Exemplo n.º 1
ProcQueryExtension(ClientPtr client)
    xQueryExtensionReply reply;
    int i;

    REQUEST_FIXED_SIZE(xQueryExtensionReq, stuff->nbytes);

    memset(&reply, 0, sizeof(xQueryExtensionReply));
    reply.type = X_Reply;
    reply.length = 0;
    reply.major_opcode = 0;
    reply.sequenceNumber = client->sequence;

    if ( ! NumExtensions )
        reply.present = xFalse;
	i = FindExtension((char *)&stuff[1], stuff->nbytes);
        if (i < 0 || XaceHook(XACE_EXT_ACCESS, client, extensions[i]))
            reply.present = xFalse;
            reply.present = xTrue;
	    reply.major_opcode = extensions[i]->base;
	    reply.first_event = extensions[i]->eventBase;
	    reply.first_error = extensions[i]->errorBase;
    WriteReplyToClient(client, sizeof(xQueryExtensionReply), &reply);
    return Success;
Exemplo n.º 2
DeclareExtensionSecurity(char *extname, Bool secure)
    int i = FindExtension(extname, strlen(extname));
    if (i >= 0)
	int majorop = extensions[i]->base;
	extensions[i]->secure = secure;
	if (secure)
	    UntrustedProcVector[majorop] = ProcVector[majorop];
	    SwappedUntrustedProcVector[majorop] = SwappedProcVector[majorop];
	    UntrustedProcVector[majorop]	= ProcBadRequest;
	    SwappedUntrustedProcVector[majorop] = ProcBadRequest;
#ifdef LBX
    LbxDeclareExtensionSecurity(extname, secure);
Exemplo n.º 3
ALERROR CDesignCollection::BeginLoadAdventure (SDesignLoadCtx &Ctx, CAdventureDesc *pAdventure)

//	BeginLoadAdventure
//	Begin loading an adventure (not just the desc)


	SExtensionDesc *pEntry = FindExtension(pAdventure->GetExtensionUNID());
	if (pEntry == NULL)
		Ctx.sError = CONSTLIT("ERROR: Unexpectedly unable to find adventure");
		return ERR_FAIL;

	pEntry->bLoaded = true;

	//	Set context

	Ctx.pExtension = pEntry;

	return NOERROR;
Exemplo n.º 4
		void	RemoveExtension( char * p_path )
			char * ext = const_cast< char * >( FindExtension( p_path ) );
			if ( ext )
				*ext = '\0';
Exemplo n.º 5
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	CxImage image;

    if (argc<3) {
        fprintf(stderr, image.GetVersion());
        fprintf(stderr, "\nConsole demo\n");
        fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s input-file output-file\n", argv[0]);
        return 1;

	CString filein(argv[1]);
	CString extin(FindExtension(filein));
	int typein = FindFormat(extin);
	if (typein == CXIMAGE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN) {
        fprintf(stderr, "unknown extension for %s\n", argv[1]);
        return 1;

	CString fileout(argv[2]);
	CString extout(FindExtension(fileout));
	int typeout = FindFormat(extout);
	if (typeout == CXIMAGE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN) {
        fprintf(stderr, "unknown extension for %s\n", argv[2]);
        return 1;

	if (!image.Load(argv[1],typein)){
        fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", image.GetLastError());
        fprintf(stderr, "error loading %s\n", argv[1]);
        return 1;

	if (!image.Save(argv[2],typeout)){
        fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", image.GetLastError());
        fprintf(stderr, "error saving %s\n", argv[2]);
        return 1;

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 6
/**	Opens a file
 *	@param filename	A String containing the filename requested to open
 *	@param create		Whether the file should be created if not found
 *	@returns A Handle to the file opened.  NULL is returned, if not found
 *	This method requires the filename to contain the extension for the
 *	plugin required to open the file, if the file has no extension, 
 *	use VirtualFS::Open(char *, char *) to open the file, forcing an 
 *	extension to be used
 *	NOTE:	If no extension is appended to the filename, this method will crash upon attempting the read the file
VFSHandle * VirtualFS::Open(char *filename, bool create)
	char *ext = FindExtension(filename);

