, memory,
                                     &phy_font->style_name );
          if ( error )
            goto Exit;


        q        = q2;
        num_aux -= length;

    /* read the blue values */
      FT_UInt  n, count;

      PFR_CHECK( 1 );
      phy_font->num_blue_values = count = PFR_NEXT_BYTE( p );

      PFR_CHECK( count * 2 );

      if ( FT_NEW_ARRAY( phy_font->blue_values, count ) )
        goto Fail;

      for ( n = 0; n < count; n++ )
        phy_font->blue_values[n] = PFR_NEXT_SHORT( p );

    PFR_CHECK( 8 );
    phy_font->blue_fuzz  = PFR_NEXT_BYTE( p );
    phy_font->blue_scale = PFR_NEXT_BYTE( p );

    phy_font->vertical.standard   = PFR_NEXT_USHORT( p );
    phy_font->horizontal.standard = PFR_NEXT_USHORT( p );

    /* read the character descriptors */
      FT_UInt  n, count, Size;

      phy_font->num_chars    = count = PFR_NEXT_USHORT( p );
      phy_font->chars_offset = offset + (FT_Offset)( p - stream->cursor );

      Size = 1 + 1 + 2;
      if ( flags & PFR_PHY_2BYTE_CHARCODE )
        Size += 1;

      if ( flags & PFR_PHY_PROPORTIONAL )
        Size += 2;

      if ( flags & PFR_PHY_ASCII_CODE )
        Size += 1;

      if ( flags & PFR_PHY_2BYTE_GPS_SIZE )
        Size += 1;

      if ( flags & PFR_PHY_3BYTE_GPS_OFFSET )
        Size += 1;

      PFR_CHECK_SIZE( count * Size );

      if ( FT_NEW_ARRAY( phy_font->chars, count ) )
        goto Fail;

      for ( n = 0; n < count; n++ )
        PFR_Char  cur = &phy_font->chars[n];

        cur->char_code = ( flags & PFR_PHY_2BYTE_CHARCODE )
                         ? PFR_NEXT_USHORT( p )
                         : PFR_NEXT_BYTE( p );

        cur->advance   = ( flags & PFR_PHY_PROPORTIONAL )
                         ? PFR_NEXT_SHORT( p )
                         : phy_font->standard_advance;

#if 0
        cur->ascii     = ( flags & PFR_PHY_ASCII_CODE )
                         ? PFR_NEXT_BYTE( p )
                         : 0;
        if ( flags & PFR_PHY_ASCII_CODE )
          p += 1;
        cur->gps_size  = ( flags & PFR_PHY_2BYTE_GPS_SIZE )
                         ? PFR_NEXT_USHORT( p )
                         : PFR_NEXT_BYTE( p );

        cur->gps_offset = ( flags & PFR_PHY_3BYTE_GPS_OFFSET )
                          ? PFR_NEXT_ULONG( p )
                          : PFR_NEXT_USHORT( p );

    /* that's it! */


    /* save position of bitmap info */
    phy_font->bct_offset = FT_STREAM_POS();
    phy_font->cursor     = NULL;

    return error;

    error = FT_THROW( Invalid_Table );
    FT_ERROR(( "pfr_phy_font_load: invalid physical font table\n" ));
    goto Fail;
Exemplo n.º 22
  cid_parser_new( CID_Parser*    parser,
                  FT_Stream      stream,
                  FT_Memory      memory,
                  PSAux_Service  psaux )
    FT_Error  error;
    FT_ULong  base_offset, offset, ps_len;
    FT_Byte   *cur, *limit;
    FT_Byte   *arg1, *arg2;

    FT_ZERO( parser );
    psaux->ps_parser_funcs->init( &parser->root, 0, 0, memory );

    parser->stream = stream;

    base_offset = FT_STREAM_POS();

    /* first of all, check the font format in the header */
    if ( FT_FRAME_ENTER( 31 ) )
      goto Exit;

    if ( ft_strncmp( (char *)stream->cursor,
                     "%!PS-Adobe-3.0 Resource-CIDFont", 31 ) )
      FT_TRACE2(( "  not a CID-keyed font\n" ));
      error = FT_THROW( Unknown_File_Format );

    if ( error )
      goto Exit;

    /* now, read the rest of the file until we find */
    /* `StartData' or `/sfnts'                      */
       * The algorithm is as follows (omitting the case with less than 256
       * bytes to fill for simplicity).
       * 1. Fill the buffer with 256 + STARTDATA_LEN bytes.
       * 2. Search for the STARTDATA and SFNTS strings at positions
       *    buffer[0], buffer[1], ...,
       *    buffer[255 + STARTDATA_LEN - SFNTS_LEN].
       * 3. Move the last STARTDATA_LEN bytes to buffer[0].
       * 4. Fill the buffer with 256 bytes, starting at STARTDATA_LEN.
       * 5. Repeat with step 2.
      FT_Byte  buffer[256 + STARTDATA_LEN + 1];