	VFSHandle *h = Open(filename,ext,create);

	delete[] ext;

	return h;
Exemplo n.º 7
 * CheckExtension returns the extensions[] entry for the requested
 * extension name.  Maybe this could just return a Bool instead?
ExtensionEntry *
CheckExtension(const char *extname)
    int n;

    n = FindExtension((char*)extname, strlen(extname));
    if (n != -1)
	return extensions[n];
	return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 8
bool wxFilterClassFactoryBase::CanHandle(const wxChar *protocol,
                                         wxStreamProtocolType type) const
    if (type == wxSTREAM_FILEEXT)
        return FindExtension(protocol) != wxString::npos;
        for (const wxChar *const *p = GetProtocols(type); *p; p++)
            if (wxStrcmp(*p, protocol) == 0)
                return true;

    return false;
Exemplo n.º 9
 * Try to associate some meaning with the file extension.
void InterpretExtension(NulibState* pState, const char* pathName,
    uint32_t* pFileType, uint32_t* pAuxType)
    const char* pExt;

    Assert(pState != NULL);
    Assert(pathName != NULL);
    Assert(pFileType != NULL);
    Assert(pAuxType != NULL);

    pExt = FindExtension(pState, pathName);
    if (pExt != NULL)
        LookupExtension(pState, pExt+1, pFileType, pAuxType);
Exemplo n.º 10
		int DeleteRecursive(const char * p_path, const char * p_extension)
			SceUID fh;

			IO::Filename file;
			fh = sceIoDopen(p_path);

			if( fh )
				while(sceIoDread( fh, &gDirEntry.Dirent ))
					SceIoStat stat;
					IO::Path::Combine(file, p_path, gDirEntry.Dirent.d_name);

					sceIoGetstat( file, &stat );
					if( (stat.st_mode & 0x1000) == 0x1000 )
						if(strcmp(gDirEntry.Dirent.d_name, ".") && strcmp(gDirEntry.Dirent.d_name, ".."))
							//printf("Found directory\n");
						if (_strcmpi(FindExtension( file ), p_extension) == 0)
							//DBGConsole_Msg(0, "Deleting [C%s]",file);
							sceIoRemove( file );

				sceIoDclose( fh );
				//DBGConsole_Msg(0, "Couldn't open the directory");

			return 0;
Exemplo n.º 11
bool CDesignCollection::IsAdventureExtensionLoaded (DWORD dwUNID)

//	IsAdventureExtensionLoaded
//	Returns TRUE if adventure extension is loaded

	//	0 = no extension
	if (dwUNID == 0)
		return true;

	SExtensionDesc *pExt = FindExtension(dwUNID);
	if (pExt == NULL)
		return false;

	ASSERT(pExt->iType == extAdventure);
	return pExt->bLoaded;
Exemplo n.º 12
void AudioStreamingServer::Serve(const std::shared_ptr<ISocket>& clientSocket)
    try {
        char recvBuffer[DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE];
        int read = clientSocket->Receive(recvBuffer, DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE);
        HttpRequest request(recvBuffer, read);

        std::string requestUrl = httpExtractor->ExtractGET(request);
        requestUrl = urlCodec->DecodeURL(requestUrl);

        const char* songsearch = "/songsearch/";
        if(requestUrl.find(songsearch) == 0) {
            std::string keyword = requestUrl.substr(strlen(songsearch));
            SendMediaList(clientSocket, keyword, httpExtractor->ExtractHOST(request));

        } else if(audioLibrary->FileExists(requestUrl.substr(1))) {

            std::ifstream audioFile(audioLibrary->GetFullPath(requestUrl), std::ifstream::binary);
            if(audioFile.is_open()) {
                std::string extension = FindExtension(requestUrl);
                std::transform(extension.begin(), extension.end(), extension.begin(), tolower);
                StreamFile(clientSocket, audioFile, EXTENSION_TO_CONTENT_TYPE[extension]);
            } else {

        } else {

    } catch(const GenericAudioStreamerException& e) {
        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(stderrMutex);
        std::cerr << e.what();
    } catch(const IHttpRequestExtractor::HttpExtractionException& e) {
        HttpResponse response(HTTP_1_1, BAD_REQUEST, NONE, 0);
        SendResponseHeader(clientSocket, response);
Exemplo n.º 13
ProcQueryExtension(ClientPtr client)
    xQueryExtensionReply reply;
    int i;

    REQUEST_FIXED_SIZE(xQueryExtensionReq, stuff->nbytes);
    memset(&reply, 0, sizeof(xQueryExtensionReply));
    reply.type = X_Reply;
    reply.length = 0;
    reply.major_opcode = 0;
    reply.sequenceNumber = client->sequence;

    if ( ! NumExtensions )
        reply.present = xFalse;
	i = FindExtension((char *)&stuff[1], stuff->nbytes);
        if (i < 0
	    /* don't show insecure extensions to untrusted clients */
	    || (client->trustLevel == XSecurityClientUntrusted &&
            reply.present = xFalse;
            reply.present = xTrue;
	    reply.major_opcode = extensions[i]->base;
	    reply.first_event = extensions[i]->eventBase;
	    reply.first_error = extensions[i]->errorBase;
    WriteReplyToClient(client, sizeof(xQueryExtensionReply), &reply);
Exemplo n.º 14
CAdventureDesc *CDesignCollection::FindAdventureForExtension (DWORD dwUNID) const

//	FindAdventureForExtension
//	Returns the adventure desc that belongs to the given extension.
//	(Or NULL if not found).

	int i;

	SExtensionDesc *pExtension = FindExtension(dwUNID);
	if (pExtension == NULL || pExtension->iType != extAdventure)
		return NULL;

	for (i = 0; i < pExtension->Table.GetCount(); i++)
		CDesignType *pType = pExtension->Table.GetEntry(i);
		if (pType->GetType() ==	designAdventureDesc)
			return CAdventureDesc::AsType(pType);

	return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 15
TRISTATE CFileFinder::FindFiles(char* szInDirectory, BOOL bDirs, char* szInName, char* szExtension)
	DIR*                pDIR;
	struct dirent*      pDirEnt;
	char				szFindName[MAX_PATH];
	char				szTemp[MAX_PATH];
	BOOL				bValid;
	char				szDirectory[MAX_PATH];
	char				szFile[MAX_PATH];
	char*				szFileExtension;
	int                 iStatus;
	struct stat         sBuffer;
	BOOL                bDir;
	CFileUtil           cFileUtil;

	if (!cFileUtil.FullPath(szDirectory, szInDirectory, MAX_PATH))
		return TRIERROR;

	pDIR = opendir(szDirectory);

	if (pDIR == NULL)
		return TRITRUE;

	pDirEnt = readdir(pDIR);
	while (pDirEnt != NULL)
		bValid = TRUE;

		sprintf(szTemp, "%s%s%s", szDirectory, FILE_SEPARATOR, pDirEnt->d_name);
		iStatus = stat(szTemp, &sBuffer);
		if (iStatus == -1)
			printf("%s: %s\n", strerror(errno), szTemp);
			return TRIERROR;
		bDir = S_ISDIR(sBuffer.st_mode);
		if (bDir) //Directory
			if (bDirs)
				if (szInName != NULL)
					strcpy(szFile, pDirEnt->d_name);
					if (StrIStr(szFile, szInName) == NULL)
						bValid = FALSE;
					bValid = FALSE;
			if (!bDirs)
				if (szExtension != NULL)
					szFileExtension = FindExtension(pDirEnt->d_name);
					if (StrICmp(szFileExtension, szExtension) != 0)
						bValid = FALSE;
				if (szInName != NULL)
					strcpy(szFile, pDirEnt->d_name);
					if (StrIStr(szFile, szInName) == NULL)
						bValid = FALSE;
				bValid = FALSE;

		if (bValid)
			mcFiles.Add(szTemp, 0);

		pDirEnt = readdir(pDIR);

	return TRITRUE;
Exemplo n.º 16
ALERROR CDesignCollection::SelectExtensions (CAdventureDesc *pAdventure, TArray<DWORD> *pExtensionList, bool *retbBindNeeded, CString *retsError)

//	SelectExtensions
//	Enables all extensions in pExtensionList and disables all others
//	(if pExtensionList == NULL then we enable all extensions).
//	Returns an error if an extension on the list could not be found.