      /* values for the first loop */
      FT_ULong  read_len    = 256 + STARTDATA_LEN;
      FT_ULong  read_offset = 0;
      FT_Byte*  p           = buffer;

      for ( offset = FT_STREAM_POS(); ; offset += 256 )
        FT_ULong  stream_len;

        stream_len = stream->size - FT_STREAM_POS();

        read_len = FT_MIN( read_len, stream_len );
        if ( FT_STREAM_READ( p, read_len ) )
          goto Exit;

        /* ensure that we do not compare with data beyond the buffer */
        p[read_len] = '\0';

        limit = p + read_len - SFNTS_LEN;

        for ( p = buffer; p < limit; p++ )
          if ( p[0] == 'S'                                           &&
               ft_strncmp( (char*)p, STARTDATA, STARTDATA_LEN ) == 0 )
            /* save offset of binary data after `StartData' */
            offset += (FT_ULong)( p - buffer ) + STARTDATA_LEN + 1;
            goto Found;
          else if ( p[1] == 's'                                   &&
                    ft_strncmp( (char*)p, SFNTS, SFNTS_LEN ) == 0 )
            offset += (FT_ULong)( p - buffer ) + SFNTS_LEN + 1;
            goto Found;

        if ( read_offset + read_len < STARTDATA_LEN )
          FT_TRACE2(( "cid_parser_new: no `StartData' keyword found\n" ));
          error = FT_THROW( Invalid_File_Format );
          goto Exit;

        FT_MEM_MOVE( buffer,
                     buffer + read_offset + read_len - STARTDATA_LEN,
                     STARTDATA_LEN );

        /* values for the next loop */
        read_len    = 256;
        read_offset = STARTDATA_LEN;
        p           = buffer + read_offset;

    /* We have found the start of the binary data or the `/sfnts' token. */
    /* Now rewind and extract the frame corresponding to this PostScript */
    /* section.                                                          */

    ps_len = offset - base_offset;
    if ( FT_STREAM_SEEK( base_offset )                  ||
         FT_FRAME_EXTRACT( ps_len, parser->postscript ) )
      goto Exit;

    parser->data_offset    = offset;
    parser->postscript_len = ps_len;
    parser->root.base      = parser->postscript;
    parser->root.cursor    = parser->postscript;
    parser->root.limit     = parser->root.cursor + ps_len;
    parser->num_dict       = -1;

    /* Finally, we check whether `StartData' or `/sfnts' was real --  */
    /* it could be in a comment or string.  We also get the arguments */
    /* of `StartData' to find out whether the data is represented in  */
    /* binary or hex format.                                          */

    arg1 = parser->root.cursor;
    cid_parser_skip_PS_token( parser );
    cid_parser_skip_spaces  ( parser );
    arg2 = parser->root.cursor;
    cid_parser_skip_PS_token( parser );
    cid_parser_skip_spaces  ( parser );

    limit = parser->root.limit;
    cur   = parser->root.cursor;

    while ( cur <= limit - SFNTS_LEN )
      if ( parser->root.error )
        error = parser->root.error;
        goto Exit;

      if ( cur[0] == 'S'                                           &&
           cur <= limit - STARTDATA_LEN                            &&
           ft_strncmp( (char*)cur, STARTDATA, STARTDATA_LEN ) == 0 )
        if ( ft_strncmp( (char*)arg1, "(Hex)", 5 ) == 0 )
          FT_Long  tmp = ft_strtol( (const char *)arg2, NULL, 10 );

          if ( tmp < 0 )
            FT_ERROR(( "cid_parser_new: invalid length of hex data\n" ));
            error = FT_THROW( Invalid_File_Format );
            parser->binary_length = (FT_ULong)tmp;

        goto Exit;
      else if ( cur[1] == 's'                                   &&
                ft_strncmp( (char*)cur, SFNTS, SFNTS_LEN ) == 0 )
        FT_TRACE2(( "cid_parser_new: cannot handle Type 11 fonts\n" ));
        error = FT_THROW( Unknown_File_Format );
        goto Exit;

      cid_parser_skip_PS_token( parser );
      cid_parser_skip_spaces  ( parser );
      arg1 = arg2;
      arg2 = cur;
      cur  = parser->root.cursor;

    /* we haven't found the correct `StartData'; go back and continue */
    /* searching                                                      */
    FT_FRAME_RELEASE( parser->postscript );
    if ( !FT_STREAM_SEEK( offset ) )
      goto Again;

    return error;