	int i;
	bool bBindNeeded = false;

	TArray<bool> OldState;

	//	Disable all extensions

	for (i = 0; i < GetExtensionCount(); i++)
		SExtensionDesc *pEntry = GetExtension(i);
		if (pEntry->iType == extExtension)
			OldState[i] = pEntry->bEnabled;
			pEntry->bEnabled = false;

	//	Enable all extensions in the list

	if (pExtensionList)
		for (i = 0; i < pExtensionList->GetCount(); i++)
			SExtensionDesc *pEntry = FindExtension(pExtensionList->GetAt(i));
			if (pEntry == NULL || pEntry->iType == extAdventure)
				if (retsError)
					*retsError = strPatternSubst(CONSTLIT("Unable to find extension: %x"), pExtensionList->GetAt(i));
				return ERR_NOTFOUND;

			if (pEntry->iType == extExtension
					&& IsExtensionCompatibleWithAdventure(pEntry, pAdventure))
				pEntry->bEnabled = true;
		//	Enable all extensions

		for (i = 0; i < GetExtensionCount(); i++)
			SExtensionDesc *pEntry = GetExtension(i);
			if (pEntry->iType == extExtension 
					&& IsExtensionCompatibleWithAdventure(pEntry, pAdventure)
					&& (!pEntry->bDebugOnly || g_pUniverse->InDebugMode()))
				pEntry->bEnabled = true;

	//	See if we made any changes

	for (i = 0; i < GetExtensionCount(); i++)
		SExtensionDesc *pEntry = GetExtension(i);
		if (pEntry->iType == extExtension && pEntry->bEnabled != OldState[i])
			bBindNeeded = true;

	//	Done

	if (retbBindNeeded)
		*retbBindNeeded = bBindNeeded;

	return NOERROR;
Exemplo n.º 17
wxString wxFilterClassFactoryBase::PopExtension(const wxString& location) const
    return location.substr(0, FindExtension(location));
Exemplo n.º 18
static bool RegisterGameFile(const char *FullName, FVirtualFileSystem* parentVfs = NULL)

//	printf("..file %s\n", FullName);
	// return false when MAX_GAME_FILES
	if (GNumGameFiles >= ARRAY_COUNT(GameFiles))
		return false;

	if (!parentVfs)		// no nested VFSs
		const char* ext = strrchr(FullName, '.');
		if (ext)

			FVirtualFileSystem* vfs = NULL;
			FArchive* reader = NULL;

			if (!stricmp(ext, "obb"))
				GForcePlatform = PLATFORM_ANDROID;
				reader = new FFileReader(FullName);
				if (!reader) return true;
				reader->Game = GAME_UE3;
				vfs = new FObbVFS();
			if (!stricmp(ext, "pak"))
				reader = new FFileReader(FullName);
				if (!reader) return true;
				reader->Game = GAME_UE4;
				vfs = new FPakVFS();
				//!! detect game by file name
#endif // UNREAL4
			//!! process other VFS types here
			if (vfs)
				// read VF directory
				if (!vfs->AttachReader(reader))
					// something goes wrong
					delete vfs;
					delete reader;
					return true;
				// add game files
				int NumVFSFiles = vfs->NumFiles();
				for (int i = 0; i < NumVFSFiles; i++)
					if (!RegisterGameFile(vfs->FileName(i), vfs))
						return false;
				return true;


	bool IsPackage;
	if (FindExtension(FullName, ARRAY_ARG(PackageExtensions)))
		IsPackage = true;
		if (!FindExtension(FullName, ARRAY_ARG(KnownExtensions)))
			// perhaps this file was exported by our tool - skip it
			if (FindExtension(FullName, ARRAY_ARG(SkipExtensions)))
				return true;
			// unknown file type
			if (++GNumForeignFiles >= MAX_FOREIGN_FILES)
				appError("Too much unknown files - bad root directory (%s)?", RootDirectory);
			return true;
		IsPackage = false;

	// create entry
	CGameFileInfo *info = new CGameFileInfo;
	GameFiles[GNumGameFiles++] = info;
	info->IsPackage = IsPackage;
	info->FileSystem = parentVfs;
	if (IsPackage) GNumPackageFiles++;

	if (!parentVfs)
		// regular file
		FILE* f = fopen(FullName, "rb");
		if (f)
			fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END);
			info->SizeInKb = (ftell(f) + 512) / 1024;
			info->SizeInKb = 0;
		// cut RootDirectory from filename
		const char *s = FullName + strlen(RootDirectory) + 1;
		assert(s[-1] == '/');
		appStrncpyz(info->RelativeName, s, ARRAY_COUNT(info->RelativeName));
		// file in virtual file system
		info->SizeInKb = parentVfs->GetFileSize(FullName);
		appStrncpyz(info->RelativeName, FullName, ARRAY_COUNT(info->RelativeName));

	// find filename
	const char* s = strrchr(info->RelativeName, '/');
	if (s) s++; else s = info->RelativeName;
	info->ShortFilename = s;
	// find extension
	s = strrchr(info->ShortFilename, '.');
	if (s) s++;
	info->Extension = s;
//	printf("..  -> %s (pkg=%d)\n", info->ShortFilename, info->IsPackage);

	if (info->IsPackage && (strnicmp(info->ShortFilename, "startup", 7) == 0))
		// Register a startup package
		// possible name variants:
		// - startup
		// - startup_int
		// - startup_*
		int startupWeight = 0;
		if (info->ShortFilename[7] == '.')
			startupWeight = 30;							// "startup.upk"
		else if (strnicmp(info->ShortFilename+7, "_int.", 5) == 0)
			startupWeight = 20;							// "startup_int.upk"
		else if (strnicmp(info->ShortFilename+7, "_loc_int.", 9) == 0)
			startupWeight = 20;							// "startup_int.upk"
		else if (info->ShortFilename[7] == '_')
			startupWeight = 1;							// non-int locale, lower priority - use if when other is not detected
		if (startupWeight > GStartupPackageInfoWeight)
			GStartupPackageInfoWeight = startupWeight;
			GStartupPackageInfo = info;
#endif // UNREAL3

	// insert CGameFileInfo into hash table
	int hash = GetHashForFileName(info->ShortFilename);
	info->HashNext = GGameFileHash[hash];
	GGameFileHash[hash] = info;

	return true;

	unguardf("%s", FullName);
Exemplo n.º 19
 * Add a preservation string.
 * "pathBuf" is assumed to have enough space to hold the current path
 * plus kMaxPathGrowth more.  It will be modified in place.
static void AddPreservationString(NulibState* pState,
    const NuPathnameProposal* pPathProposal, char* pathBuf)
    char extBuf[kMaxPathGrowth +1];
    const NuRecord* pRecord;
    const NuThread* pThread;
    NuThreadID threadID;
    char* cp;

    Assert(pState != NULL);
    Assert(pPathProposal != NULL);
    Assert(pathBuf != NULL);

    pRecord = pPathProposal->pRecord;
    pThread = pPathProposal->pThread;
    Assert(pRecord != NULL);
    Assert(pThread != NULL);

    cp = extBuf;

     * Cons up a preservation string.  On some platforms "sprintf" doesn't
     * return the #of characters written, so we add it up manually.
    if (pRecord->recFileType < 0x100 && pRecord->recExtraType < 0x10000) {
        sprintf(cp, "%c%02x%04x", kPreserveIndic, pRecord->recFileType,
        cp += 7;
    } else {
        sprintf(cp, "%c%08x%08x", kPreserveIndic, pRecord->recFileType,
        cp += 17;

    threadID = NuMakeThreadID(pThread->thThreadClass, pThread->thThreadKind);
    if (threadID == kNuThreadIDRsrcFork)
        *cp++ = kResourceFlag;
    else if (threadID == kNuThreadIDDiskImage)
        *cp++ = kDiskImageFlag;

     * If they've asked for "extended" type preservation, then we need
     * to retain either the existing extension or append an extension
     * based on the ProDOS file type.
    if (NState_GetModPreserveTypeExtended(pState)) {
        const char* pExt;
        char* end;

         * Find extension.  Note FindExtension guarantees there's at least
         * one char after '.'.
         * It's hard to know when this is right and when it isn't.  It's
         * fairly likely that a text file really ought to end in ".txt",
         * and it's fairly unlikely that a BIN file should be ".bin", but
         * where do the rest fall in?  We might want to force TXT files
         * to be ".txt", and perhaps do something clever for some others.
        if (pRecord->recFileType == 0x04 || threadID == kNuThreadIDDiskImage)
            pExt = NULL;
            pExt = FindExtension(pState, pathBuf);
        if (pExt != NULL) {
            pExt++; /* skip past the '.' */

            if (strlen(pExt) >= kMaxExtLen) {
                /* too long, forget it */
                pExt = NULL;
            } else {
                /* if strictly decimal-numeric, don't use it (.1, .2, etc) */
                (void) strtoul(pExt, &end, 10);
                if (*end == '\0') {
                    pExt = NULL;
                } else {
                    /* if '#' appears in it, don't use it -- it'll confuse us */
                    const char* ccp = pExt;
                    while (*ccp != '\0') {
                        if (*ccp == '#') {
                            pExt = NULL;

        } else {
             * There's no extension on the filename.  Use the standard
             * ProDOS type, if one exists for this entry.  We don't use
             * the table if it's "NON" or a hex value.
            if (threadID == kNuThreadIDDiskImage)
                pExt = "PO";    /* indicate it's a ProDOS-ordered image */
            else if (pRecord->recFileType) {
                pExt = GetFileTypeString(pRecord->recFileType);
                if (pExt[0] == '?' || pExt[0] == '$')
                    pExt = NULL;

        if (pExt != NULL) {
            *cp++ = kFilenameExtDelim;
            strcpy(cp, pExt);
            cp += strlen(pExt);

    /* make sure it's terminated */
    *cp = '\0';

    Assert(cp - extBuf <= kMaxPathGrowth);
    strcat(pathBuf, extBuf);
Exemplo n.º 20
bool AudioLibrary::SupportsFileType(const std::string& filePath) const {
    std::string extension = FindExtension(filePath);
    std::transform(extension.begin(), extension.end(), extension.begin(), tolower);
    return SupportedFileTypes.find(extension) != SupportedFileTypes.end();
BOOL CFileUtil::FindFiles(const char*szInDirectory, BOOL bDirs, const char*szInName, const char*szExtension, CArrayChars* paszFiles, BOOL bHidden)
	WIN32_FIND_DATA		sFindData;
	CChars				szFindName;
	CChars				szTemp;
	HANDLE				hFindHandle;
	BOOL				bContinue;
	int					iFileExtension;
	BOOL				bValid;
	CChars				szFake;
	CChars				szDirectory;

	AppendToPath(&szFindName, "*.*");

	hFindHandle = FindFirstFile(szFindName.Text(), &sFindData);
	bContinue = (hFindHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE);

	if (!bContinue)
		return FALSE;

	while (bContinue)
		if (!(sFindData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN) || bHidden)
			bValid = TRUE;
			if (sFindData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
				if (bDirs)
					if (szInName != NULL)
						if (!szTemp.ContainsIgnoreCase(szInName))
							bValid = FALSE;
					bValid = FALSE;
				if (!bDirs)
					if (szExtension != NULL)
						iFileExtension = FindExtension(szFake.Text());
						if (iFileExtension != -1)
							if (!(szFake.SubStringEquals(iFileExtension+1, szExtension)))
								bValid = FALSE;
							//If there is no file extension on the current file and the
							//extension being looked for is not empty...
							if (szExtension[0] != 0)
								//Then this file is not valid.
								bValid = FALSE;
					if (szInName != NULL)
						if (!szTemp.ContainsIgnoreCase(szInName))
							bValid = FALSE;
					bValid = FALSE;
			bValid = FALSE;

		if (bValid)
			if (!((strcmp(sFindData.cFileName, ".") == 0) || (strcmp(sFindData.cFileName, "..") == 0)))
				AppendToPath(&szTemp, sFindData.cFileName);

		bContinue = FindNextFile(hFindHandle, &sFindData);

	return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 22
HINSTANCE TaLocale_LoadCorrespondingModuleByName (HINSTANCE hInstance, LPTSTR pszFilename, WORD wSearchPriority)

   TCHAR szFilename[ MAX_PATH ];
   if (lstrchr (pszFilename, TEXT('\\')) != NULL)
      lstrcpy (szFilename, pszFilename);
      GetModuleFileName (hInstance, szFilename, MAX_PATH);
      lstrcpy ((LPTSTR)FindBaseFileName (szFilename), pszFilename);

   // If the caller was sloppy and didn't supply an instance handle,
   // assume we should find the module corresponding with the current .EXE.
   if (hInstance == NULL)
      hInstance = GetModuleHandle(NULL);

   LPTSTR pchExtension;
   if ((pchExtension = (LPTSTR)FindExtension (szFilename)) != NULL)

      // Find the filename associated with the specified module, remove its
      // extension, and append "_409.dll" (where the 409 is, naturally, the
      // current LANGID). Then try to load that library.
      wsprintf (pchExtension, TEXT("_%lu.dll"), TaLocale_GetLanguage());
      if ((hDLL = LoadLibrary (szFilename)) == NULL)
         hDLL = LoadLibrary (FindBaseFileName (szFilename));

      // If we couldn't find the thing under that name, it's possible we
      // have a .DLL made for the proper language but not for the user's
      // specific sublanguage (say, a US English .DLL but we're running
      // in a Canadian English locale). Make an intelligent guess about
      // what the valid ID would be.
      if (hDLL == NULL)
         wsprintf (pchExtension, TEXT("_%lu.dll"), TaLocale_GuessBestLangID (TaLocale_GetLanguage()));
         if ((hDLL = LoadLibrary (szFilename)) == NULL)
            hDLL = LoadLibrary (FindBaseFileName (szFilename));

      // If we STILL couldn't find a corresponding resource library,
      // we'll take anything we can find; this should cover the case
      // where a Setup program asked the user what language to use,
      // and just installed that matching library. Look in the
      // appropriate directory for any .DLL that fits the naming convention.
      if (hDLL == NULL)
         wsprintf (pchExtension, TEXT("_*.dll"));

         WIN32_FIND_DATA wfd;
         memset (&wfd, 0x00, sizeof(wfd));

         HANDLE hFind;
         if ((hFind = FindFirstFile (szFilename, &wfd)) != NULL)
            if (wfd.cFileName[0])
               wsprintf ((LPTSTR)FindBaseFileName (szFilename), wfd.cFileName);
               hDLL = LoadLibrary (szFilename);
            FindClose (hFind);

      // If we EVEN NOW couldn't find a corresponding resource library,
      // we may have done our wildcard search in the wrong directory.
      // Try to find the Common subdirectory of our AFS installation,
      // and look for any matching DLL there.
      if (hDLL == NULL)
         wsprintf (pchExtension, TEXT("_*.dll"));

         TCHAR szCommonPath[ MAX_PATH ];
         if (FindAfsCommonPath (szCommonPath))
            lstrcat (szCommonPath, TEXT("\\"));
            lstrcat (szCommonPath, FindBaseFileName (szFilename));

            WIN32_FIND_DATA wfd;
            memset (&wfd, 0x00, sizeof(wfd));

            HANDLE hFind;
            if ((hFind = FindFirstFile (szCommonPath, &wfd)) != NULL)
               if (wfd.cFileName[0])
                  wsprintf ((LPTSTR)FindBaseFileName (szCommonPath), wfd.cFileName);
                  hDLL = LoadLibrary (szCommonPath);
               FindClose (hFind);

      // If all else fails, we'll try to find the English library
      // somewhere on our path.
      if (hDLL == NULL)
         wsprintf (pchExtension, TEXT("_%lu.dll"), MAKELANGID(LANG_ENGLISH,SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US));
         if ((hDLL = LoadLibrary (szFilename)) == NULL)
            hDLL = LoadLibrary (FindBaseFileName (szFilename));

      // If we were successful in loading the resource library, add it
      // to our chain of modules-to-search
      if (hDLL != NULL)
         TaLocale_SpecifyModule (hDLL, wSearchPriority);

   return hDLL;